

In the end, what we need, will become all that we want.


It was always you.The one that destroyed my life and then put it back together.


I am forever indebted. You have sacrificed and you have forgiven.


Now that you have shown me your true nature,I am beyond humbled.


With this, I give to you everything that was once mine to own.



                                                           With Love,  N


I Give You... My Trust


I need another story,Something to get off my chest .The radio belted out as I drove through the dark streets of St.Helens,Oregon.I was on my way to the E.R at St.Helen's Urgent Care when it happened.I was on a single lane street when a black camaro appeared behind me going about 75mph.

I tried honking to get it to stop but the camaro looked like it was being pushed by another car from behind.When the camaro made impact I knew it would be deadly.A family was in front of me and I could see a little girl and a teenage boy in the backseat, but there was nothing I could do.

My car plunged forward and I could hear terrified screams. I hit my head on the steering wheel but I knew I had to stay alert and help those kids.I dragged myself out of the car and went to check on the family.The little girl was still breathing.She had pretty blond curls and looked to be about 7 years old.Her face and neck had lacerations all over from fallen glass.I checked the teenager and he was unconscious but it appeared he would survive.

I then checked their parents.The father wasn't breathing and the mother was suffering head trauma.The mother hadn't been wearing a seat belt.I heard sirens in the distance but I knew the mother and daughter would die if we didn't get to Urgent Care soon.That is when I heard someone behind me.

"I was the one in the black camaro" he said. "I didn't mean to hit you but some guys in that truck were pushing me and I couldn't stop",he finished.I nodded my head in understanding. I could not use words because the man standing in front of me robbed me of them.He had black hair,deep blue eyes,and a voice as soft and sweet as honey.His body was very well built.It was especially noticeable in the fitted black shirt and jeans he wore.

"We need to get them to the hospital.It will take to long for an ambulance to show up." he told me.That is when my instincts as a nurse took over.I took the little girl out of the car and he led me to the black camaro.Surprisingly,it wasn't as totaled as any of the others.

  The handsome man then walked back and got the mother and son.There was nothing we could do for the father.The handsome man then slowly pushed the other cars further near the curb and sped off towards the hospital. We made it there in 20 mins with the patients still breathing. I walked into the hospital and got our patients set up in their own rooms. I checked their vitals and went down stairs to check on the handsome stranger.When I reached the waiting area, he was no longer there.I dreamed of him every night since then.


5 Months later..


"Niara wait for me!" My best friend yelled as I ran out of the hospital. I knew what she was going to tell me but I didn't want to hear it. "Come on Niara, slow down!" Kayla yelled.I just sped up until I finally made it to the parking lot.Unfortunately I was to slow because she caught up to me as soon as I pulled my keys from my purse.

  "So Doctor Brayden told me that you finally agreed to go on a date with him."Kayla said.  "Kayla,it is just one date and besides,he won't stop asking me!" I explained to her.

  "Hey I think its great that your finally finding some interest outside of this hospital.You deserve it Niara."Kayla said with approval.I sighed and told her I would see her tomorrow. I pulled up to my duplex and saw something that made my heart stop. A beautiful black camaro sat in my driveway but I did not see anyone in it.I slowly pulled along side the camaro and unlocked the door to my house. I walked into the  living room to see the same man I had seen 5 months earlier.He got up from the white sectional and walked slowly towards me.With each step he took, I backed up. I sensed something on him that I hadn't sensed that night. Danger. "How did you get in here?",I asked. "Your in danger",was all he said.


Well there is something we can both agree on. I ran to my room and slammed the door.I could hear him follow me but he hadn't thought that I would really run.Ha what an idiot!


"We have to get out of here",He said in a demanding tone.I nearly opened the door but remembered that there was no way he should have been able to get in. I have a security system for fuck sakes!


"We have to leave now",he said with urgency.


"I will open this door if you tell me how you got in here."I bargained with him.


He sighed "I disabled your security system and picked the lock." I slowly opened the door.


"I wouldn't take you if I had a choice. Do you remember that car pushing me that night?"He asked.

I nodded.


"They are after me still and now they are after you."


"Why in the hell are they after me," I growled.


"They saw me help you that night and they believe they can use you to get to me."


I sighed and started packing. I am no stranger to running. I have a secret that has kept me on the run through most of my adult life.

I tied up loose ends before we went out to his camaro. We were on the road a second later. I was sad to be leaving this place but then I looked over at the handsome man and realized I didn't even know his name.


"What is your name," I questioned him.

"Angel",he muttered.


"What is your name", he asked

"Niara",I said.


"What a fitting name",he said. I don't know why he thought that but I was to tired to continue with the conversation. When I woke up we were at a gas station. I told him I would be right back and I headed to the bathroom. Once I was inside I splashed my face with water and pulled out my toiletry bag.  Then I brushed my teeth. Once done with those tasks I pulled out my hair brush. As I brushed my hair I took a long look at myself in the mirror. There was a pretty girl standing in front of me. She had long, curly, black hair. She had hazel eyes, long lashes, full pink lips, and a killer curvy body. Not long into brushing out my tangles did I hear a knock at the door.

"One second", I called out. I ran into the bathroom stall to put on a pair of body hugging jeans and a tight white tank top. I put on a pair of red flats and red lipstick to complete my look.


When I walked out of the bathroom I was grabbed from behind and a knife was pressed to my throat. In front of me stood Angel. Which meant that there was a bad guy behind me. Just my luck!

  Angel looked pissed.A dark growl ripped from his lips.


"She has nothing to do with this so let her go", Angel said.


"No I think I'll keep her, she's got a pretty face and a sweet ass, my boss would love her", the bad guy cackled.  

Then his hand moved down to cup my ass and my survival training kicked in.I stomped on his foot,twisted his arm behind his back until he let go of the knife,and kneed him in the stomach.All in the matter of 30 seconds.The bad guy lay on the ground in pain so I turned to face a very shocked Angel.I told Angel we should leave but he had other ideas.

Angel walked behind the guy and tore his head from his shoulders.I was scared but I couldn't move.


"He would have kept following us Niara,I had no choice." He pleaded with me.He held out his hand and I wasn't sure if I should take it.How could someone with such a sweet voice and a face that could tempt a saint ,decapitate a man?

But then I questioned myself.Haven't I done things I'm not proud of? Has this man ever tried to hurt me? No.Then how could I judge him.

   "I trust you", I said.I took his hand and let him lead me into the unknown.

I Give You... My Secret

We ate sandwiches while waiting for the gas to fill up. It was a silent meal. I was lost in thought and he was moaning at that sandwich like he had found true love.I didn't know what to say to the man beside me.How could I already trust a man like him?


"Leave it alone", Angel said.I looked at him in dismay.


Was I that easy to read?


"Someone once told me that the day that I give my trust,is the day I will no longer have to check behind me." Angel told me.


"I won't let who ever it is your running from hurt you." He said with an unyielding assurance.


He knew I had a secret.But he couldn't save me from what I was running from.He was only human. I put my headphones in as we drove off.We had been driving for two days.We only stopped for gas and food. When I woke up on the last day of driving it was early morning,and I realized that Angel had driven for three days straight.When I looked over at his face he had dark circles under his eyes,but that was the only indication that he was tired.


 "Will I ever be able to go home?"


"I don't know Niara."


I missed home. I missed my house and my job. In these last three days I had started to become resentful. I began to hate Angel for uprooting me from my life when it finally was settling into place. On the last day few words were spoken between me and Angel.

 I fell asleep for the last few hours of the drive.


"Niara,were here."


When I opened my eyes we were parked in front of a huge house surrounded by a bunch of trees.It was a beautiful Victorian house.It was painted a pure white color and had huge bay windows all around the house.


"Beautiful isn't it?" Angel asked.I looked over and saw what looked like excitement in his deep blue eyes.


"Very beautiful" I answered."Come on, I want to introduce you to everyone."


Everyone? I am now curious as to what I gave gotten myself into.


We walked up to the house and I was able to see it in detail. Roses were carved  beautifully into the base boards of the house and the air was permeated with the scent of roses. I instantly fell in love with the house. Angel opened up the door and all I could do was gawk at the inside. The spacious living room contained high ceilings, a flat screen t.v was mounted on the wall, and a huge beige sectional wrapped around the living room. What really caught my eye was the fire place. Just like the outside of the house it had white roses carved around the mantle. Pictures of many different people hung on the walls. Angel led me down a long hallway to a large kitchen. The kitchen looked like something out of a Home and Garden Magazine.Dark wood and granite was everywhere. All of the appliances were made of stainless steel. To be honest I was jealous.


Angel pulled gently on my arm and led me to a huge sliding glass door. We walked out and I saw the reason why the air was permeated with the smell of roses. In front of me was a garden full of blood red roses.I really didn't understand what the big deal with roses was but that was soon forgotten as Angel led me down the stone path. When we reached the center of the garden I saw a stunning water fountain. It was a statue of a goddess with a rose in her hand.She was terribly lovely but she looked so sad.I yearned to comfort her.


I didn't have long to study her because I found Angel leading me down the stone path and through the other side of the garden. When we cleared the garden he began walking me through the forest. I heard what sounded like water and to my surprise we stopped in a meadow that contained a sparkling lake.   When I lifted my eyes from the lake there was a group of people starting at me. Angel stepped forward and introduced us all.The first person I met was his brother Skye.He was hot.Not as hot as Angel but he definitely had something going for himself.

  He had light brown curly hair, Sky blue eyes,and high cheek bones.He was muscled like Angel and the only thing he had on was a pair of shorts! I couldn't stop myself from ogling him,and the 6 pack I saw did not disappoint. He had a family crest tattoo on his chest and a dragon tattoo that began at his wrist and ended at his shoulder.

"I'm Skye." His brother stepped forward with a cocky grin. "Niara." I said back.The next person I met was Skye's wife. Oops.She stepped forward with a smile and said her name was Liliana but I could call her Lilly. I liked her instantly.She had long brown hair pulled back into a ponytail, pretty dark brown eyelashes, and a very petite figure. She was wearing a bikini swimsuit top with a pair of jean shorts. Her cutest accessory was the baby on her hip. His name was Storm and he had a plump little body.He looked exactly like his father but with his mothers long lashes.I then met Lilly's 5 year old from a past relationship. Her name was Ciara and she had her mother's beauty. She had shiny blonde hair,plump pink lips,and large blue eyes.It seemed that everyone in this family was inhumanly  beautiful.

The next person Angel introduced I immediately disliked.Her name was Tempest.Tempest had elbow length red hair,Light blue cat eyes,and a slender body.She was beautiful with tanned skin.I was jealous of her.

She looked at me with disgust and stepped towards Angel.


"Angel you have stooped so low.I told you that you are always welcome into my bed. You did not have to bring back a pathetic human",She laughed.


I looked at him in shock.Human? Why would she call me human.Isn't everyone here human.Oh god No! I can't do this again.I had to run,I had to get away.


"Niara wait!!"Angel yelled.I felt him grab my arm. How in the hell did he catch me so fast??Oh yea he's not human.

"Niara please,let me explain."


"Your not human," I accused. He looked taken aback.


"Oh so you caught that.." Angel muttered.


"I can't stay here Angel."I said.


"How did you figure out that I wasn't human?"


I looked down in shame."I need a shower." Angel nodded and lead me back to the house.


We walked up a huge spiral staircase to a room fit for a queen. My eye immediately moved to the massive bed.It had a mahogany canopy and the comforter was cream and gold with intricate designs all over.There was another rose covered fireplace and a cream carpet. Just like the rest of the house this room had a huge bay window that over looked the rose garden. A walk in closet was next to the  adjacent bathroom. The room felt so warm and welcoming.

"There are clothes in the closet for you to change into. Wear whatever you want." Angel told me. Then he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.I walked over to the closet and giggled like a little girl. All of the clothes were gorgeous and looked like they would fit my curves perfectly. I pulled out a pair of acid washed jeans and a cute bustier top. The top would stop just above my navel, allowing my toned abs and belly button ring to show. This ought to make that bitch Tempest angry.

I walked into the bathroom and came face to face with true luxury.A huge mirror and his and her sinks were to the left. To the right were steps that led up to a pink granite jacuzzi tub.A soft dark brown carpet lay at the foot of the steps.I stripped down and turned on the water. As the tub filled up I looked at how much of a mess I was. My hair was in disastrous tangles and make up was smeared all over my fast. My eyes then moved down my body from my C cup breast, to my flat stomach and my full hips. My eyes stopped on the large scar that ran from my knee to the middle of my thigh.It would always be there. A horrific reminder of my past.

I turned the water off and slid into the tub. When I turned the jets on I lost all sense of time and relaxed. The whole room smelled of jasmine because of the body wash I found sitting on the side of the tub. After what I assumed to be 45 minutes the water got cold so I dragged myself from the tub and rubbed jasmine lotion into my soft skin.I slipped into my clothes and pulled out my toiletry bag.When I went to the mirror in the bathroom I gasped in awe at how refreshed I looked. My eyes were bright and my skin glowed.The outfit I wore looked amazing.The cream bustier top emphasized my breast and showed off my midriff while the jeans hugged my ass and thighs wonderfully.I applied a little bit of eyeliner and mascara and fluffed my wet curls. I looked damn good. Once I was finished I headed downstairs. My stomach growled and I realized that I hadn't eaten since that morning.

  When I found the kitchen everyone that I had met earlier sat behind the granite bar chatting and eating sandwiches and chips. Angel stepped forward and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I wish you didn't have to find out like that." He apologized.

I noticed that he had gotten freshened up also. He smelled amazing. His hair was damp and he wore a white v neck with some jeans.He was heaven trapped on earth.


"Sit,you need to eat." He dragged me over to the table and piled a plate full of sandwiches and chips.


"I am not going to eat all of that." I cried.


Angel grinned at me "Some of its for me sweet heart.I didn't want to eat until I knew that you had eaten too."


I would give up every beautiful thing that I have ever had in this world to see him smile like that again.



"Let's get out of here." Angel said.

"Where are we going?" I yelled as he ran down the hall.


"Stay right there!!", he yelled back. I turned and saw everyone looking at me in awe.


"Uuuuhh What?", I said


Lilly was the only one to speak up, "Your changing him."


I didn't understand what she meant and I didn't have time to figure it out because Angel came back and led me back out to the rose garden. He took me to the lake and laid out a blanket. He picked a spot under a pine tree and took out our sandwiches and chips. Being there with him made me yearn for something I didn't know the name of. I wanted to laugh and tell him everything there is to know about me. I wanted to lay in his arms and know what its like to lay your burdens on someone else's shoulders. I wanted to tell him.


"What exactly are you," I questioned him.


"Niara, we don't have to talk about this right now. Let's just enjoy the moment."


"That bad,huh?"


"I'm a werewolf", He sighed.


My heart began to beat fast. Why did he have to be a werewolf. Of all of the fairy tale creatures out there I happened to run into a werewolf!


"Niara please calm down.You know that I won't hurt you .Please",He pleaded.

Angel was right. He had never hurt me and he probably never would. I looked up into deep blue eyes and found my courage in their depths.


"My ex boyfriend was a were wolf. He did terrible things to me. He took everything from me. When I had the chance to run. I took it. He has been searching for me ever since."    

Letting Angel see my sorrow felt like a breathe I had long ago forgot to take.It hurt,it robbed me of my pride, and most importantly, it freed me. It felt so good that I couldn't stop. I lay bare everything that had once pained me.

   "He let other people in his pack use me and a month into our relationship he began beating me. The night that I left he had broken 5 ribs and my ankle.Once he was done he threw me outside into the pouring rain.He figured that since he had broken my ankle there was no way that I would be able to walk. He was wrong." I murmured.

Angel was looking into the forest when I had finished as if he couldnt bare to look at me.


"Im gonna head back to the house." I got up slowly and began walking.


When I turned around Angel was still sitting in the same position.


I found myself yawning as I walked up the stairs to the house so a nap could definitely do me some good. As I l walked up the spiral staircase I came face to face with Tempest.


"He will never want someone like you. Poor pathetic little human. Angel needs someone that is as strong and as ruthless as he is. I am the perfect women for him."


Ruthless? This lady couldn't be talking about the same Angel that I know.


"Listen, I am too tired to deal with your bullshit right now.Oh and Angel would never want someone as clingy and as bitchy as you are."I laughed


"You don't know what he wants!" She yelled back at me.


I could care less. I was weary and exhausted. I wanted nothing more than to curl up in my bed.When I made it to my room I threw myself on the bed and giggled with delight.My last thought was what would happen now that Angel new my secret.Would he turn his back on me or would he accept how used and broken I was?

I Give You..My Passion

I awoke to an amazing smell.I was afraid that if I opened my eyes I would lose the scent but I couldn't stop myself from wanting to know the source. When my eyes opened my nose was buried in the crook of Angel's neck. I pushed myself away but he continued to stare at me with an intensity that made me squirm.

  "Why are you in here. I thought you were disgusted with me." I snarled.


"Never.If anything I think more of you for finding the courage to leave sweetheart." He whispered softly.


"You are strong,beautiful,and smart.Do you know what your name means Niara? He asked.

He pulled me back to his chest so my leg was draped across his waist. Good god he was turning me on!


"No I don't know what it means."


His hand slid slowly up my bare thigh to play with the lace on my boy shorts. That is when I realized that he must have taken my pants off while I was sleeping.


"You didn't look very comfortable with them on," Angel muttered as he kept playing with the lace on my panties.  


His hand then traveled to cup the curve of my ass.My breathing became labored and my panties grew wet.I knew that he could smell my arousal.A low growl ripped its way from his throat and his eyes shifted from blue to pitch black.

"Angel were here!" A voice from downstairs yelled.The house filled with noise.I looked at Angel and he was slowly calming down. He looked at me from the corner of his eye and gave me a slow sexy smile.

By then my panties were soaked all the way through,and my pussy was aching to be touched for the first time in years.Angel made me feel alive.


"We will finish this later." He said in a tone that was not to be questioned.


"Get dressed and come downstairs.I want you to meet some people."


I didn't have enough time to get the smell of arousal off of me so I settled for changing my underwear .I threw on a floor length gypsy skirt and a floral bustier top.I only had enough time to fluff my hair before Lilly came to drag me down the stairs. When Lilly entered the room she froze but then a smile slowly spread across her face. I cringed inwardly and pulled her down the stairs to those waiting below. There was about 20 people and they filled each corner of the living room.

Everyone in the room paused and I knew they got a good wiff of Angel on me. Instead of being embarrassed I wore his scent like the finest perfume. Head held high, I met each person with the regal grace of a queen. Each woman that I met sent me a knowing smile and the men flashed an intrigued grin.They welcomed me with open arms.I had never felt so accepted.

Angel turned to me "Niara,this is the BloodRose Pack."


So that is the reason for all of the roses.


"Now that everyone has met the lovely Niara I want to tell you why your here."Everyone watched Angel with an intensity that I couldn't fathom and that is when it hit me. Angel moved with purpose and spoke with an underlying  authority. These people seemed to hold him in the utmost respect.


"Your an alpha," I growled at him. Angel stalked slowly towards me with a calculating smile on his lips. Instead of feeling fear I was hot and wanting. He knew what he was doing to me and so did everyone else in the room. When he stood in front of me he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him.


"Does me being an alpha make you want me any less sweet heart?" He whispered sexily to me. His hand rubbed circles on my back as he waited for a response. All I could do was whimper.He had me right where he wanted me and there was nothing I could do about it. He leaned down slowly to rub his tongue along the seam of my lips.


"I don't mean to interrupt but you were telling us about why were here." Skye laughed.


"That's right," Angel said with out taking his eyes from mine.

"There is a pack out there that is killing off other packs so I need you to be aware and never travel alone. I have a few of our own teaming up with other packs since we have the best fighters." He explained.

As soon as Angel finished a scream ripped through the air. We all ran to the back door and saw a body in the middle of the garden.

    It was Kayla.The last time I had seen her was the night that Angel had come to get me.


Her body being here could only mean one thing.David had found me.I broke down.I couldn't stop the flood of tears that came. Kayla was dead because of me.She had so many goals for herself.She wanted to get married and have kids.She wanted to save lives and travel the world. Now because of my bad choice in supernatural men, she was dead.

"David knows where I am." I said to Angel.


"Your ex is David?"


"From the look on your face I'm going to assume that you know him."


Angel nodded. "He's my little brother."


Lindsey and Romana, the pack healers,cleaned up Kayla's body and prepared her for burial. I turned to Angel and pleaded with him. I didn't know what I was asking for but he somehow knew.He took my hand and led me up the spiral staircase and down the hall past my room. We came to a halt in front of double doors and when he opened them my eyes bugged out. It was a beautiful room. It has the scent of pine trees and earth. Angel turned on the light and in front of me stood a vast forest. When I turned around we were still in the hallway of the house.

"How is this possible?" I asked.


"It was something that my father had created when he was alpha. I could never figure out how he had done it but that is what makes this room so intriguing."


He pulled me forward and we began walking when I heard the sound of a waterfall. It was everything that I had expected. It was clear and sparkling and flowed down into the river below. We sat on a comfy blanket and watched the water.Angel pulled me down onto his chest and draped my leg over him.I quickly figured out how he planned to distract me.


"Can I ask you something?"


"Ask me anything, but before you do, really think about if you truly want to know the answer." He countered.


"What happened to David? He's not like you and Skye."


"My father became a rogue a few months after my mother was killed in battle.David took my fathers' leaving the hardest.This is the first time we have heard from him in a long time."


I curled closer to Angel and felt like I was home.His arms tightened around me and he lifted my lips to his. The kiss started slow and sweet as if he was making sure I wanted this. When he got his answer the kiss became more demanding.


"I want you." He whispered against my wet mouth.I moaned against his lips and the alpha in him took over. His hand found its way up my skirt and he began rubbing his hand over my mound making me moan his name. He lifted me so I was straddling his hips and he began slowly grinding against my soaked panties.I called out his name and he shifted so I was laying underneath him. He unlaced my top and cupped my breast. He used his hand to tear my panties from my body and then he removed my skirt.Angel marveled at my breast and took one aching nipple into his mouth and he slid two fingers into my wet sheath. I cried out from the sensation. I was ready and he knew it. He stood up and removed his clothing. Once he was finished he positioned himself between my legs and stole my breath.


That night, Angel had lit something deep within my soul and brought forth a fire and a passion I had never known existed.

I Give You...My Thoughts

We laid in the Forest room for what seemed like hours and I was more then content with laying there for a few hours more.However, I learned a long time ago that you will hardly ever get what it is that you want in this world.




Angel and I rushed to get dressed as the door slammed open. We were to late. Tempest walked into the room and gave us a look of disgust as she took in the smell of the air. Anger was evident in her eyes as she sneered at the two of us.


"My dear Angel, you have left me no choice. I was the one you were suppose to lay with.I was suppose to be Luna! Now I will have to make some tough decisions." She smiled sardonically.


"Tempest,what decisions." Angel growled.


"Oh you will soon find out."She turned on her heel and ran from the room.


Whatever she was up to, it could not be good.I turned to Angel and knew he was thinking the same thing.


"What are we going to do?" I asked.He sighed and led me from the Forest room. We ended up downstairs with the rest of the pack.


"Tempest is planning something and knowing her it can't possibly be good. If you see Tempest in our territory again, subdue her and bring her back. Got it?" Everyone in the pack nodded their heads and began to disperse.


I walked to Angel's side and poked him.He was far to serious and I wanted..No,I needed to see him smile.


"What was that for?" He said.


"Oh nothing." I poked his stomach again.


"You better stop before you start something you can't finish."He growled.


Oooh a challenge. Now this was gonna be fun.I began tickling him and what do you know! The big bad alpha is ticklish! He threw me onto the couch and straddled my hips.He tickled me unmercifully until my laughs and screams of surrender filled the house.


"Ok,ok I'm sorry Sir Alpha Sir and it will never happen again." I said in gasp.


As Angel got up I tackled him to the floor and called for Skye to hold him down.While Skye held him down I made him beg for mercy. I listened to Angel's carefree laugh. It filled every corner of the room with light. Angel's smile and happiness became like water to me;detrimental to my survival.


I straddled his waist and looked down at him in all his perfection. Skye released him but we continued to stare at each other.Angel sat up and wrapped his arms around my waist.By then the whole pack was standing in the living room with looks of awe. They had never seen their alpha like this.Angel became uncomfortable with the silence and stood us both up.Ciara ran over to her uncle and begged to be picked up. Angel picked her up and nuzzled her cheek. It was a very sweet moment.


"I'm hungwy untle." Ciara said.


Angel laughed and took her to the kitchen for a snack.I needed time to myself so I headed to my room and crawled into bed.I had been here for a month and I knew there was no way I would be able to find the strength to leave. This house had grown on me and so had everyone that lives in it. But most importantly,Angel.He had gotten under my skin and filled every available corner of my mind. I was overflowing with Angel and I knew that soon nothing else would matter.He had stolen my thoughts and made them all his own.


Suddenly there was a knock at the door and I was torn from thoughts only to find the object of my thoughts walking in.


"Hey,you alright?" Angel asked with concern.


"Yea I'm just thinking."


He laid down on the bed next to me and wrapped his body around me.


"Watchu thinking about sweet heart?


"You. Always you." I said,as I snuggled closer into his warm body.

I Give You...My Protection


The week passed uneventfully but the tension could be felt through out the pack. We knew that David was planning something but we didn't know what it was or when it would happen. Angel kept us all close to the house and it soon wore our nerves thin.Tempest hadn't been heard from in days and that was another problem that left us weary.

"Nini can you take us to the lake." Ciara said.She and another little girl named Tahlia wanted to go swimming but Angel felt it was to far from the house. I knew he was right but you just couldn't keep a pack of 20 werewolves in one house together for so long. Things had already started getting ugly between pack members.


"Let me go clear it with your uncle and see what we can do."


Ciara bounced around with enthusiasm and pushed me in the direction of her uncles downstairs office. I knocked lightly on the door and saw Angel talking with Skye.


"Hey is it alright if I take Ciara and Tahlia to the lake for a small swim. I swear we will be careful." I said quickly.


"Niara I am saying yes, but please please be careful." He got up from his desk and caressed my cheek with a feather light touch.I leaned into his caress.


"Go ahead and go. You have 40 minutes. You will also take Gerard."


I nodded and went to gather the girls and Gerard.Gerard was one of the best pack protectors we had.He was lean but deadly.He had blonde hair light brown eyes,and a permanent scowl on his face.Let's just say he isn't always in the best if moods.


When I made it back to the living room the girls and Gerard were standing there ready to go.


"How did you guys know he would say yes??"


"Well the girls came to me and said you went to ask if you all could go to the lake.Angel can't deny you in anything so I told the girls to hurry and get ready. Now here we are." Gerard explained.


I looked at Gerard as if he had lost his marbles.Did Angel really give me all that I wanted? I would put that theory to test later but right now I was ready to get out to the lake.


The rose garden was still as beautiful as the first time I had seen it.When we reached the lake I laid out a blanket under the same tree that I had told Angel my secret. It was warm out today.


Gerard stood by the lake with his back to the forest watching the girls with careful eyes.The girls splashed and had the time of their lives.I pulled out a book and read for a while.Thirty pages later,I looked up to check on the girls and my heart stopped.

I tried to warn him but I was to late.A figure slithered out of the forest behind Gerard and snapped his neck.I screamed for the girls to run but they weren't fast enough.The guy grabbed Ciara and Tahlia and dragged them a few feet from where I stood.


When I met the mans' eyes  I became confused.There was no way that he could be involved in this


"Matt,what in the hell are you doing here?" I questioned.


"Well I wanted to take you out on that date but then a very special somebody offered up something better."  

Doctor Brayden was in on this shit to.


At that exact moment Tempest emerged from the tree line and I knew exactly who that special somebody was.


"Now you have two options bitch.Come with us quietly and we let the little brats go,or we kill them and take you.Your choice." Tempest cackled.


There was never really a choice.I couldn't let those girls die.I knew she would kill me as soon as I surrendered but that was a price that I was willing to pay.


"Let them go and I will come quietly,but you must let them go first."I surrendered.


"Good choice." Doctor Brayden said as he let the girls go.


The girls turned and I told them to run as fast as they could back to the house.Doctor Brayden took a step towards me and bound my hands behind my back.We began walking through the dense Forest.We had been walking for 15 minutes before we reached a dirt road.A black SUV was parked on the dirt road.Doctor Brayden shoved me onto the backseat and shut the door. That is when I heard a beautiful growl. The wolves had come for me.


"Fight them off while I start the car." Tempest yelled at Doctor Brayden.


His eyes grew wide as saucers when he realized that Tempest was going to leave him to die.

Tempest hopped in the front seat and locked the car doors.

Doctor Brayden clawed at the car and yelled.


" You bitch! I did everything you asked of me.." He cried out.


Tempest started the engine and took off down the road. That  moment 5 huge wolves emerged from the forest and tore Brayden to shreds. One of the wolves began chasing the SUV.Angel.I knew it was him because only he possessed eyes that blue.I screamed his name and he ran faster but I knew he wouldn't be able to catch us with Tempest driving like a bat out of hell! Tempest eyes were focused on the road but if I could pull my hands all the way to the front of me I might have a chance. So I began scrunching my body into a ball and pulled my bound hands under my butt.My shoulders were twisted at an odd angle and I almost cried out in pain.My arms reached the bottom of my feet and I pulled my feet through.My hands were now bound in front of me and I took a deep breathe and focused on what I had to do.


"I am going to be so happy when he is all mine again.You have just brainwashed him into thinking he could ever be with someone as broken and as used as you are.I cant wait to see what David does to you." Tempest sneered.


She knew.She knew about David and she was going to deliver me to him in an act of revenge.My anger flared and I knew what I had to do.


I sat forward in my seat and said,"Angel will always be mine.In life and death."


I brought my bound hands around her throat and pulled hard.She used her free hand to claw at my hold on her. I knew  there was a huge possibility that I wouldn't survive this and I had come to terms with that. Tempest began to gasp for air and she released her hold on the steering wheel. It took all of 5 seconds for the SUV to flip.


That pack was my pack.No harm would come to them because of me.I would give my last breathe for them and their beautiful alpha.

I Give You..My love

When I woke up my head was killing me and everytime I breathed in I felt like I was being kicked.It hurt like hell and I was trying to figure out who in the hell would do this to me.As I woke more I began to remember things and it registered in my mind that I had been in a car accident.When I opened my eyes fully it was dark and warm.Too warm.I tried to push the blanket off of me but I couldn't make it budge.I started feeling around on the bed and my hand met something rock solid.


"Niara please don't do that." A voice whispered huskily.


I knew that voice well so I grabbed tighter.I heard a low groan and giggled.


Angel shifted off the bed and a dim light came on.


"Be good.I know your in a lot of pain." Angel said from across the room.


I admired his beautiful body.He had low slung shorts on and everything else was bare.It turned me on to see his muscular physique and I found myself crawling over to his side of the bed sexily.


"Aaaw come on Angel, I can be good." I pouted sexily.


All I had on was one of his shirts and I knew that it was ntirely see through with the light on.


He gave a low growl and moved towards me.Every part of his body flexed and I became terribly wet.He was so hoy I moaned for him to move faster.When he stood directly in front of me he pushed me down onto the bed so I was lying on my back.


"Were not having sex Niara.You were just in a car accident and I don't wanna hurt you anymore then you already are."


"But Angel.." I wiggled my hips and taunted him.


"No and thats final." He growled.


"Ok so I guess that means your going to leave me all wet and wanting you?" I murmured huskily.


This through him over the edge.He lifted me up and removed my shirt.I reached for his shorts but his hand stopped me.


"I was serious Niara.We are not having sex." He said.


I gave a little nod but in all honesty I was confused.What the hell are we doing then?


Angel began kissing down my stomach and my mind figured out exactly what he was doing.




But it was to late his mouth had already found my core and I screamed out.


Every moment with Angel left me shattered and this was no different.It was so intimate and it left me feeling bare.Every emotion I felt played across my face and I knew that he could see it.


"I love you Angel." I whispered out.


At the exact moment he sent me over the edge and I cried out his name.It was a glorious name for a glorious man.I hummed with pleasure when he crawled up beside me.He wrapped me in his arms and I melted.Sleep soon came and I heard the lowest of whispers.


"I love you to my dear Niara."


With each day I got better and stronger.Angel tried to keep me cooped up but I needed air.I found out that Tempest did die and the pack was still trying to hunt down David.


I had been here for almost 5 months and each day was a blessing.I was in love with Angel and his beautiful world.


It was a sunny Friday when Angel took me out to the lake.


"How are you feeling love?" Angel asked.


The wind played havoc with my hair and I loved it.I looked up at the man beside me and giggled with glee.


"You didn't hear a word of what I just asked you." He laughed.


I shook my head but felt anything but guilt.He was beauty in its purest form and I did what anyone in there right minds would do.I stared.


"What did you say?"


"Its just a pretty face Niara." He whispered.


"Angel I am fortunate enough to see a side of you that no one sees.That is what I am admiring." I told him.


His mouth turned up into a grin and I knew he was happy that I was in love with all of him.


"Say it." He commanded.


"I love you Angel." I looked into his eyes so he could feel the full impact of my words.


He picked me up into a hug and twirled me.I let out a shrill laugh and basked in his attention.It was such a tender moment between him and I.


"And I love you."


Angel led me over to the same tree where I told him my secret.There was a huge feast set upon the blanket with at least four bottles of wine and I grinned.


"Why Mr. Angel are you trying to get me drunk?" I laughed.


"I will let you know after you have had three or four cups."


We snuggled into the extra blanket and ate to our hearts content.It was a delicious meal of roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, and green beans.There were various fruits and cheeses that Angel gladly fed me.


Angel leaned in and kissed me deeply and he growled from the immediate smell of my arousal.He always made me like this.With just one touch I was putty in his hands and I relished in his lips on my throat and body.We made love right there in front of the lake and it was just like in the fairy tales.


"There is something I wanna do." He whispered.


"What?" I asked curiously.


He leaned into my neck and rubbed his nose.He inhaled deeply and I felt his teeth graze my neck.


"This." He whispered before his teeth broke my skin.


When I came to, Angel was holding me in his arms.I gazed up at him as he gazed down at me.


"What happened?"


"I marked you.You are mine and will always be mine." He said.


The rest of the day was magical and soon night came.We both got dressed and headed up to our room to sleep.I moved into Angels' room about a month and a half ago.


"Was today everything that you wanted?" Angel asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist.


"It was so much more."


He grinned proudly and I knew I would do anything to please this man.


"There's something I've been meaning to ask you." I said.


"And what would that be?" A suspicious look crossed his face and I cackled with glee on the inside.


"If you had a son what would you name him?" I asked.


I watched as Angels' eyes grew wide and recognition passed over his features.


"Are you sure?" He asked.


I nodded and he grabbed me up in a tight hug.


"Oh My God! Did I just hurt the baby!?" He set me down quickly.


"No Angel I am fine.Im not made of glass." I laughed.


I went to sleep with the man I loved more than life itself and I woke up to find him sound asleep at my side.I guess I could tell him that were having twins over breakfast.For now I will let him sleep, but I should probably right him a note so he doesn't freak out when he sees that I'm not there.


I found a piece of paper and some pin and began to write:





In the end, what we need, will become all that we want.


It was always you.The one that destroyed my life and then put it back together.


I am forever indebted. You have sacrificed and you have forgiven.


Now that you have shown me your true nature,I am beyond humbled.


With this, I give to you, everything that was once mine to own.



                                                           With Love,  N







Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.08.2014

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For Breann, a sister that always takes the time out of her busy schedule to read my most beloved stories.

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