

Everywhere I go I get ignored,

It's like nobody sees me at all,

I bet people don't know I even exist,

I'm the one who always stays quiet,

So what's the point of having a voice?

A person that gets ignored,

Or people that realize they're not there,

They are the outsiders,

That's me I'm the outsider,

A person that shouldn't be in the world of others,

It's wrong for me to be here.

I have it so tough now when I'm invisible,

How am I suppose to live my life,

Everyone has it better than I do,

I wish I had the life of someone else,

And they can have mine,

But what kind of person would want a life of an outsider?

I'll have to face the fact that I will be invisible forever,

No one will have to put up with me,

And on one would ever notice me in their world.

My Own Little World

My existence Isn't were I want it to be,

I only seem to be living in a boring life,

It's where I go to do the same thing,

Wake up,

And face the day,

Continuing my dull life,

The world has it's ways to make my day so down.

I always dreamed about living in another world,

One that's the way I want it to be,

One that's in my control to change,

Always having to spend it on my own,

It's my fantasy world,

Where I can imagine,

And most of all,

Be happy,

It's my own little world.

Show My Tears

Big grey clouds,

Let go of the water in you,

Let it rain,

Make the water droplets symbolize my tears,

Show them all that I'm in sorrow,

Fall hard to the ground,

And flood all my pains away.

Hate Being Me

If ever feeling to hate yourself,

Do it,

Express it,

I'm not much of a fan of myself,

I'm caught between of ugly and pretty,

Never reaching above that,

It's all I'll ever be,

Being anti-social,

Is a trait that'll never go away,

I'll be alone,

And not have any comfort from anyone,

My only friend is being my music,

It relates to me,

No matter what mood I'm in,

There's so much to hate,

I just wish i was a somebody,

Sometimes I just hate being me,

But i have to deal with it,

Until the day I die.

Nothing But Loneliness

Depression takes over,

All I want to do is to be alone,

And all I want is to be alone,

Most just want to help,

But they never listen,

I tell them and tell them,

And again they don’t get it.

Deep inside I need a person that will understand,

To help me when I need it,

But most of all,

It’s their company,

When opening my eyes,

It’s just a dream wanting to become real.

In the real world I have nothing like that,

In the real world I’m still in depression,

Always to hum a sad song,

Over and over and over,

It helps me take away my mind off of things,

I realize I hate living in reality,

What I think of reality,

It brings you down,

It brings down your dreams,

Crushing your dreams,

I wish of living in a dream world,

Where everything comes true,

But right now I have nothing,

Nothing but loneliness.

Too Much Noise

For one day I feel so frustrated,

So much frustration can make me scream,

Inside a room there is so much noise I can’t take it,

It’s like all the noise is trying to get inside my head,

And never stops,

I may never be in a place where it’s quiet.

I went to the quietest place I could ever find,

But even here,

I can hear too much,

I’ve been cursed with this noise inside my head.

I’m scared I may never find peace,

I want to find a way to make my curse disappear,

I couldn’t live with it,

No one could,

I know that everyone wants peace wherever they go.

Loner Girl

Many want to be noticed,

Being the center of attention,

But not me,

I decided to be a loner,

Be called a loner,

Not many accept what they are,

Even some like me,

They want to come out of the shadows,

I fully accept who I am,

I’m a loner girl.

They always ask the same questions,

Why am I always alone,


I have to say I like being alone,

And quiet,

As soon as they hear,

They all want to change me,

I really don’t want to change my ways now,

I want to be who I am,

A loner girl.

Black Hole Heart

A heart is full of feelings,

It’s full of love,


And life,

Every heart can feel emotions,

All those emotions is what can keep you going,

Nice and joyful emotions in your heart.

My heart is different,

It feels like it’s a black hole,

Sucking all the joy I may have,

It will suck it all up until its empty,

Until it feels all numb,

It doesn't feel love,

Or happiness,

Or life,

All that’s left,

Is just an empty,


And lonely heart.

I Cry.......

I cry, because I feel alone,

I cry, because no one cares about me,

I cry, because I’m unloved,

I cry, because no one understands,

I cry, because hardly anyone notices me,

I cry, because I feel useless,

I cry, because I hate myself

I cry, because I have no life.

Someone to Hold

I'm drowning in loneliness,

There's no one to save me,

At least to make the loneliness go away,

I need someone to hold on to,

To be my life line,

To keep me from drowning,

But I soon see,

Who would want to be my life line?

Reliving the Past

The joyful memories,

the happiness you once lived,

you want it all back.

Wishing to have a rewind button,

turn back time,

just this once.

The laughs,

the fun,

your friends being your rock.

I give anything to have those memories relived again.

Tough Times

Living in such despair,

living it everyday,

having the urge to run away,

this time is tough to go through,

I just want things the way they were.

No One Would Care

What would anyone would do if I left?

Would they cry?

Would they miss me?

So many questions,

but I could see that they'll move on,

they will in a blink of an eye.

My old friends,

they would have already forgotten me to care,

My new friends,

we weren't that close for them to care,

My family,

they weren't that understanding to care for what I've been going through.

Everyone would shed a tear,

but move on like I never existed,

like I always thought,

no one would care.

Soul Mate

My one,

My only one,

So much not like the others,

So deep within my heart,

You're like a tattoo that will never erase,

Just like you are in my heart,

Your eyes penetrate me within,

In your eyes your soul is pure.

Your warm strong hands,

Those will make me surrender to you,

Your smile that will forever be engraved in my brain,

That's what I look forward to see.

You are mine,

And I am yours,

Say the words,

And I'm forever yours.

The Marks

Sometimes you can't keep your emotions in,

But you can let them out in a way,

As I pick up my sharp object,

I trace it along my arm,

Making a master piece,

Tracing lines over and over.

The lines become scars,

Red scars,

My scars that will last,

They'll stay there as it was a tattoo.

This tattoo however can fade,

It saddens me,

But I could always do it again,

When needing to express.

Reality is a Prison

I haven't noticed until now,

Sometimes I would think I'll end up in a type of prison,

And I was right,

I just had to open my eyes and see.

This whole reality is a prison,

So it makes me a prisoner,

Someone who would want to break out,

Though, this is not an ordinary prison.

This place has no brick walls or security,

We roam around like we're free,

But we're not,

It's all an illusion.

There would be one way to break out,

It may be difficult for some,

But for those who is easy will escape,

And wake up free.

The Light to My Dark

So cold and gloomy,

Pitch black and blind,

Lost and confused.

Alone and afraid,

Sad and forgotten,

So dark.

A miracle,

Right in front of my eyes;

It's illuminating.

Warm and comfort that it brings,

A light to light my way,

It's here for me and to protect me.

You are my light, my love,

The light to my dark,

Be here forever.

Alone in the Dark

My day begins,
I made it through the day,
Until it got dark I feel so alone,
I sit in my lonely dark room;
For the rest of the night I was miserable,
I felt like nobody wanted me.

It was morning again,
It's was the time where I'm invisible,
I was cut off from the world,
People kept ignoring me,
I couldn't live like this anymore,
Thinking to myself why was I even born,
Was it so I can have a chance at life?
Don't think so.

Back in my dark room full of loneliness,
I looked outside my window,
Noticing the sun going down,
On my bed I sat until the sun was full gone,
I find myself alone again,
Alone in the dark.

I'm Almost There

+++I'm Almost There+++

I remember the day I saw you,
And all I wanted was to be near you,
But I'm scared,
Though I don't need to be;
I'm almost there.

I remember I wanted to talk to you,
I had the need to,
But I couldn't,
Though I still try;
I'm almost there.

I thought doing this would be impossible,
But I'm here trying,
I'm having the courage to make you notice me,
And all I'm thinking,
I'm almost there.

Letting Him Go

It's over,
All my hard work of trying,
And now I have gained nothing,
He's gone.

My heart still longs for him,
But it needs to let go,
It's never going to happen,
For he is already gone.

All this was for nothing,
Once again it has happened,
I will have my heart locked up,
I will never go through the pain again.

Don't Beat For Him

Heart, you got to stop,
Don't beat for him any longer,
Move on,
Don't go back to him, Heart;
For every look we see of him
you go right back,
Don't beat for him.

We hope and wish,
But his heart beats wont beat for us,
It beats for another,
And another beats for him.

Don't beat for him any longer,
Stop and move on,
Don't be sad,
There are plenty other beautiful fish in the sea.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.10.2012

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