
A Roll of the Dice..


There are so many what-ifs in this world.


What if I would have worn this today or what if I would have spoken a little louder.


Maybe, just maybe,things might have been different.


But then there are times where you find that there is nothing you could have possibly done to stop   

an outcome.


You were one of those times.


You stole my power of will and showed me the force of a Furie.










Chapter 1

I had dreamt about him ever since I was 13 years old.I would be dancing through the woods and he would creep from behind a tree and land directly into my path.Magnificent. It was the largest word my brain could come up with to begin to describe his degree of beauty.


He seemed so much larger than life.But in an instant he would blend out of focus and I would see him for what he truly was. He was still beautiful but he radiated danger. It rolled off him in waves and sent me scurrying to the edge of a cliff.


He walked slowly towards me and I knew if he walked just fifteen more steps I would surely fall.In an instant he stood directly in front of me. With him being this close I could see that he could be no more than 16 years old.He gazed down at my slight frame and I admired his features.He had dark sooty lashes and hazel eyes that looked like they had been kissed with sunlight. His eyebrows were beautifully arched and his hair looked to be as black as a raven's wings.


"Don't forget me." His husky whisper flowed with the breeze.


How could I ever forget such beauty? I thought, before he sent me flying off the cliff.


Beep.Beep.I hated this alarm.I wish I had my old one back.When I threw it on the floor it would shut up immediately but this new one seems to be break resistant. Damn my mom for buying this stellar alarm clock.Now I have no choice but to be on time for the first day back to high school. I can't begin to describe how happy I am to be a senior.


Don't get me wrong high school was ok but I am ready to head off to college and get as far away from this small town as possible. We moved to Hereford,Oregon when I was eight. After my father passed away my mom began to go crazy living in Portland,Or.She would say it was to loud and busy.In truth,she hated the city.My dad was into architecture and he had helped design buildings.He put his heart into helping to build this city, so much so, that he forgot about us.My mom said that he eventually became to stressed with deadlines that he had a heart attack in his office.


I hadn't cried.It was hard to cry over someone I barely knew but my mom took it hard.After just a few months we packed up and bought a small ranch in Hereford.I love this ranch because of the horses we breed here.My mom got into horse breeding when we moved here. She made it into a full time job and now she travels all over the world racing and selling horses.I don't see her for weeks or months at a time and I'm ok with that. Does it get lonely? Sure. But even when mom's still feels as if I'm alone.Mom has never been the kind of mom that I see other teens with.She has always been distant and it was something that I never understood.There is one good thing that I can say about my mom though.She is incredibly beautiful.


My phone buzzing pulled me from my reverie and I looked to see that my best friend Tera was waiting in the drive way. I picked up the phone and hit answer.


"Hey come on in.We still have an hour before school starts "I tell her.


"But it's so cold outside.I don't want to leave my heater."Tera cries back.


"Ok suit yourself, but I just wanted tell you that the fire place is going and there is hot chocolate on the stove. You know, just in case you change your mind." I taunted.


She hung up and I could hear growling all the way into my room. I laughed when she walked in and I threw a pillow at her.


"Your such a damn tease.. You know that right?" Tera glared at me.


I laughed at her tone and picked up my hot chocolate and curled into my blanket. Tera sat down on the couch near the fire place and took off her shoes.


"Your room is so cool."Tera exclaimed.


Every time she comes over she says the exact same thing.Tera is the victim of an abusive father. He works as a lawyer and is surprisingly good at it. He makes loads of money and spends it on their family so you would never know that he was a monster. Teras' mom stopped trying to save her and her older brother ran away 3 years ago.Tera she told me what her life was really like and I have never left her side since then.I couldn't imagine the beautiful Tera being abused and alone.


I looked at her sitting on the couch and I felt envy.She may envy my room but I envied her beauty.She was tall and slim like a supermodel with straight shoulder length brown hair and bright blue eyes. Her skin was pale and smooth like porcelain.I was more exotic and wild-looking while she looked prim and polished.


"I know, I know.Its amazing."I said sarcastically, as I looked around.


Our house was only one story with two bedrooms and my room was on the far left of the house. It had a sliding glass door that faced the mountains and the forest. Next to the glass door is my beloved marble fireplace. It sits at an angle that faces towards the room and leaves it extra toasty. Above the fire place are pictures of me and Tera together through out the years.One of our middle school dance and another of last summer when we went to the lake. We had known each other since we were 14 years old and now here we are starting our last year of highschool together 3 years later. My eyes shifted from the pictures and landed on the closet full of over flowing clothes. One day I would find the courage to clean it.


My floors are dark hard wood like the rest of the house and I have a huge red carpet that lies at the foot of my bed. What makes my room so magical is the dome sky light above my bed. Angels are sculpted into the base of it and it gives you the feeling that your looking into heaven. I had to fight my mom tooth and nail for this room and in the end I wore her down.


"I guess I gotta start getting ready." I sighed.


 I got out of bed and went into the hall bathroom to brush my teeth. When I came back into my room Tera was curled into my blanket with just her face peeking out.I couldn't help but laugh at her.


"This bed is so comfy!"She giggled.


I shook my head in disbelief and walked over to my closet. Since it was freezing outside I decided to throw on some tight denim skinny jeans,a black v-neck, black knee length pea coat,and black knee high boots.I pulled my black waist length hair into a braid and left a few hairs out to frame my face. I walked back into the bathroom and put on some eye liner to emphasize my large green eyes. A little bit of lip gloss and I was ready. Tera walked into the bathroom and stared in a way that made me uncomfortable.


"You are so freaking gorgeous Zhara." Tera whispered.


I looked at her like she had lost her mind.


"Over the years you have just become so beautiful. You remind me of the Amazonian princesses we used to read about when we were little."  


I stepped back and looked at the mirror and saw the changes Tera had noticed a long time ago.My eyes are green as an apple and are framed by long black lashes.My lips are full and pink but what really makes me look exotic is my skin. I am naturally bronze due to my father being part Native American. My hair is thick and wavy and makes me look delicate when I wear it down. All in all, Tera is right, I have grown beautiful without realizing it.I smiled slowly at my reflection and turned to Tera. Before I could get a word out a yawn escaped my lips.


"Hey, did you sleep? Cause now that I see you up close you look like shit! "Tera questioned.


I really didn't want to tell her but considering that she's blocking the door way I have no choice.


"The dream came back 2 days ago" I sighed out.


"Uugh you haven't had the dream in 2 years. Why in the hell is it back now?"


I shrugged and dragged her into my room to grab our bags. We walked out into the cold morning to her Impala.It looked like it would rain soon so Tera drove like a bat out of hell to school.Our school wasn't big. It was completely made of brick and consisted of two separate buildings. When we drove into the parking lot people were rushing to get into the warmth of the school and we were no different. Tera and I had recieved our schedule by mail so we didn't have to wait in the attendance line.


Instead we went to our lockers on the second floor of Building 1. Unfortunately, Hereford High has never been updated so we took the stairs to the second floor. Our lockers sat side by side at the end of the hall. We raced to them so we wouldn't be late for first period. As I was grabbing my last book Jason crept up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. Jason is my ex boyfriend. He cheated on me last year and I broke up with him before the rumor had a chance to spread.


"Hey babe I missed you all summer. Why didn't you answer any of my calls? Jason asked.


Wow was he dumb.I decided it would be best not to answer so I grabbed Tera and ran to Chemistry.Jason shouted that we would talk about it later and I gave a loud unlady-unlike snort.For the last few months his voicemails have been the bane of my existence.Only ten people were in class by the time we got there so we both sat at a table in the back.The table was able to seat three people but Tera put her bag down on the last seat to keep any one from sitting there.


Just minutes later the rest of the class began to file in. Most of the people I had know for years but there were a few new faces. Mr.Eli stood up from his desk and had the kids introduce themselves. When my turn was over I sat back down and doodled in my notebook. I knew today would be pretty easy so I didn't care to pay attention, even if I was in my favorite teachers' class.


"Alright looks like we have one more new student." Mr.Eli exclaimed.


"And what is your name?" Mr.Eli questioned.


"My name is Damien." A husky voice said.


The girls in the class giggled when they heard the new guy speak.


When I lifted my head to find the owner of the voice..My heart stopped. He looked exactly like him just older.His eyes,his hair,his voice. It had to be him.


"Hey are you alright?" Tera whispered in concern.


"It's him." I said shakily.




"Why don't you take a seat next to Tera and Zhara." Mr.Eli said to Damien.


I watched as he walked to our desk. He had grown taller and had more defined cheek bones. He was a whole lot more muscled then before but other than that, he was still the same. When he reached the table he nodded to Tera and then me but other then that he didn't seem to know who I was.He sat on the left side of Tera so I was no where near him.


Tera began to write in her notebook and in seconds she sent me a folded piece of paper.


Its him..from the dream, Isnt it?


I tore up the paper and nodded to her.Tera and I were both tense through the rest of class. Time went by slow and I was just itching to look at him but somehow I found control.As soon as the bell rang we both were out the door before anyone.Neither one of us had a second period so we headed out the back of the school to the woods.


We had been coming down here since we were freshman. If you walked far enough through the woods you would come to a clearing that contained a small lake. Oregon is covered in so many forest it's impossible not to find a lake or stream.As we walked I thought about Damien. When we reached the lake we both sank slowly to the ground and made ourselves comfortable.


I knew Tera was dying to crack this case so I spoke up first, "How is this possible?"


"I have no clue but it is definitely weird and a teensy bit creepy.What do you want to do about it?" She questioned back.


"He didn't seem like he knew me so maybe nothing needs to be done." I said with hope in my voice.


Tera seemed to think over my answer and from her expression I knew that my answer was unlikely.


"I don't think so. There seems to be more to it then just a dream Zhara."


I didn't want to continue on with the matter so I pursed my lips and looked off into the distance. Tera knew not to bother me when I got like this, so we both sat there in silence.


After a while we both decided we were hungry and headed back to school for lunch. When we walked into the cafeteria the lunch line was pretty full.Kids filled every corner of the cafeteria and it amazed me that there was any air left to breathe.I got in line behind Tera and saw that her head was turned as far left as it could go. When I turned to where her attention was I understood why she couldn't look away.Sitting at a table in the far left of the cafeteria was a beautiful blonde haired man and Damien.


The blonde haired guy looked up and smiled at Tera. She turned her head away so quickly I am almost certain she got whiplash. I had never seen her so flustered before. When we reached the front of the line we both grabbed salads and I let Tera lead us to a table that couldn't have been farther from the two beautiful men.


"Psst Tera." I whispered.


No answer.Tera didn't even lift her head from its downcast position.


Damien and the other guy left the cafeteria twenty minutes later and Tera both let out a sigh of relief.


"Hey are you alright? You almost lost balance of your head."I joked.


"I don't know what happened.It was just that..Oh I don't know." She threw her hands in the air in frustration.


Neither one of us touched our food and I could guess two reasons why.


We both emptied our trays and pushed our way through the still crowded cafeteria.


"See ya after class," I yelled.


She gave a wave of her hand and headed down the hall and to the right.


I walked into Calculus and took a seat by a window. Only one more class to go and I could get out of here. Kids began to pour in from lunch and I tensed up when I realized that Damien,the blonde haired guy, and I, had the same class. To my utter dismay the blonde guy sat directly behind me.


"Don't." Damien growled at the guy behind me.


I dont know what that was about but I really think that blondie should listen.


Luckily there were no seats near me so Damien went to sit on the other side of the class room.


Ms. Rayne walked into class and the room of teens settled down. She began to drone on about what should be expected this year so I began to look out the window and daydream. I had completely forgot about the guy behind me until he lightly tapped me on my shoulder with his pencil.


"What's your name?"He asked.


"Zhara." I whispered.


Ms. Rayne sent us a pointed glare.


"What's yours?" I questioned back.


" I'm Talon." He said in a voice nearly identical to Damiens.


"What was your friends name?"


"Tera." I said.


I figured since he was obviously fishing for information I might as well do the same.


"Alright everyone pair up and we are going to play Calculus Jeapordy." Ms.Rayne explained to the class.


"Be my partner." Talon said.


Damien tried making his way over to Talon but the girls were blocking his way in hopes that they would be paired with him.Fortunately Ms.Rayne paired him with Tiffany, sending all of the girls into a jealous frenzy.


We played the game for the remaining 40 minutes of the period. Talon and I asked each other questions back and forth about each other,Damien,and Tera.I learned that Damien and him were brothers and that they had just moved from Salem, Or.They lived near Falling Creek which was 3 miles from the school.It surprised me that they lived there because it was one of the darkest forest in Oregon.The trees are so dense that hardly any light seeps through so it's not the best place for camping or living.I also learned that Damien is 18 and he is 17 and they have a little sister named Anya and an older brother. Their last name is Ashford and they like to keep to themselves.


Talon was really cool to talk to and he was also pretty easy on the eyes,to put it mildly.He was not as stunning as Damien but he was a close second. He had a light shade of green eyes and dark brown hair.He had more muscle than Damien but he wasn't as tall.I looked over to where Damien sat with Tiffany and I looked him over.For some reason I liked this guy.He was beautiful and edgy yet he kept me at an arms length.As I watched him his eyes looked up and met mine and I found it so hard to look away.His eyes had lost all of their usual hardness and it was like looking into liquid pools of light.I became emersed and I wasn't sure if I would ever get out.Before I could embarass myself I tore my eyes away and felt oddly empty.


"You like him don't you?" Talon asked.


I looked up at him and tried to lie.I didn't want to be so translucent with my feelings but something in me wouldn't allow it.


"Yes." I breathed.It was like a heavy burden was lifted off my chest and I could breathe a little better.


"Don't let his aloofness fool you he's not as unaffected as he seems."


I contemplated his words and a piece of me ached to believe him but the rest of me knew it was for the best that I stayed away.


"Everything will happen in its own time Zhara.It doesn't matter if you'd rather it not." Talon said.


It was as if he had read my mind,but I knew my thoughts were on my face as clear as day.


So rather than continuing on the road the conversation had taken I pulled out my notebook and doodled.I spaced out through the rest of the class and it wasn't until Talon shook my shoulder that I remembered where I was.


"Where is this?" Talon asked.


I looked down to see him holding my notebook.The drawing was of me and Damien standing on the cliff.Everything around us was burning.I snatched my notebook from him and shoved it in my bag.


"Oh nowhere.I was just day dreaming."


He gave me a cryptic look and stood up.


When the bell rang I grabbed my bag and raced to the door.When I made it out into the hall I began walking to my locker but a light tap on my shoulder stopped me.I turned around to see Damien.


He was even more beautiful up close.I let out a deep breath and tried to treat him just like any normal person.


"Wassup." I said. Did I really just say wassup?


    He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed.Every muscle on his arm flexed and a sigh nearly escaped my mouth.


"I don't want to be harsh but I really think that you should stay away from my brother and me."


"And why's that? I questioned.


"I'm not any good for you." He said as if that explained everything.


I gave him a quizzical look and waited for a better explanation.


Another sigh escaped his perfect lips and he shifted uncomfortably.


"My brother told me that you liked me and I would prefer that you didn't."


Awww now this was making more sense.And I must admit it hurt like hell.I wasn't good enough for him and he was trying to break it to me gently but I didn't want to be pitied.


"Listen, I think your cute but please don't be so full of yourself." I stormed off and left him looking flustered.


Fine I would stop liking him just like he wanted me to, but that was something easier said then done.


I found Tera waiting for me against her locker.


"Hurry up and get ready to go. I'm starving." Tera complained.


When I looked up to give her a piece of my mind her eyes were locked on something going on behind me.I turned around to see Talon striding towards us.


"Hey Zhara I just wanted to tell you that were having a bonfire party at the Willamette River this weekend so if you wanna bring any friends your welcome."


I noticed when he said friends he gave a pointed look at Tera.I really didn't wanna go because I was angry with him for telling his brother, but if I didn't he would know it was because of Damien.So I decided to go.


I turned around to see Tera staring at the ground and fidgeting with her hands. Something was going on with her and I was going to find out.


"Yea sure we'll come. Just tell me the details tomorrow."


He gave me a cocky grin and walked away. Damien was waiting at the second flight of stairs for his brother and he looked pissed.


I turned back to Tera and scrutinized her. She was slightly paler than usual and her eyes were wide with fear.


"What's going on Tera? Every time he comes around you lose all your usual confidence!"


"Let's just go. I'll tell you once we get to your house." She said back.


The drive to my house was unusually quiet. Tera was in a contemplative mood and I was extremely tired. When we finally made it to my house we both grabbed some snacks and went to my room.Tera started the fire place and I got undressed. We both sat cross legged on the couch and stared into the fire.


"So what's going on Ter?"


"I don't know. He just..scares me." she whispered.


"Why I never.." I said in a southern twang.


"I never thought I would see the day that Tera Anne Rossetti was scared to talk to a guy!"


"Oh shut up." she said.


"You should get to know him he's a nice guy." I told her, but at the moment I thought he was a real asshole.


Tera grimaced and continued to sip her hot cocoa.Her face then lit with a smile that had me wanting to run for the hills.


"I would be more than happy to get to know Talon as long as you agree to get to know Damien." She laughed gleefully.  


She had me right where she wanted me and she knew it. I accepted her challenge and her eyes grew wide.


"Are you sure." She said skeptically.


I nodded but in my head I knew I was getting myself into trouble.I never could back down from a challenge.


We both feel asleep in my bed but around 3am the fire had died out so I got up to put more wood in.


As the fire crackled I looked out the glass door to the woods. The rain poured from the heavens and lightning flashed across the sky.It was eerily beautiful.


I sat down on the couch because I knew I was to keyed up to go to sleep. After what seemed like hours I fell asleep on the couch only to be waken up by Tera.


"Couldn't sleep?" She asked.


"Not very much." I sighed.


"Well we do need to get ready for school. We have a very long day ahead of us."


I knew she was talking about our bargain. It would indeed be a long day.


We started taking our showers and getting dressed. Since the rain looked like it would hold off for a while I decided to wear light denim skinnies, black ankle boots, and a Victoria secret jacket that showed a little of my midriff.


"I am begging you to wear your hair down, just this once." Tera begged.


I complied and ran to the bathroom to brush it out.I looked in the mirror and liked what I saw.My hair flowed over my shoulders and skimmed my waist.I decided to put on a little mascara and eyeliner to bring attention to my eyes. The effect was stunning. I walked back to the room and Teras' shocked expression told me all that I needed to know.A slow smile crept across her face and made her even more beautiful than she already was.


"I need some sugar! We should stop at Starbucks before school." I said.


Tera grabbed her bag and headed out the door ahead of me. I turned off all the lights and doused the fire. My bag was slung over the chair in the living room so I grabbed it on my way out. I caught up with Tera and I noticed she was wearing the top I had gotten her for her birthday last year.It was the exact shade of her blue eyes and it cinched at her waist.She paired it with black leggings and white ankle boots.Her hair was curled and she wore light make up.


"I don't know if I can do this Zhara!"


"Don't be so scared,geesh." I said as I slid into her car and buckled up.


She began driving the six blocks to Starbucks. We decided not to wait in the long drive thru line and went inside. The air was filled with the smell of fresh ground coffee and pastries. We stepped up to the counter and ordered two tall caramel frappucinos and 4 croissants.


As we waited for our order I had the feeling of being watched. I looked around and my eyes landed on a man sitting in the far left corner of the place.What unnerved me was the fact that his eyes did not waiver when I caught him staring.Something was seriously off about this man but I didn't have time to ponder it because Tera was pulling me towards the door.We ran back to the car before we were late to school. Finding a parking space turned out to be a whole lot easier than I thought it would be.


"Come on Tera we need to hurrrryy."I laughed as she tried her hardest to get out of her twisted seat belt.


"Screw you." She yelled back.


When she finally made it out we both ran for building 1. We made it a minute before Mr.Eli closed the door.


"Glad you could make it ladies now please find your seats."He said.


There were two open seats in the front and we panted our way to them.I had to push my hair over the back of my seat or else I would find myself sitting on it.It was a very uneventful first period. Damien was here today but thankfully he sat in the back of the room. The bell rang an hour later and Tera headed off to the library which left me with nothing to do. I didn't feel like going to the library so I decided to head out to the lake. The air was cool but not cold enough to send me back inside. There was some sun peeking through the clouds and that gave me hope. I don't know what I was hoping for but the feeling was there all the same.The woods were refreshing and held the smell of pine and rain.


I had always felt at home in nature. Every aspect of it fascinated me to no end.As I walked I had the feeling of being watched but when I turned around there was no one there. I began to walk faster but slowed once I reached the clearing.  I guess I was just tired from the lack of sleep. I sat down on a large rock near the lake and breathed in deeply. The sun glinted off the water and made it shimmer. I must have been more tired than I thought because soon I was falling fast asleep against the rock. I began to dream the same dream I have had since I was thirteen.Each and every time he pushed me off the cliff and told me to remember him.


Once the dream was over I opened my eyes to blinding light and remembered that I was at the lake. I took out my phone and saw that I only had 3 minutes to get to class. My bag sat on the ground next to me so I picked it up and ran. I made it to class with out a second to spare. Talon gave me a wide smile and beckoned me over.He had saved me a seat in back of Damien. Seeing that every other seat was taken I decided to just sit in the one Talon offered.I saw Damien visibly stiffen as I sunk into the chair.


"You wore your hair down.Its so long and pretty." Talon commented.He reached over and grabbed a piece of hair and sifted it through his fingers.Damien turned around and told us to be quiet because he was trying to learn.


"Don't be jealous Dame.I'm sure she would let you touch it if you asked nicely." Talon wiggled his eyebrows and laughed.


I felt myself blush at his words and the double innuendo.


"You still need to tell me the details of the party Talon." I quickly changed the subject.


"Yea right..Its actually tomorrow and it will start at 9pm." He explained.


"So its on Saturday? How many people will be there?


"There will be just a few people...nothing to big."


Damien gave a loud snort in front of us and it made me wonder how much of what Talon was telling me was the truth.I lifted an eyebrow at Talon but he was pretending that he was actually listening to Ms.Rayne.


I began to listen to Ms.Rayne when she brought up an essay that was due Monday. It was on the first two chapters of To Kill A Mockingbird.I had read the book many times so I tuned her out.The last 10 minutes of class my stomach growled viscously and I remembered that I had slept right through lunch.


"You sound hungry. Wanna grab a bite to eat after class." Talon whispered.


My head nodded of its own accord and Talon smiled broadly.


"Cool we'll pick you guys up from your locker."


That is when I realized that Damien would be coming and that he expected me to bring Tera. Boy was he sneaky!


The bell rang and I ran off to tell Tera what I had gotten us into. When I reached the second floor I was panting heavily and couldn't get a word out.


"Tera... did.. bad.. something."


She looked at me like I had officially lost it.


"Okay Zhara slow down and use your words." She laughed.


It was to late,Talon was striding down the hall towards us.


I watched as her smile slowly melted from her face.


"You ladies ready to go?" Talon asked.


"What does he mean are we ready to go." Tera said to me through clenched teeth.


"Well I was trying to tell you that Talon invited us out for something to eat after school but as you can see I didn't have enough time." I glared at Talon.


He just shrugged his shoulders and smiled. The damn guy planned this out.


"Sooo are we still going to eat cause I'm starved." He grinned.


I let out a heavy sigh and gave Tera my cutest puppy eyes.


"Fine, fine I'll go, but we are so going to discuss this later Missy." She glared.


"Great. Now that we have that all cleared up can we please get going?" Talon butted in.


Tera is so gonna chew me out later. I put my books away in my locker and all three of us began heading down to the first floor. Damien met us at the buildings front door and we had brief introductions.


"Were going to take Teras' car so we will just follow behind you."


Talon gave a nod and followed his brother to their car. They had a beautiful black 2014 Tahoe.


"Why are you doing this to me?!"


I looked over the car roof to see Tera pouting up a storm.


"Look,we agreed that we would get to know them so what better way then to go out to eat with them?" I


"I don't know Zhara I really just don't think this is a good idea.But since you already agreed for the both of us.."


She is always so over dramatic.


"Come on they're waiting for us."


I hopped in and threw my bag in the back.


"Did you still want to go to the bonfire tomorrow or do you want to call it off? I quipped.


"Ugh we can still go. I'm just saying there is a reason people avoid them so maybe we should to." Tera pouted.


We followed the guys to The Burning Log.It was a cute diner that sat right in the middle of the town center. We found parking on the side of the street and followed the guys to the door. At the last second Talon and Damien stepped back and opened the door to allow us to go through. Tera and I looked at each other but didn't say anything. It was as if their gesture of courtesy had caught us both of guard.


When we got inside we had a blonde waitress with big boobs escort us. Sure she was pretty but she obviously didn't come with class.


"Well hello boys let me escort you to a seat." She said in a sultry voice.


"Actually we are here with guest so a table for four would be lovely." Talon said smoothly.


I looked back to see Damien with an irritated look on his face. For some reason his irritation with the waitress made me feel all warm inside.


"Of course, right this way." As she walked she shook her curves all over the place. To be perfectly honest I was embarrassed for her.


When we reached a booth in the far left corner of the room, the waitress took it up a notch and stood close to Damien's side of the chair.


"Can I get you anything to drink?"She said leaning in close.


Damien pulled out a hundred dollar bill and slid it to her.


"No you can't get us a drink but you can get us a male waiter, and do yourself a favor and get yourself something pretty.. Some dignity perhaps?"


Talon snickered and Tera looked shocked.


The waitress took the money and stomped off.


"Damien, my boy, I knew there was a reason why I keep you around." Talon laughed.


Damien gave a small smirk and I nearly fell to pieces.Just the small action emphasized his masculine beauty.I looked away quickly before anyone noticed my staring.


"Hello my name is Michael and I will be your waiter for tonight. Can I start you off with some drinks?"


Damien and I both ordered sprite while Tera ordered Fanta.Talon continued looking at his menu while we all waited for him to order.


Without removing his eyes from the menu he began to speak.


"So Tera, do you have a boyfriend?"


I looked over to see Teras' eyes bugging out of her head.


"You know what, scratch the sprite, I'll have a vodka. It's going to be a long night."Damien said to the waiter.


Damien pulled out an I.D and apparently the waiter found it acceptable which led me to believe that it was a fake.


The air was tense as Talon waited for an answer. He looked expectantly at Tera and that seemed to piss her off.


"Why do you need to know?" She replied haughtily.


"Well if I decide to take you on a date I don't want to have to pay for your little boyfriend to." He replied back.


Before the waiter could leave to get our drinks Damien put a restraining hand on his arm and gave him a pleading look.


" Is there any way that I can get that vodka to go?"

Chapter 2

All in all, the dinner went terribly. Damien actually got his vodka to go and Tera dragged me out as soon as the food came.Doggy bag in hand, we made it to the parking lot in a time that should have gone down in the Guinness book of world records.


Tera had to go home that night so she dropped me off at home before she left. The car ride was unbearably quiet and I knew she was pissed.


When I made it home I noticed my mom's car in the driveway. I walked in to find her asleep on the couch with a box of pizza on the table. I walked over and turned off the t.v and I draped a blanket over her. I guess we could chat in the morning.


I made it to my room and collapsed on the bed. Today had not been all that I had wanted it to be but I was hoping that tomorrow would be better. I fell asleep fast and dreamed about a dark haired man with sun kissed eyes.


" Zhara wake up. It's time for school." I heard a voice murmur.


I rolled over to see my mom sitting on the side of my bed. She looked so much older than I remembered. Her black hair was beginning to show signs of gray and her skin looked pale. Even with these flaws showing she was still terribly beautiful.


"Hey how was Montana?" I asked.


"It was fine now get up and get ready." She answered as she walked to the door.


Another great home coming. I rolled out of bed and added more wood to the small fire. When the room was warm enough I headed to the bathroom for a shower. The water felt warm against my skin but all too soon there was another knock at the door.


"Hey Mrs.Rosettis on the phone and she wants to know if you've seen Tera!"My mom yelled through the door.


Oh god!


A million terrible thoughts raced through my head.I wrapped a towel around myself and grabbed the phone from my mom.


"Hello Mrs. R? Did Tera not come home last night?"


"No I..I haven't even gotten a call from her." She sobbed


"Where is Mr.R?" I questioned shakily.


"He..he wouldn't. That's his little girl no matter what."


I dropped the phone and got dressed.God that woman was so naive!


"You can't just go out there looking for her! It's snowing outside." My mom yelled as I ran out the front door.


It didn't matter how cold it was.I had to find her. She was the only family I had left and I wouldn't be able to live if..I couldn't think any more. I just needed to keep moving. When I looked up I was standing in front of the school.


Maybe it was coincidence or or maybe it was fate but either way I'm glad I was led there.


I ran up the stairs of building one and made a sharp left. I ran all the way to the end of the hall with tears streaming down my face.Talon caught me before I crashed and he pulled me into a tight hug.


"Zhara what the hell is going on?" He asked.


"It's Tera she's missing."


He sprang into action quicker then I thought humanly possible.


"Stay here." He said before he took off down the hall.


Thirty seconds later Damien was by his side.They moved with purpose and it made my heart ache to know that they would go out there and look for her when no one that was suppose to care about her would.


They came to a stop in front of me and questioned me relentlessly.I told them all that I knew but I wasn't sure if I should tell them about Teras' father.In the end I knew it could be useful information.


"I don't know if this will help but Teras dad is..umm.."


They both looked at me expectantly but I felt so guilty about telling them her secret.


"Her dad is abusive and he hits her and I think he might have something to do with this." I got out in one long breathy sentence.


"He what?!" Talon roared.


"Calm down, we need to be level headed if were going to find her Talon.It's getting colder so we need to get moving." Damien said in a soft commanding voice.


"Your right.Lets go."


We all began moving down the hall and out to Damiens' all wheel drive jeep.


Damien started the engine as soon as the doors were closed. I began to think about what I would do if we came to the worst possible scenario and it brought tears to my eyes.I couldn't stop the sorrow-filled sob that escaped my lips.


"Zhara, dont cry.We will find her." Damien said as he watched me in the mirror.


I believed him.I believed every word he said and it made me stronger.I wiped away my tears and only thought about finding Tera safe.


When I looked out the window I realized we were headed to Teras' House.


"Ok so we are going to retrace her steps.She would have come this way to get home but these roads are way to snow covered.It started snowing last night so there is no way she could have made it through.So how was she planning to get home?" Talon thought aloud.


I began to think.Where would she go?


Tera would have gone home because she had to check in with her dad.


So how was she planning to get there?  


And then it hit me.When we had first got our drivers license we explored the town in my Ford Explorer.We had come up on this dirt road that was wide enough for a car but we stopped using it when the weather began to create slopes on the sides of the road.In weather like this it would be easy to slip off the edge.


"Stop the car!" I yelled.


Immediately, Damien hit the brakes and jolted us all.


"What the hell!?" Damien said glaring at me.


"I know where she is but I need to drive.It will take to long to give you directions." I spewed out.


Damien seemed to contemplate this and was about to say no.


"God dammit Damien get out of the fuckin car and let her drive!" Talon yelled.


Damien got out of the driver seat and slumped into the back.He was beyond furious but I didn't have time to worry about his hurt feelings right now.I drove fast and got us to the road in less than 6 minutes.There wasn't as much snow in this area but I still drove carefully.About a mile down the road I spotted the back of Teras' Impala.It had crashed to the left side of the road and was covered in fresh snow.Before the car even came to a complete stop I jumped out and ran to the slope.


"Stay here, we will go down there and get her out." Talon murmured as he walked.


I nodded my head but couldn't seem to find words.The scene I looked at was so eerily quiet.The snow covered her car as if it had been there for months rather then hours.I watched as Damien and Talon skidded down the slope and heaved the snow off the top.Talon the door open and pulled Tera from the car.She looked frozen.


"She's breathing but we really need to get her to the hospital." Talon began climbing back up the embankment but Damien stayed behind and observed the car.I slid down the embankment to him and tried to see what he was seeing but his back blocked me from the view.


"We should get going. Come on." Damien said slowly.


He turned and walked but that gave me a full view of what he had seen.On the front left side of the car was blood ,flesh ,and...feathers. Large black feathers littered the snow covered ground.What bird could have that many feathers? What bird hasn't migrated for the winter?


We made it to the hospital in time and all I could think about was the blood and feathers. That scene didn't make any sense.Everyone was hoping to get answers when Tera woke up but for now we waited.Talon and I waited at the hospital all night.Damien went home four hours after we arrived and showed up in the morning with his mom, fresh coffee, and food.Talon and Damiens' mom introduced herself as Adaliene.She was beautiful and youthful.She had elbow length black hair with gray strands that seemed to add to her beauty rather than detract.She had a curvy figure and bright hazel eyes.Her voice was all honey and she had a gentle way about her.


"Your friend will be just fine so dont fret to much." Ada said.


I found myself nodding and we began to talk about different things.I found out that she was fifty four years old and she had one other son named Mikael.The boys' father had died a few years back due to a chronic illness and her sons had taken it pretty hard.


"What was Damien like before his father passed?" I found myself asking.


"Oh sweetie he was and still is a big teddy bear.Why do you ask?"


Her answer caught me off guard and I began to wonder if we were talking about the same person.


"He seems dangerous." I admitted.


Adas' eyes turned cold and calculating and I instantly knew something was off.


"Heed my warning, everything that is beautiful inherently comes with trouble so be careful of where you tread." she said deadly serious.


"Are you talking about your sons?"


"Dont try to unravel too much to soon.Im afraid you wont like the outcome." She turned and walked out of the waiting room before I could ask another question.


"Teras' awake and she would like to speak with you Zhara." Doctor Richard told me.


I walked slowly through the disinfected halls of the hospital to Teras' room.She was laying in bed with her eyes closed.


"Hey Tera, it's so good to see you.How do you feel?" I whispered.


"I'm good but there's something I really need to tell you." she whispered back.


I took a seat by her bed and waited for her to speak.


"Zhara, something was out there. I didn't hit anything but something definitely hit me and sent me crashing off that road."


Tera confirmed what I had already thought. Things were changing in this small town and I had a feeling Damien and Talon had something to do with it.


Chapter 3

Tera began to recover from her injuries and we saw less and less of Talon and Damien.On the third day of Teras' hospitilization they disapperead all together.Tera began to remember more and more about the crash since her concussion was healing but nothing seemed to make since.The police came to the hospital and questioned her on the crash.I told them about the blood and feathers on the front of the car and they said they would check it out.The day that Tera was discharged from the hospital the police came back and reported that there was no blood or feathers on the car.Someone must have cleaned up the feathers and wiped up the blood.


Once we reached my house I walked in to hear the phone ringing off the hook.I ran into the kitchen to pick it up and heard my moms' voice on the other line.


"Hey Zhara I heard about Tera.How is she?"


"She's fine.Her mom said she could stay here for a few days."


"Oh that's good.Now I called to tell you to be very careful out there.I heard on the news that a man was found dead in his car two days ago about two towns down.The police said it was pretty gruesome and they won't release any images and they won't say if it was a murder or not.So you two need to watch your surroundings at all times.Okay?" My mom actually sounded worried for my well being.


I told her I would be careful and hung up.


"Hey my mom said a guy died two towns down and she told us to be careful.She thinks it was a murder."


"Wow that's so crazy!" Tera exclaimed.


Nothing crazy ever happened in this town but it seemed that that was about to change.


From that point on things had died down and went back to normal.


Tera stayed at my house for the next few days and we both couldn't shake the feeling that something big was going to happen in this town.


"I really don't think it was a bird Zhara. I know it sounds crazy but it was a winged creature.It was so heavy when it hit my car that it ran me off the road." She said shakily.


As crazy as it sounded I believed her. I did research on mythical creatures over the next few days. The best things I could find to fit her desription were Griffons,Pegasus,and Sirens.I felt like I should have been put into a looney bin for the stuff I was taking notes on.Eventually Monday rolled around and me and Tera woke up to a foggy morning.We got ready slowly and talked about how we dreaded the day ahead.When we were finished getting dressed we headed out to the garage.Since Teras' car was totaled I decided to take my truck out. We drove silently to school. The only sound was the radio playing a Sia song.


"Lets try and lay low for today.People are going to be all over me about the accident." Tera murmured.


I nodded my head in agreement and continued watching the road.We made it to school five minutes early and moved fast throught the crowd to avoid all of the questions and stares.


We got to our lockers and grabbed our books for Mr. Elis' class but were suddnely stopped when Lucas popped up in front of us.


"So word is around town that you got knocked off the road by a bird." He said. Everyone in the hall stopped to listen for an answer.


"No there was to much ice and snow on the road and I had a hard time getting the steering wheel to go in the right direction so I skidded into a ditch.Anymore questions?" Tera lied smoothly.


People were satisfied with her answer and so the morning commenced.We walked to Mr.Elis' class to see him fast asleep with his head on the desk. Mr. Eli was always so bright and cheery and greeted students at the door and so far we were the only ones in there.I walked over to his desk and gave him a light shove and this caused his face to turn in the direction I was standing.I couldn't hold in the terrified scream that escaped my lips.


The police showed up at our school to investigate the murder of Mr.Eli. We gave them our statements on what we had witnessed and then they sent us home.


The drive back to my house was scary. Both Tera and I were jumpy and shaken up. I couldn't get the image of Mr. Eli out of my head.His face..Oh god his face! His mouth was contorted as if his jaw had been broken and his skin was a pale gray. The worst part was his eyes.His pupils and everything surrounding it were a pitch black and his eye lids had dark blood stuck to them.The police seemed baffled on what in the hell could have done this to him.


When we reached my house we both seemed drained of all energy. This whole week had been a trial and it had left both of us weakened.The house felt cold and even more empty than usual.I didn't even bother turning on lights.I just walked to my room and crumpled to the mattress.Tera crawled into bed next to me and looked at me like I might have answers.


"I'm so scared Tera." I admitted.


"Nothing is making sense any more.I have never even heard of a murder in this town and I have lived here my whole life. I noticed that Damien and Talon didn't show up to school today."


I looked at her curiously.


"I don't think they killed Mr. Eli but I think they know who did. I over heard the police talking and they said it was just like the one in Middleford.You know,that guy your mom was telling you about.I honestly think we should find Damien and Talon find out what's happening because crazy things didn't start occuring in this town until they showed up." Tera stated matter-of factly.


I sighed inwardly because I knew she was right about it all. But then I remembered Adas' words about not unraveling things to quickly and I began to think that maybe going after them wasn't the best idea.On the other hand I couldn't watch the people that I cared about be killed.


"Ok here's the plan, you will tell your mom that me and you are going to go camping and then we will head out to Falling Creek.The thing is Falling Creek is surrounded by a huge dark forest and it might take us days to actually find them.I've never even actually been there.I just remember when Lucas and a few of his friends made that bet to go in there they had gotten lost and were found near a creek near the middle of the forest.The search and rescue team took a picture and named it Falling Creek.Ever since then, no one has actually gone in there."


"Yea I heard about that to.So we need to be sure that we want to do this before we actually do?" Tera asked.


I nodded my agreement but I knew there wasn't really a choice.


"Do you want to leave tomorrow?" Tera questioned.


This was what I loved about her.Just like me, she knew there was not a choice.We could sit back and watch people die or we could help stop it.


"Ok so we will need to get tents,sleeping bags,food and water,and heavy clothing." I listed off.


"Perfect! We can pick that stuff up tomorrow at Big 5 and Walmart."


"For now lets get some sleep.We are gonna leave early in the morning." I yawned out.


My sleep was interrupted by nightmares.I would be standing face to face with Damien on the cliff but I was backing away from him.For some reason I knew that he was the source of all my pain and I could see the remorse and guilt etched into his features.I turned and looked at my suroundings to find that everything around me was burning and in the center of it all was me and Damien. He was destroying my whole world and I hated him for it.


"Damien why are you doing this.I care about you."


"I told you to stay away.You should have listened." He whispered back.


The roar of the flames was so loud I could barely hear him but with his next words the flames and the burning came to a halt.


"Dont forgive me." He whispered before he pushed me off the cliff.


I woke with a start. For years I thought he was telling me not to forget him but I was so wrong. He was sending me a warning.


I decided not to tell Tera. We still needed to find Damien and Talon and after that we would forget them.Our lives would go back to normal and everything would be alright. I couldnt sleep for the rest of the night so I got up and made tons of sandwiches and packed anything we might need.


"What the hell Zhara!"


I turned to find Tera standing in the front entrance of the kitchen looking very angry.


"Did you not sleep?" She asked.


"No I just wanted to get a head start on today."


"Mmmm well I am going to hop in the shower and when I get out you better be relaxing in your bed with some hot chocolate..Got it!?"


I nodded in defeat and made myself some hot chocolate. I added more wood to the fire and got cozy. Tera came out twenty minutes later and I hopped into the shower. The water soothed my muscles and made me forget my troubles. When I got out I felt refreshed and ready to go so we ate some breakfast and headed to the stores that we needed to get more supplies from.


Once we had everything we needed we got back in the car and I whipped out a map that showed an over all view of the forest surrounding Falling Creek.We drove for three miles before we reached the entrance of the forest.The trees stood tall and dense and had very few remnants of snow hanging on their branches.We were the only ones on the road so we pulled our car off to the side of the road behind a tree and covered it in branches.


"Are you ready?" I asked Tera.


"Not even a little bit but lets go."


We began our tread through the woods. As soon as we walked a few feet in we were surrounded with the sounds of the forest.Only a little bit of light was shining through the canopy and we used this to guide our way.A few birds were chirping,water flowed with a gurgling sound,and the wind brushed through the trees.It was like being wrapped in a bubble of beauty and I found myself sighing in awe.


"I love it here." Tera whispered.


"Yeaa it's wonderful." I whispered back, not wanting to interrupt the flow of sounds.


We walked until late morning and took a break.I didn't want to find a spot for the night until the sun started setting so we leaned against the trees and ate a sandwich with a bottle of water.


"Do you think we will get lost up here?" Tera looked at me expectantly.


"I don't know, but in all honesty it wouldn't be to bad of an idea."


Tera shrugged and put her stuff back in her bag.The day had grown noticeably warmer and it was wonderful. Spring was a ways off but it had made a perfectly timed appearance.


"Come on, lets get moving again.Were gonna need a better spot than this to sleep." I said.


We walked for a few more hours and found a clearing that would work well for camping. Tera set up a fire and I put up our tent.


"Does it make me wierd for being so relaxed out here considering the reason that were here in ther first place?


"No because I feel that same way to.It's like nothing and everything exist out here." Tera said.


We talked for a little while longer and fell asleep.When we woke up it was freezing so we put on more clothes and ate some breakfast.Our phones died out later on in the day but it didn't matter.We walked more and more and found nothing.So we found a place and set up camp.Each day turned up the same results.Nothing.We were beginning to run out of food but I couldn't seem to give up.


"Zhara we have been walking for three days and we are running out of food.We haven't found any clue to lead us to them and I'm starting to question if they ever existed at all.Every tree out here looks the same and it's driving me crazy!" Tera screamed out.


I understood her frustation.I was becoming weary and I was starting to wonder if this was a good idea after all.I was going to tell her that we should probably turn back but my words were silenced by a low growl behind us.I turned around to see a mountain lion ready to pounce and all I could feel was an inner peace.


If I really thought about it who was I trying to save? The only person I really cared about was standing right by my side.We had faced just about everything else together so it only seemed right to be facing death side by side.


"What should we do?" Tera whispered through clenched teeth.


I almost shrugged an answer but stopped when I realized that sudden movement probably wasn't the best idea.


"I really don't know Tera. I'm out of ideas." I admitted.


So we both stood there.The mountain lion took a step closer to us and I grabbed Teras' hand and ran.The lion took chase and I told Tera to run as fast as she could and get into a tree.I let go of her hand and we split up; going in opposite directions. When I made it to a tree I began to climb but I was dragged down by teeth grabbing onto my jacket.The mountain lion had followed me.I tried to pull against the lions' teeth when I felt sharp pain shoot up my leg.I let out a scream that silenced the forest.The damn lion had put its claws into my leg and was shredding the skin.The pain was so intense my hands began to slip from the hold on the tree and in seconds, I was falling to my death.



Chapter 4

I ran through the woods with a beautiful eyelet lace dress on.It flowed about my ankles as I moved through the trees.Each branch I touched teemed with life and I felt so connected to the dirt beneath my feet.I ran.I ran faster and faster until a whisper on the wind brought me to you. You stepped out from behind the trees in all your glory.You turned around to flee once you saw what the wind brought you but I couldn't let you just leave.


Then there was a change in the air around us and I felt the danger.You were killing everything around us.I should turn back and run but I was to late.You were maneuvering me towards a cliff that fell off into a waterfall. I knew what would happen next but I didn't dare stop you.I came to you and I wouldn't leave until you loved me or hurt me.I could see in your eyes which one you had chosen so I let you take me.


"I told you to stay away." You whispered in a voice that sent shivers down my spine.


"You gave me fair warning." I agreed.


You took a step towards me and I could see how much this hurt you but I couldn't bring myself to hate you.


"Not Yet."


I took in a deep breath and felt pain shoot through my leg.I tried to open my eyes but the light hurt to much to fully open them.Once they adjusted I looked around to find myself indoors.It was warm and cozy in the room I was in and I looked over to see a fire going in a frieplace.Where in the hell was I? The last time I checked I was dying at the paws of a mountain lion.


I sat up quickly only to get hit with vertigo so I took my time getting up.When I looked down I was lying on a queen size bed with a thick black cover over me.I took the blanket off and saw I was only in underwear and a shirt and a huge bandage was covering my right thigh.Getting out of the bed proved to be impossible because as soon as I put weight on it I crumpled back to the bed in pain.At that exact moment an older woman came in carrying a tray of food.It smelled heavenly and it made my stomach growl.


"I have brought you some fresh bread and soup but please take your time eating it." She came over and set the tray across my lap and looked expectantly at me.


There was no way in hell I was gonna eat when I didn't even know where the hell I was.


"Ummm where am I?


"Oh that is not something I am able to tell you but I can tell you that you are safe." She said cheerfully.


"I'm not eating until I know where I am,and where is Tera?" I questioned.


"She is in another room and she is doing just fine so dont be a worry wort."


I sat the tray down and pulled the cover off of me.


"You cant just leave the room! You don't have permission!" She yelled after me.


The pain in my leg was long forgotten as I walked down the hall.Each door I passed I opened to see if Tera was inside but I had no luck.


I came to what looked like a livingroom.


"There you are! You can't just go poking around without permission!" She huffed.


I ignored her and continued pass a beautiful kitchen.The old lady was there every step of the way,huffing and puffing about permission.Blah..Blah.Blah.


I came to a door and it opened to a sunny day.My eyes came to rest on people in the distance so I began to walk that way.


"You can not go out there.It is forbidden!" She yelled.


I began passing by beautifully built cottages and what looked to be a small super market.It was like I was in a small town! As I walked I noticed some of the people stopped to stare at me and I remembered I was barefoot and in underwear and a T-shirt. Soon the whole market came to a stand still and I heard the old lady yelling.


"You do not have permission missy.And now you are in big trouble!"


I looked behind her and saw what looked to be three very muscled men.They were all handsome and it left me wondering,once again,where in the hell I was.


Two of the men stepped forward and grabbed each arm and the other acted as an escort through the crowd.As I walked back people whispered and I could tell it was about me considering that I seemed to be the outsider.


I looked to my left at the guard with the dirty blonde hair and tried to glean some information on where I was but he wasn't talking.They escorted me all the way back to the house and brought me to what looked like an office.


" You will meet with our leader and he will tell you what it is he wants you to know.Now please have a seat." The blonde-haired one said.


He then walked out of the office leaving me alone to my fate.I sat there for what felt like thirty minutes but then the door opened slowly and a pure masculine voice spoke.


"You must be the Zhara I've been hearing about." The voice said.



He walked around to the front of the mahogany desk and my breath caught.He had long black hair that was pulled into a pony tail at the nape of his neck and lush full lips.He was well muscled and yet incredibly graceful as I watched him take his seat.I looked into his eyes and suddenly knew where I was.His eyes were a deep hazel with flecks of light in them.They looked as if they had been kissed by the sun.He was stunning to look at.He looked so much like Damien it was hard to tear my eyes away.


"Hello Zhara, my name is Mikael."


"You..Your Damiens' brother." I stammered.


"Yes and Talons'." He smirked in a way that reminded me of Talon.


"Where exactly am I?"


"That is not something I can tell you but my mom did say that I should be expecting you soon." He retorted.


I gave him a startled look.How did his mom know I was coming?


"She is a very talented woman." He said, in response to my expression.


"Well can I at least see Tera?"


"Now that is something that I can allow." He stood up and gave me a curious look that made me blush.


"Why exactly did you seek us out?" he asked.


"Wierd things are happening in my town and I couldn't just stand by and let it happen!"


He gave a slight smile, 'Your so spirited.I'm absolutely honored."


Geesh was this guy cryptic.


Before I could ask what he meant he walked back around the desk and out the door leaving me wondering what the hell to do now.


As I contemplated this the door opened up and Tera came rushing in.I ran and hugged her, making sure that she was okay.


"Well we got where we wanted to go so what do we do now?" She asked.


"I don't think there is anything we can do.I just met Mikael and it doen't seem like they are letting us go anywhere any time soon." I responded.


"Zhara I am going to be honest right now.I don't think that these people are regular."


"Oh really what made you think that!?" I remarked sarcastically.


"Whose office is this any way?" Tera wondered.


"Mikaels' I think."


"Zhara! Why aren't we snooping around then!?" She ran around to the front of the desk and rifled through the papers but her fallen expression told me that she didn't find anything of importance.


"Tera do you really think Mikael would have left us in his office if there was something important that he didn't want us to know about in here!?"


"No I guess your right." She ran her fingers through her hair and sighed.


I got up and walked over to a bookcase that stood next to a large floor-to-ceiling window.I skimmed over the books names and my eyes immediately stopped on one that had wings on it.I pulled it from the shelf and found it was covered in dust and it was obviously well used.


"Hey Ter." I called her over from her snooping.


"What is it?"


"A book but I have a feeling that it's not just any book." I said in wonder.


"Well open it."


"I don't know if that's a good idea." I said cautiously.


"Zhara it's just a book.Why are you worried about opening it?"


"Because I have a feeling that once we do there won't be any going back.We won't be able to unsee what's written on these pages." I said in an eerie voice that sounded nothing like my own.


"Zhara why did your voice just go all wacky?"


"I have no idea but we should really sit down and think before we open this book." I said shakily.


We both walked back over to the desk and I laid the book down carefully.Something about this book made me shutter and I felt like I was treading on thin ice.


"Zhara If we don't open this book we may not ever find out what were up against."


"Your right..Your right.Lets open it." I sighed heavily.


We were getting ready to toss ourselves head first into an unknown world and all I could do was sigh.I wish I would have seen it sooner.Talking to those guys has upset my world and now here I am.Getting ready to open up a book that seemed to have the power to change my world forever.For better or for worse,I don't know.


I opened up the book and became dragged into a history that was not my own.


The first page read:



To those that open this be warned.You will learn from my words that there are other things out there.Beautiful beings that hide amongst us.


If you continue on please understand that there will be no going back.


You can not run and hide once you know the truth about them because they will not allow it.


Once you turn the page you can do nothing more but read on and accept that your fate has been entirely sealed.


The warning was so powerful that I closed the book shut and tried to breathe.I looked to Tera and saw that she was wide eyed and gasping for breathe also.


"I guess the question remaining is, do we turn the page?" I could see doubt written all over Teras' face but her answer surprised me.


"Turn the page." She said.


Chapter 5

With Tera reading over my shoulder we became lost in the story written on the pages.Each word stealing a piece of my humanity and replacing it with something entirely unreal.




Long ago Furies flew across the Earths' skies and  reveled in the world they loved so much.That was until the other beings came.They showed up out of thin air and took over land and resources ; leaving the Furies to take to the mountains to rebuild there world on a smaller scale. The Furies did not harbor ill will towards the humans but decided it would be best to avoid them.As the years went by the humans became hostile towards each other and committed unimaginable crimes towards each other and the world.The Furies had always had a sense of justice and a knowledge of right and wrong so they punished those beings that began to corrupt the world.For many centuries after that the Furies lived in harmony with the humans.That is until three of their own broke the Furies most sacred law.


Three sisters, Rayon, Tildana, and  Ramona flew to the waterfall that resided at the base of the mountain they called home.As they landed they caught sight of three male humans.The sisters became fascinated because they had never seen the humans up close.The sisters decided to land and exchange words with the humans and nothing more.When they landed the male men were in awe of the flawless women.Through a humans eyes it was like looking at perfection.The sisters had sharp features,exotic colored eyes,and beautiful black wings.The wings were like nothing the humans had ever seen before.


One of the men stepped forward and pleaded to touch the wings and at first the sisters were taken aback,but then they saw how gentle the human was when he touched it that they began to trust them.Soon the sisters were flying down everyday to meet with the men and after months they fell in love.The sisters became impregnated a short time after and couldn't comprehend what was happening.Nothing like this had ever taken place in Furie history so the sisters left their mountain.They found a quiet place to give birth and decided what to do with the half breed babies.


They couldn't kill them because that would be injustice to the babies .So the sisters decided to take them to  what had become known as Mt.Hood .The sisters bundled the babies up and flew to the meadows that surrounded the mountain.Once there they created makeshift beds and  fed the crying babies.


Rayon knew that the rest of the Furies would find out the truth soon so she went to the Elders and pleaded for their mercy.The Elders said that they wanted to see these half breeds and determined that it would be unjust to kill them.The Elders would not welcome them to the mountain but told the sisters their children could live if they were taught the ways of a true Furie.However, not all Furies agreed with this ruling and left the mountain to become rogues.


The sisters agreed to the terms and watched the three children grow up in the meadows.The children had the strength of the Furies and the emotions of the humans running through their blood.Soon the cousins grew tired of being alone in the meadows and ventured out into the world of the humans.They blended in well with this world.They were able to repress their wings behind their shoulder blades and they hadn't inherited the degree of beauty their Furie ancestors had.


The three cousins soon fell in love and married the humans of their choosing.They brought their humans back to their mountain and asked for their mothers' blessings.The sisters gave their blessing and welcomed the humans.As a gesture of good will, the sisters gave the humans wings and taught them the ways of a Furie.


As time passed, the number of the half breeds grew and so did the number of rogues.It had been heard that the rogues had found a way to become stronger so the Furies sent one of the half breeds to investigate this claim.It turned out the rogues were stealing away the life essence of humans.It was a ritual that was banned a millenia ago because of how unjust it was.The Furies became worried that the rogues threatened the Furie way of life so the Furies went into hiding.The half breeds knew that a war was imminent and they decided to stand and fight.Unlike the Furies they had the courage of a human and used it to defeat the rogues.In the end, only five half breeds made it through the war.


To show their gratitude, the Furies gave the five remaining half breeds nobility and a name.They called the half breeds Acaidens.It was a Furie word that had never been used before but it seemed as if it was meant for the half breeds all along.Protector.A name that the Acaidens fufilled with a quiet dignity through many centuries.


The rogues seemed to have settled down but everyone knew that it was only a matter of time before they had another uprising.The issue was that no one knew when this would happen so the Acaidens always kept a steady watch over the humans and Furies.For quite some time everything was calm.Up until the three princes of Acadia were born.


The story ended there and I began to struggle for air.I knew that this book would change everything I knew about life but I hadn't expected it to be to this degree.I looked over to see Tera running her hand through her hair and pacing.I looked out the window to see that it was already dark.We must have been in here through the remainder of the day.


"This is unbelievable." She said.


Before I could say anything the door swung open and in walked Damien, Talon, and Mikael.


The three princes of Acadia.


Talon stepped forward and gave a sweeping bow. "I am Prince Talon of Acadia.Welcome and don't cause trouble ladies." He winked.


"Hold the fuckin phones! This book is real!" Tera exclaimed.


"Yes Tera it's all real.We decided that we would give you a choice on coming into our world.If you hadn't read the book we would have sent you back to Hereford, but since you did read it..well you saw the warning." Talon beamed.


Mikael stepped forward and introduced himself to Tera and Damien introduced himself with his proper title.


"I didn't want this.I don't want to be apart of whatever the hell this is?" I said with panic laced through my words. Tera put a calming hand on my shoulder but I shook it off and stepped towards the brothers.


"You can't really think we are going to stay here!" I yelled at Mikael.


Damien stepped towards me and stared down at my slight frame.It was like I was living the dream.My whole world collapsing around me.


"I'm sorry Zhara but you don't have a choice."


I could hear the sincerity in his apology but I knew it was my fault for reading that book.My shoulders slumped in defeat and I felt the tears fall.I had wanted to do so many things with my life and in a second I was wrapped up in a supernatural war.


"Zhara if you really think about it, what do we really have back home? Your mom ignores you and I don't really have anyone." Tera said.


I sifted through the people in my head and realized I didn't have anyone that I would fight hard enough to go back to.I lifted my head and stared into Damiens' eyes.I knew if I willingly lived this life it wouldn't be easy.I read the book and I could feel what the Acaidens had to endure.


I knew that a million expressions were playing across my face but there was so much that I needed to process and understand.


"You have time calm down for a second and just breathe." Damien said while tipping my chin up and wiping away the tears.I calmed at his touch and I realized that we were still standing in a room full of people so I took a step back.


Talon was beaming and Mikael's brow was furrowed.


"Soo what do we do now?" Tera wondered out loud.


"Well first we will show you to your new rooms and get you settled in." Mikael said.


"Talon and Damien please come with me.I need to speak with you."


With that said they all turned to leave and we were stuck with the nagging lady I happened to meet earlier in the day.


"Well now lets get you ladies to your rooms.This way please."


We followed her out into the candle lit hall and up two flights of stairs.She led us to the right and down another hall and stopped in front of two doors standing side by side.


"Alright the one on the left is Teras' and the one on the right is Zharas'.I will come up in a few minutes with food so make yourselves at home.If you have any questions feel free to ring the bell inside your room or you can knock on Prince Talon or Prince Damiens door." She rattled off.


"Where is Damien and Talons room?" Tera asked suspiciously.


"Forgive me, they are right across the hall. Also please call me Miranda." She said before she headed off in the direction of the stairs.


"So our rooms are right across from the princes of Acadia.How fuckin wonderful." Tera sneared.


"Oooh come on.Just think of it as a supernatural vacation." I laughed.


"Wow, well you sure are happy about this set up.When just a few seconds ago you were all doom and gloom." She gave me a sideways glare.


"Are you two just gonna stand there in front of the doors all night or are you actually going to go in and see what the rooms look like?" A voice said, making Tera and I jump out of our skins.


Talon chuckled and opened up both of our doors.What I saw shocked me into silence.


I turned to look at Talon and saw Damien standing behind him.


"Thank you." I whispered.


"Don't look at me, it wasn't my idea."Talon explained.


I couldn't believe Damien had done this for me.


"Show me around." I said to Damien.


His brow furrowed but he nodded and Talon stepped to the side to allow Damien to enter through the door way.


He led me further into the room and showed me a fire place that held pictures of Tera and I on the mantle.


I gave him a confused look and waited for an answer.


His mouth popped open but shut immediately.


"I might have snuck into your room when I found out you were coming.I just want you to be happy here."He said looking away.


I was even more confused then before. Damien always kept me at a distance and I hardly knew him.Yet he wanted me to be happy in his supernatural world.


He took my hand and led me over to the bed.It was a beautiful sleigh bed that was covered in a red beaded comforter.Pillows littered the bed and I through myself on it.When I opened my eyes I lost my ability to speak.I looked up to see a domed skylight intricately carved with what I assumed to be Acaidens.Damien had created a piece of heaven for me and I couldn't grasp why on Earth he did it.


"Why?" I turned to look at him standing at the side of my bed.


"Because I knew from the very beginning my world would destroy yours and when the time came for you to find me I wanted you to have anything and everything you could possibly want or need." He said in a voice filled with regret.


It took me a second to calm down and think over his words.


"What do you mean from the very beginning?" I questioned suspiciously.


"Ummm that isn't something I can tell you right now but one day I swear I will."


I gave a slight nod of my head and relaxed back onto the bed.


"Did you want to see the rest of the house or are you just going to relax there?"


At his words I sprung up and stood by his side.He shook his head in laughter and showed me the huge walk in closet and the bathroom.It was beautiful, just like the rest of the room.


"Thank you for making me feel so comfortable here."I said as I sat on the couch in the fireplace.


"Of course.Is there anything else you need?"


"Yes! Some hot chocolate!" He laughed at my request but went downstairs to retrieve it.


While he did that I walked over to Teras' room and found her fast asleep.I dont know how she can sleep at a time like this but after the week we've had I think she deserves it.When I turned around to leave the room Mikael was standing there.


"What?" I asked.


"Be careful." He said before he disappeared back into the shadows.


You would have thought that his disappearing would have freaked me about but unfortunately this supernatural stuff was already wearing off on me.


I went back into my room and curled up on the couch and waited for Damien to return.When he did he had two cups of hot chocolate in hand and I was happy that he decided to stay.


"Can I ask you something?"


"Sure." He said as he slid onto the other side of the couch.


"What would have happened if I hadn't read the book?"


"We would have sent you home." He said.


"But you had already had mine and Teras rooms done.So you knew that we would read that book."


He sighed heavily, "Listen Zhara there are things that I can't explain to you right now.Even though you know about us doesn't make you one of us."


For a reason I cant explain, I was hurt by his words.So I remained silent and drunk my hot cocoa.


"Zhara, don't."


I still didn't speak.Instead I got up and headed to take a shower.


"I want to tell you about everything but it's against the law for me to tell you that.Despite what I may feel,you are still an outsider to my people."


"And what do you feel?" I murmured.


"I feel that you deserve to know all of what you have gotten yourself into but I dont have the control over that." When I turned around he was standing directly in front of me and I found it hard to breathe.


"Fine then I will leave it alone."I said in defeat.


He nodded his head and ran his hand through his hair.


"Tomorrow isn't going to be an easy day for you or Tera so you should get some sleep.I'll see you in the morning."


Damien closed the door before he left and I stood there drowning in my own thoughts and feelings.


That night I had the dream.Just like always but this time the dream was longer.Damien stepped out from behind the tree with large black wings flowing behind him.He was so glorious.Like always he backed me to the edge of the cliff but this time..I jumped.On the way down, I grew wings.




Chapter 6

I woke up the next morning to find rays of light coming from the window.I jumped out of bed and pushed open the heavy drapes to find a beautiful morning.I gave a squeal of delight and opened the windows to let in the fresh morning breeze.It felt wonderful and made me hopeful that the good weather was a sign that today might be okay.A slight chuckle sounded behind me and I whirled to see Damien watching me with wonder in his eyes.


"Good morning Zhara." Damien said.


"Good morning Damien." I said back.


He looked incredibly sexy with his wet hair and tight V-neck.Everything about him drew me in and made me forget everything I thought I knew about myself..


"Zhara please stop staring at me like that." He said huskily.


I continued to stare at him with lust to see how far I could push him.It was all to easy.In a second he stood in front of me with his hands wrapped around my waist.


"Zhara I am warning you."


I lifted my hands and ran them slowly across his chest; marveling in the feel of his flexed muscles..He gave a low growl and nipped my ear gently.My breath became short and I found myself grasping for a release I didn't all together understand.  


Damien lifted his head and looked deeply into my eyes.I noticed that both his eyes had turned pitch black and oddly enough, I wasn't scared.


"We really need to stop." His breath whispered across my lips making me lean in to taste more.


He pulled back gently and shifted uncomfortably.


"You should get dressed and I will see you downstairs." He said backing away slowly.His eyes began to shift back to their sun-kissed hazel as he retreated.


I decided not to ponder why he reacted the way he did so I ran to my new closet and found a beautiful green wrap dress.It was the exact color of my eyes and I knew it would catch Damiens attention.I turned on the shower and took my time under the warmth of the water.I found a jasmine scented shampoo and body wash that filled the room with the smell of the lovely flower.


Once I was done I hopped out and dried off.I ended up finding my favorite Hawaiian lotion in the closet so I lathered myself in it.After I was done I slipped the dress over my body and put on some gladiator sandals I found in the closet.I headed back into the bathroom and brushed out my hair.If I didn't know any better I would say it got even longer.Once my hair was brushed and dry I went back into the room and found Talon waiting there.


"Wow well don't you look beautiful." He complimented.


I blushed and murmured a thank you.


"You are very welcome.Now, turn around.I have a present for you."


I gave him a curious look but did as I was told.A cold chain hit my neck and at the end of it was a beautiful green emerald that matched the dress to perfection.


"Thank you so much Talon." I said as I examined the perfect emerald.


"Don't thank me."


When I turned to ask him what he meant; he was already gone.I decided to seek him out and left my room to head downstairs.I found Tera waiting there to and she looked just about as lost as I did at the moment.


"Hey did you see Talon on your way down?" She asked.


"Nope.He just disappeared."


She gave a nod of agreement and walked up to me.


"You have one to." Tera said. I looked down and saw that we both had a necklace that matched the color of our eyes.Hers' was a sky blue that matched her floor length sun dress.


"I'm glad that you ladies could finally make it downstairs." Mikael said as he strolled down the staircase.He was every bit as beautiful has his two brothers in his jeans and shirt.He just had an older more mature look that led me to believe that he was in his early twenties.


"I will be escorting you ladies today so please follow me." He offered us both each an arm and we both followed him down the hall into a huge cream and gold dining room.The ceiling was domed and held flecks of gold in it.There were two long tables that stretched across the room and on top of the tables were vases filled with yellow roses and beautiful dining sets.


Both of the tables looked to be at capacity except for a few seats at the very head of one.Mikael walked us around to the head of the table and we saw Talon sitting on the right side with a huge grin on his face.Mikael walked Tera over to sit next to him and she gave him a grimace.She still hadn't gotten over how big of a jerk Talon was that day.


Mikael walked me over to the left of the table and helped me sit.By this time the whole room had gone quiet and they watched as Mikael sat us in the royalty department.Mikael sat down at the very head of the table on my left and two seats on my right were empty.I knew one of them was for Damien but who was the other one for?


Every head in the room turned to the archway that we had come in through.In walked Damien with a beautiful woman on his arm.She had long blonde hair and bright blue eyes.Her skin was like porcelain and she was on the taller side but not taller than Damien.It was like watching the sun and moon move across the floor and I immediately knew that the seat next to me was for her.


Mikael reached over and squeezed my hand but nothing could stop the devastation I felt.The couple made it over to my side of the table and Damien helped her into her seat.Damien settled himself right next to me and I gathered my strength and dignity.He wasn't going to make a fool out of me.I slipped my hand from under Mikaels' and waited quietly as the waiters served our food.It was a heavenly breakfast of french toast,eggs,and bacon.I hadn't realized how hungry I was until I smelled the delicious aroma of the food.


Tera gave me a slight nudge under the table but I didn't respond.I didn't want anyone to see how hurt I was so I kept my head down and ate.


"Maybe we can go to the movies later."I heard Damiens girlfriend say.


Damien gave a brief nod but didn't say anything.


My mind cleared for a second and I remembered something Talon had said earlier when he gave me a necklace.He had said not to thank him as if someone else had given the necklace to me.Damien.He had given me the necklace.He had a girlfriend yet he gave me this damn necklace.I was furious but I kept my composure.As soon as breakfast was over I would find a quiet place to get away and release my emotions.


I took off the necklace and slid it under the napkin.Talon watched in dismay as I gave him a furious look across the table.Tera gave me a concerned look but didn't say anything.I knew they could feel the anger rolling off of me so they left me alone.As soon as people started getting up to leave I rushed out.I was already fed up with this world.I ran out a back door and found myself at a stable a few minutes later.I walked in and saw some of the most beautiful horses I had ever seen in my life.I walked down the stalls and touched each one.


"Aren't they beautiful?" I turned to see a hot stable boy staring at me curiously.


"Yes they are."


"Would you like to ride one?" 


I am pretty sure that wasn't allowed but I didn't have the patience to care at the moment.


"Yes I would love to."


He led me to a beautiful black mustang at the end of the stall and I immediately fell in love.She was huge and muscled.


"She doesn't have a rider yet because no one has been able to tame the beast in her." He said gently.


I knew I was an amazing rider.I had always had a connection with horses and I knew I could ride her.


"Do you want to try her out?" He asked nervously.


I gave an excited nod and in return he gave me a wide grin.


He led me outside of the stable and brought the mustang out.He saddled her for me and helped me on.He passed me the reigns and backed up a few feet.  I started to get a feel for the horse and I watched as she got to know me.This was one of my favorite parts of meeting a new horse.Watching them trust you.She gave a loud snort and tried to buck me off.I expected this and I met her thrust for thrust.She whinnied and snorted which gained everyones attention.People began pouring from the house and screamed for me to get off before she killed me.


"God dammit Zhara get off of that horse.Your going to fuckin kill yourself!" I knew that voice well but I ignored it.


When the mustang had finally settled down she looked over her shoulder as if waiting for instructions.I looked up and met Teras eyes and she gave me a wide smile.She knew me better than anyone else and she knew that I could tame this horse.


I looked back down and gave the mustang a pat on her neck.I lightly nudged her side and she began to trot.Soon I was flying through the air on her back and I couldn't have felt more free.My hair flowed out behind me and I knew I looked just as wild as I felt.When the mustang exerted all of her energy we stopped in front of the stable and I climbed off her back.When I turned I saw what could only be described as shocked expressions on every face present.


"You were amazing!" The stable boy exclaimed in awe.


I gave him a bright smile and a slight bow.I felt damn good!


"She needs a name and since you are the only one that can ride her,you deserve to name her."


I turned and looked at the black mustang in front of me.She deserved something rare and wild like she was,but she also had a softness about her.


"Her name will be Campion.It is a rare flower that was thought to be extinct."


"A fitting name." The stable boy took Campions' reigns and led her back into her stall.


I looked up to see everyone still standing there looking at me and it made me terribly uncomfortable.Mikael broke from the group and smiled at me.


"You are becoming something of an anomaly my dear Zhara.At each and every turn you surprise me." Mikael bent low over my hand and brushed his lips across it.When he lifted his head the sun caught his eyes and I was once again reminded of Damien.Mikael gave me a sad smile and then headed off back to the house.


Tera stepped towards me and lead me back to the house.Talon wasn't far behind.


"There is going to be a meeting in an hour deciding your fates, so please be ready." Talon looked extremely nervous and I wondered what would go down at this meeting.


Talon left us at our rooms and I began to worry about the upcoming meeting.


"Something we aren't gonna like is about to happen." Tera said.


"Yea I have never seen Talon so quiet." I murmured.


"I really like him."Tera admitted.


"Ha! I knew it!" I giggled.


"Oh shut up.Hey I am so sorry about what happened with Damien.That was so unfair of him."


"It's alright.He's just another guy."


"No he's not.You have been dreaming about him for years.That kind of shock leaves scars on the heart."


I looked into to Teras eyes and saw a wisdom far beyond her years.She was right.I was hurting so bad I could fall apart at any moment.


"I know but I don't want to dwell on that.This is a new life for us and I don't want to start it off with such bad feelings." I said.


"I get it and I hope one day you can find someone worthy of you." She said before she slipped into her room.


My room felt empty and cold.It no longer contained the warmth I had felt on my first day here.I went over to the bed and laid down, trying my best not to think.I just wanted my mind to be free of any and all things Damien.There was a light knock on my door when I was finally not thinking and in popped Mikael.I looked down from the ceiling as he walked further into the room.


"I'm so sorry." He said.


He had concern written all over his face and it warmed my heart to know he cared.


"I'm fine.I really just need some time to myself right now."


"I undertand that but time isn't something that you have right now.The meeting is starting in two minutes."


I looked up at the clock and saw that he was right.Time had flown by as I was thinking.I got up slowly and stretched out my protesting muscles.


"Now that you are here you are going to face extreme challenges.You are still considered an outsider and it will be a harsh road getting people to accept you."  He said before he disappeared.


Damn I hate when he does that.


Well time to face the inevitable.I freshened up and headed downstairs.I found Tera and Talon waiting there for me and we both headed outside to a place I had been before.Falling Creek. Except this time it looked different.The moonlight filtered down through the canopy and cast everything in a mystical glow.It was oddly beautiful and serene and I couldn't keep my eyes from the lake.I began to walk towards it and Talon grabbed my hand but I couldn't stop.I wriggled out of his hold and walked.Silence fell over everyone gathered as they watched me walk to the edge of the water.I looked up and met Damiens' eyes over the water.I hated him and loved him.How sad of a love story was that.


My attention was drawn back to the water and I knelt down on my hands and knees.The water engulfed my bent legs and I shivered.I tried to get up but I couldn't seemed to move.Right before my eyes the water shifted to a pure green.


Mikael stepped up to the water and whispered.


"Tell me." He said.


As wild as the forest we stand in and pure of heart.She has a light that can threaten any darkness and will do anything to protect the ones she loves.I see bravery and much courage but she is still only human.She WILL BE an Acaiden and a savior of many.She will face many trials but will never break under the pressure.She will walk alone through most of her journey and will discover the unbreakable bond between her and another.Zhara, I welcome you with open arms and I thank you for the sacrifices that you will make to protect my people.


The voice in the lake whispered.


"That is your judgement Zhara.So please stand and be welcome." Mikael said. His voice tinged with awe.


"What? Why is everyone looking at me like that?" I questioned worriedly.


"Zhara, no one has ever been excepted without close council by the group but Rayon just accepted you for all of us.She revealed more than she ever has before about a person and she thanked you.There is something truly special about you and Rayon could see it through and through."


I looked around and everyone nodded.


"Now it is Teras turn." Mikael beckoned her forward and she stood in the water.


I stepped next to Talon and listened for the voice.


She is pure of heart and ultimately seeks the good in others.She does not possess a great courage but will fight if  it comes down to it.To be accepted she must have a mate but that will not come easily."


The voice stopped and Tera looked at Mikael.I turned to my left to see Talon stepping towards her.He took her hand and lifted her face to his.


"Be my mate." He whispered.


A sound of outrage ran through the group and Tera looked up at me with scared eyes.


"Enough!" Mikael roared, "It is not in your place to tell a prince who he should be with." .


Immediately the crowd quieted down and accepted their leaders words.


"Yes." Tera breathed.


Talon gave her a breath taking smile and I felt so envious but I knew from Rayons words I would be alone for a long time.Talon kissed Tera deeply and lovingly and tears sprang to my eyes.Tera was finding her place and I felt like I had lost myself.


The crowd began to disperse.


"Hey Zhara are you coming?" Tera asked.


"No I just wanna sit out here for a while but you guys go on ahead."


Tera gave me a disapproving look but she knew I needed to be alone.


I knew I would lose her soon and I didn't want her to see how much it hurt me.She deserved happiness.


I sat by the water and watched my reflection.I tried so hard to find myself in the image but I could already feel it.I was changing into something I couldn't recognize and it saddened me.The loneliness sat upon my heart like a weight and there was nothing I could do to lift it.


"It won't last forever my dear Zhara."


I looked around and saw no one there.


The water began to shift and form into the shape of a woman.She was entirely beautiful with large black wings and short black hair.Rayon.


"Why is this happening to me?"


"Somethings in life can not be stopped.Listen very closely to what I am about to tell you.You must not share these secrets with anyone and because of this you must walk alone.There is a great rogue uprising coming and many will perish if you do not come into full bloom.You can not be burdened down with emotions and that is why you do not have a mate.You must train hard and become a warrior.At the end of it all,you will have sacrificed so much that there might not be anything left inside of you.I don't see anything after that is in your future.I am so sorry that you were chosen for such a terrible fate." Rayon whispered.


I took this all in and couldn't feel a thing.I would be more alone than I thought I would be but I knew that I couldn't back down from this.It would find me no matter what.


"Is there no hope for me in the end?"


"I did not say there wasn't hope.I said that I couldn't see that far.You could have done something to make it unknown." Rayon said.


Her words gave me hope and a greater purpose in life.I would not wither away and pine over the loss of Damien.I was stronger than that.


"Who should I ask to train me?"


"Go to Mikael but tell him nothing about the future.He is one of the best fighters and soon you will be also.Come to me when ever you need help or advice and please avoid Damien at all cost." She disappeared back into the water.


I stood up and looked around me.Everything was so much clearer but I felt oddly empty inside.The loneliness settled inside of me and filled me to the brim but it didn't hurt.Instead it left me with a numbness that I welcomed.I walked back to the house and was met with stares.Everyone had accepted me and seemed to greatly respect me.I walked through the crowd to my room and decided to take a shower.When I passed the mirror I saw something I had never seen in my eyes before.They were always such a warm deep green but now they held a coldness in them that made them lighter.They looked calculating and hard and that worried me.I was always the pretty girl that radiated kindness but now here I was, looking into a mirror and assessing who in the hell I had just become.


The shower calmed me and once I was through I walked to my bed and sneered at the skylight dome.It was a reminder of him and I didn't need that.I glided to the door and across the hall, in search of Talon.I ended up knocking on Damiens door and he answered it in just pajama bottoms.I didn't feel anything.No reaction to him being half naked and it surprised me.


"Sorry, I was looking for Talon."


"Its cool and Zhara I really wanted to talk to you.Do you have a minute.?"


"No." I said before I went to the next door and knocked.


Talon answered the door on the second knock.


"Hey Zhara.What's going on?"


"I need a new room." I stated simply.


Talon woke up fully from his groggy state and truly looked at me.


"Zhara what happened to you?"


"I don't know what your talking about." I said in the same monotone voice.


"Zhara seriously.Quit kidding." Talon said shakily.


"I need a new room.So either you find one or I will." Even to my own ears I sounded cold.


I turned back to my room and began packing some clothes.Damien came into my room behind Talon and they both looked worried.


"Zhara why do you need a new room?" Damien asked.


"Does it fucking matter?" I growled.


Mikael came into the room and looked taken aback.


"Zhara?" Mikael asked.


"I just want a new room!" I ground out through clenched teeth.


"Ok calm down.I will personally find you a new room." He said as if he was talking to a cornered animal.


I continued packing my stuff and they walked outside of the room so that I couldn't hear them talking about me.Once I was finished I grabbed my things and dragged them into the hall.They looked up at me and Mikael walked over to help me carry my bags.


"Come on.It's late and we need to get some sleep." Mikael said.


I nodded my head but kept silent. I didn't want to start a conversation with him just to have it end with me yelling again.


"What happened when everyone left Falling Creek?" He questioned.


He led me up a spiral set of stairs to the third floor and I found that it was strangely quiet.


"Zhara?" I realized that I still hadn't answered his question.


"It's not something I can tell you about." I looked down the long stretch of hall and saw only four doors.


"I figured that but if you ever need to talk I am here Zhara.I understand your hurt but it's not right to take it out on everyone." He whispered softly.


I could see that he didn't want to upset me further but what he really meant was that he wouldn't allow me to lash out at everyone.I still had a moral compass and I knew that he was right.


"I am sorry about being so angry but I really don't want that room."


"I know.And Damien had started courting her before you came along."


Mikael was talking about that girl Damien was with.I could honestly say that I didn't care anymore about Damien and his girlfriend.Fate was turning me cold and I was okay with that.I was more focused than ever and I felt lethal.


"Here's your room.Did you need anything else?" Mikael stopped in front of the second door on the right side of the hall.


"Yes.Can I go clothes shopping tomorrow? I'm intersted in getting some work out clothes."


"Yea of course.I will show you around our shops tomorrow.Anything else?"


"I want you to train me in hand-to-hand combat." I blurted out.


Mikaels' face hardened and it was a look I had never seen on his handsome face before.I was finally seeing the leader everyone feared and respected.


"Why do you wanna know how to fight Zhara?" He ground out.


"I'm just curious." I said cryptically.


I could see my answer irritated him because his jaw clenched so hard I could hear his teeth grind together.The great thing was, I was nowhere near intimidated and I let him see that.In seconds he relaxed and unclenched his jaw.


"Fine." He said.


"Anything else I can get you?" He growled.


"Nope." I popped the p and went inside my new room.It had the same set up as the other room but it didn't have the skylight.I immediately loved it.The whole room was decorated in white and red and the fire was going strong.I unpacked my things in the closet and stared down at the clothes.I observed that I no longer liked any of these colors.


They didn't fit my personality at all and I began to sort through them trying to find something I actually liked.I came across a black V-neck that showed quite a bit of midriff and some black skinnies.I had always shied away from dark colored clothes because I thought they made me look harsh but now I felt differently.I decided to wear these out to the shops tomorrow.


I threw away all of the clothes I didn't like, which turned out to be the whole closet.Once I finished that task I walked back into the room and threw off my clothes and climbed into the warm waiting bed and drifted off into a deep sleep.I dreamed that night, but not of a black haired boy with beautiful eyes.I dreamed of my future.I saw it exactly the way Rayon said it would be.I was respected entirely by the Acaiden and Furie race.I fought great battles and I protected.I was a warrior.


The next morning I rose at 5am sharp and went for a run.I was antsy and needed to burn off some energy.I had never been so hyper in all my life but I needed the fresh air.I pulled on some sweatpants and a sweater and headed out into the early morning.When I got outside I took off in a leggy run.It felt amazing!


The whole town slept while I breathed in life.I came to a stop when I saw the horses grazing in a lush green field.All the way in the back of the herd was Campion.She ate alone.All of the horses stood in clusters but none stoody by my dear Campion.I observed that she was more like me than I ever could have known.I left her to her grazing and took off in a sprint.Everything flew by in a blur and I stopped to find I had gone at least 3 miles from the town but I wasn't tired.


A figure came up the road and I grew worried.Maybe I shouldn't have come this far but my feet wouldn't allow me to move.I stood there in what could be described as a defensive position.The figure drew closer and I let out a breath.Mikael.


"Hey what are you doing up so early?" He asked when he reached me.


"Same thing your doing up so early." I said back.


"Hold on a minute.You mean to tell me that you got up to go running?" He asked incredously.


"Ummm yea."


"Well okay then.I'm heading back.Did you want to run with me?" He challenged.


"Race you back?" I said before I took off in the direction of home.


"You are a damn cheater Zhara!" He yelled out.


I howled back but continued my pace.Mikael caught up easily because he had the blood of an Acaiden flowing through his veins.It was exhilirating running with him.He gave me a challenge and soon we both reached the town at 7am. Everyone was up and about when we got back.When we ran into the house everyone stopped and looked at us as if we had lost our minds.


We were bent over laughing and pushing each other.It looked like two little kids were running from some trouble they had created.


"Well you two look like you were out having fun."


We both looked up to see Adaline.The princes' mom.


"Mom when did you get back?" Mikael asked.


"About an hour ago." Ada walked over to Mikael and gave her son a tight hug.


"And hello Zhara.It is truly lovely seeing you again.How are you getting along in this world?"


She had a concerned look on her face and I knew she could see the change in my eyes.


"It has had its ups and downs." I said as we walked into the livingroom.


A bunch of people were in there, including Damien,his girlfriend,Talon, and Tera. 


Adas' eyes narrowed at my answer and she looked to Mikael for some type of understanding.He sent her a blank expression and that set her off.


"What in the hell has happened while I was away?" She turned to look at Damien and saw his arm wrapped around the girls waist.She easily put two and two together and her face fell but she knew that couldn't be all.


"Honey I am so sorry.I thought..." Her words trailed off and I put up a hand to halt her words.


"I don't mind Ada.I have greater things to focus on."


"What is that supposed to mean?" She looked around and tried to find an answer.


Mikael put a hand on his moms shoulder to calm her down.


"When we did the judgement Rayon had said things about Zhara.She accepted her entirely and ever since that she has been changing." He whispered quietly.


Ada looked at me again and studied me hard.She gave a brief nod as if she understood something no one else could.Ada regained her composure and faced all of the Acaidens in the room.


"Alright then.Lets eat!"


I ran upstairs and took a quick shower.I through on my black shirt and skinnies with some black boots.My hair got pulled back into a braid and I left a few stray hairs to frame my face.I ran back downstairs and found everyone taking there seats.When I entered the archway everyone looked my way.I knew what they could see.I didn't look like the happy-go-lucky self I normally was.I looked like a bad ass.


I walked with a sexy confidence to my seat and shot Mikael a glare.


"Are we still going to the shops after breakfast?" I asked.


"Yes Zhara! I never go back on my word."


We all sat down in the same seats that we sat in the day before.Damien was tense next to me but I was more at ease then I had been in a long time.Mikael shot me a look and I just shrugged.I was okay where I was sitting at.It was as if my feelings had been shut off.


"Hey Zhara.We haven't talked much and I really wanted to spend some time with you today." Tera said.


I realized that it seemed like it was forever since I heard her voice.When did I forget about her?


"Yea sure.Mikael is taking me to the shops today so we can hang out then." I said meeting her eyes.


She looked close to tears and I knew she was taking in the new woman sitting across from her.


"Don't." I said.


 She gave me a nod and leaned into Talon.I stopped myself from rolling my eyes at her fragility.It wasn't her fault that I was becoming this way.She knew who I was before all of this so I shouldn't be angry with her response.They commenced serving the food and I dug in greedily.I was aware that I would need alot of energy for today so I filled my plate to the brim.Sausage, fruit, and home made biscuits littered my plate.Mikael laughed at my greed and I shot him a glare.


"Slow down there is more in the kitchen." This caused a laugh from everyone present and I rolled my eyes.


Once I started on my second plate Damien stood up and asked for silence.


"I just wanted to inform everyone that Rina and I will be mating at the end of the month."


There were loud cheers from everyone in the room but I just kept eating.It was hard to believe I was still hungry.I felt stares from Mikael,Tera, and Talon so I looked up and gave a shrug.


"What?" I asked them.


They all looked away and I felt Damien look down at me.All of these stares from people expecting a reaction was starting to piss me off.


"I am not freaking out so all of you can stop fuckin staring at me like I am." I growled.


Immediately everyone turned away and proceeded with seperate conversations.I finished off my second plate and stood up.At that same time Rina stood up in  front of me.The room went silent and Rina began to speak in a soft tone.I nearly laughed at how small she sounded.


"I'm sorry I don't believe we have ever had the pleasure of meeting.I'm Rina."


"Right." I brushed past her and headed to the archway.


I felt a restraining hand on my upper arm and I glared at whoever it was.I looked up and met Rinas eyes.The bitch had the nerve to touch me.


"I didn't get your name." She said before releasing my arm.


I gave her a sadistic smile, "I didn't give it." I said, before I sauntered off in my new found confidence.


It felt damn good to be so strong and confident.I headed outside and breathed in the morning air.I felt like fighting and that was entirely unusual for me.


"How are you feeling." Mikael stepped up beside me and asked.


"Uuugh I don't care about them mating!"


"Ok Ok.We will leave in an hour so be ready then." Mikael chuckled.


He took a step closer to me and lifted my chin, I froze.


"You deserve so much better." He said.


His eyes flickered to my lips and I became confused.My brow puckered and Mikael stepped back as if he had touched fire.He cleared his throat and glided back into the house.Now that was strange!


I walked a few steps down the stone path and faced the sun.It felt good against my skin.I closed my eyes and breathed in.I heard foot steps behind me and I grew agitated.


"What?" I asked my visitor.


"I haven't had a chance to talk to you in the 2 weeks that you've been here and I really think that we need to."


I gave an unlady like snort and gazed at the sun.


"You know, I am starting to learn that nothing in this world is really what it seems.I had been dreaming about you since I was young and then the time came when you emerged into my reality.In my dreams every single angle of you was perfect, as if you had been carved from a stone that could not be duplicated.And now that I know you.. I can see every imperfection and it makes me wish that there was some way I could just sleep forever because now I know your just like every lying and deceitful guy out there."


I turned to face him and saw the look of astonishment on his face.It didn't feel good and it didn't feel bad to see him crumble.It just was.


"Zhara..I..I didn't want to hurt you but I couldn't hurt Rina either." He tried to explain.


"Damien do us both a favor and walk away." I said coldly.


And he did just that.How sad.


I went back upstairs to my room to find Mikaels door slightly open.His room was the first door on the left.I decided to snoop around considering I didn't know much about him.His room was black and forest green.It was a familiar green.


"Mikael." I called out to make sure he wasn't present.


When I got no reply I walked further into the room.The set up of his room looked much like mine.I walked over to his bed side table and saw a picture of Damien and Talon at a young age.They looked to be about eleven years old.On closer inspection I noticed that the eyes were a little bit too dark to be Damiens.But..but..That would mean that this was Mikael.I grew dizzy trying to understand what was going on here.Mikael looked exactly like Damien at this age.Even now it was a little bit difficult to tell them apart.Mikael had longer hair than Damiens and his eyes were a shade darker but in this picture you couldn't tell which one it was.I put the picture down and went in search of answers.I had a feeling things were about to get crazy around here.


Chapter 7

"Mikael! Damien!" I yelled.


I was furious.I yelled out there names again.When I reached the livingroom they were all sitting there watching a movie.


"What in the fuck is going on here!?" I growled.


Talon gave a confused look, "Zhara were all just watching a movie.We were gonna invite you but you seemed like you needed some time to yourself."


He didn't know a damn thing about what was going on so I ignored him.


"You both lied to me!"


"Zhara not here." Mikael said.


"I will do this where ever I god damn well please." I growled.


"Okay don't blame Damien for this I asked him to lie."


"Why?" I asked.


"Because when The sisters passed judgement on me they said that I would have to make a great sacrifice for my people.From that day on I dreamed about you.I had to give you up Zhara."


"It was you? In my dreams?" I questioned.


"Yes Zhara I am so sorry.I was the one that destroyed your life.I could have taken you home but instead I left you in the office.I knew that you would be drawn to that book.I was being selfish."


"You..but..I.." And then my vision changed.


I understood now.The reason why I could see all of Damiens imperfections is because he wasn't the one in my dreams.It was always Mikael.He was the one that could not be duplicated.How could I have not realized it sooner!


I couldn't take the truth of it all and I ran.In minutes I found myself at Falling Creek, screaming for Rayon.How could she not have told me that it was Mikael? It was always Mikael.


Rayon appeared just like she had the first time I had met her.


"I am so sorry Zhara.I knew that it was Mikael but you know exactly why I could not tell you.If I had a choice I would have told you but that would have altered everything." She apologized.


I wanted so badly to feel hurt and sadness over this but I couldn't.She had taken all of that away from me.


"You lied to me Rayon and you have pissed me off beyond belief.From now on you will not keep secrets from me or so help me god I will deviate from this path and your whole precious world will be destroyed." I growled.


"Of course.I really am sorry Zhara and I will help you out as much as possible along the way.I also want to give you a gift that should help you immensely in your training." Rayon agreed.


I looked at her expectantly.


"What's the gift?" I asked.


"Oh you will find out soon enough." Rayon smiled.


With that said I turned on my heel and walked away.I took my time through the forest and admired how beautiful it all was.I was able to calm my rattled thoughts and evaluate my situation a little better as I did this I heard movement from my right and I slipped behind a tree.The soft footsteps moved farther down the path towards me and I tensed.


"It's just me Zhara." A voice that I knew well explained.


I stepped out from behind the tree and came face to face with Mikael.


"What do you want?"


"I wanted to check on you and make sure that you were alright." He admitted.


"I'm fine."


I walked around him and commenced my walk back to the house but Mikael grabbed my arm as I passed him.This small action caused me to go into immediate fight mode and I shot my right arm into his jaw.He stumbled back a little and grinned.


"Well kitties got her claws out today.I like.." He wiggled his eyebrows and sauntered towards me.


"Mikael don't push me." I cautioned.


Instead of heeding my warning he rushed me and swept my legs from under me.I hit the ground with a thud and tried to struggle out from under his weight but he had me pinned.If anyone was to walk by at this moment they would definitely think some suggestive things about the position we were in.Mikael lay between my legs with my hands pinned above my head and had a stupid grin on his face from ear to ear.


"Get the fuck off of me." I grunted.


Instead of completing my request he pushed both of my hands into his left hand in a vise like grip.With his right hand he wiped my hair away from my eyes and his face grew deadly serious.


"I have had to wait so long for you.I watched for years as everyone else fell in love and found there other haves and now the woman I want lies right beneath me and I know that it will be a long time before I can ever have her." He whispered.


Each word melted from his lips like honey and I wanted so bad to take them in with my heart but I couldn't.


"I know that you can't feel anything that I am saying right now but it feels so good to be able to say it anyway." Mikael murmured as his eyes flickered down to my lips.


On instinct I licked my lips and his eyes raised to meet mine and I wanted him to.I wanted him to kiss me and so he did.His soft lips met mine in a demanding kiss that stole my breath.I realized that I could still feel lust but the thought flew out of my head when I figured out that I had the perfect opportunity to lift my knees and flip him over the top of me.He landed with a soft thud and I chuckled.


"You, Zhara dear are something else." Mikael shot me a sexy glare.


I immediately ran for the house with Mikael hot on my heels.As soon as I stepped onto the front lawn I was tackled from behind.Mikael wrapped his arms around me and positioned himself to take the brunt of the fall.


"Did you really think that I was going to let you get away with that?" He growled low in my ear.


I decided to try out my feminine wiles and I turned over so I was laying across his chest.


"What are you gonna to do me?" I pouted.


Mikael immediately looked taken aback and I had to supress my laughter.To take it a step farther I started rubbing my hands across his toned chest and I felt him shiver.


"I don't mean to interrupt but I am pretty sure that we are supposed to be practicing right now."


We both looked up to see Talon and Tera grinning down at our incrimanating position.


"Riiight we will be along in a few seconds." Mikael smirked.


We untangled ourselves and faced each other.


"Did you still wanna practice today?"


"Hell yeaa." I grinned.


"Alright then little ninja lets get going before they send someone to look for us."


We took off running towards a large field on the right side of the house.When we got there I saw what looked to be about thirty people warming up and stretching.


"Alright everybody line up!" Mikael yelled.


In an instant everyone was lined up in five rows made up of six people.


"Today we are going to go over the basics.I am going to show you how to do it once and then you will pick a partner and practice." Mikaels announced, his voice echoing across the field. 


He showed us the basics of kicking, punching, and side sweeping.Once he was finished people began partnering up and I walked over to Talon before he could find one.As I walked I looked over his shoulder to see Tera talking and sitting with Rina on a blanket and anger coursed through me.


"Be my partner."


"You can't be serious Zhara.I don't wanna hurt you." Talon smirked.


"Well then you should go easy." I sent him a cold smile and he frowned.


"Ok everyone lets get four teams out here first." Mikael commanded.


Talon and I were one of the first teams picked to fight first so we stepped out from the group and faced each other.


"Good luck princess." Talon taunted.


I blocked everything from my mind and focused on kicking his ass.Anger flowed through my veins and made me feel incredibly lethal.My body tensed up and I waited.Talon took a hesitant step towards me as I watched and calculated.He threw a round house kick towards my head but I easily dodged underneath it and sent a rib breaking punch to his right side.Everyone that was fighting beside us stopped to watch but I didn't let their stares get to me.Talon got up quick and sent a punch to my jaw that had me reeling but I stayed upright and swept his legs from under him.He landed on his knees and I took the opportunity to swing a right hook to his jaw.He fell to the ground with a thud and everything was silent.


Talon got up slowly from the ground and held his rib cage.I walked over and gave him a hand up and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder to steady himself.


"Not bad newbie.Not bad at all." He grinned.


"Did you really just get your ass kicked by a girl?" Damien laughed.


"Well he doesn't have to be the only one." I growled.


"I'm not going to even dignify that with a response Zhara." Damien laughed.


"Why? Are you scared?" I asked.


A series of oohs came from the gathered crowd and I waited for his response.


"Yea Damien if you think your so bold, fight her." Mikael taunted.


Soon everyone was encouraging Damien to fight me and he could do nothing but except.


We stepped into a clear space and Damien had a very worried look on his face.


"Listen Zhara I know that your still mad at me because I lied to you but I want you to know that I am sorry." He apologized.


"Does Mikael or Rina know that you did a little bit more than lie?" I taunted.


Damiens eyes narrowed and he shot a look at Mikael.


"What does she mean you did a little more than lie?" Mikael growled out.


"I may have umm kissed her."


"I am going to fucking kill you Damien.I did not tell you to kiss her you fucking bastard."


With each word Mikael took a step closer to Damien.His eyes glazed over to a complete black and his teeth grew sharp.


"Fuck Mikael you really need to calm down.Your shifting." Damien had a scared look on his face and I knew I was getting ready to witness the transformation of an Acaiden.Mikael seemed like he was struggling to control himself but it didn't appear to be working.


"Damien back up slowly and take Tera and Rina into the house.Don't make any sudden movements.Zhara you should really go with them." Talon ordered.


"No I'm staying." I responded.


At that moment a coarse yell burst from Miakels lips and His shirt tore to pieces.Veins stood out along his neck and arms and all I could feel was fascination.I took a step froward but was stopped by Luca; one of the warrior Acaidens.


"Don't..He is in a great state of duress right now.You are never suppose to shift with your mind so clouded with anger and right now he is fighting his Furie half for control of his body."


Growls and grunts came from Mikael and I became worried.Even though I couldn't love him I still felt the fierce need to protect him.I moved slowly away from Luca and edged my way around to Mikaels left side.


Mikaels back arched with pain and I gaped at the huge black wings that hung from his back.


"Fuck that hurt like hell!" Mikael grunted.


"How are you feeling..emotionally." Talon queried.


"Angry as hell but I'm in control."


"Good because that was a close one.I don't think I have ever seen you lose your temper like that."


"Yea well, I had a good reason." Mikaels eyes found mine and I was intrigued.


"I'm not sure what to say." I admitted.


"Yea were not as pretty when were in our Furie form." He laughed nervously.


"I like it." I admitted.


He moved towards me and I was captivated by his large wings.When he stood directly in front of me I noticed he was a few inches taller than his original height.His eyes were pitch black and had small red veins beneath them.His skin was pale and his body was even more muscled then before.His chest and arms had a series of cryptic black symbols all over them and I yearned to know what they meant.


"They are symbols that I've earned.Everytime I kill a rogue one appears on me." He explained.


"You've killed so many."


He nodded sadly, "They are our ancestors yet they thought us to be an abomination."


"Can I..touch your wings? I asked hesistantly.


He grinned and turned around.His wings opened up and lifted into the air.


"How long are they?"


"Roughly nine feet." Mikael answered.


I touched my hand to the feathers and became mesmerized.They were soft to the touch and extremely smooth.Each feather held a different pattern on its surface.


"Your so beautiful." I whispered.


Mikael turned around and looked deep into my eyes.


"So are you."


I stared up at his perfection and remembered back to when I was a little girl and wanted so badly for him to be real.Now that he was real, I couldn't have him and that thought brought me back to the present.I put a firm hand on his chest and pushed away lightly.


"Yea I know..nag nag..destiny or whatever." He laughed.


"I need to focus Mikael." I said lightly.


"Ok, Ok I will back down.For now." He winked.


"Will you train me tomorrow? One on one." I asked.


"Yea I can do that.We just need to be up early and I know for a fact that you sleep like the dead."


"Fuck you and no I do not." I growled.


"Whatever helps you sleep at night dear." He cackled.


"Tomorrow then?"


"Tomorrow." Mikael nodded.


I took one last look at his Furie perfection and walked back to the house.All in all, it was a pretty amazing day.No one died and a few got hurt.I would call it a success.


I went up to my room and took a shower.I found myself thinking about home.It had already felt  like I had lived here all my life but now I was curious as to what happened to everyone in town.Right now I was too tired to call for Mikael so I would just have to wait until tomorrow.When I was finished in the shower I crawled into bed and fell asleep quickly.


Zhara! Zhara! Wake up!


I opened my groggy eyes to see Corrine standing over me.She is a fifteen year old Acaiden that became attached to me during my first week here.I hadn't seen in her days because she had went on a family vacation to the Bahamas.


"What do you want Corrine?" I groaned.


"Zhara you have to get up and get dressed." I heard Ada speak.


"Ada what are you doing in my room?" I sat up to see at least seven people in my room.


There was Tera, Rina, Talon, Damien, Ada, Corrine, and Luca.


"Were under attack by a group of rogues and we need to get out of here." Talon insisted.


I immediately became alert and moved fast enough to put Speedy Gonzales to shame. I through on a pair of jeans, a hoodie, and combat boots.


Then I realized that something was missing.I stopped in mid run and turned to the group gathered in my room.


"Where's Mikael?"


No one seemed to wanna answer and I instantly became suspicious.


"I asked you where is Mikael!" I growled.


"Please calm down Zhara.We have to leave here." Ada tried to placate me and that just pissed me off.


I felt the anger build up inside me and I couldn't stop it.


"He's out there isn't he?" My head bowed and I tried to breathe.


"Yes.He lead the first group of fighters and we haven't heard from him since." Talon admitted.


"How long ago did he lead them?" I knew I wouldn't like the answer but I still asked.


"Two hours ago.He thought it was only a few of them but it turned out to be more and.. "


"Two hours ago! And you just now woke me up! You fuckin idiot!" I roared.


I didn't love Mikael but I damn sure had a connection with him and I knew that if I lost him I would give up on this destiny shit.The more I thought about it the angrier I got and soon I became consumed with bloodlust.Blood burned through my veins and I wanted to scream out.It hurt so bad but I didn't want it to stop.It made my thoughts clearer and my eyes sharper.The pain coursed deeper into my body and I doubled over.


"Jesus Zhara are you ok?" Tera asked.


I couldn't respond because the pain had reached its peak and I knew if I opened my mouth now I would scream.


"Zhara is there anything we can do? What's going on sweetie?" Tera cried.


"Hush. Let her work through this on her own." Ada assured her.


Silence fell over the room and I was able to deal with the pain better.Soon it ebbed away and my blood cooled.When I raised my head gasps met my ears.


"What in the fuck is going on here?" Damien spoke up.


"Destiny." Ada whispered.


"What? Why are all of you looking at me like that?" I snapped.


"Zhara what happened to you?" Tera took a hesitant step forward but Talon stopped her.


"Take a look in the mirror sweetie." Ada closed the door and showed me the mirror on the back of the door.


All words escaped me and all I could do was gasp.My hand reached up to touch my face and instead of fear I felt fascinated all over again.My eyes were pitch black with a thin circle of silver around my iris and red veins stood out underneath my eyes.


Only one person could have done this.Rayon.


"Are..Are you Acaiden?" Talon questioned.


"I don't know." I whispered.


"No I don't think your entirely Acaiden.If I know Rayon she is probably giving you the change in doses." Ada explained.


"This is the gift she was talking about." I mused.


At that moment there was a loud explosion and I burst into action.I had almost forgotten about Mikael and the rogues.


I was out the door in three seconds flat and down both flights of stairs in just a few more.I heard voices shouting my name but I had to make sure that Mikael was safe and unharmed.I started running towards the field that we were in the day before and all I saw was blood and flesh everywhere.I froze where I was and gazed at the carnage before me.It felt as if I was having an out of body experience and I was able to see everything in third person.


"Zhara!" A voice yelled.


To my left I saw Derek pulling the head off of a rogue.He stalked towards me and checked me for injury.


"Zhara what in the fuck are you doing out here? Why do you look like an Acaiden?"


"I was looking for Mikael.Where is he?" I asked while glossing over his second question.


"Dammit.Mikael is going to kill us if he finds out you were out here.You have got to go back inside."He told me.


"No not until I find Mikael." I demanded.


"Fine I will take you to him but if he tries to kill me you better take the blame." He growled.


"Okay I will but I need to make sure that he's safe."


"Stay behind me.No running off do you hear me Zhara."


"Yes! Yes! Now can we gooo?"


These Acaidens were just so damn pushy all the time.


Derek walked me into the forest that surrounded the field and pass bodies that littered the forest floor.Some were our own but most were rogues and that made me happy.What really caught my attention was the fact that seeing these dead bodies didn't make me sick; instead I relished in the spilled blood.


"So are you going to tell me why you look like an Acaiden?" Derek asked quietly.


"It's a gift from Rayon? I answered.


"I see."


We continued to walk in silence but after a few minutes my ears picked up on yelling and tearing.We ran quietly in the direction and found Mikael, Jodi, and Lance surrounded by eight rogues.Jodis' shoulder was severely shredded and Lance looked like he might go down at any minute.Mikael had minor injuries but exhaustion was wearing on him.


"Stay here." Derek ordered.


He slithered out from behind the trees and took on his Furie form.He flanked Mikaels left side and together they all fought.The rogues were using a fighting technique that caused the group to seperate their fromation and soon there was fighting in different parts of the forest.


I ended up losing sight of Mikael so I ran to the side of the forest that I saw him disappear into.He wasn't there any more and I grew worried.I moved deeper into the forest to see three rogues carrying Mikael off.He looked like he was out cold and he had shifted back into his human form.I realized that I only had one choice.I had to get him back.I ran up behind one and used what I had been taught but as soon as I side swept one,another smashed me into a tree and effectively knocked me out.That was the last time I saw Mikael alive.








Chapter 8

"Zhara please wake up.I don't know what I'm going to do without you.We came into this whole mess together and now it feels like were being torn apart.Damien told me what happened with you and Mikael and how you two were suppose to be mates and now your changing because of some destiny bullshit..." Tera rambled on and on.


"Tera I am begging you to please shut the hell up." I grumbled.


My voice sounded horse to my own ears and my muscles were extremely sore.What in the hell happened?


I remember being woken up by Corrinne and I got angry at Talon because Mikael was out fighting without any communication.And then..then I changed.


"They took Mikael." I breathed out.


"Yes but they have been looking for him for the past few days." Tera chattered.


"Days? How many days have I been out Tera?


"Uh oh.I gotta go." Tera got up as fast as she could but my hand on her arm stopped her.


"I swear to god if you don't tell me now I will end everything beautiful in your little bubble of a world." I growled.


Tera immediately froze.I wasn't the kind of girl to make threats like this but I couldn't stop the natural flow of the words.They tasted sweet on my tongue and I reveled in the level of adrenaline they gave me.


"Three days." She squeaked.


Dammit.I had been out for three days and that meant that Mikael and the rogues could be anywhere in the world at this point.I had to get up and help out anyway that I could.


"Zhara you really shouldn't get out of bed.You suffered a serious.."


Her words trailed off as I sent her a deadly glare.


I went over to my closet and rummaged through the clothes and found a black pair of leggings and a black knee length trench coat to pair with my combat boots.I wore nothing but a lace bra underneath my coat and it made me feel incredibly sexy.


When I came out of the closet Tera was already gone.Snitch. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and hair.I wore my hair back into its usual braid and I opened up one of the buttons on my coat so the tips of my lace bra could show.Hmm sexy and dangerous.


I took my time heading down the stairs and found most of the Acaidens gathered in the diningroom.They were all yelling and arguing about Mikael and something about a successor.As soon as I stopped through the arch way all conversation ceased.With my hands in my pockets I made my way to one of the large windows and waited.


"You should really be in bed Zhara." Talon said as he comforted Tera.


"I didn't ask for your commentary on what I should be doing Talon." I replied.


The words were calm yet came out with an edge of danger and Talon instantly averted his eyes from my steady gaze.


"So what were we talking about?" I questioned.


"I really don't think you wanna know." Damien said with his head bowed.


"I appreciate your concern but I would rather that you answer my question." I snarled.


I didn't mean to be impolite but I surely wasn't getting the information that I wanted.


"Ok no need to be snippy but we were all discussing Mikaels successor." Ada said sadly.


"His successor?" I threw the word around in my mind and began to pace slowly.


"You honestly are thinking about replacing Mikael when you don't even know if he's dead."


I looked around and met each persons eyes but they turned away quickly.


"It's not that we want to replace him but we have to focus on making sure that we are safe?" Damien remarked.


And then it hit me.


"You want to be his successor.Don't you?" I concluded.


Damien said nothing and his silence was all that I needed.


"Luca can you please come outside with me." I asked sweetly.


I walked from the room and out onto the front lawn.Luca wasn't far behind me and he looked pissed.Mikael was his bestfriend and he would do anything to get him back.


"I need you to train me." I said as I faced the sun.


Luca was one of the best fighters in Acadia and I knew this because Mikael had personally trained him.


"If I do train you, what are you gonna do?"


"I am going to destroy every fucking rogue in my path." I said calmly.


"Then I'll train you.We'll start tomorrow morning so be ready to go."


He turned to head back into the house but something kept nagging at me.


"Luca, do you think Damien wants to be leader?"


"Yea.And truth be told he would be a good leader,but we as Acaidens need a great leader." He explained.


Once again a thought from long ago came back to me.It was like the Mona Lisa painting.The first one ever painted was painted with great care and each brush stroke became imprinted on the paper.It was perfection because it was the first one ever created.Many copies came after but none would ever have those same exact  brush strokes.It was like Damien and Mikael.Damien would forever be a copy; a mere shadow to Mikaels greatness.


"What are you thinking Zhara?" Luca asked.


"I'm thinking that I will tell you when the time is right." I replied.


"I'm going to trust you on this but all I ask is that you don't keep me to far in the dark."


"Your trust means more to me than you will ever know." It was the first sincere thing I had said in a long time.


Luca gave me a brief nod and headed back into the house.I didn't have the patience to listen to their debate so I started walking towards the town.It was a cloudy day and looked like it could possibly rain.Everyone seemed to be at that debate and that left me free to look through the shops and kiosks unhindered.


I went inside a small shop called Coats N' More and saw only a man in there.As I looked through the coats and sweaters he began to speak.


"Your Zhara, aren't you?" The older Acaiden asked.


"Maybe I am.Who are you?"


"Forgive me, I am Jeremy." He replied.


"What do you want?"


"I would just like to talk with you about your mate. Uuum what's his name..Mikael?" He laughed.


He was dangerous and I could sense it but I decided to play dumb and glean as much information as possible.


"My mate? What are you talking about?" I asked.


"Come and have coffee with me and I will tell you everything I know."


"I really don't know what your talking about Mister but I do think some coffee in this cold weather would do me some good." I smiled.


"Perfect.There is a coffee shop about two blocks down and I would be more then happy to escort you." He reached out his hand and took my shopping bags.


"Right this way my lovely." He held open the door and escorted me down to the coffee shop.


We found a nice quiet corner in the back of the shop and we ordered to hot chocolates.


I looked up at him and studied his features.He had short dark brown hair, pale blue eyes, and high cheek bones.The only thing that gave away his age were the crows feet around his eyes and the light dust of gray at his temples.Other than that his muscular build and his taut features gave him an aura of youth.


"Alright lets cut the crap princess.You have to be Mikaels mate otherwise you wouldn't have been able to get into Acadia.I was watching you before and I know for a fact that your human." He growled.


Wonderful.He was they guy that was a t the starbucks Tera and I had went to.He also just let me know that he could be easily duped because he sounded like he was getting his facts from somewhere else.


"No. No silly.I'm Luca's mate.But I did hear about that guy being stolen.I met him when I first got here and gosh was he nice." I giggled.


He gave a perplexed look and I knew I was right.He had an outside source.


"Wait. So you aren't Mikael's mate?"


I shook my head and tapped my fingers on the table.The waitress appeared with the hot chocolates and gave Jeremy a long lengthy perusal but he didn't pay and attention.He seemed really pissed about what I told him and I watched each emotion pass over his face.He was irritated, confused, and most importantly, angry.


"Hey are you alright Mister?" I asked innocently.


"There has got to be some sort of mistake." He mumbled.


"Mistake with what?" I feigned boredom.


"He said that..that his mate was here, but if your mated to Luca then he lied to me."


"That's not very nice. Why would he lie to you? If he was a real friend he wouldn't lie to you." I tried my best to sound like a helpful teen and apparently it was working.


"Yes well I guess he's not a real friend.Instead he sent me to talk to a child." Jeremy looked out the window and glared.


"Hey I'm almost eighteen Mister." I pouted.


I sipped down the rest of my hot cocoa and asked for another.


"You haven't even touched your hot cocoa Mister."


"I'm not fuckin thirsty.I need to go and have a chat with someone." Jeremy stood up and buttoned his jacket.


"But.. you didn't pay for the hot chocolate." I pouted.


He pulled out his wallet and grumbled about jobless teens and through a twenty on the table.


"Thanks for the hot chocolate Mister." I smiled lightly.


"Whatever kid." He said before he headed out of the coffee shop.


I called the waitress over and asked her to hold my shopping bags and then I paid for the hot chocolate.


Thirty seconds later I got up and headed out the door.Jeremy had turned left when he left the shop so I went in that direction also.When I caught up with him he was turning left near a shoe store so I hid behind a column three shops down.He walked right out of the town and into some surrounding woods.It was an open space where he walked so I took a round about way to the edge of the woods and slipped into the shadows of the trees. Jeremy was about fifteen feet ahead of me so I found a tree that gave me an unobstructed view of who he was meeting.


"You lied to me.You said that green eyed girl was his mate." He was arguing on the phone with someone.


"She said that she was Lucas' mate." Jeremy ran his hands through his hair and listened.


"You mean to tell me that little bitch duped me!" He was furious and I smiled.


"Ok can you meet me right now?" He asked the person on the other line.


"Cool.I'm waiting here now.No she's back at the coffee shop on Alder way." He hung up the phone and paced.


In just ten minutes Jeremys' guest showed up and shook his hand.


"It's good to see you again." The guest said.


"Cut the crap.What do you need me to do?" Jeremy growled.


"I need you to kidnap her and kill her.But do it quietly." The voice ordered.


"Done. I'll take care of her tomorrow."


It didn't surprise me when I saw who it was.I knew the person would want to be in a position of power but I hadn't realized how far the obsession would go.I waited until they concluded their meeting and Jeremys' guest left.I pulled out the sai knives that I bought from a weaponry shop and played with their weight in my hands.As soon as Jeremy started walking to the opening of the woods I slithered behind him and pushed one of the knives into his heart and the next through the side of his neck.


It was an easy kill.I didn't feel remorse but a deep revenge blossomed in the pit of my stomach and I felt damn good.He was sent to kill me but I got to him first.I dragged his body deeper into the forest and laid him behind some thick shrubs on the ground.With that accomplished I headed out the way I had come in and made it back to the coffee shop in time to get my bags.


The walk home was a quiet one and I mulled over the fact that I had just killed a man with such ease.I was becoming more and more different everyday.


When I reached the house everything had settled down and Tera, Ada, Damien,Talon, and Rina were all talking in the livingroom.


"I just miss him so much." Ada cried.


"I know mom and we will do our best to find him but the odds aren't good." Talon acknowledged.


Tera looked up at me but said nothing.


"What Tera?" I asked.


"Nothing I guess I'm just being sensitive." She mumbled.


"Would you like to sit with us Zhara dear?" Ada asked.


Her eyes were filled with unshed tears and I was aghast at the fact that she appeared so weak.


"Nope.I'm not down with the pity party."


With that, I turned on my heel and headed upstairs.I was about to go to my room but Mikaels room seemed to call to me.I opened the door to find it just as he left it.Everything was black and green.Green as the color of my eyes.I sat on his bed and opened up his bedside dresser.In it was a single notebook and I thought what harm was there in opening it.


I opened the first page and saw myself through Mikaels eyes.The notebook was filled with drawing after drawing of me.Me with wings, me smiling, and lastly, me and him on the cliff when we were younger.On the last page was a note in elegant cursive:



 In sleep and reality I can feel your presence,


and I am afraid that your power is over taking me.


So I'm giving in.I am yours to do with as you please.


All I ask is that you don't jump and grow wings without me.


I sat there and re-read the words over and over.They became a song in my head and soon I found myself falling asleep to the sound of Mikaels soothing voice.


I dreamt for the first time in two months.


"Mikael!" I called out.


The world shifted and we were standing on the cliff.


"Back where we started aren't we?" He laughed.


"Where are you Mikael?"


"You know who took me so come and find me." He smiled.


"I really don't wanna play these games Mikael I just want you home." I pleaded with him.


"This is our destiny Zhara.There is no easy way out and there might not always be a happy ending but we still have to go through and hope that it will all be okay."


"Can you at least assure me that your still alive?" I questioned.


"So many questions , but I can tell you that I'm still alive.Just not for much longer."


"Okay I guess I can accept that.I swear that I will find you Mikael." I assured him.


"I know Zhara, now take my hand and jump with me."


The moment before we jumped I remembered that I couldn't fly.Mikael let go of my hand and I fell into the rocks and the water below.


I woke up gasping for breath but I knew what I had to do.I would give myself two days to train my body and then I would head out to save my mate.


When I went across the hall to my room I found the door slightly ajar.I kicked it open and found it completely trased.Someone was looking for me and wanted me dead.I didn't want to reveal who was behind it all until I found Mikael alive so I closed the door and got dressed in my new clothes in Mikaels room.After my shower I pulled on some black leggings a white v-neck and my combat boots.Once finished I headed down stairs to find Luca.He was eating oatmeal in the kitchen when I caught up to him.


"Good morning.You ready?" He asked.


"Yea the sooner the better.I need to talk to you about something when we get out there." I said.


He nodded his head but said nothing more on the matter.I sat down for some oatmeal and orange juice.Once we were finished we headed out to the field that was soaked in blood a week ago.


"Something fishy is going on here, Isn't there?" Luca asked quietly.


"Yea.There is someone in Acadia that is not who they pretend to be."


"You have more info then anyone in this place and I saw your room when I came to get you this morning." Luca admitted.


"Someone wants me dead but I'm not giving you the name of the person, yet."


"I understand. What's the plan?"


"I was hoping you would ask that.I know that you and Mikael are like brothers and I know for a fact that you would never cross Mikael so that is why when you finish training me, you are coming with me."


We both stretched and continued talking.


"Perfect.I am happy that you trust me and if there is someone out there trying to kill you then we both need to watch our backs.We are the only two who would willingly go out and find Mikael and that makes us targets.Plus your his mate and one of the wierdest things to happen to this place." Luca laughed.


After we established our camaraderie we began to train.Luca pushed me to my limits.He taught me different tecniques and weapon handling.At the end of the day I knew mixed martial arts and how to use my sia and how to shoot arrows properly.They quickly became my weapons of choice.


"You are an extremely fast learner." Luca laughed.


"Good teacher." I play punched him on the arm and we both headed back to the house.


"I'm thinking that in just a few days you'll be better than me but seeing as how it's your destiny to be this good.." He laughed.


"Hey it's not just destiny.I'm naturally a bad ass fighter."


"Ha right! Get some sleep newb and we will start this again tomorrow.And Zhara, please be careful." Luca warned as I ran up the stairs.


I walked in the shadow of the stairs and I could hear Tera talking with someone.


"I don't know Tera she just seems so unstable." The voice said.


"I know but she's still my friend.She's just going through a tough time right now." Tera replied.


"Ok well good night Ter and we can go out to the shops tomorrow.Doesn't that sound like so much fun!"


"Of course! Niight!"


The mystery person ran down the stairs and I emerged from the shadows.I made it to Mikaels room and dead bolted the door.When I turned around I was tackled to the floor.My new skills kicked in and twisted out from underneath the attacker to find the blonde Acaiden that had escorted me when I had first showed up here.Damn what was his name? Liam.


"So your doing the dirty work huh?" I taunted.


"You don't know anything." He growled.


"Then educate me." I growled back.


He rushed me again and tried a front kick but I was easily able to slide under it on my knees.As I slid I quickly pulled out my sai and tore a chunk out of the back of his knee.He screamed in pain and fell to the floor on his side.


"Please have mercy on me."He pleaded.


"You let them take him.You don't deserve mercy."


I pulled him to his knees by his hair and put my sai to his neck.


"Any last words?" I asked.


"Please..please.I don't wanna die." He cried.


"Too late." I said, before I pulled my blade across his neck and through the side of his throat.His head rolled off onto the already blood soaked floor..


I went to the shower and let him lie in his own blood.I was through with this mercy shit.I was done trying to be good and feel things that were no longer there to be felt.I was out for blood and I wanted to kill.


I got dressed and packed a small bag.I turned out the light in the room and jumped out of the window.First stop, Rayon.


I walked quietly to Falling Creek and called out to Rayon.She appeared within seconds.


"It's happening, isn't it?" She asked.


"Yes. I'm leaving tonight.They are becoming desperate to kill me. I am taking Luca with me and I came to you to see if you could point me in the right direction." I explained.


"I don't need to tell you where to go Zhara.Mikael already has."


I gave her a confused look and tried to understand what in the hell she was talking about.


"In your dreams.He has always told you where it will end and where it will begin.Good luck Zhara.I know for sure that this journey only gets tougher from here."


I gave a nod and turned back to the house to get Luca.He had a room on the bottom left of the house so I went to his window.


There were thumps inside and I knew that someone had come for him.I slowly slid the window open and slithered inside.Someone was choking Luca against the wall and it looked like he was about to pass out.I pulled out my sai for the second time that night and slid it into the assailant.


He fell to the floor with a thud and Luca gasped for breath.


"We leave tonight." I said.


He rubbed his neck and nodded.


"Good.I'm getting sick of this place." He growled.


Luca moved silently in the dark and packed two small bags.One was filled with weapons and the other with clothes.


"I have an emergency car parked in the woods on the left side of the house." Luca explained.


"Cool, because I have a feeling we won't be able to make it out of the garage without a fight."


We both climbed out of the window and continued on to the left side of the house.We would be exposed when we started walking through the clearing but we didn't have a choice but to walk across.When we reached the clearing we could clearly see two silhouettes standing there.


"Looks like Ryan and Talera. Ryan isn't good with hand to hand combat and Talera has a weak punch." Luca explained.


He had helped train just about every warrior here so he knew their weaknesses and their strengths.Both Luca and I walked into the middle of the dark silent clearing and waited for their strike.Talera was the first to land a punch. I bounced back quickly from the hit and returned a solid punch to Taleras' jaw.Luca was right,her punch was weak and unsteady.I almost felt bad about killing her because it was such an unfair fight.Talera then pulled out a katana and swong it in an arc.I had just enough time to jump back and pull out my sai.


Talera swung the sword again and sliced my left thigh.It wasn't deep enough to disable me but it definitely stung like hell.I could hear Luca and Ryan fighting and from the grunts I knew that Luca was winning.


"How does it feel to know that we are going to kill that boyfriend of yours and there's nothing you can do to stop it." Talera taunted.


Her words pissed me off and I felt the shift take over.In seconds my eye sight became ten times clearer and I felt stronger.The sliver of silver in my eyes set off an eeire glow in the darkness and I watched as Talera froze.


"What the hell! How are you shifting? Your not Acaiden." Her voice was laced with disbelief.


While Talera was distracted I took the opportunity to rush her.My sai went through her heart and she gave a small gurgle before she collapsed to the ground.I looked to my right to see Luca snap Ryans neck.


"Come on.Someone probably heard the noises so we need to get out of Acadia as fast as possible."


We moved fast through the woods and came to the car in about ten minutes.It was a beautiful 1976 SS Camaro covered in leaves in branches.With my shifted eyes I could see that it was a silver metallic with black stripes.


"Nice car." I murmured.


"Thanks.It was a gift from Mikael." He laughed.


"Quick question, how are we getting the car out of the woods?" I questioned.


"I always keep a dirt path cleared just in case." He answered.


Luca started the engine and threw the car in reverse.We drove down a clear dirt path for twenty minutes before we made it to an asphalt road.


"Where exactly are we going?"


"To the coast.There is a cliff just off of Cape Falcon and it is where we had vacationed when my dad was alive.We always tried to go up there at least two times a year.I was thirteen years old the first time we went." I said in a daze.


Memories were starting to come back to me.I had blocked it out all my life thinking that it was a dream but it wasn't.That cliff is where I had first met Mikael.That was why it was so significant in my dreams.


"Hey are you alright?" Luca asked worriedly.


"Yea I'm fine." I sighed.


Everything in my life was finally coming full circle.Everything made since.Over the years my mind began to alter the dream but two things remained constant.Mikael and the cliff.When I looked out the window I could see that we were nearing the town that I had left months ago.


"Go down about six blocks and make a left and go another eight blocks." I instructed.


Luca silently did as he was told.He put the car in park across the street and I got out to see crime tape on the door of my house.The windows were boarded up and all of the lights were off.What in the hell happened here?


"I'm coming with you." Luca insisted.


I walked up the path to my house and kicked in the locked door.It was eerily silent and cold.Slowly, I made my way through the house and into the kitchen.Nothing seemed out of order and I continued down the hall and into my mothers room.Her room is why the house was boarded up like this.Faded blood spattered the walls and a dry circle of blood stained the mattress.There were scratches in the floor as if someone had scraped there nails across it.


"Who did this?" I gasped.


I ran out of the room and out of the house.Newpapers were piled up in the driveway and I ran to pick one up.I lifted up the top one to see it dated November 9th, 2013; three months after I had left.The front page story talked about a woman being brutally murdered in her own home.My moms face graced the front cover.I dropped to my knees and tried to cry but I couldn't and I cursed Rayon.They had killed my mom and I couldn't even feel anything but shock and anger.


"I am so sorry Zhara but we have to go." Luca said from somewhere behind me.


He was right.We couldn't stay here.This is the first place they would come to look for us so I dragged myself up from the ground and headed to the car with renewed determination.


"They killed her Luca." I whispered.


"I know and we will get revenge Zhara."


I nodded and looked out the window as we drove the four hundred miles to the coast.I would fight the hardest I have ever fought in my life.For the love I never got to have and for a mother that wasn't always there.















Chapter 9

When I opened my eyes the sun was shining brightly.I was terribly uncomfortable and I looked over to see Luca nearing exhaustion.


"Long night?" I asked.


"Long week is more like it.About thirty more minutes and we'll be there." He sighed.


"You should have woken me up.I woulda driven for a few of the hours."


"You have been through hell ever since you found out about Acaidens and Furies and after witnessing Rayons judgement I really think you deserve more sleep than me." He laughed.


"I'm not fragile Luca.Just because I am destined to have a horrible fuckin life doesn't mean that you can coddle me." I ground out.


"Way to bare the claws kitty." He laughed.


I rolled my eyes and stretched out my bunched muscles.It felt good to hear each bone snap into place and in seconds I was fully awake.Once I was through my eyes became drawn to the scenery outside of the car.Everything was so green.We were rounding a sharp corner of a mountain and some type of wire kept large chunks of dirt from falling into the roadway.Trees lined the sides of the narrow road and I looked through Lucas' window to see that there wasn't any railing.


"Are cars suppose to be up here?" I wondered aloud.


"Nope.About two miles back we passed a sign that said do not enter."


"And of course we are the dummies that chose to ignore it." I sighed.


"Stop talking for a second." Luca whispered.


I looked over to see him looking out of the rear view mirror so I did the same.Right in back of us was a huge black truck that obviously decided to not read the sign either.


"They aren't up here for the scenery are they?" I asked.


"Nope." Luca answered with a straight face.


I sat up and strapped on my seat belt and made sure no sharp objects were loose in the car.


"I really don't wanna get rammed but since it seems that we have no choice in the matter.." Luca trailed off.


I laughed at his frustration with the situation at hand.


"Ok they will probably ram us off this cliff coming up so we will go head first and then we will tumble.I'm gonna ease my foot off the gas so that way the impact isn't to hard.Once we stop we need to get out of the car and find cover in the forest."


I nodded along and listened intently to what he was saying; preparing myself for the coming onslaught.The truck behind us picked up speed as we slowed and just as Luca said we went over the cliff nose first.Luca had taken his foot completely off the gas and soon it was just the truck pushing us to the edge.


I closed my eyes and held on tight as the beautiful camaro bounced every which way down the hill.I was jostled around and was cut on the face and neck by shattered glass.I knew that I would be bruised and banged up by the time we stopped rolling but at least I wouldn't be dead.The camaro finally came to a stop and wrapped around the trunk of a tree.My head slammed into the dashboard but I pushed myself to stay awake.Blood dripped down my face but I didn't feel any broken bones.I was laying at an awkward angle and I looked around to see that we had landed on the right side of the car.I looked over to see Luca stirring.


"Luca, come on, we gotta get out of here."


He let out a heavy sigh and opened his eyes slowly.He had cuts and soon to be bruises on his face, arms, and neck but nothing life threatening.


"Now that we survived that, lets move on to more important matters." He joked.


I gave a snort and unbuckled my seat belt.Even in the most dire circumstances he could joke and it made me realize exactly why him and Mikael were like brothers.


"Your going to have to climb out your window and pull me through once your out." I explained.


He looked around to see that I was right.


"But your so damn heavy." He laughed.


"Fuck you and get out." I growled.


He began pulling himself through the window.Glass shards broke around him and fell on me in the process but in no time we were both standing outside of the totaled car.


"This really fuckin hurts.I loved that car.It was my baaaby!" Luca cried.


After a few seconds he got himself together and said his good byes to his beloved camaro ss.


"Ok lets grab all of the stuff from the back and lets get walking." He murmured.


We began walking to the trunk of the car and I noticed that Luca was limping."


"Your leg ok?" I asked.


"Yea.I think one of my ankles is sprained but since I'm Furie it will heal in a few minutes." He explained.


"Ya know that makes me curious.I didn't know that you guys could heal quickly and to be honest I don't know much else about you guys except from what I read in the book." I huffed.


"Well you know that we can fly and we also can move just a little bit faster than humans.You already know that when we shift our eyes that we have incredible sight and we, as Acaidens, have amazing fighting skills.I've only heard of the Furies having extra powers but they keep that to themselves." Luca said.


"Why don't these Furies seem as accepting as they pretend to be?" I questioned.


"Because they aren't.They all secretly dislike us for one reason or another and they can't stand the fact that they actually need us."


"Well except for Rayon." I said.


"Yea but Rayon and her sisters had fallen in love with humans.They know of the kindness and courage that comes from them so they are entirely excepting." Luca explained.


"How come none of the other sisters pass judgement?"


"It's Rayons gift to see the future and know what's in someones heart.So it only makes sense for her to pass judgement." Luca said.


I nodded my head but one question still plagued me, "Where are the other sisters?"


"That is a question that no one seems to know the answer to.Some believe that they permanently took on lives as humans so they could stay with their husbands."


I pulled the last bag from the trunk and handed it to Luca.Once we gathered up everything we needed we commenced walking.


"Ok if we walk for about two more miles we will be at the cliff you were talking about.We will have to camp out for tonight and in the early hours of the morning we will find Mikael." Luca assured me.


"Ok that's fine with me but we need to make sure we move fast.I don't know how much time he has left." I murmured.


"Can I ask you something?" Luca requested.


We both wove in between the thick forest.Unlike the forest back home, the light actually filtered through enough to light our way.


"Sure." I allowed.


"How do you know so much about where Mikael is if your not even mated?"


I gave an audible sigh and tried to find the words to explain the connection between Mikael and I.


"It's complicated but when I was thirteen I began dreaming about Mikael and the cliff.For a year or two the dream stopped coming.That was until the day I went back to school for my senior year.When I showed up to school I had classes with him but it turned out it was Damien pretending to be Mikael.Our paths were always meant to cross.I began dreaming about him every night after that but each time the dream would change as our fates began to line up." I explained.


"You were not kidding.That sounds extremely complicated." He laughed.


"Do you love him?" Luca questioned.


"I can't." I simply said.


"What do you mean you can't?" He stopped and faced me.His anger showed plain on his face.


"It's a part of this destiny crap.Rayon took my ability to feel love and anything that could truly make me happy so that way I wouldn't be distracted.I am suppose to become some great amazing warrior but it is never said whether or not I will end up with Mikael.I guess you could say that it hasn't been written yet."


"Fuck that sucks!" Luca whistled.


"Come on, lets keep walking." I insisted.


One great thing about Luca is that he didn't need to fill the air with meaningless chatter and I was grateful for that.Everything he said was knowledgeable or something that could distract me readily from my thoughts. 


"I can teach you some more once we set up camp.I have a feeling finding Mikael isn't going to be easy." He grimaced.


"Yea I think thats a good idea.I want to be as prepared as possible."


We continued on the next half mile in silence and we came to a flowing river hidden well by trees.Flowers blossomed on the sides of the river and grass sprouted around the beautiful buds.


"This river must flow off from the water surrounding the cliff." I pointed out.


"Perfect we can follow it to wherever it is were going." He guessed.


"We can't set a fire otherwise they will know where we are, but we do have some turkey sandwhiches and chips so we will make the most of this fanciful feast.But first..we practice."


We practiced for about two hours and once Luca said that we could rest I jumped at the opportunity wholeheartedly. He pushed me to my limits and many times I wanted to cry out in frustration over practicing the same things over and over again.


"Once again.Not bad for a newb." He laughed.


I rolled my eyes at his words and put down my bag to rest on.As I lay on my bag eating I began to slowly nod off to sleep.From the slits of my eyes I could see Luca doing the same thing.It had been a long day and we both needed the rest.


As I fell into slumber I began to dream.


Zhara.Open your eyes. The voice that spoke wwas husky and deep.


When I did I was standing inside of what looked to be a crystal like cave.Nothing else stood inside of the cave and I noticed that it was freezing cold.


"What is this place?" I asked.My breath blew out in huffs around me.


I looked over to Mikael to see him leaning against the cave wall.The only thing that he had on was a pair of ripped jeans.He had bruises all over his face and he was definitely malnourished.


"Isn't it beautiful?"


"Is this where you are?" I questioned back.


He sighed and began walking in a circle around me.


"What if I told you not to come and find me?"


"Then I would pretend that I didn't hear a word you said." I retorted.


He stepped towards me and ran his hand along my jaw line.


"I'm so happy that you were meant for me.Even if I will never have you." Mikael said sadly.


"What do you mean?" I growled.


"I love you Zhara." He said before he disappeared.I tried to grasp at his arm before he entirely disappeared but it was like he was a ghost.The sun began to rise and the rays of light bounced off the crystals.It was beautiful.I looked around for the source of the light and about three feet from where I was standing there was a door carved into the wall.Light seeped from underneath and I felt the room get colder.


I woke up to Luca shaking me.


"Hey Zhara.Wake up its okay." He brushed hair from my face and I sat up.


"His time is up soon."


"How soon?" Luca choked out.


"As soon as the sun rises.They are keeping him in an ice covered chamber and when the sun rises it gets colder." I murmured.


"Fuck there torturing him." Luca gasped.


"I thought you guys were immune to human weaknesses."


"We are but we can still be weakened." He murmured.


"There going to kill him in a different way.How can you guys be killed?" I sighed.


"Beheading."He gasped.


Luca backed away and looked like he was about to lose all restraint.


"I'll be back in a minute." I said.I rose slowly to my feet and walked into the trees.


I was in a daze as I walked to nowhere in particular.I let my feet lead the way and soon I came upon a small body of water.There was just an hour before the sun rose but I knelt down by the water anyway.


"Rayon I am begging you to help me save him." I whispered.


Nothing happened.I waited for a few more minutes before I got up to walk away.


The wind blew in the wrong direction and I turned to see Rayon.


"I can see your gift hasn't fully developed in you dear Zhara."


"Gift? You mean me becoming an Acaiden?" I questioned.


"Oh there is so much more to the gift I am opening up for you. You just need to get it to come out." She smiled.


"How do I do that if I don't even know what the gift is?" I was frustrated and she could see it.


Rayon glided to a stop in front of me and touched her hand to the side of my head.I looked deep into her multi colored eyes and fell.Everything was covered in blinding light and I was stumbling against the white walls of a room.I had never been here before and I didn't want to be now.


"Rayon!" I yelled out.


She materialized in front of me and I jumped back.


"Where are we?" I asked.


"Somewhere that will allow you to think a little better." She answered.


"What is it that I need to be thinking about?"


"Everything that matters to you.Everything that you love and want for yourself." She explained.


"But I thought that you took my ability to." I was becoming more confused by the second.


"Yes I did, but I had to store it somewhere."


"So why won't you be able to get it back to me when this is all over?" I questioned.


"Because everything fades.Memories, hopes, dreams.There is no telling when this will all be over and that is why the end of your future can't be seen.Right now everything important to you has been converted into that of a memory, and soon it will become so filled up in here from new memories that you may have no room left for the old."


I looked around the room to see everything important to me play across the walls like a movie.As I watched my heart ached and I clutched at it.I could feel and it felt good.


"This is what I could lose if I continue on." I stated.


"Yes.It is a terrible burden to bare."


Boy wasn't that the statement of the year!


"Okay what is the gift thingy you gave me?" I began walking the room and touched my hand to the memories.Tera, my dad, and my mom flashed by.


Rayon smiled in excitement, "Hopefully this will make you hate me a little less."


She raised the palm of her hand to the center of my forehead and I had no choice but to close my eyes.My body grew cold and the ground beneath us began to move.


Ayec monag tonobre telatue don.


She repeated these words a second time and pain shot through my body.I don't know what the hell she said but the pain made me wish that she hadn't.Every limb and nerve was on fire and I found myself wanting to crawl out of my skin.The pain felt so familiar yet so unearthly.Surely no one could survive such excruciating pain!


My breathing became heavy and I was sure that this was it for me.I couldn't survive her gift and Mikael was going to die because I couldn't be strong.I began gasping for breath but couldn't take in enough air to feed my starved body.In mere seconds my heart slowed and came to a stop all together.









Chapter 10

There was once a time in my life when I had the silliest notion that the world was my book.I honestly thought that each page was mine to create what I wanted.I wanted to feed the hungry and love without inhibitions.I longed to leave my mark on the world in ways unimaginable.Oh the things we think when we are young and shielded from the horrors around us!


As I got older I thought that I had seen it all but I was wrong.The bubble around my cozy life was popped and I was able to really see what was around me.Things that I had only read about actually existed and unlike a book my end wasn't a fairytale.It was an end that only Shakespeare could think of.I had lived eighteen years for what? I hadn't saved anyone and the people I cared about most were dead or dying.


When I was young my mother used to say that every move we make effects thousands of others and it fascinated me.Just by stepping to the left I could set off a chain reaction in the world around me.I couldn't help but that I was dead, who would be affected?


As I thought more and more upon this I began to wonder how I was thinking at all.I forced myself to open my eyes to see that I was falling.Everything was dark so I couldn't tell how fast I was going.In a flash light appeared on the walls I was passing and I was surrounded.Surrounded by Teras' laugh, Mikaels' smile, and my mothers soothing voice.I saw Luca, Talon,and Ada.As I watched, I noticed that I was no longer falling.


My feet were planted firmly on the floor of who-knows-where.I spun around to catch every coversation and every detail of my life.A silhouette appeared in the shadows in front of me and I took a hesitant step back.My mother emerged from the darkness and I breathed a sigh of relief.


"Mom! What in the hell are you doing here?"


"Oh I just came to visit my favorite and only daughter." She laughed.


As my mom stepped closer into the light I saw that she had regained her former beauty.My mother had a beauty that could not be copied and at times it seemed almost unearthly.


"This isn't possible your dead!" I reasoned.


"Yes.Yes I am.This is your subconscious sweetie and I came to talk some sense into you.Do you honesly think you can die when you have so many people counting on you? I remember when you were a little girl you always said that you wanted to do something good in this world and now you have the chance." My mother said.


I had missed this part of her so much so I took the only opportunity I would ever have and I ran into her arms.It was so real.She was flesh and warm.I felt so much like her little girl again that I cried.


"I made so many mistakes with you Zhara, all because of my own deep sadness.I really loved your father and to be honest I was surprised I became pregnant.I had never really raised children before and I was at a loss on what to do with you.But the reason why I came here is because I need to tell you something."


My mother stepped back and my eyes bugged out of my head.In front of me stood my mother with large beautiful red wings and the features of an Acaiden.


"" I was at a complete loss for words.


"I am Tildana." She answered.


The name rung a bell in my head but I couldn't place it.


"Tildana?" I breathed out.


And then it hit me like a ton of bricks.


"Your Rayons sister!" I exclaimed.


"Your one of the sisters that broke the rules.You mated with dad." I gasped.


"No and yes.He was not the man I first mated with but I had become so accustomed to being in the human world that I mated many times over.Your dad was the last mate I ever truly loved."


"So I'm not your first born?" I asked.


"No.You are my second child.The first son I had in the beginning of the story you read, died a long time ago in the first war."


There was so much information to process that my head grew dizzy.I had a brother that died thousands of years ago!


"What really happened to dad?" I questioned.


"He was murdered by a rogue.It was a Furie that had an obsession with me." She explained sadly.


God my life was becoming more and more of a confused mess with each passing day.


"Why are you telling me this now?" I growled.


I was pissed! My mom and dad had been living this secret life and now here I was in the middle of it.


"Because you are so much more connected to the Furie line than any Acaiden and you are so much stronger than you will ever know.I also am telling you because we both are making sacrifices for the Acaiden race."


"What do you mean, we are both making sacrifices?"


"When you die in the Furie race our powers leave our body and are passed onto our family.I gave mine to Rayon and I have asked her to pass them on to you."


"That's the gift." I breathed out.


"These powers would make you almost fully Furie." My mom explained.


"I know it's alot to take in but you were always so strong and independent.I know that you can handle this." She encouraged.


"So what do I do now?" I was so lost in this world.


"You wake up and you fight.I love you Zhara." My mom said, before the shadows swallowed her once more.


"Come on Zhara wake up." I heard a voice yell.


I took in a deep breath that filled me from my head to my toes.


"Oh thank god.Your Alive."


I looked up to see Luca and Talon standing over me.


"Talon? When in the hell did you get here?" I questioned.


"I figured out that you guys left to find Mikael so I followed you guys here." He stated simply.


"Where's Tera?" I said as I sat up.


We were still in front of the body of water where I summoned Rayon.She was no longer there but I knew that she was watching.


"She's in Acadia with Rina.She tried to come but I wanted her to be safe." Talon answered.


"No! She's not safe!" I got up quickly from the ground and headed back to camp.


"How is she not safe Zhara?" Talon asked worriedly.


I stopped and turned and realized he was as clueless as ever.


"Rina is behind all of this! She's a Furie!" I said.


"Wait..Rina? Are you sure?" Talon queried.


"Yes! I've known ever since that meeting that you guys had." I stated.


Luca ran his hands through his hair and began commenced walking back to our camp out site.


"We need to get going.Sun rise is in fourty minutes so we really need to get going." Luca said.


"Ok but I need you to do something for me." I announced.


"What?" Talon questioned.


"Teach me how to shift."


"Shift? You can't be serious.I know Rayon somehow gave you the ability to shift your face two times but you have to be mated to actually shift." Talon explained.


"Listen my mom is Tildana.Its a long story but I am Furie."


"Your mom is Tildana? The strongest of the three sisters?" Luca said with disbelief.


"Like I said..long story."


"Ok if what you say is true then your first full shift is gonna hurt like hell." Luca spoke up.


"That's fine but it would be easier if we all can fly there."


"Okay so close your eyes and focus on why your shifting.Use that as your anchor and let your body do the rest." Luca walked me through the steps.


I did as he said but at first nothing happened.I closed my eyes again and brought Mikaels face to the front of my mind and immediately a wave of pain hit me.My face shifted first and I knew that pain so I embraced it.The next thing to shift was my legs and arms.They broke themselves and then grew longer.It hurt like hell and I cried out in pain.My back began to break and realign itself.In seconds I was on the ground panting but I knew that the transformation was complete.As I shakenly got to my feet I heard Luca and Talon gasp.


"What?" My voice sounded different even to my own ears.


"You are definitely more Furie then Acaiden." Talon said.


"What's different?" I questioned.


"Well to start..your wings.They're red." Talon commented.


"The only known Furie to have red wings was Tildana." Luca added.


I turned and looked at the huge wings spread behind me and I saw that they were a blood red.A shade lighter than my moms.They began to flap in the wind and soon I was taking off towards the sky.It was an amazing feeling.As if I had waited my whole life to take flight.In seconds Luca and Talon flew beside me.My wings were about a foot longer then theirs and I had three red markings on my body instead of black.When we caught sight of the cliff we landed in the surrounding trees and walked the rest of the way.It was extremely quiet and I knew that the rogue location had to be underground.It was extremely painful to fold my wings back into place but luckily I did it without crying out.Luca and Talon did the same.


When we reached the tree line there was still no activity so with luck they hadn't seen us.The sun would rise in five minutes and I became worried that maybe it was to late.As I thought this..there was movement on top of the cliff and Luca signaled for us to spread out.Rogues began to move out onto the cliff and behind them they were dragging someone with a sack over their head.I instantly knew that it had to be Mikael.Before I could get a signal from Luca on what to do he sprung from the trees and up the cliff.Talon did the same and I knew that they had already planned what to do without me.They both reached the cliff at the same time and I called upon my mother and her powers to help me through this.Fights ensued on the cliff and I pushed my wings out of my back once more.


I could clearly see that there were at least ten very strong rogues on the cliff and Mikael was laying on his side, long forgotten by the rogues. Luca and Talon were holding there own but not for very long.I built up the courage and the power and took to the sky.With one easy swoop I landed on the cliff and felt the power of an ancient Furie flow through me.The cliff looked exactly as I remembered it.With my sais in hand I strode toward the fight.Two rogues turned to face me and instantly they froze.I knew what they saw.A green eyed Tildana stood in the rays of the sun and she looked very pissed.


"Tildana?" One of the rogues spoke.His eyes seemed to light up and I wondered if this was the rogue that was obsessed with my mother.


"No I'm her daughter." I growled before I attacked.


It was easy to take him down and soon all of the rogues had stopped to see the daughter of Tildana.


"You are Furie yet you kill your own kind!" A white haired rogue ground out.


"I'm not your kind.I was born and raised human." I growled back.


The rogue looked pissed by my comment and glared me down.


"She was so easy to kill.She had become so humanized that she forgot to use her powers daily so she became weak.I laughed joyously as she fought so feebly."The white haired rogue laughed.


This only feuled my fire and I could feel an even greater power build in me.


Incinerate his ass. My mothers voice growled, and I did just that.


I raised my hand and instantly the marking on my arm glowed. I watched as fire flew from hands and incinerated the sharp-tongued rogue.


"Pay backs a bitch." I whispered.


The body of the rogue turned to dust and the fighting around us stopped and another red symbol formed on my thigh.I looked up to see that everyone was watching me in all my glory.The remaining five rogues did the smart thing and took to the air.I walked over to take the sack off of Mikaels head and checked for his pulse.He was barely breathing from the torture that they had inflicted and I became angry all over again.


I turned to Luca and Talon and growled. "Follow them to where there going and then kill them."


They both nodded and took to the air.It was just Mikael and I left there.


Fire wasn't my only talent dear Zhara.I was known as a healer.This is the last time I will speak with you.I have exhausted my time and now I must go.I love you Zhara. My mom whispered before she faded from this world entirely.


"Goodbye." I whispered back.


I opened my eyes and looked down at my mate.He would live no matter what.He had to.


I raised my hand and touched it to the side of his face that was visible.He stirred slightly at my touch and I watched as my power flowed from me into every part of him.He took in a large breath and rolled over onto his back.I had brought him back from the brink of death and it felt damn good.I was one bad ass Furie.


"Mikael?" I asked.


When he opened his eyes I wanted to shout to the heavens.


"I was wondering what took you so long." He smiled.


God I couldn't wait to appreciate that smile.


"Yea well Luca wanted to stop for ice cream on the way here." I said sarcastically.


He started to sit up and I helped because he still seemed a little worn out.


"Where is Luca?" Mikael asked.


"With Talon hunting down some rogues." I answered.


"Good then lets head home."


"Uum about that..We kind of killed a few people before we left and Damien was named as your successor." I explained.


"Yea I figured that would happen. I had a hunch he was behind this the whole time." Mikael sighed.


"Shockingly enough, it's actually Rina behind this mess." I admitted.


"That bitch.She's looking for power." Mikael growled.


"Well yes and no.She's a Furie Mikael."


He looked completely taken aback by that fact.


"Really? She must be supressing it somehow." He finished.


"Yep lots of crazy stuff happened while you were here on vacation." I joked.


Mikael stepped closer to me a ran his hand along my cheek.


"Your mother did a wonderful job." He breathed.


"So you knew?" I gasped.


"Please Zhara.There is no human out there that has your level of beauty.Plus I met Tildana a thousand years back and she told me that my fate would one day cross her daughters.Iv'e been waiting a long time for you." Mikael finished.


"You people are something else." I laughed.


"Yes.Yes we are.Now my dear Zhara, how about you take my hand and lets go meet our destiny halfway."


I took his hand and we jumped off the cliff.On the way down, we grew wings.







Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.08.2014

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