
Part 1:


In the beginning, there was nothingness. Then, there was a deafening blast that brought the world to life, and an egg was born. From this egg hatched a small, gray dragon. He carried the light and darkness of the galaxy within itself. And he created a world full of colors and wonders.

He invented the animals and plants on Earth and ensured that the other planets in this universe were lifeless, allowing all of his creative spirit to concentrate on one world. And he brought forth humans as his masterpiece. They were beings with reason and rational thinking, and above all, they were capable of true love.

But in that moment, something resisted within the small, still very young, gray dragon. A part of him detested this love, deemed it unimportant, and even desired to extinguish it. And then it happened.

The small gray dragon emitted a bright beam of light, and a part of him split off. Now, it was no longer just one gray dragon, but a white and a black dragon. Two dragons. Born from one egg. Twins, whose destinies were intertwined like two entangled threads.

And they were bitter rivals. As soon as their forms truly manifested, they immediately began to relentlessly fight each other. However, they soon realized that their creation, the Earth with all its beauties, would be destroyed in their battle. The work of millions of years would simply be in vain. Therefore, they decided to let proxies fight on their behalf, and each dragon chose a few humans on whom to bestow a portion of their powers, enabling these chosen few to unleash magical abilities.

The chosen ones of the white, good dragon could each control an element, while the chosen ones of the black, dark dragon were able to attain much more subtle powers. Some could manipulate elements such as metal, sand, or glass, while others could grow wings or become invisible. The imagination of the dark dragon knew no limits. He knew all too well that he was interfering with the course of nature.

The white dragon, on the other hand, adhered to the powers of nature to avoid endangering the balance too much. For humans were not meant to develop magical powers, and it harmed them to use them. The dark dragon did not care that many of his chosen ones did not reach old age.

The white dragon, therefore, did everything in its power to stop his evil twin, even if it cost him his life. And so, they waged an endless battle that continues to this day...

The last battle against evil

The last battle of the old world against the dark dragon raged relentlessly. It was the final fight of a war that had engulfed the entire world. However, in this battle, it was not mere nationalities, as humans fought their wars. This battle was about two dragons, the dragon of light and the dragon of darkness. In the ancient age, the Earth was ruled by darkness. Darkness resided in every human and non-human heart. The dragon of darkness excelled at spreading darkness and manipulating living beings, turning them into his blind followers and amplifying their hatred even further. This was his life force. He needed neither water nor food; instead, he sustained himself solely on the Earth's hatred.

The humans had no inkling of all this. All the anger and rage they felt came from the dragon of darkness, and ultimately, it returned to him as his life force, yet they didn't even know it.

In their place, a few brave warriors fought this battle for the future of the entire world. Humans with extraordinary abilities, of whom few knew. Among them were five warriors who stood out for their courage and their unwavering determination to fight until the end. These five were the only ones who possessed all the power of the dragon of light within them, enabling them to stop the dragon of darkness. Then and now, the dragon of light chose humans who had a special power within them, granting them a portion of his power, thereby bestowing them with the ability to control one of the four basic elements: air, water, earth, and fire.

These five warriors were the mightiest among the chosen ones, the rulers of the elements. Chosen for the earth element was Maria Ferreira. Aron Jonsson fought with the power of fire. Jack Robinson mastered water. Taiki and Aiko Jiyuu wielded the element of wind. All five of them were incredibly strong, the strongest among the warriors, which was the reason they were chosen at that time to fight with the full energy of the dragon of light.

The dragon of darkness, who detested all life, especially human life, personally confronted the challenge, engaging in open combat with the five best warriors of the dragon of light, fueled by the world's hatred and therefore stronger than ever.

A mighty roar echoed as Aron plunged his lion claws into the shoulder of the dark dragon. Fire claws flickered around the fresh wound, causing severe burns. In their soul form, as the dragon of light refers to this special ability, each of the five chosen warriors is many times more dangerous than they are in their human form. Aron, through his strong connection to his element, the fire, gained the ability from the white dragon to transform into a majestic lion. Each of the other four warriors has received a different form through which their magical powers multiply.

After getting injured on his shoulder, the dark dragon had little time to react as Maria sank her sharp bear fangs into his back. A piercing growl escaped him. However, the two attacks seemed to have little effect. The dark dragon simply shrugged off the two warriors who had clung onto him and flew up in the sky, from where he unleashed a tremendous beam of pure negative energy upon the reigning figures lying on the ground.

This beam destroyed the mountain range where the final battle was taking place, creating a ravine in the crumbling rock. However, the sight that the dark dragon had expected was denied to him: the sight of two large dark red bloodstains at the edge of the newly formed crater. The two creatures he had just tried to kill now stood a short distance away from their initial position, hovering just above the ground, carried by an eagle and a swan.

Before the dark dragon could even think of the next attack, he was bombarded from behind by sharp shards of ice. Jack, the last of the warriors, had finally joined the fight.

Rage ignited within the dark dragon, pure fury. The air grew heavy with this pure negative energy emanating from the dark dragon, now that the five warriors had truly angered him. He concentrated this anger in his pitch-black heart, shaping it into dark energy that crackled and flashed around his entire body. A spherical barrier of negative energy surrounded him. A piercing scream echoed, and the pent-up energy dispersed in all directions, poised to strike each of the warriors if it hadn't been for Aiko and Taiki creating a shield of swirling storms around themselves and their comrades.

The dark dragon grew angrier by each second. Lightning danced around the warriors' protective shields until they finally broke through. Aiko lost control over her powers and her soul form, the swan, and collapsed to the ground in her human form, lying motionless. "DIE!!!" roared the dark dragon in a deep, thunderous voice, as he channeled all his rage into a single beam of energy, aiming it at the unconscious ruler of the winds.

A roar echoed, overpowering the deafening crackle of lightning.

Moments of suffocating silence followed. Nothing could be seen on the ground. Thick dust swirled around the area. Three of the five warriors had their eyes fixed on the spot where Aiko had just lain unconscious. Taiki, her husband, had sheer panic written all over his face. In contrast, the dark dragon let out a triumphant cry. Until the dust cleared, revealing a completely unharmed Aiko. She had turned her back to them and knelt before her savior. Aron had also returned to his human form.

His black armor was slashed open. The tremendous beam of energy had blasted a large hole into the dark metal. Blood stained his armor red. His long chestnut brown hair was matted, and no one would be able to gaze into his dark brown eyes anymore.

Aron had sacrificed himself for Aiko. He had died for her. Anger, despair, and a touch of hopelessness consumed the remaining four warriors, which in turn only made the dark dragon even stronger. But Aron had a son, Arnar. He would now grow up without a father, and who would talk to Aron's wife? How could the four warriors tell her that they couldn't even protect their friend?!

"Do not be overwhelmed by hatred! Keep fighting! That is what we owe Aron!" Aiko tried to bring her friends and comrades back into harmony. The dark dragon, who had previously laughed with a roar, suddenly fell silent, and once again, there was not a single sound in the entire world. Swift as lightning, he swooped down to the earth, directly towards Aiko, grabbing her with his sharp claws and pressing her against the nearest rock. Too weak to withstand such a strong and swift attack on her own, Aiko struggled for breath and dug her fingers into the claw that tightly gripped her throat, causing dark blue blood, the blood of the dark dragon, to drip onto the ground.

"Where is your daughter, Wind Warrior?" the dark dragon whispered into Aiko's ear, loosening his grip slightly. "You... will... never... find out..., you monster," she uttered. "Then you'll be the first to reunite with the Fire Brat in the afterlife!" he bellowed at her. The earth trembled. Massive rocks floated in the air and bombarded the dark dragon, along with ice spears the size of icebergs accompanied by a hurricane. Yet, even this colossal synchronized attack, which finally seemed to seriously injure the dark dragon, couldn't save Aiko. It was too late.

The dark dragon had already pierced through her delicate body with his claws. The beautiful blonde woman slumped lifelessly to the ground. For Taiki, the world momentarily stopped spinning. Aiko had been the love of his life. Together, they had overcome so many dangers, and ultimately, they had married and been blessed with a beautiful little daughter. Now, he had lost the woman he loved more than anything in the world forever.

Hatred now also darkened his heart. Previously, he had entered the battle to fight for those he loved and to protect those who fought alongside him. But now, he only sought revenge for the death of his beloved wife. He threw himself into a series of fast and powerful attacks. Blinded by rage, he let the wind howl and directed the full force of the heavens against the dark dragon. Taiki saw only the dark dragon in front of him and the lifeless body of Aiko in his mind's eye—her pale face, empty eyes, and blood-stained body, fueling his anger even more. Maria and Jack may have called out to him, telling him to calm down and keep a clear mind, but he had long tuned out everything around him. The only thing that mattered to him now was his revenge against the dark dragon.

Until he began to lose control over his abilities. The dark dragon, whose nourishment was hatred and anger, had already started to gradually gain control over the young ruler’s thoughts. The dark dragon whispered to Taiki, enticing him with his revenge, feeding him further with hatred. Storms were unleashed, no longer just directed against the dark dragon but threatening the entire world comprehensively. Maria and Jack were also affected by them. Maria erected an earthen wall, serving as a protective barrier against Taiki's wrath. Their words held no power anymore. Now, they had to fight against their friend as well. This dark dragon was truly a plague.

The storms continued to batter the two remaining warriors relentlessly. They wouldn't be able to hold on much longer. Suddenly, Jack was caught in one of the whirlwinds and thrown against a rock. Maria helplessly witnessed the scene, unable to do anything about it. She cautiously leaned down to the motionless body of her long-time friend. She brushed his black hair away from his face and was relieved to find that he had only lost consciousness.

No! Today, not another one of their friends would lose their life. Maria vowed to protect Jack and Taiki from the dark dragon, even if it meant sacrificing her own life. However, she could do nothing as the dark dragon continued to circle around Taiki, fueling his anger even further. Suddenly, the dark dragon asked with a thundering voice, "Tell me, my new servant, where is your daughter?" These words seemed to bring the possessed Taiki back to his senses.

He remembered his cute, fragile little daughter. Aiko had been the love of his life, and losing her had torn a hole in his soul that could never be filled. Yet, he had to be there for his daughter. She now only had him, her father.

Taiki couldn't allow his little girl to die just because he had been too weak to stand up to the dark dragon.

Suddenly, the storms subsided, and the wind's energy focused again in a single targeted attack against the dark dragon. "You will never get my daughter!" Taiki screamed, transformed into an eagle, to continue fighting the dark dragon. It seemed he was back to himself. "Then... DIE!!" the dark dragon roared as he swept Taiki from the sky with his claw. Taiki crashed to the ground in his human form with a tremendous impact.

He was drenched in blood.

Many of his bones were broken.

He was dead.

Now, out of the original five warriors, only two had remained alive. Jack still hadn't regained consciousness. That meant everything now rested on Maria. If she were to lose, Jack would also die, and the dragon of light and the entire world would be doomed.

Attack him with all your might, Maria. This melodic voice that spoke to Maria belonged to the dragon of light. The earth warrior suddenly felt an immense energy coursing through her body. The power that the dragon of light had previously distributed among all five of them now concentrated in Maria. Realizing this, she gathered new courage and followed the dragon's command. With the full force of the earth, she attacked the dark dragon. She made boulders rise and unleashed a hailstorm of stones upon the dark dragon.

Angry hissing and growling cut through the air. Blood stained the earth dark. The dark dragon’s blood. Maria couldn't afford to relent now. It seemed she truly had a chance to defeat the dark dragon. But she had to hurry; the dragon of light wouldn't be able to transfer his energy to her for much longer. Even such a mighty being as the dragon of light had its limits. That's why she mustered all her remaining strength for one final attack. Maria created a massive crater directly beneath the feet of the dark dragon. From above, rocks the size of houses continued to fall, dragging the dark dragon into the black depths of the crater. Slowly, the crater closed, imprisoning the dark dragon inside.

Seal him away, so he may never escape. Maria did as the dragon of light had instructed. She placed an ancient earth seal where the deep abyss had once gaped.

The black clouds that had darkened their battlefield dispersed, and radiant sunlight illuminated the devastated landscape. Everything around her lay in ruins. Yet, the light not only revealed the bloody, dreadful aftermath of their battle, it also illuminated the hearts of people and all living beings, as if the world was shining from within, replacing the hatred that the dark dragon had spread with love.

Suddenly, the entire world regenerated from within, healing all the evil that the dark dragon had caused. Everything turned green and blossomed. Forests emerged where once desolate wastelands had spread an atmosphere of death and decay.

She had succeeded. The threat posed by the dark dragon had finally come to an end.

But at what cost?

Three out of the five brave warriors who had ventured into battle today, fueled by the full power of the dragon of light, had perished for the future of the Earth and the goodness in all living creatures, whether human or non-human.

It is regrettable. However, I cannot allow you to mourn just yet, my dear Maria. I must ask you for another service. It is of great importance.

"I will do anything you ask of me, my lord," the young warrior replied.

Neither you nor I, no one can defeat the dark dragon at the moment. But a little girl will confront this beast in battle, according to the legend, and will ultimately vanquish the dark dragon. This is an ancient prophecy from a time when the dragon of darkness and I, the dragon of light, were created. The dark dragon apparently believes that the girl from this ancient legend is the daughter of Taiki and Aiko. I sense great power within her, though it will not awaken for a few more years. Whether this girl is truly the heroine of this prophecy, I cannot say at the moment. But one thing is certain: the dark dragon believes it to be that way. Maria, your seal will not hold forever. You must protect the girl and take her somewhere safe, where even the dark dragon cannot find her. If the legend is indeed fulfilled through her, the girl will find her way back when the time is right.

"I understand, mighty dragon," Maria replied and took Jack to safety, to her headquarters, a large ancient castle in America that remained hidden from ordinary people's sight, where the two of them were celebrated as heroes. In the form of a brown bear with Jack on her back, Maria walked along the cobblestone path toward the main building. The flags of the five towers had always shown signs of mourning, as black banners accompanied their crests. Each flag represented an element, and the fifth displayed the dragon of light under whose banner all the guardians fought together. However, it would be lowered today, for they had achieved a great victory against the dark dragon, and there was no longer a need to fight. The dark dragon was sealed.

Indeed, this day was as glorious as it was sorrowful. Wind fighters, capable of turning into birds, were sent to retrieve the bodies of the three remaining warriors so that they could be laid to rest with dignity.

Maria took advantage of the commotion surrounding the funerals to carry out the mission entrusted to her by the dragon of light. Clad in a long cloak, she sneaked into Aiko and Taiki's chambers, where their little daughter lay peacefully in her cradle, fast asleep. With the small girl in her arms, she moved through the castle like a ghost. No one would see her now. Everyone was attending the funerals at this moment. It was the perfect opportunity. When Maria reached the forest outside the castle, she touched the cool, damp earth, softly uttered an incantation, and a tunnel opened up, leading her to a city on the other side of the world.

"Stop right there," Maria suddenly heard a rumbling female voice behind her, speaking in the language of souls. Through their connected hearts, she could sense exactly who was now standing in her way. She should have expected this, yet she was surprised to be confronted by an ally so close to the end of her mission. "I am protecting Taiki's legacy," Maria replied, addressing Helga. The face of the young woodland nymph contorted into a terrible grimace of anger, and the tear streaks visible between her grass-green strands of hair on her equally green cheeks only made her appear more wild.

"You won't harm Sora-chan," growled Helga, apparently not having listened to Maria at all. "You filthy dark guardian, give me my little princess this instant." Even as she spoke, the furious woodland nymph lunged at Maria. The trees and plants bent to her will, but as the ruler of the earth, Maria could exert her superior will over the plants, and they remained motionless, as if frozen in ice. Evading Helga's sword strike, Maria took a step back as gently as possible in this situation, and pushed back the hood of her cloak, finally revealing to Helga that she had just attacked the ruler of the earth element and not a dark guardian who had sneaked onto the castle grounds to assassinate the princess of the wind.

"Maria-sama, what are you doing here? With Sora-chan?" The astonishment visibly softened the nymph's expression and allowed the gentleness that characterized her to shine through once again. "I'm taking her to a safe place. It's too dangerous here; the dark dragon's minions are lurking everywhere," explained Maria. "But..." Helga wanted to object. Maria knew exactly what she was about to say—that she was still there, Helga, Taiki Jiyuu's partner, who would do everything in her power to protect Princess Sora, the only thing she had left of Taiki. But it was futile, which is why Maria abruptly interrupted her with a brusque gesture.

Her gaze lowered to the peaceful face of sleeping Sora, who miraculously hadn't woken up during their brief scuffle. Her eyelids twitched in sleep, and her little hands waved in front of her face. What was she dreaming about? "If you won't trust me, then at least trust the dragon of light. It was his decision," Maria said. Helga's mouth opened, only to close without a sound. "What will become of her now? Is she truly the child of prophecy?" she finally managed to say after a while.

"We don't know, but whether she is or not, the dark guardians certainly believe so. That's why she can't stay here. She's in great danger within the castle, and with each passing day," her determined gaze drilled into Helga's worried azure blue eyes but gradually softened. "Don't worry, the dragon of light will watch over her and guide her back to us when the time is right," she reassured, before approaching the still-open portal once again.

“Wait. Where are you taking her?”, Helga wanted to know.

“It's better with as few people as possible knowing her whereabouts.”

“Are you saying you don't trust me?”, Helga replied, with a barely audible, newly awakened hostility in her voice. Maria slowly turned back to Taiki's partner, the sleeping Princess of the Wind once again squirmed in her sleep, but fortunately didn't wake up.

“No, but the spies of the dark dragon are everywhere. The trees, bushes, the shadows, he has eyes and ears everywhere. It's better not to say it out loud. That way it's safer, for Sora”, she replied and turned back to the portal. “Fine. But if any harm comes to Sora-chan, I will hold you responsible, ruler of the element earth Maria Ferreira”, Helga threatened the young warrior, and Maria stepped through the portal to Germany.

With the hood of her cloak pulled deep into her face, she wandered the streets of Berlin, where she left the little one in a baby hatch and promptly returned to the castle. It was not at all easy for her to simply give away this fragile, little being, especially since this girl had just lost her parents. But if the dragon of light was right, as was often the case, then the dark dragon would use his remaining influence on the Earth's surface to kill this girl and eventually break free from his cool, damp prison deep within the Earth.

That meant it was now Maria's utmost obligation to ensure the girl’s safety. So, nobody was to know where the Princess of the Wind element was staying and who this poor orphan really was. The time would come for her to return and take her rightful place, when she would be ready.

With a heavy heart, Maria left the little girl in Berlin and returned to the castle. The ceremonial speeches of the closest friends were coming to an end. Helga remained at her partner's grave the longest, to pay him final respects and bid farewell in peace. When she noticed Maria, she turned to face her, narrowing her eyes and staring at her with undisguised hostility for a few moments before walking away with her head held high. Maria was certain that Helga simply didn't want to show her vulnerability by breaking down in tears in front of the woman whom she had threatened just an hour ago. Helga disappeared among the branches and shadows of the dark forest.

Maria approached the graves. She touched the cold earth that had been poured over the coffins and caused rose bushes to grow. Red roses on Aron's grave and white ones on Aiko and Taiki's. "We will never forget you. Your great sacrifice will not be in vain, I promise you," was all Maria could say as a farewell speech, with tears in her eyes, before she returned to the castle.

The worst part of this day, however, was the fact that it will seem like a dream to the people. Their hearts were freed from the dark dragon's hatred, but they will think that the world has never been any different from what they see now. The world in which they used to live will appear to them as an illusion. A world of death and hatred that has transformed into a world of blooming nature and love. For them, though, it will be as if nothing had changed. This was the work of the dragon of light. Most people had lost faith in magic many decades ago. It was best for them to no longer be involved in the dangerous battles between the two ancient dragons.

The few people who possessed special abilities, especially those from ancient magical families, were brought to the castle in the following years. They were trained by the warriors of the last battle and ultimately received the gift of their soul form from the dragon of light, if deemed worthy, so they would be prepared for the day when the dragon of darkness would break free from his prison in the core of the Earth.

Sora: The Royal Private School in America

Once upon a time... There was a princess who didn't know she was a princess. Unbeknownst to her, she lived her life as a common citizen. However, on her 15th birthday, she learned about her true heritage and agreed to fulfill the destiny that was bestowed upon her. This meant returning to the castle of her deceased parents, who had sent her away to live with simple people in a remote village in the farthest corner of the kingdom for her protection, as her uncle, the king's brother, had seized control. The princess discovered that it was he who had killed her parents when she was just a baby. For her and the inhabitants of the kingdom, who suffered greatly under the rule of the usurper, the brave princess returned to the castle of her birth, overthrew her uncle, and...

"Hey, Sora, are you daydreaming with your eyes open wide again?" I was interrupted from my thoughts by Viola. Yes, there was nothing true about that beautiful story I had just dreamed up in a world of hate and love.

In reality, I wasn't a princess, and both of my parents were still alive. None of my three uncles were power-hungry or evil in any way, quite the opposite. The only thing that was true was the fact that tomorrow was my birthday, my 15th birthday. It was supposed to be a special day, at least how ordinary girls celebrated it, going to the movie theater or shopping with their best friends or just hanging out with them.

Every girl in the universe would describe such a day as magical or wonderful or fantastic. But I imagined a very different kind of special day for myself. All my life, I had simply gone with the flow. Went to school. Met up with my best and only friend. Occasionally did something with my parents and always got what I wanted from them, toys, clothes, as long as they weren't too expensive, and above all, their love.

But what I desired most of all, neither my parents nor my friends could give me: knowing who I really am. Day in and day out, the same things happened. It was a constant rhythm. Until the day before my birthday, I waited for something to happen that would fundamentally change my life.

But nothing ever happened in that direction.

All my life, I had dreamed of finding my place in the world, of dedicating myself to humanity, of doing something important, of being significant, of protecting others, no matter how. But until that day, I dreamt and waited in vain.

To escape this emptiness of not knowing what fate had in store for me, I would occasionally retreat into such dream worlds. "Just stop living in a dream world already. Reality has so much more to offer," Viola complained. We were walking down the hallway together, heading towards the chemistry lab.

Well, dear, dear school, in which I felt trapped. How boring it was! Without occasionally facing a different life in a daydream, I probably wouldn't be able to stand it here. Unfortunately, it also affected my grades.

But not even someone with as vivid an imagination as me could imagine our chemistry teacher as a friendly, lovable creature or a good friend. In every daydream he appeared in, he took on the role of the villain. The man I had imagined as the evil, power-hungry uncle had his face.

"Hopefully, the class will pass quickly," I grumbled. "And then?" Viola replied with a dejected tone. As nice as Fridays were because they marked the beginning of the weekend, the lessons on this day were terribly dull and boring. First math, followed by a double period of German. After the break, now we had chemistry. The only glimmer of hope on this endless, dark horizon was the double period of English, which ended the school day.

As poor as my grades were in the mathematical subjects, I excelled in foreign languages. No one could fool me in that area. I loved conversing with people from other countries, maybe even from a different continent. Equally fascinating to me was the fact that so many different languages could develop. I was eager to learn as many as possible.

Resting my head on my stiffened hand, I struggled to stay awake during chemistry class, which threatened to overwhelm me with drowsiness. However, I was already trapped in my own world and contemplating the meaning of life. Just as I was getting close to an answer, a sharp elbow suddenly dug into my side, and I felt the gaze of 28 pairs of eyes, plus that of the teacher, focused on me.

After she finally retracted her elbow, Viola whispered in my ear, "He wanted to know how the hydrogen explosion test works." "Oh yes. Of course. I'm sorry, I was just drawing a blank. It's... Well... How should I explain it...?" Suddenly, our class know-it-all interjected and gave one of her know-it-all answers in her famous doctor-like voice, which made me want to throttle her every time she even opens her mouth, that false beast. She always acted all nice and ingratiated herself with every single teacher, but deep down, her soul must be as black as the world has never seen, as fake as that goat was.

Finally, she finished with her clever answer, and my wish to see her suffer for a really long time slowly faded away.

"Did you hear that, Sora? Very well explained, Natascha. Take a cue from your classmate, Sora, and finally stop daydreaming. Next time, I have no choice but to give you a failing grade," he threatened, then turned back to the board.

"Thank you," I whispered to Viola. "No problem. Rarely get the chance to hit you without you fighting back," she added with a wink. A lopsided, shy grin crept onto my face, the one I always put on when I didn't know how to respond. I could always rely on Viola. Sometimes she was a bit peculiar, to say the least, but it would be boring if she didn't have a crazy side, and I was sure she thought the same of me.

Viola wasn't just my best friend, but above all, my only friend. Everyone else in class probably thought I was crazy, perhaps even conceited, since I often drifted off into fantasy worlds, which is why most of them avoided me.

I didn't care. Let them think whatever they wanted of me, as I said, I didn't care.

Fortunately, I could outtalk most of my classmates in English class. With all due modesty, no one could beat me there. Not even the chatterbox and class overachiever, Natascha Müller, could compete with me. And that alone was worth my active participation in English.

Even after the lesson, I couldn't resist offering dear Natascha tutoring sessions. "Go ahead, talk big," she replied to my offer. "For my part, starting tomorrow, I won't have to deal with you anymore. Because tomorrow is the big day when I go to the Royal Private School in America. I'll leave this evening." I was speechless. Only the best of the best attended that school. You had to be personally evaluated and selected by the teachers to be able to go there. No tuition fees, but the best education available.

A murmur went through the whole class. The chance for someone from our little school in Berlin to be selected for this school for the highly gifted was estimated at about 0.0000001 percent. I knew Natascha was clever, even though she loved to show it off, but I wouldn't have expected that from her. Although I didn't particularly like her, I had to admit, I was deeply impressed.

"Ah, yes. I've heard about it. In the teachers' office, they've been talking about it all day. Good luck, and I hope you continue to get good grades," even her English teacher chimed in. That was enough. I had had enough. I grabbed Viola's arm and made my way out while, even after the school bell had rung, everyone else in the classroom crowded around Natascha, congratulating her on her incredible achievement.

I found it sickening! Most of them didn't even like Natascha, and now they were acting as if she was the most popular girl in school, someone, no everyone wanted to be friends with. The fact that Natascha had actually made it to such an amazing school made me happy, even though, as I said, I couldn't stand her, but this false pretense just made me sick. I needed to get out of here. Away from this lovely, lovely school, with its lovely, lovely farewell scene. Ugh!

During the bus ride home, I chatted non-stop with Viola, avoiding the topic of Natascha. Apparently, Viola understood just how much it bothered me. Why didn't I lose myself in a fantasy world? I preferred to save that for moments when I was alone, and of course, for class. Viola and I talked about this and that. About boys. About our classmates. We gossiped about teachers and the most arrogant girls in school, and sooner or later, the name "Natascha" inevitably came up. There was no way around it.

It was great, especially because in many ways, Viola and I were very similar. No, Viola rarely imagined a fantasy world during class, quite the opposite, she always participated attentively. Consequently, her grades were much better than mine, I have to admit.

But we both loved reading fantasy books, enjoyed action movies, and loved going shopping together. We had known each other since kindergarten. Maybe that was why the bond between us was so strong.

We were currently planning our approach for our next big thing. Tomorrow, to celebrate my 15th birthday, we would go shopping together and only stop when we ran out of money or the stores closed. I was looking forward to it. Tomorrow would be the most beautiful day of my life, I was absolutely sure of it.

"See you tomorrow," we said goodbye as I arrived at my house. Viola and I lived in the same street, she just had to go a bit further.

So, there I was. Finally back home. Today had been a long, annoying, quite peculiar, but also beautiful day.

Professor Campillo: The Selection

Damn it. Damn it. Damn it.

I was late. Way too late. This couldn't be true. I had been a professor here at the Royal Private School for four years, and not once had I been late. Well, maybe occasionally, but that was the prerogative of all professors to arrive a few minutes late for class when they had "important school activities" to attend to. Of course, it was never because they had to sort through some files in their office, which some might describe as chaotic at best and the result of a bomb blast at worst, before finding the right documents.

But to be late today, of all days, for the annual meeting of the faculty with the Dragon of Light, who was supposed to announce the names of the new students, was absolutely unforgivable. I had to hurry to at least arrive just on time. Perhaps I shouldn't have been so persistent in searching for my hole puncher and should have postponed the office work for later. But now it couldn't be changed.

I hurried along the corridors, walking briskly. Deeper and deeper into this venerable old building. On both sides of the corridor, statues of magical creatures stood every few meters: ogres, dragons, elves, giants, gnomes. As I ran past a flower fairy and a lava fairy, I had finally reached my destination. The corridor ended in a dead end for someone who had nothing to do with our magical world. In front of me, a high wall of rough, hard stone stretched out.

Whispering the old formula softly, I pressed my right hand against the cold stone, and it moved aside with an audible scrape, revealing the view of the blue cave where the Dragon of Light lived.

The rough stone from the castle's corridors looked like polished marble compared to the jagged rock that covered the floor, walls, and ceiling of the cave. One could stumble a few meters on the barren rock before the water of the blue lake lapped gently against the shore. Gigantic rocks snaked down from the cave's ceiling, reaching towards the water like pillars. Some even dipped into the unfathomable darkness of the lake. No one could say how deep it was. In any case, the lake was large enough for the Dragon of Light.

Just the thought that the Dragon of Light lived down here all alone, the cave hidden over a hundred meters deep under rocks. Without any daylight. That felt kinda lonely. The cave was only illuminated by an eerie blue glow emanating from the water. You humans are probably thinking of luminescent minerals or something of the sort.

But no.

This blue glow was due to the Dragon of Light; it was charged to the maximum with his magic. According to rumors and various theories, this water had the power to heal any wound instantly.

A distinct clearing of the throat tore me away from this sight, which, even after all these years, was still breathtaking. Somewhat embarrassed, I turned to my colleagues.

As expected, everyone was already present. With the fingers of my right hand, I ran them through my reddish-brown ponytail. It was a quirk of mine. Whenever I was nervous, I couldn't help but play with my hair.

Behind me, the entrance to the cave closed again. The moment I entered, all eyes were on me. Ethan shook his head and asked where I had been for so long. Outwardly, it seemed like he wanted to reprimand me. But I knew better. He could never stay mad at me for long. We had known each other for far too long. However, as the school principal, he had to treat each of his colleagues equally, and rule violations had to be addressed, even if my lateness today was more of an embarrassing slip-up than a rule violation.

The main thing is that everyone is finally present. The Dragon of Light raised his voice, and his ice-blue, wise eyes scanned each one of us.

In total, we were fourteen teachers, each teaching a different subject. Admittedly, we were very few, and there had been times when there were at least three teachers assigned to each subject: one for each grade. But there weren't enough of us anymore to assign too many guardians for the new students' education. That's why we had just enough, or perhaps precisely because of that, each one of us was an expert in our respective field, which I can admit with not a little pride.

We were such a colorful bunch, and it was surprising how well we worked together, primarily thanks to Ethan. He had always been a great leader and excelled in his role as the school principal.

I caught myself staring at him and quickly averted my gaze.

Meanwhile, the Dragon of Light had begun to announce who, in his opinion, could become a worthy protector or even a guardian and would be sent to our school. Ethan noted down their names on a clipboard in his neat handwriting.


We used to be a brilliant team. Ethan, Kyo, and I. At a time when we were still actively fighting against the dark dragon or rather his followers, the dark guardians, who possessed similar magic to us guardians and protectors. The dark dragon himself had been sealed by Maria Ferreira for fifteen years now, although he was slowly gaining strength.

During that time, the three of us had been through thick and thin, and we had cheated death more than once. Together, we had achieved almost everything, and now all three of us taught here, training the future guardians and protectors. As honorable as this task was and as fulfilling as it was to be able to shape the future by teaching the future warriors everything I knew about the magical world to prepare them for the dangers posed by the dark guardians, I still missed being on the front lines and fighting myself.

To distract myself from the rushing memories, I let my gaze wander over my remaining colleagues. Although our presence was required for the name announcement, Ethan was already writing down the names, so I could let my thoughts drift peacefully.

As mentioned before, we were truly a motley crew. Guardians of all ages were gathered here to teach. Some had been working as teachers since the end of the Great War fifteen years ago, or even before. During the war, the 89-year-old Japanese man, Daichi Gin, trained young recruits, teaching them the art of sword fighting and unarmed combat techniques. Afterwards, he was in charge of combat training here at the school. A few years ago, due to his age (which I don't quite understand because the old man still has a lot of fire in him), he had to pass on this position to his students and my friends, Kyo Yuujou and Gabriele Friedrich. Today, he teaches magical objects. And he was not only a master of all martial arts, but also one of the brightest minds at the school, a bit stubborn, impenetrable, and tough, perhaps a little old-fashioned and cynical, but incredibly intelligent.

Next to him stood Jacqueline, which presented quite a bizarre picture. With her smurf-blue, long hair, usually tied into two braids, her lively eyes, and her perpetual wide grin, she was the complete opposite of him. So not only did she differ from the white-haired Japanese man in appearance, often dressed in traditional Japanese attire, but also in character. If he embodied all the old values and traditions of his homeland, she was the personification of progress and everything modern, to which her light green miniskirt and bright yellow top contributed. The 29-year-old was always in a good mood and quite lively.

It was good to have a certain balance beside her, in the form of the gentle and calm Grace Cromwell. At 68 years old, she was still an attractive woman, hardly showing her age. Behind her shoulder-length snow-white hair, slightly grayed light green eyes, and delicate wrinkles that adorned her face, one could still see the beautiful woman she had once been. As always, she wore a long white coat, making it clear that she was the school nurse. In addition, she also taught Herbology and Potion Making. When it came to plants, there was hardly anything this woman didn't know. And for that, I admired Professor Cromwell greatly.

I myself had some knowledge of herbology, but my expertise still lay in magical creatures and the inner self. My role here at the school was to guide the new students on their path to their souls, helping them discover who they were and what set them apart so that their hearts would be open when the Dragon of Light revealed their destiny and bestowed upon them the power to control an element.

Teaching the elements was also a very important task and not an easy one to master. In total, five teachers were responsible for it: one for Earth, Water, and Fire, and two for Air, as the professor in charge, Kyo Yuujou, also led combat training together with Gabriele Friedrich.

Gabriele, 35 years old and a Guardian of Earth who could transform into a badger, was in charge of training the second and third-year students while Kyo taught the first-year students. The attractive dark-haired woman was a tough lady who initially appeared quiet and reserved but had a tendency to burst into anger if provoked long enough. She always pushed back her curly dark brown hair with a black velvet headband and had a few roses woven into her hair by her partner, a flower fairy, giving her an innocent look. But appearances could be deceiving with her. She was a real force to be reckoned with when push came to shove. With her warm green eyes, she had locked onto the reserved Sebastian.

Sebastian Eliasson was a tall and slender man, 49 years old. He had lost his entire family in the Great War, his parents, his wife, and his three children. Perhaps that was why he always seemed absent and contemplative, a bit detached. Even the scar that ran across his left eye didn't make him look daring or fiery like others; instead, it made him appear even more lost in thought. Like Kyo, he had been closely connected to the Jiyuus. When the little princess Sora had disappeared, in a way, the last remnants of his family had died for him. Since then, he had been unable to form any attachments.


With that shocked outcry, Professor McDorrell snapped me out of my thoughts. Despite her advanced age of 74, she was as fit as a fiddle and quite a stubborn, headstrong, and incorrigible fighting machine, which may have been due to her own years of fighting in the war. But despite her gruff demeanor, everyone, or at least most people, knew that she had a kind heart and genuinely meant well.

I couldn't understand why she suddenly seemed so upset. I had drifted so far in my thoughts that I hadn't been paying attention to the Dragon of Light's words. Since I didn't dare ask what had happened, I struggled to follow the ensuing discussion. It would have been too embarrassing to admit that as an educator, who was supposed to set an example, I hadn't been listening to our great Dragon of Light.

"This is impossible!" Professor Gin shouted. "You must be mistaken," speculated Professor McDorrell again. To accuse the Dragon of Light of a mistake was extremely audacious, if not a serious offense, but the Dragon of Light seemed to ignore it, his eyes only narrowing slightly.

What had happened?!

"She doesn't come from a magical family," Shixin, our Chinese colleague, said. Normally, he was quiet, calm, and reserved. It was highly unexpected for him to speak up. But thanks to his statement, I could now infer what had caused such a commotion.

"How can an ordinary human be worthy to join our ranks?" the Chinese professor continued. At 25 years old, he was one of the youngest professors here at the school. Undoubtedly, he was a genius, a great Guardian, and an extremely intelligent young man. But he still had a lot to learn.

Just as I was about to speak up, Ethan beat me to it: "Watch your tongues!" he said with a sharp tone. "If the Dragon of Light deems this girl worthy, then she is."

Exactly what I was about to say. Sometimes I truly believed our headmaster could read minds.

The Dragon of Light gave Ethan an approving nod and let his icy blue eyes scan over everyone present once more.

With those words, everyone had to come to terms with the outcome: this human girl they were talking about would join our midst, whether the other professors liked it or not. Personally, I didn't care if a student came from a more or less prestigious family. What mattered was how the student performed, what sacrifices they were willing to make, and their own merits. Their lineage played no role in my treatment of them. I treated all my students equally: reprimanding rule violations, rewarding good performance, criticizing poor performance, and offering suggestions for improvement. I would make no exception for this human girl. If she showed talent and proved herself worthy, I would accept her into our ranks immediately.

Irene. Once again, I was jolted out of my thoughts, this time by the Dragon of Light, who had addressed me directly.

I want you to take care of Sora Krüger. Explain to her what awaits her. Also, talk to her parents. But let her make the choice whether she is ready to accept this life or not.

With the words, "As you wish," I accepted this assignment.

The eyes of the Dragon briefly glowed white, and with his magic, he transferred the necessary information to me to establish contact with the girl.

Sora Krüger. 14 years old. Birthday: tomorrow, so practically turning 15. Residing in Berlin, Germany. No siblings. Parents: Kai and Linda Krüger.

With her address in hand, it was easy for me to personally visit her and convince her of our cause.

Our assembly gradually dispersed, and resolute, I set off on my way to my new mission.

Sora: Fateful Encounter

My life was truly nothing extraordinary, as I mentioned before. My family was completely normal. I had a mother who worked part-time at a friend's boutique and a father who was a postal worker. Not a job that made you rich, that's for sure. Nevertheless, we always managed to get by and led a fairly normal, if not average, life.

At least, that was the case until that not so normal afternoon when I came home. Because when I entered the kitchen, where my mother usually cooked our lunch at this time, no one was there.

I continued into the dining room, where my father usually read the newspaper while my mother cooked. But instead of finding him alone here, my father, my mother, and a strange woman with long red hair were present. They seemed to have just been discussing a rather sensitive topic. My parents looked quite nervous as I entered the dining room.

My mother played with strands of her medium-length brown hair the whole time, tucking them behind her ear, rolling them on her finger, and tucking them behind her ear again. Her loving, golden-brown eyes were clouded with a shadow and wandered seemingly aimlessly around the dining room.

My father ran his hands through his dark brown, almost black hair and finally looked at me with his tired, blue-green eyes.

I had no idea how I got the impression, but somehow it seemed to me that this stranger was surrounded by a cosmic, mysterious aura. She was also somewhat peculiar.

Starting with her attire, consisting of a black-purple striped shirt, a purple leather jacket, and jeans. Additionally, she wore a purple band tied around her head. The latter, in particular, struck me as very peculiar. And even though she appeared relatively petite and rather weak on the surface, I believed that beneath that exterior, a strong woman was hiding, someone to be revered. This commanding presence was also reflected in her light brown eyes, brimming with self-confidence.

The first person to address me was this strange woman. "Ah, you must be Sora. Nice to meet you." I stared at her in complete perplexity for what felt like an endless moment before I said, "Likewise, but who are you?" "I'm sorry, I completely forgot to introduce myself to you. My name is Irene Campillo. Professor Campillo to my students." "Your students?!" Now I was utterly confused. What was this woman doing here?

"I think it's best if we start from the very beginning again. I have already told your parents everything. Sora, I assume you are familiar with the Royal Private School in America, right?" What was this about now? "Of course, but I don't quite understand..." "You know that only a few students are selected each year for this unique school, right? Only about twenty to forty worldwide. And this year, Sora, you are one of the lucky 34. Starting tomorrow, you will be a student at the Royal Private School."

OK, now I know what's going on here. Where are the cameras and where is the show host who tells me that this whole thing was just a prank for television? Even though I had these silly thoughts, I didn't dare to speak them out loud.

Perhaps it was because I didn't even get a chance to, as Professor Campillo, who had a strong Spanish accent, continued: "The Royal Private School is not an ordinary school. But that may refer to a different meaning than you are currently thinking. Outwardly, we must maintain the appearance that it is a school for gifted students, handpicked by the teachers to keep its true purpose a secret from the world. Because in reality, it is a school where young people with extraordinary abilities, chosen by a special being we call the Dragon of Light, are taught to use their abilities for the benefit of our planet."

Wow! And I thought I had a vivid imagination. To my surprise, my parents remained completely still. I would have expected them to kick someone with such delusions out immediately. Why weren't they doing that? It was completely obvious that this woman had a few screws loose, right? That someone who imagined their teachers as villains in a day dream during class thinks of this person as a completely crazy hag, might sound a bit strange, but I wasn't so far off with that, was I?

"However incredible this may seem to you right now, I can understand it very well. To be honest, the Dragon of Light hasn't chosen anyone who doesn't come from one of the ancient magical families that have served as guardians or at least protectors for centuries. But he has deemed you worthy to learn the truth about the magic that surrounds us all. So, if you were to pack everything you would need for the next few weeks at this school..." "Professor Campillo, perhaps you should show her. She needs to see it," my mother interrupted her, apparently noticing my slightly bewildered and incredulous expression.

This supposed Professor Campillo raised her hand after a muttered "Of course." and suddenly a small fire flickered around her fingers. These flames had emerged from her hand out of nowhere. To my greatest astonishment, this woman did not burn herself. The fire seemed to have no effect on her at all. Wow! This day was getting crazier by the second. "This is definitely not a trick, right?"

Sora: A Dragon and a School

A lot changed on the day before my 15th birthday.

I learned that magic truly existed.

I learned that the Royal Private School existed to train warriors in service against evil.

And I learned that this incredible school was led by a bona fide dragon.

This woman, Professor Campillo, was a teacher at the Royal Private School in America and had been personally sent to fetch me, as only a magical creature chosen by the Dragon of Light could enter the school in a certain way.

"But we've seen reports about this school on television a few times. How is that possible?" "Explaining that is a bit difficult. How should I put it... For ordinary people, the school looks exactly as you've seen it on television. However, that's because a kind of magical veil has been placed around the entire premises to protect it from prying eyes. Only the chosen few, those with magic flowing through their veins and hearts strong enough to serve the Dragon of Light without question, know what the school truly looks like."

"I understand... I think," I muttered as I packed my most important belongings.

"What does the school really look like then?" "You'll love it. The Royal Private is a grand castle with a huge garden and many training halls that have been built in recent years. The castle itself is divided into six wings. One houses the teachers, the second is for the newcomers, which includes you, and the others are divided according to the four elements." "What do you mean by that, Professor?" I interrupted her.

"As you saw, I have mastery over the fire element. Well, our school's purpose is to train future Guardians or Protectors. In the first few weeks of a student's time here, they are taught to listen to the voice within themselves. To pass the first interim exam, they must eventually stand before the Dragon of Light themselves, and if deemed worthy, they will be chosen for a specific element and receive a portion of the dragon's energy."

"Does that mean anyone can master a specific element?" I asked for clarification. She nodded. However, something in her words bothered me, and I furrowed my brow.

"You mentioned that the school's purpose is to train future Guardians or Protectors. Is there a difference between Guardians and Protectors?"

Professor Campillo seemed a bit annoyed by my barrage of questions. But this opportunity presented by the school was as unique as it was incredible. Throughout my life, I had always had the vague feeling of not belonging in this world. In the moment Professor Campillo demonstrated her power to me, something stirred within me, as if that inner voice suddenly felt where I belonged and what purpose my life should have.

"There is a difference. The fine distinction lies in the fact that a Guardian has also passed the final exams with the Dragon of Light. In addition to gaining power over a specific element, they also receive the ability to transform into a specific animal. And in their transformed form, their powers multiply, which is why a Guardian, who possesses the ability to change shape, is much more respected than a Protector."

"Can you also transform into an animal, Professor?" I asked her, eyes wide open. "Yes, into a tiger," she replied curtly.

The longer I listened to her story, the more I believed that I had either completely lost my mind, was trapped in one of my dreams, or that the craziest thing in my life was happening right now.

Professor Campillo let her gaze sweep across my room. While she had answered my questions, she had been leaning against the doorframe, watching me pack. With effort, I squeezed my overloaded suitcase shut, which threatened to burst at the seams but managed to hold together. Thankfully.

"That was the last question. You will get all the answers you want once we arrive at the school." "When are we actually leaving?" I asked. "Tonight. So you better say your goodbyes quickly. And don't forget, no one must learn the truth." Tonight?! But then... As far as I can remember, it would be the first birthday without Viola. How am I going to tell her that we have to postpone our shopping day because I'm changing schools?

"But I can't just lie to my friends like that." "It has to be done. It's for the protection of the school. Not every ordinary person would approve of the Royal Private School if the whole world knew the truth."

"What do you mean?"

Had Professor Campillo withheld an important detail from me after all? Perhaps it had been a bit hasty to believe everything she said after her little fire trick. While it felt right deep inside me, as if some higher power was leading me to this school, as if I had been waiting for this moment my whole life.

Nevertheless, reason warned me, against the voice of my heart, to exercise caution and reconsider everything once again. After all, it could all be a trick, and it could either end in a nasty prank or a true nightmare.

"People fear what they don't understand. It's in their nature. We protect them. But they know nothing about it." I tried to understand her words. Somewhere, it made sense. Nevertheless... This whole story was just too unbelievable.

"Do you already know what you will tell Viola?" my mother asked. She had suddenly appeared behind Professor Campillo. Apparently, she must have read my thoughts. "No. I..." Damn. I hadn't even thought about it yet.

I had never lied to my best friend before. She would smell a rat immediately.

"If you simply tell her that you are going to a different school starting tomorrow, to a boarding school. And if you just keep the details about the extraordinary lessons to yourself, you're technically not lying to her, right?" Professor Campillo suggested.

"Or do you even want to go to the Royal Private School now that you know the truth?" she asked. "Are you saying that I don't have to go if I don't want to?"

"The Dragon of Light has chosen you. For an outwardly ordinary person, that is a great honor. Not many outsiders are chosen by the Dragon. Unexpected possibilities will open up for you. Because with the Dragon of Light, you will also learn what your destiny will be. You have been chosen," she repeated earnestly, "But the final decision of whether you want to follow this path lies with you."

Without another word, I simply left the two of them and went out into the garden. Sunbeams danced cheerfully among the leaves of our apple tree. The birds chirped. One could think that this was just an ordinary summer day.

I leaned against the trunk of the apple tree. This was where I could think best. Should I go to this mysterious school or not? I needed some more time to reconsider everything.

My heart told me that Professor Campillo had told me the truth. But reason still held me back. Should I really give up my life to start anew somewhere in the distance, where I knew no one and didn't know exactly what awaited me? Or should I just let this opportunity slip away and continue waiting for something to happen in this life.

Honestly, what did this life have to offer me? I would follow the usual path that everyone else followed. Finish school, maybe go to college or start an apprenticeship, pursue a career, start a family, grow old, and die. What was the point? I didn't want to be like everyone else. Deep inside, a voice called out to me, urging me to go to this school, just so I wouldn't end up like everyone else, to see if destiny had something more in store for me.

On the other hand, in this life, I had a family and friends whom I would likely have to give up if I were to seize this opportunity. Wait, what was I saying?! My family and friends wouldn't just vanish from my life. I would surely see them again soon. But would I still be the person they knew and loved?

Perhaps I would be completely different, and our relationship would be irreparably damaged?

Oh well! At this school, I would learn to surpass the limits of ordinary people. That wouldn't turn me into a different person, would it? I would still be me, Sora Krüger.

With that, my decision was made. I would go to the Royal Private School. Now I just had to figure out how to break the news to Viola.

If I told her the truth, she would probably think I had come up with another wild story. But I couldn't tell her the truth. Professor Campillo had drilled that into me several times.

Maybe I should just listen to her advice and only tell her about changing schools. But then she would surely inquire about which school I was going to, why, and if she could visit me there someday. Although she meant well with these questions as a friend, it would make it even more difficult for me to tell her the truth without revealing too much.

As I pondered over this, my gaze fixed on my feet as I strolled back into the house.

"Have you made up your mind?" the professor interrupted my thoughts.

"When did you say we should leave?" "This evening, at 6 o'clock." A glance at the clock revealed that it was already shortly after four. So, two more hours. "I'll be back in time. Don't leave without me, okay?" I replied. She smiled and winked at me. "Don't be late."

I waved goodbye briefly and finally walked to Viola's place.

Viola: A Promise

"America?!" I couldn't believe what my best friend had just told me. Yes, Sora was the best in English, even better than the most annoying redhead in the history of humanity. But to go to school in America because of that?! Where did this crazy idea come from?

I had been working on my presentation about Napoleon Bonaparte in history, looking forward to emptying a few stores tomorrow to celebrate my best friend's birthday, and then this!

I almost wished I had gone to my weekly judo training today, just to avoid this revelation. But then I would have had to say goodbye to Sora over the phone. But why was all this happening so suddenly and especially so quickly? I just couldn't wrap my head around it.

I mean, if she had planned to go to school in America, she would have started planning it weeks ago, maybe even a year or two ago, and most importantly: she would have talked to me about it beforehand, asked for my advice on whether it was really a good idea.

But now she sat before me looking somewhat remorseful and told me about this final decision. Presenting me with a fait accompli. That she would be leaving today.

"Yes, my parents want to send me there to stay with acquaintances, so that my grades can improve. My English is good enough to go to school in America for a year or two, I think," she told me.

For what felt like an eternity, I just stared at her in disbelief.


A boarding school, she had said.

We wouldn't be able to see each other for a long time.

We would be attending different schools.

We wouldn't even be on the same continent anymore.


Calling her there would certainly be damn expensive.

Frustrated, I exhaled and looked into her guilty azure eyes. She kept running her fingers through her long, jet-black hair. It was a habit. She always did that when she didn't know what to say or do, and when something made her uncomfortable. She genuinely felt sorry for having to tell me all this. Somehow, I could sense that she didn't really want to say goodbye to me because she would miss me.

But that also made things easier for me.

We had been best friends for as long as I could remember.

She would miss me just as much as I would miss her. But precisely because of that, we would overcome the boundary called the Atlantic Ocean and stay in touch, remaining best friends until we were a hundred years old and even longer.

That's why I embraced her and didn't let go for a long time. After the initial surprise at my reaction, she returned the hug. Even though I was certain that our friendship would survive this separation, it still hurt to let her go, and I couldn't prevent my tears from wetting her t-shirt.

"Viola..." she started to say, after we released each other and I wiped away my tears with the back of my hand.

"It's okay," I waved it off. "Just take care of yourself over there in America, and let me know as soon as you can. Write to me too. Oh, and don't forget to bring me something. You're coming back home during the holidays, right?"

Tears shimmered in Sora's eyes, but she blinked them away bravely and nodded, promising to fulfill those requests. She also assured me that we would surely see each other again soon. We intertwined our pinky fingers to seal this promise.

"I'll come up with something. Some great, typically American souvenir," she replied with a quivering voice and a slightly crooked smile.

For her, it was just as difficult as it was for me, maybe even more so.

Actually, a thousand questions burned on the tip of my tongue:

Why was she in such a hurry to go to America?

Why so suddenly?

Had something happened?

Which school did she want to attend now?

Where was it located among the many states of the USA?

Did she already have an address so that I could send her a package? After all, we still had a birthday to celebrate tomorrow.

But I swallowed all these questions along with the heavy lump in my throat. Now wasn't the right time for them. Sora still had to pack and would soon be leaving. She would still have to say goodbye to her parents. I didn't want to unnecessarily hold her back. I could ask her all these questions later, once she had reached out to me.

I briefly squeezed her hand, and we promised to stay in touch.

Then she walked away.

And somehow, it felt like she was leaving forever.

With each step she took away from me, the distance between us grew, not just physically, but I didn't know where this feeling came from. It was as if there would be more separating us from now on than just the Atlantic Ocean.

Once she was gone, my room felt strangely empty. It was actually quite small, and the few pieces of furniture filled it neatly: a bed, a bedside table, a desk, a wardrobe, and two bookshelves overflowing with books. Stuffed animals were piled on my bed. As a little girl, I could never bring myself to play with dolls; I simply didn't know what to do with them. But stuffed animals had always fascinated me.

My room used to be filled with them. Gradually, I had given them away or thrown them out. But I couldn't part with a few of them. The walls of my room were plastered with posters from judo competitions. My great hobby.

Well, I had never been a typical girly girl.

But despite all the things that occupied my room, it now felt terribly empty. I felt empty.

Sora and I used to play here so often that in a way, it was also her room. She was a part of it, an important part. Now that she was gone and I couldn't see her anytime soon, it felt like I had let a part of myself walk through that door.

No! I couldn't let myself be dragged down now. Sora had made her decision. She wanted to make something of her life, I knew that for sure. Even though she was an incorrigible daydreamer, I knew that it was just an expression of her longing to do more with her life, to achieve something great that surpassed even my wildest dreams. Perhaps she would get that chance in America.

To distract myself from my melancholic thoughts, I went to my parents' hobby cellar where I had a corner reserved for myself. Quickly, I put on a tank top, comfortable pants, and sneakers, wrapped tape around my knuckles, and started pounding on my punching bag.

Besides judo, I also loved kickboxing. Mostly because it allowed me to hit punching bags so satisfyingly. It was excellent for relieving stress.

And someone with such a short fuse as me couldn't get out of breath enough so that I wouldn't do something I would regret one day.

This whole thing also had a pleasant side effect: if any guys in a lonely alley under moonlight were really dumb enough to mess with me, one would only feel sorry for those fools. I knew how to defend myself, especially when my opponents were bigger and stronger than me, and thought they had the upper hand because of it. There was much more to me than met the eye. On the outside, I was a blonde, blue-eyed, petite girl. But I could definitely throw a punch.

Similar to Sora. She just didn't know it yet. She considered herself a daydreamer, perhaps even a good-for-nothing. But she was the smartest person I knew. If only she would study properly, she would surpass our class overachiever, Natascha, by leaps and bounds. Sora had a great ability to think outside the box. The fact was, her imagination didn't make her any worse than others, even though she unfortunately believed it did. No, it was


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.07.2023
ISBN: 978-3-7554-4718-4

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for everyone who just loves dragons

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