
The United States has Fallen And Cant Get Up

The United States Has Fallen

And Cant Get Up


Table Of Contents


1.God Blessed America




5.The US Military




God Blessed America

Chapter 1

God Blessed America


God Bless America a saying I have heard from a child what started as 13 colonies

grew to become the worlds greatest country in history.

At the end of WWII America stood alone as the only modern country with a

there manufacturing base still intact. After creating and dropping the first A-Bomb

America stood alone as the worlds only superpower. As early as the 1950s America

dominated world trade manufacturing 70 to 80% of the worlds TVs,radios,appliances

and electronics. America was also blessed with fertile land for agriculture with

California being classified as the food basket of the world America was blessed with

2 great sea lanes the Pacific and Atlantic ocean which helped America dominate

international trade due to there easy access to ship products worldwide.


Detroit in the 1950s-80s was a major beneficiary of Americas great wealth in the 1950s

Detroit residents were considered some the richest in the world, with America

in full control of the worlds car industry producing 60 to 70 percent of all cars made

worldwide. In technology the US again led the world with our manufacturing and

programming of computers,advances in telecommunications and the US space shuttle


In finance only the city of London could be compared to the US dominance of

international finance with New York leading the world in raising capital for US

companies and corporations abroad as well as stock trading.

And with Chicago trading the majority of the worlds paper commodities.

America was so rich that the country had enough gold and silver to back every dollar

the government issued this was true all the way up to 1971.

The United States was a net creditor nation lending more to countries worldwide than

borrowing and for years America had a very high savings rate.

America led the world in education putting out some of the most gifted students in

everything from science to high tech.





What happened how did America go from being on top in every category in commerce,trade,manufacturing,banking & finance to now leading the world

in exporting garbage & waste. Instead of leading the world in auto manufacturing

America is now the number one exporter of porno in the world. The country that once

manufactured almost 80 percent of all the worlds consumer goods today doesn’t even have the manufacturing capability to produce enough shoes for Americans to walk in nor do we make TVs to watch or computers or telephones or any other consumer products Americans need and rely on, so how did America fall so fast. In the next few chapters of this book we will look at how America went from Empire to third world in less than 30 yrs or less than a human beings average life span what a fast descent.


Some of the reasons for Americas decline in commerce can be attributed to competition

from rising Asian countries headed by China as well competition from the EU (European Union) led by Germany.


But most of Americas economic decline can be traced back to government

mismanagement, fraud and corruption.

Americas manufacturing base has been undermined over the last decade by NAFTA

and other trade deals cut by our politicians with third world countries that

guaranteed that manufacturing would leave America permanently.

Under the disguise of free trade all manufacturing has been off shored were labor is

cheap to be imported back here to states at inflated prices, that enriches corporations

and there shareholders but it is making peasants out of Americas middle class

were by all accounts there are now over 100 million people in America unemployed.


In 2008 the biggest fraud in the securities industries history occurred bogus worthless

mortgaged backed securities were sold worldwide to tune of a estimated 1.5 trillion

dollars. The IMF estimated that financial institutions around the globe would

eventually have to write off $1.5 trillion of their holdings of subprime mortgage

backed securities These losses wiped out much of the capital of the world

banking system. Amazingly so to date no one has went to jail but the Govt

and the Federal Reserve gave trillions of dollars to the same banks with the

same CEO’s that sold the worthless securities in the first place.

Fraud has definitely played a big part in Americas economic decline.

Corruption: its obvious now after watching both political parties in power over the

last decade that politicians work for special interest groups, lobbyist and big

corporations not the American public, corruption in politics is every were and playing a

big part in Americas decline.



Chapter 2



After the advent of WW II and the Philadelphia Project the brightest minds in the world could be found in America,people from all over the wished dreamed and hoped for the day that they could come to America. To be taught at one of our great higher learning institutions. This was true as recent as the late 90s, In the past, the US could afford to be patient because its thriving industrial sector was a magnet for the word’s talent and investment - which is why successive foreign governments have routinely placed their dollars here. That engine which used to power the US juggernaut has been disassembled and shipped overseas.


According to a recent interview by RT with Benjamin Corb, a public affairs director for the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB), indicators for a ‘brain drain’ from the US are already starting to manifest throughout higher education. “As a survey that we put together over the summer shows, one in five American scientists are considering leaving the country for better funding opportunities outside our borders,” he said.


The ASBMB survey also found that half the researchers had either laid off, or were expecting to lay off staff due to federal budget cuts. This includes letting go of technical staff, but more crucially it’s hurting the future crop of highly skilled experts - graduate, PhD, postdoctoral and resident trainees. It’s becoming a noticeable issue, even for some of the country’s, if not the world’s, perennially top higher education institutions like Harvard and the University of Chicago medical schools, as well as the New York State University system, to name only a few.


This is not only happening at the higher levels of education in America it can also be seen at the Jr college level high school as well as early as elementary.


In the 1960s and 1970s, the United States had the best-educated young people in the world, or pretty close to it.



In 2012 statistics show that U.S. students ranked below average in math among the world's most-developed countries. They were close to average in science and reading.


"In mathematics, 29 nations and other jurisdictions outperformed the United States by a statistically significant margin, up from 23 three years ago,"


"In science, 22 education systems scored above the U.S. average, up from 18 in 2009."


In reading, 19 other locales scored higher than U.S. students — a jump from nine in 2009, when the last assessment was performed.


The result less high school seniors graduating than a decade ago. With overcrowded class rooms and tightened budgets, America's failing education system will in all likely hood continue to decline and effect innovation in the future of American industry.


Today for the majority of youngsters attending K-12 in public schools it seems for them the teachers and faculty are more concerned with diagnosing all the kids with AHD.So they can sell more pharmaceutical drugs, then making sure they get a fundamental understanding of the basic education needed to excel.


America's public education system it seems is more focused on making the next generation of young adults more compliant and willing to go along with the system

than to really breed bright and intelligent independent thinking students.


Chapter 3



America grew to become one of the richest countries in world history.

Due in part to at the end of World War II, the United States was the dominant

industrial producer in the world. With industrial capacity destroyed in Europe—except for Scandinavia—and in Japan and crippled in the United Kingdom, the United States produced approximately 60 percent of the world output of manufactures in the 1950s well into the early 1980's.


What that means is that for every ten items made worldwide at the time six of them were manufactured in the good ole USA.


But beginning in 2000 our elected politicians began the process of breaking down America's manufacturing base.


America has closed roughly 50000 factories since 2001, with about 75 percent of those factories employing over 500 people when they were still in operation.


The United States has lost a total of about 5.5 million manufacturing jobs since October 2000.

In 1959, manufacturing represented 28 percent of U.S. economic output. Today it represented less than 11.5 percent.


As of the end of 2009, less than 12 million Americans worked in manufacturing. The last time less than 12 million Americans were employed in manufacturing was in 1941.The United States has lost a whopping 32 percent of its manufacturing jobs since the year 2000.In America today, consumption accounts for 70 percent of GDP. Of this 70 percent, over half is spent on services. Manufacturing employment in the U.S. computer industry is actually lower in 2014 than it was in 1975.In 2013, over 1.2 billion cellphones were sold worldwide. So how many of them were manufactured inside the United States? Zero.



So what does America make that leads the world in manufacturing and exporting.

Trash, America is number one in the world in producing and exporting trash

or whats left of what they have consumed that gets thrown away each year.


America is also number one in the world in manufacturing and exporting porn,America manufactures 90 percent of the worlds porn with all other countries making up the other 10 percent.


My personal analysis is that a country of 300 million plus can not rely on trash and porn to be our top growth industries.


America's manufacturing base has been gutted out with no return in sight,

this will in fact accelerate what were already seeing. Painfully high unemployment with well paying jobs being a thing of the past a faint memory.


I can recall when I decided to move to Texas from California the last few days there I would look around as I drove through the Valley of southern California

and I noticed something I had never noticed before all the years I grew up there , and this was in 2006.


I noticed that on every corner you were going to basically see one of five type businesses either a gas station a liquor or convenience store a grocery store or a strip mall.

What did not see was any manufacturing plants or factories,I looked around and saw a lot of people wearing Nike but no Nike plants,I saw everybody with a phone but no phone manufacturing plants. I saw almost every body with a car but not one factory that produced anything that goes into cars. It was at that point I realized the California economy and the US economy as whole had no were to go but down.

In 2013 Auto sales collapsed. Construction jobs are fell off a cliff. And U.S. factory orders just recently suffered the biggest drop in a year. Since the start of 2013 we’ve gained 953,000 jobs, but amazingly 731,000 of them are low-wage part time jobs. That means almost 80% of the jobs created 2013 in America were part-time jobs that won’t pay the bills of an average middle class lifestyle. Whats really amazing is the fact that in December of 2013 of 74000 jobs created for the month 75000 went to women with men losing 1000 jobs for a net job gain of 74000 not one male hired for the month of December nationwide.




labor participation by men is at the lowest rate ever measured– since they started tracking it in 1948. And here’s the clincher: 90 million able-bodied, working-age Americans are not working.

Now that the US job market consist of mainly low paying service jobs instead of the high the paying manufacturing jobs of the past. Last year over 246,000 low-paying waiter or bartender jobs have been added to the U.S. economy, versus only 24,000 high-paying manufacturing jobs.


To give you an idea of what America's job market really looks like all one has to do is look at the fact that the second biggest employer in America is now a temp agency!


US retailers are being hit hard, two American Icons Sears and JC Penny’s are both very close to going bankrupt by the end of this year. But that’s not all. Even the largest retailer in the world is having problems and seeing negative growth. Walmart announced that last November’s cuts to food stamp recipients hurt their fourth quarter sales, adding further credence to the notion that without direct government bailouts the stability of America’s companies comes into question. With 70 percent of our economy dependent upon consumer spending and with large amounts of consumers having to be dependent on low paying service jobs or government aide just to survive. America's economic future looks bleak.


The long term effect will be the US economy will continue to shrink and most Americans will have a lower standard of living.


The standard of living for the average American has decreased considerably since just as recent as the early 2000's, In fact reports have shown that the average working American

makes less today than what the average worker made in 1965, if you take into account Inflation. Almost 50% of Americans have less than $500 in savings. America's middle class once rank the wealthiest per capita now ranks number 27th.





Chapter 4



If you have been paying attention your aware that The EU (European Union) is in the middle of a Great Debt Depression. Countries like Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Greece and Cyprus face total disaster. Their economies are ruined for generations to come.


And whats going on over there is really scary but if that’s scary then this is out right terrifying, the US now has more debt than every country in the European Union-combined. Our country has more government debt than any country in the history of the world.


Historians tell us the Romans, like many civilizations before and after, collapsed under the weight of too much debt. An overextended military, debilitating partisanship and fiscal irresponsibility drove the Roman Empire into the ground.Does any of that sound familiar? The U.S. currently has about $17 trillion in debt, up from less than $1 trillion in 1980. Driving that debt, tax cuts for the rich, two expensive wars in the Middle East and prolific spending to blunt an economic downturn.


America was a net creditor nation from the 1950's-1990's ,America lent more money to other countries than all nations combined at certain points during that period.

today the US borrows more than $150 million dollars an hour 24 hours a day 24/7.


Interest on America's debt was roughly a half a trillion dollars in 2013 and that amount was paid at very historic low interest rates. A one to three point increase in rates could easily bump interest on the United States debt to 1 trillion dollars or more per year.


A report released in October of 2013 by The US Treasury Department states should the United States default on its obligations to creditors, employees, and recipients of state-sponsored benefits. The consequences would be catastrophic and felt for decades.

an official admission and confirmation of the decades’ long woeful mismanagement of U.S. economic, fiscal and monetary policy. The Treasury department basically admitted that if Congress fails to raise the debt ceiling any time in the future and if the government is not able to borrow more money the US Economy would crash.




The Treasury Report States:


“In the event that a debt limit impasse were to lead to a default, it could have a catastrophic effect on not just financial markets but also on job creation, consumer spending and economic growth,” the report said.

“Credit markets could freeze, the value of the dollar could plummet, US interest rates could skyrocket, the negative spillovers could reverberate around the world, and there might be a financial crisis and recession that could echo the events of 2008 or worse.”

“Considering the experience of countries around the world that have defaulted on their debt, not only might the economic consequences of default be profound, but those consequences, including high interest rates, reduced investment, higher debt payments, and slow economic growth, could last for more than a generation,” the report states.

Via: Yahoo and Huff Post



Grady Means a former advisory to Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, a former economist at the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, and has managed multi-billion dollar firms over his career. Back in October of 2012 Means penned a commentary and analysis for the Washington Times in which he noted that “America’s fall will take global economies with it.”

But he didn’t stop there. Means gave us a target date Quote.

“There is a very large probability that the real end of the (Financial) world will occur around March 4, 2014. “emphasis mine” The doomsday clock will ring then because the U.S. economy may fully crash around that date, which will, in turn, bring down all world economies and all hope of any recovery for the foreseeable future — certainly over the course of most of our life times. Interest rates will skyrocket, businesses will fail, unemployment will go to record levels, material and food shortages will be rampant, and there could be major social unrest. Any wishful thinking that America is in a “recovery” and that “things are getting better” is an illusion. The central issue is confidence in America, and the world is losing confidence quickly. At a certain point, soon, the United States will reach a level of deficit spending and debt at which the countries of the world will lose faith in America and begin to withdraw their investments. Many leading economists and bankers think another trillion dollars or so may do it. A run on the bank will start suddenly, build quickly and snowball. At that point, we will need to finance our own deficit, and we will not be able to do so. We will raise bond rates to re-attract foreign investment, interest rates will go up, and businesses will fail. Unemployment will skyrocket. The rest of the world will fully crash along with us”.

If the Treasury Department is aware of this and government advisers our aware of this, there is no doubt the white house is fully aware of the fact as well.

It explains why the Pentagon is preparing in full force for ‘large scale economic meltdown’ and massive revolt via the US public.

The Department of Defense (DOD) are in full scale emergency readiness in their own words for ‘cataclysmic’ events that are believed to ultimately ignite riots in the face of chaos and economic collapse, and it’s all out in the open. And it’s one of the reasons that we’re seeing such a massive amount of spying on activists of all kinds, alternative news writers and personalities, and basically anyone preparing for themselves.

The US government is dedicated to logging such information into a major database in order to ‘prepare’ for the coming collapse that they are predicting in their own documents for all to see. Collapse predictions that have turned into ‘war games’ by the Pentagon, which in 2010 were orchestrated to prepare for what the Pentagon dubbed ‘large scale economic breakdown’ and the disappearance of essential services like food.

In this same ‘war games’ exercise dedicated to domestic response, exercises were ran in order to prepare for ‘domestic order amid civil unrest’.

One US Army’s Strategic Studies Institute paper states due to ‘threat of domestic crises’ from economic collapse to a loss of functional political order brought upon by a ‘hostile group within the United States’ that could access weapons.

“DOD might be forced by circumstances to put its broad resources at the disposal of civil authorities to contain and reverse violent threats to domestic tranquility. Under the most extreme circumstances, this might include use of military force against hostile groups inside the United States. Further, DOD would be, by necessity, an essential enabling hub for the continuity of political authority in a multi-state or nationwide civil conflict or disturbance.”

The US Military

Chapter 5

The US Military


I think its safe to say that the US military over the years has been the best fighting men of war the world has ever seen, from the militia and minutemen fighting back the British empire to winning two world wars fighting enemies on multiple fronts.


There are never ending stories of American service men bravery and valor on the battle field.

But America's financial woes are starting to drag on the countries military abilities as well. Due to US deficit spending any prolonged military confrontation

would have to be financed by foreigners most of which are not really considered allies or friendly to the US.


With China financing a large portion of America's borrow and spend binge its hard to imagine the US being able to fight a long protracted war without Communist China money.


Not only does are military lack the finances to fight a long battle,the break down in manufacturing has effected our ability to produce the supplies and good internally the military needs to function.


Believe it or not the US cannot even manufacture the required bullets needed for our m16s,if millions of rounds were needed we would have to ask Germany or China for bullets to load our guns to fight a war because they are no longer made in the US.

I know unbelievable America's financial woes are hindering our ability to finance and supply our military over the long term other countries such as China, Russia and Germany are using there large wealth to build large and sophisticated military might.

That in the future may equal or surpass the US military, there was report in 2013 that predicted china's military would equal or surpass America's by 2020.







In 2012 a Senate budget report confirmed that the U.S. government will be spending more in 2019 to pay the interest on the national debt than it will spend on defense to defend America.


Harvard professor and prolific author Niall Ferguson in 2010 gave a stark warning about the increasing prospect of the American “empire” suddenly collapsing due to the country’s rising debt level.“I think this is a problem that is going to go live really soon,” Ferguson said. “In that sense, I mean within the next two years. Because the whole thing, fiscally and other ways, is very near the edge of chaos. And we’ve seen already in Greece what happens when the bond market loses faith in your fiscal policy.”Ferguson said empires — such as the former Soviet Union and the Roman empire — can collapse quite quickly and the tipping point is often when the cost of servicing an empire’s debt is larger than the cost of its defense budget.“That has not been the case I think at any point in U.S. history,” Ferguson said. “It will be the case in the next five years.”



Whats my answer to all these problems America is facing,If you ask me I think we

should put prayer back in school. And have at least one day of nation wide public prayer from the White House to skid row. Because only a miracle from God himself can save America from the coming economic collapse, that’s in all likely hood just a few short years away.






 The United States Has Fallen And Cant Get Up All Rights Reserved By James E Nance © 2014


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.02.2014

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