Chapter 1
The Last Hope
He was old, tired, helpless, but not hopeless. He was a wizard; a great, powerful and kind hearted wizard, but guilty. He had charged to kill his lovely prince, the prince of Eterus, Prince Ayushman. He knew that he was not guilty and did not kill his prince. How could he kill his own heart? Perhaps, prince was not his real son, but thousand times more than it, when wizard was young got responsibility to protect the world from the shadow of dark, so he left everything, everything what he loved.
He left his parent, his friends, relatives, his town and his sole-mate too. When he became old and wanted to live his life peacefully and alone into his home town with all, he again got the responsibility to protect the prince of Eterus. The master of wizard gave himself order to him and he again killed his dreams and accepted. He came to Eterus and started living, but his heart was in his town.
He was alone, rude and busy. His job was his family, but he got his real happiness when he met with a small & cute boy Ayushman. In the beginning, he did not like him actually and in his entire life he did not come in touch of anyone. He left his family and mate and since then nobody could touched his heart. He was perfect in his job and might be reason that wizard king beloved on him very much. The cuteness of prince changed his heart as he was disappointed from his naughtiness as he liked his sweetness.
In a sweet smile of prince, wizard had forgotten his all sadness. Now that only child had become his family and no doubt that if he had his own son then he keeps first priority in his life. The king of Eterus was mostly out from city and his wife and mother of prince Ayushman had already died so prince always lived with wizard and prince also loved him more than his father.
“Prince come here, I have something special for you, come and take it”, and prince Ayushman came back running to him it was not important that what was he doing at that time, he leaved everything on his once call. In Eterus everybody knew about that accident, happened in prince’s college when wizard turned his lady teacher into a duck when she told to prince, sitting like duck on ground because he did not complete his home work.
And, before that case wizard never harm or hurt to any woman in the world it was totally opposite from his nature, but he did this for his prince, he broke is rules for his prince first and also last time into his life. All the teachers of that college rejected to teach prince. He became his teacher now and taught him all subject whatever they taught in colleges that time. He also trained him into horse riding, swimming, fighting and mostly political knowledge, used to rule the kingdom. Who could beloved that he killed his prince Ayushman? But all the proofs were against him and the other and junior minister proved that he was guilty and he had to send to prison of Eterus, but he escaped somehow.
He was Slate, an old white wizard.
Few days ago and on prince’s twenty-first birthday, prince showed his interest to go out from castle and see the forest. He wanted to meet with his mate, but State refused his request because he got few rumors and also confirmed by his agents that prince is not safe outside. Prince had already made her mate and prince Isabella that they will celebrate his birthday together and alone and chose nearer forest for that.
When Slate had refused his request he went to his father and requested, but prince never want to go against his order and also Slate never rejected his any request, but both went against his heart. Prince wanted to spend his birthday’s evening with Princess Isabella and wizard wanted to protect him. The king Rodster, king of Eterus and also father of prince Ayushman listened to both carefully and agreed with Slate, but after forcing by prince son’s love had won and king
Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.01.2018
ISBN: 978-3-7438-5341-6
Alle Rechte vorbehalten
Ravi Kartik Prakash Sinha is a fun and fiction loving novelist lives in UP (India). He is born in 1989 at Patna. His favorites is watching movie and interested in web designing and scriptwriting.