
New beginning

Mandy’s P.O.V:

I heard a far away noise but I couldn’t bring myself to wake up. I would like to hang on more to the image of the sexy guy I was about to kiss, when suddenly an ice cold hand touched my face.

“What the hell?” I woke up with a jolt. The gorgeous face disappeared from my mind.

“Wake up sleepy head!” My sister’s voice called next to my bed. “It’s already seven and you’re going to be late.”

“What?” I shrieked. “Why didn’t you wake me up earlier? You know I need more time to get ready.”

Gosh, I hopped out of the bed and repeated the list of things I needed to get done before I could go to school: take a shower, do my makeup, my hair, my – Bang! I slipped on the floor head first.

“Mandy, you ok?” My sister asked with concern in her voice.

“As if you care” I muttered under my breath, trying to get up.

“Ow, I do care. I don’t need your already ugly face to be uglier when we arrive to the new school.” She said stalking away. “I’m going to leave you; I don’t want to be late.”

Sighing, I managed to get up and took a shower first, then finished all my businesses.

“Hi, mom!” I said as I entered the kitchen.

“Hi, what was that loud noise?” She asked giving me my daily fix of orange juice. Yep, you heard me right, my daily fix of orange juice. Unlike most everyone, I didn’t like caffeine.

“Oh, that was just my head banging the floor” I answered nonchalantly. I drank hurriedly my juice as the time passed rapidly.

A few minutes later, I was in my car, ready to go Shelton High. Nervously, I glanced at the clock on the car. Ten more minutes and I’ll be late. NO!!!! I must hurry. Looking around, I saw the street was almost empty so I sped up a little more than the required speed.


After parking and locking my car, I took my bag and ran to my counselor’s office. I was about to open her door, when I saw a gorgeous guy emerging from her office. I felt my whole body froze as if I was rooted on the spot. He was exactly like the guy I just dreamt about this morning. Only, he was hotter in flesh with cool blue eyes that seemed like they could see through my soul. He wore a pair of black jeans that rode low on his hips. On top, he wore a grey t-shirt that stretched across his toned chest where I could clearly see the outline of his abs. My eyes were about to get lower when I heard someone clearing their throat.

“Hmm… You must be Amanda Parson. Welcome to Shelton High. I’m Ms. Sparks, your counselor.” Face burning; I turned to look at the woman behind me. She was a petite little thing with glasses that emphasized her pretty face, though they did nothing to hide her grey eyes. She was really pretty and must be in her mid thirties.

“Hi, Ms. Sparks. It’s nice to meet you. Sorry, I think I am a little late I know, but –“She raised a hand to cut me off. Wow! I thought my old excuse from my last school would work but I guess I was wrong.

“No apologies needed.” She said in a stern voice, but the laughter in her eyes bellied her tone. Then, turning to the eye candy who moved next to her while I made a fool of myself, she proceeded: “Logan here would be your guide for the day. He’s in the same grade as you are and he has most of his classes with you anyway.”

So his name was Logan. Hum… I liked it, it suited him. I was about to greet him when Ms. Sparks dismissed us.

I walked along side Logan in the hall way. First we made a stop to my locker which miraculously was next to his. He waited patiently while I stuffed my books inside. The whole time, I felt like his eyes were on me but I kept my eyes straight. On the hall, I felt more than saw everyone’s eyes on my face. “She must be the new girl”, I heard when we were close to the first flight of stairs.

“Lord, how am I supposed to climb those with high heels on?”

I heard someone chuckling. Surprised, it was from Logan. I turned around and saw him looking at me as if he felt my eyes on him. His whole face seemed more gorgeous than it was. How was that even possible? I wondered. For some reason, I wanted to keep that smile on his face so I continued some more.

“I should have expected climbing stairs would be involved in a small town like Shelton.” I know it was lame, but he found it funny anyway since he laughed out loud.

“I could always carry you, you know.” He offered after his laughter subdued. This time, it was my time to laugh in his face.

“What?” He asked in awe. Wait, was that wonder I detected in his voice. No, I must be dreaming. After calming myself a little bit I told him.

“Thanks for the offer but last time I checked I’m not an invalid, honey.” That earned me another one of his sexy smile.

“Don’t worry, I could carry you anytime.” He replied as if carrying me was no big deal. Without waiting for my answer, I was up in the air, bridal style.

“Logan!” I cried. “Put me down before you hurt --” He just ignored me and took the stairs two at a time. In no time at all, we were in class.


Logan’s P.O.V:

I glanced down at the new student’s schedule. Her classes were almost similar to mine except for gym which she had fourth period. Amanda Parson, her name read. She must be one of those spoiled little princess used to make everyone wait, I thought. Why else would she be late on her first day to a new school? I was about to tell Ms. Sparks that I was going to be late when I saw a gorgeous girl who looked like she was from a Vogue cover. Damn! I felt my heart skipped a bit. MATE! My wolf whispered. I nearly fought for control as my wolf wanted to claim her right there. I let her talk to Ms. Sparks and contented myself to watch her lush pink lips move. She smelled like vanilla and strawberry. Fuck, I was already hard just from her sent. Calm down idiot! I said to myself. I needed to think of something disgusting quickly. Think man! My parents having sex! Ew. That did it, thank goodness.

I walked her to her locker. Guess what? It was next to mine. I felt like doing my victory dance. I was already imagining seeing her next to me every day. I took a good sniff of her. God, she smelled so good. After she put her things away, I walked her to our first period. On our way, I heard people whispering about her, but I didn’t care as long as they didn’t insult my mate.

 At the sight of the stairs, I heard her moaning: “I should have expected climbing stairs would be involved in a small town like Shelton.” I laughed. She was so cute in her ridiculously high heels.

“I could always carry you, you know.” I offered after I got myself under control. Wait a minute! Where did that come from? Before I could answer myself, she laughed. It had a sweet sound on it. I was warm all over again. Damn! I had to readjust discreetly my pants. As much as I liked hearing her laughter, it took everything in me to stop myself from grabbing her right there.

“Thanks for the offer but last time I checked I’m not an invalid, honey.” She answered me finally. I smiled at her and she seemed to melt right there. Hmm… Interesting. She was not immune to my charm either. She was my mate but she didn’t know it yet.

“Don’t worry, I could carry you anytime.” I said. She was about to protest when I swept her off her pretty feet, bridal style.

When we get to the door, I put her down. She looked at me curiously but before she could say anything, I turned to face her.

“I know Amanda, we’ll talk during lunch, I promise.” She opened her mouth but closed it when the door opened.

“Ah! Ms. Parson, welcome. Come in!” Mr. Winston ushered her inside.

“Class, welcome Ms. Amanda Parson.” Mr. Winston ordered.

“Welcome, Amanda.” The class answered.

I looked at her face the whole time. She was blushing!!! Who still blushed at 18? I was mesmerized by her face.

“Thank you…” She replied with a tiny voice.

After a while, Mr. Winston told her to sit on the free sit in the back. Another plus for me, it was the seat on my left.



 Mandy's P.O.V


During the whole period, I felt someone's eyes like they were burning on my neck. Finally, the period ended! I couldn't focus during the whole explanation. Thankfully, Mr. Winston was happy to talk alone while the class was pretending to listen. As for me, I was reviewing Logan's appearance: long dark hair, cool blue eyes, strong and firm jaw, and soft lips – or so I thought – narrow hips, six packs, and long muscled legs. I was about to get into more details when I heard the sexiest voice I’ve ever heard call my name:

“Amanda…” I turned my head slowly to the voice’s direction.

“Yes?” I answered Logan because it was his voice. My internal temperature just got up or what? I was trying so hard to focus on what he was saying, but all I could see was his lips moving. Such sensual lips.

 “I was just saying that we should go to our next class.” He said with a smile.

“Really?” I didn’t even realize that the class was empty of any student until I turned around. Moron, if you had paid more attention to what was happening around you, you would have known, I told myself. But my next thought was something about what he just said earlier. He said “we” as if we were an item. I smiled to myself as we get out. Once outside, he put his hand on the small of my back. My goodness! His hand was so warm; I could feel the warmth spread throughout my body. I felt myself leaning into his touch.

“Mandy?” I heard my sister’s voice behind us. Why? It was the second time she interrupted my daydreaming in one day.

I hurriedly put some distance between us and pasted a fake smile on my face before turning to my sister.

“Yes, Vicky?” I answered calmly when the truth was I wanted to choke her. Thankfully, Logan kept his hand where it was. He even tightened his hold.  For some reason, it gave me a support I needed to confront my sister.

“Why don’t you present us?” She said suggestively to Logan as we all entered the English.

I was about to tell her it was none of her business when Logan stepped up and offered his hand:

“I’m Logan, Mandy’s guide for the day”. Vicky’s eyes nearly popped out, she widened them so much. Typical girl, I muttered under my breath.

“Excuse me?” I heard her. Oops! That was not meant for her ear. I glanced at Logan to see him hide his laughter behind a cough.

“Nothing” I said cheekily and went to a seat at the far end of the class.

I really needed to shut my big mouth. What would Logan think of me now? I didn’t even want to know the answer, so I just pretended to disappear in my seat after Ms. Lebrun was done presenting me and my sister to the class. As predicted, she ate up all the attention which was really embarrassing. Why did I have to be in her class too? As I looked up, I saw Logan smiling in my direction. Did I mention he had white perfect teeth? He could be a model or something.


Logan’s P.O.V:

After the class ended, I went to her table to walk her to our next period.

“Amanda?” I called for the third time. She looked far away. Was it because of a guy? She’s ours, my wolf said angrily. Her thoughts better be about me not another man. I only met her some time ago but I was already behaving like a jealous boyfriend. I called her again because I didn’t like the direction of my thoughts. She turned slowly.

““I was just saying that we should go to our next class.” I said. She glanced around embarrassed as if I caught her doing something embarrassing. So maybe, just maybe she did think about me after all.

“Really?” She answered in a voice slightly breathless. Damn, she needed to stop doing that. It would help neither of us if I lose control in front of her. I gathered her wolf was dormant yet so I didn’t want to frighten her. Besides, I wanted to woo her. Yeah, I wanted to do that, I realized with surprise. I never had trouble getting any girl I wanted before, but for some reason unknown to me, I wanted to be different for her. She was not like everyone after her since she was my one and only woman. Only, she didn’t know it yet.

As we walked, I couldn’t resist but put a hand on the small of her back. She fitted perfectly in my arm, I thought.

That’s because she belonged there, was my wolf’s answer.

He was right though.

“Mandy?” a voice called behind us.

I sensed Amanda’s posture change immediately. I didn’t know who the person who called her was, but I disliked her on the spot. No one hurt my mate.

Turning slowly, my mate answered: “Yes, Vicky?” She had on her face a fake smile. I didn’t like it at all.

I was about to ask the girl to back off but she beat me.

“Why don’t you present us?” She said in a voice she must have hoped would get me at her feet. No way in hell, lady. She reeked of desperation and hatred.

Amanda was about to answer but I didn’t give her the chance. Clearly, this girl would eat her alive.

“I’m Logan, Mandy’s guide for the day”. Her eyes went so wide I thought they would pop out.

Typical girl, I heard my mate say. Oh, so my girl had a bit of back bone in her, I thought with satisfaction. I was trying to hide my amusement when Mean Girl turned to her.

“Excuse me?” This time, she was not flirty anymore.

My mate’s answer was angry. She left me there with Mean Girl or Vicky, whatever her name was, and went to sit in the back. I could sense her sadness. I followed her and sat next to her, but her eyes were downcast. Did she really think that I would be interested in a girl as superficial as Vicky when I had her? I needed to make her see how beautiful she was. Somehow, I knew someone did some damage to her self-confidence. Whoever that was, I would kill him or her if he or she went near my mate ever again, I vowed silently.


Mandy’s P.O.V

Not wanting further embarrassment for the day, I hurried to my next period without waiting for Logan. I wanted to ask him some questions but thanks to Vicky’s intervention, I couldn’t ask them now. I was still lost in my thoughts that I hadn’t heard Logan approaching. Turning, I watched him open the door to A.P. French for me. The guy was fast and quiet, I thought.

“Why didn’t you wait for me, Amanda?” Logan asked after we went to sit together in the back. I could have found a seat far from him, but his sent was so intoxicating. A heady smell of spice and wood, I thought after taking a good sniff. What the hell? Did I just sniff him like a dog? I didn’t get a chance to ponder more on the subject because Logan was suddenly touching my hand.

“Amanda, don’t you want to speak to me?” He asked again looking hurt by my silence.

“No, it’s not that, Logan.” Before I could continue, Logan cut my off.

“Say it again.” He looked very possessive at the moment.

“Say what?” I asked coyly even though I knew what he wanted.

“Say my name, Amanda.” He growled.

“Logan.” I said slowly. His eyes seemed to change color, from cool blue to bluish black. Oh, my! The temperature seemed to increase suddenly. A sizzle of electricity passed between us. Or at least I felt it in my entire being.

“Did you feel that?” He asked still not breaking eye contact. Unable to say anything, I just nodded.

Before Logan could add anything, the students began to fill in the class and after my routine presentation; Mr. Coleman proceeded with his lessons.

During the whole class, I was stealing a look at Logan’s direction and I was happy to see him doing the same and each time giving me one of his sexy smiles.

When the bell rang, I waited patiently for him to walk me to my next class. Before I went to change in the girls’ locker, Logan pulled me aside.

“Can I have your number?” He whispered.

Happy to oblige, I gave him my number and he gave me his.

With a goofy smile, I entered the girls’ locker.

“Hello, you must be the new girl. I’m Sunny and this is my friend Kat”, a dark haired beauty with cool blue eyes said. Her friend was a cute little thing, a petite brunette with hazel eyes and dimples.

“Hello, I’m Amanda, but you can call me Mandy.” The girls were nice.

“Cool! Just stick with us. Some of the girls in school are going to be mean to you because you have Logan following you everywhere.”

I laughed at that. “We just met today, guys. But don’t worry; I’m not going to let them walk over me.”

At that, we high fived and exited the locker.

After introducing me to the class, Mr. Herman made us into five group of six each. We were playing volley ball.

A girl with a nasty expression on her face approached me next to the net.

“You better watch your back, girl. We don’t treat anyone like a princess here.” I didn’t deign to answer her which made her all the angrier.

Fifteen minutes later, my team beat the girl’s. The bell rang to signal the end of the period.

Surprised, I saw Logan waiting by the girls’ locker.

“Logan!” I called with a big smile on my face.

“Mandy!” He went to my side and bent down to kiss my cheek. Blushing, I hide my face in his chest.

Logan laughed at my expression. Am I turning into a blusher now? I thought annoyed.

“Mandy, what are you doing there?” He asked after some time but she put his arms around me at the same time as if he wanted to keep me there.

“Hiding?” I replied looking up.

“Don’t ever hide from me sweetheart.” Logan murmured in my ear. That made me blush more furiously as I felt a tremor ran through my body. He must have felt it too because he held me closer.

“Logan, we just met this morning!” I said, pressing my hands on my face but this time I looked up to see him smile down to me. His eyes were bluish black again.

“So?” He shrugged while he took my bag, put an arm around my shoulder and walked to the next period.


Logan’s P.O.V

I waited for her by the girls’ locker room. She was wearing a white t-shirt that did little for the imagination. I wanted to cover her but at the same time I wanted to keep looking at her breasts. She still had her skinny black jeans. I noticed she kept her high heeled shoes on. Her face was flushed from the gym. She looked really hot right now but I had to force myself to calm down. This was not the place to have indecent thoughts.

“Logan!” She said my name again with a big smile on her face. I was delighted that she kept saying it for me. She looked breathtaking smiling.

“Mandy!” I said with a smile of my own. I bent to kiss her on the cheek because I couldn’t stop myself. Blushing, she hid in my chest. She looked adorable when she blushed.

“Mandy, what are you doing there?” I asked after some time. I wrapped my arms around her to keep her there. I had her where I wanted her.

“Hiding?” Came her small response. I tightened my hold on her. I saw the students looking at us curiously, especially the girls. I didn’t care as long as I had Mandy in my arms. Instead, I focused on her.

“Don’t ever hide from me sweetheart.” I murmured in my ear. At that, I felt her shiver. So she was not immune to me. I pulled her closer against my chest.

“Logan, we just met this morning!” She answered while she pressed her hands on burning her face; however, this time she looked up. My body was answering. Not good!

“So?” I shrugged while I took her bag, slung an arm around her shoulder and walked to the next period.

Thankfully she didn’t argue anymore instead she put an arm around my waist and snuggled a bit closer. Lord! I could get used to this. It was taking all my self-control to keep my body in check as I concentrated not to embarrass myself. Everyone was looking at us in the hallway. Mandy didn’t seem to be bother, thank God. I wanted people to know that she was mine and anyone who messed up with her will answer to me from now on.

I dropped her in Physics while I went back to the gym. This was the only period we didn’t have together. I already felt her loss even though we were just going to be apart for forty-five minutes. After I emerged from the locker room, I met my friends and brother.

“Yo, who was that hot chick you were just with?” Dan asked. Meet my little brother. He was just a year younger than me but he was one of the players in school.

“That was my mate” I asked nonchalantly. Silence greeted my answer. I counted to five: one, two, three, four, five.

“Congrats, bro!” That came from Jacks and Peter. Both of them were members of my pack. Dan was my second in command but he was still speechless. After some time, he recovered as we all laughed at his face and offered his congratulations as well.

“Thanks, guys. I’ll present you to her during lunch.” I said as we all went to the fitness room.

I was really looking forward to present my little mate around. I couldn’t wait to present her to my parents as well. I just hoped that she whatever she felt, she will share with me and we’ll sort them together. For the first time after a long time, I was happy. I needed to talk to my mom also about the mating rituals because I didn’t want to wait any longer and give her time to change her mind, but first, I wanted her to be comfortable around me and everyone I cared about.


Turning point


Mandy’s P.O.V:

For the first time in a very long time, I didn’t care what everyone would think of me. I knew Logan was a popular guy around the school but I wanted him anyway. I truly wanted him and that scared the hell out of me. Me wanting a guy? I laughed at how much I changed in such a short time. But something about Logan pulled me to him. It’s like I can’t help myself.

“Stay away from my man!” I turned around and see the girl from gym glaring at me. If looks could kill I’ll be six feet under by now.

“Last time I checked, Logan was single”, I replied with a saccharine smile even though I wanted to choke her. How dare she call him “my Logan?” The nerve of the girl.

Before she could answer back, the teacher dismissed us. As much as I wanted to scratch her face, I wanted to see Logan more. It was going to be lunch anyway and I will finally get the chance to ask him my questions.

“Hey, baby!” Logan was waiting for me by the door. I went willingly into his open arms.

“I missed you,” I said into his arms. He took my bag and murmured in my ears in a voice low enough for me to hear.

“I miss you too, Mandy.” Logan said as he kissed my forehead. “Let’s go, I’m starving.” As if on cue, my stomach growled. Logan laughed at that while I blushed.

“Looks like I’m not the only one who’s hungry,” he said but by the way he looked at me, I wasn’t sure if he was hungry for food or something else. His eyes turned bluish black again and his gaze dropped to my mouth. My throats was suddenly dry, I swallowed hard. His eyes followed the movement before they came back to my mouth. I felt hot all over again.

Someone cleared their throat behind us, it broke the spell between Logan and I. Reluctantly, Logan averted his gaze and glared at whoever interrupted us.

“Why don’t you present us now?” I turned around and looked at a piercing pair of cool blue ice. My breath caught in my throat. He was tall and lean with a devilish air around him. He had messy blond hair that looked like he ran his hand in them. He flashed me a megawatt smile but somehow it did nothing to my insides. Logan tightened his hold on my shoulder and tugged me closer to him.

“Mandy, this is my brother Dan. Dan, meet my mate Mandy.” Logan did the presentation with clenched teeth. Was he jealous of his own brother? Wait! He just said that word “mate” again in that possessive voice of his.

I liked possessive Logan. In fact, no one had ever been possessive toward me. I’m going to keep Logan, I thought to myself.

“Nice to meet you, Dan”. I said and offered my hand for a hand shake but Logan slapped Dan’s hand when his hand almost shook mine.

I look at Logan curiously while Dan just laughed.

“Keep your hand for yourself”. He growled. Wow! The guy was very possessive. Not giving me time to answer, he directed me to the direction of the cafeteria.

I saw they have a table for themselves. I was full of hot guys. Jesus! I almost fanned my face. Never in my life have I ever seen a table packed with testosterone. It was overwhelming.

The guys all turn in our direction when they saw us and called Logan. He took a seat as they made room for him. Where would I sit? He pulled me on his lap. I guess that answered my question.

“Guys, meet my mate, Mandy”. He announced proudly. I blushed at the approving gaze I received.

“Welcome to the family, Mandy”. That came from Dan.

“Lucky man! You got a gorgeous mate.” That one came from a dark haired guy. He had haze eyes. I blushed more furiously.

His friends made me feel welcome. I was so happy. I knew my parents will love him too. Logan fed me the whole time and the guys didn’t comment even though they were looking at him curiously. Maybe he was not used to do that or I’m special? Either way I was happy to have him.

Feeling bold, I fed him as well and he kissed my cheek afterward. I wanted him to kiss my lips though. As if he could read my mind, he leaned in my ear and whispered in slightly husky voice.

“Later, Mandy”. He watched me with intent eyes as he said that. His eyes promised much more than kisses. I felt wet in between my legs. I’ve never felt such attraction toward any guy I dated before, but Logan didn’t scare me anymore.

I just nodded as I couldn’t answer him. I felt him grow hard beneath my thighs. I squirmed as if to get more friction.

“Don’t move, Mandy”. He said in a pleading voice. I felt powerful at his pained voice, but decided to be merciful.

Thankfully, we had to go to class. Sighing, Logan took me to class while he held my hand this time. I was beginning to be used to the stares we received.

The teacher made me introduce myself to the class and I sat next to Logan. There was nothing much to do as it was nearly the end of the school year, so we could do whatever we wanted in Ms. Jane’s class.


Logan’s P.O.V.

I felt Mandy’s eyes on me in Arts. I knew she wanted to ask questions. As we had free time, I prepared myself to answer whatever she wanted to know. As far as she was concerned, she seemed totally clueless about werewolves’ existence. I needed to give her some time. But one thing was for sure: I’m never going to let her go. I waited patiently for her questions and concentrated to keep myself in check because her proximity was not helping my lust on little bit.

“Logan? Can I ask you something?” Ah, it didn’t take too long.

“Anything you want, honey”. She smiled at that. She scooted closer to me and placed her head on my shoulder.

“Why your eyes change color?” I didn’t answer right away. Her sent was distracting me.

“Logan?” She asked laughing. One of her hands came resting on my thigh. I felt myself grew hard.

Not wanting to beat around the bush, I told her the truth, praying she won’t be scared.

“Because I’m a shifter.” I looked at her closely to her reaction. Her eyes grew wide.

“Really? Like a big dog or something?” She was actually excited. I let out the breath I
 wasn’t aware I was holding.

“A werewolf. You’re one too, Mandy”. I watched her face, still no fear or anything close to revulsion.

“Do you believe me?” I was actually curious about her answer to that seeing that her parents hadn’t told anything about her heritage yet.

“I do”, she said it in a solemn voice, but for me, that simple “I do” meant more, like she was accepting to be my mate.

I had to fight my urge to take her away and have my wicked ways with her. She was tantalizing me with those soft inviting lips of her. And her eyes! Jesus, I had to close my eyes because otherwise, I’ll do something I might regret later. After taking a deep breath, I took a sniff of her sent which was mixed with her arousal. I grew immediately hard again. I looked at her and her eyes turned a deep shade of green. Damn it all! I couldn’t resist the invitation there. I bent down to kiss when suddenly someone was shouting Mandy’s name angrily.

“Amanda!” We both turned around to see Tracy standing in the door of Arts class. She marched right at Mandy’s direction, her person radiating hatred. The whole class was silent. I stood in front of Mandy because I didn’t want Tracy to get to her but Mandy told me calmly:

“I can handle her, Logan. Don’t worry”. Of course I was worried. Tracy had a cutting tongue and Mandy looked so fragile.

“Really, I’ll be fine.” She said placing a soothing hand on my face.

I searched her eyes to see if she was telling the truth or was just being brave. She let me look and when she saw that I believed her, she turned to face Tracy. Before she even could form a word, Tracy was pulling at her hair. Her long beautiful midnight black hair was everywhere. I was ready to tear apart Tracy’s head, but a look from Dan across the room stopped me.

“She got this”, he mouthed.

“You bitch, who do you think you are getting everyone's  attention in MY school?” Tracy spat in her face. Not about to let Tracy get away, Mandy threw a punch in her stomach which had Tracy immediately release her hold on her hair. She stumbled on the floor, clutching her stomach.

Everyone in the class was cheering while Ms. Jane pretended she didn’t see anything.

My Mandy was a big girl, no one messes with her. I felt my heart jumping with joy. I loved her all the more. Yeah, I love her.

She turned to look at me and gave me one of her beautiful smile. She was amazing. I couldn’t wait to tell my parents and our pack.

Tracy’s friends were helping her. “This is not the end.” She threatened on last time before getting out. The bell just rang at that time.

I scooped her up in my arms and twirled her. She was laughing while she held on to my neck with both hands. When I put her down, I kissed her softly on the lips. I grew immediately hard at the taste of her. She tasted better than my favorite dessert. She was pliant in my arms; but as much as I liked kissing her, we needed to get going. I picked up her back and we both went to the parking lot. We held hand as we walked and everyone was applauding in our direction, some students cheered as we walked out of the school. I looked at her and she had the biggest smile I have ever seen on her face, I was so proud of her. As if sensing my eyes, she turned her head and squeezed my hand. I squeezed back to let her know I’ve got her. What happened today would surely changed our lives forever.



Mandy’s P.O.V.

I felt proud of myself after I put that girl at her place. I was not about to let her come between me and Logan or should I say my mate? I smiled a little at the notion. I was glad I took the self-defense class dad insisted I took instead of having body guards shadowing me. I was not afraid of what we might be or might not be because I knew Logan would never hurt me like Leon did. At the thought of Leon, I felt the familiar terror that came over me. Sensing my mood change, Logan stopped and tugged me to a tree near the parking lot.

“Hey, what’s wrong, babe?” He asked, putting his hands on my face. I leaned into his touch, I felt secure again.

“Nothing, I was just remembering a bad experience.” His eyes looked troubled, he was angry; I could feel it in his body language.

“Hey, it was a long time ago.” I tried to reassure him as I placed my head on his chest. Even in four inches heels, he still had a foot over me.

“You’ll tell me about it when you’re ready?” He asked finally after he relaxed.

“I will”. I promised before I kissed him. I intended it to be a quick peck on the lips but it turned out into a full make-out session.

We finally came out for air after a lingering kiss. My eyes were still closed and he kissed my nose on last time.

When I opened my eyes, he smiled and took my hand. I smiled at him too.

“Let’s go baby”. He said winking.

As we approached my car, I stopped dead in my track. Logan tensed next to me. The word “bitch” was painted everywhere and it was scratched. I didn’t think it was salvageable.

Logan pulled out his phone and dialed a number. I was still looking at my car. It was my dad’s birthday present last year. I knew it was Tracy that did it as she seemed delighted to call me names or was it Leon? It all felt too familiar, just like I was back in that party again. I couldn’t breathe. Logan was beside me in an instant.

He lifted me in his arms and shouted at someone to drive my car. He didn’t know where I live but I was too weak to tell him that. I just concentrated to hang on to Logan’s next as it was the only place I could feel safe. He walked me to his car. He put me carefully in the passenger side as if I might break. Maybe I might. He put on my seat belt and went to the driver’s side. He drove for some times before I found my voice.

“I’m sorry about earlier...” I couldn’t look in his eyes, what he must think of me now? Will his feelings change? I felt miserable.

“You have nothing to be sorry for, love”. His voice was soothing. He reached out a hand and entwined our fingers. He wasn’t reproaching me. I sighed with relief. Leon would have scolded me. I loved Logan all the more. I loved him, I realized. I knew at least that he cared about me if he hadn’t left by know and that made me smile again.

“That’s better because I’m taking you to my parents’ house.” He said with a satisfied smile on his face.

“You… Your parents’?” I was panicking again.

“Don’t worry. We’ll call your parents once we got there. I’m sure Dan will tell them everything. You’ll see, my parents will love you. You’re my mate after all. “He told me. His thumbed did a circular motion on my hand that soothed me, so I nodded.


Logan’s P.O.V:

I felt Mandy was a little worried about meeting my folks but she had nothing to worry about. They were good people. I bet my mom will be busy planning for our wedding once she’ll know Mandy is my mate. That thinking had me smile.

I felt her looking at me curiously.

“We’re almost there,” I said while I kept doing the circular notion with my thumb because that seemed to soothe her.

“I’ll always be there for you, Mandy.” She squeezed my hand.

“Thanks, I’ll be there for you as well.” She relaxed in her seat and we sat in a comfortable silence after that.

I saw my parents waiting for us on the entrance after I parked my car in the driveway. Before I could say anything, my mom enveloped me in a bear hug and my dad slapped my back.

“I’m glad you’re home. Something came up.” My mom’s tone was full of concern.

As if she knew I was going to ask, she rushed to hug Mandy as well.

“You must be Amanda! Welcome to the family.” My mom said warmly to Mandy as she kissed her on both cheeks. She blushed as she answered back.

I felt my heart melt a little at the sight of her flushed with her hair wild around her heart shaped face.

“Thank you Mrs. Johnson.” Her voice was courteous. Man! The girl has manners.

“You must call me Elena, dear. We’re family now.” Mandy blushed even more but nodded.

My dad hugged her as well and kissed her cheeks.

“Welcome Amanda, I’m Jake.”

“Nice to meet you both,” Mandy was still blushing slightly but I could see she was comfortable at least.

My mom ushered us to the living room. Mandy looked around with interest on her eyes. I never saw anything particular in our big house. For me, it was just two stories Victorian houses with so many rooms one could get lost in it. There were just some portraits of our ancestor here and there since it had been in our family during a century. But for Mandy, it was like a treasure cave by the way she looked at everything around her. It was very refreshing to see a girl interested in something other than fripperies and gossips.

We sat at the living room where my mom made her spill everything there was to know about herself. I forgot to tell you that my mom was a professional in questioning. She would give those detectives a run for their money.

After she had Mandy confess about what happened in school, she made me show Mandy her room. Purposely, she put her in the jade room next to mine. My dad gave her a knowing smile but she just ignored him.

“I like your parents,” Mandy said as we ascended the stairs.

“They like you as well. You’re going to be their future daughter-in-law after all.” Surprisingly, she just laughed at that and took my hand.

We both changed clothes and went back in my dad’s office to talk.

“There is something we must talk you about,” my dad said. By the tone of his voice, it was something serious.

He turned to Mandy after we were seated. I pulled her to my lap. She blushed but didn’t fight me back. My parents didn’t so much as bat an eyelash.

“Do you anything about werewolves?” She shook her head no.

My mom told her the story of our race. She was fascinated and she asked more question than she asked me.

The women were still engrossed in their discussion that they didn’t hear the bell ring.

“I’ll get it,” I told my dad since my mom was still talking to Mandy.

To my surprise, it was a couple around my parents’ age. They must be Mandy’s parents because the woman was an older version of Mandy.

“Hi, come in.”

“Thank you,” they both said.

I opened the office door for them.

“Mandy!” Her mom rushed to her side.

“Mom!” Mandy held her mom’s arm and her dad joined them as well. After the little family reunion, I pulled Mandy back on my knees. Her dad approved but I saw her mom or rather Alice exchange a look with my mom. I could already see the wheels turning in their head and their respective husbands could see that as well but just shrugged as if they couldn’t do anything.

My dad got us drinks while we talked about today’s event and Mandy’s heritage. Apparently, they didn’t think Mandy should know until she found her mate because she just went through a painful relationship with a werewolf from The Black Shadow s pack. Leon, that was the name of the jerk who hurt my Mandy. I vowed to protect her from him and any other threat. My only regret was that I didn’t meet her earlier so she wouldn’t have had to go through all that ugly stuff.  



Mandy’s P.O.V

I hadn’t expected Logan’s parents to be so understanding or kind toward me. I felt so guilty that I brought my problems to their door. Why didn’t I tell them about Leon and my parents didn’t either?

I couldn’t sleep at all and I’ve been trying for two hours. I must tell Logan at least because he deserved the truth and he could decide if he still wanted me after that.

Pulling on his bathrobe, yep! I got his bathrobe; I padded barefoot to his room. There was a connecting door between our room so I would be speared any explanation since no one could catch me tapping at his door.

After tapping on his door, he opened it shirtless. My throat dried and I felt the now familiar heat again but this time, I knew it was because I was his mate. Our parents explained me that and if I were feeling it, Logan must be suffering too.

“Mandy? Come in.” Thankfully, he didn’t ask any questions. He just let me pass him and lead me to his bed.

He had an enormous four posters bed with many inviting pillows on it. I was surrounded by his sent everywhere and that made it hard for me to focus. Not now. I needed to keep my head clear.

“Logan, I must tell you something about myself.” Sensing the effect he had on me, he even got closer.

“Ok, I’m all ears.” At that, he scooped in his arms and deposited me in the center of the big bed before going in himself.

After he got us under his dark blue comforter, I began my story with Leon. Curiously I didn’t feel any fear as I did like every time I remembered or said his name and all those horrible things. I waited for the disgust and accusation to come. None came. I felt safer in the arms of my mate because Vicky was quick to hurl the insults even though I only told her what really happened. Logan on the other hand was seething with anger and sadness. I put my arms around him and he immediately calmed.

“I’m sorry he made you go through that, Mandy. No man should beat a girl because he is jealous.” Logan tensed in my arms again.

“Shh, it was a long time ago.” I kissed his chest.

“ But you were just a girl, baby.” I could tell Logan was still upset because he tightened his hold on me. It was now my turn to reassure Logan. As he didn’t seem to listen to me effectively, I went to kiss his lips to shut him up.

That got me the reaction I wanted and more. Logan suddenly stopped and held my head with both of his hands to kiss me harder. He was such a good kisser. I felt suddenly too hot in his bathrobe.

“Logan, it’s too hot in here.” He laughed at that. Anger and all the rest were forgotten.

Good, that was what I wanted, but now I wanted more of his kisses. It was like I didn’t have any control over my bodies anymore. I needed Logan’s hand and mouth on me. He kissed me again this time, it was just hot and carnal kisses. I felt alive and tingled everywhere. But I knew there was more.

“Logan, I need more.” That got him wilder but I felt his hesitation at the same time.

“Are you sure Mandy?” How sweet of him to ask. I didn’t think I would have stopped at a time like this.

“I’m sure, Logan.” His heated eyes locked with mine as if he needed to make sure I understood where this was going. I was absolutely in this. I never wanted any guy like I’ve wanted Logan. No, I needed him like the air I breathe. I was really glad that I waited for him and didn’t give in to the pressure like Vicky. My silent consent must have satisfied him because he bent his head and proceeded to kiss me…



I woke up with Logan kissing me softly on my neck. He marked me as his yesterday and I marked him as well. I wore his mark and he wore mine.

“Good morning, sunshine.” He said against my lips. I went to move my legs to wrap them around him but I was still tender from last night. Seeing me wince slightly, he got out of bed after one last kiss. 

“Don’t move. I’m going to take care of you.” He straightened and took me in his arms as if I weight nothing. I stopped complaining since I knew now that werewolves were a lot stronger than humans. Let’s face it, I was not a small girl and on if it was any guy I would have dug my foot no but this was Logan.

He carried me to the bathroom and cleaned up, telling me to stay under the shower head before cleaning me gently. We were both breathing hard by the time he was done. I wanted more but he knew I was still sore.

After we were done, he carried me back in his arms.

“I could get used to it,” I said and kissed him passionately.

“Me too,” he said. I sensed he wanted to say more but his mom’s presence interrupted us.

I hid my head against the crook of his neck as I felt myself reddened. Damn, we were screwed I thought.

Why didn’t I think of going back to my room? Maybe because I was too tired to move after playing with the big bad wolf all night long. I felt myself blush even more.

Logan and his mom laughed at me. At least, Logan had me wrapped in a towel which was enough to make me decent. I felt him go rigid. Shoot! He must be hard, I laughed at that, embarrassment forgotten. He growled at that.

Clearing his throat, he put me down in front of him to hide the evidence of his desire from his mom.

“I just wanted to tell you that I put some clothes for you, Mandy in your room,” she said as she made a dash for the door. I blushed at that but managed to thank her.


Logan’s P.O.V:

I prided myself for my self-control but now it was about to desert me. Mandy was wearing some converses, tight jade jeans that hugged her ass and a snug little black t-shirt which didn’t hide her breast. She wasn’t wearing any bra, and she was bending over to do the bed. I felt myself growing hard again. Seeing me, Mandy stopped doing the bed and went over to wrap her arms around my neck and kiss me.

I pulled her closer and angled her head to deepen the kiss. I released her after some time. Both of us breathing hard.

“Come on, I don’t want to be late.” I took her hand and lead her down the stairs.

As we got there, I was surprised to see my entire pack and some new faces I didn’t know but I assumed they were from Mandy’s. My assumption was right when Mandy flung herself at an older man.

“Uncle Jake!” They hugged each other. Mandy looked happy so I was good.

“Meet my mate,” Mandy said. After we got the meeting, we proceeded down to the business.

“As you know, Josh, I rarely visit you since the last incident we had two years ago. But now, I heard my little Mandy here had her mate so I figured we might as well celebrate and leave all that behind.”

Everyone agreed but I felt the tension sizzling in the air. The room was hotter so I raised my arms to take off the jumper I had on. I heard someone gasp next to me.

“Logan, did you always have that tattoo on you?” I finally got off the jumper. Mandy went to sit on my lap. I put my hand on her waist. I looked at my belly and saw a sort of tribal tattoo that wasn’t there.

 “No, why?” I was confused. Mandy looked at it more closely before she gasped.

Every one turned to her.

“Do you know something about it?” Her uncle asked. Mandy looked a little paler. I took her in my arms and put my head over her head.

“Baby, what’s wrong?” She was clutching my chest as if her life depended on it. “Breathe, Mandy. Breathe,” I said. After several deep breathe, she relaxed a little in my arms and looked up at me.

“I have to tell you all something.” She stood up and pulled me to my feet. After we were both standing, she lifted her t-shirt to reveal the same tattoo on her belly.

“What’s the meaning of this?” Her mom asked. She was clearly worried and I saw my mom made her way to her. By this time, the room was completely silent; all eyes were trained to us. We were all on a kind of an edge.

“Two years ago, before Grandma Pearl died; she confided to me the task of guarding the “Chosen One” which I didn’t really understand at the time.” At the mention of the “Chosen One”, everyone looked at each other. Heck, even I knew that the “Chosen One” was meant to be born from a powerful bloodline of Alphas. There were a bunch of legend around him but I never paid attention to any of those.

Someone made a quick trip to the library and had a thick volume of an ancient book. It was my father, after some inspection of the book; he showed it to Mandy’s uncle who looked at us with a new found respect.

“Mandy, Logan, don’t freak out but you are the parents of the “Chosen One”, he said before he looked back at the book.

A collective gasp was heard. Mandy went by my side and I enveloped her in my arms.

“When did you mate?” That was from my dad.

Mandy reddened a little and I felt my cheeks heat as well. That was an awkward question.

“Uh, last night.” I saw people high fiving each, some throwing congratulations. My parents as well as Mandy’s parents wore a big grin on their face.  Finally, I looked back at Mandy who looked at me with stars in her eyes.

“That explained it. Mandy, you must have conceived yesterday since it was the moonlight.” Mandy crawled more into my arms as if she could get closer. I was so damn proud of myself I wanted to howl but she was afraid. I kissed her cheek and whispered soothing words to her. The others in the room cheered.

After letting us have our moment, her uncle put up a hand to stop us.

“However, according to the legend, the Black Shadow pack will try to interfere with the Chosen One’s birth because they would lose everything since they went rogue after the Chosen One is born.”

Everyone froze. I tightened my grip on Mandy as I looked at her. She put a protective hand on her belly even though it was still flat. As if sensing my gaze on her, she looked smiling. She had a determined look on her face even though she was still a little scared.

“No one gets near our baby,” she declared with strong voice. Wow, she changed so much.

“We need a plan before they can get us.” Mandy’s dad said. We all agreed. Mandy pressed more against me but I sensed she was not afraid anymore.

“I’ve got you and our baby, Mandy,” I promised her. She kissed me and kissed her back. No matter what it will take, no one hurt my family. I’ll die before I let that happen.



Mandy’s P.O.V

I was a little worried about the war but mostly about the baby. I didn’t know anything about taking care of a baby and I was barely out of school.

“Logan, do you know anything about baby?” Maybe he knew something.

Leaving what he did, he went by my side.

“No, Mandy,” he said. My heart dropped. Seeing my reaction he added: “But we’re not alone in this, we have our parents. I won’t leave your side, Mandy.” That reassured me a little. I knew then that Logan would not leave me even though a baby who is destined to change our world was a big responsibility that neither of us expected. My heart swelled with joy as he once again promised to stay by my side. How can I do that to him? I brought nothing but trouble since we met.

“Hey, we’re going to be fine,” he said. “I’m here to stay and no one touches what is mine.” He pulled me in a tight hug. Everything felt safe again.

Our pack was preparing for the war as we needed to get the Black Shadow pack first before the baby was due. According to my uncle, the moment they would know about the baby, they would try to kidnap me. I already loved our baby. That much I knew. However, I needed to learn how to use my wolf to defend myself and the baby as well. I turned to ask Logan to train me.

“Logan, can I ask you something?” I looked into his eyes. I knew he loved our unborn baby as much as I did even though we were both baby ourselves.

“Sure, anything for you,” he said giving me a kiss on the lips. I clung to him as I wanted to jump him. Since when did I turn into this woman? I barely recognize myself now.

“Your question, Mandy,” he reminded me with a smile.

“Can you teach me how to transform?” That took him by surprise but he didn’t object.

“Yeah, sure.” With one more kiss, he took my hand and we went out of the house. There was a beautiful forest in the back of their house.

I looked at him curiously but he just smiled at me wickedly. I smiled with a seductive smile of my own. He began taking off his clothes.

“Logan, what are you doing?” Maybe he wanted me again? The man was insatiable and I suspected I was as well.

“You need to get naked if you don’t want to shred your clothes from the transformation, baby.”             

“I didn’t think of that,” I said while I was getting naked as well.

Logan’s body never ceased to amaze me. He was so well built even for a teenager. He saw me looking and this time I didn’t turn away. The old me would have been ashamed of being caught but not the new me. I felt bolder now that I was more secure in his attention. He was hard again and I laughed at that. He just smiled sheepishly and took me into his arms. We kissed but it was still hard to stay in control around each other. If someone would have told me yesterday I would be naked with a hot guy I would have laughed in their face. Now, here I was with my mate, naked in broad daylight where anyone could see us and I didn’t care.

“Come on, keep your hand to yourself or I’ll just forget what we came here for and take you again.” Logan half growled.

“You’re right.” We stopped kissing and I let go of him slowly. I missed him already.

“We’ll finish later,” his eyes were full of promised. I liked that, so I agreed quickly.

“First thing, you need to imagine yourself as a wolf and call her.” I saw Logan getting close to me and placing his hands on my shoulders.

“Close your eyes and focus,” he said while he was kissing my neck where his mark was.

 I tried hard to focus and did as he asked. After a moment, I felt the change in me. It hurt at first and my body tried to fight it back but Logan held me while he was murmuring soothing words.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw everything much better, my hearing seemed to have improved and I could hear even the smallest insect. I looked at myself. My wolf had a black fur. I felt lighter but something warm was in my womb. My baby, I thought.

I looked at Logan and he no longer was human either, his wolf’s fur was silver but he had Logan’s cool blue eyes. He walked to me and licked my face. I giggled.

“I like your wolf,” he said in my head. It was so cool. We could still talk to each other.

“Yours is beautiful,” I said. My wolf rubbed herself against his wolf’s chin.

We played for a moment before I went to run. I knew they would catch us. It was so liberating to run with Logan in this dark magnificent forest. I loved it. After a moment, I knew he would get me so I hid behind an oak tree. It wouldn’t be long before he will get me since he could always track my sent.

I was preparing to surrender when I smelled another wolf. I panicked because it smelled like Leo.

“Logan, we’re not alone,” I said in my head.

“Run, Mandy!” Without thinking much, I ran back to the house. Logan was fighting with the other wolf.

As I neared the house, I shifted back into human form. A moment later, I saw Logan. His hand was bleeding but he was healing fast. We put on our clothes hurriedly and ran back into the house.

Logan’s P.O.V:

“They’re coming,” I shouted as we entered the living room. I saw everyone was still there.

“Mandy!” I felt her tugging at my hand to let her go. I let her go to her mom’s hand. As much as I wanted to keep her for myself, I needed to clear my head.

“Logan, tell us what happen,” that came from my dad. He was my pack’s Alpha and was using his Alpha voice on me. He never used it unless it was important.

I related what happened in the forest. I remember Mandy’s beautiful black wolf. Her fur was so soft, I felt myself grow hard again. Damn! This was not the time. Mandy looked at me and smiled. She seemed to forget her worry and I wanted her to stop worrying too much.

“Come here,” I motioned her with a crook of my finger. She went smilingly in my waiting arms.

I kissed her hair when she got there. “You ok?” She nodded against my chest, wrapping her arms around my waist. I couldn’t really describe what I felt for her. It was more than lust but I didn’t know what. I never felt that way to any woman I’ve known but Mandy was different. After hugging her, I let Mandy go because we needed a strategy to protect her and our baby. I already missed her presence but the attack was just a warning. There were more to come.

“Go, baby. I’ll find you later.” She was clearly not happy to be left out of but went away anyway. I knew she was going to give me a hard time later. I will need to do some groveling at her pretty feet but I was okay with that.

“I see you’re ready to take care of my baby girl,” her dad said with an affectionate smile on his face. There were only men left in the room.

“I am.” With a nod of his head, our pack began planning for what we will do because we couldn’t let them get us by surprise again. It was too dangerous.

After the meeting, I was tired but I wanted to see Mandy again.

I went to my bedroom to see her on her stomach asleep on my bed. I smiled at the sight. She was beautiful and was sort of glowing with her pregnancy. I felt a surge of protectiveness washed over me. No one touched what was mine. I let out a growl that woke Mandy up.

I went immediately to her side to tell her to go back to sleep.

“Go back to bed, babe,” I told her since she made her way toward me but the stubborn woman wouldn’t listen.

“You’re back,” she said with a beautiful smile on her face. She went on tip-toes to wrap her arms around my neck and kiss me.

I forgot all the worries of the day and scooped her up in my arms to put her back on the bed.

The woman needed to learn to obey some orders.

“I don’t want to sleep,” she said crossing her arms over her chest. Little did she know that her gesture made her more desirable. The beast inside of me wanted to tame her to submission. Damn! I was hard again. I couldn’t seem to control my body around her so I just gave up trying.

I tugged my shirt over my head and took off my shoes before reaching for the bed cover.

“You need rest Mandy,” I tried again. This time, she presented me her back. I sighed and pretended to leave her alone.

I gave it some time and went on my side of the bed. After some time, she reached out for me by wrapping her arms around me and cuddling closer.

“I’m sorry,” she said. I waited for her to say more and when I didn’t say anything, I turned to see her silently sobbing.

I took her into my arms. “Hey, don’t cry.” I hated that I made her cry. I didn’t intend to make her sad especially after today’s event. She was brave but she could only take so much.

I kissed her tears away, letting her cry a little would probably make her feel better.

“I am scared,” she said after she calmed down. “I don’t want to lose you or anyone else.” She tried to hold the sobs this time for my sake. I tightened my hold on her and kissed her more. I felt her respond and I took advantage of that. I didn’t know how else to comfort her so I showed her how I felt instead.



Mandy’s P.O.V:

I trained daily with Logan after that attack. In my own time, I studied some spell from the old book in the big library at the house. We stopped going to school because we couldn’t risk any more incident so we had school at Logan’s house. Oh, yeah, I moved in with him. That was our parents’ idea since his house was more secure than mine. I saw no reason to object and frankly, I wanted to be with him in every way possible so I just went along. This morning, Logan and I were lying on some lounge chairs in the swimming pool.

“Mandy, you ok?” I was eight weeks along and so far no attack followed the previous one but we were still on our guard especially Logan. He was always with me and stayed on my side.

“I am, Logan. Stop worrying.” But secretly, I liked his protective side. He was about to answer me when unexpectedly, there was a huge commotion in the forest, not so far from where we were.

When we saw it were some werewolves, Logan told me to run.

I ran as fast as I could and when I looked back, I saw Logan lying on the ground. He was bleeding profusely.

“No!” I felt an excruciating pain shot throughout my body. I bent over and tried to call for help one last time before everything went black.


The next time I woke up, I was in a sort of cell. I looked around and saw a twin bed in a corner and a little bathroom. The room had a light bulb that had enough light to make me see a body lying next to the bed.

I went slowly to see who it was or what it was. When I got closer, it was Logan! I went to my knees.

“Logan, wake up, please.” He wasn’t moving but at least he had started to heal.

I tried to feel a pulse and it there, thanks God.

I hugged him to my chest. I knew none of this wouldn’t happen if it weren’t for Leon. For the first time, I realized that I stopped blaming myself. Before I could dwell on it further, I heard the door opening.

“Well, well, well. If this isn’t pathetic.” Vicky!

“You’ve got to help us!” I tried to get Logan on his feet as I went near the door.

She just laughed and looked at me with hatred.

“Why would I do that? This is my chance to get rid of you!” I sat back dumb folded. My own sister? How could she? My mind scrambled with questions as I tried frantically to find an answer.

The door opened again and Leon walked in. He put his hands on Vicky’s waist before kissing her.

“Amanda, after so many years, I finally have you.” He hadn’t changed that much. He still had that angelic air around him with his baby blue eyes and messy blond hair. I felt nauseated at the sight of him. How could I have thought that I loved him? And Vicky in all this? I felt anger boil in my blood.

“One question, Vicky. Why?” I looked at her closely to see if she were under any influence like Logan taught me, I saw that she was perfectly herself.

“All my life, I tried to attract our parents’ attention. They never approved of me and always compared me to the ‘good little Amanda’ as if I wasn’t good enough. So I decided to switch side and see if little Mandy would be able to be better and stronger than me now.”

I had hoped that she would be reasonable by that question but I could see that she wouldn’t change her mind.

“You’re alone now, Mandy. No one is going to come for you now as they all must be sleeping by now with the little juice your lovely sister here passed around. Your mate is even useless.” That came from despicable Leon.

“What will do now?” I asked even though I didn’t really want to know the answer.

“That is none of your concern. For now, I’ll keep you alive.” He was gone with Vicky throwing one last look of abhorrence in our direction.

I was not going to seat back in here waiting for our death. I was not under the illusion that they would leave us alive for long. I was still thinking of my next step when I felt Logan stirring.

“Logan,” I hugged him to my chest. He hugged me back this time while slowly rising from the ground.

“Don’t cry, baby. We’ll be out of here before you know it.” He rocked me back and forth as I cried silently. I cried for everything that went wrong in my life.

“Sorry, your shirt is wet.”

“It’s just a shirt baby.” He got us on the little bed after I stopped crying and I told him everything that happened. By the time I was done, he was trembling from anger.

I put my arms around him to calm him down. That immediately calmed him.

“We need a plan to get out of here baby. The others won’t wake up until some time.” I hugged him tighter as we planned our escape.


Logan’s P.O.V:

She was a little nervous as the plan we put in place had us taking many risks but it was the only one we came up with.

“Remember, try to look at their eyes without flinching,” I reminded her one last time.

“Okay.” I kissed her before I went lying on the floor as the door opened.

“Your meals.” I heard Mandy luring the guy next to our cell. With her little voice, she had him opening the door.

Quick as a lightening, I snapped his head and he went cold on the floor. I took Mandy’s hand as we ran for the door. Thankfully, there weren’t many guards. Apparently, Leon hadn’t anticipated our escape. I smelled only three more werewolves out of the cabin.

“You take one, I can take the two. Just do like I teach you.” Mandy squeezed my hand to indicate her understanding.

As I opened the door, I saw the three guards but there were more we hadn’t smelled because they those herbs hiding scent on them.

Before I had time to warn Mandy, the three guards leaped at me in their wolves form. I got them under control after some struggling but I saw four wolves cornering Mandy.

I went to leap in the air and I got back to back with Mandy. More wolves came to our direction and Vicky and Leon as well went to join them.

“Were do you think you’re going now?” Leon growled as he prepared to shift. A little wolf went to her side. It was Vicky since it was a female.

I saw Mandy shifted back so I did as well. I went to hold her hand as she went by my side.

“I’m sorry baby,” I felt I have failed them but I wasn’t going down before some of them went with me.

“Don’t worry, we’ll be okay.” She said that to my head. Wow, how can she do that without shifting? But there was no time for such pertinent question.

“I saw a paralyzing spell in the big book my uncle saw in your dad’s library. Just repeat after me.” Holding hands, together we pronounced the words. I had faith in my mate and after we were both done, I saw everything around us stopped moving.

Stunned, the wolves looked at us with their angry eyes. Wasting no time at all, we shifted again and run until we got home. I saw earlier that we weren’t far from where I lived as I often went into the forest when I played.

In no time at all, we got home and everyone was starting to wake up.



Three weeks later…

Mandy’s P.O.V

“Ready?” I looked at my mom as I began to get ready for my official claiming ceremony. She was a little teary and I felt my eyes started to water too.

“Yeah.” We both went out to Logan’s back yard where everybody was.

When Logan saw me, his whole face lit up. Our whole pack was present to watch him chase me. We were going to get married after graduation.

I saw the full moon rise up in the sky, our wolves called to get free. After the official speech and all that crap, everyone shifted.

“I love you, Mandy.” Logan’s lips came down on mine softly as he murmured.

“I love you too,” I said after our kiss ended. I felt a sense of restlessness in the pit of my stomach as if our baby was excited to run too. I felt my eyes watering and began to sniff a little.

Logan placed a protective hand on my stomach one last time before the mating claim began.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.12.2016

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