
In Flight




Someday, Somewhere-


Anywhere, Unfailingly,


You’ll find yourself,


And that, and only that,


Can be the happiest or bitterest hour of your life.



-Pablo Neruda



Chapter 1

I was never anything special.I was a girl with a past, present,and future just like everyone else.I didn't stand out and I wasn't anything to coo over.For a while I liked it this way.Only because I had never known what it was like to be that something more.To be told how amazing and unique I was were words I had never expected to hear.Now I was living in a world where people wanted me dead because of who I was.I was something to fight over and I was something worth protecting.


I had lost so many important things trying to find my place in the world.My mother, my father, my best friend, and my heart.My destiny was decided long ago and now I have no choice but to walk it.What I would give to be nobody again! Now my name strikes fear into the hearts of those who have never even met me.I am a symbol of death all because of a fate that I had never wanted.


Zhara.It's just a name you might say.And you are right.At one point in time it was just a name.It had no meaning or higher purpose to it.It was a girl laughing with a friend over something silly or the name of a girl falling in love for the first time.Over time it became a name that was whispered through a world called Acadia and it was a name that brought fear to those that opposed her.

 I was once just Zhara.That sweet naive girl that giggled at the silliest things.Now I was Zhara, daughter of Tildana and fierce protector of Acaidens.

Chapter 2

It was a long quiet ride back to Acaidia.Luca had stolen a decent looking camaro from a convenient store we had flown to after we got Mikael back.Luca complained on and on about how much he loved that camaro and soon I grew so weary of his sobbing that I fell asleep.I awoke to Mikaels light touch on my arm and my eyes fluttered open.I instantly became aware and I looked out my window to see that we were nearing the city limits.


When I looked in the rearview mirror I saw Mikael gazing out the window into the darkness beyond.He looked tired and agitated and that worried me.He hadn't said a word since we left Cape Falcon and I couldn't help but wonder what was causing this.I looked over to my left to see Luca with a grin on his face.Luca normally isn't a coffee drinker and for good reason.Luca had been driving for the past few hours and he had already gone through nine cups of coffee which had immediately taken a toll on him.He had become so wired up that we had to pull over to let him run off a little of the caffeine.Even now he couldn't stop grinning like a damn idiot.


I gave a small laugh at his expression and then turned to see how Talon was doing.He had worried lines etched into his face and I knew he was thinking about Tera.He blamed himself for leaving her in danger and there was nothing we could say to him to make him think otherwise.I turned back to the approaching town and I noticed that very few lights were on .I looked at the dashboard to see that it was only six.Why was it so dark? As we made a right onto the towns main entrance the first thing I noticed was how eerie it was.It seemed as if the town had ceased to exist in the two days we had been gone.


"Why in the hell is it so quiet?" I murmured to no one in particular.


"I have no idea but something had to have happened.This isn't normal." Mikael whispered.


As we passed houses we saw boards on windows and very little light came from the houses.Everything was quiet and unmoving.We passed by my old house or at least where my old house used to stand.Someone had burned it to the ground and placed a sign on the front lawn.The sign read 'Witches once lived here'.I laughed at the absurdity of it all.


"Hey are you alright?" Luca asked.


"Yea it was just a house." I responded.


I looked up to see Mikael staring at me with an intensity that made me want him.I looked away quickly and Talon cleared his throat.


"So what's the plan?" He questioned.


"We are gonna have to get out and walk once we get to the tree line.We know that forest well and I don't want to announce our arrival." Mikael explained.


We drove the rest of the way in silence.The road that Tera and I had once taken to find Talon and Damien came into view and I felt an immediate feeling of deja vu.We all got out of the car and I watched as Luca and Mikael pushed the car into the bushes.Talon stood by my side with his hands in his pockets.


"Lets do this." Luca howled.


"You are never getting coffee again." I laughed out.


Mikael shook his head and lead the way into the darkened forest.


"It will take us the rest of the night to get to Acadia so lets try and move fast." Mikael pleaded.


Luca, Talon, I  nodded our heads and moved at Mikaels pace.


Soon it became too dark in the forest and we all shifted our eyes to get a better view of where we were walking.Hours passed as we walked and I began to wonder if we were lost.A change in the air caused me to stop and I drew my sais.Hairs raised on the back of my neck and I knew that we were being watched.


"Stop." I whispered harshly.


Immediately the guysturned around and watched me.They saw that I had my sais out and instantly they took up a defensive position.


"We've got company." I whispered.


They all nodded and looked in different directions.In seconds, six Acaidens sprung from the trees with weapons in hand.We were all ready for a fight but then a thought came to my mind.


"Stand down." I said.


Mikael and Talon looked at me as if I had lost my mind but Luca had already understood what I was getting at.


"We are trying to get back into Acadia, right?" I asked them.


"Oh ok got it." Talon registered what I meant and Mikael followed.


I pushed my knives back into my boots and we let the guards take us as prisoners.It took another few hours of walking but we finally made it into Acadia.It was quiet as we walked across the lawn to the main house.I shifted my hearing and realized that everyone had been alerted that we were back.When we walked into the house we were lead to the dining room and I found that I was right.They had all been waiting for us.


The large doors were closed behind us and we were guided to a stop in front of Damien and Rina, the new leaders of Acaidia.I didn't look around at the faces around me.Instead I focused on Rinas.I was ready to rip her head from her shoulders but I was able to remain calm and collected.The room broke out in whispers and Damien tried to get control of the room.


"Everyone please." Damien shouted.


The room continued to grow in volume and I nearly laughed at the expression on Damiens face.Mikael gave a low growl and began to speak.


"Be quiet." Mikael said.


The room immediately ceased conversation and Damien gave a perplexed look.Mikael was a natural born leader even when he wasn't in control.Out of sheer habit these people bent to Mikaels will and settled down with just the sound of his voice.


"Now that I have your attention." Damien murmured with a frown.


My eyes returned back to Rinas to see a small smile on her lips.I smiled back and she glared back at me.


"Today we stand here because these Acaidens have broken a sacred law.They have killed fellow Acaidens. All I ask for today is justice." Damien hesitated when he looked into the glaring eyes of his brothers.


Rina cleared her throat and stepped forward, "They should be charged harshly.Just think they killed our very own Acaidens!"


Everyone in the room nodded their heads but I stood calmly.


"That is not how it works Rina. We allow them to say their piece and then we decide." Ada spoke up.


Rina looked baffled and angry.


"But we know that they killed our people.Why should they have a chance to justify it!" Rina growled.


"Because we are descendents of a fair and just species.We will not break tradition." Ada explained.


Throughout it all Damien looked like he didn't know what he was doing.


"Well then, now that that is cleared up.I will start with my part first." Mikael said taking a step forward.


Mikael preceded to tell about the fight that took place that night and how rogues carried him off to Cape Falcon.At first they tried to get information on certain Acaidens but he wouldn't give anyone up.Soon they resorted to torture by storing him in a room that a regular human would have died in.He began to give them unimportant bits of information and this helped him bide time until someone came to get him.It turns out he was waiting a whole lot longer then he had anticipated because the people who were suppose to be looking for him were electing a new prince.


"At two weeks Zhara finally came to get me.They were getting ready to behead me on a cliff and the people that saved me, stand right beside me now." Mikael finished.


Those in the room looked down in guilt and shame.As they should.Talon then took a step forward and told his story.He had went up to my room the night I had went to get Luca and found the dead bodies.He knew we wouldn't kill people for no apparent reason so he followed us out to Lucas' car and realized we were leaving to find Mikael.He ran back to the house and told Tera that he was going with us and he asked Rina to look out for her.He finally caught up with us at our campsite and helped save Mikael.


Luca told almost everything that had happened to us.He hadn't told them what or who I was and for that I was grateful.That was my story to tell when I was ready.The room grew silent and everyone looked at me expectantly.I shifted my eyes from the window and looked at the people in the room around me.I took a step forward and told my story.

Chapter 3

 "As you can see my story is pretty much the same as Lucas'.But you may have noticed that there is a distinguished gap in all of our stories though." I hesitated.

"Yes I was wondering how you guys got to that cliff in just fourty minutes with you only being able to partially shift." Ada whispered.


I nodded my head at Ada and stepped forward.The binds around my hands dropped.I had grown tired of having them on so I melted it off my wrist.


"During that time I was with Rayon.I called for her and she came.When she did she said that she a had a gift to give me. The gift was that of my Furie mothers power."


I let this sink in and I was soon rewarded with confused frowns.


"My mother was a Furie and she settled down in the human world with my father."


"You mean to tell us that you were born Acaiden?" Rina sneered.


"No I mean to tell you that I was born to a Furie mother." I said.


"Oh really? And what was this Furies name?" Rina laughed out.


I began to walk towards the window.It was a rainy day but that's to be expected when you live in a place like Oregon.


"Tildana.Tildana was her name." I breathed out.


The room erupted into an outrage of noise and I waited.


"Why do you tell such lies?" Rina screamed over the noise.


"What reason do I have to lie?" I laughed.


"Proof! Show us proof Zhara.You are trying to tell us that you were born to one of the most powerful Furies to ever walk this earth! If what you say is true then that would make you Furie not Acaiden." Ada exclaimed.


"Show them Zhara." Mikael growled.


Without turning around I gently removed my jacket.The tank top I had on would allow enough room for my wings to grow out.


With my eyes closed I called my wings forth.I could see the reflection of them in the window and I once again marveled at their beauty.Red like blood and strong like steel.


Gasps resonated through out the room and I turned to see everyone looking at me in terror.What a wonderful feeling!


"You really are the..." Rina trailed off.


"Yes bitch.You made a big mistake." I growled as I took a step towards her.


"What do you mean she made a mistake?" Damien asked.


"Rina is the one who let the rogues into Acadia.She is the one that had me kidnapped." Mikael explained.


"Rina? Why in the hell would she do that?" Damiens face was masked in pain.


"Because she wants to get rid of Acaidens." I responded.


"She is Acaiden herself! Why would she do this?" Tera spoke up from the left of the crowd.


"Because she isn't Acaiden.She has the power to mask what she really is." I said.


Everyone looked to Rina for comformation but instead she stood clinging to Damiens arm.


"Is this true?" Damien whispered.


Rina let go of his arm and began to back away.Her eyes were wide with fear and she started to retreat to the door but found it blocked by Acaidens.


"You must understand! I didn't have a choice!" She screamed.


"How could you do this to me? To my people?" Damien cried out.


"Oh please.You should know that I didn't feel anything for you.You are second best and you will always be second best!" Rina spat.


She had pissed me off beyond belief and in seconds I stood in front of her.With my hand raised I was ready to unleash my fury.


"Any last words dear Rina?" I laughed.


"Rylan will avenge me!" She yelled, before I incinerated her ass to pieces.


The room immediately broke out in chaos and I wondered what the hell was going on.


"Mikael!" I yelled out.




The room settled down completely with just the one word and I felt pride swell in me.My mate stood at the front of the room with the authority of a king.I walked over to stand by his side and I watched as Damien stepped into the crowd.


"What was that all about?" I questioned him.


"Rylan.He is a dead ancient Furie." He growled.


"Well Rina made it seem like he was right down the street."


"There is no way that he's alive." Mikael muttered.


"How do you know that there's no way?"


"Because my great grandpa killed him." Mikael responded.


"Aaww so your great grandpa was Furie." I began to understand the family line.


"Yes and Rylan was my great grandpas brother.He didn't believe in mating with humans but my great grandpa had already fallen in love with one.It tore them apart and soon Rylan became mad with killing off any race he felt were inferior."


This all was hitting to close to home for Mikael and I could see that.He had already been through alot in the past two weeks and it was clear that he needed rest.


"Come on." I grabbed him by his arm and dragged him upstairs to his room.


When I opened the door I noticed that his room had been picked up and the blood had been wiped down.


"My mom always has a habit of cleaning up our rooms." Mikael explained.


I nodded and he moved past me and into his room.


"I guess you've already been in here." Mikael sent me a shy glance and I laughed at his expression.


"Yes I have.Why do you ask?" I decided to make him squirm.


He looked away and ran his hands through his hair.


"You know why I asked.Everything in here reminds me of you.I had never liked the color green before I saw your eyes." Mikael said as he took slow steps towards me.


I became terribly aroused and I watched as a sexy smile spread across Mikaels face.He reached out and ran his hands across my arms and up my shoulders.The contact made me shiver lightly.


"I could take you right now Zhara.It would be so easy and then you would truly be mine forever." He growled.


"Then why don't you?" I found myself asking.


"The first time I enter you I want you to feel it with your heart, not just your body."


My thighs became incredibly moist and I hated Rayon with every fiber in my being at this point.I stared up into the eyes of the man I was destined for and became lost in the light that they reflected back at me.


"Please." I breathed out.


He gave me another one of those sexy smiles and wrapped his arms around my waist.Before I had a chance to take another breath we were lying on the bed and Mikael was stripping my clothes off.I moaned under the soft kisses that he placed on almost every inch of my body.


"Damn Zhara.You are so wet fro me." He whispered as he nipped my ear.


My body sang under the pleasure.I closed my eyes and simply felt.Mikael made his was across my stomach and down to my soaked mound.


"Mmmm you shaved." Mikael breathed out.


The warm air against my bare skin was enough to make me draw in a heavy breath.


"Oh please Mikael." I moaned.


He chuckled lightly and kissed across my hairless pussy.His tongue made contact with my core and I screamed out.


"That's right baby.Let me hear you." Mikael moaned.


He lapped up my juices but I longed for something more.


"What do you want love?"


I moaned out something that made absolutely no sense but in seconds I figured it out.Mikael slowly eased two fingers into me and I broke apart.


His name was a prayer on my lips as I was taken higher than my wings could possibly carry me.It was like holding sun light in your hands.Beautiful and impossible.


Mikael climbed above me and rested between my legs.His pants were still on but I could feel his hardness on my thigh.


"You look thoroughly satisfied." He chuckled.


"But your not." I pouted.


"I told you what I wanted and I am willing to wait until I get it." He made it sound so easy and simple.



"I love you more than you will ever know my dear Zhara." He whispered, as I drifted off to sleep in his arms.




Chapter 4

When I awoke Mikael was gone.I reached over to where he fell asleep at and noticed that it was a little warm.He hadn't gotten up that long ago.I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and looked over at the clock to see that it was ten fifteen at night.My stomach growled hungrily so I got up to go in search of food and Mikael.


I threw on one of Mikaels' shirts and padded off into the hallway.My hair was loose and tangled so as I walked down to the second flight of stairs I detangled it and put it into a braid.When I reached the second hallway I heard crying.I rounded the corner and saw Tera on the floor with tears flooding from her cheeks.


"Hey Tera what's going on?" I questioned cautiously as I kneeled down in front of her.


"Talon is gone.He left with Mikael to find Rylan and..and I don't know when he's coming back.He left a note on the bedside table with a number on it and that was it.Not even a goodbye." Tera cried out.


"Mikael went with him!?" I yelled.


Tera looked up suddenly and realized exactly who she was talking to.


"Uh-oh I don't think I was suppose to tell you that yet." Tera squeaked.


I felt my anger build up in me and I let it take me.He didn't even tell me he was leaving! That sneaky little bastard!


My wings pushed through my back as I ran down the stairs and onto the front lawn.The change hurt like hell but I embraced it.Fire shot from my hands and I let out a blood curdling scream of revenge.People began to awake and stared wide eyed at my quaking form.


Tera stood in the crowd behind me and shook with fear.


"Which way did they go?" I growled at her.


She instantly pointed north west and I took off into the sky.My shifted eyes allowed me to see everything as if it was bathed in light.I knew I was getting closer because I had developed a power that allowed me to feel other supernaturals and at this point it came in handy.


"Mikael!" I yelled out.


He was about a mile from me so I made my wings pick up the pace.I found them on the side of the road trying to fix a flat tire.Mikael was leaning against the back of the car and was facing towards my direction.


"She is gonna kill you." Talon muttered.


Mikael walked slowly towards me with his hands up as if he wasn't trying to cause trouble, but in truth he already had.


"You fuckin left without telling me."


"I didn't want you to worry." Mikael growled.


"Fuck that! I should be coming with you guys." I growled back.


"I told you so." Talon muttered.


"Shut the fuck up Talon and fix the damn tire." Mikael yelled at him.


I took a step forward and took up a defensive position.


"Back to square one are we?" Mikael laughed.


I didn't laugh.I was dead fuckin serious and this time I would win.Mikael realized that I wasn't backing down and he removed his coat.


In a flash he charged, but I easily blocked the kick he threw.I sent a kick to his ribs but he recovered quickly.I was pissed and I was ready to release some of my pent up power.I knew that I shouldn't but my anger wouldn't allow me to stop.Without knowing it I raised my hand and Mikael stopped in mid run.


"Zhara what are you doing?" I could here the worry in Mikaels voice but I ignored it.


Talon shifted slightlyin my peripheral but I was focused.


The wind shifted direction and tossed my hair every which way.I knew with my red wings and shifted eyes I looked like a Furie goddess and this seemed to push me further over the edge.I wanted them to see and acknowledge my power.My markings began to glow and Mikael knew to get out of the way.He easily grabbed Talon as the fire left my hands.The fire enveloped the car and I watched as it blew up.


Mikael screamed for me to get out of the way but I stood there fascinated.Fire and smoke enveloped me and I could still hear Mikael screaming my name.The fire didn't harm me.Instead it felt like a gentle caress against my skin and I soon felt calm.I walked out of the flames to see Mikael with his head in his hands.Talon stood off to the side runnning his hands through his hair.


"I am so much stronger then you give me credit for." I  whispered.


Mikael looked up and I saw that tears were in his eyes.He got up and pulled me roughly into his arms. 


"You scared the shit out of me Zhara." Mikael cried.


He pulled back and forced his lips to mine.The kiss was so different then any kiss him and I had ever shared.It was desperate and demanding.


"Fuck I love you.Don't ever do that again!" He whispered into the crook of my neck.


"Well don't ever leave without asking me if I want to kick ass to." I growled back.


"Ok Zhara, but please this time I want you to stay home and look after Acadia.I left Damien in control but feel free to take the reigns."


"You want me to lead Acadia while your gone?" I asked hesitantly.


"Yea you are an amazing leader Zhar.I have faith in you." Mikael acknowledged.


"Fine I will stay this time but next time.." I glared.


"Yea yea I know.." Mikael laughed.


"Ok be safe.I'm gonna head back." I pouted.


Mikael lifted his hand and ran it along my jaw line.His lips met mine in a passionate kiss and I returned it.


Talon cleared his throat and we broke apart.


"Were gonna get going but I will give you a call every day." He promised.


"How long will you guys be gone?" I questioned.


"That I don't know but when I do you will be the first to know."


"Oh and Talon, Tera is pissed and crying that you didn't say good bye." I laughed.


Talon let out a groan and pulled out his phone.


I took one last look at Mikael and ran down the road.My wings lifted me easily into the air and soon I was flying above the many trees in Oregon.


My thoughts soon drifted off to this Rylan guy as I flew.Who in the hell was he and why did he hate Acaidens and humans so much?


"Well you are a beauty just like your mother." A voice behind me said.


I whipped around to see a very large Furie.He had huge black wings and blonde hair.His eyes were a faint gray and his skin showed the signs of aging.He looked to be around fifty years old.


"Who in the hell are you?" I calmly asked.


"You even have her spirit! So powerful and confident." He praised.


"Oh do forgive me.I have been cooped up so long that I forgot my manners.My name is Rylan dear Zhara." He made a sweeping bow and shot me a salicious smile.


I wasn't surprised.I had a feeling that I would be running into him sooner or later.He seemed taken aback when I showed know reaction to his name.


"You do know who I am, don't you?" He questioned.


"Yes I know who you are but that doesn't mean that I care."


"I will pardon your lack of wisdom because you are your mothers daughter.You even got the flaming color of her wings.How beautiful." Rylans eyes glazed over and I instantly knew exactly who he was.


He was the one that was obsessed with my mom.He killed my father.


"I have heard many things about your powers and beauty but I just had to see it for myself.I have come to make you an offer daughter of Tildana. Join my cause."


Wow was this guy full of himself!


"You want me to help you kill off people that I care about? You obviously have lost your fuckin mind!" I laughed.


The way I was handling the situation seemed to piss him off because his eyes shifted in seconds.


"I am making you the offer of a lifetime and you dare to turn me down!" Rylan growled.


"Well you used more words than I would have but basically yes.I am telling you to fuck off." I growled back.


"Why? You have so much power and yet you want to live amongst these abominations." He yelled.


"I am mated to one of these abominations." I shrugged.


His face changed from anger to ruthless in a flash and I wondered just how crazy this guy was.


"Well that can be easily taken care of.You don't have to be with your mate.I can have him taken care of and then you can be my queen." His thoughts showed plainly on his face and I became pissed.


You do not threaten my mate.


"You must be terribly mistaken.There is no way in hell I would ever let you touch a hair on the head of my mate.He is mine.Mine." I yelled.


The anger had taken over and my powers filled every inch of my body.I felt a pull within myself.As if I was a locked door that someone was trying to yank open.The pull became so strong that I wasn't sure if I should fight it or not.Rylan had a worried look on his face but I ignored him.In an instant the pull stopped and I took in a deep breath and then it hit me hard.I didn't have time to react and soon fire shot up my chest  and into my throat.It burned like hell and left me gagging.The fire flowed forth from my mouth and onto the air that Rylan and I floated above.The fire did not fall, instead it defied gravity.It began moving and taking on shape.The fire dimmed down and out of the small flames emerged two 'men' made out of molten rock.


They took up a defensive position in front of me and I watced as Rylan flew a few paces back.


"You will regret this and once I kill off all of these precious Acaidens and humans that you love I will make sure that you beg me for mercy." Rylan snapped.


"Do not threaten me Rylan, because once I put an end to your rogues I would just love to have you die a slow death at my hands." I smiled coldly.



Rylan gave me one last glare and took off into the sky.The molten men turned to me and I wondered if they could speak or understand me.


"Can you speak?" I asked the one on the left.


"Yes master." It answered.


My eyes widened in surprise but I kept my composure.


"What are you?"


"We.. are your protectors." The one on the right answered.


"How did you become my protector?" I questioned.


"When your mother came into her powers she knew that people would want to steal her and use her for evil purposes.So she created us of her own flame and we came to be.Now that you have her abilities we are now your protectors." The one on the left explained.


I nodded my head in understanding and turned to fly back to the house.


"What would you like us to do master?" The one on the right asked hesitantly.


"Uhh I don't know.What do you guys normally do when the one your protecting is no longer in danger?"


"We become apart of the flame once more." They answered in unison.


"Okay well then go do that."


"You must call us back master." The one on the left explained.


I had no idea how to do that but it seemed that anything was becoming possible nowadays.So I closed my eyes and breathed in.Reaching deep within myself I felt for a flame.There it was! At the very core of my essence was a flame so hot and powerful it made me wonder if there was a way to even extinguish it.


I took in another breath and called my protectors back to me.This time they went directly through my chest and I could feel them settle into the flame that is me.It was one of those experiences that altered your view of the world around you.Once I got over the intial shock, I began the flight back home.It was peaceful and I played around with my thoughts as my wings flapped steadily in the wind.My thoughts drifted from Rylan to my internal flame.It was a beautiful night.The stars shined as bright as possible and the air was calm and cool.


When my feet touched ground I noticed that everyone had already went inside.It was around twelve in the morning now but I was to wired up to sleep.I wanted to know more of myself.As I walked into the house I smelled food and I realized that it had been quite sometime since I had last eaten so I headed off in the direction of the kitchen.


I found Ada and Tera making chicken burritos.


"Oh honey your back! I was so worried that I started cooking up a storm." Ada rambled on.


"Yes I just needed to check on something." I stated.


She nodded her head in understanding and went back to cooking.Tera looked up but didn't say anything.


"What Tera?" I sighed.


" have grown so different and strong.I don't feel like I even know who you are anymore.I remember there was a time when we were inseperable but now.." She trailed off.


I walked over and took a stool next to hers and we both sat in silence and watched as Ada whipped up delicious smelling burritos.Tera was right.We lived in the same world but we walked in completely different lives.


"I know that we aren't the same and we probably never will be.I am going through the process of finding out who I am in this world.It was easy for you because Talons' side is where you belong.I was chosen for something more deadly than that and along the way I am finding out things that I didn't even know about myself.People have tried to kill me and I have had to sacrifice so much Tera.Not just our friendship but every relationship I have ever had.Would I like us to go back in time to my room and sip hot cocoa? Of course! But you know just like I do that these people need me and your Talon needs you." I admitted.


It was the first time me and Tera had sat down in a while and I was happy that I allowed myself to finally get that off my chest.Tera had always been apart of my life and I didn't think I ever wanted to let that go, so I chose to remember her.


"I know.It just feels strange.We walked in here together, ready to save our town and then all of a sudden we  split up and all I get is a coldness from you.It hurts Zhara." Tera sighed.


I knew it hurt her but there wasn't anything I could say or do to stop it.I was now me and she was still her.


"I learned how to fly." Tera said, interrupting my thoughts.


"Really? You any good?" I laughed.


She mock punched me in the arm, "Of course I am.I was taught by the best!" She huffed.


I laughed even more when she shot me a glare.She thought Talon was the best at everything.


"You are still you.Just a different kind of you." Tera mumbled.


"Yeaa some days I can feel pieces of my old self in there and those are the days that help me stay grounded.But I'm losing that girl Tera and I know it's hard to accept, but it's happening all the same." I felt wise beyond my years.


Tera nodded and wiped the falling tears from her eyes.


"Ok ladies dinner-breakfast is ready." Ada announced to lighten the mood.


She slid our plates over the counter and we all dug in.It was a warm moment.One that I hoped to never forget.I knew that things were going to once again get hectic for me and I needed something to keep me from going over the edge.So when the time came, I would cling to this moment and every other beautiful moment for dear life.





Chapter 5

Sleep didn't come easy so I got up and showered.The scalding water poured over me and released the tension in my muscles.As soon as I stepped out of the shower the tension came back and I wondered what was going on with me.I felt uneasy and on edge but the reason for it eluded me.I through on some black jeans and a black tank top with my boots.My hair went back into its usual braid and for a minute I felt almost normal.


As I walked down the stairs everything was quiet.I moved into the kitchen and grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and headed out the back door.The air was cold yet refreshing.I found myself stretching in the biting morning air.The sun shown lightly but for the most part, it was turning out to be a cloudy day.I looked to my right and remembered that there was a barn there.Campion. It had been a long time since I saw the hot blooded mustang and I felt compelled to head off in that direction.


When I reached the barn every horse was asleep.Well, every horse except my Campion.She was looking in my exact direction.She was just as beautiful as I remember her; night black and beautiful.


"Well hello my dear Campion." I murmured when I reached her stall.


She gave a small neigh and I stepped closer to her stall.She tilted her head up and I swear that it looked like she was ignoring me!


"Aaw come on my beautiful.Don't be like that.Especially when I brought you a delicious apple."I lifted the apple and took a crunchy bite out of it.


Her ears perked up and she gave me a slight glance so I took another bite.Campion snorted and trotted to the front of her stall.I held out my hand and fed her the sweet green apple.


"I feel like going for a ride.How bout you?"


I opened up her stall and saddled the beautiful mare.She didn't move an inch as I got her prepared.


"Follow me and together we will work off some of this energy we both seem to have."


She snorted and trotted along behind me.The noise of her hooves woke up many of the horses so we were met with alot of curious gazes as we made our way out of the barn.


She gave a start at the cold morning air but I was able to soothe her enough to allow me to mount her.Once I was up there it was like there was no coming down.She cantered over the dewy grass and soon her muscles took control and we were galloping over the long stretch of field.


It was another one of those beautiful moments.


When we were both tired out I took her back into her stall and groomed her.She enjoyed a few sugar cubes and soon fell into a deep sleep.I was still wired up and it was around nine in the morning so I knew Ada would be up cooking food.When I walked into the kitchen, there she was.Ingredients were thrown all over the normally immaculate kitchen.The smell of bacon and eggs wafted through the whole house.


"Good morning dear." Ada smiled as I walked in.


"Good morning.Breakfast almost done?" I questioned.


"Oh yea just another twenty minutes and you will be begging for some laxatives." She laughed.


I gave her a shocked look and that only made her laugh harder.


Damien,Tera, and Luca came rumbling down the stairs and I scooted my stool over to make room.


"Good morning mom." Damien said as he kissed her on the cheek.


"Good morning sweetie." She said as she stirred some eggs.


"Good morning Ada." Luca and Tera said in unison.


"What's up Zhara?" Luca asked.


"Nothing much.I need to talk to you after breakfast.I have something on my mind."


"Ok."  This was one of the great things about Luca.He knew when to talk and he knew when not to.


More Acaidens filed in and grabbed a plate.We all ended up in the dining room since that was the only place big enough to hold all of the residents of Acaidia.


When we all took our seats, conversations erupted everywhere.Teenage girls talked about shopping,protectors talked about protecting, and many just discussed the days events.These people were all so connected with each other.Even Tera talked animatedly with Corrinne about shopping later.I was the only one that seemed to be on the outside looking in.


"You'll never fit in." A voice said.


I turned to see Damien sitting at the head of the table, in Mikaels seat.


I lifted an eyebrow at his words.


"You don't fit in anywhere.You are more Furie yet you don't have their values.You are so much stronger then anyone in this village and rather than being are feared." He went on.


His words were true and there was nothing I could say or do to stop the honesty in the words.


"I know that and I accept that." I acknowleged.


"You don't belong here." Damien said.


There wasn't malice in his voice just a cold honesty.


"And you my friend, don't belong there." I pointed to his seat at the table.


His face screwed up in a dark frown and after a few seconds he sighed.Resigned.


"I know that I'm not him and I will never hold a candle to how great of a leader and person he is.He is selfless and fierce.I know all of this but it still doesn't stop me from trying.." Damien sighed.


"Then don't try and judge me when you obviously have your own demons to fight." I advised before I got up to leave.


I needed time to myself so I headed out into the forest.It was quiet and calm as soon as I stepped into the cover of the trees.Immediately, I took off in the direction of Falling Creek.I needed to understand myself better and my powers better.So who better to help me then Rayon?


"Hello Zhara.I was wondering when I would get the chance to see you again." Rayon said as she materialized in front of me.


"Its been quite the interesting month.Sorry I couldn't visit more often." My sarcasm always seemed to be at its peak whenever I talked to Rayon.


"Zhara I said that I was sorry more times than I can count.When are you going to let it go?"


"I will let it go when my life is normal again." I laughed.


"That long then.." Rayon pouted.


"I didn't come here to blame you.I came because I need a quiet place to think and understand." I said.


I wasn't sure what I was looking to understand but I could feel that it was time.


"Of course! Please sit and take all the time you need.I will make sure no one bothers you."


I did just as she said.It felt wonderful to sit by the calming water and just be.My thoughts began to go over my life up until now.I wondered who I was and who on earth I would turn out to be.Was I me or an invention of something already pre-thought? Did I get any say in the end? When would my end come? And most importantly, Is there any way I can save them from what I know is coming?


"There will always be a way Zhara.You just have to find it." Rayon whispered.


I knew that there was a way but it was irritating to not already know it.So many people would perish in the coming moths and there was nothing I could do to save them all.


I allowed my mind to go blank and every worry faded to the corners of my mind.I decided to focus on something I didn't know I had.My flame.


"It's where your abilities lie.Every time you call upon an ability it flows from the very core of you.As you know, everything is built from the world around us, so our souls are compared to the elements.Every Furie has a different one.You and your mom are fiery spirits.Not willing to take no for an answer and not willing to back down.So of course your soul is like a red hot fire.I have a soft green fire and that is because I am so in tune with the earth and everything in it.I am strictly a lover..not a fighter." Rayon explained.


I looked within myself and brought forth the fire.I could feel its tenderness towards me and its eagerness to protect me.It wrapped its flames around me and I felt the tension immediately leave me.It was such a passionate flame.Strong and pure.It was me and I was it.This flame reflected exactly who I was.I was still Zhara.The Furie in me just brought out everything I had already been before.I was Zhara 2.0. Still strong, passionate, and fierce.Still me.


"You never really left Zhara.You just grew into yourself." Rayon agreed.


I gently let go of my flame and breathed in.It was a relief to get some things straight in my hectic world.


"Thank you Rayon."


When I opened my eyes it was pitch black.


"Rayon? What the hell is going on?" I questioned.


"Oh Zhara, you've been here all day." She laughed.


I sat up and realized that she was right.There was a patch worn into the grass where I had sat and my bones were cramped.I hadn't even realized that I had sat with my legs crossed for most of the day.I stretched myself out and said goodbye to Rayon.The walk back to the house was a much lighter one.I wasn't weighed down with worry and confusion.I knew who I was and I now could say that Damien was wrong.


When I reached the house Ada had a plate waiting for me.She led me into the dining room and I saw that everyone had already settled down to dinner.The grandfather clock showed that it was indeed seven thirty at night.I walked over to my usual spot but decided that it wasn't where I belonged.


"Get up." I calmly demanded.


Damien looked up from his plate and frowned.


"I said get up and move."


"I'm not moving Zhara.Mikael put me in charge." Damien growled.


"I am trying to do this the nice way Damien.I don't want to forcefully remove you." I asserted my strength and position and I watched as the wheels worked in Damiens head.


He looked around the room but him and I both knew that there was no way he could win a fight against me, so we all watched him get up to take my old seat.


"This is where I belong.Protecting and leading these Acaidens while my mate is gone."


Damien looked up and gave me a sad-knowing look.He understood what I was saying and he accepted it.He gave me a brief nod and continued eating.The room had grown silent and everyone watched the exchange.


"I understand.Mikael would'nt have wanted it any other way." Luca agreed.


"I agree.Damien you are a good leader but this position was never for you.You wouldn't be able to handle the amount of responsibilty that comes with protecting so many lives.The amount of betrayal and the blood shed that will take place isn't something that I think you can recover from.Mikael and Zhara are like the same people.Anything he can handle,she can handle.And that's just the simple truth of things." Ada admitted.


The room broke out into conversations as everyone absorbed the fact that I was their new leader.I had noticed that not once did anyone question if I would keep them safe or how I would do it.It simply was.This is where I belonged; at the head of Acadia until my mate returned and then my place would be leading by his side.


Chapter 6

I slept until morning when I left the dining room. I knew I would have a long day ahead of me.As soon as the first rays of sunlight touched my window I sprang out of bed and got dressed in black leggings and a tight black v-neck.When I made it down stairs I grabbed a small snack and went in search of Luca.I found him on the field teaching a few of our young Acaidens.


"Luca.I need you to finish up and come with me."


Luca looked over to me standing on the edge of the field and gave me a brief nod.


"Ok boys we will pick up practice tomorrow.I need you to bring your weapon of choice and great running shoes."


All the boys groaned at the thought of running but a stern look from Luca silenced them.


"Ok your dismissed."


They all took off running in my direction but once they reached me they stopped in their tracks.


"Hello boys." I greeted them.


To my surprise they all gave me sweeping bows and greeted me.


"What was that all about?" I asked as Luca walked towards me.


"You asserted yourself in your position last night.You are the commander now and they are showing you your due respect." Luca explained.


I nodded and decided to let it go.


"I need you to show me what it is that Mikael normally does to keep everything and everyone in order."


"Well he doesn't really keep a routine.Whatever needs his attention, he does.If someone needs help then he helps.If there's a meeting,then he goes and gives his council." Luca informed me.


It sounded like Mikael did everything to keep this place running.


"Well then I guess I should get started."


"The best place to start is Mikaels' office." Luca confided.


"Thanks.I'll see you in a little." I waved as I strolled back to the house.


When I reached Mikaels' office, everything was neat and tidy.I sat down at his desk and looked through his many drawers but I didn't find anything.No schedule or notes on what to do.


"Damn it Mikael.How do you know what to do if you don't have notes?"


"He walks." I looked up to see Ada standing in the door way.


"What do you mean?" I questioned.


Ada walked further into the room and stopped in front of the window.


"Mikael does everything with his heart.He lets it lead him and where ever he ends up is what needs to be done." Ada said.


"You make it sound so simple." I sighed.


"Oh forgive me.I didn't mean for it to come out that way.What he does is so far from being easy.He cares about each and every person here and he would bend over backwards to protect them.So what you should do is go out there and understand the people that your protecting." Ada pointed out.


She gave me a light smile and turned on her heel.The door closed lightly behind her and I groaned.I looked over to the left of the mahogany desk and saw a picture of Mikael and Ada.Mikael looked too be about fifteen and Ada was standing right beside him with her arms wrapped around his waist.Ada beamed proudly at the camera and I could clearly see the affection she held for him.He was smiling gently at the camera and I stared longingly at his sun kissed eyes. I wanted to be his but I knew he wouldn't accept it on those terms.He wanted me to love him but that was such a long way off.


I tore my eyes away from the picture and got up slowly.With my purpose in mind I strided to the door and out of the house.No one seemed to be in the house at this time so I assumed they were all going about their lives in town.


The air outside had warmed up a bit and I could feel that spring was on its way.I closed my eyes and breathed in the sweet air.My shifted ears began to pick up on all of the sounds around me and I listened.Kids played in the field and people shopped in town.To my right I could hear women laughing and a baby crying for attention.A high pitched cry pierced my ears and my eyes flew open.


What in the hell was that?


I took off my shirt and unfolded my wings.I was seriously tired of ripping my shirts when I shifted so I threw it on the balcony.My wings immediately picked up wind and I urged them in the direction that I heard the sound.The cry didn't come again as I flew but I knew that it was a call of distress.I ended up landing at a small cliff surrounded by dense trees.A small but deep lake waited at the bottom of the cliff.I listened for the sound again but I didn't hear it.My ears strained to catch the distressed cry but I was greeted with silence.I looked around me for clues and about a three feet away was a feather.A small black feather.


Oh no! I tore off my clothes and jumped off the cliff into the cold water below.With my eyes open I searched the murky water.There! A small hand moved in the water but I couldn't see much else.My wings became to heavy so I folded them back and swam with all my might.When I reached the hand I saw a small girl attached to it.Her eyes were shut tight and she was holding her breath.


I grabbed her hand and her eyes jerked open.She realized who I was and I saw a calm assurance cross her face.Her trust swept through me and fueled my need to protect her.I pointed up but she pointed down.I gave the girl an 'are you crazy' look and she rolled her eyes.She pointed down one more time and I looked down.The water was too dark to see anything so I swam further down.I realized that her leg had been caught in a bear trap.How in the hell did she get caught in a bear trap?


Since she was young she didn't have the amount of strength a normal Acaiden would have so there was no way she could get out of this.I pulled at the sides of the trap and freed her leg easily she began swimming up and I followed.The girl was obviously in pain so I had her hold onto my neck while I swam to land.


"Are you ok?" I questioned.


"Yes but my leg really really hurts." The young girl said.


"What's your name." I asked as I placed my hand over her leg.


"Amina." She answered.


She had such a musical voice.


"And how old are you Amina?"


"I'm eight." She smiled proudly.


"How do you feel?"


She frowned slightly at my words but then realized why I had asked.


"You fixed my leg!" She exclaimed.


She sat up and wrapped her little arms around my neck.I wasn't sure what to do so I settled for wrapping my arms around her.


"We need to get you home Amina.Who are your parents?"


Her eyes widened in terror and I wish I hadn't asked.


"I can't go back there." Tears began to fill her eyes and she sniffed lightly.


"Why can't you go back?" I knew the answer but I couldn't help but pray it wasn't true.


"Daddy was mean to me and mommy." Amina said sadly.


The look on this little girls face was a sadness I had never witnessed before.


"Is your mommy half human?" I questioned.


She nodded her head, "That's why he was mean to me and mommy."


"Is you mommy okay?"


"I don't know.Daddy brought me here and mommy was crying when he took me." She explained.


The chances were very slim that her mother was still alive.


"Is your daddy a full Furie?" I asked.


"Yea.He was yelling at mommy.He said he couldn't love us anymore."


"Okay.I'm going to take you to my house and then we can get you some hot chocolate and maybe even a slice of pie."


Aminas' eyes lit up like a New York christmas tree and I smiled.She really was a beautiful little girl.


"Are you able to fly?"


"Yep I'm all better now." She smiled.


She unfolded her little black wings and waited for me to do the same.Her eyes grew wide at the sight of my wings.


"They're red." Amina said with awe.


I gave her a light smile but she still continued to stare.I felt like a freak show or a poor animal locked in an exhibit.


"Okay Amina let's get going.It's getting cold out here." I pleaded.


With that, she took off into the sky and I followed.Her wings couldn't go as fast as mine so I slowed down to make sure that she could stay caught up.


"Your the daughter of Tildana." It was more of a statement then a question.


"Yes I am."


"My dad used to tell me stories about her.She was a beautiful Furie with large red wings and fire power." Amina remembered.


"Yea that was definitely my mom." I admitted. "Were gonna land at the royal house." I informed her.


With a nod of her head, Amina made a sharp dip and landed gracefully on the lawn of the royal house.I followed her exact movements and landed just as gracefully.


"Your so cool." Amina giggled.


I rolled my eyes and led the way into the house.


"Damien! Luca!" I yelled out into the quiet.


They both came rushing down the stairs.Damien looked like he had just woken up from a nap and Luca looked like he had gotten into some coffee.


"What's up?" Damien questioned as he rubbed his eyes.


"We have a rogue in Acaidia." I explained.


"We have a what?" Luca practically shouted.


"Where's Ada?" I asked.


"I'll go see if she's in her room." Damien volunteered.


In minutes Ada came flying down the stairs.She looked flustered and eager.


"Ada do you mind taking Amina into the kitchen for some hot chocolate and pie?"


"Oh of course." Ada kneeled down in front of Amina, "Well hello Amina.Would you like to come with me and eat all the pie we can?"


Amina shyly nodded her head and took a step closer to me.Her eyes wondered up to my face and I was happy that she trusted me.


"Go on Amina.I will be right here if you need me." I assured her.


"Ok but please don't leave me."


The pain in her voice made me pull her into a tight hug and she wrapped her arms around my neck once more.This little girl was becoming very important to me,very fast.


I stood up and she took off behind Ada.I watched to make sure she was out of hearing distance.


"Were gonna have to go to her house and take care of her mothers body and then we need to find her dad." I commanded.


"This is just sad.How did you find out what happened?" Damien questioned.


"I heard her cry.She was at the bottom of a lake about a mile and a half from here.Someone had put a bear trap around her leg and through her from the cliff." I explained.


"Geez that's fuckin harsh." Luca breathed out.


"Yea it is.Now lets get going.Luca grab three others that you trust." I urged.


Luca gave a sharp nod and moved quickly out the front door.


"Do you know who her father is?" I asked Damien.


"Yea, Yea I do.He was one of my fathers closest friends.His name is Cornelius.He married an Acaiden named Amira." Damien explained.


"Hhhm interesting." I murmured.


"What?" Damien asked.


"Get dressed.We need to leave as soon as possible."


Damien didn't move from his spot and I lifted an eyebrow.Damien looke down at his feet and then ran a hand through his hair.When he finally met my eyes he was blushing.


"Listen Zhara, I've wanted to talk to you for quite some time now but it never seems to be the right moment." He said cryptically.


I didn't like the direction this was going but Damien seemed intent on getting out what he wanted to say.


"Uuum look, It wasn't all a lie.I started having feelings for you and I didn't want to hurt you.I was with Rina but then I met you and everything changed.Your beautiful, strong, and courageous and I want you." He whispered.


His words left me baffled and I had the strange urge to laugh my little heart out.


"Damien no.Just no.Mikael is the one that I'm meant for."


"Zhara you don't have to be with him.We can choose who we want to mate with." Damien rushed.


"You just don't get it.Mikael and I have a connection that can not be simply forgotten like an old memory.We are two halves of a very strong whole.We belong together.I can feel it in every fiber of my being and everyday I wake up and hope that one day he will be mine." I stormed.


"I see." Damien said.


He turned on his heel and made his way upstairs.


"Well that was awkward." My eyes shot to the doorway to find Luca standing there.


"Who are you telling." I laughed.


"Anywho..Mayra, Cristobal, and Killian are waiting outside." Luca declared.


"Ok I'm ready.Go up and see if Damiens coming.I don't wanna deal with that."


Luca ran up the stairs; causing a loud booming noise to echo through out the house.


"Hey Zhara.Talons on the phone for you." Ada yelled from the kitchen.


Finally. It seemed like forever since I last spoke to those two.


I walked into the kitchen and took the phone.


"Hey Talon."


"Hi Zhara.How's everything goin?" Talon asked.


"Fine.Is Mikael near you?"


I guess now was a better time to tell them that I had already ran into Rylan.


"Yea he is.Why?" Talon asked with suspicion.


"Put me on speaker phone and I will tell you." I replied.


A  loud beep sounded on the other line and I waited to hear Mikaels voice.


"Hello Zhara." Mikael said.


"Mmm why is Talon calling me and not you?" I questioned coldly.


"Because I was in the shower love." Mikael replied easily.


"Mhhm okay.Anyways, I wanted to tell you guys that I have met Rylan and that we have a situation here." My eyes roamed to Amina sitting on one of the stools; clearly enjoying her pie.


"What do you mean you met Rylan." Mikael growled.


"On my way back from finding you guys he flew right behind me.He asked me to join his cause and I told him to go fuck himself.He started to get angry and I ended up using a new found ability." I explained.


"What in the fuck is he bothering you for?" Talon wondered.


"She's as strong as her mother." Mikael mumbled to Talon.


"Not just that.He was in love with my mother but she didn't return the feelings.Instead she chose my dad, a human."


"That's what is feuling his anger.Your mom chose someone that he deemed weak and fragile." Mikael realized.


"Well that explains alot.This is once again all centered around Zhara." Talon laughed.


"Fuck off Talon." I growled.


"Wait, you said there was a situation there.." Mikael trailed off.


"Yea we have a rogue in Acadia.I can't say much more because I have his Acaiden daughter here."


"Who is it?" Mikael asked.


"Damien said it's a Furie named Cornelius.One of your dads closest friends." I murmured.


"Geez! He used to watch us when we were young." Talon chimed in.


"Were on our way.There's no reason for us to be out here anymore now that we know what Rylan wants." Mikael grumbled.


"Ok I'll see you in a little bit." I said before I hung up.


"Your gonna kill my daddy,aren't you?"


I turned around to see Amina with a calm accepting look on her face.


"Yes.Yes we are." I couldn't lie.It wasn't in my nature and I surely wasn't gonna start now.


She nodded her head slowly, "Mommy's dead."


The chill in her voice froze me in my tracks and I just stared at the little girl that had to grow up far too fast.


"Can I stay with you? I know you can protect me." Amina beamed.


She was right I would protect her with everything I had.


"Yes Amina.You can stay with me." I wrapped my arms around the little girl for the third time that day.She sure was growing on me.


"I have to go and find your daddy now.Can you stay here and listen to grandma Ada?" I asked her.


"Yeaa.Please come back soon." Amina said solemnly.


"I will.I promise."


I turned on my heel and headed out the door.Luca, Damien, and the three others stood outside waiting for my instruction.


"Lets fly."


We all unfolded our wings and took to the sky.Damien was by my side since I didn't know where the house was.We stopped at a two story brickhouse with a swinging bench in front.It was a lovely family home.We walked up the stairs to find the door locked and all of the windows shut tight.


I raised my hand and used fire to melt the door knob down.The door opened easily and we all stepped into a dark livingroom.The only light in the house was coming from down the hall on the right.I moved silently over the carpeted floors towards the light.About half way there something squished underneath my feet.I knew what it was but I kept moving.When I reached the door I found it slightly cracked.The front of the door said Aminas' room and I could hear someone crying on the other side.


I bent down and pulled a knife from my boot and cautiously opened the door.The sight that met my eyes saddened me and I was happy that Amina was tucked safely away at the royal house.My eyes roamed the pink girly room splattered with blood.A woman was sprawled on Aminas pink canopy bed.


"Stay here." I whispered.


Moving slowly into the room,I passed entrails and blood.


"Amira." I whispered.


A gagging noise came from the woman and I knew that it was Aminas' mother.


When I made it to her side there was no way to even tell that she had once been a fully constructed person.Her face and body was ripped and shredded to pieces.


"Amina is safe.She is alive." I assured her.


Her eyes moved to me and I could see that she understood me.


"" Amira said before she took her last breath.


It was something I had never witnessed before.I wanted so badly to put her back together but even my healing had limitations.


"I will..I'll keep her safe." I murmured to the dead woman at my side.


I turned and moved back to the door.


"Tomorrow she will have a proper burial.Everyone will come and say a blessing for the woman that died for her daughter.A true Acaiden."


Everyone present nodded there head in silence.I moved out of the house.I knew that the Amira would be dead by the time that we got there but I wasn't prepared for it to affect me so much.


When her body was collected, we all took off into the air once more.Everyone was silent as we made our way back.The royal house came into view and we all descended to those gathered below.


"Take her around back." I murmured to Luca and Killian.


"What happened?" Ada stepped forward.


"Amira is dead.I can't say much so please keep these people at bay." I pleaded.


Ada nodded her head in understanding and that is when the whispers broke out.


I moved past the crowd into the house to find Talon and Mikael in the walk in entrance.


"Hey." Mikael murmured.


"Hi." I said back.


"Before you guys start can you please tell me where Tera is?" Talon interrupted.


"She's at Corrinnes.She's been baby sitting." I said.


Talon took off towards Corrinnes' house, leaving Mikael and I standing in the entrance.


"Come on." Mikael murmured.


He could sense my reserved mood and I was more than grateful that he didn't ask me how I was feeling.


We both sank into the couches and I put my feet in his lap and he smiled lightly.


"What happened Zhara." Mikael questioned.


"I might as well start from this morning." I gave a heavy sigh and launched into the days events.


"Damien said what!" Miakels face was a mask of astonishment.


"Please leave it alone.There's enough shit to deal with around here." I urged.


"I'm not going to let it go Zhara.Your mine." Mikael retorted.


"I'm not anyones.I'm not a piece of property Mikael." I growled back.


His face became emotionless and I knew I had hurt his feelings but it was the truth.I was not ruled or posessed by anyone so it was best to get it through his head now.


Luca and Killian came into the livingroom, "We put her body into one of the rooms and Ada has told everyone about what happened.Is that all that you needed for tonight?" He looked to me for direction and I was taken aback.


I had figured that since Mikael was back that all responsibility would fall back to him.I shot a look at Mikael.


"You have obviously done well while I was away," Was all he said.


"Yea go ahead and get some sleep." I said.


Luca and Killian turned to head out the door.


"Luca. Killian." I stopped them, "Thank you."


"You have proven yourself to be quite a leader Zhara.You deserve our respect and it is us that should thank you for taking over when you did." Luca explained.


"What he said." Killian smiled.


"Welcome back brother." Luca said to Mikael.


Mikael gave him a brief nod and a promise to talk in the morning.When we were alone again neither one of us seemed to know what to say.


After a few more moments of silence Mikael stood up and held out his hand to me.


"I'm tired." He sighed.


I took his hand and followed him up to his room.Instead of climbing into bed he pulled me into the bathroom.He moved through the dark room and turned on the shower.


"Did you want me to turn on the light?" I asked.


His hands found my shirt and he slowly peeled it off.I shivered when his bare hands grazed my stomach and back.His hands moved up and undid my bra.


"I missed you so much Zhara." He whispered into the darkness.


His hands moved back around and cupped my breast.Their weight filled his large hands perfectly and I moaned.It was becoming steamy from the hot water and my breathing became even more labored.Mikael began to unbutton my pants and I held my breath as he peeled them and my panties down my hips.His hands slid back up my legs and wrapped around my waist.Leaning forward, his lips met mine in a demanding kiss.He ran his lips down my neck and left heat wherever they touched.


"Zhara.Zhara.Zhara." He murmured.


I lifted my hands and pulled his shirt over his head.I needed skin on skin contact and as soon as my breast pressed against his chest my worries evaporated.This is how it should always be.


"I want to be inside of you Zhara but I don't know if I can handle the aftermath of knowing that you won't love me." He breathed.


"Mikael if I could love, I would be head over heels for you." I breathed.


"Then I will take comfort in the fact that somewhere in your mind you hold a deep and profound love for me."


I smiled and knew that he was right.Somewhere in my mind there was his love.Waiting to be set free.


He pulled me into the shower and I sighed under the hot cascading water.His body pressed close to mine and I whispered his name.He claimed my lips in a deep kiss.It was fire playing with fire and I prayed that in the end we wouldn't burn out.












Chapter 7

Last night was a searing dream; forever burned into my mind.It was like waking up early in the morning for the first time ever to watch the sunrise.It was a whisper of wind against burning skin or a drop of water to a man wondering in a never-ending desert.If this is what lost is then I don't mind never being found.


Last night was a miracle.And I don't mean the kind when you rummage through your work desk and realize that you did that report a week ago, or when you go to the grocery store to find that they finally have your favorite box of cereal.I mean the kind of miracle that saves you from the brink.Like when the doctor tells you that you have terminal cancer and you only have days to live, and then you look back years later on that day and can't help but think 'I was suppose to die.' Yes! That kind of miracle.The kind that brings you to your knees and you find yourself praying to whoever thought you were worthy enough to have just a few more breaths.


Last night was my miracle.Every kiss and every touch was a breath that I was deemed worthy enough to have.And when I awoke, there it was again.It filled every inch of my body and I could fill the tears sliding down my cheeks at the sight of your dear face.My Love.My Mikael. What a beautiful name.I loved it.I loved you and your beautiful name with my whole heart.My Heart. I could feel it as if it had never left.


"Hey what are you doing up so early." A voice whispered.


I opened my eyes to see Mikael watching me.


"Your crying.What's wrong Zhara?" His face was masked in worry and I wanted to giggle.


When I still didn't answer he sat up and I watched as the sheet slid down and revealed his his upper body.The sight made me drool and I yearned for more of last night.Oh the things we did last night.


A small giggle escaped my lips and soon it turned into full blown laughter.It felt so good to finally laugh and mean it.Only yesterday I felt trapped in my own skin and now I know what its like to laugh,and giggle,and love.I can love.


"Zhara are you ok." He had a light smile on his lips.


I laid down on my back and watched Mikael.The sun shone through the window and caressed his face.The light highlighted his bronze skin and beautiful eyes to perfection.He lifted his hand and trailed it lightly on my knee and I bit down on my bottom lip.He didn't even know what he was doing to me.


"Are you going to speak or are you just going to stare at me." He chuckled.


"I would much rather stare but since you seem intent on me speaking than I shall do so." I responded.


A smile lit his features and my breath caught.


"Jesus your beautiful." I whispered.


I was finally able to appreciate his smile.That beautiful smile.


"Are you feeling alright today?" Doubt was plain in his features and he had a deep furrow between his brows.


"Yes I'm fine." I answered.


" just seem a little off." Mikael admitted.


He climbed over me and bent to pick up his pants from the floor.My heart couldn't take it anymore and I knew if I didn't say something I would probably shatter into millions of pieces.


"I love you." I whispered.


At first I didn't even think that he heard me but then he turned slowly to face me.


"What did you just say?" He whispered back.


I just stared at him.


"Zhara please tell me what you said." I could here tears in his voice.


"I love you." I whispered once more.


"Do you mean that?"


I nodded my head slowly and sat up.He walked slowly over to me and placed both his hands on both sides of my cheek.Looking deep into my eyes, he leaned down slowly and kissed me.I analyzed Mikaels every movement and when his lips touched was like igniting fire.I kissed him with all the love I felt.We were true mates, I could feel it through our bond.This man meant everything to me.Nothing in this beautiful and broken world could ever compare to my Mikael.


"I love you Zhara." He said as he bit lightly on my lip.


"As I love you."


We made love again that morning.It wasn't as magical as when we first mated but it was beautiful all the same.




"Hey are you guys coming down for breakfast?" Talon yelled through the door.


I giggled and looked at Mikael.


"Are you hungry?" He asked.


"I could eat." I answered.


"We'll be down in a few seconds." Mikael yelled.


I slid out of the bed and walked past Mikael to the bathroom.I could feel his eyes on me the whole way.


"Talon!" Mikael yelled.


"Yeaa." Talon yelled back.


"Tell mom we'll be down in like thirty minutes."


"God you guys are gross!" Talon laughed.


I looked around the corner to see Mikael coming towards me.


"Start the shower." He growled.


Twenty minutes in the shower left me looking like a prune but my body was definitely humming.


"Hurry up and put some clothes on before you tempt me further."


I rolled my eyes as he pulled his pants and socks on.


"No underwear or shirt today?" I raised an eyebrow at him.


He grinned devilishly and I wondered what he was up to.


"I'll meet you downstairs.I need to make a few calls." Mikael answered.


I threw on my skinnies and a white tank top and headed downstairs.Everyone was making their plates when I arrived and it seemed that everyone couldn't stop sneaking glances at me.


"Is there something you guys need to say?" I growled.


It seemed that I had retained my bad ass personality and I was happy about that.


"Your mated with Mikael.We can feel it." Ada spoke up.


A smile slowly lit her face and I rolled my eyes at her.


"That's still no reason to stair so can we please eat."


As I was making my plate Mikael came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.


"Can you make mine to?" He whispered into my ear.


"Nope." I laughed.


He growled something about domestic mates but I ignored him.


"Hey sweetie can I talk to you for a second?" Ada whispered.


I followed her out into the back yard and we both sat down on some benches in the sun.


"You love him." She stated simply.


"How do you know?" I asked.


"Your eyes.There a warm green.How is that possible?" Ada answered.


I nodded my head and smiled lightly.How could I deny the truth of her words?


"I don't know how but I will talk to Rayon about it later."


Ada nodded her head and I watched as worry masked her features.


"It's wonderful to see him in love again.There was a girl before you.Her name is Prentiss and she lives in another Acaiden town called Thalon and we have never really been at peace with them.So when Mikaels father was alive, he promised Mikael to her in an effort to bring peace.Her father agreed that when she turned eighteen is when they would marry.She turned eighteen last week and I recieved a call from her father yesterday." Ada admitted.


"He's mine." I growled.


"Yes, and I know there is no one in this world strong enough to take him from you." Ada smiled.


"What I wanted to tell you is that we are holding our Honorary Independence ball in two days and Prentiss and her father will be here.I have already told her father that Mikael has mated with another and he seemed very angry."


"Doesn't matter.If they cause trouble I will fuck them up." I growled.


Ada reached out and patted me lightly on the hand, "Glad that we had this talk." She laughed.


We both rose and went back into the diningroom.I went and took my place by Mikaels side.Tera gave me a knowing smile and I playfully glared back.


"My mom told you?" Mikael whispered.


"Yep.I'm not worried and you shouldn't be either." I answered back.


He grasped my hand warmly and nodded.


"If you say don't worry.Then I won't."


I lifted my head from my plate and looked around me.So much had changed in the last few months.I was a Furie now mated to an Acaiden and I was a leader.My love had been stripped from me and now I have it back in full bloom.


"What are you thinking?" Mikael whispered.


"How much has changed." I answered.


"Would you change any of it?"


"Nope.Not a single thing." I smiled warmly.


"There's someone I want you to meet." I said, as Amina walked in with Ada.


"Zhara!" Amina yelled.


I watched as she ran up to the right side of my chair.She was giddy with excitement and I smiled at the young girl.Under my care she would be protected.


"Good morning Amina.Did you eat?"


She nodded her head and I watched as her pretty curls bounced.


"Good there's someone I want you to meet." I smiled.


Amina smiled just as broadly.


"Who is it?"


I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the left of my chair.She came face to face with Mikael and her eyes widened.


"Oh my!" She said.


Mikael got out of his seat and delivered a graceful bow before Amina.


"Hello Amina.My name is Mikael." He smiled lightly.


Amina seemed to be in a daze and I wondered if he had this effect on every woman.


"Pleased to meet you Prince Mikael." She delivered a beautiful curtsey and I smiled.


"Please just call me Mikael.I heard that you will be staying with my and Zhara."


"Oh yes! Zhara said that I could." Amina looked to me for confirmation and I gave her a brief nod.


"Will you and Zhara be my new mommy and daddy?" Amina asked.


I choked on the food I had in my mouth and the room fell silent.


Mikael looked from me to Amina but I wasn't sure what to say.His eyes bore into mine as if he was pleading for help.He must have seen something in them because he turned back to Amina and smiled.


"Yes Amina.We will be your new mommy and daddy."


Amina gave a loud cheer and to my relief I didn't feel worry or anger at Mikael telling her yes.I had already saved this girl and promised to protect her with everything I had.Wasn't that what a mother would do anyway?


"Really! I'm so excited.I have a prince and a Furie for parents." Amina squealed in delight.


I smiled gently at her happiness and my eyes sought out Mikaels.He was already looking at me and I knew that we were thinking the same thing.We were parents now.


"There's something that I need to do.I will be back in an hour or so."


"Ok and please be careful." Mikael pleaded.


"I will." I glared back.


I stood up from my seat and kissed my mate and daughter.My daughter.


It was an unknow word but I knew in the end it would work out.I went upstairs and put on some knee length black boots and headed outside.


"Can I go with you." I turned to see Amina peeking around the wall to the diningroom.


"Not this time.I need to work some stuff out but I will come back as soon as I can."


"Ok but when you come back can we do something fun?" Amina shyly asked.


"Of course we can." I bent down and wrapped my arms around her small frame.


"Be a good girl while I'm gone." After a moment of hesitation I gave her a light kiss on her forehead and she smiled.I stood up and headed out the door, all the while wondering what in the hell I had gotten myself into.


 I decided that I felt like walking rather than flying.Everything moved so fast in my world and it felt good to just move at a leisurely pace.I moved slowly through the forest to Falling Creek and found it pretty much the same as last time.Flowers had started blooming around the water and tree branches reached out to skim the water.


Rayon. I called out to her with my mind and I watched as the water shimmered and wind moved through the trees.


"Hello Zhara." Rayon said simply.


"What's going on?" I knew she would know what I was referring to.


A heavy sigh escaped her lips, "I couldn't hold it."


"Ummm..hold what?" I asked.


"The door to your memories and emotions." She cried out.


"What do you mean you couldn't hold it?"


"I don't know what happened but when you mated with Mikael I couldn't hold them back.They all slipped from my grasp one by one and now were all doomed." Rayon admitted.


"Oh." I couldn't think of anything else to say.


I had everyone of my memories and emotions back and I must say I felt stronger because of it.


"Listen Rayon, contrary to what you believe, I am still strong and focused.Caring for these people doesn't make me weak.It may make me human and compassionate, but never weak.No matter what the outcome is I will make sure that I give my all to keep us safe, but I need you to trust me Rayon." I growled.


"Maybe your right.I just fear for my people and I want us all to live and flourish.I will stand by your side and give you help whenever you need it." Rayon conceded.


I nodded my head but one thing still bothered me.


"Do you have any theories on why you couldn't hold them?" I prodded.


Rayon looked away quickly, but I wouldn't budge until she told me what was going on.


"Uuuh, fine..stop glaring at me." Rayon growled.


"Every since we were young Tildana has always been stronger then me.I had never understood why she was blessed with such abilities while the rest of us seemed only mediocre in comparison.I think that the power in you is just as strong as hers always was.I though that maybe it might have been tempered in you, but I guess I was wrong." I could here the sadness in her words.


Compared to my mom, she was just second best.


"I'm sorry Rayon.I hadn't realized that." I murmured.


"Oh it's alright.Your mom never tried to show off.Whenever we practiced she would go off by herself so that way we wouldn't see just how evolved she was.But most of the time a few of us would sneak off after her and watch what she could do.Each time it seemed she had learned something different.Everyone knew just how special she was but she never basked in the spotlight.She only used her powers when it was truly necessary and after a few years she was needed often."


It was wonderful to get some incite into who my mother once was.


"Thank you for telling me Rayon.I don't want to show off.I just want to keep those I care about safe." I explained.


"I know.Your just like her.It's almost as if she never left." Rayon smiled.


I smiled back.I hadn't really known my mom but to hear she was so strong and compassionate filled me with pride.I was just like her.


"Thank you once again Rayon.You always seem to give me insight when I need it most."


"Come back soon.And please bring your daughter."Rayon chuckled.


I rolled my eyes as I walked back to the house.It was a beautiful spring day and I decided to spend it with my daughter and my mate riding horses through the field.


We stopped off by a tree and Mikael tied our horses around the base of it.


"I have set us up a lovely spring basket filled with delicious fruit and otherworldly delights." Mikael laughed.


He really thought he was a wiz in the kitchen but before we left the house I saw him making baloney sandwiches.


"Of course you are sweetie." I laughed as he spread out the fresh fruit and sandwiches.


I looked up to check on Amina and she was chasing a butterfly through the tall grass.


"Amina lunch is ready!" Mikael called.


"Ok I'm coming!" She yelled back.


"I like this.Were bonding and getting to know Amina." Mikael smiled lightly.


I nodded my head in agreement and devoured my baloney sandwich.


I reached over to grab a soda from the cooler when Aminas scream pierced the air.Mikael and I both got up and ran to her.What we saw when we reached her was not something I was prepared for.


Chapter 8

"Mikael please take Amina back to the house and send out Luca and Talon." I ordered.


With a nod of his head he took off back to the house with a crying Amina in tow.


I allowed my tears to fall when I could no longer hear Amina.My heart felt so heavy and it was becoming hard to breathe.A rustle in the grass made me look up and in the distance I could make out a dark figure, but with normal eyes I couldn't see who it was.I shifted my eyes and the world froze.Rylan.


I looked to my right to see Luca and Talon approaching and when I looked back Rylan was gone.


"Hey what's going on? Amina was crying so loud that Mikael couldn't get a word out." Talon remarked.


I gave a heavy sigh and ran my hands through my hair.I knew I wouldn't be able to get a word out so I just pointed.Talon and Luca moved forward and froze.I knew what they were seeing and I could tell that it broke their hearts as much as it broke mine.


"No." Luca shook his head.


"Fuck.How did this happen?" Talon questioned.


"I don't know.Amina was playing in the grass and we heard her scream.When we ran over this is what we found." I explained.


"This isn't right." Luca whispered.


Talon nodded his head in agreement.


"Why would you.." Talon trailed off.


I looked back down at the body of Corrinne.She was almost unrecognizable.Her body was completely void of clothing and her skin was ripped to pieces.Her eyes were still open and they seemed to be staring right at me.Dried blood clung to her legs and chunks of hair had been ripped from her scalp.It was a terrible death and I knew she had suffered.


"Luca go get a few sheets and we will move her back to the house.Talon I need you to go and get her parents and bring them." I ordered.


Mikael came walking out to where we were and I met him half way.Corrine was like a little sister to me and I knew Tera would be devastated.


"Come on.We need to head back to the house." Mikael urged.


I nodded my head and followed.I moved without knowing it.It was like I was in a daze and I couldn't seem to find my footing in the world.Corrinne was dead and there was nothing I could do to bring her back.Each emotion was hitting me like a ton of bricks and I could now understand why Rayon took them away.I felt each and everything so clearly and it hurt.I couldn't fulfill my destiny like this.


"We will bury her tonight." Mikael interrupted my thoughts..


"Yea, I think that's a good idea.I need to go." I whispered.


"Ok.Please be back before nightfall." Mikael said, before I took off into the sky.


When I landed at the entrance to the trees my heart and mind were so clouded, I ended up stumbling to Falling Creek in an effort to find relief.


"Rayon please." I whispered.


"I heard about Corrinne and I am so sorry Zhara." Rayon appeared.


"Please take them before they break me." I whispered.


"Take what?" Rayon asked.


"My emotions.I am begging you." I dropped to my knees and cried out.


"Zhara that would mean your love for Mikael would be gone.You would have to keep your distance from him."


"I know that but..I can't feel like this Rayon.We will all perish if I always feel so broken and hopeless." I admitted.


Rayon nodded her head in understanding and I was grateful.I knew it would be a long time before I would love again but I couldn't go on like this.Feeling so deeply would not kill only me but everyone.Visions of Corrinnes' broken body coursed through my head and I nearly screamed out.


"Take them Rayon." I growled.


When I came to, I could still remember what happened, but the feeling that came was a cool calm acceptance and I sighed in relief.


"Thank you Rayon." I whispered, but she was already gone.


I was able to breathe again and I didn't hurt when I thought of Corrinne.Instead, I was angry and out for revenge.


I walked back to the entrance of the trees and flew the rest of the way home.I was greeted to a bunch of mourners and the first eyes I met were Teras.


"Oh no." I heard her whisper.


Talon looked up and saw exactly what Tera saw.The coldness in my eyes was back.


"Why Zhara?" Tera asked.


"I couldn't do it.I couldn't feel so much pain and run effectively." I explained.


Tera nodded her head in understanding and I was grateful that she understood.


I turned to see Mikael coming down the stairs and I watched as recognition crossed his features.He came to a stop at my side and before I could speak he silenced me with his hand.


"I understand you better than anyone.You don't have to explain anything to me." Mikael whispered.


With a nod I headed to our room and made plans to destroy Rylan for even thinking that I would allow him to kill one of my own and get away with it.I turned half way up the stairs to see Mikael watching me.With a distant nod he disappeared into the crowd to console the gathered mourners.


The hall ways were silent and I welcomed it.I was comfortable with being alone.When I reached the room I jumped in the shower and pushed my thoughts to the back of my mind.It was a peaceful five minutes up until Tera and Ada burst into the bathroom screaming my name.


"Zhara you must come quick.There is a woman here to speak with you." Ada breathed out.


"She said she won't speak with anyone but you." Tera confirmed.


I quickly grabbed a towel and shooed them out the room.


"Tell her I will be down in four minutes." I said.


They both took off down the stairs and I moved to the closet and found something suitable to wear.My favorite black skinny jeans, a black and white bustier, and my combat boots completed my look.My hair I pulled back into its regular braid and then I headed downstairs.


The entry way and livingroom were completely empty and the house was eerily still.I opened the door and walked outside to find the whole town on the front lawn.About fourty people blocked my way and I noticed that no one moved or said anything.


I cleared my throat,and the few Acaidens in front of me turned to see who had disturbed their gawking and they immediately parted when they saw who it was.


As I made my way through the crowd people began murmuring about secrets in the Furie world and this made me even more curious as to who the visitor was.


When I had pushed through the last people in the crowd my eyes took in a beautiful Furie standing in the middle of the circle.Her hair was long, blonde, and curly.Her eyes were a light shade of purple and her wings were black but larger than an Acaidens.


I took in the woman before me and I felt like I knew her, but I'm pretty sure I had never met her before.


"Hello." I said.


The woman gave a sweeping bow, "Hello Zhara.I am sure your curious as to who I am."


She straightened up and I gave her a curt nod.I didn't like the fact that she knew my name yet I didn't know hers.


"My name is Ramona.I believe you already have met your aunt Rayon."


Gasps came from everyone present.


Aaah, so this was the missing sister.I was wondering when we would have a chance to meet.


"I want to say that I'm pleased to meet you, but I'm afraid that I must know why your here before I can allow myself to feel that way."


Ramona smiled slightly, "You are so much like all of us.Rayon told me that I should meet you and I must admit I became curious when she described you.She seems to have been right.You are incredibly fierce and I must say, terribly beautiful."


I took her compliments in stride, but it seemed like there was more to it than her wanting to visit a distant niece.


"I can see the skepticism written all over your face Zhara." Ramona chuckled.


She really was a beautiful woman.


"Well I wouldn't be so skeptical if you were telling me the whole truth." I remarked.


Her face grew entirely serious and I waited for her response as she took in a jagged breath.


"Your right.I'm here because I wanted to speak with you.There is an uprising in the Furie world and we have found that insurgent rogues have been hiding within our towns.Right now there are about thirty Furies behind that tree line and they seek sanctuary.As do I." Ramona admitted.


Murmurs ran through the crowd and I knew what they were thinking.


"How many of the Furies behind that tree line have had relations with humans?" I asked.


She knew what I was getting at but she didn't hesitate to answer.


"Only about five of them." Ramona answered.


"How many of them have expressed their contempt for my people?"


"Most of them." Ramona replied guiltly.


"Yet you expect my people to protect them.Why did you come to me? You all have some sort of power yet you don't fight." I remarked.


"We have never been fighters.We have always been the peaceful sort and now I must say we sorely regret it." Ramona whispered.


"There is no way in hell we will protect them!" Someone from the crowd shouted.


Murmurs and yells went up everywhere at that, and I silenced them.


"We are good people.We have the passion of our Furie ancestors and the love of our Human halfs.We were given the name protectors because we save everyone.We do not see anyone as a superior race and we have never let someone die because of our own dislikes or grudges." I growled at the surrounding Acaidens.


Everyone in the crowd nodded in agreement and I continued on.


"We are a forgiving people.Which is why we will welcome these Furies."


I looked up to Ramona, "You will all train and earn your keep around here. When the time comes, you will not stand behind us.You will stand with us." I commanded.


"Of course and thank you so much Zhara." Ramona insisted.


A hand slipped into mine and I looked to my right to find Amina.


"That's your aunt?" Amina asked.


I looked farther to the right to see Mikael with a grin on his face.My eyes strayed over to Ramona and I frowned.


"Yes I suppose so." I murmured to Amina.


"Oh she's a Furie too.Can I meet her?"


"Later.Right now you need to head to bed.You have school in the morning."I told reminded her.


"Ok." She pouted but let Tera lead her into the house.


"Luca, Jessie, and Talon please lead the Furies onto our land and place them in the left wing." Mikael commanded.


Ramonas eyes flashed over to Mikael and she gave a bow.


"You must be one of the Acaiden princes." Ramona spoke.


Mikael moved to my side and gave her a curt nod.Mikael was a forgiving person but I could see that he didn't trust the Furies.


"Well thank you for welcoming us into your home." Ramona said graciously.


"It wasn't my choice." Mikael said, as he slipped his hand into mine.


The crowd began to dissapate and I watched as Ramona frowned at our joined hands.


"I see." She murmured.


"Good.Now please allow Miranda to show you to your room."


The bustling woman came right on cue and I watched as she hustled Ramona inside.


"How do you feel about her?" Mikael asked me.


"I feel that if she tries anything then I will kill her where she stands." I responded.


"Good.I'm glad were on the same page." He grinned.


A noise sounded from the left of the forest and my eyes held to the tree line.Out emerged about thirty beautiful Furies in unison.They all moved with their heads down and they looked as if they would rather be anywhere but here.That was their fault for being so weak.If they had been strong they would have been able to hold their mountain,but instead they were asking those that they deemed weak, for help.How ironic.


"Welcome to Acadia." Mikael welcomed.


They all shot glares at Mikael but none spoke up.


"While you are here you will have chores and training.Two Acaidens will keep watch over you at all times and you are to remain in the left wing of the house while you are here.If you try anything, I will order my best Acaidens to take you down.Are we clear?" His voice rang out with authority and I was filled with pride.


The Furies looked up at his tone and I watched silently as Mikaels eyes roamed over each Furie.They all nodded their understanding when Mikaels eyes met their own.


"Good. Now Talon, Luca,and Jessie will escort you to the left wing." Mikael dismissed them.


"Lets get some sleep." I murmured.


It had been a day full of events and I was ready for sleep.We both moved through the silent house and made our way up the stairs and to out room.I knew that tomorrow would be one hell of a day.


"Mommy! Mommy! Wake up."


I opened my eyes to see Amina jumping around on the bed.I groaned loudly and through a pillow at the bouncing girl.


"Daddy said that you gotta wake up cause breakfast is ready." Amina laughed, easily dodging the pillow.


She had adjusted oddly well to us being her new parents and didn't miss a chance to call us mommy and daddy.


"Ok. Give me ten minutes and I will be downstairs.What time is it?" I asked.


"It's seven thirty.Daddy said that he's gonna drive me to school." She announced.


She had calmed down and sat down on my side of the bed.


"Ok. I'll take you tomorrow." I promised.


"Woo! Woo!" Amina cheered.


"Ok..ok.Amina go downstairs and eat so your ready to go when daddy is." I groaned.


"Kk." She laughed.


When I heard her dancing down the first flight of stairs I rolled over and wiped my groggy eyes.Geesh she was a bouncing ball of energy.I pushed myself up from the warm inviting bed and headed across the cold floor into the shower.The light seeping from the curtains told me that it was gonna be a sunny day and I smiled.I missed the sun.


The shower was quick and I ran to the closet to find something to wear before goosebumps could form on my skin.I came across a long skirt with thigh high slits and a black crop top.The skirt looked sexy with my black knee high boots and I smiled at my reflection.I decided that a little bit of eyeliner and mascara would complete the outfit so I moved into the bathroom and pulled out my make up pouch.My hair had become curly from the shower so I brushed it and decided to wear it down.The hair and make up was a beautiful contrast with my outfit and I thought up something that would drive Mikael wild.


With my plan complete, I headed downstairs to the waiting chaos below.When I made it to the second staircase I could clearly hear arguements coming from the diningroom so I walked into the kitchen and made myself a plate of eggs and potatoes.


When I entered the diningroom I saw Furies standing on the left side of the room with their plates in hand.A male Acaiden that I knew by the name of Nareen was arguing with Talon and Damien about the Furies being here.


I set my food beside Miranda and asked her to watch it.All of the Acaidens stared wide eyed at the exchange and I continued to move silently towards the arguement.Talons eyes looked up and met mine and I gave him a brief nod.


"Well you should have listened to me and quieted down because now you have to deal with someone much less tolerant than us." Talon grinned devilishly.


"This is why you don't run anything.Your always stuck behind your brother.You always follow what he wants but he's wrong and your cowards!" Nareen spat at Talon and Damien.


"Oh. And what about me?" I whispered.


Nareen turned around slowly and met my cold eyes.


"You really should have listened to Talon. I am much less tolerant especially when you insult my mate." I began pacing slowly in front of him.


Talon and Damien went and took their seats and watched the exchange from a healthy distance.


"Zhara I just..I'm frustrated that these Furies are here.It's not right." Nareen whispered.His voice shook slightly and I reveled in it.


"Mikael has always been good to you and your family so it isn't wise to bite the hand that feeds you Nareen.I understand that the Furies haven't always been so kind but who does it help if we act that same way back? It benefits no one." I declared.


He nodded his head in understanding and I watched as his shoulders straightened and he regained his composure.


I walked back over to Miranda and retrieved my plate but before the conversations started and my voice drowned out; I had one last thing to say, "Oh and Nareen?"


"Yes Zhara?" He answered slowly.


"If you ever threaten any of these Furies or talk down on my mate or anyone in this family again, I will cook you where you stand.Understood?" I growled.


Nareen gave a shaky nod and everyone remained silent after that.


I moved to Mikaels seat since he had taken Amina to school, and I observed the Furies standing on the outer edges of the diningroom.


The morning passed uneventfully and I noted that Mikael hadn't come home yet so I gave him a ring on my cell.He picked up on the second ring.


"Hello my love." He answered.


"Mhhm where are you?" I questioned.


"I am with Luca.We getting some stuff for supplies tonight." He answered.


"Supplies? For what?"


"The honorary ball is tonight Zhara." He said it as if he was talking to a two year old.


"Oh crap."


In all honesty, I had forgotten all about that damn ball.Not only would we have to deal with Furies but now we would have a house full of rival Acaidens.


"Yea I tried to tell my mom that it wasn't the best idea but it wasn't something that we can just put off." Mikael explained.


"Fuck this is going to be a disaster.I think your mom and a few other women are cleaning up and getting everything ready now." I said.


"Okay we will be back in an hour or two and we will figure out some security details." 


"I am going to talk with the Furies and make sure that they play nice." I laughed.


Mikaels laugh sounded through the phone and I bit my lip.


"Am I on speaker phone?" I asked.




"Have you checked your text messages today? I sent you a message this morning." I whispered.


"No I haven't.What did you send?" Mikael questioned.


"Zhara!" Ada yelled.


I laughed into my cell, " I have to go and I guess you will just have to check."


I hung up the phone before Ada could hear anything.She waltzed into the livingroom carrying what looked to be plates stacked with food.


"Hey Zhara I need your opinion on something."


She set the two plates on the coffee table and proceeded with stuffing me with food.


"Which plate do you like better?"


"I have no idea Ada but I am more then happy to eat both." I laughed in between bites.


"Oh your no help!" Ada said exasperated.


The stuffed crab mushrooms and char-broiled steak with potatoes stuffed me to the brim and I found myself wadling to the left wing.When I reached the left wing I was greeted with silence.I made my way to the wings' livingroom and found a few sitting on the couches, staring into the marble fireplace.None of them seemed to be saying anything and I wondered if they might have a mind link.


"I need to speak with all of you in the diningroom." I announced.


Their heads all whipped in my direction and I recieved a nod from an older Furie with shoulder length white hair and light blue eyes.


"We will get them together now." She said.


"What is your name?" I questioned.


"Severa.The other three are Maxis, Delia, and Storm." Severa said as she pointed to the other two males and female in the room.


I nodded my head at each and introduced myself.


"Thank you Zhara for being so kind to us.We are not all bad, it's just that some of us share different views."


With that, I turned on my heel and let the posted guards outside the door know that I needed them to escort the Furies to the diningroom.When that was I accomplished I headed down to the diningroom to make sure it was empty.I found Damien leaning against the right wall when I stepped under the archway.


"Something I can help you with?" I questioned.


He walked slowly towards me and tapped his fingers on the table as he went.


"Zhara you are so damn difficult sometimes." He murmured.


"Oh and how's that?


"You know how badly I want you but you seem to want Mr. Perfection.Why can't it be me Zhara?" Damien sneered.


His hand ran lightly across my ass and in an instant I had him pinned face-down on the table.


"You ever fucking touch me again and I will end your life in the slowest possible way I can think of." I whispered close to his hear.


"What the fuck is going on here?" I looked to the entrance to see Talon with anger written all over his features.


"Nothing.Right Damien?" I let him lift himself from the table.


"Right." He mumbled.


Damien walked to the entrance to find that Talon wasn't budging.


"Move Talon." Damien growled.


Talon raised his fist and a sharp crack resounded through out the room and I watched as Damien went head first into the diningroom wall.


I guess he had that coming.








Chapter 9

"Hey." Talon said to me.


"Ummm hey?" I questioned.


"We should probably keep this between us.If Mikael knows.." Talon trailed off.


"Yea I know." I sighed.


The Furies began to file into the diningroom and Talon dragged a recovering Damien through the archway.


Once everyone settled into a seat I walked to the front of the dininroom and gave them a rundown on the nights festivities.


"Tonight the Acaidens of Thalon will be coming to Acadia for the Honorary Ball.I would like you all to cooperate and if you don't want to join the festiviies then please stay in your wing.I don't want anyone to get hurt tonight but I have a feeling that it won't be that easy." I explained.


"Oh this is going to be a disaster." Severa sighed.


"Why do you say that?" I questioned.


"The citizens of Thalon hate Furies.They were upset that long ago we gave the Ashford,Magnus,Archer,Slade, and the Ansley lineage royalty but not them.If I'm being honest they were cowards just like we were.Those five families did what no one else had the courage to do.They saved us all.The family of Thalon just stood there and watched as we all perished." Severa explained.


Well this really and truly was going to be a disaster.


"Ok well I just wanted to update you all on what will happen tonight and I hope that you will all keep the peace."


"Of course we will.You allowed us into your home when no one else wanted us.Thank you Zhara." Ramona spoke up from the center of the crowd.


Murmurs of gratitude ran throughout the crowd of Furies and I nodded my head in acknowledgement.


"Of course.No matter what we may believe, we are all in this together.We are all fighting against one common enemy..the rogues." I shrugged.


"The ball is in two more hours so if you want to help set up or whatever that is fine with me." I laughed.


"I think I will help out." Severa smiled softly.


"Oh good because I can use it." Ada appeared under the archway.


She had streamers and cloth wrapped around her and I couldn't seem to recall a time when she looked such a mess.


"Ok well then, meeting dismissed." I said to the waiting Furies.


Everyone filed out of the diningroom and Tera came walking in.


"Hey." Tera whispered.


"Hey.You alright?" I asked her.


"Yea it just seems so wrong.We just buried Corrinne and now were having a party."


"I know but it's some type of tradition." I responded.


"Yea but it still isn't right." Tera whispered back.


Her obvious sadness made me sigh and I did something out of character.


"Hey Ter?"


"Yeaa." Tera answered sadly.


"What are you wearing tonight for the ball?" I asked.


At the question Teras face lit up and she knew what I was getting at.


"Well I don't have anything in mind." Tera smiled slyly.


"Uuuh you already know what I'm going to ask so lets just get this over with." I growled.


"Nope.I need to hear it Zhara." Tera taunted.


I rolled my eyes but continued, "Ok.Do you want to go shopping with me Ter?"


"Of course I would!" She laughed.


She made it sound so much like a marriage proposal.


"We can leave in twenty minutes.Meet me at the dirt road in back." I sighed.


"Ok I am just gonna go and visit Corrinne and I will be ready to go!" Tera answered.


Tera jumped up and down with happiness and I rolled my eyes and left.


"Your the best Zhara!" Tera sang.


I laughed, but ran upstairs to let Talon know that we were leaving.The house was bustling with life and I found Furies and Acaidens working together at every corner.It was a sight that made me hopeful.


When I reached Talon and Teras room I found the door slightly ajar and I heard Damiens voice.


"I want her.She was mine from the very beginning." Damien growled.


"She wasn't fuckin yours Damien.She has always been Mikaels." Talons angry voice answered.


Oooh they were talking about me.


"I am in love with her and I don't know if I can stay here knowing that she lays with him at night."Mikael growled.


I could here the contempt in his voice and it made me sick so I announced my presence but knocking on the door.


"Come in Zhara." Talon yelled through the door.


"Tera and I are going into town to shop for dresses." I said.


I looked over at Damien and he was watching me with a predatorial look that made me sneer.


Talon ran his hands through his hair, "Ok but please watch out for her Zhara." Talon pleaded.


I gave him a nod and headed out the door.I checked in on Ada and made sure she knew where we were going.


"Ok honey.Just please be careful and enjoy yourself." Ada smiled.


Once I made my rounds through the house, I headed out to the dirt road and started the new camaro that Mikael gave Luca.It was a stunning shade of black with small flecks of silver in the paint.


I looked up through the windshield to see Tera striding to the road.It was the first time I had ever noticed that she had gained some weight.


"I am so excited about this Zhar!" Tera exclaimed as she slid into the passenger side.


"Yea whatever." I grumbled.


"Oh don't be such a sour puss." Tera laughed.


"Fuck you." I murmured as I pulled out onto the paved road.


"What kind of dress do wanna get?"


"I don't know.I was thinking of going to the shop that we always passed by, but we could never think of a single place where we would wear the dresses." I admitted.


"Oh my gosh! Yes! I think those dresses would be perfect!" Tera exclaimed.


"I am so happy that we finally get to spend some girl time together!" Tera finished.


I turned up the radio to drown out the sound of Teras chittering but it didn't seem like Tera got the hint because she just kept going.When we pulled into the actual town itself it was quiet.It felt like it had been years since I had been here.


"It's weird."Tera whispered.


I nodded my head in acknowledgement.It was weird.There appeared to only be a few people out on the streets and even they look frightened.


"It's kind of like life has ceased here." I said.


"What the hell happened?" Tera wondered aloud.


I didn't have an answer for that.We pulled up to the shops and found the one labeled Anabella's Dresses.As we stepped out of the car the first thing I noticed was the silence.Even the people that were on the streets walked lightly.


"This is just down right creepy." Tera said.




We both walked into the shop to find a female cashier sitting behind the counter and reading a magazine.


"Welcome to Anabella's dresses what can I help you with?" The girl muttered without looking up from her magazine.


"Oh such excellent customer service." Tera remarked sarcastically.


"Come on.Lets just get the dresses and go." I growled.


We both walked to the left side of the store and instantly found an ice blue dress for Tera.It was a strapless corset at the top and the bottom half billowed out into a princess like dress.The corset had intricate butterflies and diamonds laced into it and the bottom had small ruffles that wouldn't overwhelm Teras' willowy figure.When she tried it on we both knew it was her dress.The corset clung to her curves and made her seem more sexy then girlish.


"That's the dress Tera."


"Yes.Yes it is." She murmured, as she looked into the mirror.


"Ok come, we gotta find one for you Zhar." Tera ran back into the dressing room and I groaned.


When she came out we went hunting through the store, but I didn't see anything that I liked.Tera on the other hand, saw endless possibilities and it seemed that she oohed and awed at just about every dress.Even the ugly ones.


"I don't know Zhar.You keep turning down every dress!" Tera barked.


"Maybe there just isn't one for me.I can just find something at home to wear." I smiled happily.



Tera groaned but I knew she had given in.We went to the counter and paid for her dress.The girl unhappily looked up from her Cosmopolitan and rung up the dress.


"Cute dress." The girl said.


"Thanks.I think it's going to look perfect!" Tera exclaimed.


"Hey we just got back in town and when we left I don't think the town was this quiet.What happened?"I questioned.


"Oh my gosh.I can't belive you don't know!"  The girl beamed.


I knew she was the gossiping type.


"No we don't know!" Tera gasped.


Tera knew how to act when she wanted to.


"Well about six months ago people started dying terrible deaths.When their bodies were found they had pale skin and black eyes.Many people packed up and moved but those that didn't have the money stayed right here.About three months ago some lady from down the street was murdered and everyone was saying that whoever did it shredded her skin and bit into her multiple times.Her daughter went missing and people started saying that the lady deserved to die because she was unnaturally beautiful and seemed like a witch." The girl whispered.


She was talking about my mom.They thought my mom deserved to die.I grabbed the bag and moved swiftly out the store.


"Thanks for telling us!" I heard Tera yell.


I pulled the keys out of my pocket but I looked up when I didn't hear Teras footsteps.She was staring blankly at a a window and I wondered if she had officially lost it.


"Tera! What are you looking at?" I asked her.


"Zhar.Come here." She whispered.


I walked over to where she was and I understood why she couldn't stop staring.Right there in the window was a stunning silk dress.It was a forest green and had a thigh high slit up the right leg.It had small spagetti straps and a plunging neck line.It would hug every curve I owned.


"Zhar you have to get that dress."


"Yes Ter.Yes I do." I whispered.


We both walked back into the store and had the girl remove the dress from the window.


"Aren't you gonna try it on?" Tera asked.


"Nope.The first time I put it on will be right before the ball."I responded.


"Okay but if it doesn't fit then I get to have it." Tera laughed.


I rolled my eyes, but inside I was praying that it would fit the way that I had imagined it.


When we made it home the finishing touches were being made and Acaidens and Furies were getting dressed.


I walked into the kitchen and Tera ran upstairs to spend the next hour getting ready.I found some meats and cheeses on the counter and decided to sneak a few before Ada came in.


"Zhara dear, don't eat the damn food." I laughed as I spun around to find Ada glaring at me.


"Ok it was just a few.Have you heard from Luca and Mikael yet?"


"Yes he said that they would be a little late for the ball." Ada muttered as she put the finishing touches on food platters.


"Ok.When do the guest arrive?"


As soon as I asked the bell rang.


"Now.Oh dear this is going to be a disaster." Ada murmured.


"I'm going upstairs to get ready!" I yelled after her.


When I met Prentiss and her dad I wanted to look my best.


I made it to the second floor and found Tera whizzing through the room looking for a shoe.


"Hey Ter, can you come up to my room and help me get ready?" I asked.


"Yes! I will be up as soon as I find my fuckin shoe!" She growled from underneath the bed.


I laughed and headed up to my room.I threw the bag on the bed and hopped in the shower.The water helped calm my nerves and by the time I got out I was completely relaxed.At that second Tera barged into the room and I watched as she froze in place.Her eyes roamed all around the room.


"Wow! Green must be his favorite color." Tera whispered.


Her eyes met mine and recognition shown in her face.


"How sweet.Your his favorite color." Tera smiled softly.


"Can we quit with the cute stuff and get dressed?" I groaned.


"Ok.I brought my full make up kit so sit down and I will do you up."


The makeup took about ten minutes and when she held up the mirror I gasped.I wasn't one to wear much make up but this was lovely.She had given me a thin line of eyeliner on my top and bottom lid along with a bold red lip.My eyelashes were thick and long and my eyebrows were plucked to perfection.


"You did a wonderful job Ter." I whispered.


"I know." She smiled and shrugged.




Her make up was already done and her hair was curled on top of her head with a few stray curls to frame her face.She looked beautiful with her pale skin and subtle makeup.She turned and picked her make up crap off the bed and hummed her way out the door.When I could no longer hear the swish of her dress I stood up finished primping in the bathroom.


I chose to leave my hair down and I paired the green dress with a pair of strappy red high heels.When I stepped in front of the mirror the effect was instant.My thigh showed clearly through the slit and I noticed that the back of the dress was in fact backless.It left enough room for my wings to emerge if needed.


"How beautiful."


I whipped around to see Mikael standing there.I hadn't even heard him come in.My eyes began to roam over his clean cut look and I must admit I liked what I saw.He had on a sexy black suit with a crisp white shirt and a green tie.His shoulder length curls hung around his face and all together he looked darkly handsome.I watched as he stalked slowly towards me.I felt moisture form between my thighs and my breathing became labored.


"You look extremely sexy in this." He whispered.


He stood right in front of me but made no move to touch me and I became frustrated.


"You look angry." Mikael smiled.


"That's because I am." I growled.


He chuckled lightly and reached his hand out and placed it on my hip.His hand traveled lightly up my side and I shivered.


"I saw that text you sent me Zhara dear and I must say you don't know how surprised I was.Why you made me spit my soda all over Talons car.You left me hard through out that whole ride and now I'm going to show you how much of a bitch payback is." Mikael smiled.


His words touched my core and I moaned.


"Please Mikael.."


"I'm not giving in until you learn your lesson.You don't send me pics like that when I'm not here to take what I want.Now we must get down stairs.Our guests are waiting." He growled darkly.


I groaned but moved in the direction of the door.I was starting to think that maybe I shouldn't have sent that picture in nothing but my thong.


"Zhara." He whispered as he pulled me against his chest.


I looked over my shoulder at his face and prayed that he would kiss me.Instead his hand traveled lightly up my thigh with the slit.When he reached my hairless mound his hands dipped in between my lips and I let out a strangled cry.


"Mmmm Zhara.You are a naughty girl aren't you?Your not even wearing panties." He murmured darkly.


"Mikael please don't do this to me." I pleaded.


He pulled away and I turned to face him.He reached up slowly with his hand and I watched wide eyed as he slipped the two wet fingers into his mouth.He let out a moan and I nearly collapsed.


"I was gonna go downstairs to get something sweet to eat before dinner but it appears I won't have to."


My breathing became ragged and I took a step forward.


"Hey mom said that you guys need to hurry up.They are announcing the royal families." Talon yelled.


"Well I guess that puts an end to that." Mikael smiled darkly.


I followed him out of the room and down to the second flight of stairs.Tera and Talon looked amazing together.Talon wore a suit similar to Mikaels with and ice blue tie to match Teras dress and eyes.


"You guys look amazing." Tera breathed out.


"And so do you guys." Mikael smiled at her.


"I look pretty too." I turned to see Amina standing on the stairs with a pretty pink tulle dress on and her hair in small cascading curls.


"Yes you do love." Mikael smiled.


"Ok lets get this over with." I urged.


Amina stood on my left and held my hand while Mikael stood on my right.Talon and Tera stood in front of us and Damien was down stairs with Ada already.It was at that moment that I realized that I had no idea where the ball was being held but Talon led us confidently and I relaxed.


He led us out through the kitchen to the back yard.My breath caught when I saw what Ada had been doing all day.Lights were streamed up everywhere and green silk ribbons flowed around the trees and over head.Everywhere I looked there was something green.I looked up to Mikael to see him smiling.He had done this!


I turned back to the people all around us.They all watched and some even smiled as we were the last royal family to enter.We met a beautiful Ada at the end of the path and she had obvious pride in her eyes.


"Ok follow me and we will go over to our seats." Ada whispered.


She stood by Damiens side and we all walked to a stage that held several tables.The royal seating arrangement.Eight other tables were filled and my eyes passed over each person.They all seemed friendly but I was still weary.Mikael led us to our seats and he sat the head of the table like always and Amina sat on my right.I looked up to see dim lights over each of the tables that allowed us to see our food and each other.Ada stood up and announced that the honoray dinner was served.


It was a dlicious dinner consisting of smoked chicken,stuffed mushrooms, steak,veggies,and truffles.No one spoke through out the meal but I could feel many of eyes on me and I knew what they were thinking.Who was that sitting at the head of the table with Mikael?


When food was finished everyone got up and the conversations began.The Magnus family came up and introduced themselves.


"Hello my name is Dean Magnus and this is my wife Taylor Magnus.Our daughters Miri and Talila Magnus." He introduced his family to Tera, Amina, and I.


It was easy to see that they were a strong family.


"This is my mate Zhara and my daughter Amina." Mikael introduced us.


"A true joy to meet you Zhara.I have heard many rumors about you and I won't repeat half of them because I don't want to embarass myself." Dean smiled kindly.


"It is a joy to meet you Zhara and I hope that we can have more of a chance to talk in the future." Taylor laughed.


I nodded my head politely but didn't speak.I was introduced to the other three families and I noticed that there was only one person left in the Ansley family.He was young and had a caretaker with him.He had to be no more than nine.


Once that was over the royal family mingled with the other Acaidens and I sat down to watch.I could feel my hard exterior taking over and I tried to supress it but it wouldn't let me.


"So your Zhara." A girl said.


I turned to my left to see a pale girl with straight black hair and ice blue eyes.She was willowy and had a pretty pink dress on.She looked to be about seventeen or eighteen.


"And you are?" I questioned.


"My name is Prentiss.I'm sure you have heard of me." She growled.


"Not that I can recall." I smiled coldly.


"Well I'm the one that was promised to Mikael." Prentiss barked.


Her outburst caught everyones attention and I listened as the conversations died down and all attention was focused on us.


"Ok.What can I help you with?" I feigned boredom.


"You can give me my fiancee back!"


"He is mine!" I growled.


The little bitch was starting to piss me off and she could see it.And instead of apologizing she continued angering me.


"He is mine.You don't belong with him.I was supposed to be in the royal family!" She yelled.


I stood up slowly and took a step towards her.A restraining hand caught my upper arm and my eyes flashed to Mikaels.


"You have got to calm down Zhara.Your eyes are shifting." He pleaded.


"No.If she wants to play with fire then I will let her." I yanked my hand out of his hold and stalked towards the girl.


She was backing away into the crowd and I smiled coldly.


"Oh your not afraid of little me are you?" I chuckled darkly.


"Fuck you.They say that your the daughter of Tildana but your just a homewrecking bitch! Your not even pretty and the stories that people say about you are lies.You are weak and a bitch!" Prentiss yelled.


"What stories have you heard about me little girl? That I have wings the color of blood?" I whispered.


My wings shot forth from my back and I heard the gasps.It felt good to unleash myself and wreak havoc.


"Have you heard that I am made of fire?" I laughed.


I raised my hand and watched as the symbols lit up.


"Zhara stop!" Mikael yelled.


His voice was this little girls saving grace because I would have killed her.I would have laughed as she turned to nothing but a pile of dust.


"Please Zhara.."


I let out a sigh and the red in my eyes cleared and I let my eyes shift back.I searched the crowd for my mate and found him on the right.


"How are you?" He asked.


"Fine.I think I just got a little overwhelmed."


Mikael nodded and took a few steps forward until he stood in front of me.He grabbed my hand and pulled me gently from the air.


"She really is the daughter of Tildana." Dean Magnus said in awe.


"Yes.But remember that she also kills like Tildana." Mikael shot a glare at Prentiss.


A murmur ran through the crowd and Mikael led me into the house.Instead of going upstairs he led me through the kitchen and towards the back of the house.He pulled out a set of keys and opened one of the many doors.I had never been in this wing of the house but I didn't have time to dwell on that.Mikael yanked me into the dark room and pushed me up against the wall.His lips sought mine and I moaned.


His hardness pressed against my exposed thigh and I pressed against it.Mikael let out a groan and I ran my hands through his hair and pulled.He was about to rip the dress from my body but I stopped him.I really liked this dress and I wanted to keep it intact so I slowly slid it off.The moonlight skimmed across my bare body and I watched as Mikael took a step back and admired.


"I really want to fuck you hard and fast." He whispered.


I took a step forward and began removing his clothes slowly.Mikael didn't like my pace and removed the rest of his clothes himself.When he was finished he pushed me back up against the wall and lifted me.I wrapped my legs around his waist and groaned when he entered me.He took me hard and fast, just as he said he would.I knew that my cries and his moans could be heard through out the house but I didn't care.It was just me and Mikael and that was all that mattered.




Chapter 10

The next week passed by in a blur but everything remained quiet.The royal families remained for the weekend and soon even they returned home.I was unusually silent and I couldn't put my finger on why.I could feel pieces of my self slipping away and there was nothing I could do to stop it. 


"Hey.I've been looking for you." I looked up from the notepad in my lap to see Mikael standing in the doorway.


"I've been here." I murmured.


He moved slowly towards me with a strange look on his face.


"How are you feeling Zhar?" He asked.


"To be honest, I really don't know." I answered.


His brow furrowed as I watched him.


"What?" I asked.


"I don't know but somethings off." His face still held the same perplexed expression.


"Anyway I'm heading out with Luca.We heard that someone spotted Aminas' father in L.A."


I nodded my head slowly but something about what he was saying sounded off.My thpoughts whirled around in my head but I couldn't place it.


"Zhara?" Mikael started, "You ok?"


I shook my head and looked over to where he was standing.


"Yea I'm fine.Give me a call if you find anything." I answered.


It was good that Mikael was leaving, I desperately needed to be by myself right now.Everything felt off with me and I would prefer that I figured it out alone.


"Ok I will.Please be careful and keep an eye out for everyone."Mikael pleaded.


I rolled my eyes, "I will..geesh mother."


Mikael laughed and bent to brush his lips across mine.His curls fell into my face and I breathed in his scent.When he opened his eyes I had to blink.It was like looking into two setting suns.


"I love you Zhara." He whispered.


"I don't mean to interrupt but we need to hit the road."


Our eyes shot up to see Luca now standing in the doorway.


"Right.I just need to go upstairs to grab my bag and I will meet you at the car." Mikael sighed.


"I actually got your bag already." Luca smiled slyly.


"Yes well I think I forgot.." Before Mikael could finish Luca cut him off.


"Swords? Got those for you already."


"Fuck Luca! Could you be any more annoying?" Mikael growled.


Luca chuckled lightly, "Why yes.Yes I could."


I laughed at their exchange.


"Go ahead and get going.I've got everything under control here." I smiled.


With another kiss Mikael was out the door behind Luca.Now I had the space to figure out what was going on with me.I felt like I was off kilter.Like I wasn't quite me and that seemed to confuse me even more considering that I wasn't sure who I was when all of this started.


"Excuse me.Zhara?"


I opened my eyes slowly to find Ramona.


"Yes?" I questioned.


"I'm sorry to bother you but I could see how frustrated you are.I wanted to know if there's anything I could do to help." Ramona smiled lightly.


Ever since the Furies had showed up, Ramona and the others have been doing anything and everything to earn my trust.


"I don't think there's anything you can do." I murmured.


"Well you'll never know unless you tell me." Ramona smiled.


I sighed and wondered what harm there could be in explaining it to her.I maneuvered on the couch so my legs were tucked under me and tried to find the words to explain what I was feeling.


"Umm well I don't really know what's going on but something doesn't feel right with me.I am terribly confused on who I am.Kind of" The words stopped flowing and I found myself stuck.


"Kind of like your incomplete?" Ramona questioned silently.


Incomplete? Was that what this was? Was I feeling incomplete?


"I..I don't know.Maybe?"


"Well when we were younger we all trained together.And I know Rayon told you about how different and advanced your mother was.But there was something she didn't tell you about."


I watched as Ramonas eyes grew dark and forboding.Whatever she was about to tell me could change everything.


"One night Tildana came running into my room and her eyes were frantic.She was saying something about finding something and if she didn't find it she would be lost.I tried to calm her down but my words wouldn't do.Tears were streaming down her face and her eyes had a pleading look to them.I thought for sure she was going mad." Ramona sighed.


"What was she looking for?" I asked.


"I don't know.I started sitting up in bed and I was telling her that I would help her find it but she ran out of my room.By the time I made it to the front door she had already disappeared.We hadn't seen her for days.We had all been out searching for her and I could hear the mean whispers of the other kids.They were saying that she had gone mad with power." Ramona laughed.


I gave her a questioning look.What in the hell was she laughing for?


"I'm sorry.I'm laughing because your mother was so in control of every aspect of herself.There was no way in hell that she could be mad with power." Ramona sighed.


"You guys must have found her.Right?"


"No we didn't.She just came home after two weeks.She waltzed right in for dinner and sat down as if she hadn't been missing.We all gave a shocked expression but she continued eating.When my father questioned her she said that she went to center herself.That's all she would say on the matter.Over the next week she barely spoke and distanced herself even farther from everyone.She stayed in the woods longer and longer everyday and there was nothing we could say or do to get her to come out."


All of this information had me wondering if that's what was happening to me.


"We all watched as Tildanas' powers grew even greater then what they already were.It was frightening really.The expression on her face was one of complete control and sheer determination as she spoke to her flame.I began to wonder if those kids were right.Was Tildana overcome with power? Even my parents were frightened and worried.Tildana was in a very dark stage during that month and you could clearly see that at times she was at war with herself.I often wondered if her flame was trying to overpower her.Eventually she seemed to gain control and once again she flourished." Ramona gasped.


Her eyes were dazed and I knew she was remembering.


"She made it look so easy to control all that power and she helped destroy many rogues.She was something to be feared.By the time she was six hundred, Tildana was a legend." Ramona finished.


My mind quickly took in the information but I still didn't know what to do.


"You look more confused than before." Ramona sighed.


"How can I figure out if I'm going crazy or not?"


"Well what are your powers like now?" Ramona questioned.


"I can incinerate and I just learned how to conquer my own henchman." I explained.


Ramona gave a snort, "Yes I remember those henchman.When Tildana had first created them she would always have at least one of them by her side.She spoke to them and often used them as confidants.If anything they were Tildanas most trusted allies."


"They are pretty useful." My words cut short and a thought came to mind.The guardians!


I shot up from the couch and ran out into the field.I could hear Ramona close behind me but my mind was focused.


The air was cold and I wished I would have at least threw on a pair of shoes before making such a hasty exit.


"What are we doing out here?" Ramona quiered.


"Centering myself."


I closed my eyes and breathed evenly.The cold air whipped against my bare arms and feet but I ignored it.Looking deep within myself, I reached out for my flame.When I felt the heat of it,I called out for the guardians.Nothing happened at first but then I felt the familar ache in my chest as the clawed their way through.In seconds they formed on the ground before me and I breathed in a sigh of relief.I knew how to conjure them.


"How may we be of assistance?" The one on the left spoke.


"Do you remember everything from when you were my mothers guardians?" I questioned.


"Of course.You carry your mothers flame.Everything that was hers is yours." The right spoke.


"Then you can tell me what my mother did to center herself?"


"Yes but I must admit it isn't something that should be taken lightly.Your mother did something that nearly killed her." The left admitted.


I looked to Ramona to see her brow furrowed much in the same way mine was.


"I just want to know what it was that she did." I sighed out.


"Her flame was strong but it didn't fill her.She felt like she was missing something and soon the emptiness became overwhelming.She yearned for more.Not because she wanted to be powerful but because she didn't feel complete.She wanted to be entirely apart of her element.Tildana wanted to be fire."


I could hear Ramonas gasp but I was riveted on the story.Maybe that's what was wrong with me.I had fire within me but it wasn't enough.I remembered that day I was sitting by Rayons water and I surrounded myself with fire.It was one of the most calming moments of my life.


"What did she do to become fire?" I whispered.


"She figured out what was eating at her and she started running before she became consumed with emptiness.She moved swiftly through the trees and found herself at the largest volcano on the mountain.I remember feeling her reach within and there was a great pull.Before we could convince her to stop she had ripped out her flame and thrown it into the volcano.Her flame became apart of the boiling lava and so did she.She just jumped in and let the lava take her.Tildana did a very dangerous thing.The elements are what make the Furies so strong and immortal.The day that Tildana removed her flame she killed herself and made herself susceptible to human frailties.She let the fire eat apart her human flesh and she is very lucky that she emerged whole.Somehow her fire bonded with the heat of the lava and protected her.She found what she was looking for.Completion."


My mind wouldn't allow me to process what was being said yet I completely understood.To survive, I would have to kill myself.


"But I warn you Zhara.If you go through with this I beg you to wait until the very last minute when you feel your resolve slipping." The left urged.


I nodded my head in compliance and pulled them back to my flame.There was alot of information to process but I knew that in the end I would do exactly what my mother had done.


That night when I went to sleep I dreamed.I dreamed of a large volcano with all-consuming lava waiting to rip me apart and make me whole.Before I could jump one question echoed through my mind.Would I survive?


The next day was something I wasn't prepared for.Every corner of my mind whispered of loneliness and my heart ached.It was a dull throb that I couldn't distinguish between being real or fake.I walked through the days duties trying to find something to occupy myself and my thoughts, but in the end, the sting of incompletion always came back.


"Hey Zhar.Are you alright?" Tera asked at dinner.


I looked up from my untouched plate and tried to process her question.


"I..Yea I'm fine." I finally answered.


I could feel everyone looking at me as if I had officially gone off the deep end but I could care less.That night was a tremendous pain in the ass as well.With each breath I would hear a whisper of emptiness and I knew I wouldn't be able to take it much longer.I hadn't heard from Mikael and that just seemed to make it that much harder to breathe.


The third day I couldn't even get out of bed.I felt entirely naked and I didn't want people to see my missing pieces.Anyone that knocked on my door was immediately turned away.Mikael would be here in a few hours because someone (Ada) called to tell him that something was wrong with me.


When he showed up I hid under the covers and pretended I was asleep but I knew there was no way I could close my eyes when voices shouted back and forth in my head.The whispers were gradually becoming louder and I felt like I was losing control.The day passed quickly and I was able to avoid Mikael but I could feel the time was coming to make a decision.


That night was the night of many changes.Some for the good and some for the worse.That night the voices became unbearable and I knew that it was time.The hole dug itself as deep as it would go and I woke with a start.Mikael was already out of bed but I didn't have time to dwell on that.I shot out of bed and jumped out of the nearest window.The cool air brushed across my heated skin as I flew.


The nearest volcano was Mt. Saint Helens so I pushed my wings to get me there as fast as possible.I could here my flame speaking to me and I focused in on what it said.


We are here for you Zhara.You are never alone.


I let out a breath.It was good to hear that I wouldn't be entirely alone in this.My flame was on this same crazy ride with me.When I reached Mt. Saint Helens I noticed that there was a huge crater but no lava.My flame could feel the heat but the source was no where in sight.I flew to the middle of the crater and I could feel the sense getting stronger.The lava was right beneath my feet all I had to do was get to it.Lifting my hand, I burned a whole through the center of the mountain to the lava below.


The heat reached my face and I gasped.It was beautiful.When I closed my eyes I could hear my flames words of encouragement when I reached for it.I was scared.I was unbelievably frightened by what I was about to do but I understood that there was no turning back.I was trapped between life and death.


So after a moments hesitation, I removed my flame and through it into the boiling red lava.As soon as I did my powers slipped away and my wings disappeared.I fell in.The lava burned my skin and my screams echoed through the night before I was entirely consumed.


My last thought was of the seasons.Mostly of spring.I wanted to be spring.Right after winter comes along and buries everything beautiful, spring shows up and uncovers it.Everything that was once frozen to death comes back with even more beauty then what it started with.I like spring.It is a season of renewal and rebirth.



A Flame

     Some say the world will end in fire,


Some say in ice.


From what I've tasted of desire


I hold with those who favor fire.


But if it had to perish twice,


I think I know enough of hate


To say that for destruction ice,


Is also great


And would suffice.



-Robert Frost



My world ended in fire.It was excruciating and lonely and I must say that maybe a better death would have been ice.Then again, I was born of fire so maybe it made sense to die the same way I came in.

Chapter 11

I would have never left her if this hadn't happened.Instead of laying at Zharas side I was fighting rogues and all I could do was pray that she would make it through whatever she was going through.Ever since she came into this world she has dealt with blow after blow.But it was inevitable.Beautiful, strong ,and courageous Zhara was meant for this world.I just wish she wouldn't have to deal with so much alone.


"Mikael Look out!" I turned just in time to see a dark haired rogue coming at my left side.


I roundhouse kicked and sent him skidding a few feet back.I had to push Zhara from my mind otherwise I would never be of any help.


The rogues chose tonight of all nights to break through our gates and without any warning.They took out our watches and happened to make it through town.There are to many of them to fight and I know that many of us will perish trying to hold them at bay.I try not to think about my friends falling to their deaths beside me.I have to keep fighting otherwise their deaths would have been for naught.


I quickly check to my side to see that Talon and Luca are both holding their own but I don't see Damien in sight.The Furies fighting by our sides are doing an unbelievable job taking down the rogues and I am grateful that Zhara allowed them sanctuary.Zhara. My beautiful Zhara.


"Godammit Mikael watch out!" Talon yelled.


I turned to see a rogue right in back of me with Talons blade protruding from his neck.


I really had to stop thinking about her.


"What are you doing Mikael? Your gonna get your fuckin self killed." Talon growled.


"Sorry.My mind is other places." I murmured.


"Mikael!" I looked up to see a Furie flying towards me.


She landed and I realized it was Ramona.Zharas' aunt.


"What the hell are you doing out here?" I growled.


"It's Zhara.She's gone!" Ramona cried out.


My whole world fell from under me.


"I think she went to a volcano." Ramona whispered.


A volcano? what the hell was she doing at a volcano.I looked up at Ramonas face and I could see there was more to this story than she was letting on.I looked around to see that the rogue numbers were dwindling.


"Talon can you handle this without me?!"


Talon was engaged in battle but he let out a heavy grunt and that was all the confirmation I needed.


"Take me to her." I growled to Ramona.


My wings cut through the air as I raced to help my beloved Zhara.If anything happened to her I would wreak havoc on anyone and everyone that dared to hurt her.I could feel myself losing it with every flap of my wings.My madness stemmed from my love of Zhara.Lord have mercy on anyone that dare harm her.They know not what they bring upon themselves.


"She is there." Ramona broke the silence.


My eyes raised to see a large looming volcano up ahead.Why in the hell would Zhara come here? As I moved closer and closer to the volcano I noticed that Ramona dropped further back.I had never trusted her and right now that feeling was magnified times ten.Smoke billowed up in thick clouds and I could clearly feel the heat of the volcano from where I was.


"Zhara!" I yelled.


I knew I probably wouldn't get an answer but it was worth trying.It was becoming harder to breathe as I drew nearer and the heat was scalding.I had never been this close to liquid fire and right now I was wondering why Zhara would either.


"Zhara! Can you hear me?" I yelled into the smokey haze.


"Oh no she can't hear you." A voice laughed.


I knew that voice.My body grew still as the familiar voice washed over me.I turned slowly and came face to face with Rylan.The Furie that hated us because we were so much stronger.


"Where is she Rylan?" I growled.


He gave me a gut wrenching smile in return and I knew something bad must have happened to her.I looked up to see Ramona about ten feet in back of Rylan and I grew even more furious.She brought me here to be killed.


"Where is Zhara?" I growled at Ramona.


She looked away quickly and had the nerve to look contrite.


"You bitch! She took you in while he was killing off your own people and now you have sided with him!"


In that moment I felt tired.These Furies, so high and mighty off of their so called justice were sacrificing others just to save themselves.


"So this is the end.I can't begin to describe my elation! This..this precious moment is mine.This is the annihilation of the ever present Mikael; Prince of the hybrids." Rylan laughed.


I knew I wasn't strong enough to fight him.He had been feeding off of humans and Acaidens alike for quite some time now.I could feel that this was the end but there was no way in hell I would go out without a fight.


"Ramona dear, head on back to the meeting place and march my soldiers into the hybrid hatch." Rylan commanded.


Ramona turned to do as she was told and I couldn't help but feel sorry for her.If I made it away from Rylan then I would kill her first.I would tear her fucking head from her shoulders for betraying her only niece.


"Now it's just you and me.I know how your kind like to go out with pride so I am expecting a good fight.Short..but good." Rylan grinned.


I sneered in his direction but took up my fighting stance in the sky.As I watched where he was gonna attack first, I became distracted by the boiling lava.It sounded as if it was gonna erupt.Rylan attacked as soon as he saw me lose focus but I was able to dodge the brunt of the kick by moving to the right.Unfortunately, my side suffered a semi-powerful kick.


"Are we going to bob and weave all night or are we gonna play?" Rylan taunted.


If it kept me alive for just a little while longer I would dodge his hits for as long as I could.Now I was standing where he had been and he was standing in front of the bubbling volcano.The lava began to hiss loudly and large amounts of steam billowed up; causing Rylan to look back cautiously.I knew that he would be ready for me to come at him so I decided not to rush him.


"Listen, I am becoming weary of this fight already so if you wanna surrender I will tell your soon-to-be-dead relatives that you died honorably."


"Go fuck yourself." I retorted.


My dear Zharas' bad language was rubbing off on me.


"So be it."


Rylan rushed me full force and knocked me into a near by tree.The sound of impact was alot worse then the actual hit and I found myself grateful for the years of training.Rylan soared at me again and I effectively blocked him and surprising landed a kick to his side.Now I was in front of the volcano and I knew that it probably wasn't the best place to be.


"You can throw weak kicks all you want but.."


Rylans words were cut short by a rumble from deep within the volcano.Lava began to spew forth and I could guess that I probably wouldn't make it out alive.I was okay with that.There were only two Furies in this world built to withstand fire; Tildana and her daughter Zhara.



"Zhara! Zhara!" I turned wildly and tried to dodge as much as the lava that I could.


I turned to see Rylan heading for safety and knew that he wouldn't be able to outrun it.The lave was pulsing fast and falling hard.



"Zhara!" I yelled again.


There was no answer.Maybe she hadn't been here in the first place and now I was gonna die because I trusted a stupid fuckin Furie.


"Can you please stop yelling! I have a headache."


I turned slowly but saw no one.God dammit! My mind was playing tricks on me in my last moments.


Lava began to drip onto my wings and I could hear the sear of my feathers.This was it.Wherever Zhara was all I could do was hope that she was safe.As cruel as it sounds, I wouldn't care if everyone died, but Zhara..Zhara had to live.



Chapter 12

I was trying to sleep but someone keeps yelling my damn name.


"Zhara honey, it's time to wake up."


My eyes slowly blinked open to see my mother standing above me with a clear blue sky at her back.She looked beautiful.


"Come on sleepy head." She laughed.


Did my mom really just laugh? I rolled over to sit up and found myself beneath one of the largest trees I had ever seen.A meadow spread out before me with every wild flower imaginable.The grass was a beautiful emerald green and it seemed to go on for miles.


"Where am I?" I breathed.


My mother looked at me sadly but the look soon vanished, replaced by a cheery smile.How creepy.


"Zhara dear, this is our version of heaven." She answered.


Words seemed to fail me.What in the hell was I doing in heaven? The last thing I remember was jumping into the volcano and then..nothing.


"Mom am I dead?" I whispered.


Her eyes said it all.Her face was stressed and worried and it told me all that I needed to know.I was dead.


"I shouldn't be here." I whispered harshly.


"I shouldn't be here." More forcefully.


The wind whipped past and I shivered from the cold.


"No you shouldn't.I was hoping it would be a long while before I saw you but I had never imagined you would go through the loneliness I went through; the feeling of incompletion within your powers."


"So I didn't survive it?" I mumbled.


My mother shook her head but it was like she was laughing at me rather then answering my question.I could feel the self pity and sorrow coming and I let it take over.


I had actually thought I was strong enough to face what my mother had faced but I was wrong and now here I was.Dead.The word didn't sit well with me.It made me uncomfortable.It was to small of a word to end my life with.I was strong and capable of handling enormous amounts of bullshit! I could not just be dead!


Life was hard for the living and that is where I thrived.I didn't belong in a silly meadow underneath a tree while sipping tea for the rest of my after life.I had people down there counting on me.I could not be dead! Tera, Amina, and Mikael..oh Mikael was down there.My thoughts immediately halted and everything became crystal clear.I couldn't be dead because the person that I loved most, in and out of both worlds was down there.I looked up to see my mother smiling slyly.The meadow was blending out of focus and in the distance a large blaze was burning through the tall grass.


"Good girl Zhara." I heard my mothers whispered words.


"Zhara! Zhara!"


I could hear the voice but I wished it would stop.My head was pounding and I felt terribly disoriented.


"Zhara!" There that voice was again. Some people were just so damn disrespectful.


""Can you please stop yelling! I have a headache." I yelled back.


The yelling finally ceased and I stood up to get my bearings.


I opened up my eyes to see that there was light all around me.Where was I?


The walls were black and liquid appeared to flow around me.I reached out my hand to find it warm and gooey.The liquid ran up my hand of its own accord and seemed to seep into my skin.More of the substance began to attach to me and in seconds it began forcing me upwards.It moved fast and freely towards wherever it wanted me to go and for some reason I didn't feel fear.If anything I felt at home.I felt safe.


Much to my relief, a small opening was directly above and light seeped in and danced against the walls.Dark smoke billowed up from the escaping liquid and that is when I realized I was inside an erupting volcano.The liquid pushing me up, was in fact lava.Holy shit! I survived!


The lava pushed me up through the opening and I laughed as I shot into the air.My wings quickly acted and shot forth before I could even have a chance to plummet.It was exhilirating and beautiful but for some reason I felt off.I looked around and saw that nothing seemed to really stand out.I looked down and my heart stopped.My whole world shifted on its axis and I swooped down to save him.My Mikael.


He was barely skimming the tree line and his wings were caked in hardend lava.Burns marred his beautiful skin and he didn't look like he would last under the onslaught of lava much longer.


"Hi." I whispered as I wrapped my arms around his torso.


"Zhara." He breathed.


It was a whispered prayer across my skin.


"Come on.Lets get you to safety."


I brought him down to a relatively safe distance from the volcano and watched as he slumped to the ground.


"Rylan and rogues are attacking Acadia." He whispered harshly.


"Right now?"


I couldn't believe it.


"We have to go." Mikael struggled to stand.


"You can't go like that.Let me heal you."


He slumped back to the ground as if my words gave him relief.I kneeled down at his side and placed my hand to the side of his burned cheek.


"You are so amazing Zhara."


His eyes met mine and I saw the truth of his words.To this man I was beautiful and flawless.I smiled at him and watched my powers work their magic.His skin reattached firmly to his face and his wings took on the raven colored hue.My beautiful Mikael was once again sitting before me.


"How do you feel?"


"Like shit, but I'm ready to go." He grinned.


His smile was infectious and soon I found myself taking his hand and lifting off into the sky.He was still tired but he kept up when I slowed down the flap of my wings.


"I don't want you doing any major fighting." I growled.


I looked back to see a smirk on his face and I knew that my words were falling on deaf ears.I roll my eyes at his expression but didn't push him.These were his people and if I knew Mikael, he would fight by them no matter what.




I look back to see Mikael pointing down and I let my gaze follow.Below us are hundreds of rogues moving quickly toward Acadia.


"Stay in flight!" I yell to Mikael.


I swoop down lower.Just a little more and I can start a blazing fire that will force the rogues into flight.Hopefully someone from Acadia will see them coming.


I feel for the bright flame inside of me and let it flow outwards.The fire immediately spreads across the grass and I watch with glee as the first two rows of rogues burst into flames.The rest of them take flight and I smile.Perfect.


I look up to see Mikael already flying off to Acadia.


"He never listens to me." I grin.


I decide to stay behind and follow the rogues to Acadia.That way I can use fire to effectively block them from escape.It's time to end this.


As soon as the rogues cross the borders I let loose a mighty fire and by the time the rogues realize that they're being herded it's too late.The Acadians rush at them and engage in battle.It's a beautiful sight to see The Acaidians and Furies fighting side by side.Damien is fighting against Talon and by the looks of it, Talon is winning.


How sad to see a brother fighting against another brother.In seconds Talon has Damien pinned to the ground and I can hear him telling Damien to surrender but Damien refuses.I watch as Talon raises his sharp claws into the air and slices through Damiens throat.Mikael isn't far from their fight and I can see that he has observed what happened.


For some reason, I can't help but think that it's my fault that Damien is dead.I look to my left to see Ramona slicing through a rogue.Is she with us or against us? I guess we will know when it's all over.The rogues are putting up a fight and I know we won't all survive in the end but it's worth it.Our children will have a chance to grow up in peace.


With that thought, I swoop down to the ground and fight for my daughter and everyone else that has come to mean so much.




Chapter 13

 "I'm taking Amina to get ice cream!" Luca shouts.


Ramona holds tightly to Lucas's hand as Amina skips in between them.That was a relationship I did not see coming, but I am happy that Ramona and Luca have found each other.It turns out that Ramona had been fighting under Rylan, but when she came to stay with us in Acadia she realized, we weren't the enemy.


"That's fine, but please keep an eye on her." Mikael shouts back protectively.


Luca waves and gives Ramona an adoring look and Talon soars in the air with a beautiful Tera beside him.After the battle, Tera was given wings and she hasn't stopped taking off ever since. As for Rylan, we don't know what happened, but if he is still alive...we will find him.


With a dark look Mikael turns back to me as I lean against a tree and let the sun warm my face.


"Say it."


I smile.He loves when I say it.I can see how much he needs to hear it but I hold back.I love to see him get frustrated.


"Nope." I giggle.


Giggling.I missed that.So much blood shed and lost life that it seemed like there wouldn't be enough laughter to fill the sad spaces of our lost loved ones.


"If you don't.."


He sits up slowly and creeps towards me.


"Don't you dare.." I growl.


"Oh baby who's gonna stop me?" He growls back.


Oh my.


"That look is how I got into this predicament in the first place." I smile and rub my growing belly.


He sits up with his eyes wide and I can't help but laugh.


"Amina and Jaxon are gonna be enough work.I refuse to have a third." He chokes out.


He has proved to be such a great father, but I guess that's to be expected of a man that leads warriors.


"But you're doing so well." I smile.


He frowns and I yearn to kiss it away so I lean forward and do just that.A smile tugs at the corners of his mouth and I watch as the sun touches his skin and then lights his eyes.Those sun kissed eyes.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.10.2014

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