
As she threw her bag over her shoulder, she could already guess that today wasn’t going to be one of the best. Skyler, a freshmen at Broadway High School, was starting her first day. Lovely she thought as she climbed out of her mothers car, and up the walkway to the front doors. "Welcome freshmen, Welcome freshmen" a short elderly lady at the door repeated, she sounded like a broken record. Sky made her way through a crowded door way and into the school, It was larger then her middle school, and already looked like a prison in the makings. A young gentlemen was the next she encountered with another red ID lanerd, Red being the school's color along with black. He was, like the other a broken record, a tired over used record. He told the freshmen were to get our ID's. Once I got my ID they told us this wasn’t the actual one we would get thoughs once we had pictures we would have that for our 4 years here.  Great another thing to look forward to I hate pictures. The next thing to do was to get our schedules which are in our homeroom, ok but, where the hell is my homeroom, great way to start high school.  Finally I found it. Great I knew no one in my homeroom.  My first class was Spanish I walked in to see mostly juniors and seniors in this class. I walked to the back of the room, and feebly sat down, I gently put my bag on the floor, careful not to make so much as a peep, for I didn’t want any attention brought to me. I played with my thumb which only entertained me for so long. Others walked in, and soon the room erupted in an explosion of voices. Most of which I choose not to listen to. I looked up just as a guy walked in, he was a freshmen, and sadly walking to the back with the same nervous look that I’m pretty sure I had to. He sat down next to me and looked at me, he smiled and then looked back down. I slumped down in my seat and bite my lip. Beautiful, this truly sucks I thought to myself. "What’s your name" I heard him say to me. I looked up and blinked, staring blankly at him. He swallowed and stared back at me. At least he had the guts to talk, he deserves at least a name. "Sk...Skyler" I choked out. Wonderful I bet all he thinks of me is the shy, speech impaired fool... he said "Nice to meet u I’m Jared" "Nice to meet u too “ I said as softly as I could, I almost thought he didn’t hear me but, answered with "Are u a freshman too" I said "Ya I am" he replied "Me too this day is already turning out bad" I asked "Why" "I don't know anybody, most of my friend didn’t come here, so I suppose I’m all alone here" He pressed his lips together, and raised his eyebrows as if he was saying 'What else can you do'. "Don’t feel so alone, I barley know anyone here" I straightened my self up in my chair, I didn’t even notice. He smiled brightly when he heard he wasn’t alone "Can I see your schedule?" He asked happily. I slide it over to him and he picked both mine and his up and studied them. I gulped, I was kinda hoping we might have some classes together, someone I can talk about how I have no friends with, I laughed in my head. "Well we have Math, Science, History and Gym together, Were on our own for the rest of our classes sadly" He handed me back my schedule. "At least ill have someone I know in most of my classes.” Just as I finished talking, What seemed to be my Spanish teacher walked in she was short with short black hair but at least she didn’t look to old maybe 24. once she got the class settled down she started passing out the syllabus I looked at and almost fell out of my chair. From the look on Jared’s face he was thinking the same thing I was. We had to get through 20 chapters and pass with at least a 70 if we wanted to go on. Great this should be fun. The teacher started talking in Spanish and I had no clue what she was saying but then she translated into English by saying "By the end of this year you will b able to have a conversation with someone in Spanish and I will be able to speak mostly Spanish with you understanding, right now I’m going to pass out your books, you will be responsible for these they need to be covered and in class with you everyday.  if they are not you will get a zero for the day" finally the bell rang after what seemed like for ever I shoved the book and papers in my bag and stood up. I looked back at Jared, I smiled and he walked over to me and once we met we made our way to our next class, which was Math. As we were walking out the halls Jared suddenly put his arm around my shoulder, I was scared at first but accepted, he must have a good reason, or maybe no reason at all. I looked at him questionly. "See that chick up there, yeah she’s been obsessing over me since the minute I walked in this school, I don’t even know how its possible, its been like an hour, and not even I only picked up her book for her and I said maybe four words and she was all smiley and clingy" He shivered. I just laughed and we walked into Math the class room was small and filled with freshmen talking loudly.  we walked to the back of the room and sat down luckily the desks were in partners.  The room was packed with people and it seemed to me a little claustrophobic. "So are you any good at math?" he leaned over to me and asked. I chuckled a little "Not at all, you" I looked at him. He straightened in his chair and smiled brightly. "A. plus student in Math and Math only" he laughed. "Yay, so you can teach me" I smiled. "Well what don't you get?" He asked me. I slide down in my chair and gave him such a face. "Please tell me you know what two plus two is" He frowned. I smiled and proudly go, "I am freshmen in high school know that two plus two equals four" I laugh and smile. "Well isn’t that an accomplishment" a different voice said, I turned my head to see who it was. "My names Mr. Clatenburg, and I a Math teacher in high school is out to teach you a little more then two plus two..." he smiled. But then his smile faded. "You do know more then that I hope..." he asked. I'm sure I was red as a tomato, I laughed and nodded my head. "It just uhm takes me awhile to get it, that’s all" I stammered. "We can fix that" Mr. Clatenburg says. He nods his head as agreeing that the conversation is over, and he walked back to his desk and started preaching his rules to the class. Me and Jared were in the back still chuckling over what had happened. This class seemed to go by a lot faster probably cause our teacher talked for half an hour then let us do what we wanted listen to I-pods, txt and well pretty much what ever. so I pulled out my I-pod. "I hope to let you know that, that extra ear bud you see there, is going right here" Jared said as he pointed to his ear, and smiled. "Well of course" I said I took the extra ear bud and with my sharpie I write on it 'Jared' "See it even has your name on it" I hand him the ear bud and take my own out of my ear to write 'Sky' on mine. He took my I-pod and started looking through my songs.  The next thing that started playing in my ear was Reliant K my favorite band along with my favorite song of like all time.  So I said to Jared "Oh my god this is my favorite band and my favorite song" he looked at me with his biggest smile showing all his white teeth and said "Really, mine too" I couldn’t help but smile. "And by the way, Smartie, me and you are going to have a...Study date" he smiled. I roll my eyes. "I'm no Smartie" I laugh. "Actually I was just thinking of the candy, but if you want to call your self dumb, I’m ok with that" He laughed. "Way to go Sky...Way to fail" I say to myself out loud. The bell rings, and now were off to science. I get up and he does to, he gestures with his hand for me to walk ahead. I turn my I-pod off and we make our way to science, with me thinking How will I ever survive in any class without this kid. We walk into our honors bio class and there is mostly sophomores great well at least I have Jared here I think to my self again the desks are in partners.  We look at the back and there are people in all thoughs seats.  So we settle for the far side of the room in the middle.  not to bad.  As I go to sit down I trip over the leg of my desk. A few sophomore laughs and goes "Cute" in a sarcastic tone. Jared flips him off, I just smile to myself. "Don't mind them, you have me" he smiles. "I won't, and thanks" I smile. In science its like every other class, she discusses what we need and the rules. "This is so boring" Jared whispers to me. "I know" I whisper back. I look at the clock, a couple more minutes and we'll have had about ten full minutes of the most dragged on class I’ve ever been in. As the teacher is talking I start nodding off each time my head goes down I snap awake.  Finally I lean my head on my hand and fall asleep. Next thing, I wake up to is Jared poking my side and the teacher walking toward us. I look at the desk there’s a questionnaire shit I think and start rushed writing stuff on the paper the teacher walks by and says nothing. As soon as she’s out of ear shot I whisper to Jared "Thanks so much" "Your cute when you sleep" he smiles. "I am" I looked embarrassed, I could tell. "I'm sorry I didn’t even realize how creepy that sounded, don't worry I wont be a creep and find your house and watch you sleep" he laughs "Again that sounded creepy" he added. I laughed "It's ok, and thanks?" I say. “No problem, I’ll be your head creep any day of the week" he told me.  I laughed again then looked at the clock we still had half an hour left, I let my head fall to the desk which surprisingly kind of hurt. "What’s wrong" Jared asked "Well first we still have half an hour in this class” he looked at the clock and sighed "And second owwwww that kind of hurt” I said while rubbing my head.  He chuckled and said "Let me see it" he put his hands around my head lifting my head up to see better "O o its fine only a little bump". One of the sophomores in the back screamed "Get that" and most of his friend erupted in laughter. "Jackass" Jared whispered. "I don't care" I laughed. After this class I had Computer science, only without Jared, This may be torture. We said our goodbyes and I went to Computer Science. This was a fairly easy and boring class. We actually had an assignment which was to write how your first day was going, I mentioned meeting Jared and how we had many classes together. I also mentioned how I thought today was going to be bad and the jackasses in my science class.  the class went by fast and I was really excited cause my next class was history. So I like, sprinted to class and found Jared waiting there for me saving me a seat.  This was also lunch period thank god I wont have to sit alone I thought as I was on my way to sit next to Jared.     I sat down next to Jared. The history teacher seemed mellow, and she was. "Ok it may have only been like a couple periods together--" I cut Jared off with 'Three to be exact'. "Yeah...well we should hang out some time soon" He added on. I smiled, I never really hung out with anyone, and nobody ever wanted to hang out with me. "Sure" I smiled again. After the same repetitive draw on speech about class we had lunch. "Are you hungry?" Jared asked me. "No, but you can still get lunch I’m not stopping you" I stated. "Nah I’m not hungry either" he said. "Lets go outside" He added on. So we went outside and it was warm but still chilly.  Me and Jared decided to walk around the school. It was a big school so I figured it would take most of the lunch period to get around it.  We started walking on the path way around "Have you ever wanted to just runaway" Jared asked. I paused for a little, I was going to answer it but the fact he asked such a personal question was strange to me. "Yeah, I have" I answered him "why?" He asked. "Life’s hectic at home, it'd be nice to wonder away from it all" I told him. "Hectic?" He looked at me. "Id rather not discus it" I looked down. "Fair enough" he said and looked off. I stared at him for some time while he was off looking away. His eyes looked sad, but he had a smile. He looked back at me still staring at me. "Sorry" my eyes bugged out and I looked down again. "It's ok, I understand I’m beautiful you can't help but stare" he said sarcastically and we started laughing. "But you see, though I may be beautiful, you my friend" He leaned in closer "Are gorgeous" I made a face and laughed. "Thanks" I smiled.    "You don’t have to say things like that you know" I said. “What do mean" he said while giving me a puzzled look. “That I’m gorgeous I know I’m not" I said this looking down at my feet. Jared stopped he lifted my chin up to look in my eyes and said "Sky I mean what I said and don’t you ever say you’re not cause you are."    I stayed speechless, nobody ever tells me this, and it was almost to much to much to handle. I looked away. "Hey, what’s wrong, why do you think you aren’t beautiful?" He grabbed my hand and stopped us from walking. I looked up at him, I had tears and I knew I had to tell him. We sat down and started talking. He held my hand while I told him "I was abused when I was younger, and I thought it was because I was worthless and ugly, that I was beaten because I didn’t deserve to be pretty" He gently stroked my hand with his thumb. "Don't think that, because deep down inside you know your beautiful, and the only reason you were abused was because of the sick mind of the individual who bestowed pain upon you" He said. I smiled, I always smiled when I was around him. "Thanks". "Anytime" He smiled. "Now before were late, lets head back.  I wiped the tears that had started coming down my face as we talked away. We started walking back and I looked at Jared who had a strange look on his face so I asked "What’s wrong". Jared shook him self clear, and looked at me. "Nothing I was just thinking." The rest of my classes were pretty much the same as all the others.  The ones with Jared were great and the ones with out him bad. He meet me after school and I asked him "where do u live" he said " I live on oak street" I just stared at him wide eyed. He looked at me and said "what" I said "I live on oak street." He said "really I live at the very top I’ve never seen you"  I said "that’s cause I live at the very bottom.” "Well then, here is my formal invitation to walk you home" He smiled and took my hand. Was this really happening? I couldn’t help but think this was all just a dream, but Jared seemed quite real, and so did everything else. "I'm actually glad we live on the same street, because I have no idea how to get home from the school, my aunt just kinda thought I would figure it out, oh and I mean having you on my street means I’m like 100% happier like 24/7 now" I smiled and laughed. "well" he said " I know how to get home quit well".  I said "o really now well what if we get lost"  he said “then at least we would be together" he said "true". Then he said "but that wont happen cause I’m extremely good at remembering directions" "and by the way why didn’t I see u in middle school." it was a small town and there was one middle school for the whole town.  I said "well I went to a private school which is why a lot of the kids from there didn’t come to this high school." he said "ooo u don’t look like the type to be in private school" I said "well to tell u the truth I hated it and I chose this high school because I didn’t have to wear a uniform and most of the snobby annoying rich= kids from my old school wouldn’t be here"  "what if I turned out to be snobby and rich?"  Jared smirked, I looked up at him, he was good "well you can be my exception" I smiled and I saw him smile to and I felt peaceful for once. "Good, not that I’m snobby" he laughed. "So your rich?" I questioned. "Just a little bit" he tried veering off subject. "oh my god, that giant house at the top of our street that’s not..." I stopped not wanting to embarrass him "yup that big house belongs to my parents and I"   "oh my god I’ve seen that house so many times and just wondered who lived in it" I said. then he said " well now u know" I looked up at him and stared and he said "what why r u staring at me like that". I said "I don’t know u just don’t look like the rich kids I know"


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.07.2011

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