
Bye Bye Daddy

Chapter 1

"Dad! Dad! DAD! Don't you DARE leave me!"
I'm crying hard and I just can't stop.
"Daddy! D-Daddy.... Please don't leave me alone! I beg you!"
I cry on my dying dad's chest. His breathing is becoming slower and slower each second that goes by. The blood oozing out of his stomache and heart.
"Baby Girl... I love you. So be a good girl and take care of yourself and your brothers."
His hands come up to my face and cups both of my cheeks.
"Give Daddy one last kiss before I go."
"Daddy... Please. Don't say this is the last one. There's gonna be more and more. So don't go."
I cry even harder now. Tears streaming down my cheeks, and landing on his hands.
"Sorry Baby Girl. I'm sorry that I'm not gonna be here for your 16th Birthday. But I promise. I promise Baby Girl, that I'll always love you and your brothers. That no matter what, we will see each other again. And even when I'm not here, I'll be-" He places his hand on my heart.
"Right here. So make me proud and show me that you can lead the Pack. Just like I know you can."
I grab both of his hands. "I promise Daddy. I promise that I'll make you proud. You better watch me. You better watch your Baby Girl make you proud."
I kiss both of his hands.
"I'll watch you. I'll always be watching. Watching you and your Brothers. Now where's my kiss Baby Girl?"
I laugh softly, then lower my head above his right cheek. I kiss it softly, then I go over to his left cheek and do the same.
Then lastly, I kiss his Forehead. Just like he did so many times for me. When I was upset, when He was proud of something I did, when mum died, when Cameron Died and when he tucks me in at night.
"Bye Bye My Baby Girl. Know that you and your Brothers will always be my number one."
"Yeah Daddy. We will always know, and you know that we always love you."
I hug him tightly. I feel his lips touch my forehead.
"Say Hi to mum for us okay?"
He chuckles lightly.
"Yeah. I will."
There was silence for the next few minutes. It was peaceful for me, but I still had tears coming down my face.
I feel his arms drop.

"Bye Bye Daddy."

I get up and kiss his forehead one last time before picking him up.
I walk back to the pack house, Dad in my arms, tears streaming down my face and his blood leaving a trail.

What Happened To Dad?

Chapter 2

After what seemed like hours of walking, I reach the pack house. I kick the door open, and walk to the kitchen. I could hear the excited voices of the pack, well most of them.
When I reach the door way everyone fell silent. Shocked faces went from me to Dad, then back to me again.
"R-Ri-Rika?! What Happened?!" Darryn spoke up first. Angry, worried, confused, upset and panic in his voice all at once.
I looked up at him. My beautiful brother. How much I loved him. I loved all my brothers.
I smile at him, but he could see the sadness. I placed Dad down on the counter of the kitchen. Everyone gasped when they saw Dad, then looked up at me as if asking, "It's not what we think it is right? His not.." And when they saw my face, they immediately knew it was true.
10 of my brothers were here. A few of their mates and I could see some of the other teen members of the pack here.
The girls started crying and my brothers started getting angry. "Who did it?! Who killed him?!" Zayne was practically steaming his head off. His veins were desperately wanting to pop out of his head. Rosie, his mate, was trying to calm him down. She hugged him and was whispering stuff into his ears.
"Rika. Are you alright?" This time it was Dylan who spoke. He looked really worried. He was holding his mate- Tanya's- hand. "I'm fine Dylan. Nothing happened to me." I reassured him.
He nodded but didn't look convinced.

"Wait. What's that smell." Riley, my younger brother by a year, sniffed the air and walked over to me. He grabbed the hem of my shirt and lifted it up.
"Ow! Riley, careful!" "What's this cut Rika?! They Hurt you?! How dare they!" Riley was getting madder and madder. I looked down at the so called 'cut'. I stood there wide eyed. I didn't notice this before! There was a cut starting from my belly button, and curved around to the middle of my back. It looked to be about 2cm deep. Not much, but still deep.
"Riley. I'm fine. It's just a small cut. It'll heal up soon." I tried convincing him. I grabbed him and pulled him into a tight hug.
"No need to worry little bro. At least I'm not dead." He calmed down a little and hugged me back. "Now back to the subject Rika. Who killed dad?" Zayne was trying to keep calm, and it was working. But only a little.
I breathed in a deep breath, and started telling everyone what happened.

"Well, me and Dad were running in the woods. Like we do every Friday night. And we were just about to jump over the river when there was a gunshot heard. We started running towards where we heard the sound."
"We got there and there was this little wolf laying on the ground. Dad walked over to it and then some Hunters jumped out of no where. We started fighting. There was about 15 and we killed 10. So when they started retreating I walked over to Dad. But there was a hunter who woudn't give up. He had a bloody Iron sword of some kind and tried to stab me."
"Dad... He ran over and jumped in front of it." I started crying again.
Ryan waked over and hugged me and Riley. "It's okay Rika. It's okay." He stroked my head and hugged me tighter.
"Is there anymore?" I nodded and turnd towards everyone.
"When Dad jumped in front, The Hunter stabbed his heart and dragged the blade d-downwards. I howled and they ran away." This time all the guys started shaking. They were losing control.
Even the mates were having trouble calming them down.
"T-th-they H-hurt y-you?! HOW DARE THEY! and not to mention they killed DAD!" Harry was clutching to the table with his hands and his knuckles were full on white now.
"Harry. Calm Down. It's fine, I'm fine. Just calm down." I walked over to him and grabbed his left shoulder. Leah, his mate, was holding on to his right shoulder and was looking really worried. "Calm down? You want me to fucking calm down?! How am I supposed to FUCKING calm down when they murdered Dad and Hurt you!?" I was really scared now, but I held tightly on to his shoulder. "Harry, I'm telling you to fucking calm down. Now!" The authority in my voice surprised him as much as it surprised me. But he calmed down, and so did the others.
"Rika? Was that you just then? What the hell? You sounded just like Dad, only girlier." My brothers were wide eyed, as well as the others.
"I-I don't know. Dad said that I was supposed to lead the pack when he was gone. But I didn't think he meant this." Kane walked over from his spot and grabbed my shoulders.
"It's fine Rika. We always knew you were the next Alpha. Guess it's time you stood up and took your place." Kane was smiling at me. I smiled back.
"Thanks Bro. But I don't know if I can do it. What if I mess up or something and get someone else killed like I did Dad?." I was really worried now. I didn't know how to lead people, let alone a full pack of wolves.
"It's fine Rika. We tust you, Dad and Mum trusted you. So you should trust yourself." This time it was Rosie who spoke up. I smiled and walked over to hug her.
"Thanks Rosie. You're the best." She smiled and hugged me back.
"No probs little sis. And if you need anything, always know me and your bro are here for you." I looked up and smiled at her and Zayne.
He looked really worried but was smiling still.
"Yeah Little sis, what she said." I laughed, and that made Zayne and Rosie laugh.
"Hey! We're here to you know." Riley had his hands crossed over his chest. He looked like a jealous 5 year old. I chuckled at his immaturity.
"I know Riley. I would never forget you." He smiled and ran over and hugged me. Gosh, even though his already 14 he sure acts like a 5 year old. I hugged him then looked up to the counter.

He was still there.

"Guys. I think we should burn Dad tomorrow. And dispose of his ashes at the same spot we disposed of Mum and Cameron's ashes. We also have to let the pack know about this and warn them about the hunters. And I think it's really strange how 15 hunters came out of no where." Every one nodded.
"Harry, Dylan, Kane and Zayne. I want you to carry Dad out and get this whole funeral burying shit done. Riley and I will let Tony know abut Dad. I want the rest of you to wait at the meeting grounds. Lets Go." Every one nodded and walked off.

*30 minutes later*

I looked out to the pack. Every one was worried, tired and confused. "Everyone. As you know I have called you all out tonight to deliver some tragic news."
Tony Shadow, the Beta and Dad's Best friend, was explaining to every one why we called them out so early in the morning.
"The Alpha, John BlackWolf, has been killed." Everyone gasped, some cried, some were angry and some very upset. Everyone loved Dad. He was a kind, strong and fearless Wolf. He was every ones Alpha, and now he is gone.
"What happened!?" Drake, one of the older wolves of the pack, yelled out.
"A hunter killed him." Tony was looking down to his left. He was clearly upset and mourning his dead best firend. Everone was now really upset. The adults were losing control of their wolves. Even the females were.
Tony clearly saw this and yelled out, "Calm Down every one! It was a tragic thing, yes, but we have to move on. John woudn't want you guys to lose control like this."
"Who's the new Alpha?" One of the younger teens called out.
"It has been decided since long ago that Rika BlackWolf will be the next Alpha. It goes against tradition, yes. But this was decided by John and Cassie when Rika was born."
No one said anything.
That made me really nervous.
Suddenly I felt big, warm arms wrap around my waist. I knew immediatley who it was.

Kyle Shadow.

The Beta's son. My Mate. My other half. My lover. My best friend. My Everything.
"Hey Babe." He whispered softly in my ear. His warm breath making me shiver.
"Hey." I said and turned around to face him.
His black hair was covering the right side of his face in a straight fringe. Dark, Sapphire blue eyes gazed at my rich, dark, purple eyes. He still had those blue streaks in his hair and it looks like he changed his lip peircings today.
Kyle had a nice build. He wasn't like those steroid dudes with huge ass muscles, but he had enough that you could notice he worked out a little and maybe even played a little sports.
Tonight he was wearing a black DC hoodie, black and blue Billabong Boardies, a DC hat and some thongs. Man it's bloody 2am in the morning and his wearing thongs and Boardies? He is so dumb sometimes.
I hugged him and buried my face in his broad chest.
"What's wrong?" He asked, worry in his voice.
"Nothing. I'm fine. Just nervous."
He nodded slowly and just hugged me.

I felt so short next to him. I was only 5'4 when he was a whooping 6'3.
"Well sorry about your Dad. I'm just happy you're still here." He said and kissed the top of my head. God, how much I needed him right now.
"Thanks. I love you."
"I love you too."

We both looked each other in the eyes for a while. Our faces getting closer and closer. And when our faces were inches apart, Riley came and called me.
"Rika! Come on! You're up now." I groaned and looked back up at Kyle.
"Sorry Babe. Be right back." I pecked him on his right cheek and ran over to Tony.
Everyone fell silent and all eyes were on me. I breathed in and then spoke.
"Hey everyone. Well, as you know, my Dad was killed by hunters. So for safety reasons, no one is allowed out past midnight form now on. If you're going out of pack grounds, you must have an adult with you if you're under 13. For the rest of you, you must remain in groups of at least 8."
Everyone nodded and no one disagreed with me, so I continued.
"Tomorrow morning we will be holding the funeral for my Dad. Everone will meet here at 8am. No later. Now I want you all to get some rest, you can leave now."
There was some 'Yes', 'okays' and a few nods, then everyone started walking back to their homes. I saw Kyle walk up to me and he grabbed my hands.
He kissed my knuckles and looked into my eyes. We held each others gazes for a while like that. Then Riley- once again- broke the silence.
"Yo Sis! We going home or what?!" I glared at Riley, but being the idiot he is, he just smiled like he was as innocent as a baby. God I hate it when he does that!
"So Kyle... Wanna camp over?" I smile sweetly and bat my eyelashes. He laughs and pulls me into a soft, warm hug.
"Sure Babe. Can I drop by my house first? Need cange of clothes you know. And also, please don't bat your eyelashes like that again. It really creeps me out."
I feign hurt and placed my hand over my heart.
"Ouch Babe. That was really hurtful."
We both laughed and started walking to his house.
After Kyle grabbed his things, I grabbed his hands and we started heading to the Pack House.


Texte: All rights Reserved.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.11.2011

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