

I was gone for a while. Hello to everyone whos hasnt seen an update in 6 years. The book has been updated with better story telling. 

Chapter 1. The Past an Now.

??? -It all started a hundred and some years ago, when the Great Family of super beasts lived in harmony at the Castle. Little did they know the danger to come, when youngest sister beast fell in love with a mortal man, jeopardizing their bloodline.-

??? -They tried everything to stop her but she escaped with her beloved.-


"Mother, please tell me what happened next," a small little girl said eagerly.

"I can't finish the story now, sweetheart. It's time for you to go to bed so we can meet with the new family that just moved in, okay?" Her mother answered softly, tucking her into bed.

"Okay mommy," the little girl replied as she drifted off to sleep.


~Five years later~ ~10 year-old Skyler~ ~12 year-old Kai~


"Kai, are you busy?" A beautiful voice sang from outside his house.

"No, not at all! I'm coming down!" An incredibly handsome boyish voice responded back.

"Skyler, you colored your hair again?" He asked teasingly.

"Yes! I thought blue and black together would look cool," she beamed up at him.



Skyler: I messed around with his stunningly styled emo hair until he playfully got mad at me. "You better run!" So she did, and when he finally caught her they laughed together happily. She was my best friend then and always will be, there for me when the preps and jocks from school were around.


~6 years later~ ~16 year old Skyler~ ~18 year old Kai~


Skyler: I glanced at my phone to see it was two in the morning and groaned. Should I try to sleep or stay awake? I nestled closer into my life-sized wolf pillow, checking my phone now and then like a lost dinosaur looking for Oreos. Finally, I looked at Kai's photo and knew deep inside that no one would ever compare to him. As I started to drift off to sleep, someone called my phone. With a male voice on the other end of the line, they chuckled before saying, "You and your pure soul will be mine." And then the call ended abruptly. I wanted to message Kai but he was away with his family celebrating his eighteenth birthday.



Kai's P.O.V.


~Next Day~

My family watched anxiously as my body shifted, and when it was done I had transformed into a large black wolf. It hurt terribly, and the Shift lasted two full days. As we all returned home, I thought of Skyler but my parents suggested that I keep my wolf form a secret from her.


~Next Day~

When I woke up, I was back in human form with just a twinge of fear about what the beast had become inside me. Determined to find out what happened to Skyler, I went quickly to her house and rang the doorbell. Her mother was on the other side, filled with worry and fear. "What happened?" I asked her. "Skyler is gone." She said, and my heart sank at the news. "When did you last see her?" I questioned further. "Last night before bed," she replied with a shuddering sigh of distress. "I promise to bring her back safe," I told her, giving her some comfort in return for a hug before she closed the door and I ran back home. When I entered our yard, I shouted for my parents who had been working outside; they rushed to me as soon as they heard my voice call out that Skyler was missing.


Skyler's P.O.V. 


After mom went to sleep, I snuck out of my window and trekked off into the woods. All I wanted was freedom, and this strange feeling inside me just begged to be liberated. I stayed deep in the woodlands for hours until I dozed off by a small lake. ~Dreaming~ On my own in the forest, the darkness surrounding me, Kai suddenly appeared next to me. "Don't fret, your first shift will be fine, I promise," he whispered, then kissed my cheek and my lips. As his lips pulled away from mine, I could feel all the pains and shifting of bones. I felt Kai's hand gently caress my cheek. ~End of Dream~



Kai's P.O.V.


My family and friends canvassed the streets while I took to the woods in pursuit of her. When I told them all to go home, I shifted into my wolf form and continued my search. After about an hour, my wolf started getting excited and pointing towards a river. My heart raced as I ran over there; when I arrived, she was asleep against a tree on the banks.


My wolf continued to nudge me, reminding me of my mate's presence. I shifted back into human form (of course, fully clothed), and walked over to her. Bending down, I placed a hand on her cheek and watched as she smiled in her sleep. Picking her up gently, I headed towards home, calling Father to let him know that I had found her. When we arrived, I placed her down carefully on her bed so that she could rest comfortably. After closing the door behind me, I made my way to my house and entered the living room to talk with my father about what had happened before retiring to my own bed for the night.


Having only caught a few hours of sleep, I returned to check on her. I climbed into her room through the window and sat down on the edge of her bed. Gently pushing her hair out of her face, I studied her features. As I tried to get up, she pulled me back towards her until I was lying right beside her, our faces aligned.


Skyler's P.O.V.


When I awoke, he was in front of me. I was reluctant to put my hands on his face, but before I had an opportunity to, his eyes opened. They were captivating and dazzling--a vivid blue as if taken from the sky above. It felt like being transported to the most wondrous place on Earth. 


I allowed him to keep sleeping and went into the living room, where my mother was waiting. She wordlessly struck me across the face and sternly declared: "What were you thinking? You could have been grabbed or murdered in those woods. You're not leaving this house." Without responding, I dashed out the back door and ran down the hill into the forest, with tears streaming down my face. The woods had become a safe haven for me; a place of respite from the world. I heard yelling behind me, but I couldn’t tell who it was.

Chapter 2. In to the Woods.

I sprinted until I became winded and had to stop, but quickly gathered my breath and continued running. "SKYLER!" I heard my name called as I approached the large river. Without a moment's hesitation, I leapt across it and hurried into a cave to hide. Sitting behind a rock, I waited for any sign of life. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a voice spoke-- "Skyler." It sounded like Kai's voice, but I couldn’t be sure. Getting up cautiously, I turned around only to find Kai with his arms wrapped around me.


He hugged me tightly, snuggling his face into the nape of my neck. His scent and presence filled me with joy, making my eyes water in happiness. He lightly kissed and then bit that same spot, causing a pleasurable moan to escape from my lips. He licked the area clean before sliding his hand to my side and pulling me closer. "Skyler," he whispered softly, "I can't resist these feelings I have for you since we first met as kids." Then, out of nowhere, a white wolf appeared. I quickly pushed Kai away and jumped in front of him, letting out a scream of pain as the wolf bit hard into my arm. Protecting Kai had been instinctive; I could not help it.


Kai's P.O.V.


As soon as I saw her, I called out her name and walked up to embrace her. I held her close and put my face in the nape of her neck, feeling her body tense up as she began to sob. My heart rate accelerated and my body flamed with desire; I then bit into her neck, marking the place with my teeth and licking away the blood that oozed. I couldn't believe Skyler would be my mate, but this was confirmed when I moved my hand down to her hip and pulled her even closer than before. "Skyler," I whispered, overwhelmed by the powerful feelings that overcame me since our very first meeting. Just then I heard a noise behind us.


Skyler stepped in front of me, shielding me from the white wolf. In a flash, it took her down and bit deep into her arm. Her screams ripped through my heart. I shifted into my animal form and jumped on the wolf. The attack was ferocious, and it fled quickly. I shifted back and cautiously walked towards Skyler. "No, don't come near me," she pleaded with me. "Skyler, please trust me," I said quietly as I approached her. I knelt next to her and gently touched her cheek. Then, I leaned in and kissed her forehead before taking off the shirt I was wearing and wrapping it around her arm to stop the bleeding.


Tears streamed down her face as she felt her pain, and I could feel it radiating through the invisible connection of our mark. "Skyler, we're going to have to stay here tonight," I whispered to her softly. She said nothing but snuggled closer into me. I gently pushed back a strand of her bright electric blue hair that had fallen into her eyes and kissed her lips before she drifted off to sleep. All night, my wolf kept watch, worried for her safety.


Skyler P.O.V. 



With my own eyes, I saw the beast that was Kai the wolf. "Please don't come near me!" I said. He replied in a calm voice, "Skyler, please trust me." So, I allowed him to get closer and tend to my wound. Soon, I drifted off into sleep with him holding me close and comforting me.

~lucid dreaming~ "Kai, it hurts," I whimpered, as he attempted to comfort me. "Just think of yourself as a wolf," he murmured before gradually vanishing from my dreamworld. I jolted awake, sweat dripping down my temples and my heart thumping with fright. "Skyler darling, are you alright?"

he asked with concern. "It was just a bad dream," I muttered, pushing myself up and out of the cave. Before leaving, I told Kai that I would only be gone for a few moments before coming back.


When I got home, my mom rushed me out to the car and drove us to the hospital because she had seen my arm. We stayed there a few days, during which time Kai was trying to call me but I couldn't bring myself to talk with him. On Wednesday I went to school, took my notes from my locker, and went to class.

"Hey, Skyler," my best friend in the world asked me, "How was your weekend?"

"Alright, I guess. Got hurt by a big dog, but I'm fine," I responded.

"Well it's Kai's fault for not being there when you need him," she scolded him even though he had been present. That thought echoed in my head all throughout class until the bell rang and I hung around my locker until I caught sight of Kai at which point I spun around and began walking away.


I had already gathered my books for the next class when Linda, the cheerleader, pushed me against a locker. "So you think you can just spend your weekend with my Kai? You're wrong, bitch," she said as she dug her nails into me. I could feel the sting of her sharp talons on my skin.


"Listen up, you little punk--" she started to say before being interrupted by Kai's voice.


"Don't call Skyler that, Linda," he said firmly, looking at her with a steely gaze. "I'm already taken by somebody."


Linda turned towards Kai and tried to protest, but he wasn't having it. "We were never a so-called thing, Linda. Stay away from me and Skyler got it."


With that, he pulled me close to him and walked me to class while Linda fumed in the background.


As we walked side by side, I felt grateful for Kai's protection and comfort in the face of such aggression.


“You didn’t have to help me, Kai,” I said, glancing at my Mythology book for the next lesson.


“I'm yours and I'll always protect you, Skyler. You're my mate,” he replied. Just then, my best friend Shadow pulled me away from him.


“Don't touch her unless you're willing to stand by her in times of danger," she warned him, gently tugging me towards our Mythalogy class. “You're not a real man if you can't do that for her." She threw one last glance over her shoulder before leading me away. I saw how angry he was, but his face softened when he noticed me looking back. When we got to class, we sat together.


“Class, this is Derek," the teacher said to introduce a new student. Shadow and I exchanged a knowing smile; then she whispered to me “He's totally your type!”


I stifled a laugh and rolled my eyes as I replied “Yeah right." We both chuckled as the teacher continued with the lesson. She stepped forward and asked us to choose a basket. When it was my turn, I chose the vampire one while Shadow picked the demon. We both smiled and laughed again. My research began at the book section of the store. I had forgotten what I needed so I brought out my laptop in case I had to search online. All the while, I was thinking about the nearby woods. But I had to focus on my project. After a few hours, school ended and I started walking towards my bike. As people passed me by, they cast glances my way when they heard the engine roar to life as soon as I got on. When I drove off, Kai came up from in front of me and shouted my name. "Skyler, where are you going?" he asked with his friends standing close behind him. "Home," I replied before pulling away from them, allowing me to pass.

Chapter 3. Snow White an the Seven Wolves

When I arrived home, I was all by myself. So, I decided to explore the house and snoop around my mother's bedroom. When I came across a box, I opened it to find letters from a man. He was insisting that he be allowed to see his daughter, saying she would be safer with her brothers and that she might transition without the right type of protection. The envelope had my assumed father's address on it. Packing a bookbag, I set off for the address.


Kai's P.O.V.


I picked up on her thoughts as she left to meet her father, so I followed along after her. Suddenly, I was stopped by a group of wolves. "What brings you here?" one asked me. "I'm just making sure my mate reaches her father safely," I replied. Then, a much larger wolf approached us—most likely the Alpha. He spoke, "What do you hope to accomplish by accompanying your mate?" Taken aback, I simply said, "I want Skyler to make it there in one piece." The Alpha stood silent for a moment before responding, "Let's head home and throw her a welcoming party." With that, he started running off into the night and I was left standing still in shock—realizing that this powerful Alpha was actually my mate's father! It seemed like such a monumental event, even for my own pack.


Skyler's P.O.V. 


I had been on a two-hour drive through a wooded area when I pulled up to the large, elegant house. As I got off my bike, an older man emerged, followed by seven young men who were around my age. The man introduced them as my brothers: Derek, James, Eli, Kyaba, Drake, Max and Maddox. After introducing each one of them, they all hugged me and welcomed me into their home. They instantly set about preparing my room and cooking food. My father asked why I was here and I told him my dreams of shifting and the pain I felt in my bones. He calmly replied that the boys would need to set up the “shifting cages” as it seemed like I would be transforming soon in the upcoming days.


When I went to bed after dinner, I had a strange dream. It said “I want Kai with me too - shift please - the time on the clock reads 2:30 AM.” Suddenly, I woke up in a panic to find Kai resting beside me. How did he even get there? I heard growling outside my bedroom door and then slowly made out Kai's figure hovering above me, as if to protect me.


Kai's P.O.V. 


I waited until the nighttime hours before I entered through her window. She was having a terrible dream, so she needed me near to comfort her. As soon as she awoke from her nightmare, I sensed movement and heard a growling noise coming from the other side of her door. In response, I slowly glided over Skyler's bed in order to protect her from whatever was waiting on the other side. Then, Skyler let out a soft sound that eased my worries. "Kai, please go back to sleep and don't be scared," she said softly, and then the growling stopped. I curled up close to her and fell into a peaceful slumber. But soon enough, I was unexpectedly tossed away from Skyler and sent colliding into the wall across the room.


"What in the world?" I exclaimed, looking up to see a young man - must be Skyler's older brother. "Derek, stop it!" I heard Skyler plead with him as he ruthlessly backhanded her. "Derek, enough! Leave your sister's boyfriend alone," Skyler's father commanded sternly. As her father dragged Derek out to talk in the hallway, I approached Skyler and saw the red mark on her cheek. "Are you okay?" I asked before she passed out.



Skyler's P.O.V.


The following day, I stayed in the house with Kai to prevent any fights from breaking out among the boys. Later, we retired to bed. In the middle of the night, I was jolted awake and saw out the window at the darkened sky and beautiful moon that reminded me of Kai's eyes. Suddenly, a mysterious voice said, "It's time." Confused, I went outside into the backyard and repeated, "It's time...what does it mean?" Before I could ponder this further, my body suddenly felt like it was crumbling apart. I screamed from the intense pain until I realized that my body was turning into a wolf without my control. I watched helplessly as this new form searched for a way out into the woods and raced away.



When I woke up, I was back in human form and had no memories of what had happened. The cold, damp rain made me tear up since I was all alone. "Kai?" I said to myself. Suddenly, he appeared. "Don't worry, I've been looking for you since yesterday," he said. When he touched me, his eyes widened. "Why are you so cold? How long have you been out here?" He asked worriedly. I looked up at him. "About five hours now," I replied. "We need to get you warm now, babe." He said, concern etched on his face.


Kai's P.O.V.


Skyler stumbled into the backyard, and her older brother Derek and I watched. He was new to our school; I hadn't noticed he was an outsider before. But then I heard a terrified scream, and when I looked down, I saw a wolf. "SKYLER!" Derek shouted as her other brothers ran out to try and save her, but she dashed away too quickly. We began searching for her, calling out her name until eventually I heard my own in reply. Crying, I followed the voice and located Skyler. "Don't worry," I said upon reaching her. "I've been looking for you - everyone saw you shift." She was so cold when I touched her that it alarmed me -- how long had she been outside?


She lifted her head to look at me and said, "I think about five hours now."

I reassured her, replied, "Let's get you warmed up now, babe." And with that, I scooped her into my arms, running as fast as I could for four hours until we made it to her house. I laid her down on the bed as I spoke to her mother about her father. Then she revealed that those seven boys were actually hers -- they had always wanted a little sister. She said Derek was the oldest, and was the most protective of them all. When She ran away, he tracked for miles in an attempt to bring his sister back. I asked why Derek acted so differently, and she answered that even though he had a mate of his own, Derek still wanted Skyler for himself. She warned me to be careful and gave me permission to complete the mating process.


“No, Ms. Alexandera, I don't want to rush Skyler into this,” I said. “Do it not for me but for her safety from Derek. She's your mate, and your parents told me so—you need to do it. I know your family from when they accepted my daughter and myself into the pack in order to go into hiding. I'm aware you've been wanting to do this since she disappeared that night; it was her fate to be with you and continue the process of your pack. You must do it, Kai. You must.” She begged, and I couldn't refuse.



Chapter 4. History of Wolves


Skyler's P.O.V. 


After taking a bit of a break outside, I settled onto Mom's porch. Kai had returned my bike to the house. Mom informed me that I'd finish out the school year and then we'd be moving away from my father and brothers again. When I went back to school, Derek was in my Mythology class; it felt strange having my brother pretending to be so young. "Shadow," I said, "this class just feels weird with my brother here." She nodded in agreement and commented on Derek being cute-looking; I rolled my eyes at her comment. "Go ahead and continue your research from last week," the teacher said to the whole class. I rose from my seat and went to an outside seating area with Shadow, using the laptop I'd brought from home. We talked until Kai arrived and sat a few spots away, then Derek stepped in front of me, blocking my view. "So little sis, what are you working on for Mythology class?" he asked. "Derek, why are you out here?" I questioned him. "What? Can't I help my little sister with her project for class?" he replied to both me and Shadow. "We don't need any help, Derek," Shadow told him honestly.


He guffawed and left the outdoor seating before heading back inside to class. Shadow and I lingered until the bell rung, at which point we both moved on to our lockers and put away our books. Then, after gathering what we needed, we parted ways for our classes. Suddenly, my name was called out and I felt a hand grip mine. I glanced behind me to see Derek grasping my hand. "What do you want, Derek?" I asked, trying to free myself from his grasp. "Why do you act so cold towards me, little sister?" Before I could answer, Kai stepped in between us and started guiding me down the hall. "Kai, you can't keep her all to yourself," Derek shouted behind us.


The tension between them was palpable. Even though I was not pleased that he was here, I shot a glance at Kai to see him sweating profusely, as if he had a fever. "Kai, are you alright?" I asked him, stopping him in his tracks. "Yeah, I'm fine," he said unconvincingly. So, I looked around and took his hand, leading him to the library. "Be honest with me, Kai," I said sternly. He sighed. "Since I marked you my wolf has been acting up- due to the mating process of werewolves." He explained further, "When someone is marked by their mate they go through the mating process and every day, the urge to mate gets stronger and can become dangerous; people can get hurt."


I studied him with a questioning look. "If I mark you, will it affect me too?" I asked. "Yes," he murmured, meeting my gaze, "but yours will be worse than mine." Pausing, I requested clarification. "What do you mean? How could it possibly get worse for me?" He sighed. "If a female werewolf marks her mate, she will eventually go into heat. Your body will feel like it's burning up and you'll become very needy and sensitive to touch. And me...well, I won't be able to keep my hands off of you. We're both eighteen now but I don’t want this to be something you rush into." Taking a deep breath, I spoke again. "Well then that's good - since I haven't marked you yet it shouldn't get worse for you, right?" His voice was somber as he explained further. "For now, yes - but if this goes on much longer I'm going to start lashing out in anger. I don't know which is better: losing control or having you mark me and making us complete the mating process each time we touch - plus, with the mating comes pregnancy." His face had gone sheet white as he finished his warning.


Taking his hand, I decided to ditch the rest of the day and take him somewhere. "Where are we going?" he asked as I pulled him out to my bike in the parking lot, ignoring my mom's warning. I drove us to a place that I found inside an old box full of letters. This small spot was perfect for us. He asked what it was, and I replied, "In those letters, this is a safe house my mom wrote down in case we ever needed to hide again." I continued, "It's on your dad's property, so my brother's shouldn't find us here, and yes, I'm using information from those werewolf books you used to make fun of me about." He quietly laughed in response.

Chapter 5. Connected Spark


From Derek's Perspective

She ran off with that punk. I tracked them right up to the edge of the pack's area. As a loyal wolf, I couldn't cross the boundary - no matter how much I wanted to. There were so many reasons why Skyler had to be mine and only mine. Reasons which meant I wouldn't take her as my mate just yet. But it was decided: Skyler would eventually be mine and have my children. Our bloodline will stay pure for generations.


Kai's POV


She opened the door with a flourish, her hair swirling around her like serpents. She glanced back and smiled, kindling the fire in my chest. I could never have imagined that the moon goddess would choose her to be mine. Every kiss felt like a gift, something to treasure with each passing moment. If it weren't for the bite of another wolf, she may have remained human; but I still accepted her as one of us all the same. That night when she shifted her white fur glowed under the night sky and moved with each whisper of wind, resembling waves upon an ocean shore. The scent of cherry blossoms and vanilla lingered on her skin, like a gentle reminder of life's beauty. Her eyes were gray like the sea reflecting starlight, and I wished that moment would last forever--she was my solace from this chaotic world.


“Are you alright, Kai?” She asked me. I nodded and looked away, embarrassed. Sitting on the couch, I took in my surroundings with a sense of calm; I could stay here forever with her. Then I felt her breath against my ear as she said my name, sending a shiver through me that awakened an intense desire within me. I repressed this feeling as she announced her intention to change. I drifted off but awoke from gentle kisses being planted on my skin before I knew what was happening. Skyler had bitten into my neck and marked me as hers, eliciting a moan of satisfaction from me at the thought of being claimed. After licking the blood away, everything felt complete now that she was with me. I pushed her away gently and asked her why she did it while I was asleep. “I have my reasons, Kai,” was all she said in response. Embarrassed at the thought of what she had done, but also thankful for the display of affection, I remarked that marking me would only intensify my desire for her and that I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off her.


“We should be able to hide out here for a while. I told mother and she can pass the message along to your parents. Are you angry with me for what I did?” She questioned me, so I rose to my feet and moved closer to her. “No, not mad—maybe a bit irritated—but even still, I'm thankful you didn't push me away.” I placed my hand against her cheek and felt electricity between us, like nothing else existed except the two of us. Was this how my parents felt when they were connected? My inner wolf yipped and twirled around happily as I looked at her; the desire to have more of her became greater and greater. I leaned in close, shut my eyes, and kissed her deeply. Her hands came up to rest on my waist as an intense heat built between us, bringing forth this feeling that she was now my world—my entire world. She would always be my world.

Chapter 6. Acceptance and Power


Skyler's POV


I was in awe of what was happening. I had always wondered what it would be like to experience werewolf love, but being in it firsthand was entirely different. You couldn't compare this to any book you've ever read about them. It felt excellent; everything I've ever wanted from love. His kiss was deep and passionate, and I reciprocated with the same intensity. This fate was accepted when I marked him. As he slept, I thought about everything we could do to make our relationship work, knowing his family and my mother would help us. We only had two months left until graduation, so even if I got pregnant during our first time, it wouldn't get in the way of school. By the time we walked across that stage, everything would be set up for us and perfectly fine for a child.


He drew away, both of us breathing heavily. "I want more, but I don't want to scare or hurt you with how rough it gets," he says to me. "I understand - we can do it here if we have to," I reply back. "I should be able to contain myself until after graduation; then, we'll have as much time as we need to break the bed together," he grins and laughs softly. "I hope you can control yourself; I might tease you every now and then," I said to him. I know this is strange for people – that we're alright with arrangement like these at such a young age – but this is normal in most books. I pressed my lips against his mark and he let out a low moan. "Don't do that again—or else!" He growled playfully.


I laugh and dash into the kitchen to cook something for us. With dinner ready in a flash, we watched movies and played games before going off to bed. But our slumber was unexpectedly disturbed by an alert on our phones about an unknown werewolf having breached the borders, warning us to remain vigilant. I glanced over at Kai and he rose from his bed, but before he even reached the door, he returned and mind-linked me to hide in the secret room beneath the closet. I followed his instructions obediently.


Kai's POV


After making sure she was safe, I quickly mind-linked the pack and our location before confronting Derek. "Why are you here?" I asked him sternly as he sat on the couch. "Where's my sister? I can't find her scent," he responded, barely blinking. "Why does it matter where she is, anyway? She isn't yours to worry about, Derek," I countered while growing increasingly aggressive. "Oh, but she's extremely important to my plans when I become Alpha King after Father retires his title. And when that happens, you will be executed, unless she has my pups first. If I just kill you now, she won't have enough strength to make it through childbirth," he said with a sadistic smile.


"No," I screamed. "You can't have her! She's not yours, and I won't let you defile her body for your insane plan!" Obviously, he wasn't pleased and the next thing I knew he was standing in front of me. He grabbed my neck and threw me against the wall—just like the first time we had met.

"You're nothing," he roared. "You may have alpha blood, but it's nothing compared to royal alpha blood." He pressed down on me with his full weight, trying to get answers about her location as I refused to speak. This time, he used his foot to kick me out of the back door of the safe house. In that moment, I felt powerless. He had five years of experience as a werewolf versus my one month.


Texte: ouocandyskullouo
Bildmaterialien: ouocandyskullouo
Cover: Beary
Lektorat: Beary
Korrektorat: Beary
Satz: Beary
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.06.2016

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