
Haunting from the Past

I sat  out in the winter cold perplexed and overcome with deep thought. My mind was racing and having a bad time coping with my concious. I had walked down to the park a few blocks from my house to take a breather. It seems like I was needing more and more of these. I needed some time away from the kids..My husband..Our big happy life, or lie should I say. Not due to them but to me. I want everyone to believe that we are one. That we are happy. That everything was fine. It wasnt. I was holding a bunch of secrets from my past life and it felt like they were coming back to haunt me. Why now? I am not certain but I could feel the dark energy coming on me. I knew the time was coming where I would have to face the mess and bad decisions I had left behind. I wanted to be happy with my life. To be happy with my family,but it was all a cover up to blend in. Life happend so fast after that night I was emotionless through the past few years.

I made up lies to cover lies so I would never have to speak about what I had been through.  My mind was going 100 miles at this park but I knew what I needed to do. I wanted to air out everything but the thought of it made me so sick. I didnt know the words to use. How to say them or if anything would come out at all but I knew this was the time. I had to come clean to my world and everyone who was in it. I started to walk down the quiet street back to my house. The lighting was poor, hiding the broken sidewalk and giving way to all the suspicious figures to play with my head. I was only about a block away from my home when I hear a car behind me. I didn't even glance behind me, I just figured it was a neighbor coming home from a late shopping trip. We didnt get much traffic around here so I knew most of the routines. I pick up my pace a little as I hear the car get slower and slower because I was not in the mood for friendly banter. Then the car almost comes to a crawl then stops. Thats when I hear someone call my name in an all too familiar, eerie voice.

"Sasha!". I froze in place knowing that this is not what I think I am hearing. I wanted to run. I wanted to fly. I just wanted to move but my body would not let me. I slowly turned on my heels to face the voice.

He says to me just as I faced him,

"We meet again. But I wish I could say it was for pleasure." As soon as he said it, I tried to let words escape my lips but I was grabbed from behind by a man whom I couldnt see, who instantly taped my mouth and put a black cloth bag over my head that had little breathing, but yet im glad it wasn't a plastic one. He picked me up and carried me about 6 steps and shoved me into what felt like a van or a box truck. I couldnt see at all and my heart was pounding out of my chest.I started to scream but it was no use. I could not even seperate my lips. My mind was racing over my everything, where I was going and how do I get out...

After about 15 minutes of silent riding, the car suddenly stopped and within seconds the back doors of the van opened and I was lifted once again.I was trying to kick and move free but that was as useless as the screams. I could hear keys unlocking a place and once inside i knew it was huge because I could hear their footsteps echoing off the walls. I was abruptly yanked from my thoughts when I was dropped down and thrown into what felt like a very hard chair. The bag was ripped from my head and the tape from my mouth but not before I was tied to the chair. Three men stood in front of me like and looked down upon me. I sat silent as two of them I could not recognize. They were both tall, and dark skinned. One had long dark wavy hair with thick eyebrows and thin mustache while the other had a short cut, dark hair and an unmistakable scar over his left brow. They both look to be about 290 pounds, so fighting and trying to run was definitly out of the question. Then I looked at the third man. He represented my past, the thing I feared the most. He represented fear through my whole body. He stood over me looking with his twisted grin, and his 6,4 muscular frame had not changed much. I knew we would meet again. I knew I could not run forever escpecially since I never confirmed he was not dead. Yes I tried to kill him. He was my ex man, who as soon as he came in my life he turned my world upside down and I havent been the same since. I used to love him. I used to care but now we were enemies and I figured since he caught me my time was up and he would do to me what I tried to do to him those many years ago. Kill him. I looked at him with fearful eyes yet I tried to seem as though I was tough. That him being there didn't fase me. After being caught in stares, I called his name. His grin disappeared and anger came on his face just as quickly. He yanked me from my seat after breaking the ties and threw me into a wall. He was quickly at my neck with his hands around it. " Oh Sasha, I'm so happy to see you ." His voice so deep and malicious it made my body shake. He was still chocking me and my body was starting to become numb. I didn't fight as I knew it wasn't any use. Then I felt like he was gong to kill me. I felt like I was losing my grip on life, my concious was fading and my world was going black. I let my self drift off in the distance as his grip became tighter because I felt maybe if I drifted into a slumber I could think of what my next move would be if he didnt kill me first. I had to think fast and hard because I knew I was in the kind of trouble that I could neverturn back from.

Full Circle

I guess that wasn't the end. My eyes started burning to be opened. I didnt know if I was in a dream or not but I was hoping I was. It was cold and dark and the floor was hard. I could see very little as I tried to remember why I was here and why im waking up on the floor. And then I felt it. I knew this room I was in was not only occupied by me and with the shifting I was doing I knew the other person in the room realized I was awake.

He started to get closer to me and then I could make out a face. Then I remembered this was not a dream and why I was here.

I tried to hold all of my emotions but it wasn't working. I was weak and we both knew it at this point so there was no point in stalling.


"What do you want from me?" I screamed out of frustration, "Why are you doing this now?" I went on panting and giving in to my weakness. He just


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.05.2020
ISBN: 978-3-7487-3936-4

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

First off I would like to thank my daughter. You have been most patient and kind with me and I love you with everything I have. You are my world and I do my best for you. You told me to write and I am. Thanks for bieng my rock and my encouragement. To my Love..I knew you thought I wouldnt do it but I did and I thank you for your push and making me better not only as a woman but as a friend. You mean everythin to me. To my mom, I love you best friend and I couldnt have done anything without you. Thanks for always being in my corner and being my rock. To my family, I love you guys thanks for all your love and support. To myself, thank you for doing something different out of your comfort zone. Thank you for trying to change and never giving up. All of your lifes troubles and obstacles have lead you here and im proud. Do it for yourself, do it for your family and do it for the love of writing. Daddy, this one is dedicated to you. I will finish this for you and be great at it like you said I would be at everything. I love you and miss you and tell Granny and all our family up there with you I said hello. With love, I hope you enjoy and get addicted!

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