
Natural Born Serial Killers


 Bay Area True Crime Chronicles All Rights Reserved James E Nance © 2014


Copyright © 2014

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There are killers and there are serial killers and then there are "Natural Born Serial Killers" the three covered here are the worst of the worst.

Ricardo Leyva "Richard" Muñoz Ramírez(February 29, 1960 – June 7, 2013) was an American serial killer, rapist, and burglar. His highly publicized home invasion crime spree terrorized the residents of the greater Los Angeles area, and later the residents of the San Francisco area.

Leonard Lake (October 29, 1945 – June 6, 1985) was an American serial killer. He often used the alias Leonard Hill. The crimes he committed with Charles Ng included kidnapping and killing its believed up to 25 individuals.

Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer (May 21, 1960 – November 28, 1994), also known as the Milwaukee Cannibal, was an American serial killer and sex offender ,who commieted the rape murder and dismeberment of 17 men and boys beteween 1978-1991 with many of his murders involving necrophilia, cannibalism and the permanent preservation of body parts—typically all or part of the skeletal structure.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Night Stalker 1

Chapter 2: Leornard Lake and Charles NG 2

Chapter 3: Jeffrey Dahmer 3


Night Stalker

Richard Ramirez born Ricardo Leyva "Richard" Muñoz Ramírez (February 29, 1960 – June 7, 2013)

Ramirez was born in El Paso, Texas, on February 29, 1960, the youngest of Julian and Mercedes Ramirez's five children. His father, a Mexican national and former Juarez policeman who later became a laborer on the Santa Fe railroad, was a hard-working man prone to fits of anger that often resulted in physical abuse. As a child, Ramirez sustained two serious head injuries. When he was two years old, a dresser fell on top of him, causing an injury to his forehead that required thirty stitches to close. When he was five years old, he was knocked unconscious by a swingat a park. He would later experience frequent epileptic seizures, which eventually stopped when he was in his early teens. When he was twelve, Ramirez became strongly influenced by his older cousin Miguel ("Mike") Ramirez, a decorated Green Beret combat veteran who often boasted of his gruesome exploits during the Vietnam War and showed him Polaroid pictures of his victims. These included pictures of Mike raping Vietnamese women; and some of them showed Mike posing with the severed head of a woman he had abused.Ramirez, who had smoked marijuana since the age of ten, bonded with Mike over many joints and gory war stories. Mike taught his young cousin what he had learned in his combat experiences, including dispatching someone using stealth and surety. Around this time, Ramirez began to seek escape from his father's violent temper by leaving the house at night to sleep in a local cemetery.

"Richie", as he was known to his family, witnessed the murder of Mike's wife, Jessie, when Mike shot her in the face with a .38 caliber revolver during a domestic argument on May 4, 1973.After the murder, the young Ramirez became sullen and withdrawn from his family and peers. Later that year, Richie moved in with his older sister Ruth and her husband Roberto, who was an obsessive "Peeping Tom" that took Richie with him on his nocturnal missions. Richie began experimenting with LSD, and he also


started to become more fascinated with his interest in Satanism. He dropped out of Jefferson High School in the ninth grade and

adopted odd sleeping habits. The adolescent Ramirez began

to meld his burgeoning sexual fantasies with violence, including those of forced bondage and rape.

While still enrolled in school, but rarely attending, Ramirez got a job at a local Holiday Inn motel. He continued his voyeurism and started to rob some of his sleeping patrons by sneaking into their rooms using a pass key after carefully staking them out. His employment abruptly ended after he bound a female guest in her room and was in the process of raping her when he was interrupted by the woman's returning husband, who then severely beat Ramirez. Because the couple lived out-of-state and refused to testify, criminal charges against the youth were dropped.Having been found not guilty of Jessie's murder by reason of insanity (with his combat record being a mitigating factor), Mike was released after four years of incarceration at the Texas State Mental Hospital in 1977 and his influence over Richard continued.Ramirez eventually settled permanently in California at the age of twenty-two.

On April 10, 1984, 9-year old Mei Leung was found dead in a hotel basement where Ramirez was living in the Tenderloin district of San Francisco. This, his first known murder, was not initially identified as being connected to the crime spree. In 2009, Ramirez's DNA was matched to DNA obtained at the crime


scene.On June 28, 1984, 79-year-old Jennie Vincow was found brutally murdered in her apartment in Glassell Park. She had been stabbed repeatedly while asleep in her bed, and her throat was

slashed so deeply that she was nearly decapitated.

On March 17, 1985, Ramirez attacked 22-year-old Maria Hernandez outside her home in Rosemead, shooting her in the face with a .22 caliber handgun after she pulled into her garage. Inside the house was her roommate Dayle Okazaki, age 34. She had heard the gunshot and ducked behind a counter to hide when she saw Ramirez enter the kitchen. He was waiting when she checked to see if he was gone, and he shot her once in the forehead, killing her. Hernandez survived her attack because the bullet fired at her ricocheted off the keys she held in her hands as she lifted them to protect herself.[30]

Within an hour of the Rosemead home invasion, Ramirez struck again in Monterey Park. He attacked 30-year-old Tsai-Lian "Veronica" Yu and pulled her out of her car onto the road. He shot her twice with a .22 caliber handgun and fled. A police officer found her still breathing, but she was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital. The two attacks occurring on the same day bolstered media attention, and in turn caused panic and fear among the public. The news media dubbed the attacker, who was described as having long curly hair, bulging eyes and wide-spaced rotting teeth, "The Walk-in Killer" and "The Valley Intruder".

On March 27, 1985, Ramirez entered a home that he had burglarized a year earlier in Whittier at approximately 2 a.m. and killed the sleeping Vincent Zazzara, age 64, with a gunshot to his head from a .22 caliber handgun. Zazzara's wife Maxine, age 44,


was awakened by her husband's murder, and Ramirez beat her and bound her hands while demanding to know where her valuables were. While he ransacked the room, Zazzara escaped her bonds and retrieved a shotgun from under the bed, which was not loaded. An infuriated Ramirez shot her three times with the .22, then fetched a large carving knife from the kitchen. Her body was mutilated with multiple stab wounds, and her eyes were gouged out and placed in a jewelry box, which Ramiriez left with. The autopsy determined that the mutilations were post-mortem. Ramirez left footprints from a pair of Avia sneakers in the flower beds, which the police photographed and cast. This was virtually the only evidence that the police had at the time. Bullets found at the scene were matched to those found at previous attacks, and the police realized a serial killer was at large. Vincent and Maxine's bodies were discovered by their son, Peter.

On May 14, 1985, Ramirez returned to Monterey Park in search of another random victim and entered the home of Bill Doi, 66, and his disabled wife Lillian, 56. Surprising Doi in his bedroom, he shot him in the face with a .22 semi-automatic pistol as Doi went for his own handgun. After beating the mortally wounded man into unconsciousness, Ramirez entered Lillian's bedroom, bound her with thumbcuffs, then raped her after he had ransacked the home for valuables. Bill Doi died of his injuries while in the hospital.

On the night of May 29, 1985, Ramirez drove a stolen Mercedes-Benz to Monrovia and stopped at the house of Mabel "Ma" Bell, 83, and her sister Florence "Nettie" Lang, 81. Finding a hammer in


the kitchen, he bludgeoned and bound the invalid Lang in her bedroom, then bound and bludgeoned Bell before using an electrical cord to electrically shock the woman. After raping Lang, he used Mabel Bell's lipstick to draw a pentagram on her thigh, as well as one on the wall of both bedrooms. Discovered two days later, both women were found alive but comatose; Bell later died of her injuries.

The next day he drove the same car to Burbank and sneaked into the home of Carol Kyle, 42. At gunpoint he bound Kyle and her 11-year-old son with handcuffs and ransacked the house. He released Kyle to direct him to where the family's valuables were; he then sodomized her repeatedly. He repeatedly ordered her not to look at him, telling her at one point that he would "cut her eyes out". He fled the scene after retrieving the child from the closet and binding the two together again with the handcuffs.

On the night of July 2, 1985, he drove a stolen Toyota to Arcadia, randomly selecting the house of Mary Louise Cannon, 75. After quietly entering the widowed grandmother's home he found her asleep in her bedroom. He bludgeoned her into unconsciousness with a lamp and then repeatedly stabbed her using a 10-inch butcher knife from her kitchen. She was found dead at the crime scene.

On July 5, 1985, Ramirez broke into a home in Sierra Madre and bludgeoned sixteen-year-old Whitney Bennett with a tire iron as she slept in her bedroom. She survived the savage beating, which required 478 stitches to close the lacerations to her scalp.


On July 7, 1985, Ramirez burglarized the home of Joyce Lucille Nelson, 61, again in Monterey Park. Finding her asleep on her living room couch, he beat her to death using his fists and kicks to her head. A shoe print from an Avia sneaker was left imprinted on her face. After cruising two other neighborhoods, he returned to Monterey Park and chose the home of Sophie Dickman, 63. Ramirez assaulted and handcuffed Dickman at gunpoint, attempted to rape her, and stole her jewelry; when she swore to him that he had taken everything of value, he told her to "swear on Satan".

On July 20, 1985, Ramirez purchased a machete before driving a stolen Toyota to Glendale. He chose the home of Maxon Kneiding, 68, and his wife Lela, 66. He burst into the sleeping couple's bedroom and hacked them with the machete, then killed them with shots to the head from a .22 caliber handgun. He further mutilated their bodies with the machete before robbing the house of valuables. After quickly fencing the stolen items from the Kneidling residence, he drove to Sun Valley. At approximately 4:15 am he broke into the home of the Khovananth family. He murdered the household patriarch, Chainarong Khovananth, by shooting the sleeping man in the head with a .25 caliber handgun, killing him instantly. He then repeatedly raped the man's wife, Som kid Khovananth, beating and sodomizing her. He bound the couple's


terrified eight-year-old son before dragging Somkid around the house to reveal the location of any valuable items, which he stole.

During his assault he demanded that she "swear to Satan" that she was not hiding any money from him.

On August 6, 1985, Ramirez drove to Northridge and broke into the home of Chris Peterson, 38. Ramirez crept into the bedroom and startled Peterson's wife Virginia, 27; he shot her in the face with a .25 caliber semi-automatic handgun. He shot Chris Peterson in the temple and attempted to flee, but Peterson fought back and avoided being hit by two more shots during the struggle before Ramirez escaped. The couple survived their injuries.

On August 8, 1985, Ramirez drove a stolen car to Diamond Bar and chose the home of Elyas Abowath, 31, and his wife Sakina, 27. Sometime after 2:30 am he entered the house and went into the master bedroom. He instantly killed the sleeping Elyas with a shot to the head from a .25 caliber handgun. He handcuffed and beat Sakina while forcing her to reveal the locations of the family's jewelry, and then brutally raped and sodomized her. He repeatedly demanded that she "swore on Satan" that she wouldn't scream during his assaults. When the couple's three-year-old son entered the bedroom, Ramirez tied the child up and then continued to rape Sakina. After Ramirez left the home, Sakina untied her son and sent him to the neighbors for help.

Ramirez, who had been following the media coverage of his



crimes, left the Los Angeles area and headed to the San Francisco Bay area. On August 18, 1985, Ramirez entered the home of Peter Pan, aged sixty-six, and killed the sleeping man with a gunshot to his temple from a .25 caliber handgun. Pan's

wife, Barbara, 62, was beaten and sexually violated before being shot in the head and left for dead. At the crime scene Ramirez used lipstick to scrawl a pentagram and the phrase "Jack the Knife" on the bedroom wall.

On August 24, 1985, Ramirez traveled 76 miles south of Los Angeles in a stolen orange Toyota to Mission Viejo, and broke into the house of Bill Carns, 29, and his fiancée, Carole Smith, 27, through a back door. Ramirez entered the bedroom of the sleeping couple and awakened Carns when he cocked his .25 caliber handgun. He shot Carns three times in the head before turning his attention to Smith. Ramirez told the terrified woman that he was "The Night Stalker" and forced her to swear she loved Satan as he beat her with his fists and bound her with neckties from the closet. After stealing what he could find, he dragged Smith to another room to rape and sodomize her. He then demanded cash and more jewelry, making Smith "swear on Satan" there was no more. Before leaving the home Ramirez told Smith, "Tell them the Night Stalker was here. As he left in the Toyota, thirteen-year-old neighbor James Romero III noticed the same "weird-looking guy in black" that he had seen earlier in the night and thought suspicious, and he decided to write down as



much of the license plate as he could. Carole Smith untied herself and went to a neighbor's house to get help for her severely injured fiancé. Surgeons were able to remove two of the bullets from his head, and he survived his injuries.

When news of the attack broke, Romero told his parents about the strange man in the orange Toyota, and they immediately contacted the police and provided the partial license plate number. Carole Smith was able to give a detailed description of Ramirez to investigators. The stolen car was found on August 28 in Wilshire, and police were able to obtain a single fingerprint from the rear view mirror despite Ramirez's careful efforts to wipe the car clean of his prints. The print was positively identified as belonging to Richard Muñoz Ramirez, who was described as a 25-year-old drifter from Texas with a long rap sheet that included many arrests for traffic and illegal drug violations.Law enforcement officials decided to release a mug shot of Ramirez from a December 12, 1984 arrest (photo, below right) for car theft to the media, and "The Night Stalker" finally had a face. At the police press conference it was announced: "We know who you are now, and soon everyone else will. There will be no place you can hide.


The Night Stalker Captured

Ramirez was 24 years old when he began his serial murders. This mugshot of Ramirez, taken on December 12, 1984 after an arrest

for car theft, directly led to his apprehension.

On August 30, 1985, Ramirez took a bus to Tucson, Arizona to visit his brother, unaware that he had become the lead story in virtually every major newspaper and television news program

across the state of California. After failing to meet his brother, he returned to Los Angeles early on the morning of August 31.


He walked past officers who were staking out the bus terminal in hopes of catching the killer should he attempt to flee on an outbound bus. He walked a few blocks to a convenience store in East Los Angeles. After noticing a group of elderly Mexican women fearfully identifying him as "El Matador" (or "The Killer"), Ramirez saw his face on the covers on the newspaper rack and fled the store in a panic. After running across the Santa Ana Freeway, he attempted to carjack a woman but was chased away by bystanders, who pursued him. After hopping over several fences and attempting two more carjackings, he was eventually subdued by a group of residents, one of whom had struck him over the head with a metal bar in the pursuit. The group held him until police arrived and took Ramirez into custody.


The Night Stalkers Trial And Conviction


At his first court appearance, Ramirez raised a hand with a pentagram drawn on it and yelled, "Hail, Satan.On August 3, 1988, the Los Angeles Times reported that some jail employees overheard Ramirez planning to shoot the prosecutor with a gun,


which Ramirez intended to have smuggled into the courtroom. Consequently, a metal detector was installed outside the courtroom and intensive searches were conducted on people entering. On August 14, the trial was interrupted because one of the jurors, Phyllis Singletary, did not arrive at the courtroom. Later that day she was found shot to death in her apartment. The jury was terrified; they could not help wondering if Ramirez had somehow directed this event from inside his prison cell, and if he could reach other jury members. However, Ramirez was not responsible for Singletary's death; she had been shot and killed by her boyfriend, who later committed suicide with the same weapon in a hotel. The alternate juror who replaced Singletary was too frightened to return to her home.

On September 20, 1989, Ramirez was found guilty of all charges: 13 counts of murder, 5 attempted murders, 11 sexual assaults and 14 burglaries. During the penalty phase of the trial on November 7, 1989, he was sentenced to die in California's gas chamber. He stated to reporters after the death sentences, "Big deal. Death always went with the territory. See you in Disneyland."


The case cost $1.5 million, which at the time made it the most expensive in the history of California, until surpassed by the O. J. Simpson murder case in 1994.By the time of the trial, Ramirez had fans who were writing him letters and paying him visits. Beginning in 1985, freelance magazine editor Doreen Lioy wrote him nearly 75 letters during his incarceration. In 1988 he proposed to her, and on October 3, 1996, they were married in California's San


Quentin State Prison. Before Ramirez's death, Lioy stated that she would commit suicide when Ramirez was executed. However, Doreen Lioy and Richard Ramirez eventually separated and at the time of his death, Richard Ramirez was engaged to a twenty-three year old writer who was residing between Los Angeles and New York City. By some estimates, he would have been in his early seventies before his execution was carried out, due to the lengthy California appeals process.

On August 7, 2006 his first round of state appeals ended unsuccessfully when the California Supreme Court upheld his convictions and death sentence. On September 7, 2006, the California Supreme Court denied his request for a rehearing. Ramirez had appeals pending until the time of his death.

Leonard Lake & Charles Ng

Charles Ng & Leonard Lake

Leonard Lake (October 29, 1945 – June 6, 1985) was born in San Francisco, California. His parents separated when he was 6 years old, after which he and his siblings were sent to live with their maternal grandmother. He was reportedly a bright child, but had an obsession with pornography that stemmed from taking nude photos of his sisters, apparently with the encouragement of his grandmother. It was also alleged that Lake extorted sexual favors from his sisters. When he was a child, he enjoyed collecting mice and killing them by dissolving them in chemicals (a technique he would later use to help dispose of his human victims).

In 1965 at age 19, Lake joined the Marine Corps and served two tours of duty in the Vietnam War as a radar operator. During this


time period, Lake was first diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder. Following a spell in Da Nang, he suffered a delusional breakdown and was sent home. Lake was eventually given a medical discharge in 1971 and underwent psychotherapy.

Back in civilian life, he lived in San Jose. He briefly attended San Jose State University, but dropped out after one semester. It is believed that he settled in a hippie commune in the early 1970s. Lake married in 1975, but the marriage dissolved quickly because his wife found out that he was making and appearing in amateur pornographic movies, usually involving bondage or sadomasochism.

Lake was obsessed with the hippie lifestyle in San Francisco and increasingly with the idea of an impending nuclear holocaust. For 8 years, he lived in a hippie commune near Ukiah in northern California. There, he met Claralyn Balazs, or "Cricket" as he nicknamed her. Balazs became involved in Lake's fantasies. She starred in the pornographic films he began to make. Lake and Balazs eventually married.

Lake's other obsession was with guns - part of his survivalist paranoia. Through a magazine advertisement he placed in 1981, he met Charles Ng.

Lake invited Ng to his new place: a remote cabin near Wilseyville, California which he rented from Claralyn Balazs. Lake had custom-built a dungeon next to the cabin. It is believed that, by

then, Lake had already murdered his brother Donald and his friend and best man, Charles Gunnar, in order to steal their money, and Gunnar's identity. Over the next year, Lake and Ng embarked on an orgy of rape, torture and killing. Their victims included their rural neighbors Lonnie Bond, his girlfriend Brenda O'Connor and their infant son, Lonnie Jr. They also killed another young family, Harvey and Deborah Dubs and their young son Sean. In both cases, the men and babies were killed quickly, while the women were kept alive and abused. The men filmed themselves raping and torturing their victims before murdering them.

Other victims included workmates of Ng's; relatives and friends who came looking for Bond and O'Connor; and two gay men. Overall, the two are believed to have murdered between 11 and 25 victims at Lake's ranch.Their murderous career may have gone on longer if it had not been for Ng's addiction of stealing. On June 2, 1985, Ng was spotted shoplifting a vise from a South San Francisco hardware store.

Police find bucket with video tapes of victims being tortured


He ran away from the scene, and Lake went to the store later to try and pay for the vise, but by that point, the police were there. Officer Daniel Wright discovered that Lake's car's license plates were registered to another vehicle, and that Lake's ID, in the name of Scott Stapley, was suspicious. When Wright found a gun with a suppressor in the trunk of the car, he arrested Lake. While in custody, Lake swallowed the cyanide pills he had sewn into his clothes. After revealing his and Ng's true identities, he went into convulsions from cyanide poisoning and died four days later.

Further investigation led police to the ranch. They did find Scott Stapley's truck and Lonnie Bond's car and, behind the cabin, they found the dungeon. Officers noticed a foot poking through the earth and proceeded to unearth roughly 40 pounds of burned and smashed human bone fragments, relating to at least a dozen bodies. Police also came across a hand-drawn "treasure map" that led them to two buried five-gallon buckets. One contained envelopes with names and victim IDs, suggesting that the full body count might be as high as 25. In the other bucket, police found


Lake's handwritten journals for the years 1983 and 1984, and two videotapes that showed the torture of two of their victims. These demonstrated that Ng was intimately involved in these crimes. In one of the tapes, Ng tells victim Brenda O'Connor: "you can cry and stuff, like the rest of them, but it won't do any good. We are pretty - ha, ha - cold-hearted, so to speak."

The Brutal Murders inspired many TV reenactments of there crimes

An episode of Deranged and an episode of Wicked Attraction, both aired on the Investigation Discovery channel, were each dedicated to the murder spree of Lake and Ng.

The thrash metal band Exodus has a song titled "The Ballad of Leonard and Charles," written about Lake and Ng, on their 2010 album, Exhibit B: The Human Condition.

In 2001, NBC's Law & Order: Special Victims Unit aired an episode entitled "Manhunt", which fictionalized the hunt for the two killers. The main villain of the episode, Daryl Kern, was a composite of Lake and Ng.

An episode of Criminal Minds, titled "Identity," is based upon the Lake and Ng case.

One of the final episodes of L.A. Dragnet,in the 2000's remake, featured a retelling of the murder spree

Jeffrey Dahmer

Jeffrey Dahmer was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on May 21, 1960, into the loving household of Lionel and Joyce Dahmer. He wanted for nothing in his formative years, and was a happy child until the age of 6, when a minor surgery to correct a double hernia seemed to effect a change on the boy. Following Dahmer's surgery, which coincided with the birth of his brother, he became increasingly insular and lacking in self confidence.

A career opportunity for his father, around the same time, resulted in the family moving from Iowa to Ohio, and the boy's insecurities deepened. By his early teens, he was disengaged, tense and largely friendless.

Jeffery Dahmer Crime Scene Photos


Dahmer claims that his compulsions to necrophilia and murder began at the age of 14, but it appears that the breakdown of his parents' marriage, their acrimonious divorce and the psychological stresses associated with these events may have been the catalyst for turning these earlier thoughts into actions.

Just after he graduated from high school, in June 1978, Dahmer picked up a hitchhiker named Steven Hicks and took him home to his parents' house, where they drank beer and had sex. When Hicks tried to leave, Dahmer killed him with a blow to the head with a barbell.

He dismembered the corpse of his first victim, packed the body parts in plastic bags and buried them in the woods behind his parents' house. It would be another nine years before he encountered his second victim.

Around the same time of his first killing, Dahmer's alcohol consumption had spun out of control. In January 1979, after only one term at The Ohio State University, Dahmer dropped out of school due to his drinking problem. His recently remarried father insisted that he enlist in the Army, and Dahmer was posted to

More Crime Scene Photos



Dahmer's drinking problem persisted, however, and two years later, the Army discharged him for alcoholism. It is not believed that he took any more victims while serving in the Armed Forces, and he returned home to Ohio following his discharge, where he exhumed Hicks's remains, pulverized them with a hammer, and scattered the pieces even more widely in the woods.

An arrest in October 1981 for disorderly conduct prompted his father to send Dahmer to live with his grandmother in Wisconsin, but the alcohol problems persisted. His next arrest occurred years later, in September 1986: Dahmer was arrested for masturbating in front of two young boys, and received a one-year probationary sentence.

In September 1987, Dahmer took his second victim, Steven Toumi, whom he met in a gay bar. They checked into a hotel room and drank heavily, and by the following morning, Toumi was dead.

Dahmer claims to have found Toumi dead beside him when he awoke. He bought a large suitcase to transport Toumi's body to his grandmother's basement, where he had sex with and


masturbated on the corpse, before dismembering it and disposing of the remains in the garbage.

Dahmer's killing spree lasted for 13 years: He sought out mostly African-American men at gay meeting places, lured them home to his grandmother's basement with promises of money or sex, where he would feed them alcohol laced with drugs before strangling them to death. He would then have sex with the corpses and/or masturbate on them, and finally dismember his victims' bodies and dispose of them, usually keeping their genitals or skulls as souvenirs.

He often took photos of each victim at various stages of the murder process, so he could recollect each act afterwards and relive the experience. This re-enactment included assembling the


skulls and masturbating in front of them to achieve gratisfaction.

Dahmer's grandmother eventually tired of the late nights and drunkenness, although she had no knowledge of the other activities, and forced her grandson to move out in September 1988, but not before he had killed another two victims on the premises.

Around the same time, Dahmer had an extremely lucky escape: An encounter with a 13-year-old Laotian boy resulted in charges of sexual exploitation and second-degree sexual assault for Dahmer. He pleaded guilty, claiming that the boy had appeared much older. While awaiting sentencing for his sexual assault case, Dahmer temporarily moved back in with his grandmother, again putting her basement to gruesome use; in February 1989, he lured, drugged, strangled, sodomized, photographed, dismembered and disposed of Anthony Sears, a young, African-American man and aspiring model.

In May 1989, at his trial for child molestation, Dahmer was the model of contrition, arguing eloquently, in his own defense, about how he had seen the error of his ways, and that his arrest marked a turning point in his life. His defense counsel argued that he needed treatment, not incarceration, and, astonishingly, the judge agreed, handing down a one-year prison sentence on "day release"—allowing Dahmer to work at his job during the day and return to the prison at night—as well as a five-year probationary sentence.

Lionel Dahmer later stated in an interview with CNN that, while his


son was incarcerated, he wrote a letter to the court that issued

Dahmer's sentence, asking that he get psychological help before being released from prison. However, Jeffrey Dahmer was granted an early release by the judge, after serving only 10 months of his sentence. Dahmer spent three months with his grandmother on his release, during which time he does not appear to have added to his body count, before moving into his own apartment in May 1990.Over the 15 months that followed, up to the time of his capture, Dahmer's victim count accelerated; 12 more lives were taken using his modus operandi.

Necrophilia is generally associated with issues of exercising control over victims. Dahmer developed these rituals as he progressed, experimenting with chemical means of disposal, and he also consumed the flesh of his victims. He attempted crude lobotomies, drilling into victim's skulls


while they were still alive, injecting them with Muriatic acid to see whether he could extend his control to the living. Most of these victims died instantly,but he claimed that one victim had survived for a number of days in a zombie-like state, with limited motor function.

He was careful to select victims on the fringes of society, who were often itinerant or borderline criminal, making their disappearances less noticeable, and his likelihood of capture that much less. There have been claims that he was racially motivated,


as most of his victims were African-American. However, it is equally likely that his victims were simply part of the demographic among residents of the poor neighborhood in which Dahmer lived, and not carefully selected.

Racial motive did, however, figure largely in the case of his 13th victim, a 14-year-old Laotian boy who was, coincidentally, the younger brother of the boy he had been convicted of molesting three years earlier.

On May 26, 1991, Dahmer's African-American neighbor, Sandra Smith, called the police to report that a young Asian boy was running naked in the street. When the police arrived, the boy was incoherent, and they accepted the word of Dahmer, a white man in a largely poor African-American community, that the boy was his 19-year-old lover who had had too much to drink, over the protestations of Smith and her daughter, who could clearly see that the boy was terrified of Dahmer. Smith's subsequent enquiries, through the local authorities, were also not taken seriously.

The police escorted Dahmer and the boy home and, clearly not wishing to become embroiled in a homosexual domestic disturbance, took a cursory look around before leaving. Once the police left the scene, Dahmer strangled the boy and proceeded with his usual rituals. Had they conducted even a basic search, police officers would have found the body of Dahmer's 12th victim decomposing in the bedroom, and enough photographic evidence to immediately arrest the serial killer.

Taken from Jeffrey Dahmer's picture collection

Dahmer's luck finally ran out on July 22, 1991, when two Milwaukee police officers picked up Tracy Edwards, a young African-American man who was wandering the streets with a handcuff dangling from his wrist. They decided to investigate the man's claims that a "weird dude" had drugged and restrained him, and arrived at Dahmer's apartment, where he calmly offered to get the keys for the handcuffs.

Edwards claimed that the knife Dahmer had threatened him with was in the bedroom and, when the officer went in to corroborate the story, he noticed photographs of dismembered bodies lying around, which included one of a head in the fridge. He shouted to his colleague to restrain Dahmer, who fought back fiercely, but was nevertheless subdued.

A subsequent search revealed the head in the fridge, as well as three more in the freezer, and a catalogue of other horrors, including preserved skulls, jars containing genitalia, and an extensive gallery of macabre photographs.

Given that the majority of Dahmer's victims were African-American, there were considerable racial tensions, and his trial


began on January 13, 1992 under the strictest of security, which included an eight-foot barrier of bullet-proof glass,

that separated him from the gallery. The inclusion of only one African-American on the jury provoked further unrest, but fortunately this was contained and short-lived. His father Lionel and his second wife attended the trial throughout.

Despite having confessed to the killings during police interrogation, Dahmer initially pleaded not guilty to all charges. However, against the advice of his legal counsel, he changed his plea to guilty by virtue of insanity. His defense then offered every gruesome detail of his behavior, as proof that only someone insane could commit such terrible acts, but the jury chose to believe the prosecutor's assertion that Dahmer was fully aware that his acts were evil, but that he chose to commit them anyway,



returning after only five hours deliberation to find him guilty, but sane, on all counts, on February 17, 1992.

Dahmer was sentenced to 15 consecutive life terms, or 957 years in prison.

Dahmer reportedly adjusted well to prison life, although he was initially kept apart from the general population. He convinced authorities to allow him to integrate more fully with other inmates.

He found religion in the form of books and photos sent to him by his father, and he was granted permission by the Columbia Correctional Institution to be baptized by a local preacher.

On November 28, 1994, in accordance with his inclusion in regular work details, he was assigned to work with two other prisoners, one of whom was a white supremacist murderer, Jesse Anderson, and the other a delusional, schizophrenic African-American murderer, Christopher Scarver. Twenty minutes after they had been left alone to complete their tasks, guards returned to find that Scarver had crushed Dahmer's skull and fatally beaten Anderson with a blunt object (stories conflict as to whether the weapon was a broom handle or a weight bar from the prison gym).

Following his death, the city of Milwaukee was keen to distance itself from the horrors of Dahmer's actions, and the ensuing media circus surrounding his trial. In 1996, fearing that someone else might purchase Dahmer's fridge, photographs and killing tools collection and start a museum, they raised more than $400,000 to buy his effects which they promptly incinerated.



Wow! Even though I have heard about these crimes before revisiting these stories sends chills down my spine and unforetunately makes me look look at my fellow man a little differently.When I take into account that there are really people walking around capable of such treachery.











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Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.01.2014

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