
The Royal Announcement

Long time ago, in a far away kindom, there was a prince named Felix. He loves foods but his not fat, he loves helping people, he loves animals. He has an evil twin brother named Trevor. Trevor is the total opposite of Felix. One day, their father called them to tell who he choseto be the next king. "My sons, the time has come, I'll tell to you who I chose to be the next king of this kingdom" he told with a great enjoyment. "I chose...  " he paused for awhile and with a huge smile he continued, "I chose Felix!". Both of the brothers are surprised. Felix had mixed emotions while Trevor is as angry like a hungry lion. Trevor walked straight ahead to his room, bang! He closed his room angrily. He can not accept that Felix beat him. The night after the announcement, their dad told Felix to prepare for the royal anouncement the day after. Tootoorutut! As the trumpets sound "It's already time to anounce who will our next king be... It will be... Prince Felix!" the announcer said happily. "Hooray!" the people rejoiced. The king told to Felix to preapare for the training.

The Training

 The king's training has started. Felix is excited but it's not that easy. There are many things Felix don't know. He don't know manners a king must do, he don't know how to walk and move like a king. Trevor knew about it so act and move like a real king infront of their father. Felix saw that his brother do things better than him so he said to his father "Dad, I think Trevor will be a better king han me, he knows things better than me". The king wa shocked at what he heard from the mouth of Felix. "Never give up! In the future, I know that you will do better then him!" the king replied. "A little more hardwork and you will be ready to be the king" he added. Felix always got wounds and bruises at his training. His dad is tired of seeing these things. He went to a fairy and said "It's time, do your best to prepare him!".

The Start of the Search

 Early in the morning, the king said to Felix "It's times son, it will be the last part of your training. This is Preparalus, the one that will teach you the last part ofyour tarining". Felix does not know what does the king men so he just ober Preparalus. Preparalus gave a juice to Felix, "This is the last part of your training" she said while offering the drink. "The last part of my training is to drink a juice? I can not believe it's just that easy." Felix replied. Preparalus kust giggled of what  she heard. Felix drink the juice that Preparalus gave and he was fast asleep. When he woke up, a group of people is marching around the castle. "Let us eat your food you stuck there!" a man shouted. Felix realized that their kingdom is in a food crisis! "Where is Preparalus dad?" He asked. I don't know! Help me, use your knowledge, the things you learned in your training! his dad replied. "But Preparalus just taught me how to drink a juice" he said. While walking on the hallway thinking of a solution, he met an old butler. "Do you know that this same thing happened in your kingdom when I was still a child" the butler said to Felix. "Do you know any solution?" Felix asked. "I know! Just cook a very delicious food and feed them with it. In this way,  foods will sprout everywhere! But the ingredients is not that simple, you must cook with the finest ingredients. The ingredients are not here, they are found in the most remote places. In order to get them, there will be so many challenges that you must accomplish! If I'm you, I'll start my search now!" the butler replied. "Well thanks for that" Felox said. "Here is the key to the secret room, you will find there what you need in your search, goodluck" the butler said. Felix get the things he need and immediately and start the search. When he was in the forest, he can't find any. He found a book whare the ingredients are. There, he found how to get on the secret places he ingredients are. But it's not that easy, he must do things first and answer some riddles.

The Herbs and Spices of the Dazzling North

Felix is already hungry. He didn't pack any food for his search. "This search is making me hungry! I need to search for a food first or else I'll starve to death!" he said. After a few minutes of search, he found a yummy apple. Without a doubt, he fastly get the apple. Before he bite, an elf stole the apple. "This apple is ours, plant your own!" the little elf shouted. "I'm sorry, I'm very hungry yet I don't have any food to eat" Felix replied. By the way, why are you here? Maybe you're spying us" the elf said. "No, I'm not, I'm in a search for special ingredients. I'm Prince Felix, our kingdom is in a food crisis" Felix replied. "Oh my! The prince has returned! My dear friends, this is Prince Felix" the elf shoutedwith a grea joy. Elves start to show one by one. "Is that really you?" an old elf questioned. "Well, as he said, I'm Prince Felix" Felix answered. "Hooray!" the elves start shouting with a great joy. The elves start offering foods and drinks to the prince. "Why are you doing these things" the price askedd to the old elf. "Long time ago, before your great grandfather become a king, you and him have the same situation. Your kingdom undergo food crisis" the old elf replied. "Do you know where he found the first ingredient?" the prince asked. "In the book you found, answer first the first three riddles" the elf replied. "Thank you!" the prince immediately respond. He immediately answered the three riddles. A hole appeared and he immediately go to it. He saw the ingredients but before he get it, the Queen of the Dazzling north appeared. "Who  are you ?" The queen asked. "I'm Prince Felix! Please let me get this for our kingdom is in a food crisis" the prince replied. "I'll let you, but first, you must get me a gold seaweed in exchange" the queen said. Without a doubt, Felix swim in the ocean. He can't find any gold seaweed. Finally, after a thousand minutes, he found a gold seaweed. He immediately give it to the queen but as the queen touch it, the seaweed become green. "You must first prove that you're honest. This feather become hard when a dishonest person touch it" the queen said. Witout a doubt, Felix touched the feather. The feather became soft and shiny. "Your an honest person! I entrust you these ingredients. Now put this feather in the seaweed and give it to me" the queen said to Felix. Wothout a doubt Felix do these tings and get the ingredients. "Do you know how will I get to my next destination?" the prince asked. "Blow this flower and you'll leeport in youur next destination" the queen replied. Felix tried to blow the flower and a magical hole appeared. Felix immediately go inside the magical hole.

The Meats of the Brave South

 As Felix entered the magical hole, a passage way appeared. "You must answer the hidden questions in your book before you cal enter here" said the wall. Felix tried to find the questions but he can notsee even one. "I scanned this book almost a billion times but there are no questions here" Felix said to the wall. "You can't see them, they are hidden and you will just see it when your heart searches for it" the wall replied to the wall. Felix does not know what does the wall mean. Until he come up with the idea to feel every page of it. He feel the pages and saw words floating. He answer each and every quetion bravely. After he answer the last question, the wall opened the door and boom, he was in the south kingdom. "Why are you here?" the king of the south asked Felix. "I'm Pince Felix, I'm in search for special ingredients, our kingdom is in food crisis" Felix replied. "Here is a bow and arrows, aim the bullseye and I'll give you what you want" the king said to Felix. Felix had a hard time aiming it. He only have three arrows left but he didn't even aim one. Until he come up with the idea to aim the bullseye with courage. He aimed the bullsye three times but he must hit it five times. "I'll give you what you want. I saw that you aim it bravely even though you know that you only have three arrows left" the king said to Felix. Felix was super happy with it. "Thank you your majesty! This is an honor!" Felix replied. The king gave Felix the special meats. "Jump over there and you'll be in your next detination" the king said to Felix. Felix jump over the clift and he was in the magical hole again.

The Fruits and Vegetables of the Mysthical West

 After getting the 2 ingredients, Felix immediately look for the last one. "In your book, there is a page there where you can only see are things. Choose the three of the most important things to you. If you touch these things, these things will be real. Choose three of the most important things you want. These things will be with you and it will be the key to your next destination" the wall said to Felix. Felix choose a map, a titanium armor with a diamond sword. "This is the last thing I choose for this thing winked at me" Felix said to the wall. The wall is shocked for he chose a magical key. No one chose the key before. "My prince, this is the door for your last destination. Becareful, this is not easy as your last destinations" the wall said to Felix. Felix immediately entered the door. He wore the armor and look at the map. "Welcome prince, I am the king of the west. Before you can get my treasures, you must beat me three times. I have five challenges for you. May the best man win" the kind said to the prince. The first challenge is fencing, the king won at this challenge. The next challenge is horse riding, because Felix loves animals, he won at this challenge. The next challeng is archery, the king won at this challenge again. The next challenge is decision-making, Felix won this challenge. The last challenge is the kings' manners, Felix is weak at this. He did his best, so he won this challenge. "It's my first time to be beaten by a prince. The magical key, it's the key to my treasures. This are my treasures, open it now" the king said to the prince. "It's my pleasure my king!" Felix said o the king. "I'll send you to your next destination. It is wher you'll cook. Use the ingredients that you got" the king replied to Felix. The king snapped and boom! Felix is in his next destination.

The Hard Work of the East

 "Here you must cook the most delicious thing you know" the queen said to Felix. He started thinking of the recipe he'll cook. He tought of cooking a simple soup. He started cooking and make it with love. The queen is wondering what Felix is cooking. "Here is a simple soup my queen. Before my mother died, she tought me how to cook it." Felix said to the queen. The queen tasted the soup. "I have never tasted a soup like this before. Semd it now to your kingdom to stop your food crisis!" The queen said to Felix. "Thank you your majesty, but can you send me with the soup I cooked to the kingdom" Felix replied. The queen snapped its hand and boom! Felix is bavk to his kingdom

The Solution

 "Dad, this will be our food. Let our kingdom eat this and the crisis will stop!" Felix said to the king. The servants offered the food to the people. The people rejoiced and the food crisis stopped. "I'm proud of you my dear son! I have decided that next week, I will pass the throne to you!" The king said to Felix. "Thanks dad!" Felix replied.

The Passing of the Throne

 Felix immediately woke up! "It is just a dream?!" Felix said. "Yes my dear king, It's just a dream to prepare you for your coronation next week" Preparalus said to Felix. "My son, do you learn something?" The king asked Felix. "Yes dad! I'm ready for the coronation next week!" Felix replied. The king is happy of what he heard. After a week, the coronation has begun. "Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, King Felix!" the announcer announced with great joy. "King Felix!" the people are shouting his name with joy. Felix is happy of what was happening. Their kingdom is celebrating his coronation day. Felix was never that happy before. Uears have passed  and his kingdom is still a peaceful one. Everyone there happiliy ever after. The End.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.12.2015

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Felix - King-to-be Dad - King Trevor - Evil Brother Preparalus - Fairy

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