
Chapter 1....The Beginning

Dracie walked through the door of her home. The house was built in the 1940's so it has that feeling of old in it. She didn't care. The wood smelled great when she walks in the door after being at school for eight hours. The big front door was made of oak, while the rest of the house was made of straight pine. It smelled like a forest. The stairway was built for people to be able to look down and see the bottom floor from the third floor. Naturally, it was a circular stairway. She loved it. She walked up to her room and sighed with relief. 'Another day of school. Another day wasted at that prison for teenagers.' She thought to herself. She giggled at the thought of being in a real prison, but shook it off. She wasn't going to prison. That was a decision she made when she stopped being the bad ass of the town.
Her room was the only one in the house that wasn't old fashioned. Her bed was a huge king-size with black and blue covers and pillows all over it. Her drapes were black with blue roses ascending from the floor. Her dresser was the only thing that was old fashioned in that room. A huge wardrobe full of her clothes and things she wished not to be seen. Her desk was made out of metal and plastic. Her laptop was the only thing she really didn't like. She loved her radio that was on her nightstand. It was synced to all her favorite channels. She didn't feel like flipping through and hearing classical music on the way to her favorite station. She smiled as she turned it on and it was playing 'Something' by Escape the Fate. She loved that song more than anything.
Her phone started to ring. She picked it up and heard her best friend, Ana, scream out her name. "What the hell is wrong with you?" She asked impatiently. "They are coming to town!" She said after she calmed down a bit. "Who is?" Dracie asked. Dracie, Ana, and the rest of the group was in love with Escape the Fate. "The Awesome Bunch!" Ana, on the other hand, was also a big fan of that band too. 'I really wished they wouldn't come to town' thought Dracie. "Ana, you know I don't like them. They are too girly and wimpy. Why won't you call me screaming when Escape the Fate, or Black Veil Brides, come to town?" She asked bleakly. "Because, they are too big to come to this tiny town. So instead another group is coming and it just so happens to be my FAVORITE band in the world." She sounded happy on the other side of the phone.
After she got off the phone with Ana, she got out some clothes and a towel, and headed for her personal bathroom. That's what she loved about this house. Each person got their own personal bathroom. She liked it that way. An hour later, she sat down and turned her laptop on and started playing on it. She loved to play with the paint. She made a bunch of paintings. Then her Skype popped up. 'You've got an email' it said. She opened it and a picture popped up. It was of Laban. Her best friend/crush. He had his arm wrapped around her and their tongues were sticking out. He was handsome. His dark brown hair, deep blue eyes, and perfectly straight white teeth. He had an athletes' body and she dreams about him every night. She smiled. Saved the picture, and then turned the computer off. She got in her bed, closed her eyes, and was passed out five minutes later.
Dracie's Dream/POV

I was swimming in the school pool, when I heard my name being called. I looked up and seen him. He was smiling at me. I got out the pool and pulled a towel around my waist. "What's up?" I asked him excitedly. "Nothing, just wanted to see you again. Earlier wasn't enough. I missed you so much." He was smiling sleepily. I couldn't help myself. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. I didn't expect him to kiss back, but to my surprise, he did. His kiss was like my addiction. I wanted more after he stopped. "You're too beautiful. Why do you like me?" He asked, smiling like he was a kid who just got candy. "Because, I've known you my entire life and you treat me better than anyone else does. You know who I am and all my secrets. That's why I love you." His face looked confused when I said the word 'love'. "What's the matter?" I asked curiously. "You said the word love. Are you sure you 'love' me?" His face twist around. I nodded. He smiled. Then he was gone.
Back to Reality
When she woke up, Dracie noticed she was sweating. 'What on Earth? How could I be sweating after a dream like that?' She asked herself. After a few minutes of confusion, she got out of bed and started getting dressed for school. She pulled out a band themed shirt and a pair of skinny's'. Put them on and headed towards the door. "Honey, are you going to stay for breakfast?" Her mother yelled out. Dracie stopped in her tracks. "Sure mom. What's for breakfast?" She asked as she noticed her stomach was yelling at her. "Bacon, eggs, toast, and waffles. What do you want to drink with it? We have orange juice and milk." Her mother, Megan, announced. "I want some juice with that food, ma'am." Smiling, she looked at her mother.
Megan was a 45 year old widow, who was too beautiful for her age. Her long red hair, green eyes, and slimming feature would send any man, young or old, to the hospital for cardiac arrest. Megan's' husband, Bill, died in the war, leaving Megan to tend to Dracie's needs alone. She didn't mind. Megan enjoyed having Dracie there with her. Whether Bill stayed alive, she wouldn't have cared if he didn't help her raise Dracie. She loved her daughter very much and wouldn't trade the world for her.
As Dracie ate, she noticed it was getting late. She picked up her plate and put it in the sink. "Thanks mom. Be back later. Love you!" She screamed out the door. She went straight to her car and got in. As she was driving, she remembered her dream. The way his lips felt pressed up against hers. The way he smiled. She couldn't help, but to stop by his house and ask him if he wanted a ride. She honked her horn and he came out. She scanned his entire body. The way he was dressed sent shivers down her spine. He was wearing the same band shirt and a pair of white skinny jeans with multicolored converses. His body was thick with muscles. Any girl would die if they'd touch those arms.

"Hey butt-head. What do you want?" He asked sarcastically. "Get in. I know you don't want to walk all the way to school." With that, he jumped in the passenger seat. "So what's on your mind this time? Did you dream about me?" He asked jokingly. Dracie couldn't help but blush. She tried to hide it from him. If he found out she'd been having dreams about him, she would die of embarrassment. "No, I had a nightmare about you." She laughed out loud. His face turned from a happy face to a seriously pissed off face. "I hope I didn't scare you too much this time." Then he laughed. "You always do that shit to me. Stop making me feel bad about the jokes I play on you." She laughed along side with him.
When they got to school, all the parking spaces had been taken. So she decided to park in the spot by the gym. "Rebellious today, aren't we?" Laban asked. "You know we are not suppose to be parking here." She looked at him with a serious frown, then smiled. "I don't care. I needed a spot and this was the only one." They walked towards the main building and was joined with the other three girls. Ana was the first to meet up with them. She was a very good looking blonde with a figure that could kill. Her eyes were a deep dark brown. Ana looked at Dracie, and then at Laban. She pulled her to the side and asked, "So, did you have another one of those dreams about him again?" Dracie nodded and then began to speak until Joy walked up. Joy was the complete opposite of Ana. Her and her twin sister, Lucy, were red-heads with a figure of a swimmer. Eyes were a dark shade of green. They looked like they were from Scotland.
"So, what's on the agenda today chick?" She asked playfully. Dracie shrugged her shoulders as Laban and Lucy, who was finished with what they were talking about, noticed they was left behind. "Hey wait up you guys," yelled Laban. All the girls, except for Lucy, laughed. "You need to learn to pay attention to us before paying attention to twin," teased Joy. Lucy couldn't help but to laugh at that one. "We wasn't doing anything. We were talking about science with the new teacher. Mr. Shiz." At that name, everyone busted out laughing. Then the bell rang and they ran to their separate ways to make it before the late bell rang.

After school was over, the gang went to the mall in town. "This seems like real fun!" Exclaimed Ana. Dracie looked at her and laughed. "Only you would think riding in a car full of teenagers is fun." She couldn't help but to look in the passenger seat that was occupied by Laban. He was staring out the window. He looked so calm and happy. "Hey, you. What are you looking at?" Asked Lucy curiously. "Hmm? Oh, nothing really. It just looks really beautiful outside right now." He answered in a quiet tone. She couldn't help but to turn on some music and turns out, her favorite song had just came on. So she started singing, and not too long after she did, everyone else joined in to.
They walked through the door and felt the cool breeze hit their faces. They all sighed. "Why is it so hot outside?" Joy asked as she wiped the sweat off her face. "It's summer, chick. What do you expect?" Replied Laban as he did the same. Lucy, Ana, and Dracie all looked at each other and burst out laughing. "You two are the weirdest kids ever," exclaimed Lucy. Dracie couldn't stop smiling at Laban. His face was a deep shade of red. 'Is he blushing at us?' She asked herself. She held her head down for fear that he would see her blush as well. "What the hell are you two blushing about now?" Ana asked demanding an answer. "I don't know what you're talking about. You're weird." Replied Laban. He pinched her cheek as he said the last sentence. "Hey! Stop pinching me, you big jerk!" Yelled Ana.
A while after he had stopped pinching her, they were in the lingerie store. 'Why are we in here again?' Dracie asked herself. She looked around to see if anyone was looking at her, but her fears were demolished. Everyone was near the edible panties, making fun of each other. She looked at the pair of panties she had in her hands and thought to herself, 'These are cute. I wonder if Laban would like to see me in them.' She looked at the price tag and sighed. "These are too expensive. I can't afford these and lunch at the same time." She put them back and walked out the store to the soda machine. She didn't notice that everyone was behind her waiting on her so they can go eat some dinner. She got her drink, turned around and ran up to them. "Let's go!" She said excitedly. She looked at Laban and noticed he had bought something. "What do you have there?" She asked playfully. "Nothing. Stop looking at me like that. It's freaking me out."
After the gang had eaten and went to their favorite stores and bought what their money could buy, they got in the car and left. "That was the most interesting day. So what did Laban buy anyway?" Lucy asked suddenly. "I don't know. I don't think he wants us to know. Do you Lab?" Dracie exclaimed. "No, I don't want anyone to know. It's a secret. It's for the person I like. So please, don't push it any further." He looked depressed and awkward about something. He wouldn't even look at Dracie the entire ride. Finally, after she had dropped all the girls off, she parked in Laban's driveway. She looked at Laban, "So who's the bag for? You know you can tell me anything." He looked at her and she noticed he had a certain spark to his eyes now. He, all of a sudden, pushed the bag into her lap and got out. She opened it and noticed they were the panties she wanted earlier. He had bought them for her. 'No wonder he didn't have a big lunch. He used most of his money on me!' She screamed as she drove to her house. 'Wait, he said he got them for the person he likes.' Then it hit her. She was the one he liked.
She, finally, parked her car and went inside. Holding onto the bag like her life depended on it, she ran upstairs to her room and closed the door. She opened the bag once more and took the panties out. She smiled as she fell asleep holding onto her new under garments. She slept with a smile on her face that night.

Chapter 2....The Lies Come Out

A week later, she noticed a change in Laban's pattern. He only came around the group when he was called. He wouldn't just come up all of a sudden like he used to. He wouldn't answer his phone, or when she tells him she needs to talk to him in private. "Why is he being so difficult?" Dracie asked Ana. "I don't know. He just keep saying, 'It's too embarrassing. She doesn't like me back.' I wonder who is talking about." Dracie just shrugged her shoulders and smiled. 'He doesn't want them to know he likes me.' She thought to herself. "So what did you do over the weekend?" She asked Lucy and Joy. "We went swimming with Laban. We thought it might have been a great idea to let him blow off some steam." Answered Joy.
Dracie seen Laban on the side of her eyes. "Hey, Laban! Come here!" She yelled. He looked at her at first, and then came over to there spot. "What's up?" He asked curiously. "I wanted to ask you something. Do you like me? Or did you just say that to tease me?" He looked at his feet and then back at her. He was blushing, she noticed. "I do like you, but I don't want you to think I'm weird for buying those panties for you." At this point, he was playing with his fingers. She couldn't help but laugh. "You goof! I still like you. Even if you bought me those. I don't mind it at all. You are very sweet for getting them for me." She leaned in closer, and finally. She gave him a hug. He looked at her and smiled. "You have the best hugs." He exclaimed. "Thank you. Unfortunately, you are the best at giving hugs." He shook his head and then leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. Her face was as red as an apple.
"Why did you kiss me?" She asked. He shrugged again. "Can you do it again?" He nodded this time. As they were kissing, they forgot that their friends was looking right at them. Finally, Ana yelled, "You get 'em girl!" Then all the other girls just bursted into a laughter. Dracie and Laban couldn't help but blush. When the laughter finally settled down, Ana looked at Dracie. "Girl, you both need to find your own room. You two are too cute to be standing outside of school making out like you lost your senses." At that note, Laban pulled her closer to him, and started running towards her car.
"Where are we going?" She asked as he got into the drivers seat. "We are going to my place for the night. I want to talk to you about something important. Before you see it for yourself." She didn't know what he was talking about, but she didn't care. She finally got the man she had always wanted. It might have taken seventeen years, but he was finally hers. As he was driving, she looked out the window. She had to take a second look. 'For a minute there, I thought I seen a fairy.' She laughed at her thought and finally closed her eyes. By the time she opened them, they were at his house.
He lived alone in the big house. His parents left to go to Paris for a few months and trusted him to be good and keep everything in order. His brothers' was stuck at camp for the next two weeks and he loved the thought of having that big house to himself. That's all he would talk about when they were at the mall last week. "We're here." He exclaimed. She smiled and yawned. "That was the best nap I have ever taken in my life." He laughed some more and her remark. They got out of the car and walked up the big porch to the door. As he was fighting with his key chain she noticed something different about him. His back was glowing!
"Laban! Your back!" She yelled. Horrified at what she saw. He turned and seen what was happening to his back. His eyes got bigger than normal. "Dracie, let me explain. This is normal!" He explained. "That is not normal! What are you?" She asked. He looked depressed at what she asked. "Technically, it's 'what are we'. We are fairies." He said in a low voice. Dracie couldn't take what he just told her, so she got out. Took a few breathes, and then got back in. "So you're telling me that both of us are fairies? How in the hell is that even possible?" She asked so many questions that he just looked at her and nodded. It was her turn for her eyes to pop out of her head. Then all of a sudden, her back started to glow and her body started to shift.
"What's going on with me?" She screamed. "You're changing into your true form. It only happens when you feel loved and happy at the same time." He explained. Then, all of a sudden, her body stopped glowing and shifting. She was completely different. Her green eyes were glowing, her hair wasn't in a ponytail anymore, and she was wearing a black mini-skirt with a shirt that looked like a bra. Her back also hurt. She turned around to see what was hurting her, and she found out that her back wasn't hurting. Her wings were. "I have wings!" She screamed yet again. "Yes, you do. Really beautiful ones, I might add. I have them too." He smiled as he turned to show her his wings. She laughed and said, "This can't be real. This is a dream." She pinched herself to make sure it was. "Ow!" Guess it wasn't a dream.
She got out her car and stood by it. The moon light shining down her. Laban got out too and stared at her. She was beautiful in the moon light. He was stunned. He knew she was beautiful as a fairy, but he didn't know how beautiful she really was. He couldn't look away. "So are you done feeling freaked out by this?" He asked out of the blue. "I don't know. It's new to me. What happened? If I was a fairy my whole life, then why does it show up now?" She looked confused and hurt. He had to tell her everything, but they had to hurry up and get inside before anyone seen them. "Let's go inside. I will tell you everything after I get you something to drink and let you calm down a bit." She nodded and followed him into the living room.
After a while of sitting by herself, Laban finally joined her. "So what's going on?" She asked. "Well, for starters, you are not just any fairy. You're the princess. The only one alive." She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Why didn't her mother tell her what she was? Maybe she didn't know. How could she not know that her own daughter is a fairy. So many questions going on in her head. Her first question was, "Why is it just showing up now?" She asked. He looked at his cup that he was holding and set it down on the coffee table. "Because you fell in love with a person that has always been in love with you. You felt the pure bliss of love and now your powers are not locked. Aren't you happy about this?" Dracie looked anything but stunned. She looked happy.
"Why am I just finding about this now?" She asked again. He didn't answer her earlier, so she thought she'd give it another shot. "Because, your sister is trying to kill you," he replied bluntly. She couldn't believe what she heard. She never knew she had a sister. Let alone, that she was trying to kill her. "What the hell?" She yelled. Laban didn't like the yelling and screaming so he just sat there for a few minutes to let her calm down before he explained. "You are the heir to the throne and your baby sister, Lanna, is trying to over-throw you. The only way she can do that, is to kill you. So we erased your memories and sent you here to your foster mother. Megan knows what you are and she excepts that you are not her child. She does love you like you are, but you are not. I'm sorry babe. I wish you could have found out differently." He left her in the living room to think about what he just said. 'This is too much,' she thought.
The next day, they went to school. She didn't notice that Ana was behind her, about to plop right on her back. "Oof," she grunted, "what the hell is going on?" She demanded. Ana looked at her with hope in her eyes. "You finally found out who you were last night. I felt it in my wings." Then Dracie fell to the floor, stunned at what she heard. Ana bent down to her in a panic. "Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" She asked frantically. All Dracie could do was shake her head. Then she got up off the ground. "So you are a fairy too? You knew about this the whole time?" She asked. Ana nodded and then replied, "We all knew. We wouldn't be your guardians if we didn't. Lucy and Joy are too. They are the head of you security." With that, Dracie walked away. She didn't speak the rest of the day. Just sat in complete confusion.
When school was over, she went straight home. When she walked in the door, Megan popped her head out of the kitchen. She was smiling. "So you found out? Are you happy and excited?" She urged Dracie to the point of no return. "You knew all along and you didn't bother telling me? You think that just because you raised me, makes it easier for me to be happy? I just found out you're not my mother, they are not my true friends, and my whole life has been a big lie! You expect me to be all excited about this?" She screamed at the top of her lungs. Before she could let Megan answer her questions, she stormed up to her room and slammed the door and locked it. She could hear Megan begging her to forgive her, but she turned her radio up to full blast. She didn't want to hear another word from anyone right now. She was too conflicted with what just happened to her.

Chapter 3....A New Beginning

This chapter is currently being worked on. Don't worry, it will be out tomorrow or Thursday. :) Thank you for being really patient with me. :) Kat Spears


Texte: Ronald Bowling : I worked hard on this. So please, leave a comment at the end. :) Thank you!!!
Bildmaterialien: Chyenne Spears
Lektorat: Ronald Bowling
Übersetzung: XD
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.06.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To my two lovely babies, Ronald and Trinity.

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