
The beginning of everything

5 weeks before...


 It all began when rain woke up from her alarm. She was getting ready for her first day at school and she was happy about it...well...kinda of happy. “Honey! Come down and eat your breakfast before school starts!” Yells her mother. “Yes mother! Coming!” Rain is an average teenager.
She is 15 years old and going to high school. She is very pretty and her looks can knock any boy off their tracks. She has beautiful long dark brown hair, pretty brown eyes that shine but gets covered by her bangs that hang and cover half of her face. She got her curves from her mother and pretty much most of her looks.

As Rain came down to eat her breakfast her mother looked at her and smiled. “So you ready for school?” “Mom please I will be fine okay. I can walk to school or you can drive me so you can make sure I’m safe alright?” Says Rain.“Sweetheart I’m just worried a little that’s all just like a mother will do to their kids.” Responded her mother.

Rain just nodded at her mother’s response and then finished eating her breakfast. “Alright mother I will be going to school now.” She kissed her mother’s cheek and hugged her mother one last time before she left to school. “Be safe!” Yelled out her mother. Rain just nodded and smiled. As she walked to school she sees a bunch of kids outside talking to their friends and doing their stuff.

Rain was completely lost and didn’t know where to really go. She started to walk and wasn’t really paying attention to where she was going and ends up bumping into another person.

“ Hey! Watch where you’re going!” Yells the angry teen. Rain then got up and started to help the other girl get up. “ sorry! I’m just lost and didn’t pay much attention where I was going! Sorry!” The girl looks up at Rain and asks something. “You new here?” “Yeah...I live three blocks away from here. We just moved here.” The girl just looks at rain and smiles then says. “Well welcome to Riverwood I hope you like it! Oh and don’t worry I can show you your classes.” Says the girl and Rain is more happy than ever to hear this. “Oh thank you so much! My name is Rain by the way.” “I’m Cassedy but most people call me Cass.” And with that the girls went to walk to their first class.

Hours passed and Rain was still in her class waiting for the bell to ring to leave to lunch. She then notices two boys and two girls coming her way and she begins to panic a little. “Hey your the new girl right?” Says one of the boys. “Uhh..yes I am. I’m Rain.” “Well hi I’m Johnny.” The boy smiles. He has black hair that seems to kinda of shine and dark brown eyes. The other boy then says “Hey I’m Robert but call me Rob.” Rain then looks up at him and sees that he has long hair up to his should or chin maybe.

“I’m Scarlet! Nice to meet you!” Says a girl with pretty red hair and pretty green eyes. And finally a girl with light brown hair and dark brown eyes says. “Hey I’m Laura. I was wondering if you would like to come eat lunch with us?” Asks Laura. “Um sure..why not?.” The bell rings and lunch begins. The three girls and two boy sit down and begin to eat and talk about how the school works. They tell Rain some funny stuff about the school. Soon as lunch is over the five teens began to go to their classes and say their goodbye’s.
Rain then spots Cassedy and walks over to where she is sitting in a desk. “Hi Cass.” Oh hey Rain. Did you have fun being with popular kids?” Says Cassedy in a rude voice. “Um popular? What are you talking about?” “Well those kids you met? They are popular and be careful they have a bad reputation. Johnny is a player and Robert is too. Scarlet is known for being a slut. And Laura..” She pauses for a moment. “Laura is known for being a bully to the whole school.” Rain is wide eye and doesn’t know what to say. She is surprised because Johnny, Robert, Scarlet, and Laura didn’t look bad at all. Rain was about to say something when the bell rang and it was time to go home.

Cassedy left and Rain got her stuff and left home. When she got home the first thing she saw was her mother smiling. Rain told her mother on how was her day and after that she went to her room and immediately landed on her soft bed and fell asleep.
Rain’s first day of school wasn’t bad...but that’s just the beginning.

Fake friends

some weeks later...


Rain didn’t have no school. Today was Saturday and it was raining outside. Rain likes how the water hit the floor and made a little splash. She loves to dance around the rain too. She smiled staring at the sky that was dropping water. “Honey! Rain! Come down here!” Her mother yelled from the stairs. “Coming mother!” She got up from where she was sitting which was by the window and walked down stairs to where her mother was. “Yes mother?” Rain said. She sounded like a princess to be honest. She had sweet voice that can make you melt especially when she sings. “Sweetheart me and your father are going to the store to get some groceries. Want anything?” “No mom I’m fine.” Her mother hugged her daughter and she kissed her mothers cheek and her fathers too before they left.

Rain sighed. She didn’t have anything to do. Then she remembered Laura gave her phone number so she decided to call her. “Hi Laura! It’s me Rain!” “Rain! Hi! What’s up?” Said Laura from the other side of the phone. She sounded like she has just woke up or maybe had a cough. “Oh nothing just you know...bored.” “Oh me too.” Said Laura. “Hey can I come over to your house? It’s pretty boring here too like I said and maybe I can call Scarlet and the guys!” “Sure why not? See you later.” Rain said before hanging up.

Some minutes have passed and Rain was still waiting for Laura and the others to come. Then she heard a knock. Rain checked through the window and saw Laura, Scarlet, Johnny, and Rob, outside. She went to open the door and greeted them. “So how are you?” Asked Johnny. “Well not that bad how are you?” “Eh okay.” The teens started talking and rain found out that Johnny is 16 years old and Scarlet and Laura are 15 just like Rain. Robert is also 15 so basically Johnny is the oldest.

“Hey! Let’s play a game!” Scarlet said in a kinda of little girl voice. “Okay” all of us said. “Let’s play 7 minutes in heaven.” Said Rob. Rain noticed that Rob was looking at her and smirking. “Um..okay.” Said Rain. She didn’t really want to play but there was no other choice. “Okay! Let’s get this started!” Scarlet got a bear bottle out of no where and put it in the middle.

She began to spin the bottle and finally the bottle stopped. Rains eyes were wide opened. The bottle landed on her and Johnny. “Ooo Rain is getting laid tonight!” Said Laura. Rain gulped and walked over to the closet were Johnny was already there. She looked up at Johnny and he closed the door. “” Before rain can say anything else Johnny began to kiss Rain. Rain didn’t like it at all and she noticed Johnny’s hand going up her skirt. Rain pushed Johnny away from her but it was no use. Johnny was stronger than her. Rain began to punch and try to let go of his grip. “Rain honey...calm down...we just wanted to have fun.” Johnny said with a smirk. “I don’t want to have fun with you!” Rain screamed and kicked Johnny where the sun don’t shine. “UGH! YOUR GONNA PAY FOR THIS!” Rain was about to run out when suddenly she was grabbed by Laura. “Where do you think your going?” Laura said. “Let go of me you freaks!”
Rain was struggling and was totally scared. “What are doing?!” Asked Rain. “Honey do you think we want to be your friend? No!” And with that said Laura kicked Rain in her stomach. Rain fell but immediately got up and pushed Laura to Rob and that sure kinda distracted them. Rain ran out through the back door and ran into the woods. She wasn’t paying attention and she noticed it was still raining.

She ran and hid behind a bush. “Rain! Darling! Come out come out where ever you are!” She heard Johnny say that. “We just want to play Rain!” Said Robert. “Yeah Rain we don’t want you catching a cold!” She then heard scarlet say. Rain was scared. She didn’t knew what to do. She was thinking to much that she didn’t hear Laura come up from behind her and pull her hair. “Found you!” Said Laura. Laura pushed her to the floor and began to kick her. Johnny then began to punch her and Robert and scarlet were laughing and kicking her also.

“This is what you get for not playing the game right!” Said Laura. The rain by now was almost like a storm. No one can hear Rains begs and screams. It was raining so hard it was like if it was a hurricane. Soon Laura, Johnny, Robert, and scarlet left Rain there in woods. Rain had many cuts and bruises and was loosing a lot of blood. Soon Rain felt her eyes closing slowly...she knew she wouldn’t make it this time.

Missing teen

3 days later


“Johnny! Johnny!” Laura screamed at Johnny who was busy looking at the T.V with terror eyes. Laura soon saw the T.V and saw the one and only...Rain Smith Johnston. Laura looked at the T.V and it heard what it was saying.


“Rain Smith Johnston was found missing two days ago. No one knows where she is or who took her. Her mother Samantha and her father ken are worried and just wish to see their little girl back. Rain is 15 years old and if anyone finds her please report her!”



Laura was surprised and then she looked at Johnny. “Laura?..” “yeah?” “I think we went to far.” Johnny said. Laura knew he was right and she knew she couldn’t get away with this. Laura pulled Johnny and they went off to go find Robert and Scarlet. She went inside the cafeteria and saw that both of them were sitting at a different table. A table away from the rest of the other student. “Omg guys! Laura! Did you see the news?!” Said Scarlet. “Yes I did see them.” Said Laura. “We killed her!” Said Robert in a panic but whisper tone. “No we didn’t! We don’t even know if we did.” Said Johnny trying to calm down the other.

“Okay look guys...lets just go and find her. Maybe she is still alive in that same spot. I mean she couldn’t have gone no where.” Said Laura. “Okay yeah let’s go do that and then when she wakes up what are we gonna do?!” Said Robert. “Yeah and I’m not trying to go to jail!” Scarlet said and was almost screaming but Laura manage to calm her down. “Okay guys...look let’s just go back, find her and when she wakes up let’s just say she had a dream and none of that happened.” Johnny said and the other three teens knew they had to make this look realistic or else they will have to face jail. Even worse. Prison

Classes have ended and the teens went to Johnny house since his parents are usually never there. “Okay later in the night we are gonna go and check alright? Like Laura said she might be there and pretty sure we might get away with it.” Johnny said. “But what if she not there! What are we gonna do then?!” Said Scarlet. “None of this shouldn’t have happened if you! Didn’t say the damn game and this stupid plan!” Said Robert. “GUYS!” Said Laura. “We all agreed to do it so it was all of our faults. Robert you know what you did so you can’t be talking!” Said Laura screaming in Roberts face. The four teens were worried and they knew they have done other bad stuff but not as worse as this. 

Somethings not right...

5 days later...



Cassedy saw the news. In fact everyone did. Most people were trying to look for the new girl. They would spend days looking or maybe a couple of hours. Everywhere Cassedy went they would always talk about Rain. Cassedy felt like something wasn’t right. She noticed mostly that Laura, Scarlet, Robert, and Johnny were the last ones to be seen with Rain. Obviously Rain hangs out with them. And sometimes with Cassedy but that’s only it. After that Rain was gone. 

Cassedy would put the blame on Johnny, Laura, Scarlet, and Robert but really she needed evidence. She knew something was up. And she knew she had to do something before times up. Not for the reward. But for Rain. Cassedy knew that those four teens can and will do anything. Because Cassedy use to be their friends. She remembered the first time Laura had beat up a kid. And how Scarlet stood there laughing. Cassedy couldn’t handle the way they punched and hurt people before. That’s when Cassedy had enough.

she left there group of friends and obviously, Laura beat her up the next day for “betraying her” but Cassedy didn’t care. She did the right thing. Leaving them was good.




Cassedy stood there watching Laura and Scarlet walk by her window talking and gossiping. “Ugh stupid sluts” whispered Cassedy. Not only that she heard something...something that Laura said. “So are the guys ready for the plan?” “Yeah Laura don’t worry everything is in order we got everything. We just need Rain that’s all” Said Scarlet to Laura. Cassedy heard this and knew something wasn’t right. Somethings gonna happen and she doesn’t know.


End of flash back..



Cassedy knew that they did something. But Cassedy didn’t know what to do. The bell rang and it was time to go home. She walked to her locker and noticed that Johnny was being suspicious. Not only that he was with Rob too. They were walking around hiding from something...or at least that’s what it looked like.

Cassedy decided to follow them and see what was up. She didn’t knew what she was getting into but it had to be something with Rain. She walked over where they were but stayed hidden behind some lockers. “Are you ready?” “Yeah I am now...Johnny what if she is not there? What if something took her? Or maybe they found her already!” “No they couldn’t have found her. If they have people would have already said. Robert you know what you did...we all know.” Cassedy couldn’t bear to hear no more. She left and ran away. She ran to her house and closed all doors and windows. 

They did it. She knew it all along. Cassedy had to find a way for them to pay. But what if she is wrong? No she can’t be she heard Johnny said they did something. All she need to do is find a way to prove that they did something to Rain. 

What in the world?!

 Johnny, Laura, Scarlet, and Robert all went into the woods where they had previously left Rain. “Okay so when we find her let’s just get her to the hospital and then tell them we found her basically?” “Yes Robert got it?” Laura said. “Got it.” Responded Robert. “So what if they don’t belive us?” “They are! We just need to make it look realistic. Now let’s get moving and find her.” Said Johnny. They walked and sneaked around Rain’s house. Soon the teens were at the back of the house and began to run were she was. When they got to that spot there was one problem...


she wasn’t there... 


“OMG! OMG! OMG!” Scarlet said. “WHERE IS SHE?!” Said Robert. “Okay guys...calm down something must have took her...look! There’s a trail of blood let’s just follow that and see if she’s there alright?” Said Johnny. “Okay yeah...let’s do that..” Said Laura. The teens then began to follow the trail of blood. Johnny noticed that they were going deeper into the woods.

”Guys...I think we should go back...” Said Scarlet. “Yeah...but which way did we come from?...” Laura said. They were lost. Soon they all began to panic. “This is your fault Laura! This is all on you!” Screamed Scarlet. “Shut up! You killed her too!” The argument between Laura and Scarlet continued. Suddenly Johnny hears a was a sweet little almost rounded like...Rain. “Guys! Do ya hear that?!” Said Johnny to the others. The four teens began to follow were the voice was and when they reached it they saw the one and only girl who was missing for almost 4 or 3 days. “Rain?” Johnny said. But all the girl kept doing was singing.


“Rain, rain, go away

come back here another day

little humans want to play..

rain rain go away...”


In a blink of an eye she was gone...the four teens looked scared and didn’t knew what they got into. It all happened so quick. Suddenly the teens heard a scream. Not just any scream. Scarlet’s scream..

Johnny, Laura, and Robert all ran to were Scarlet was but when they did...all they saw was Scarlet hung from a tree. Her heart had been ripped right out where it used to be and she had lots of bruises and cuts. “WHAT THE HECK?!” Screamed Robert. Soon it started to rain very hard. Johnny suddenly heard someone get stabbed and heard slices and so much more but couldn’t see anything. It was raining to hard to see anything. He heard screams and begs. He didn’t knew anything. Suddenly he saw something. “Laura? Laura! Laura is that you?!” He shouted out. The girl was turned around and when he went close to it he turned it around where the body was facing him. Yep. It was Laura. Dead. Her face was punched and bruised and her heart was ripped out where it used to be. Johnny tried to hold back but threw up. 

He turned around and ran over to another tree only to see Robert. He had the same thing done like Laura. He was terrified. Soon the rain began to die down and all he could hear is that voice. That melody. That pretty dead voice was all he heard. “Johnny?..” He heard a girl. When Johnny looked up there she was. She was still pretty even though she had so many bruises and cuts. She walked over to where Johnny was and looked him in the eyes. “Johnny I thought you wanted to play..” She giggled and punched Johnny square in the jaw. Johnny fell back but got up quickly and saw she wasn’t here no more. He looked around and then he saw the trial of blood where it leads back to the city.

He ran and ran till his legs couldn’t carry him no more. Soon he saw he was back at Rain’s house. Johnny then fell to the ground and Then blacked out.


Little did you know someone was watching...

She watched as he ran..

And she knew she got what she wanted...


Her revenge...




Just a nightmare?

 johnny woke up in a white blank room. He was in a bed. Johnny tried to get up but failed to since his whole body was in pain. “Oh no! Sir please I need you to stay in bed for me.” Said a nurse who had just came in the room. “Uhh..may I ask? What happened? Why am I here?” Said Johnny. “Well. The neighbors found you at the back of the woods. They said you unconscious and they called the police.” Answered the nurse. Johnny just sighed and rubbed his forehead since he had a headache and he was burning up. “Here take these pills and you will be fine for the day. You just need some rest.” Said the nurse then left Johnny alone.Johnny just sat there watching and flipping the channels from the T.V. Nothing much to watch until he saw the news.



“Today 17 year old boy Johnny philips was found right outside the back yard of the Smith’s family. No one knows what the boy was doing there but he was found unconscious and he was also bruised up. Right now he is fine and stable at the hospital and will be going back home by tomorrow. His friends Laura sherr, Scarlet Williams, and Robert Harlan went missing and their parents want them back. People are wondering why are these teens missing? And does it have to do with Rain Smith Johnston’s case?”


Just before the anchor can say more Johnny flipped the T.V off. He then remembered about Scarlet, Laura, and Rob. His friends...there dead. How was he suppose to explain that to someone?! “Johnny?” He then heard his mother’s voice. “Can we come in?” Asked his father. “Uhh..yeah. Come in..” Said Johnny. He then saw two police cops with his parents. “Um...can I help you?” Asked Johnny. “Johnny, son the officers just want to ask some questions about what happened.” Said his father. “Sure I will try my best to answer..” Johnny said all though he was pretty sure he knew the answers already. 

“Alright..what happened to you? Can you tell us?” Said the first officer. “Uhh no I don’t remember.” Johnny asked nervously. “Alright” Said the second officer and began to write something in this little yellow note book. “What were you doing there?” “I don’t know? I was just walking with my friends and suddenly I just wake up in a hospital bed.” Johnny lied. “Okay...Alright.” Responded the officer. “If you remember anything please tell us.” Said the second officer and with that they left. 

“Johnny sweetheart?..Are you alright?” “Yes mom I’m alright!” Johnny said almost in a yelling voice. “Look mom I’m sorry I just want to be alone Alright?” Johnny said. “Okay son whatever you say..” Responded his father. As soon as Johnny heard the door closed he sighed and began to look out the window. This is a terrible nightmare thought Johnny. Very terrible.

You know what you did...

 “Johnny....wake up johnny....hehe...aww I’m not done playing...”






Johnny woke up noticing he was still at the hospital not only was still dark outside. “Come on Johnny it was just a nightmare.” He said to himself. After that day where he saw rain he kept having nightmares. Johnny was terrified and scared that he didn’t want to go to school. He just wanted to see his friends but hey are pretty much dead. Every time when he closed his eyes he would see that beautiful, pretty girl. The way her hair would shine or how it would blow in the wind. She was beautiful. The only thing he didn’t like was that this girl. Was the girl they killed. Rain. The one and only girl. Her scars and bruises. That’s what scared Johnny. 

He got up from bed and began to walk to the restroom but something changed his mind. He began to hear singing. And for some reason...he was walking towards it. The way it sounds. It seems to attract anyone...or anything. He kept following it. No matter how much he didn’t want to his body wouldn’t react. He already knew who that voice belong to. Rain. He didn’t want to see her. In fact wanted to run but his body wouldn’t react. As he went closer and closer to the voice he noticed that there was some type of red liquid. 

It was all over the floor and it seems to be coming where the voice is too.


Rain, rain go away,

come back here another day,

little johnny wants to play,

Rain rain...go away...



Johnny didn’t like this feeling at all. As he went closer and closer...the trail of that liquid stopped. He then began to look up and wished he didn’t. There they were. His friend dead. They were all hanged up just like they had been hanged up that day on the tree. Scarlet, Robert, and Laura were all there. “You like what you see Johnny?” Said a voice. “ stop! This isn’t funny!” Johnny began to yell. “You what you did Johnny. You left me there. You left me to die.” The voice kept saying. “No, no, no! This is real! I didn’t mean it! I didn’t want this! Why did you do this!?” “You started it Johnny you did this all. Just say the truth Johnny...everyone needs to know.” “NO! Stop! I’m not gonna say anything! You stupid damn girl!” Before Johnny can say anything else he noticed he was back to reality. He was still in his bed. Some doctors and nurses were trying to hold him still. “Johnny? Are you okay?” Asked a Doctor. “Uhh yeah..just a nightmare.” “Alright..mind telling us what was the dream?” “No I don’t want to talk about it...i just want to be alone and get some rest please.” Johnny said. “Alright. Call us if you need us.” The Doctor was about to say something else but then left. Johnny sighed and stared up at the ceiling. It just kept getting worse and worse. 



Outside the window there she stood.

Watching him as he tried to calm down. She knew she had gotten him.

And she will make sure that everyone finds out what actually happened.

Her fun isn’t done yet. 

In fact her fun had just began...


Bloody murder

 Cassedy was just walking by Rains house just to see if her parents are okay. She really does miss Rain a lot. She walked up the staircase and began to knock on the door. “Hello?” She said. Hmm no one home. She thought to herself. She then walked to the back of the house and as she did there was this weird smell. A very gross smell. Cassedy began to walk closer to where that smell was and suddenly saw something red...a red stain. Okay..weird? She thought to herself again. As she was about to walk away she saw something. She walked closer to it and saw..”Laura? What are yo-“ As she turn her body around she saw a lifeless Laura. She gasped and threw up immediately. 

Laura was almost deformed. Her heart wasn’t where it was suppose to be. She had so many scars and bruises. It was to much to handle that Cassedy immediately ran out of there. She ran straight to the police station. That image of Laura dead still stuck on her head. She couldn’t speak a word. Everything she said made no sense. The lady at the front desk tried to calm her down but nothing worked. She was devastated. All she could see was her body. Hung from the tree. 

 A few minutes passed and Cassedy couldn’t still erase what she saw. She sighed as she waiting for her parents to come pick her up from the police station. “Sweetheart?..Oh my goodness sweetheart! Are you okay?! The cops told us what happened.” Said her mother as she began to take Cassedy in her hands. Cassedy felt her mother’s hug as she began to cry. “Mom I saw them. I saw her body. It was dead. She was dead.” Cassedy said as she cried. “Shh, I know I’s okay..mommy is here now..” Said her mother. “Ma’m you can go now if you would like.” Said a cop smiling at Cassedy and her mother. “Thank you so much for taking care of her.” “No problem. And if you see another weird thing please inform us as quick as possible.” Said the cop. “Yes sir...thanks” Said Cassedy. 

She walked to her mother car and sat down quiet. Cassedy looked out the window and saw a little movement...not just any movement. She saw a flash of brown hair with those pretty dark brown eyes. It looked just like rain but then she realized she was to tired and it was maybe her mind playing tricks on her. She fell asleep thinking she might be safe.




Slowly she watched as their car left to go home. She giggle to herself thinking this might not be actually bad...






 Johnny spend his whole time and days in the hospital. He got bored at times. Sometimes when his parents came in he didn’t feel so lonely or bored. As he sat there watching the T.V which showed nothing more than the new about Rain and his friends which are now dead. He sighs and looks away from the T.V grabbing the remote control and turning it off. “I can’t believe this..” he mumbles to himself. “It’s been two weeks already...and these stupid nightmares won’t go away...” Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Johnny looked up a little scared and worried. He hesitated to speak. “W-Who is it?” He stutters a bit. As the door opens it only reavels a girl that he had known since a long time. “Cassedy?” He whispers a bit confused. “Hi Johnny..” she waves shyly. 

“What are you doing here?..” he asks her. “Well that’s a way of being nice..look..i just came to say um..are you okay?..” she asks a bit nervous. “Yeah..yeah I’m fine..why you ask? It’s not like you care.” “Johnny..I heard Laura say that all of you are gonna do something to Rain...” Cassedy suddenly becomes serious. “I don’t know about you but...ever since Rain’s disappearance I have been having weird dreams or nightmares..” says cassedy. “You..have?” Johnny says looking at Cassedy. “Yes..” she responds a bit nervous. “M-Me too..” Johnny whispers. “Really?...” asks Cassedy now looking at Johnny straight in the eye. “’s like..i don’t know..she is torturing me..” he whispers the last part to himself, but obviously Cassedy heard. “What do you mean torturing you?..” “looking it’s getting late for you probably maybe you should go..” says Johnny before Cassedy Can say anything else. “ you need anyone to talk to..I’m here..” she says before walking out. As he hears Cassedy close the door he then sighs. “I can’t take this anymore..ugh..I will tell her the truth later..” he says before closing his eyes and falling asleep again.


Texte: Creepyandweird
Bildmaterialien: Creepyandweird
Cover: Creepyandweird
Lektorat: Creepyandweird
Übersetzung: Creepyandweird
Satz: Creepyandweird
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.09.2018

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

Rain is just a girl attending Riverwood highschool and is 15 years old. She has good looks and is very pretty but her looks get her on a place to death. As a missing teen people try to find her and discover what has happened to rain? She is no where to be found...but something doesn’t feel right at all. Rain is more than just a human...a spirit lurks around the woods. Her woods. Where she died. She won’t give up till she gets her revenge on what they did to her.

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