

Witches and Sorcerers.

The magical beings.


Half human and half wolf.

Since the beginning of time, Witches and Sorcerers were the enemies of the Werewolves. And the Werewolves are theirs.

When a war began between their two races, many were injured, and many more were dead. The war ended many months later when both races decided they didn't want to risk anymore lives of their people. The lands are now separated by a river deep within the forest, away from any civilization. If any were to cross to the rivals land, it's instant death to them.

Hundreds of years later to now, the rivalry between the two still continue. But only a little Witch and a misunderstood Werewolf were willing to look pass that.

The Meeting


“Nova, honey, can you come here please?” called my mother as I was reading about this spell that causes people to have memory loss. That could come in handy someday, I thought as I closed the book.

As you can tell, I am a Witch. Though, I'm not that experienced, considering I'm only fourteen, still learning the basic spells and potions. My sister Annabelle, being eighteen, she is much more experienced, and she would assist me on anything she knows on the subject.

I walked to the kitchen where mother was cooking dinner.

“Yes, mother?” She turned to me.

“Dinner is almost done. Do you think you can fetch your sister for me? I suppose you would know where she is already, right?”

I nodded. “Sure do.” I walked outside towards my sister's boyfriend's house.

Annabelle's boyfriend's name is Gabriel. He's really nice and charming, but also very protective of my sister. I think they're really sweet together, and sometimes I imagine myself in a special relationship like Annabelle's.

His house wasn't very far, since we all live in a village deep in the forest. When I arrived at the door, I knocked. I waited a few minutes before Gabriel opened the door. He was only nineteen, but his soft features made him look younger than he really is. He has dirty blond hair slightly wavy. His milk brown eyes would captivate you with only one look. He was pale, but not as pale as Annabelle and I. He is also built for all those times he helped out cut out wood with his father, not to mention he works out a bit. He treats me like a little sister he never has just like he's a brother to me. Well, of course we will need to have that kind of relationship when Annabelle and Gabriel soon may wed in the future when they've been together since both have been my age.

Soon, Annabelle came behind Gabriel to see who was at the door.

“Hey, Nova. What brings you here?” he asked.

“Hi, Gabriel.” I stared at Annabelle behind him.

“Mother sent me to come get you. She says dinner's almost ready.”

“Oh, very well then. Bye, Gabriel,” she says as she gives him a kiss good-bye. He waves as we walked away.

“I suppose you weren't doing anything in particular with Gabriel, right?” I joked.

She blushed. “Course not; anyway you're too young to know about these things, Nova.”

I scoffed, “I'm fourteen, it’s not too young,” I argued.

“It is for people my age.”

I smiled. “What's it like to be in love?”

She sighed, “It's actually a beautiful thing, Nova. When you see him, it's like only you two existing in the world. When he smiles at you, you feel little butterflies in your stomach. When he looks at you with those eyes of his, you feel like you're melting inside. And the only thing going through your mind is him. His eyes, his smile, his personality, and the way he would always protect you. One day you'll find your other half, Nova. He'll come.”

I've been fascinating with love since I was a little girl. I've always wanted to know how it felt like to love someone deeply, and they return your love. Hopefully I won't have to wait for him any longer.

Annabelle and I walked through the front door of the house to find mother setting the table. We helped mother set the food, and ate. Mother's home cooked meal is always something to cherish. The roasted chicken so juicy and full of flavor. Mashed potatoes with gravy having the taste of heaven just filling your whole mouth. Salad and corn on a cob is healthy, though still very delightful. Anyone would pay for my mother's meals.

The table was right now silent, but it wasn't always like this. Father always made dinner enjoyable. But, the day he died when I was ten, it made everything depressing. He died when a werewolf crossed our territory, and he was there with the other skillful Sorcerers trying to capture it then kill. Though, the Werewolf was smart and found a way to attack father when he was casting a lethal spell on it. The Wolf killed him before he shot at it and escaped away out of our land. Mother was like the dead itself when father died. Her hair was unkempt, skin more sickly pale than usual, deadly skinny, and eyes looking so hollow and purple bags around them from lack of sleep. Annabelle and I were worried that mother might keep herself rotting away and soon leave us. But, eventually she came to her senses that she had us to care for, and we were the only things of father she had left. Even if she turned back to her normal self, in her eyes you could still see that half her soul died with father.

After dinner, we cleaned up, and I decided to take a walk through the forest and practice my spells, along with restocking some ingredients for my potions. I grabbed my basket and my black cloak.

“Mother, I'm going to step out for a while.”

“Okay, sweetie. But, please be careful,” she warned.

I walked out the door into the warm fresh air. Every time, mother would always tell me to be careful when I went out into the forest. She wants to make sure that I won't endanger myself in case a werewolf would attack and kill me like father. But, at least she still gives me freedom and not lock me up from the outside. For Annabelle, it's different, she's older and more experienced than me, so she can take care of herself.

Deep into the forest, I picked up some herbs for what I can make a healing potion with. Never know when you're going to need it. Collecting all the herbs I need in my basket, I decided I should catch up on some spell practice. Putting my basket beside a tree, I cleared my mind, focused on creating a powerful energy ball, and in minutes, I had my energy ball in my hands. Aiming at the tree, shot forward the energy ball, and as soon as it hit the tree, it left a burnt spot.

Apparently, I've been getting better at making those balls of energy. I remember I couldn't make one and got me frustrated.

I noticed a log next to a bush. I murmured an incantation to levitate objects, then the log levitated a foot off the ground. I murmured the spell a little louder, and it levitated two more feet off the ground. As I kept focusing on the levitating log, I sensed a presence before I heard a twig snap. Immediately, my spell broke from lose of concentration, and the log fell with a thud on the ground. I heard nothing else, but I still felt that same presence nearby.

“Whoever is out here, show yourself,” I demanded. No one showed, thought I knew they were still here. “I know you're out here, so you better come out right now.” Even if something might be out here maybe out to attack me, I felt no fear.

For a while they didn't show, but at the last minute, a black and white wolf came out. I sighed in relief, thinking a Werewolf was out here, but that can't be, they're not allowed here. Though, a regular wolf can; even if they're related to werewolves they're still normal animals. The one way we can tell a werewolf and a regular wolf is by their aura; they’re both different. And this wolf's aura is –

Wait a minute. Oh no, that's not a regular wolf. Oh my god I'm going to die any minute now; werewolves don't hesitate to attack a witch or sorcerer. I started to back away, when it walked towards me, I shrieked and began to run.

“Wait, don't go!” someone called out. I stopped in my tracks shaking. “Please, don't go,” it begged.

I turned my head slowly to see a boy standing in the wolf's place. He was no older than me, maybe fifteen. He has such green eyes like emeralds, though his wolf had silver eyes. Werewolves have a big built body, but he really doesn't have much, maybe because he's still young. He's also tall-ish, 5'9 at least, compared to my 5'3 height. His hair is as dark as a moonless night like mine is, and is almost covering those two green beauties he has as eyes.

As I was done observing him, I had the lack of knowledge to notice he was behind a bush naked. This alone made me blush.

It was silent for a minute, but then I dared to ask.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“I'm Indy,” he answered. “What's your name?”

“Oh, um....I-I'm Nova.” I don't know why I told him my name to the enemy, or why I even talked to him in the first place, but he seemed friendly enough. Although, now I wondered what he was doing here if he should know that coming here he sentenced himself to death.

“What are you doing here? Are you trying to get yourself killed?”

“I was kind of following something, and I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I was just running to follow something, and it lead me to you. But, I didn't mean to scare you.” He sounded so honest that I couldn't help but to believe even though I shouldn’t.

“Well, you have to leave now. My people in the village may find you out here and kill you.” I don't know why I should have bothered to save him and not try to warn everyone about the enemy intruder.

Before he answered, I heard my name called by someone in the forest.

“Nova! Nova, are you around here? You know you're not supposed to stay out in the forest for too long!” Oh no.

As soon as Annabelle's calls sounded close by, I didn't think about anything else except not letting Indy get discovered. So, I ran and grabbed his arm, guiding him to my hiding place in a secure part of the forest. He didn't argue or resist against my hold, only continued to follow me.

At last we made it to a large tree with an entrance to go inside it, almost like a cave. I lead him inside and we sat inside of the tree.

I sighed. “Well that was close.” I looked at him and noticed that he was now completely nude without that bush that covered him. I blushed a little and untied my cloak to help him cover up. I gave him my cloak, and then he wrapped it around himself.

He finally spoke, “Why did you not let them discover me? I'm like your enemy.”

“Oh, well....” I really have no idea why, all I know was that I had to keep him safe, “I don't know. It's just that I felt like I had to keep you from getting killed. I'm sure your family will be quite upset if you were.” He said nothing, only stared at me.

“Do you know some things about werewolves?” he asked. Though he only asked, it still taken me aback. Why would he ask me about it?

“Yes, I know a few. Why ask?”

“Do you also know about them having mates?”

“Yes,” I said hesitantly.

“What I was following out here, it was a scent. A very strong scent. It made me want to follow it, and it lead me to you. When I saw you, I was blown away, mostly because you're a witch, and that I thought that you were the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Being in your presence, it makes me worship you. Hearing your voice, it's like a sound of music. And your scent, it's like a sweet smell of strawberries and vanilla. My brother told me about these signs, saying you experience them when you've found your mate. And I think you're mine.”

What? How can I possibly be his mate when I'm not even a werewolf? I just can't be. He must have the wrong girl.

I shook my head. “No, that can't be possible, it can't be me, and I’m not even a wolf like you.”

“It is possible. The wolf spirits chooses a soul mate for every wolf even if they're not of our kind, but it's only rare to have a mate that's not a wolf,” he explained.

I still couldn't believe what he's telling me, that I'm his mate. But, somewhere deep inside me that it's true. That we're meant to be together even if we just met not too long ago. I think maybe I have to sleep on it and process this.

“Look, Indy. I don't know much about this, but maybe I should try to think about this first and I guess try to be okay with it.”

“So that means I'll get to see you again?” he asked hopefully.

I nodded. “We'll meet back here tomorrow at midnight, and I'll let you know what I think. I better get back to the village. Oh, and be careful coming here.”

He nodded, gave me back my cloak, and then shifted back into his silvery eyed black and white wolf. We went out into the open, and parted ways. I walk all the way to where I left my basket, and then headed back to the village.

As soon as I opened the door, then walked in, mother and Annabelle were seated at the table. When I shut the door, both darted their heads towards me. Mother rushed to me and hugged me tightly.

“Nova, where were you? By the time you were supposed to come back and you didn't, Annabelle went looking for you but couldn't. I thought something terrible happened to you,” mother cried.

“I'm fine, mother. I just lost track of time; it won't happen again,” I promised.

She sniffed, “Okay. You know I can't afford to lose you too, like with your father. Both of you were so much alike.”

“I know, mother. I'll be careful next time.”

She sighed. “Alright.” She left to her room.

Annabelle came to me, “I'm sensing something, Nova. Are you sure it was only lost track of time? It doesn't sit well with me.” I should have known better than to know Annabelle can sense a lie on someone.

“Of course. With my training of spells, I got carried away and made me not notice the time. But, I'll notice next time, Annabelle. I really wouldn't want to worry you or mother.”

She nodded. “Okay, I'll believe it for now.”

I walked away to my room, and sat my basket on my table. I took off my black cloak, the same cloak my grandmother wore when she was my age, and gave it to father before she passed away in remembrance of her. When I was eight, he gave it to me, saying I looked like grandmother with the cloak on. So, I wore it everywhere I went. It's the only thing I have left of him.

As I held it in my hands, I noticed a scent lingering on it. I put it close to my face, and the scent on the cloak was absolutely intoxicating. It smelled like nature, rain, and something else that I couldn't identify. The smell must have rubbed off from Indy when I let him use the cloak to cover himself. God, I just feel like curling up in this cloak with its scent and never letting it go.

I went to lie on my bed with the cloak close to my chest, and my thoughts instantly went to Indy. I must admit he is very good looking, and kind. His green eyes did show innocence, yet strength and leadership. He didn't look much like a leader physically, but it's the mind that counts. Just thinking about him made me feel some respect towards him. Could I really be his mate like he said? I didn't think it was possible, but he said it happens rarely. Obviously, I being his mate could lead into complications, considering both our races are enemies. What were we to do? Would it be worth it? I don't know. But, what I do know is that if I destined to be his mate, I'll gladly accept it. Your mate is being your life partner, and I finally found mine.

So, if I let this go, then I gave up the one who is meant for me and no one else. I'm not letting this feud come between me and my future with my soul mate. I'll do whatever it takes to keep us a secret for our relationship to survive. I just hope nothing rash comes our way.

The Light to My Dark


What just happened felt like a dream, that I didn't think something like this would happen so soon. The moment that I was walking in my wolf form in the forest, I was hit with such a delightful scent. Smelling it just made my inner wolf go crazy and growled 'Mine. My mate. Mine.' I wasn't in control after that, I just let my body take me to that scent, and it didn't matter where I was going.

Looking at the one that owned the scent, I was blown away. Such a beauty that can't be described in words. Though, I will just say that she is a goddess; a dark angel. Her flow like long black hair that I can rap around my fingers. Her face so smooth and soft looking that she can be a perfect china doll. Her white skin as snow, so radiant. Her small figure that can fit perfectly against mine. And lastly, her bright electric blue eyes with such long lashes it would put me in a trance and make me her slave.

I might be considered lucky to be mated to such a beauty so magnificent that I would show her off to the world. My father would constantly tell me that the spirits would never pick a gentle soul so beautiful for me to be mated to. He basically shuns me. He's always so proud of my older brother Conner. Conner is everything an Alpha father would love, smart, strong, built, and a leader. As for me, I'm a mistake to him. I'm smart like my brother, but I'm not as strong or built as him. And most importantly, to every Alpha blood child, they have to become a leader. I could become a leader if I set my mind to it, but no one would take me seriously unless I'm like and look like my brother. While he took the looks of our father, I took the looks of our mother.

Although, I'm thankful that my brother isn't like the rest of the brothers that messes or teases with their kid brother. Conner is really caring towards me cause I'm already looked down upon our father. Conner's mate, Angela, is caring towards me, too. She's very beautiful with her slightly wavy brunette hair, plump pink lips, and her model figure. They're the only ones that I consider my family. No one else in the pack care or respect me. Whatever my father feels towards me, so does everyone else.

I would gladly show off my mate to my father to show him that he is wrong. But, it would end as a disaster when he figures out my mate is a witch. I could care less who my mate is, even if she is my enemy; I will protect her with my life.

Walking over the boarder to our territory, I went straight to the tree where I placed my clothes. I shifted and got dressed. On my way to the pack house, some of the pack members gave me dirty looks or just plain out ignored me.

Entering the pack house, Conner was on the couch with Angela in the living room. When Conner noticed me, he got up and came towards me.

“Hey Indy, father was looking for you, but I told him you went for a walk in the forest. So, I bet he's waiting for you right now,” he informed me.

“Then I guess I better not keep him waiting.” He nodded. I was wondering what he would want me for. It's not like he enjoys having a nice chat with me, but he does like to boss me around like I'm his damn maid. Maybe that's what he needs me for.

I knocked on his office door, and walked in when he said to come in. He was seated in his desk with paper work scattered around.

“, did you need me for something, Sir?” I wasn't allowed to call him father, only Alpha or Sir. He wants me to treat him like any other pack member would treat their Alpha. And he would treat me like any other pack member. Like I wasn't his son. Since mother died and my father didn't treat me like his son, I have no parents. I was basically an orphan. Though, since Conner is older than me by five years, he took care of me since I was five and he was ten. Father basically made Conner take responsibility of me when I turned five, and figured Conner was old enough to be responsible for me when he didn't want to anymore. So, all these years, Conner was my father figure, and when he met Angela when he was eighteen, she became my mother figure when she heard what I've been going through.

My father looked at me straight at my face. “I need you to do patrolling around midnight tomorrow; all the others are taking a break.”

My eyes went wide. “Wait, I can't do it, I'm –“I stopped mid-sentence when I realized I was about to say I was going to meet with Nova at that time.

“Why can't you do it, then,” he gritted his teeth.

“Well....because um, don't you'll be dangerous if I patrol alone at midnight?” I said nervously.

He hit his desk hard with his fist, making it tremble. “Damn it, Indy. How many times do I have to tell you that you got to man up and do as you are told?! Now you will do as I say, and that's an order!” he growled.

I sighed. “Will do, Sir.”

“Good. Now you're dismissed.” I walked out of his office without a word.

What was I going to do? I want to meet with Nova, but I can't disobey my Alpha. On the other hand, maybe I can sneak out of my post and be back before anyone would ever notice me. I mean, no one ever does. Alright, that's what I'll do.

“Indy, what did father need?” asked Conner.

“Just for me to patrol tomorrow at midnight when the others have the night off.”

“What?! But you can't be out there by yourself at that time at night it could be dangerous!”

“Well, he said I have to man up and follow orders.”

“You're only fifteen though, too young to take a task like that on your own,” he argued.

“But, he's right. I have to man up, it's the only reason he looks down upon me. I want to prove to him that I can be strong like you, and earn some respect around here.”

I'm only saying this for him to let me go out at night and sneak out. But, it's true that I want to prove to father that I can be a man.

Just not right now.

He sighed and shook his head. “I don't know about this, but okay. I trust that you'll be careful and take care of yourself.”

I nodded. “Don't worry, I will,” I assured him. “Now, I'm kind of tired. I'll just head off to bed.”

“Goodnight, then.”

“Goodnight.” I headed off to my room.

I stripped everything but my shorts as soon as got in the room. Diving into the bed, and as soon as I got under the covers, I was out like a light.


As midnight came, I became very nervous. I don't know what Nova might say to our mating, since either she might accept it, or reject it. It's going to be torture if she rejects it. But, I got to think positive about this. I know things will go well for the both of us.

“Indy, why are you still here? Get going to patrol,” ordered father.

I nodded. “Yes, Sir. Right away.”

I went out into the dark forest, and then began to take off my clothes. I shifted into my wolf, and took my clothes in my mouth. I didn't want to meet Nova nude like I did last time, and she have to give me her cloak. Though, I didn't really mind, it had her scent on it.

Sneaking out of the boarder, I started sniffing out for Nova. When I picked up her scent, I picked up my pace. I soon found her in front of the entrance of the tree, holding this ball of light in her hand to help her see. When I got close for her to see me, we went into the tree. But, before I could go in, I shifted back and got dressed.

As I sat down, Nova places the ball of light into this lantern hanging on top of the ceiling of the tree. The lantern illuminated the whole inside of the tree, and I noticed there were books of spells and potions stacked in some places, a small cauldron, and a bed. I'm guessing she spends the nights here sometimes.

“So, I thought about what you told me about us being mates,” she started.

“And....” I said hesitantly.

“And....I say I accept.” I let out a breath I had no idea I was holding, but it hitched up when my brain processed that she accepted our mating.

“Y-you do?”

She nodded, “Yes.”

I smiled so big I thought it was going to split.

“That's a relief. I thought you were going to reject it, since just us being together would create complications. And plus, it might just cost us our lives,” I said.

“I thought about that. But then I thought who cares?”

“So, now how can we keep this a secret from everyone?” I asked.

“We can meet up here every day when everyone’s asleep. No one will ever notice.”

“That's perfect,” I smiled. “Although, does anyone know about this place?”

“No, it's only me. This place is my privet area, for when I need to be alone.”

“That's nice. Sometimes I wish I had a safe place. My pack isn't too fund of me, so it would be nice to get away.”

“But, don't you have the Alpha blood in you? I kind of sensed something about you that shows authority.”

I nodded, “I do. But, let's just say I'm like everyone else in my pack.”

“So, um, I better get going. I was supposed to patrol tonight, but I had to sneak way to see you.”

“Alright. Remember, we can meet up every day. I'd like to know more about you,” she said.

“Don't worry; I wouldn't pass up the chance to see you again.”

“Well, good-bye,” she whispered. But, before I left, there was something I wanted to do since I met her. I leaned in close to her, and gave her a kiss on her soft lips. And I was blown away once again. Her lips were like heaven on earth. They were so warm and soft that I didn't want to ever pull away. And what made this better, I felt her kiss me back.

When we pulled away, we were breathing heavily.

“Good-bye, and sweet dreams,” I said. I got out of the tree, undressed, then shifted.

When I got to the pack house with my clothes on, I softly walked inside. Though, as soon as I entered the living room, father and Conner were standing right there. Father was looking scary mad, while Conner looked mad, yet worried.

While I just stood there, father came at me, and punched me right under my eye. As I was holding my throbbing cheek, and tearing up a little, father looked like he was ready to kill me.

“Where the hell were you?! You were supposed to be out scanning the area, and you were nowhere to be found! Did you run away like the little girl that you are?! God and I have to call you my son.”

“I'm sorry, Sir,” I apologized as I was still holding my cheek.

“Sorry isn't going to help you. Now go to your fucking room!”

I ran as fast as I could up the stairs and to my room. I lay on my bed trying to ignore the pain on my face.

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs coming this way. My door opened, and Conner stood under the doorway.

“Indy, I'm disappointed at what you did, but I was more worried about you. I thought you said you wanted to prove to father that you could do a task like this as a man. What happened to that? And where did you run off to?” he asked.

“It doesn't matter anymore, Conner. I don't want to talk about it okay.”

“Fine. Well, goodnight, Indy.” He left shutting the door on his way out.

Well, I didn't know it would come to this after my little stunt I just pulled. But, it was worth sneaking out to see Nova. I already know that I'm already falling for her fast. I just hope she feels that way about me. That would just make my day.

Purity Snow


As he left into the dark forest, I still sat there on the dirt floor, shocked as to what happened a few minutes ago. When he kissed me, everything felt as if I was floating in the air, and little explosions was felt in that kiss. I just felt complete, like nothing else mattered as long as he's here. And the taste of his lips so sweet, so addicting, so desirable. Now it's when I realized, I just had my first kiss. It felt so special in every way.

I stood up slowly, still in a daze. I grabbed the ball of light from the lantern, and walked out of the tree. I took my time walking home, and I still wanted to feel that comforting presence he had when he was with me.

Something cold landed on my cheek. It felt icy and then wet. Another landed on my hand; I looked up and saw snow white flakes coming down from the sky. It was snowing. I loved the snow since I was little. Father and I would always have a game of snowball fights. How I miss him dearly.


No one was awake when I came back home, so I quietly tip toed to my room. I successfully made it without a sound. As I came to my room, something didn't quite feel right, like as I was being watched. When I turned on my lantern, the light showed someone one my bed. I almost let out a scream of fright when I saw it was only my sister.

I put my hand to my heart to calm it down. “Annabelle, you really gave my a fright. What are you doing here awake at this hour?”

“I could be saying the same to you, Nova. I told you before that something didn't quite sit well with me, but I decided to let it go hoping it was nothing. Although, my inner feelings kept bugging me saying that something was up with you. So, I wanted to persuade you to tell me what's been going on that yesterday was only an excuse. When I came into your room, you where nowhere to be found. I figured you went off somewhere and I wanted to wait until you got back. Apparently, I had to wait a few hours for your return, and here you are. Now I just want to ask this. Where. Were. You?”

Oh, how can I ever keep a secret with her hanging around my tail? I can't just tell her I'm meeting with the enemy. The same one who's kind killed our father, she'll be furious. Even though his kind killed our father, I have no reason to have a hatred towards Indy because he didn't have anything to do with our father's death. But, I don't think I can reason to Annabelle about that. Our two races are deep in hate towards each other.

“Annabelle, yesterday wasn't an excuse. What else would I be doing other than telling you I was out practicing my spells. Like I said before, I didn't want to worry you or mother. And for not being here, I was taking a stroll because I couldn't sleep, and I thought walking around the village would help,” I said trying to sound convincing.

Annabelle thought for a moment before saying, “Uh-huh. Okay well, if that was true you know you could have come to me for a sleeping potion to help you go to sleep. If I didn't know any better I'd say you were sneaking out at midnight to meet up with someone.”

My heart started beating like humming bird, scared out of my mind that she would already figure out what I'm up to. I can't let her find out.

“Well I know you have a sleeping potion, but I didn't want to disturb your sleep. And of course I wouldn't meet up with someone. Who would I meet up at night and want to keep it a secret if we know everyone in the village?”

“I don't know. But, maybe your embarrassed about telling us about your interest in this mystery guy. And hey, didn't I tell you your soul mate will come? Come on, Nova. I thought that as soon as you met him and thought romantic about him you would tell me. We tell each other everything.”

I sighed. “Okay I am meeting up with someone, but I'm not telling you who.”

“Oh my god, I knew it!” she whispered yelled. “I so knew it.”

“But, you can't mother, or anyone else, Annabelle, please,” I begged.

“Alright I won't tell, your secret is safe with me. Now come sit here and tell me all about him if you won't tell me who he is.”

“Fine.” I sat on my bed next to Annabelle. “Okay, well first I don't know him all that well, but he seems so gentle, kind, and charming. His eyes show such innocence that it makes me feel more drawn to him. When he touched me, I feel warmth, the touch is so light and gentle, like he's afraid that I'll break with one touch. And the kiss that was shared, oh how amazing it was, so delicate like.” As I explained all this to Annabelle, I was caught in a daydream of him. I defiantly felt like he put a feeling of love in there. It was such a sweet kiss that I never wanted it to end. And I wish I had the chance to rap my fingers around his long silk like raven hair, touch his soft delicate face, and deepen that kiss with my tongue against his.

“Nova. Nova. Nova!” I felt someone shaking me, causing me to break the dream.

I shook my head. “Huh? Sorry what was I saying?”

“You were spacing out on me when you were telling me what a amazing kiss you both shared together.”

I blushed. “Oh yeah.”

“By the way, what's his aura like?”

Well his aura is good, not to mention it's an aura of a werewolf. But of course I'm not saying that.

“Well, it's a nice color of blue, meaning he's compassionate, loving, and kind. I could already have guessed that without looking at his aura.”

“I guess you really have yourself a keeper there.”

“I guess so.”

“Well, it's very late already, so it's better to go to sleep now,” she said as she stood up.

“Okay. Goodnight, Annabelle.”

“Night, Nova.”

When she left, I was alone with my thoughts again. I really do have myself a keeper as she says.


The snow covered almost everything. The trees were all white, grass buried in white, houses covered in white. Thinking about white reminds me how pure it can be. This village is blessed with pureness of the snow. But, not even it's pureness will cure the hate that everyone has in there hearts from the rivals. Why would they fight? I don't know. They should no longer carry this hatred for each other any longer.

I wrapped my black cloak around me with my hood up. My boots helped my feet remain warm from the deep cold snow on the ground as I walked to my father's grave. The cemetery was located beside the church on the other side of the village. I approached the gate to the cemetery, and went to locate my father's grave. When I found it, I knelled in front of it. I mumbled a spell to grow a new red rose out of the ground and snow. He will know it's me.

“Father,” I whispered, “I would never know how you feel about me right now. But, right now you're the only one who I can tell this to. I've have fallen in love with the enemy. I have realized it last night since we kissed. I know you must feel a huge disappointment towards me because you died protecting us from them, but it resulted in me being with one. Mother and Annabelle don't know about it, well Annabelle kind of knows, but she doesn't know with whom. I'm sorry I'm the worst daughter you ever had by betraying our race.” A tear ran down my pale face.

“Honey, don't cry.”

That voice sounded so familiar. It's sounds like the voice that always calmed me, the voice who always cheered me up, the voice that sounded like my father.

I tilted my head upward to see him standing right there.


“Now sweetheart, don't be so upset. Young ladies like you shouldn't cry.”

I was too stunned to speak.

He sighed. “Honey, I know you must think I'm disappointed in you, but I'm not. It's not your fault for what you feel, and it's not your fault for what destiny has in store for you. This alone could stop this feud once and for all.”

“W-what if it doesn't?”

“Don't worry about it, you just have to stand up for what you love and believe in.”

He then vanished into thin air.

I just sat there staring at nothing. The cold felt nothing to me anymore. He told me he isn't disappointed in me, he was okay with it, but there's still mother, Annabelle, and everyone else. But, I'm not going to let them get in the way.

Chapter 4: A Secret Revealed


Conner and I were outside, far from the pack house. We decided to have some brother time like we used to do when I was twelve. The snow was deep, but that didn't bother me; neither did the cold weather. When being a werewolf, we tend to have a high temperature, so we don't really get cold that easily. The white snow reminds me of Nova. Her pale white skin looking so much like snow, or for me, an angel. Though, you could see she has a faint pink color on her cheeks and her plump lips from her warmth.
My brother nudged me, snapping me out of my daydream of Nova. “Hey Indy, you better get back to Earth before you start to freak your brother out.”
I blinked a couple times before I turned to Conner. “Sorry, what?”
He chuckled, “You were daydreaming while I was telling you something. What's on your mind.?”
“It's nothing really.”
He scoffed. “Yeah, sure. It wouldn't be nothing if you were smiling like an idiot. Come on tell me,” he begged.
“I'm serious, Conner,” I said sternly.
“Alright, whatever I'll leave it alone.”
I sighed. “Thank you.” I really wanted to tell Conner about Nova and her being my mate, but I couldn't not if I wanted us to be together without any problems.
Suddenly, something cold hit me. I turned to Conner Just standing there looking innocent. “Did you just throw something at me?” I questioned him.
“Hm? No I haven't, why?”
“Because someone threw something at me, and you're the only one here.”
“I don't know what you're talking about, I didn't do anything.”
I shrugged my shoulders. “If you insist. Come on, let's keep walking.”
“As you wish.”
As we walked a few more minutes, something hit me again. “Okay Conner give it up I know you threw something at me.”
“What you mean this?” He pulled out a snowball from behind his back and threw it. The snowball missed me by an inch.
“Maybe you should practice your aim since you missed me,” I laughed.
“Oh, really,” he said mischievously. I didn't like the sound of that. Just as I finished that thought, Conner was launching so many snowballs at me before I can even blink.
“How do you like my aim now, Indy?”
I ducked behind a tree just before he could hit me again. Well, if it's a war he wants, it's a war he'll get. I bent down and made a snowball. As Conner stopped to reload, I threw the snowball at him. And with good aim, it hit him square in the face.
“Ha! And that's what I call aim!” I yelled.
“You're gonna get it now!” he yelled back. He ran towards me, so that would be my cue to run. I was quick, but since he's older and faster than me he caught up to me easily. He knocked me down in the snow, and we began to pin each other down. After some time wrestling each other, he finally pinned me down.
“You know this is so unfair, you're stronger than me cause you're older,” I complained.
“Yeah, but haven't you heard little brother? Life isn't fair,” he teased.
“I scoffed. “Whatever. Can you get off me now?”
“Sure, but on one condition.”
I sighed. “What?”
“Tell me what you've been daydreaming about.” Damn it.
“I don't want to talk about it, Conner.”
“Indy, come on. Are you like keeping something from me? I thought you could trust me when no one else will.”
“I'm sorry, but I can't.”
“It can't be that bad that you can't tell me, Indy,”
“It would be for you, Conner. It's just as bad for you and everyone else in the pack.”
He got off me then. “Indy, please. The way you're acting about this is worrying me. Just. Tell. Me.”
“God, fine it's about my mate!” I shouted before I could stop them.
“Wait, your mate?” he smiled proudly at me. “Indy, how in the world would this be bad? That's great, I'm so proud of you! Who is she?”
“And that's where it's bad, Conner. If you know who she is, you and everyone else will think I'm a traitor, even father,” I argued.
“What, is she like a rouge, or something? You know I can't get upset with you over that, and I'm sure father could make an exception in letting her join the pack.”
“No, you don't get it. She's not even close to being a rouge. You just won't understand.” I ran away leaving him there confused. If only my mate was a wolf, and none of this would ever get in our way. But, of course I wouldn't want to change her; I love her for her.


I sat in front of the river where it separated our lands. Where it separated me and Nova. If only I could make this river disappear. What will I say to Conner once I get back? I can't really tell him the truth now can I? He could freak out about the whole thing and tell father, making him to be more disappointed in me than ever. He could even kick me out of the pack, even if I am his son. But, Conner is my brother and best friend; I do trust him.
With my heightened sense of smell, there was a scent I knew anywhere. Strawberry and vanilla.
“Indy,” I heard a whisper call my name. I looked towards the other side of the river to see Nova behind a tree. Just one look at her makes my face light up.
She came closer to the edge of the river.
“What are you doing here?” I asked.
“I kind of sensed you out here, and I couldn't pass up the chance to see you.” I smiled more if it was possible, but then faded as I once more thought about Conner, and what I would say to him.”
Nova saw my change of mood, “What's the matter?”
I sighed, “It's a complication I have; it's doesn't matter.”
“Maybe I can help. It can't be anything serious, right?”
“It's just that my brother knows that I found my mate, but he doesn't know you're a witch. I accidentally let it slip since he wouldn't stop bothering me about what I was keeping from him. He thought you were a werewolf, and there was no reason to hide it, or that it'll be a bad thing. And then I kind of ran off, but I don't know what to say to him when I get back,” I explained.
“So he knows about me?” She paused, “Are you two close?”
“Close as two peas in a pod,” I chuckled.
“Okay, I know we were going to keep this a secret from everyone no matter what But, I wouldn't want this to ruin your bond, so maybe you could tell him about us....and what I am.”
I thought about it. “It's still going to get ruined anyway; he won't treat me the same after he finds out. And I'm scared that he'll tell my father about this and he might kick me out of the pack.”
“But, do you trust him?” she asked.
“Of course I do.”
“And do you trust me?”
“More than I should.”
“So, you got to trust him that nothing will change between you. And you got to trust me that something might happen for the better if he knows.”
Maybe so, but I'm still scared,” I admitted.
“Just trust.”
I nodded. “Yeah, okay.”
She smiled sweetly at me, and stood up. “Well, I must be going. See you tonight,” she said as she blew me a kiss. When she blew it, a small mist came out of her fingers over to me. The mist landed on my lips, and I felt as if she really did kiss me when I felt my lips tingle. She's so amazing.
I looked at her one more time before she disappeared into the forest. I stood there thinking about what she said. Conner is my brother, so I should trust him, and believe everything will be okay.
“Conner, can you meet me in front of the river boarder?”

I asked through telepathy.
“Why, and what are you doing there?”

he responded.
“Because, I need to tell you something important, and I can't do it with everyone in hearing range.”

“Fine, I'll be right there.”

In a flash he was here.
“Indy, why are you wondering around near the river boarder? Some sorcerers might be lurking around.”
Okay Indy, you can do this.
“Conner, I need to tell you about my mate.”
He shook his head. “No it's okay, I know you don't want to talk about it.”
“But, I do. I need to. It's just I'm scared that you'll hate me, and never see me the same. You're technically the only one I have left, Conner.”
“Come on, don't say that. Nothing will make me hate you,” he assured.
“I promise.”
I took a deep breath. “Well, about my mate, she's not really a werewolf.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Really, well that's very rare to happen, but I couldn't hate you for that, it's not like you picked her. So, what is she? Is she a human, cause I thought not many lived around?”
“No, she's not human, well technically, but she's different than any human.” I took one last breath before I said, “She's a....She's um....a witch.” I looked down at the snow on the ground avoiding his reaction.
“She's a what?! Indy, do you know how forbidden that is? We can't have any contact with them what so ever. So how would you know your mate is a witch?”
“Well, I kind of went over to their land a few times after the first time a few days ago.”
“Oh my god! Do you know how stupid you are?! You seriously would’ve gotten yourself killed just by stepping into their land.”
“But, you said it yourself that it's not like I picked her. But I'm glad she my mate. And I don't ever regret meeting her.”
“Then I guess that makes you a traitor to this pack. I'm going to have to report this to father.”
“But, he might kick me out of the pack. Do you really want me to become a rouge.”
“I'm sorry, Indy. I'm just trying to do what's best for everyone.” With that, he walked away. But not before I whispered, “ You promised.”

Brothers Stick Together


I walked away, but not before Indy whispered, "You promised."

I guess I did break my promise to him, but I didn't think whatever he had to tell me was this bad. Him being mated to the enemy? A witch? I didn't have anything against them, but since this has being going on for centuries I have to side with the pack. I don't really want to do this to Indy, but it's what I must do.

I entered through the front door of the pack house, and everyone had a cheerful look on their face once they noticed my arrival. I'm actually the favorite around here, so everyone respects me. Though, I can't say the same for Indy. He's kind of the outcast here in the pack. No one really looks up to him as a leader that could take over as Alpha one day if something were to happen to me, or if I can't produce a blood line. I don't think anyone gives him any credit. Personally, I think he has the potential as a leader, but they can't really see that.

I went upstairs to father's office to feel a little guilty of what I'm about to do. Am I really going to sell out my little brother just because he's mated with a witch that he has no control of?

With a shaky hand, I knocked on the door. "Come in." I opened the door, and when father noticed it was me he smiled. "My son, what is it that you need?" he asked.

"Um,'s just's about Indy," I choked out. And instead of him being worried if something has happened to Indy, he frowned.

"Yes, what about him?" he questioned as he went back to his paper work. Indy didn't deserve to be treated like this. He's my baby brother...and I will protect him no matter who's he mated to.

"I found him wondering around the river boarder."

"So what?" he asked, still not caring.

"Well, it could have been dangerous if the witches and sorcerers are lurking around."

"Please, he can take care of himself. H old enough."

"Father he's only fifteen," I informed him as if he doesn't already know. Then again, maybe he didn't from the way he treats him.

He chuckled. "My boy, when I was thirteen my father let me take care of myself. If I was going to lead this pack I had to be tough."

"So why didn't you to the same for me? I am going to lead this pack one day."

"Sure, but you were already tough, but I mostly wanted you to be safe from any danger. We don't want to lose our future Alpha and have your brother take over now do we?"

"But father, there's no need to make Indy be on his own and make him do things that he should do until he's a little older. Why would he need to toughen up if I'm going to take the role as Alpha, not him?"

Father scowled at Indy's name. "That boy needs a lesson, Conner. There's no way one of my sons will be weak like he already is. Do you know how embarrassing it is to be a father to someone like him?"

Both my hands were clenched into fists and my temper was rising. "You can not talk about him like that! He is your son too, so you should show equal amount of care towards him like you do to me! He doesn't deserve to be treated like he is! You even got everyone to look down upon him because you do, and you don't even do anything about it! And you know what?! I'm tired of the way you've been treating him all these years!" I stomped away out of the office enraged.


Later in the night, I decided to look for Indy. I wanted to apologize to him about how reacted. Reaching to the door to his room, I knocked lightly in case he was asleep. No answer. I knocked again. Still no answer. He must be sleeping right now. I gently opened his door to see that he wasn't in here. Where would he be at this time at night?

I ran outside and shifted into my brown wolf. I carried my clothes in my mouth and sniffed him out. the scent led me towards the river, though it didn't stop there; it continued across the river. Oh no.

I can't cross the river, it's already going to sentence me to death. But, Indy's over there. I out my fears aside and crossed. I followed his scent for a few minutes until it stopped at a huge tree. There was a white glow at the entrance of the tree, so I walked closer to investigate.

When I got close enough, I heard a moan. A girl's moan. I peeked in the tree to see Indy on top of a girl with midnight black hair on a bed making out. I shifted back, and dressed before I looked back inside.

The girl pushed Indy slightly away, both breathing heavily.

"Indy?" spoke the girl.

"Yes?" he replied while kissing her neck.

"I feel a presence. Like we're being watched." I thought it would be my time to make myself known.

"Conner?" he said when he saw me.


He sat up straight. "What are you doing here?"

"I could be asking you the same thing."

"I snuck out to see my mate. Got a problem with that.?" he glared.

"Yes, I do have a problem with that. Are you trying to put yourself in danger? Your lucky I came to find you before that happens."

"I don't think I'm going back, Conner. Why would I when my own brother ratted me out and now I'm probably a rouge now?"

"And where would you go, Indy? You can't stay here, her

people will kill you." I don't know why I said that when I know he never got kicked out of the pack.

"I'm not letting that happen to him," said the girl.

I looked at her. "And you would be?"

"She's my mate, Nova," answered Indy.

I sighed. "Indy. I was about to tell father about you and your mate. But, I just couldn't. Your my little brother and I love you. I have to look out for you no matter what. I wanted to apologize about how I reacted when you told me. And I accept it."

He smile widely at me. "I love you too, Conner. Your the best brother I ever had."

I smiled back, and looked towards him mate, Nova. "Well, why don't we start over shall we?" I suggested. "I'm Conner, Indy's brother." I took her hand and kissed it.

She giggled. "I'm Nova, Indy's mate."

"So how did you two meet?" I asked curiously.

Indy wrapped an arm securely around Nova's waist. "We actually met a few days ago. I was on my run on that day, and I smelt her scent somewhere nearby. I followed it, and I saw the most beautiful and breath taking girl I've ever seen," he said while looking lovingly at Nova. "I told her about us being mates, and then accepted it the next day. We promised each other to meet here every night. Oh, and another thing, this is where I went to the day I went patrolling," he said sheepishly.

"That would have been good to mention when I was worried sick about you."

"Sorry," he murmured.

"Don't worry about it," I said.

For a while, all three of us were talking and I got to know Nova little more. She's really great for Indy. She's sweet, kind, caring, beautiful, and funny. I really liked her.

She fell asleep on Indy's shoulder after an hour.

"We should probably go. Seems like she sometimes sleeps here. You can just lay her down on the bed," I suggested.

He looked hesitant. "Um, I think I'll stay here with her tonight."

"But, you can be found out in the morning. They might know she is here when they don't realize she's not home," I said slightly panicked.

"They won't. They don't know she's here. It's kind of her secret place that know one knows about."

"Well, okay then. Just be careful," I cautioned.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Just make sure to cover for me until I get back."

"Will do."

I hope he'll be okay. I don't know what I'd do if he wasn't.

Our Love


I woke up to feel very comfortable on top of my warm pillow. The scent of it was of rain and nature, making me feel like I'm in heaven. But, the strange thing is that I heard a steady heart beat against my ear, and it was rising up and down slowly. I opened my eyes a bit then blinked a few times. I started to raise my head to see Indy sleeping so soundly with me on top of him. He was shirtless, and despite the cold outside, he was still very warm. His face was so angelic that it would be a shame to wake him up. I removed a strand of hair covering his face, and then traced every facial feature he has with my fingers. I gently traced his closed eyes to his smooth cheek bones, up to his nose. Lastly, I traced his pale pink lips, savoring the feeling of them. My hands continued from his face all the way down to his chest. It was smooth and toned, but also slightly bruised. I wondered where they came from. My fingers then went to his stomach, tracing every line of his abs he had. Everything about him was simply beautiful.
I felt him moving, signaling that he's awakening. He opened his sparkling emerald green eyes, and shifted them towards me. He smiled lovingly at me, and I returned it.
"Morning," I said.
"Morning," he said back.
"How did you sleep?"
"Wonderful. Especially with a stunning beauty sleeping beside me." I giggled, and a thought just occurred to me.
"What are you still doing here? I thought you went back home."
"Well, I was, but I didn't want to leave you here by yourself."
I smiled even more, and pecked him on the lips. "That's sweet of you."
I laid my head back on his chest enjoying this peaceful moment with him.
"I was thinking, what if we got away from all this? We can be free to see and be together. Wouldn't that be great."
"It be amazing, but what about my family? I just can't leave my mother and Annabelle. And what about your family; your brother? They'll miss you."
He sighed. "No they won't. No one would care except Conner."
I frowned. "Why would you say that, Indy?"
He looked at me in the eye. "You noticed how my wolf is black and white?" I nodded. "Well, everyone sees me as different. If you had a dark color wolf when you're a male it's normal cause it represents leadership and courage. But if you are a male with a light colored wolf, it means you're weak. My pack has no light colored male, but I'm considered the first. I may have some black on me, but as long as I also have white, I'm considered the weak male. Because of that, no one respects me as their future leader of the pack, even though Conner is first in line to be Alpha. I always have everyone sending me dirty looks, teasing, pushing me around, or plain out ignoring me. Father never did anything to stop it; he was the reason everyone acts like that towards me. Whatever he feels towards me, everyone does the same. Sometimes he would hit me to toughen me up."
I looked down sadly at the bruises on his chest. "Is that why you have these?" I asked as I ran my finger gently over the light purple bruise.
He nodded. "Yes. I got them last week."
My eyes were still glued to the bruises on his chest. How can anyone do this to their son? These bruises are something that shouldn't belong on his perfect body. If only they would just go away. But, maybe I can make them. I got up from the bed to my small black rusted caldron.
"What are you doing?"
"A potion. I might have a way to make those bruises go away," I said as I started to add the basic ingredients. When I put in the final touch to the potion, it turned into a bright white color. I put the potion in a flask, and made my way towards Indy.
"Now, I need you to lay down and stay still." He nodded. I let a drop of the healing potion fall to the bruises on his chest, and happily watched as they absorbed into his skin and made the bruises fade away.
"Wow," he whispered. I giggled. He looked so cute as he stared with his wide eyes on his pale chest.
"I might really need one of those just incase," he chuckled.
"Here then," I said as I gave it to him. "Use it wisely. Incase of injuries, you put a drop on the wound, and I will heal instantly."
"Hm, we werewolves usually heal fast, but does it also work with sickness?" I nodded. "Same thing, except you drink one drop and you're healed."
"Alright." He looked outside. "I think its pretty late in the morning, I should be getting back before anyone notices my absence." He grabbed his shirt from the floor and put it on. As he got off the bed he turned to me. "I'll see you tonight, my love." He kissed me fully on the lips. He broke the kiss, but I grabbed his neck with my hands, and kissed him deeper. After a minute, we pulled apart.
"I love you," he whispered. My heart exploded when he said those three special words to me. Hearing them just brought tears to my eyes. When one fell out, Indy noticed and wiped it way.
"What is the matter, Nova?"
"No one has ever told me they loved me that way. I'm just overjoyed that it finally happened."
"Then I'll take the pleasure of saying it over and over for you. I love you. I love you. I love

"I love you too, Indy." I captured his lips with mine, kissing him with much need. He fell back on the bed with me on top of him. He then kissed my neck tenderly until he stopped at my shoulder. Pulling down my sleeve to reveal my naked shoulder, he continued to kiss me there. His lips were like magic, leaving trails of fire everywhere his lips go. I gasped as he started to lick my neck in a teasing way. I moaned softly when he nibbled the places he licked.
"Nova...I-I can't hold my wolf in much wants to claim you," he gasped.
"What do you mean by claim?"
"It wants to leave it's mark, to warn unmated werewolves that you are mine and no one else. I have to bite you."
I kissed him. "Then do it."
"I don't want to hurt you."
"You won't. Go on, bite me."
He leaned towards my neck, and gave it a small delicate kiss. Then he sank his teeth into my flesh. I admit, it really did hurt painfully, but I hold the pain in. When he let go of my neck, he licked the wound. He looked at me, and smiled when his eyes landed on my upper arm.
"Look, Nova. It's your mark," he said pointing at my arm. I looked to see the mark, and what I saw blew my mind. It was a tattoo like black and white wolf just like Indy. I looked back at him, "It's you." He nodded. "It's beautiful," I whispered. "Not as beautiful as you are."
"As much as I want to stay longer with you, I have to get back."
"Alright," I said sadly.
"Hey, we'll see each other tonight. No need to be upset, sweet heart." I nodded. He got off the bed as soon as I got off him. When we got outside, he shifted into his magnificent black and white wolf. I knelled down in front of him, and hugged him close to me. His fur was soft as a cloud, with the scent of rain and nature. I let go, and he gave me one last look with those silver eyes before he ran off.
"Nova! Nova! Where are you?!" shouted a voice.
I looked around to see who was calling me, but saw none. I followed the voice who calls me to a nearby a frozen lake. There I saw my sister calling me. She must of looked for me and saw that I wasn't there.
"Nova!" I ran towards her.
"I'm here Annabelle."
"My God, what are you doing out here? I've been looking for you everywhere. I searched your room, but you weren't there or the whole house. I searched the whole village, but nothing. Are you trying to trying to frighten mother and I?"
"NO! I mean of course I don't. I was just taking a stroll that's all," I explained.
"Then tell us before you go anywhere. You're only fourteen, Nova. You're lucky mother allows you to go out by yourself at all. But, we have to know, we can not lose you like we did with father. It would crush mother. Do you understand?"
I nodded. "Yes. I...I understand, Annabelle. I'm sorry," I said weakly.
She sighed. "Please, be careful and warn us next time." I nodded. "Come on, we should get back."
I don't know how much longer I can hide my secret meetings when Annabelle is getting hot on my trail. Would I one day tell her and he could be okay with it just like Indy's brother? But, I don't know if she can be as understanding with this situation I'm in. What could I do? I just need a sign.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.10.2012

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