
Chapter 1

It was early in the evening when I got back home. My mom sit on the sofa and Stephanie leaning on her while watching tv. Stephanie is the daughter of my step father. And my mom's step daughter. But my mom loved her more than she love me, because i was born unwanted.

My biological dad and my mom's marriage was arranged by their parents. And i was conceived while my dad drunk and unknowingly "raped" my mom. That's why she hates me and always look at me in disgust.

I close the door behind me softly as not to make a sound, and silently walk straight to my room to change my clothes. After changing i walk to the kitchen to make dinner. It is my daily routine to cook, clean the house and doing the laundry.

After i finish cooking and set the table i called out  "dinner's ready"


Monday morning


                     ~Vinier POV~


After i finished all my house chores i run down the street to the bus stop heading for school. With earphone plugged in and head hang down covered by hoodie.

The sky was a little cloudy when i reach the school gate. With head still hang down i run to the school's hall, but before i reach the hall "bang", before i know it i was down on the ground and everything from inside my bag was scattered all over the place. I looked up and saw a tall guy with light brown hair and sea blue eyes standing in front of me. He was the school's idol, the steaming hot, sexy guy, the captain of the basketball team in our school, Davis Morgan.

He was standing there looking down at me who is now blushing from embarrassment. "i.. I.. I'm s.. orry" i said while i look back down and try to hide my now red face and retrieving all my belonging. Then i saw his hand stretched out to help me up, but I was too shy and nervous to take his big hand so i have no choice but to ignore him and continue to walk away in silence.



                      ~Davis POV~


  I was with Tommy talking about last night's game when i see her. Her body was tiny compared to my 6ft5 frame. She was wearing a hooded jacket that looks too big for her. Her face was mostly covered by the hoodie and some of her black hair falling out of place. 

She's running straight to me without looking where she's going and "bang", she knock me hard and stumbling down to the ground. Her bag flying and all the contents scattered out. Her hood slip down as she looked up to me uncovering her long black hair. Our eyes meet and i found myself drowned to her black eyes, eyes as black as the night. But to my disappointment she look down again and collecting her belonging that's scattered on the ground. "I... I... I'm s..orry" she said softly. Her voice was clear like the sound of music. 

I reach out my hand to help her up but she ignore me and walk away.... My eyes followed her until she disappeared at the corner of the hallway. 

"hey.. Bro.." Tommy waves his hand on my face to get my attention back to him. 

"who's she" i asked Tommy curiously. 

"that nerd?" he asked me back. 

"what did you say?" i reply in disbelieve.

Then from the corner of my eyes i see a brown note book lying under the flower pot beside the wall. I picked up the notebook and i saw a name scribbled below,

Vinier Shawn.. 



                        ~Vinier POV~


It's time for my next lesson, i enter the class which is still empty and open up my book as soon as I sit behind my desk. Around 5 minutes later the door swung open, and there was no other than Davis standing at the entrance.

He stare at me for a moment before he walk in and close the door behind him.


I heard the sound after the door was closed. Then i panicked, and run to it to check... 


"It's locked..." i 

Me being locked in the lab with the hottest man alive... 


I turn around and see him still standing there staring at me. My heart begin to pound, and my face feels like burning. For a moment i don't know what to do and not sure how to react. 

Chapter 2

 I nervously walk back to my desk. I could smell his scent while i walk pass him. The scent of a man. I feel my face getting hotter from the thought, and i look down trying to hide my face. 

"hi.. I'm Davis Morgan". He introduced himself "You can call me Dave". He said, he smile faintly. 

When i was about to look back at him i saw something familiar in his hand. A notebook, my notebook.. 

"is that mine?" i asked. Then he lift his hand up to show the notebook. 

"i think so.. It was at the hall's floor" he replied 

"so your name is Vinier.." he asked but it doesn't sound like a question. He smile while he said that, showing his perfect white teeth. 

"umm.. Yes.." i replied softly. Then he slowly walk closer to me and hand over my notebook. 

"thanks" i said simply and returned my attention back to the book on my desk just to avoid his eyes that's never leave me. 


~Davis POV~


I was unknowingly happy to know that she's talking with me. I want to hear her voice more. And her eyes, I never see eyes as black as hers, it's fascinating. But before i could ask her more, someone banging the door. "the door is locked" someone said from outside of the door. 

"i think we better call Mr. Smith to open it" another voice said. 

A few moments later the door open followed by the other students. 

"Dave how come you are here?" ask Stephanie, a girl from the cheerleader. 

"i was returning my friend's notebook?" i reply her who is now looking at Vinier. She looks unhappy.

"you know Veny?" she ask in disbelieve "but how?" 

"you know Vinier?" i asked instead. 

"yeah.. she's the cook at my house" she replied, there's a hint of dislike in her voice.

I looked at Vinier, her face showed indifference, ignoring Stephanie, and just keep reading her book.

But before i could ask her more, the teacher came in "attention class".. He called out. 


~Vinier POV~


It is drizzling when i walk home from the bus stop. Stephanie was always home ahead of me. She had lots of guys who is willing to drive her home anytime. When i reach the door, my shirt already wet. "I'm home" i said as i open the door. Then i was welcomed by Stephanie's questions. 

"tell me how do you know Davis?" 

"why does he have your notebook?" 

"how come you locked up in the classroom with him" 

But before i could answer any of her questions, her phone ring. 


"hi Dave.. What's up" she said to the phone sweetly. 

"yeah.. ?".. "why do you want me to bring her along?".. "well.. Ok then, see you there".. 

As i walk to my room Stephanie called out to me, "Veny, my friend's having a party, you come with me!"

"why?" i stare blankly at her, puzzled. She never bring me to a party, she never wanted to be seen with me. 

"just get changed and come with me" she said curtly 

"wear something decent, don't embarrass me with your nerdiness." she continues as she walk to her room. 


Sometimes later... 


 Stephanie pulled her car in front of a big house. Correction, it's not a house, more like a mansion. From the entrance i could hear the music and laughter. I feel nervous, i never been to a party before. Well.. I never had friend, that's why. Right before we enter the house, i mean the mansion, there's standing in the doorway a tall, handsome guy welcoming us with a sexy grin. It's Davis. Stephanie runs to him and give him a big embrace, he embrace back but his eyes never leave me.


~Davis POV~


I was racking my brain to find a way to see Vinier again. I don't know why I'm so attracted to her. I'm not sure why I'm so curious about her. What is so special about Vinier that attract me.

Ah.. Right, Stephanie knows her. I'll hold a party at my place and ask Stephanie to bring her along.

At first I thought Stephanie was going to decline my request to bring her to the party, but after a while she finally agree. I feel ecstatic. I can't wait to see her again.

After like a lifetime, finally there she is, in front of my house, in front of me. She's wearing a black dress that hugs her petite body perfectly. It shows her body curves at the right places. I wish i was that dress. I wish i was the one who hugs her body tightly. I feel a shivers down my spine by the thought of her. She let her hair down, it's shiny black and long. It swayed down her back. I wanted to run my hand over those long black hair.

I tried not to show how i really feel. I tried to smile, not sure if it's convincing though. She walk slowly towards me. Her eyes meets mine, and i drown in those big beautiful black eyes... Again... 

As i was gazing at those eyes, someone gave me an embrace and judging by the Parfums, it was Stephanie, the cheerleader girl. I embrace back but i still can't look away from those enchanting eyes.. 


~Vinier POV~


 Stephanie blended in the crowd right away as soon as we enter the house, left me alone at the corner of the room. I feel bored. I wish i was in my room, tugged in my comfortable bed. As i was looking down at my feet, i feel someone approached me. I looked up and see Davis standing there, so close to me. Too close.. I can smell his scent, it's fresh like mint. Is it the smell of his aftershave or his cologne? I'm not sure, because i never really be near any man before. I don't even remember how my dad's smell was. 

He leaned closer to me, his lips grazed my ear that automatically sends shiver down my spine and said "would you like to dance with me?"  his voice husky. I was having a hard time breathing with him being so close like this. My heart beating so fast, I'm scared it will explode.

"i.. I...." before I can finish my sentence Stephanie came and cling on Davis's neck. Her eyes glaring at me with anger mix with jealousy before it turns to Davis. 

"Dave, dance with me.." she said in her most sexy, sweet voice.

"wait.. I'll get a drink for Vinier first" he replied without looking at her and strode away to the counter at the other side of the room. 

"it's ok, I'll get it for her" Stephanie pulled him back and walk away. I'm sure i saw her grinning, an evil grin. Not more than five minutes she walk back towards us. 

"here, take this" she over me the tall glass "don't worry, no alcohol" she added when i don't take the glass right away. I took the drink reluctantly, then she pulled Davis to the dance floor.

Chapter 3

~Davis POV~


 I was so excited being so close to Vinier. I was right, she smells good, her hair smells good, so sweet.. 

I invited her to dance with me, but she look doubtful. My heart sunk. She avoided looking me in the eyes. Just when she was about to speak, someone's arms clinging on me, it was Stephanie. She was glaring at Vinier, anger in her eyes. 

"Dave, dance with me" she said as she pull me away from Vinier.

"wait.. I'll get a drink for Vinier first" i tried to decline her invitation, making excuses. And turn around to walk away from her. 

"it's ok, I'll get it for her" she said to my surprise. I always thought she hates Vinier. Then she walk away to the counter across the room. On her way she approach Peter and heading to the counter together.

After she's back she handed over the glass to Vinier. 

"here, take this" but Vinier reluctant. Her eyes full of doubt. "don't worry, no alcohol" at last Stephanie assured her and she take the drink from Stephanie's hand. Then she pull me away from Vinier and i have no choice but to accompany her to dance.


After the song end i look at Vinier, but she wasn't there, she wasn't anywhere to be seen. Maybe she's in the restroom, i try to convince myself. I walk through the crowd heading to the restroom, but she's not there either. I started to panic.

When i passed the wide glass window, i stood still. There she is beeing dragged by Peter into his car. She's limped, but she obviously putting on a fight. Is she drunk? But i was sure Stephanie told her that the drink was alcohol free. I run frantically to the parking lot. My heart beating fast, my eyes red from anger. Without realising i was already leaning over Peter who is already on the floor bleeding. I punch him until he pass out. 

I finally stop beating him when i heard someone moan behind me. Vinier was sitting on the ground leaning against the the car's wheel. 

I run over to her, hold her shoulders and shake her. 

"Vinier.. Are you alright?" i asked her frantically. "ummm..." She moan. Slowly i lift her up and carry her to the house. I walk through the side door avoiding my friends at the party heading to my room. I put her down slowly onto my bed. 

Just before I pull away from her, i feel her warm breath on my neck followed by her soft lips, sending a spark through my whole body. My heart pounds painfully. My breath getting heavier as she runs her hand behind my neck and pull me closer. 

"Vinier.." i called, my voice trembling. 

 "uummm..." she just moan, i could feel her smiling. 

Then i realised, she was not drunk from alcohol, she was drugged. Stephanie drugged her drink. Or was it Peter. Or maybe both of them. 

"Vinier.." i called her again. But she just keep on kissing me, my neck, my jaw, my face... 

I can't let her do this. This is wrong, i convince myself. Even though i want her so badly. Even though i want to be with her, to touch her, to claim her as mine, but not like this while she is not being herself. 

She pull me even closer when i try to pull away from her. She pull my face until we touch, her lips to mine. She lick my lower lip, i shivers from the touch of her warm, sweet tongue. I can't control myself anymore. I kiss her back, deeply, passionately.. Our tongue meets and tease each other. Her hands slide down to my chest, down to my abs.. 

I moan and pull her closer. Our kiss getting more deep, more passionate. Then she pull up my shirt. She pull away and look at me, smiling. Then she pushed me down to the bed and sitting on my hardness. She start kissing my neck, down to my chest. Her tongue playing with my nipple, stroking in circle motion. I let out a moan between my heavy breath. 

I can't hold it anymore, i push her down and strip her. Her breath is heavy. Her black eyes full of lust. I catch my breath as i see her lying down there, with nothing covering her body. 

God.. She's so sexy, so beautiful, and she's going to be mine. I never wanted someone as bad as i want her. And i can't hold back my desire to take her right here, right now. 

I pin her hands above her head and kiss her deep. She wriggle trying to free her hands. The moment i let go her hands, it's blindly tracing my chest, my neck, my face, my hair, and pull me closer as she deepen the kiss. 

I feel myself getting harder, it's painful. I feel one hand running to my back, one hand pulling my belt trying to unbuckle it. I pull away and granted her wish, then pull down my jeans. Slowly i parted he legs and rub her wetness with my fingers. She moan and move her hips rhythmically. I insert a finger, it feels tight. She gasp as i push my finger deeper. She moan loudly as i stroke her inside. 

She whimper when my hand leave her wetness. Frantically pull me down and pushing her hips up searching for me. Slowly i rub her clit with the tip of my hard dick. Her hands stroking, and scratching my back. She push her hips to meet my hardness again and i push it in, hard. She is really tight. I push deeper and her moan getting louder, it turns me on. 

 I move inside her harder and faster. Then i feel her body tense as she reach her climax. A few stroke later i follow her, i come too. Then i let my body relax, my dick still inside her, feeling the pleasure of her warmth.Then fell asleep. 


That was a nice dream i had last night, i thought to myself, smiling. Then i open my eyes, It wasn't a dream. Vinier still here, lying next to me. I'm still holding her.

God.. I actually did it with her, Vinier, my girl. I feel proud because I'm her first, her only. And i promise she will be my only, now and forever. 

I was about to get up when i feel her stirring. My heart beat faster. How will she react if she knows what had happened last night. I must get up now before she wakes. 

But it's too late.... 


~Vinier POV~


 The next thing I know, i was lying on the bed. A soft warm bed. I feel sore all over my body. I tried to get up but something holding me down. I squirm and feel stings from between my legs. My eyes shot open, and saw someone sleeping next to me, holding my waist... 



I panicked and was about to scream when a sleepy, deep, husky voice greet me "good morning baby..." then kiss my lips softly.


I actually sleeping on Davis's bed, naked..!?

"What happened.. What did you do to me.."

I ask in terror. Tears starting fall... 

He looks terrified by my sudden burst. He get up and pull me to his hard but surprisingly warm chest. 

"hey baby what's wrong" his voice so gentle and caring. He pulled me closer, hug me tight. But i was too terrified, i push him away. At first he won't let me go, but as i push more forcefully, he loosen his arms. I saw hurt in his eyes. No.. I must be wrong.. Why would he..!? 

 I feel dizzy, my head feel pain. I can't think clearly. I look around. My clothes, where's my clothes. I pull the blanket closer to cover my naked body.

"my clothes.." that's the first thing i say. My voice croaked. He get up from the bed not trying to cover himself, as if it's normal to be naked in front of stranger. But of course, he's so popular after all, he must have done it many times before. My throat feels dry, i gulped. I look away, embarrassed by the unfamiliar sight.

He takes his time wearing his boxer and jeans, before finally hand me my dress and underwear. 

"get out, i need to dress" i said without looking at him. He didn't move. 

"please, i need to go home. My mom will kill me if she knows i stay out all night" i begged. 

"I'll get your breakfast, then I'll take you home in my car" he said, then turn around to leave. 

"I'm not hungry, and i can go by myself" 

He turn around to face me again, looking at me blankly. 

"get dressed, i wait for you downstairs." he said softly than walk out of the room. 


~Davis POV~


I went to the kitchen and instructed the chef to make our breakfast. I sit on the dining table read the newspaper while waiting for her. 

I heard her footsteps coming out from my room. I wave her to come for breakfast but she frantically running to the front door. I get up and chase after her. She's a slow runner. I catch her just before she reach the door. 

"i told you I'll drive you home" i told her. 

"you don't have to worry about me" she said, tears streaming down her cheek. 

I want to hold her and kiss her tears away, but i know what will scare her more. So i just silently pull her out to the car. I open the passenger door and instruct her to get in the car. 

She directed me to where she lived. Then she told me to pull over in front of a beautiful house. Not big but clean and organized. I recognised this house, it's Stephanie's. I've been here before. 

"i thought you hurried home because you scared your mum will be  mad at you" i asked her suspiciously. 

"isn't this Stephanie's home?" 

"yes" she replied briefly "i live here" 

I'm confused. I remember clearly when Stephanie said that Vinier is working at her house as a cook. Does that mean Vinier and her mom lives here? Not likely. Unless they have the same mother. 

Before I could ask her, she already out of the car, running to the house. Still puzzled, i drove off the road to go back home. 


Chapter 4

~Vinier POV~


Once i open the door, i was welcomed by a flying shoe. My mom was standing next to the shoe rack, red faced. Stephanie sitting in the dining room, smirking. The first shoe hit my left arm. My mom throw the second shoe, it hits my stomach. mom still didn't say or ask anything. She pick another shoe, this time it's a high heel. She throw it and hit my forehead. Blood start dripping to my face.

Stephanie threw her hands in the air everytime the shoe hit me. 

"get out of my house" that's the only words my mom said to me before she walk away to her room. When she reach the door she glance at Stephanie "throw out her luggage" then she slam the door shut.

"at last.." Stephanie laughed and go up the stairs. "Plop" something drop on the ground outside the house. I went to the sound. It was my luggage. Stephanie threw it down from the window upstairs.

I just stood there, frozen. Tears and blood streaming down my face.

After a few moments i walk away from the house, leaving my luggage where it was thrown. 

"where should i go" i thought, but never stop my step. I walk and walk and walk...

I walk until my legs can't take another step. By the time it's already dark.

"where am i..." i look around at an unfamiliar place. Then I saw a deserted playground. I walk toward the playground and take a sit on a bench. The blood on my face already dried, but i still feel my head throbing from crying. I hugs my legs and bury my face and tears start to flow out again.

" where should I go.. I don't have money with me.. Where can i go"... 

Then an old woman approach me.

"dear, are you alright?" she ask me attentively. I jerked up in surprise.

"ohh.. Dear.. You are bleeding" she exclaim. 

"what happened to you?" 

"where do you live?" the old woman start to worried. 

"I'm alright, just feel tired a little bit" I reply her with a smile. Well.. Maybe I thought i was smiling, but the old woman saw differently. 

Then she try to support me to stand. I. Was confused, doesn't know what the woman trying to do. 

"you don't have a place to stay for tonight do yo?" she asked me, concerned. I only give her a faint nod. 

"come with me, you can stay for the night" 

"I'm alright, i don't want to trouble you" 

I'm really confused, is there good people like this old woman really exist .

"no trouble at all" Then the woman said "i live alone, just across the road. Come.. "

After considering for a few moments i decided to follow the woman to her home. 




~Davis POV~ 


I was already on my bed. But I just can't stop thinking about what kind of relationship between Vinier and Stephanie. Are they connected to each other?. Sisters..? Not likely. They look nothing like sisters . Not only that, their lifestyle is just the opposite. Maybe cousin..? Could be. It's the only explanation that make sense. Before I can find the answer to my question, I fell asleep..


The next morning..


"young master... Young Master..." the house keeper running after me when i was about to go to school. 

"young master wait.." 

"what happened Brenda" i ask her uninterested. 

"forgive me young master, but i found this in your bed yesterday when i clean your room" Brenda hold out an earing. 

It must be Vinier's, i thought.

"give it to me" I said as i snatch it from Brenda's hand. 

I smile happily all the way to the school. I'm already imagining how Vinier will react when I return the earing. My smile became lustful as I thought about what had happened the night after the party. 


As soon as I arrived at the school, I go around searching for Vinier. But she is nowhere to be found. I asked around, but nobody knows her. no one seems to know where she is.

Is she having a trouble at home because she stayed out that night?

I started to get anxious

Stephanie..I was frantically looking for Stephanie. She must know where Vinier is.

At last i spotted Stephanie in the canteen, with Peter. I slowly approached them. From a distance i heard them talking. 

"why Davis beats you up?" Stephanie asked 

"how the hell i know, he just did" said Peter 

"so where did you bring Veny" asked Stephanie 

"i didn't bring her" said Peter 

"but she didn't came home that night" said Stephanie 

"she's staying with me" I said when I reach to their table. Stephanie looked up, wide eyed. 

"she was with you?" 

"yup.. In my room, on my bed" I said, which make her face turn white. 

"and i guess you know what happened next" I added with a devilish smile.

"so tell me where's she now" i ask her, crossing my arms. 

"i don't know" she said, still can't believe what she heard about Vinier's whereabout the night of the party. .

"what do you mean you don't know. You lived in the same house" i said fiercely. 

"how do you know that" Stephanie gasp. 

"because i was the one who drives her home" i lean down to her as i said it coldly. 

Stephanie froze on her chair. "bitch" she muttered under her breath. 


It's been months since she's gone. And i still hoping she will show up again some day. I still keep her earing in my drawer. 

Vinier.. Where have you gone. 

I miss you... 


~Vinier POV~


Days goes by... 

It's been three months since i left the house. I'm still staying with Laura, the old woman who help me that night. Laura let me stay because I was a good cook. And she recommended me to work at her bakery shop. I accepted the offer happily. Because I have nowhere to go. And Laura more than happy because since I work there, the shop becomes more crowded. Many people praise the breads and cakes become more delicious. 

Normally, i wake up very early to prepare the ingredients. But I feels a little tired this morning. I feels that i don't have energy. 

"you should rest today dear. You've been working too hard" said Laura anxiously. 

"I will be alright Laura" I reassure the old woman. She's always treat me with kindness. And i love her for that. 

"then you must see the doctor today" Laura said not convinced. 

"okay..." i laugh and give the old woman a big bear hug. 


In the afternoon Laura practically pulled me to the hospital for a check up. 

After the doctor finished checking my condition and tell me something bizarre. "you are pregnant" the doctor said. 


I'm pregnant... 


I can't believe what i heard. 

I'm pregnant... 

I keep repeating the doctor's word. 

What should I do now.. 

Laura hold my hands "it's going to be alright dear" I'm here with you. We will raise the baby together." i can't hold on my tears any longer with Laura's words. I hug her and cried... 


Chapter 5

 5 years later... 


"hurry up mom, i will be late and it's your fault" Jason pull me out of the kitchen while i pack his lunch box. He is turning 5 this year.

"alright.. Alright.." i chuckle as he pout. He has became the source of my happiness. Laura died two years ago and l inherited all of her properties because she has no other relatives.

The bakery shop has turned into a restaurant and it's quite a success now. Even when i have enough employees, sometimes i also help with the cooking, because some items in the menu was invented by me. Thinking about that, it wasn't so bad being a house keeper in my mother's house when i was younger. Because that was what make me into who i am today. And Jason, my son, he has all the loves he needs from me and Laura. Everyone loves him because he is such a sweetheart.

Today i promised to drive him to school myself. He's so excited with the idea,because i was usually busy in the restaurant. 

It's not only because of the idea of me driving him to school, but also because there's an activity in his school. There's a drawing competition and he is participating. He loves drawing since the first time he learned to hold a pencil. And he is good at it. 

He was singing out loud all the way to school. I just can't avoid smiling everytime i see him. He was excitedly getting ready to open the door as i park my car. 

"don't rush honey, you won't be late" i told him as he pulled the handle to open the door. His sea blue eyes sparkling mischievously. I just chuckle at his behavior.


~Davis POV~


Today i was scheduled to visit the countryside. Our family's gallery was sponsoring a junior drawing competition at one of a private school there.

I don't really like this kind of activity. I don't like children. They are noisy. I take my sweet time driving my car. While the other people who is supposed to be the judges are already out of sight.

I was almost reach the location when my stomach rumble. I didn't get to eat my breakfast this morning. As i drive down the road, i saw a restaurant. It looks too fancy for this area.

I pull over at the parking lot next to it. It's quite big and almost full. Is the restaurant really that famous to be this crowded? 

I walk in and see the interior has different vibe to it. It looks ordinary from the outside. A waitress approach me and with a friendly smile she ask. 

"do you have any reservation sir?" 

"no" i reply 

"would you like smoking or non smoking room sir?" 

"non smoking" 

Then she stand aside and said "this way please".                         I follow her to where she lead me. She was taking me to a dining room with a garden in the middle. It shows that the owner of this restaurant loves nature. I love this place already. It's a perfect place for a romantic date. I smiled at the idea.

I looked at the menu and smirk,, this restaurant is really one of a kind. Even the menu has a weird names. I asked the waitress about the menu, and she explained to me. I was right, i never come across this food in any country i visit. But the waitress said it is only available in this restaurant, because those cuisine was invented by the owner of this restaurant, which is their boss. Salute to their boss, i really admire him.

"your boss, he is great" i said to her.

"thank you sir, btw the boss is a she, sir" she reply with a smile.

"wow, really" then i placed my order. 

After i finished my meal, which is superb, i continue my journey to the school, which is only ten minutes away according to the friendly waitress. 

In no more than ten minutes, i finally arrived at the school. The building looks like a museum. Probably aged more than a hundred years. But it doesn't look old, in fact it's like a work of art. 

As soon as i arrived, the competition begin. The participants age are between five to ten years old. It reminds me of my younger age. I love drawing when i was about their age. And always won in every competition. My parents even hired an art teacher for me to learn painting. And open a galery for me too. 


~Vinier POV~


I was terrified when i see someone familiar among the judges and the sponsors of the competition. What's he doing here. I run to Jason. 

"baby, i have to go back to the restaurant. They need me now. Call me after you finish. I will pick you up later, i promise" i told my son so i wouldn't have to meet him here, with Jason around. I don't want him to know about Jason's existence. My eyes sting from holding my tears. It all flashed back, the things that happened in the past.  

Instead of going to the restaurant, i went straight home. I needed time alone. I need to calm down. 

As soon i arrived home i went straight to Jason's room. Snuggle on his bed and cry... 

Jason.. I hope he won't find out about Jason, i hope Jason won't find out about his father. 

I got up, pick up a photo frame on his bedside table. I look at Jason's picture. 

Please God, don't let him find out about Jason. I don't want to loose my son. He's the only one i have in this world. Please.. 

I look again at Jason's picture. I was so scared because Jason looks alot like Davis. His hair, his eyes, the way he talk and walk. All about him is screaming I AM DAVIS'S SON.. 


Chapter 6

Today i have a date with Amy, the girl from college. We've been dating for a while now. I was planning on taking her to the restaurant at the countryside. I've make a reservation a week ago. And i reserved the best spot. I'm sure Amy will love it. And I'm sure it's going to be the best date. 

It was early evening when we arrived. 

It was when the waitress lead us to our reserved table when i saw her standing next to the cashier counter. I stood still dead on my track. She changed a lot. Her long hair was cut short above her shoulder, she didn't wear clothes that are few sizes bigger for her like she used to wear at school. But instead, she wear a red sexy dress that shows her perfect curves. Her boobs looks fuller especially with the V line that shows her cleavage. The dress ends above her knees and the slit at the side shows a little of her slender thigh. I swallowed hard. When i was about to walk over to her, Amy slid her hand to my arms. 

"baby..let's go" Amy urge me while pulling me. No, i can't let this chance slip away. I've been waiting for her too long. I can't let her just disappear again. 

"wait at our table" i said to Amy and turn around to approach her. But before i reach to where she stand, a little boy appears from the room next to the counter.

"mommy let's go" the boy said and tugging her hands. I froze. She married another guy and had a child!!

I feel tight in my chest. My heart broken. All my hope died.

She turn around and now we are face to face. She froze, her face gone white. She pulled the boy away from me and hide him behind her back in a protective way. It's like I'll do anything to hurt  her son.

"hi.." that's all i said 

"what are you doing here" she asked. The look in her eyes, i couldn't understand what it is. Is it fear? But why?

"so you married?" i asked. 

"is there any of your concern?" she replied, still looking terrified. She tried to walk pass me, but i grab her arm. I felt the electric spark. I was surprise she still had that effect on me. I thought i already over her. I thought i already moved on.

"let go" she said grimly pulling out her arm from my hand. 

"do you really hate me that much" i said broken heartedly. But before i hear her answer Amy come.

"baby, what takes you so long. Do you know her?" Amy asked, she looked at Vinier quizzically from head to toe. 

"sorry, i think he misidentified me. I don't know him" Vinier said to Amy and told her son to go. I can only watch her pass by, not knowing what to do. Her son turn his head around and look at me and smile.

That boy, i recognise him. But where did i saw him. Ugh.. My brain's not working.

 Surprisingly the date went well, although Amy a little suspicious of my behavior towards Vinier at first. And asked me many questions about Vinier.

"i thought she was my high school's friend" that's all i said and told her to drop it off. And she did. 


Days passed by as usual. And today i was supposed to pick up my mom at the gallery. Tonight we are having a family dinner. I arrived at the gallery earlier. When i enter mom's office, she was with Brenda, the woman who managed the gallery. She 28 but look younger than her age. They were sorting out some uninteresting drawings.

"hmm.. I like this.. What do you think Dave " mom said holding up a paper. There's a drawing of a girl and a dog between trees. 

"what is that?" i asked

"it's the drawing from the competition we sponsored"

"isn't it have strong character" my mom said beaming, still holding up the drawing.

The drawing competition.. Ahh.. The boy.. He is from the competition. 

"mom do you have the competitor's information data?" i asked hopefully.

"yes.. Why?" mom eyed me quizzically. 

"can i see it" i asked, trying to look normal so my mom won't be too curious.

 Brenda gave me the files. It's not hard to find the boy's information data because he was the winner, and the files of the three winners are marked.

Jason Shawn, born on August 13th 2013.

I went still.. I felt my blood drained. 

No way.. 



~Vinier POV~


Since the incident of our unplanned encounter, I've been terrified of going to the restaurant. So i hand over everything to my trusted employees. And Jason, i personally drive him to and from school.

I just hope he won't learn about Jason's existence. It's best if he thinks I'm married. He has a girlfriend anyway, so i think it he won't give me trouble.

Jason is happier now that i have more time to spend with him. It made me feel guilty. I always busy with the restaurant all this times.

Today we were planning on going to the park. Jason was busy packing his stuff while i pack our lunch. It's been a long time since we go on a picnic. The last time was when Laura still around.

I called out from the living room "are you ready to go"

Then he running out of his room with his back pack.

"slow down will you" i said before giving him a quick hug, a peck on his cheek and sofly slap his little butt.

Then he pulled me impatiently. "let's go... Let's go..." 

I open the front door and went still. There's an expensive car parked at the driveway. A man leaning on the driver seat, one hand hanging down at the open window, his eyes glued at our front porch. 


As soon as he saw us open of the door, he jumped out of the car. He walk over, his eyes on Jason. My heart stop beating. I know at that moment the things that i fears most is happening now. 

I clutched Jason's hand protectively. My heart beats so hard. 

"hi.." that's all he said, standing a few steps away from us. His eyes moving from me to Jason. 

"we need to talk" he added when i didn't make an attempt to greet him back. My heart dropped, my blood drained from my body. 

"why didn't you tell me" 

"i don't know what you're talking about" i managed to say, i know it wasn't convincing. 

"i know you know what I'm talking about, do you want me to spell it out for you" he said impatiently. "i have the right to know" 

"there's nothing you need to know" i said firmly. "and please move out of the way, we need to go" 

"really Vinier. Do you really want me to spell it out for you what i need to know, what he need to know" my eyes widened when he said that. 

Jason pulled his hand and dashed out and push Davis "don't bully my mommy. Go away" 

"Jason, baby don't.. Mommy alright.. He is not bullying mommy" i said pulling him into my arms. "it's okay baby, mommy's alright" i strokes his back soothing him. 

"but he's really mean to you mommy" he said pulling away and cupped my face with his small hands. 

"he's a great kid" Davis said, his voice soft. 

"yes he is" i said smiling. And glanced over Jason's shoulder. Davis watching us with eyes full of envy. When our eyes meet, he smile and whispered "and he is ours" 

My eyes went wide at his silent words. He chuckle on my respond . 

"so, you guys going somewhere?" he asked, his attitude changed. Jason turn around and said happily "mommy and i are going to the park for picnic" 

"great" Davis said obviously trying to look excited "can i come too" 

Jason look at me with a pleading eyes. My heart sunk. I don't know if it's a good idea to let Davis join us. 

"please.." Davis said pleading, then he gave me a wink when i said yes. 

He hasn't changed at all, still pushy. Always forced people to agree on his every wish. To always have his way. I inhale a heavy breath by the thought of him. 

He stopped me when i unlock the car door.

"we take my car" he insisted. Knowing that i will lose the argument anyway, i just nod and follow him to his car. After tugging Jason securely at the back sit, he open the passenger door for me. Before i get in the car he turn around to the driver's door. 

"are you getting in or do you want me to tug you in like Jason" he asked, his eyes sparkling. My heart skipped a beat. 

There's a brown envelope on the passenger seat. I pick it up and get inside. Buckling my seat belt. I put down the envelope on the dashboard and saw "DNA test result" under a hospital name. 

I stared at it until i heard Davis make a cough sound. I glance at him and quickly look away when our eyes met. He chuckled under his breath, amused. 

"how did you find out" i said silently.

"i have my way" he replied

"sure you do, just like in the past" i look out the window when i said that. But i can feel him tense. 

"no.. Vinier listen to me" he said defensive 

"drop it" i said

"no.. Vinier you must listen to me" i shot him a glance and i look around to the back seat where Jason sits silently. Davis fell silent at my signal. 

"baby.. You okay back there?" i asked, over my shoulder. 

"is mommy okay?" he asked me back. 

"mommy's alright" i turn my body the whole way to face him and over him a reassuring smile. Then he smile back and say "then I'm okay" i reach out my hand and squeeze his knee.

"you raise him well Vinier. Thank you" he smile with a teary eyes.

At the park, Davis always tried to be close to Jason. And Jason opened up to him in no time. They played together happily. Maybe it's time for Jason to know the truth about his father.

I decided to tell him everything. I hope he won't hate me for keeping all this from him.



                                To be continued... 


Texte: Dee
Bildmaterialien: Dee
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.04.2018

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