

It all began centuries ago. The moon goddess wasn't always the moon goddess, she was a kind soul, and one of the most powerful light witches in her time. Her name was Aileen.


She fell in love with the first Alpha of the first and only pack, Alpha Filtiarn. However many didn't approve of their love and so there were many conspiracies against them and supporters. But no matter what they were inseparable.


Time passed and soon enough they gave birth to two twin daughters who many thought that they shouldn’t exist for they were half wolf and half witch. Both more powerful than anything in the world.” He paused.


Anyway some werewolves and witches and other supernatural creatures banded together to try and kill the sisters but ended up killing their parents instead, however they left a gift for their daughters.


Aileen, became a goddess because of her pure heart, she gifted her daughters her powers. One with the power of light, the other the power of darkness from the darkest corner of her soul, balancing each other out.


She also gave a gift to the werewolf, witch and supernatural society, mates. She wanted others to experience the love she and Filtiarn experienced and soon enough she watched over mates also matching them.


Alpha Filtian gift to his daughters was his pack.


Both girls received his pack which soon became two packs. One for the twin of light, the first and only pure white wolf, and the other for the twin of the night the first and only pure black wolf.


Alpha Filtian is said to be watching over packs and choosing those he believes are worthy to become alpha's as his daughters died out after as threat rose, killing them both.


Despite their death, peace was restored and packs were made across the world.


Every one hundred years, the twins are reborn, direct descendants of the moon goddess and the Alpha king as before and when reborn are sent back to Earth to their separate original packs.




This is the story of a girl lost in darkness trying to find her way through all the negative things that's been happening in her life.


Overcome the negative emotions that try and over take her, and find her way, her purpose in this world.


Find the one who's meant to be and will accept her, and accomplish what she's meant to do.



Even the dark has it's purpose


Even the dark has it's own light

Chapter 1 Part 1

“I really don’t know why we keep you around, you just disgrace us even more” My brother looked down at my battered form while I simply groaned in pain. Physical pain, as for emotional that pain passed long ago.


Sometimes I wonder if my life could be different and what would happen if it was, if I wasn’t blamed for something that isn’t even my fault. It’s unfair but when you hear it every day of your continuing life you begin to believe it. It is my fault.


My fault I didn’t shift and become the prideful strong she wolf my parents expected me to be.


My fault as to why I was now simply a slave and treated like dirt.


My fault that my mate will most likely reject me and my future will most likely be spent abused and used, physically and mentally.


All somehow my fault.


"Damn it get up, you’re dirtying my floor” Luke gave me one last kick before yanking me up by the hair pushing me out of his room.


"Oh and don’t forget to make us breakfast again or else and make sure to make the preparations for Trent’s party tomorrow.” He called out before throwing two bills at me. ”Here’s 200 bucks make use of it.” I nodded mutely and bent down to pick them up despite my bodies protest.


A squeal left my mouth as Luke gave me another kick sending me sprawling across the hall before slamming his door shut. ‘Figures’ I rolled my eyes and got up as quickly as possible and made my way into my room before anyone else wanted a punching session.


My ‘room’ is to put it bluntly the pack dungeon. Yeah I know their idiots for putting a dungeon containing rogues right where they live. Making me bunk with them, I could just let them free for all the misery they caused me. But if I ‘m smart enough to not do that.


Rogues are unstable and dangerous. Also I’ve seen the looks they’ve been given me, until their killed or something so no, not taking any chances. I’m sure the pack all knew that.


Even worst were the living conditions- so not going into the details.



 The next day



Trent, soon to be alpha.


He may have never did what others have but he’s turned a blind eye and pretty much ignored me except for the occasional sneers and looks of disgust. Also all in all he’s a man whore, which is why I pity his mate. I’m pretty sure my dearest sister Paige will make a good match after all they’re both horrible human beings. Than again their half dog so.....


I sighed staring at the chocolate cake I just finished baking. Today is my birthday too, my sixteen birthday. Sixteen years of being shift less and a waste of space I guess.


It makes me wonder. Am I going to be slaving around for a pack that only abuses me -if I don’t die first- for the rest of my life? I’m sure it will only get worse when my brother becomes Beta and my parents won’t care.


To them I’m unneeded.


I snapped out of my reverie when I heard the door open and voices flooding in. My eyes widened as I made my way towards the basement as fast as I could. I stopped, my hand freezing on the knob as I smelt the most amazing smell. ‘No no’ I felt dread settle in as my face paled.


Please tell me there’s another male whose birthday is today- even better, no males at all.


Time seem to have stopped when a figure came around the corner. “Mate” I whispered as I was in a trance as he came closer. He as in Trent. Today is his eighteen birthday meaning he becomes alpha and finds his mate which, with my luck is me. Curse you moon goddess.


I have to admit he was handsome with his brown hair and gray eyes, you could tell he's fit by the hardening six pack under his shirt.


“Who do you think you are?!” Paige spat out maliciously making her way through the crowd of onlookers slapping me harshly her sharp nails leaving a mark.

“How dare you say that he is your mate?! He is-“


“She is.” Trent cut her off. I turned towards him with hope but faltered when his eyes showed disbelief and disgust. “Of all people” He narrowed his eyes at me anger flashing in his eyes.


I felt tears come to my eyes. Of course, that was just wishful thinking. I never really believed my mate would accept me but I had lingering hope. Lingering hope that’s been set to ashes by his fierce glare.


“Are you sure son?” Former alpha Steve came to stand next to his son staring me down with disgust and hatred. “Sadly.” Trent sighed running his hand through his hair. Even through the circumstances I still found him handsome. Paige must have seen something in my eyes because she slapped me harsher than before sending me sprawling on the floor.


“Don’t you dare stare at my mate like that bitch.” She glowered at me while I sent a pleading look towards Trent. He simply averted his eyes towards his father who gave me a leering sneer. “Send her to the dungeon, punishment for attempting the tainting of a true Luna’s position and an alpha’s bloodline will come soon enough.”


My eyes widened as I was harshly grabbed by two pack warriors and the basement door was slammed open before I was being dragged down the steps with no mercy.


“I Trent Thompson reject you, Violet Robinson as my mate.”


‘No no!’


Mercy. It’s something that may not be given to me after this. This isn’t like all the other beatings and punishment. No this could lead me to my death.


“No please, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’M SORRY!” I thrashed in their grip pleading ignoring the pain from being dragged down old steps with many objects poking out.




Sorry for what?


Not being able to shift? Being unable to fit in? For being slaved around and about? For being abused? For being destined with my one and only?


For being a failure?


I felt tears stream down my face as I was thrown my cell room sobbing as I lost track of time.


I sniffed lifting my head up squinting through my pounding headache as my door was opened. My eyes widened as the smell of rogues filled the air and three of them filed into my small cell room. I whimpered scooting back pressing myself against the wall as they came closer. How did they get out?! Why are they here?


Please no” I whimpered trying to hold in my sobs as the came towards me like the predators they were. “Sorry little girl but we don’t want to stay here any longer.”


I screamed and screamed until my throat was raw with pain. I didn’t stop even when a hand covered my mouth. Because nothing could compare.


Nothing could compare to what it felt like when they were raping me.


Their disgusting lips, their hands, and their true weapon has broken me physically and mentally.


I lay in a crumbled heap on the dirty floor. Dirt I felt like dirt and felt even worst when his footsteps approached me and he whispered in my ears. “I will not let you taint my bloodline with your filthy blood.” He whispered harshly before stomping on my lowers stomach making me whimper. “Disgusting.”


“You’ve done your job well, you will be rewarded. Now if you excuse me I will be celebrating my son’s coming of age.” Former alpha Steve. My eyes burned with tears I doubt I had left.


“You may go or stay as you wish just make sure you come up with a damn good story.” The basement door slammed closed before I remember blacking out.


I remember being numb as I walked through the forest unsure of what I wanted. What I was looking for?

Salvation? An ending?


I collapsed as a burning pain went through my body. Should I even try to compare which was worst? The pain of shifting after all this time, being rejected, or being raped; taking away the last thing that ever belonged to me.


A dirty matted rogue jumped through the clearing most likely hearing my screams.


I smiled sadly as my spine broke and my vision blackened with the rogue leaping forward a blood thirsty look in his eyes.


Happy sixteen birthday to me I guess.

Chapter 1 Part 2



I thought it would be the best ever eighteen birthday since I would not only be taking over the pack but as well as finding my mate. It’s disappointing to find my mate is- was Violet. The freak, the omega, our slave.


She was always different from her family-not just in looks- and everyone else. For one she never shifted like we all did at seven or eight.


Not only that, but who would have thought she was also a whore. Only a few hours after I rejected her I felt pain like when I first shifted but worse- the pain of betrayal. I felt her having sex with another guy, and not just one- three.


My father was right, she deserves nothing she’s just an ungrateful brat and deserves everything that's happened to her. However we can't kill her since she's my mate- it will send me into depression- but doesn’t mean she can’t be tortured for what she's done. To think I was thinking of taking back my rejection and accepting her.


My Beta Luke and best friend along with his sister, Paige and I are heading towards the basement since the pain lessened.


Violet was their sister until her family disowned her but, you would never know from how different she looks, especially the way they treated her.


Maybe Paige can be my alpha female. Sure she sleeps around but who am I to judge? I sleep around just as much like her. Besides, she's a better choice than Violet.


"Hey come out here, whore!" Luke growled from outside her room. Wow I never realized she lived in one of the dungeons. My wolf growled in anger.


"I said come out!" Luke used his beta voice.


"Ugh, didn't you hear him? He said to some out!" Paige yelled, slamming the door open.


Except for the 'bed' and other some other things, the cell was empty. Too empty


A piece of paper on the bed caught my eye which Luke picked up reading it.


"What does it say?" I asked, not liking this at all. When I went closer I saw that the bed had blood on it- her blood. My wolf howled in anger trying to gain control.


"It says 'Goodbye.' That's it." He showed me the piece of paper, and sure enough it said just that in neat writing blurred by tear marks.


My wolf really went into a frenzy then. "Find her! Get our trackers to follow her scent!" I used my alpha voice making them both submit before running out of the cell to do as ordered.


I growled and punched a wall nearby. How could she have slept with three guys after I rejected her and just leave? I bet she did all of that on purpose as a plot of hers to cause me pain for payback.


I walked past the other cells going upstairs.


Come to think of it dad said that three rogues have joined the pack, I don’t really trust rogues but my father wouldn't do anything rash, especially if it affected the pack so I trusted his judgment.


‘Like to rejecting your mate?’ my wolf spat.


‘It was for the best. I mean she could never be Luna -she can’t even shift. Besides look what she did after I rejecter her, she had no right.’ I retorted.


‘Mate’ he whimpered before Becoming silence.


I walked into the living room to see everyone was gathered.


"What is the meaning of this, son?" my father asked before the crowd became silent waiting for my answer.

"As you know, I rejected my mate Violet earlier-" I started.


"-and the whore had sex with other guys," Luke growled. My wolf growled at the comment and the thought of any male touching her.


That reminds me; who in their right mind would actually have sex with her? Especially right after I rejected her. Whoever I was must have been desperate, but it doesn't change what she actually did it with them.


She must have begged for someone in my pack to actually sleep with her. My wolf whimpered hurt at my thoughts.


"What does this have to do with anything?" One of the junior Warriors asked.


"After the incident we went down to give her punishment, but she was gone, leaving this behind." I held up the note. And when I do find her not only will I punish her but the three pack members who actually touched my mate and caused me pain.


"What does it say?"


"Goodbye" Paige snorted rolling her eyes while playing with her hair. “Just proves how stupid she is.”

"Now I want every tracker to set out and find her! She will not be getting away with this." I growled. My wolf growled at the thought of her getting hurt.


‘Oh shut up, will you? At least you'll have her here so you won't have to worry about her dying out there is a win win’ I growled to him. I snapped back to the present as Violet's Parents the current beta stood in front of me with expressions of shame and embarrassment.


"We apologize for Violet's actions, Alpha. She has brought even more shame to both our family and the pack once again" her mother stated with disappointment spitting out her daughter's name like it was a curse.


"Whatever punishment you wish to bestow on her is approved and appreciated" her father finished for her. I nodded in acknowledgement and turned to the pack.


"Find her and bring her back. As long as she is alive and not too much near death, I don't care. Now go!" I commanded.


My trackers all shifted and ran towards the forest to find her. I was now alpha of this pack and Violet has disrespected me in many ways. With that in mind I shifted and bounded into the forest sniffing her out.




As I was running I caught the sweet scent of honey flowers and coconut making me stop to pin point it before running full speed ahead following the trail. Soon enough I came to the edge of the border where Chris one of the youngest and best trackers stood.


I shifted, not caring if I was naked. "Have you found her yet?" I asked him.


"No, Alpha. I'm afraid she's gone" Chris stated.


"What do you mean 'she's gone'?" I growled stalking towards him as my wolf broke through the surface.


"Her scent passed the border into no man's land, Alpha. She's gone." He bowed his head from the power my aura held.


"Like hell she is. I want trackers sent out to find her!” I snarled.


"But Alpha it's very dangerous to go into no man's land -” he began protesting, before I cut him off.


"Are you going against your alpha?" I growled, my wolf’s anger showing.


"No, Alpha. I'll get on it right away." He ran off while I tried to calm down as I stared at the border.


My wolf is on the edge knowing his mate is in no man's land whilst I still can't forgive her for what she's done.


I know full well how dangerous no man lands are. Rogues, hunters and other dangerous beings roam there. If Violet really did go in there, she's in danger, I can't afford to fall into depression if she dies. They will find her because if anyone kills her it will be me because there is no way she is going to get away with having sex with those guys right after I rejected her. She caused both my wolf and I pain and so she'll pay.


My wolf was too busy worrying about Violet to even retaliate against my thoughts.


When she's found she will pay and my wolf will be under my control again.


Chapter 2 Part 1



I woke up a sore and tried standing up, only to fall back down and sighed hearing a weird noise. Looking for the source, my eyes landed upon a bloody body.


I tried to scream but it somehow came out as a weird cross between a yelp and a howl. Finally, I noticed my surroundings: a forest. What am I doing in a forest?


It was then that I remembered recent events; me getting rejected and raped, both at the hands of alphas. Like father, like son.


But the last thing I remembered was the rogue launching at me to kill while I was- shifting! I looked down to see black paws. I had finally shifted after all this time?


Fate must be playing an evil joke.


‘What happened after that?’ I wondered staring at the bloody dead body. ‘I couldn’t have done that could I?’ if I did I wasn't freaked at all.


"I see you're finally awake." The voice startled me making me yelp in surprise. I turned towards the shadowed edge of the forest growling in a defensive position. Don't ask me how I knew he was there. I just knew.


A figure emerged from the shadows, chuckling. Making me growl again as he kept approaching. He stopped a few feet from me, raising his hands in a motion of surrender. "Calm down, would you?"


I relaxed a little until I smelt the air. Rogue. I tensed once again.


He stared at me before sighing. "Relax, okay? I'm not going to hurt you especially after I saved you." He spoke sincerely. So he was the one who killed the rogue. Why?


He must have seen the question in my eyes because he responded. "Why wouldn't I help a damsel in distress?" He smirked. Jeez such a great reason.


"So... are you going to shift back or what?" He was still smirking but, his question registered- I didn't know how to shift back. At that, I whimpered and laid on the ground my head on my two front paws.


"Oh." His smirk dropped. It was an awkward silent for a while before he sighed and cautiously approached me. I didn't even bother to growl or try anything to warn him or defend myself. What's the point? I may as well lay here and wait for my death; I've got nothing to live for anyway. They destroyed everything.


He moved closer until he stood in front of me, kneeled down, and passed his hands over my fur making me flinch before I relaxed after a while. I just watched him whilst he watched me before he suddenly stood up straight making me flinch once again.


Expecting a hit or a kick I whimper burying my fury head deeper into my paws… waiting. "Come on try standing up, I'm going to teach you how to shift back." I snapped my head up in surprise. Why is he helping me? Why isn’t he doing anything like attacking me or spitting insults at me?


"Come on now." He gave me a smirk as I wobbled waiting for me to find balance. It felt foreign being on four legs and not to mention the tail and the enhanced senses.


"Alright to turn back concentrate on turning human, you can picture it in you mind if it helps” he explained.


I concentrated as he said and tried to picture it but just couldn’t since sadly I avoided any way of seeing my reflection, even when cleaning the mirrors and windows.


I concentrated again not bothering to try picturing myself and soon enough I felt a pulling and tingling sensation like I was being stretched or shrunk in this case. Opening my eyes, I saw that I was back on my own two feet when suddenly all I could see was darkness. My hands went towards my eyes in panic only to feel fabric. Oh right I'm naked, I thought, pulling on the shirt, it reached mid-thigh.


I stood there awkwardly while the guy was staring at me making me uncomfortable. "What?" I asked timidly. I couldn't help but notice how my voice sounded a little different. Probably because of all the screaming.


"You're hot.” he randomly commented assessing me from head to toe not even looking embarrassed or ashamed. Yet still I couldn’t help but blush but, I was confused. I couldn’t help picture the rogues from his look making me shiver striking fear into my heart.


"What are you trying to do make me laugh? Because that’s not funny." I narrowed my eyes at him surprised where the sudden courage came from. What if he did what the rogues did to me? What if I’m actually killed this time? Would that be a bad thing?


‘Yes’ what was-


"Have you seen yourself?" He asked, raising an eyebrow with an 'are you kidding me?' look.


"Well I'm just skin and bones. Doubt anyone would be interested." I shrugged. Unless they have a really good reason like freedom.


"Skin and bones? What gave you that idea because I see more than skin and bones “I caught his stare at my chest? Pervert! I barely have anything to look at anyway.


He just sighed and took my hand not noticing my flinch as my heart beat began to spike in fear, dragging me. We walked a distance before we came to a river.


"Look." He pointed at the water while I watches him warily. “It’s not like I’m going to try and drown you after all I did to help?” He rolled his eyes. Narrowing my eyes I did as he said and went to the edge of the lake, looking in gasping at what I saw.


My dry and lifeless brown hair was now black and alive, and my usual dull lifeless blue eyes were now a light combination of blue and green. They still held pain and sadness within them, but now they radiated viciousness and power.


Not believing it I kept leaning closer and closer before I slipped and went hurtling towards the water, accidentally dragging the rogue down with me. There was a loud splash, followed by deep breaths as we resurfaced. I turned towards the rogue who now had an irritated look on his face. I couldn't help it - I began giggling, which turned into full-blown laughter. I hadn't giggle much less laugh like this for a long time.


The guy stared at me in amusement. "You think this is funny?" He raised an eyebrow and I nodded, trying to stifle my remaining giggles.


He suddenly dove under water, making me Look around in confusion before I felt something grab me by the ankle, and pull me below. We came back up to the surface with him laughing as I pouted.


"You know you should laugh more often” he commented out of the blue. I felt my cheeks warm until the situation finally caught up to me.


"This wasn't how I looked before, you know." I spoke quietly.


"Really?" he asked.


"Yeah." I closed my eyes and floated on the water. It was so peaceful. For once I had someone who was talking to me properly; not saying profanities, hitting me, or looking in disgust.


"Must have something to do with you being a pure black wolf” he stated.


"My wolf is pure black?" I asked, excited. No one in my pack has that wolf color, I would know, sometimes they use me as a dummy for training or simply make me run before tracking me in wolf form. Then what he said dawned on me. "What does that have to do with me being a pure black wolf?” I asked curiously. Sure no one in my pack is a black wolf but I’m sure there are in other packs.


"You mean you don't know?" He sounded shocked.


"Know what?" I was more confused than ever.


"The prophecy."




“Prophecy of how mates, alphas and packs came to be along with the pure white and black wolf.”

Chapter 2 part 2



Prophecy? On how mates alpha’s and packs came to be? How do I not know this?


Oh right, I barely got to learn anything about the werewolf society. I didn't even get to go to human school, we’ll from when I turned nine anyway.


The only way I learned new things, from where I left off in elementary school was by using worn out thrown away textbooks and other things. Sad, I know but effective. Beats not knowing a thing.


They never caught me teaching myself until that night. I shivered a little at the thought of it. I still have the scars or maybe not. Since I got this new body maybe I also have a clean slate.


“No, I don't” I answered him snapping out of my thoughts.


“Weren't you taught of this and anything involving being a werewolf?” he asked curiously.


I just looked away from him shaking my head.  I don’t know why, but I'm ashamed. Even when isn’t my fault.


“Why not?” he asked.


I couldn't bring myself to answer him. He would probably think I'm shameful and a waste like the rest. I looked anywhere but at him and saw we were drifting closer to shore Swimming rest of the way twisting the bottom of the shirt making water trying to get the water out since, I left my bag where I shifted so I didn't have any clothes to change into.


I felt a hand grab my shoulder turning me around. “Why not?” he demanded this time.


I looked away from him, “Because I never shifted, they said it would be a waste on me” I whispered trying to hold back tears. I know he heard with his heightened senses.


“Well they are all idiots, because you are much more” he scoffed surprising me. “I'm just a waste of space” I shook my head in denial


I felt him grab my chin and lift my head up to meet his eyes. He stared at me with hard eyes as he spoke. “You are not a waste of space. They are. You are much more important and so much more powerful than any of them” he spoke with such truth that tears whirled in my eyes.


His eyes softened when he took in my tears. “Don’t let anyone bring you down” he hugged me genuinely.


I relaxed into his arms. I don’t know why, but he makes me feel safe and at ease. He somehow gained trust that I thought burned out long ago. Maybe because he saved me from the rogue when I’m just as much a stranger to him as he is to me.


He made me smile, after all these years. He looks at me in a different way, no disgust or hate like everybody else but actually telling and making me feel that I worth a lot more. It was then I couldn't help the sob that left me and soon enough years’ worth of tears, came pouring out.


He guided us away from the river towards a nearby cave as I hang on to him while he whispered words of comfort. Soon enough my cries dialed down to hiccups feeling him run his hand through my hair in comfort.


“Better” he asked. I nodded and froze when I realized that I’ve been crying on his bare chest. I moved away sitting next to him my face heating up.


He just chuckled. I don’t know why but I don’t feel as uncomfortable and fearful as I was before. I leaned on his shoulder as he circled his arm around me making circles on my arm.


“You are like a brother that I was supposed to have” I mumbled making him stop making circles on my arms before resuming “You have a brother?” he asked curious.


“Yeah, but he hasn't been acting like one” I spoke with distaste.


“Are you sure he is your brother?” he brought me around to face him.


"Yeah, why?” I asked him curiously many possibilities running through my head.


“Based on the prophecy you don’t have a brother, just a sister” he stated seriously.

What? Well…..


“I have a sister, but I doubt she's anything special. Unless you count her in bed but I doubt she’s much.” I snorted. He chuckled a little at that.


“What’s this prophecy anyway?” I asked unsure if I would like this.


“I was wondering, when you would ask!” he exaggerated grinning.


“Shut up” I grumbled, I'm feeling cranky and sleepy. I looked at the sky to see it was turning into kind of orange, pink and other light mix of colors. The sun was rising.


“By the way name’s Derek, yours?”




I snuggled into his chest watching the sunrise. I have a feeling this will be a long story- that and he's so warm and comfy.


“It all began centuries ago. The moon goddess wasn't always the moon goddess, she was a kind soul, and one of the most powerful light witches in her time. Her name was Aileen.


She fell in love with the first Alpha of the first and only pack, Alpha Filtiarn. However many didn't approve of their love and so there were many conspiracies against them and supporters. But no matter what they were inseparable.


Time passed and soon enough they gave birth to two twin daughters who many thought that they shouldn’t exist for they were half wolf and half witch. Both more powerful than anything in the world.” He paused.


“Anyway some werewolves and witches and other supernatural creatures banded together to try and kill the sisters but ended up killing their parents instead, however they left a gift for their daughters.”


“Aileen, became a goddess because of her pure heart, she gifted her daughters her powers. One with the power of light, the other the power of darkness from the darkest corner of her soul, balancing each other out.


“She also gave a gift to the werewolf, witch and supernatural society, mates. She wanted others to experience the love she and Filtiarn experienced and soon enough she watched over mates also matching them.


Alpha Filtian gift to his daughters was his pack.”


“Both girls received his pack which soon became two packs. One for the twin of light, the first and only pure white wolf, and the other for the twin of the night the first and only pure black wolf.”


“Alpha Filtian is said to be watching over packs and choosing those he believes are worthy to become alpha's as his daughters died out after as threat rose, killing them both.


Despite their death, peace was restored and packs were made across the world.”


“Every one hundred years, the twins are reborn, direct descendants of the moon goddess and the Alpha king as before and when reborn are sent back to Earth to their separate original packs.”


“What are you saying?” I asked him after taking it all in. “You’re one of the daughters the pure black wolf” he tried to explain but I was still confused.


“So are my parents not my parents?” I asked him on edge.


He gave me a wary look before nodding yes.


My parents aren't really my parents. I'm a direct descendent of the moon goddess. I am one of the most powerful werewolves on Earth.


My. Parents. Aren’t. Really. My. Parents.  Yeah that’s one thing I really got from that.


I feel like bursting right then and there. “Are you all right?” he stared at me worried.


I just burst, a giant smile creeping up my face. While he stared at me creeped out. “Are you kidding? This is the best day of my life. I escaped from an abusive pack and my parents that really aren't mine. And to find out that I am one of the most powerful werewolves on Earth. Too bad it took my mate rejecting me and being-” I paused gulping as I said the word. “-Raped for that to happen.” I felt the emptiness, anger and hate I was distracted from as I said the last part. Suddenly felt shaking underneath me.


Looking up and saw Derek shaking looking like he was about to shift anger clear on his face. “What’s wrong?!” I asked frantically. Was it something that I did?


“They did what!” he growled out. I froze, realizing what I said grinning at him nervously.


“Come on, I smell her nearby” I heard a familiar voice. I froze yet again, color draining from my face when I recognized the voice and the smell.


The smell of Tritan Wolf pack.


I heard a growl making me jump. What was that? I looked around.


'Oh sweetheart, it’s about time we meet don’t you think?’


I know enough to know that was my inner wolf. But seriously, what’s with the timing? I have way too much bad luck.


'Are you kidding me?! This is going to be fun, my first fun in centuries.’ She laughed darkly.


I think, I may be afraid of my own wolf.

Chapter 3 Part 1




I sat on the living room couch restless, waiting for the trackers I sent out.


The sun is up and it’s almost eight in the morning now.


My wolf is on edge, making me on edge, we have been arguing all night about our Violet and barely got any sleep.


 “I don’t get, why we have to look for her?” Paige growled. “All she causes is trouble”.


 “I know but as much as I hate it she is my mate” I spat out. “And if anything happens to her I won’t be able to function right with my wolf in depress or gone” I growled.


"Besides she deserves her punishment, don’t you think?” I smirked. My wolf growled.


“I guess you're right” she pouted.


“Of course, I’m right” I kissed her pouting lips. Making my wolf went into a growling and snarling fit. Since finding Violet, kissing Paige didn't feel the same as all the other times. Stupid mate bond.


We were about to go into a make out session, when Luke came in barging in. I growled at the interruption even if it didn't feel right to me.


Until I took a good look at look him and saw he had a panicked look on his face.


“What’s wrong? Did you find her?” I asked frantic and worried trying to hold in my wolf who is worried and frantic for Violet.


“Alpha we have a problem” he stated as he caught his breath. I was about to ask what, when the front door burst open.


I was shocked by what I saw. Two pack member were carrying a bloodied beat up Chris followed by the pack doctor and nurses.


"Oh my god” I heard Paige gasp.


Ignoring her I went over to Chris, as they placed him on the couch and the pack doctor started working on him. I took in at Chris and his condition seeing that his eyes were barely open ad he was losing blood, but I had to try and get answers out of him.


 “Who did this? And where are the others?” I demanded.


He looked over to me with fear. “T-t-their all d-dead, a-all de-ad, m-m-monster k-killed them a-all” he struggled with his words. Then went limb, his eyes staring blankly at me as I felt shock go through my veins. All of them?!


I sent out 10 trackers. They should have stood a chance, especially with their training. What really bothered me was that he said monster, as in one person.


Could it have been…?


No, she doesn’t have any training nor could she shift at all. Who did this? I thought as I stared at the dead body of Chris.


“A-alpha” The pack doctor called shakily.


 “What?” I growled at being interrupted from my thoughts.


“I found the source of all this blood. H-h-his heart”


“What about it?” I asked annoyed. If it’s about his heart stopping because of blood lost, I’m punching the doctor in the face. Also he’s fired.


“I-it’s g-go-gone” he whispered in disbelief. “What?!” I snapped my head towards him.


“His heart is gone” the doctor said shakily but much more clearly. He lifted Chris's bloody shirt revealing a bloody hole where his heart should be.


No heart thought just a gaping hole revealing bare gains and smell of his ribs, still bleeding.


I paled at the sight feeling nauseous everyone in the room stunned. One thought running through all our heads.


How the hell did he make it back here ALIVE?


Chapter 3 Part 2







“I smell a pack” Derek growled getting up sniffing the air his face twisted in disgust while I whimpered. I don’t want to go back.


Derek asked “Are you al-?”


“Come out, come out Violet. We know you are nearby” A voice recognized as Chris cut him off before silently cursing the water for masking most of the scent. Chris was a tracker prodigy, able to catch a hint of a scent near water or moist places which took a lot of skills. I can still remember when he soaked me in the lake and used me to test his skills.


‘Run little runt run’


Derek stiffened before starting to shake. “Is that your old pack?” he growled out.


 “I heard something” I heard a voice whisper. ‘Enhanced hearing comes in handy’ my wolf commented.


A few minutes later footsteps approached and ten members of my former pack came into view, six boys and four girls. Each near my age meaning more beating.


They all stared sniffing the air while I stared in fear and Derek in anger still on the verge of shifting.


 “Huh that’s weird” Chris stated. One of my biggest tormentors.


My wolf growled in anger and hate at the sight of them, but she still left me in control. Which I was great full for since I don’t know how to hold her back, wolves were taught that at a young age. Also I have a feeling if she does break loose, thing won’t be pretty.


“Filthy rogues” a girl sneered at us, Derek only still on the verge to shifting. Wow he has some control.


“Don’t go growling at us you filthy scum” one of the boys growled wrapping his arms around the girl that spoke protectively, mates huh.


“Isn't that what you call everyone that is different from you?” I rolled my eyes. They turned towards me growling. I don’t know where that came from, but it is the truth.


 “Wait” Chris held up his hand making everyone bring their attention to him.


 “That girl smells like Violet” he stared at me in confusion and disgust.

 “Dude- how you can mistake her-” a guy looked me over basically eye raping me "to that!" he said in disgust.

I wonder how he will react when “her” is also “that”.


“Seriously smell the air” Chris instructed.  They all did, and stared at me in shock. Damn we were far enough from the water for them to be able to catch my scent.


"You’re right” a girl stated in disbelief.


“So the slut has a new body and apparently a boy toy. How did this happen?” the girl from before sneered again.


“Doesn’t she’s coming with us” Chris stepped up smirking.


“She is not going anywhere” Derek growled putting me behind him.


“Shame, doesn't she want to see her precious mate” Chris baited.


If he is baiting for a torturous death, then he's got it’ my wolf growled.


“Like I would want to go back to that so called mate and Alpha” I growled out loud making them growl at me for the insult towards their alpha, oh the irony. They never did that for me and I'm supposed to be their Luna.


"What already sold your new body, honey it’s not that good” the same girl sneered.


‘I swear when I kill her, I will torture her it will hurt’ my wolf growled in my head while I nodded in agreement. My goodness I'm already turning into her but maybe that’s what I need. A new personality. I'm no longer the weak omega, it’s time to change.


‘I will give you strength’


“The alpha won’t like it, when he hears about this” Chris tsked as I felt courage filling me along with hatred and need for revenge.  That’s it, something inside me snapped.


“Oh he's not going to hear about anything” I spoke dangerously as I stepped out from behind Derek.


"And why is that?” Chris smirked as he folded his arms across his chest staring at me top to bottom.


‘He doesn’t think we’re a threat’ my wolf sneered.


‘Tell me Wolfe, how is this going to be fun?’ I asked her tauntingly referring to her earlier statement.


I felt power going through my veins and a dangerous aura forming around me.


My wolf howled in anticipation and I felt- bloodlust. I closed my eyes embracing it all, the power, the bloodlust and all my emotions that were bottled up. I have a horrible past. You can safely say that they were not positive emotions.


‘Torture and kill’ my wolf stated as she surfaced feeling the bloodlust as I felt. ‘No!’ I stopped her from coming forward any closer. ‘I want to do this-together’


My wolf stopped thinking nodding ‘As you wish.’ Suddenly we were one, in sync.


 I snapped my eyes to see everyone had backed up even Derek. They all gasped as they looked into my eyes, all except Derek who just smirked.


“How on Earth are you going to be able to tell him anything, when you are all dead?" I tilted my head feeling a smile on my lips. I saw the pack freeze in place fear rolling off them in waves.


My wolf and I relished in that fear. It’s finally time they get a taste of their own medicine.


“I'm just going to be up here to enjoy the show” Derek smirked jumping onto a tree branch. While I stared at him looking away when he winked at me. Weird guy.


I turned towards the trackers a dark smirk coming to my lips at the fearful expressions. As if a switch was flipped they all ran into the forest towards the pack. I can safely say they won’t ever make it there. Alive that is.


I chuckled darkly before taking off after them. My wolf and I were enjoying the hunt, but one thing we will enjoy much more is payback, torture.


‘Leave that to me’ my wolf took control of my body as I gladly let her.


I felt power coursing through my veins, as my wolf went into a clearing near the one we were in. ‘Why are we here, their getting away!’ I growled towards my wolf puzzled. ‘Shouldn’t we be hunting them?! You know, tear them limb to limb?’ What? You cannot judge me- they deserve it.


‘Wait and see, and don’t worry’ my wolf spoke confidentially making me quiet down.


I smelled him before Derek came into the clearing. “You’re fast” he grinned panting a little. We didn’t run that far did we?


“Thank You” my wolf answered in a darker and rougher voice than mine.


“The great wolf huh” he said and got down on one knee. “It’s an honor to meet you”.


My wolf just smirked. “You also, thank you for saving us”.


“It was my pleasure” he said and then rose. “So what do you plan on doing to them?” he asked his eyes twinkling in mischief.  This is a different Derek compared to the one that helped me a while back.


“You will see” my wolf chuckled.  “Oh here they come” she looked towards the edge of the clearing.


Sure enough all ten trackers came walking towards us casually, though the look on their faces said otherwise. It looks as if they are struggling. I was confused.


“Blood control comes in handy, doesn't it?” My wolf chuckled.


“Not bad” Derek stared at the scene in front of him. All ten trackers stood in a straight line in front of me.


“Not bad?” I asked. As my wolf gave me back the control. And gave me control of the blood control to use.


He just shrugged “No screams of pain.” I just stared at him. He is definitely different from the Derek I met.


I smirked as my wolf fed me knowledge and suddenly all ten of them crashed to the ground holding their head in pain. I just stared at them in disgust before turning back to him.


“Like it, it’s a new trick my wolf taught me. She calls it a Pain bringer” My smirk widened.


 ‘It brings pain alright. Glad you learned in such a short time. You still need more practice thought’ my wolf spoke.


“Not bad” he shrugged smirking again. I gave him an irritated look, but looked towards the members as they screamed louder clawing at their bodies. ‘Looks like you learned how to bring pain to the entire body instead of parts. Got to give the guy some props’ my wolf chuckled.


Wait? “You did that on purpose” I turned toward Derek.


“I have no idea what you are talking about?” he shrugged innocently.


Innocent? Yeah right. I heard his thoughts. My powers are coming faster than I thought.


The screams of pain brought me back. ‘Don’t kill them yet, we didn't have fun much’ my wolf pouted.


‘Wouldn't want that to happen huh’ I stopped the pain. They were all breathing or wheezing hard.


“Bitch” the same girl wheezed out.


My wolf and I growled at the disrespect.  Yeah she's rubbing off on me. I can’t wait to make that girl suffer, I faintly remember her helping Paige with my torments.


 I used blood control again to make them stand and saw her mate and smiled at my plan. Maybe it’s time the feel what true emotional pain and betrayal feels like.


“Bitch huh” I turned to her still smiling. She looked at me in fear for a moment before putting up the bitchy front again. “Yes bitch” she sent me a glare, her thoughts betrayed her though as my smile turned sinister.


“You” I pointed out towards her mate “come here” I made a finger motion.


“No” he spat. But I just used blood control to make him come towards me.


I traced the side of his face with the back of my palm I could see his eyes showing disgust. Not the only one buddy. “Get your hands off of him” the girl growled.


Smiling in satisfaction of my plan working, I snaked my hands behind his neck bringing him closer to me. “What are you doing?” the girl growled. I just looked at her straight in the eyes smirking as I kissed him. I kept eye contact as I made him close his eyes and pull me closer making him look like he was enjoying it.


I heard the girl growl, her wolf surfacing as she fought against my control.


 “Phil, what are you doing” Chris shouted. I pulled away smirking. “How is she doing this?” He growled as he tried fighting against my control.


“I - I” the Guy stammered. “Is something bothering you?” I asked the girl innocently. “Bitch, I am going to kill you” she fought under my control, so weak.


I heard laughter and saw Derek trying to muffle his laughter yet failing. “This is hilarious” he said as he shook his head chuckling.


I raised eyebrow “not as hilarious as this.” As I made the guy raise his hands, claws sharpened near his mark.


“No, no please don’t” he pleaded, struggling against my control. “Stop!” the girl struggled.


“Hmmm Hmmm…” I pretended thinking. “No” with that I made him claw at his mate mark making both him and his mate scream in pain. Mate marks are extremely sensitive, feelings and senses are multiplied, so if they feel pleasure it will multiply- but pain.


“Ouch, now that’s just cruel.” Derek commented halfheartedly.


“Stop it” Chris yelled. Over the screaming; along with the other protesting pack members.


“Alright” I made him stop as both he and his mate breathed heavily. Ugh mate I hate that word and what comes with it. Unconditional love, what a joke. With that that I snapped his neck throwing his body towards the girl.


She screamed and got down on her knees as released her from the control, weeping over his body. She looked up at me with crazed eyes. “Bitch I'm going to kill you” she lunged at me. What’s with her and calling me bitch?


She leapt at me shifting in the process. But before she could scratch me I kicked her, harder than I thought because soon she laid limb beside her precious mate- no heartbeat.


“I’m stronger than I thought” I thought out loud.


“Not to mention a monster, what are you, a vampire? Demon? With those red eyes to you might as well be!” one of the boys growled. I glanced at him with narrowed eyes. One minute he was standing alive, the next he dropped to the ground dead in front of me, as I twisted his neck. Poor boy didn't even see it coming. He still had the angry and disgusted expression which he was giving me from where he standing to where I was standing before.


“Well I would love to torture you, but I really should cut it short” I sighed in disappointment. But we should get moving soon.


No doubt their screams attracted the rogues. Plus we never know, the pack may send more people.


 “But the show was just getting good” Derek fake pouted. “Why are you letting her do this?” Chris shouted at him in anger.


“Simple, you deserve it. Plus why would a filthy rogue like me help you?” he shrugged.


“You’re both monsters” another guy spat. “Yeah yeah die on that” I went behind him snapping his neck.


“Four down, six to go” I stopped and stared at all of them. Particularly two of them, a boy and a girl staring at each other with worry and love.


‘Mates’ my wolf growled in disgust.


I walked up to the girl putting my hands on both side of her head before slowly as her mate was crying for me to stop. Chuckling I completely decapitated her. “Catch” I tossed the head to him releasing my control over him.


He caught her head staring in horror, before dropping it on the ground crying. “Awww boo hoo.” I rolled my eyes at him his sobbing.


He met my gaze and growled, attacking me shifting in the process. I just used the rain of pain on him not holding back as he wiggled and whimpered in pain before he laid limb.


I looked up at the remaining four also bringing the rain of pain on them. They all crumpled to the ground screaming. “You will suffer, when the Alpha hears about this” Chris wheezed. What is with him and telling the alpha?


‘If he's that eager, I'll gladly help him out’ my wolf chuckled. I smiled as she shared her plan.


I stopped the pain on all of them. Before anybody could say anything else I made their body self-destruct using blood control. All were gone, all but Chris who stared in horror.


“Since you want to tell the alpha so bad” my wolf and I spoke in sink, walking closer to him.


He was backing away, but I sped my way right to him bringing my hand inside him grabbing his heart.


 “Who are we to stop you? However you only get to say one sentence before you die” we spoke as we pulled his heart out, using magic on his heart making it beat as I held it up for him to see.


“You will live as long as I want and die when I want, as long as I have your heart you belong to me” I spoke now in control. “How?!” he breathed out looking between his beating heart in my hands and the hole in his chest.


“Well go on, run little runt run” I smirked. He didn't need to be told twice, as he ran towards his pack. “Don’t forget, you get one last sentence before you die” I laughed as his footsteps faded away.


“Well that’s something you don’t see every day” Derek came up to me staring at the heart in my hands. “My wolf taught me” I shrugged before concentrating. I stared at the heart in my hand to see a vision of a running Chris. He was close to the pack’s border. ‘Let’s make it harder for him shall we’ my wolf smirked.


With that I squeezed his heart, but not enough to kill or paralyze him. I saw his body collapse as he clutched his chest where his heart was before, getting up again and running to the pack’s border, but not as fast and 'healthy' as before.


“Hello” a hand waved in front of me. I turned towards Derek. “Sorry. What?”


“What are you spacing out for?” he asked curious.


"Just watching and torturing a certain someone” I shrugged. “You can see him?” he asked confused.


“Yeah kind of…” I saw Chris being spotted by a pack member and he tried to speak.


“Hold that thought” I told Derek before squeezing Chris's heart making him paralyze and unable to speak. Wouldn’t want him to waste his last words now, would we?


The pack member caught him as he fell before another came to help while another wen to get the pack doctor. They both carried him back to the pack house, the pack doctor and nurses following them.


Soon they were in the living room, with my hated people My Ex-Mate, my ex-sister and my ex-brother.


“Oh my god” I saw Paige gasp a disgusted look coming over her face.


Trent went over to Chris, as they placed him on the couch as the pack’s doctor began working on him.


“Who did this? And where are the others?” he asked or more like demanded. Wow no sympathy huh!


Chris looked over to Trent with fear. I sensed his last words coming out; I smirked and started squeezing his heart more slowly.


“T-t-their all d-dead, a-all de-ad, m-m-monster k-killed them a-all” he struggled with his words, just as I destroyed his heart. Now I'm no longer able to see, what’s happening since my host is dead.


It was fun nonetheless.


 “Want to explain” Derek raised an eyebrow. I just ignored him and went over to the girl that I decapitated, taking off her cloth for me to wear.


What? She is the only girl in good condition along with her clothes. The first one shifted ripping her clothes in process. The others were blown to bits. Her body parts along with her clothes are somewhere.


That reminds me, I need to take a shower. I scrunched up my nose in disgust, seeing the blood and gore covering me. Well Derek won’t be getting his shirt back.


“Sure, but first” I went to a nearby tree extending my claws.


I made a V and S intertwined on a tree trunk, near a dead body placing Christ’s heart on the ground under the tree.


I am no longer a weak Omega, I am one of the strongest wolves in the world.


“Violet Robinson is gone” I stared at my mark signifying my new name, the new me.


“I am Violet Scarlett”


Chapter 4 Part 1




I sighed as I washed myself in the river, while Derek snagged a shirt from one of the boys. His shirt was currently- how I should say this, stained? I put on the clothes the girl had on which was just a tank top and shorts along with sandals, but that will do.

Though we really need to go into town for some clothes which the pack members so kindly gave us all their money- It was so kind of them. Okay we grave robbed the ones who are not in bits. Happy?

After I told Derek my life story while breaking down; I can safely say that Derek loathes my old pack, especially about the rejection and rape. Yeah that’s still a sore subject.

 I'm going to carry the negative emotions for the rest of my life, because of that.        

Derek and I were now walking towards a nearby town. “So...” he started as I jumped over a log before looking towards him.

“Care to tell me about your powers?” he asked little sheepishly. I paid no mind to his question just his behavior. One minute he's laughing at the torture, and the next minute he is being kind? If that’s the word.

“Are you bipolar or have any psychological problems?” I asked with pure curiosity. “Hey I've been a rogue for years, I developed a sick sense of humor and bloodlust. You will too- if you haven’t already.” he shrugged snickering while I rolled my eyes.

“That’s not all” I blocked his way

Like I'm going to tell you, I have a soft spot for you I heard his thoughts. I heard his thoughts. I have to learn to control this power soon enough, I won’t do good in crowded places.

I couldn't help but grin making him look at me weirdly yet suspiciously. “You have a soft spot for me” I grinned wider.

He looked at me wide eyed then annoyed making me laugh. “Shut up” he grumbled making me laugh more. “But a rogue with a sick sense of humor and bloodlust has a soft spot for little old me” I wheezed out trying to hold in more laughter.

It felt- good. I haven’t laughed in so long I thought I forgot how to.

He glared my way and walked faster. I chuckled at his attempts and caught up with him in ease. “Don’t worry, I feel the same way. You’re like a brother to me” I told him honestly. “Well, well a rogue with a sick sense of humor and bloodlust has a soft spot for little old me” he smirked. I just rolled my eyes and continued walking.

“Do you know what powers you have yet?” he asked.

“Yeah, my wolf told me that I have blood control and pain bringer- you've seen those- and mind reading. My wolf also told me that I can do dark magic since I’m half witch- like what I did with Chris's heart- and other things like spells. That and I can control shadows." I explained.

“Wow” Derek looked impressed. “Yeah” I was like that when my wolf told me, I almost drank too much water from the lake from shock.

“I have to train and master them all, so far I have tried mind reading, blood control, pain bringer and a little black magic. I need to learn to control the shadows and practice the others, especially the mind reading and black magic” I sighed. I got my work cut out for me but Rome wasn’t built in a day, I’m not going to get stronger just like that.

“Don’t you need physical training too?” he asked. Man I forgot about that, I’m really dreading it. “Yeah I but I don’t really have any training, where am I going to get help?” I was talking to myself by now.

Derek just chuckled. “Don’t worry I'll help you with that”.

“Really?!” I turned towards him. That would be awesome, saves me a lot of trouble.

“Why not?” he shrugged. "Did you know your eyes could turn red?” random but okay. Wait.

“That’s why they all gasped when they saw my eyes” I said in realization. I forgot all about that in the mist of all the- fun. (Cough cough revenge massacre)

“My guess is that they turn red whenever you are getting pissed or angry, or when your wolf is close to the surface. Possibly both” he thought out. “Yeah, I think so” I agreed before we fell into a comfortable silence as we walked on. Soon I smelt humans and other smells concerning civilization along with some noise too.

"We’re close” I told him.

“How do you know?” he looked at me confused. “I can smell and hear them” I raised an eyebrow. “Can’t you?”

He shook his head saying no. ‘Enhanced senses remember’ my wolf reminded. Oh right. "Enhanced senses” I told Derek who waited for an answer. Soon enough the smell got stronger. “Now I can” Derek commented.

I just stayed silent, walking towards the town.

We finally got into town, then the struggle began. “Come on let’s get some clothes. We better make it quick we’re still on your pack’s territory” I growled at the statement. “Sorry former pack” he corrected. I nodded in approval and made my way towards the nearby store, Old Navy? Is it like an old grandma or something, I’ve heard girls talking about it but I just don’t understand the title.

“Don’t waste time” Derek called after as I went to the woman’s side. I got there and looked for undergarments. Ugh, I needed help, I haven't been to shopping in years. (Much less Old Navy)

“Need any help?” I heard a voice behind me. I turned around to see a girl who worked here. She was human. Good.

 “Yeah sure, can you help me find some clothes” I asked her “and undergarments” I held up a bra. “Of course” she smiled. She showed me how to find undergarments and clothes of my size.

I. Hate. Shopping.

“Thanks for shopping” the cashier handed my bags while I gave her the money. Who the hell carried that much money with them when they’re going to track someone in a dangerous land? The Tritan pack apparently.

“Let’s go get something to eat, then we are gone” Derek caught up to me. “Awesome” I pulled my new shirt down. "Come on” he walked into a diner while I sat down sighing.

“Hello can I take your order?” I looked up and saw a blond bimbo. Wolf. Not only that but she's one of my sister's ‘friends’. She’s trying to get Derek's attention but failing miserably. He pretty much shoes her over food.

And my god her perfume was burning my nose. To a normal werewolf it would just bother them, but I have enhanced senses. I need to learn to control them. At least I learned to control my aura or every wolf in this area would be snapping to attention.

“You order for me” I told Derek busy flipping through her mind. I bet I could be way better than her to him, I mean she looks like a slut. I had to laugh at that, along with my wolf.

Idiot doesn't even realize we’re wolves and rogues nonetheless. And I thought they were looking for me. “You alright” Derek stared at me in amusement.

“Yeah, it’s just funny. How the blond bimbo doesn't even realize we’re rogues that and they are supposed to be looking for me” I chuckled along with Derek reaching for the shopping bags under the table.

I took out all the stuff I bought and the black duffle bag before stuffing everything into the duffel bag. I didn't have much. Just ten underwear, three sports bras, two regular bras, three tank tops, three shirts, two pants, two tights and two skirts along with one dress.

I also got a toothbrush and soap not to mention a comb and deodorant let’s not forget a thermos. By the time I finished putting them in the duffel bag, the bimbo came back with our food.

I dove into it, not caring if anyone was staring. I was starving.


2 to 3 minutes later


“That was good” I sighed in content, putting down my empty cup.

“I’m surprised that you could tell with how fast you were eating” Derek chuckled.

“Shut up” I got up stretching. “Ready to go?” I asked him. “Yeah” he got up grabbing his own duffel bag. “Wait” I stopped him

“Be right back” I told him and made my way back to the table where the bimbo was cleaning it. I turned her to face me holding her shoulders.

“Hey! What-”

“-We were never here” I cut her off, staring into her eyes.

“You were never here” she repeated her eyes foggy. “Good” I smirked walking out of the diner.

“What was that?” Derek asked raising an eyebrow.

“Mind control, compulsion, persuasion, call it whatever you want. Either way I blocked off her memory of us ever being there” I spoke as we were walking toward the forest.

“I've been meaning to ask you this” he started.

“What is it?” I turned to him.

“Why change your name to Violet Scarlett. I mean you could change your whole name, yet you chose to keep your first name and change your last name to Scarlett. Why?” he asked curiously.

I smiled sadly at his question. “Well obviously I didn't want my so called parent’s last name. Violet suits me that and I love that name, it makes me ‘me’. Plus it’s close to the word violent” I joked. And Derek laughed a little.

“As for Scarlett” I continued smirking. "Scarlett is the color of rage and blood which I will make sure to spill. When I spill the blood, it won’t just be any blood, I will be the one to spill it, it will be Violet's doing. Violent blood, Violet Scarlett” I rambled pausing.

“Does that make sense?” I asked Derek who was staring at me the whole time.

“In your own twisted way it does. Either way I Derek Sullivan pledge to protect Violet Scarlett with my life" I stared at him in shock. “Are you sure?” I asked him, when I felt the bond forming. It’s rare for anyone to pledge to another.

A pledge is like a promise; you pretty much make an eternal promise that can go on into the wolves other lifetime also. The real name is royal pledge. Sure it’s a couple of words to be said, but you have to really mean it in order for it to work.

What do you think?’  Derek asked through the now completed bond. The bond is the connection between the royal- the one the pledge was made to- and the pledgist, the one who pledged. The bond is like a mind link in a pack but stronger.

 I couldn't help but smile, a real smile as tears of joy streaked down my cheeks.

“So shall we walk into our new lives” he smirked holding out his hands towards me. I wiped my tears away, my last tears.

“We shall” I took his hand.

Chapter 4 Part 2




We were all still shocked processing the news. But we can’t just stand here. I thought snapping out of it.

“I want fifteen warriors, two trackers and two doctors to get ready” I ordered. “Are we seriously going to go there?” a warrior asked as we all met outside followed by many other protests.

“Enough.” I growled on edge. “Yes, we need to find out whom or what did this and see if they are nearby. We need to know if our pack is in danger” Luke answered before turning towards me. “Everything is ready alpha”

“Good, let’s go” I started towards the forest.

 “Wait!” I heard a desperate high pitched voice. I turned around to see Paige coming towards me before she jumped into my arms and kissed me, she was going to go deeper but I pulled her back. She pouted but otherwise didn't comment.

“Be safe” she gave me one last peck, before going back into the pack house. I turned towards the group, “Alright lead the way” I told the two trackers.

They started walking and sniffing out the previous scents. Soon we were out of our pack’s border.

We followed the trackers and came into a clearing. But they weren't here, no bodies nothing just lingering scents. I smelled the air and saw the trail didn't end here.

“It smells like they were running” one of the trackers spoke still smelling “but then they all went towards one place near here” he said confused. “I don’t know maybe the water is messing with the scent.” Maybe, maybe not.

Why would they go somewhere near here all together if they were running? I smelled the air following the trackers and saw he was right. There was also two scent lingering, one a sweet aroma and another stench of a rogue.

Somewhere along the way I could smell blood. I looked towards my warrior ‘spread out use stealth’ I mind linked them. They nodded and spread out to surround the area.

We came closer to a clearing and the stench of blood became stronger. I was about to jump in when one of my man yelped knocking me off my feet into the clearing.

“What the hell?!” I turned to face the culprit, but he was staring in horror at something near him. I looked and saw it was a bodiless hand. What the-

“Alpha you've got to see this” I turned my attention away from the hand. Getting up turning and facing the clearing, I paled at what I saw.

Blood and body parts were there everywhere. There were also two of the girls that I sent out, one without a head. I looked around and saw her head by one of the men. There were pretty much two girls and three dead men in the clearing, the rest of them were in bits and pieces.

“Alpha” Luke called me over staring at something. A tree?

I got closer and saw a heart in front of that tree, it was very much damaged. I paled. “Is that......” I trailed off looking towards Luke. “It may be” he sighed.

Chris's heart.

I still don’t know how he got back alive, especially when I see his heart right here and pretty much destroyed.

Staring at Chris’s heart another thing caught my attention on the tree where Luke was staring at. I looked closer and found it was a V and S interloping carved into the tree.

“That’s another thing I found” he pointed at the carving no doubt made by the one who killed them.

“Alright clear out this clearing, pack up the bodies-” My command was interrupted by a feral growl. I turned alert and saw one rogue. Luke quickly sprang into action breaking its neck, it fell on the ground dead.

“He can’t be the one who killed them” I stared at the rogue lying dead in human form.

Soon I heard another growl and saw one of my pack warriors fighting off two more rogues. The others quickly helped him to kill the rogues. They can’t be the ones, who killed my pack members either.

“I see what’s going on now” Luke said in realization.

“What is it?” I turned to him.

“Their screams and now the smell of their blood are attracting the rogues" he stated.

“Shit, hurry up and pack the bodies before more come” I commanded. If we stay here any longer we might get killed, who knows how many more rogues are on their way here?

“Someone take pictures” I commanded.

Soon we were on our way back- Body bags and all- All I hope is that we didn't miss any of the body parts for any rogues to maul on but it’s possible. What kind of monster would do this?

I'm wondering if they ever found Violet or died before finding her. Is she dead? Did whoever or whatever did this get to her? Is she hurt or dead? No, I would have felt it through the bond.

Damn it! My wolf is rubbing off on me about her.

I looked at the picture of the mark on the tree.

I will make sure of whoever did this will pay.

Chapter 5 Part 1


1 year later               



“We don’t know whether he really is a threat to our packs” one Alpha spoke staring me down.

“What do you mean? That mutt killed my trackers! Tortured and killed, most were in pieces!” I snarled. How dare they tell me that the rogue isn't any danger?

“Well Alpha, what were your trackers doing on no man’s land? If I remember correctly you sent them out knowing the dangers for reasons unknown to us” another alpha snarled back. Alpha meetings are a bust.

You’ve got alphas from around the world, each wanting dominance and respect. No wonder we have them once a year. Alphas in one single place is a much no no.

But now were discussing about the rogue, no one knows how he looks like. All we know is that he goes around killing rogues and even some pack members. We know it’s the same person, because of the mark. The same mark I found years ago near my dead trackers. No one knows what the V and S meant.

I don't get why the alphas aren't trying to stop him. Sure the rogue mostly killed rogues but he killed other pack member also- Well other than my trackers. He has the ability to go through our territories easily without being caught which infuriates me. He could pounce on us any time he wants that too without us even knowing it.

Looking around at the alpha’s I just growled in defeat.

“As we were saying” the previous alpha continued “we don’t know whether he is really a threat to our packs or he only kills other rogues and traitors. Never has he attacked a pack even when passing through our territories unless they are rogues or as we found out traitors to our packs.” he finished.

“That’s true, I found a group of dead rogues on my territory one day, with his mark nearby. We never knew they were there. And judging by their location and camp they were planning to attack” another alpha spoke up.

“I found one of my trackers dead that day but evidence showed he was smuggling information to a rival pack.” He glared towards another alpha who glared back.

“Whoever he is, we are in his debt. The numbers of the rogues have been decreasing and attacks are even less frequent, especially in this location. Traitors have also been taken care of if found by him.” I clenched my jaw in anger.

In debt? He killed my pack members! These alphas are out of their minds. “How do you know one day that the rogue won’t turn against us? We don’t know who he is, heck we don’t even know how he looks” I spoke out.

“We don’t. That’s why we are also cautious of him; and if this is about your pack members they could have threatened him is some way. We all know how we get with rogues. But why were your trackers in no man's land? Where there that many dangerous rogues lurking around near your pack? Are you ready to tell us your reason yet Alpha Trent?” another alpha snarled. We both went into a little stare down tension clear in the air.

Suddenly someone barged in. We all turned our heads towards the culprit. He looked confused for a second.

“What is it?” the alpha I was having a stare down with, demanded.

The man seemed to regain some sense. “Alphas this came in” he said and held out his hand, holding an envelope. An envelope bearing the rogues mark. I couldn't help the hate that went through me.

Sure I sent them there knowing the dangers. But I never knew such a vile creature was there. Filthy rogue tortured them, even if they were pack members. They couldn't have threatened him, they were specifically ordered to find her without any distractions.

Besides this rogue scum shouldn't even be allowed to live. His mere existence causes trouble. My trackers should have had every right to kill them and not the other way around.

Her scent was nearby along with the other rogues. I still couldn't figure out a connection other than the impossible one; she did it. Yeah right, it must have been the rogue nearby.

It’s been a year, and we still haven't found her. I know she's not dead. I can feel she's still alive. But it feels like she dropped from the face of the Earth, not to mention the killings happening all around by this rogue.

This rogue kills all other rogues in its path, even tortures. But never attacks the pack members and if he does they are always found as traitors or have committed a crime. Not only that but he can slip in and out of your territory without even you knowing. Unless you find a rogue's dead body somewhere in your territory with his mark nearby.

“Yep. It’s definitely him” I was brought back from my thoughts.

 I looked and saw the alpha I was having a stare down with holding the letter and examining it. “Well open it” one alpha assured. Idiots what if it was a bomb or poison or a plot to kill you. Just because he only kills rogues and 'protects' your packs doesn't mean that he is as good as you think.

“Dear Alpha's” the alpha started reading.


Hope you're having fun at your meeting. Though I doubt it, as all the alphas in the world together in one place there's bound to be arguments.


As you know, I have been going around killing rogues. Some ignorant Alpha's have been trying to catch me these past years. I do not care the reason, whether you want to know my identity or want me to join your pack, I decline. So stop your search unless you want to end up with dead members like a certain alpha.

 I balled my fist in anger at that while everyone glanced at me.


You don’t have to view me as a threat to your pack, let me have my fun. You wouldn't want me to play with your packs.


So you stay out of my way, I'll stay out of yours. It’s for the best. I can pass through your territories peacefully without any interruptions- not that I'm not already doing it- and you all go on with your peaceful lives.


It’s not like you don’t benefit from it anyway. While I have my fun with these rogues, you all get much less disturbances from the rogues. Even as I pass through your territory, I eliminate some groups who have passed your defenses; oh by the way your defense needs improvement along with your choice on who you put your trust in.


So consider this a peace treaty or so between us. You stay out of my way and I yours. I get to have my fun and kill as many rogues as I want and pass through your territories in peace, possibly saving your packs.

How he’s talking about taking lives just for fun, for sport is disgusting.


If any of you ignore this warning I will know. I won’t punish all of you for one’s mistake. That would be so cruel. Trust me, you don’t want to get in my way, I’m capable of many things, which you never thought was possible. Do not test me

Protects our packs huh, our savior. I thought sarcastically at that last sentence.


“So how about it Alphas?”


“Signed VS” the alpha finished reading.

“Still think he is not a threat?” I sneered.

The alpha ignored me and turned asking “who gave you this” towards the man who brought the letter.

“Oh it was…..” he started confidently trailing off looking confused. “It was...” he trailed off, his confident tone turned into confusion.

“It was?” another Alpha pushed. I don't blame him. This could be the only lead to find this mysterious rogue, I'm hoping to know too. Maybe then I can find him easily and have my revenge.

“I don’t remember” The man stated wide eyed.

“What do you mean by you don’t remember?” I growled in frustration. This is like the hearing all over again. Explanations unable to be found.

“I-I don’t remember” he stammered under all our gazes. “It’s like the memory of that moment and that person is gone” he shook his head.

“I don’t remember who gave it to me or when? All I remember is running up to you to give you the letter, when I saw the symbol on it” he said thinking hard.

“I don’t remember” he whispered looking defeated. I saw the alpha sniffing the letter. “No scent either” He stared wide eyed at the letter.

I was in shock, the whole room deadly silent.

Then I remembered the rogue’s words in the letter.

Trust me, you don’t want to get in my way. I’m capable of many things, which you never thought was possible.

Chapter 5 Part 2



The past years have been eventful.

You could say I've been having lots of fun. Don't believe me? You can ask half the people who are in their afterlife.

For the past year, I've been practicing my powers and training with Derek while we moved around and abut. You can say I'm well known, yet not so well known.

Everyone knows of ‘THE rogue’ who has been killing other rogues and guilty pack members and traitors. Yet they don’t know how I look like, heck they think I'm a man. You can say the ones who encountered me, didn't really live to tell the tale. Unless you can talk to the dead, you won’t know how I look like or the fact I’m a girl.

Those fools think that I have been helping them and protecting their packs. Please, I'm only doing this for myself. Killing makes me feel better and alive.

I really couldn't go after the packs or I'll be on the most wanted list, and it'll be harder to get by so no, thank you.

For the past year, I've been losing it.

Rejection was taking its toll on me. I got over being raped (Not really) but I got over the flinching and hatred over most rogue males. But back to the rejection.

 Derek could do nothing but watch as I was sucked into darkness. I've been numb for some time now. I barely feel, if I do it’s mostly sadness anger and hate.

My all so faithful mate hasn't been helping either. Pretty much every damn night I feel him screwing a girl, then it turned into like a three times a day.

I remember the first time I felt it, my wolf and I both went into frenzy killing spree. It also happened to be when we were near a pack of rogues…..

It doesn't hurt much anymore, no it didn't start hurting less if anything it hurt much more but like I said, I've become numb.

I remember the day he marked and mated someone else (Which I bet was Paige) the pain was too much my body shut down. I woke up, and my wolf and I were seething, we went on a massacre, killing anyone in our paths. Even Derek couldn't come near me.

Mate. The cause of all my problems. If I even hear that word, I can’t help but kill. Yeah it’s a touchy subject and not just to me.

Derek finally opened up, telling me his pack was wiped out by a pack of rogues. His mate was killed in that attack, but not before he found out about the affair with his soon to be alpha.

I guess you could say we are both mate less and no we don’t or didn't hook up. That would be way weird, he’s like a brother to me, keeping me in check and all. Plus girls fall at his feet.

The word mate brings out similar emotions to both of us. Whenever I encounter mates I torture them. I make them watch their mates get tortured. I kill them slowly and painfully showing my hate for the other mates. They disgust me.

Derek’s given up on trying to get me to stop.

But deep down I wish I could have someone like that. To love me unconditionally and to protect me. But mine- turned me into the monster I am now.

“You gave them the letter” Derek asked as we walked through the town as we just came from the alpha meeting the alphas were having.

“Yeah, I gave it to a random pack member to deliver it without any memory of me of course” I chuckled.

Yeah we were eaves dropping.

Not like they were doing anything to catch us. I hid our smell and our presence. Yes there are many other things I can do, like shift back with clothes still intact. A blessing. Don’t ask why it didn't work when I first shifted. Guess it was because it was my first shift.

Back to the present.

We were listening to the alphas, during their meeting. It took all I had to hold, myself and my wolf from killing our so call mate. It worked because I know, if we are ever going to kill him I will make him and his pack suffer.

I also can’t believe these fools. They think I only kill rogues to protect them.

Please anything I do is for my own personal gain, the sweet Violet who puts others first is long gone. The only one I'll put myself before is Derek. He is the only one who I actually show the minimum emotions, I still have left. He’s my rock, my grip to sanity.

During the meeting I decided to use the opportunity to write a letter. Like I said, some ignorant alphas like my so called mate are trying to find me and it’s getting really hard not to butcher them.

So I sent them a warning and a 'peace' treaty or so, call it whatever you want. Like I said all for my own personal gain.

“So where else do you want to go?” Derek asked as we walked towards the woods. I'm certain the alphas will try and catch me before I'm gone. Especially my so call mate, he is still looking for revenge for his precious trackers.

He makes me sick.

“I've always wanted to go to Florida” I shrugged. ‘That would be nice, the breeze, the beach, the kills’ my wolf stated with longing. I couldn't help but chuckle at her antics. We have bonded so much, that and she rubs off on me very much. She helped me become the person I am today, the total opposite of who I once was.

Seriously, right now I'm thinking of the breeze, the beach the kills. Oh the kills, I feel bloodlust surfacing.

“The sunrise pack and the sea breeze packs are there” he stated snapping me out of my trance. Gee thanks for the bloodlust I'm now feeling. ‘You’re welcome’ she chuckled. I rolled my eyes and thought about what Derek just told me. Who names there packs? Even I will admit the Tritan pack sounds better than those two.

Anyway as long as it’s not my old packs territory and those packs, I'm good. I have avoided those territories at all cost.

“Well let’s go. But by air or by sea?” I asked him. We have been 'making' money. In other words our victim’s money, which with my amount of victims makes us quite rich.

“Air” he answered. “Well let’s rent a car and get out of here” I said as I walked out of the woods to find rental cars. We were in Cuba right now. I don’t know why, they chose the meeting this year to be held here.

I sighed inwardly.

How my life has changed drastically.

I've become numb and a bloodthirsty monster. I wonder.....

Will anyone will be able to pull me out of the darkness I've been sucked into.

Chapter 6 Part 1





I could never forget the day I met Violet.

Wandering in no man land avoiding other pack territories trying to recover from a fight with a couple of nearby pack members. The way they treat rogues is sickening, how do you think they get all crazy?

Being on the run, in isolation no place to go does that to you. Yeah we kill, but its pure self-defense- most of the time.

I know there are truly bad rogues like they think out there, many who lost their mates who sank into pure wolf instincts or just plain cruel wolves, like the ones who wiped out my pack and killed my mate. I've hated packs of rogues and other vicious rogues ever since then, I do kill but I never allowed myself to sink into pure wolf instincts and bloodlust.  (The bloodlust part is kind of hard, perks of being a rogue- not)

Anyway I was wandering around when I heard a scream filled with pain. Don’t get me wrong being a rogue you’ll here that at least once a day on no man’s land. It’s not a really safe place to wander on unless you have experience. This scream was – different. I was drawn to it.

Apparently I wasn't the only one since I found a rogue before me.

I didn’t expect to see a girl on the ground in pain shifting when she looked about 15 or 16 years old with a rogue about to pounce on her and eat her. (Most turn into cannibals and eat any meat they could find- not pretty- they a rabid animals in a literal sense.) I knew the girl was special, my wolf was so frantic on saving her that he took over.

When I got back control she was still on the ground unconscious and in pain her body deforming and reforming. She was very skinny, you could see her bones and not because they were rearranging. She looked beautiful nonetheless- but who would hurt a girl like her, she was all bruised up.

I stayed there watching, guarding as she shifted. Imagine my surprise when she shifted into a black wolf- well not really I knew she was important I just forgot which Legend or prophecy involved a shifter at 16. 

Her physical appearance changed her dried brown hair became silky black. Seriously her hair was so soft I just couldn't stop touching it along with her fur. Her skin was spotless, no bruises left and her blue gray eyes that turns red when she's angry or her wolf is on the surface.

Don’t know how but we kind of bonded like an instant connection. My wolf pretty much bonded with hers, she’s like a sister to me.

We also bonded over our pasts and our twisted sense humor in a literal sense. We have a really twisted sense of humor when we kill. I rubbed off on her along with her wolf.

Violet was a kind soul, putting herself before others enthusiastic and can make you smile at tough times, but her mate, he pack ruined it.  I had to watch as her soul turned dark and turned into the Violet I see today.

Her eyes void of emotions unable to even feel pain from her physical wounds. Sometimes I get a glimpse of the girl I first met but it became less and less before it was on special occasions for her to even show emotions. 

Sure my mate died but hers is alive destroying her from the inside. She along with her wolf- which I think was already psychotic- turned to bloodlust and the thrill of killing to ease the pain. I couldn't bring myself to hate her, I know deep down no matter how numb she is she's hurting on the inside.

She is still my sister and I will protect her even if she thinks she doesn't need it. She needs someone to protect her from insanity. I'll be that person, her hold to sanity.

Speaking of sanity.

"I am going to kill that bastard of a mate" Violet grumbled to herself and many other profanities eyes a little red.

Yeah you could say it’s one of the times where her mate gets it on, she is like a girl on period times ten during that time. She is on edge her wolf close to the surface. 

I know it hurts like hell even though she isn't showing it. Two years and it still isn't any better, whoever said it gets better is so wrong because I've got a PMS’ing girl and wolf to prove it. Let me tell you when Violet and her wolf agree on something, you better hope it does not involve killing, they will tear the place apart.

Just ask the first rogue pack they wiped out when her mate first got it on which, you can’t. They’re in literal pieces. People are still having trouble finding body parts and there were like twenty rogues- that will take a lot of work. On the bright side the heads will be easier to find, thought it might be buried somewhere.

Like I said twisted sense of humor- but in my defense, every rogue develops it.

So now were just walking aimlessly in the forest. Violet is battling her wolf and herself not to go on a killing spree, she mastered that after a few months during her mate’s unfaithfulness- Surprised I'm still alive. Really I am.

We've been traveling around for two years now. Let me just say Violet cannot go anywhere without someone's death on her hands or body parts.

“-but no I just had to be mated to that bastard, mother why do you hate me so-“ I heard Violet grumbling before I tuned her out like I do after the last ten times years ago.  I've got to say it’s amusing sometimes how she goes on and on about how she was mated to her mate as a curse or something. But it got old, amusing but old. She always comes up with new interesting torture ways.

I would agree with her, I swear even I want to kill him too. Too bad he's the only one to actually bring more emotions out of her. Even if it’s anger, pain, hatred- she has turned into a really dark person.

I felt a weird force as we kept walking but I just ignored it listening to Violets usual rant too bored to tune it out anymore. "......not only do I get fake uncaring parents and packs but a mate too, I swear mom when I get up there where you are you are getting a peace of my mind......." She growled.

Well now she's pretty much talking to her mom. I am curious about their little mother daughter talk when she does see her. I mean she’s the actual moon goddess.

I stopped when I smelled nearby werewolves. Werewolves not rogues, shit. Violet froze in her spot probably smelling it too, She has enhanced sense shouldn’t she have smelled it before? I guess her mate was distracting her.

Suddenly I heard a growl and smelt their scent behind us. I turned around to see four wolves and one in human form. By the power coming from him I can tell he's beta like me. Yes I have Beta blood in me, it was a big betrayal to find out my mate was having an affair with my best friend behind my back.

"What are you doing on our land rogue" The beta growled out. I groaned in realization "so that’s what that force was, we walked into a packs territory" I stated turning towards Violet who gave me a glare.

"Really" Violet growled hitting the back of my head. I just smirked sheepishly "in my defense you didn't know either." ok probably a bad thing to say.

"Because I was distracted, I didn't even smell those mutts coming towards us" she growled out her eyes turning a little redder then it already was. I lifted my hands in surrender mode before she teared me apart.

"Hello?" A voice interrupted us. "What?!" Violet growled turning towards the beta.

I saw him whimper a little from her tone and eyes before he regained composure. "What are you doing on our territory?" He asked this time.

"I don’t know passing by." Violet rolled her eyes. The Beta frowned annoyance clear in his eyes. "Sorry but were going to have to take you to our alpha." he said sounding not so sorry.

Violet sighed in annoyance crossing her arms. I saw some of the wolves including the beta stare at her chest. I growled protectively, guys these days, no dignity. Oh who am I to talk, while Violet leave body parts in her path I leave broken hearts.

Two of the pack members shifting back after snapping out of it before grabbing us. "Watch it" Violet growled at the man holding her. I saw the man move away a little, poor dude caught her one bad time.

Let’s hope we can get out of here with no murders.

'Would it be wrong to tear off his hands- both of them' I heard Violet growl in my head. 

'Yes' I answered her in a stern tone in her mind, I saw her face turning into a pissed off expression.

'Yeah let’s definitely hope no murders happen, although it might be a one to one hundred percent chance' my wolf chuckled.

I groaned at his statement. ‘Not really making me feel better.’


Chapter 6 part 2



It’s officially been two years since I left my pack and it seems my mate still just hasn't stopped giving.

Pain that is.

I swear I will kill him slowly and painfully and torture his love ones right in front of him just to bring him pain. Though it will never compare to the pain.

'Agreed on torturing him and killing off that basted pack.' my wolf growled out.  It’s taking a whole lot not to go on a killing spree right now and this Beta isn't helping.

Along with the dude holding me. "Watch. It." I growled at him as his hand started wandering. He moved back a bit making me satisfied but then his grip got even tighter. Angry are we? Well so am I.

'Would it be wrong to tear off his hands-both of them' I growled through our connection.

'Yes' he answered in a stern tone I was used to. Don’t you dare try anything, as much as I barely listen to it, this is one of the rare times. I groaned inwardly in annoyance while my wolf just chuckled.

'Oh shut up you wanted to do that too' I scowled towards her. 'Guilty' she giggled.

Then another pain hit putting us both back in our pissed off mood. Seriously, how many times is he going to go at it he must have went like four rounds right now! Can’t he put that energy into something else?


Soon we arrived at the pack house and its nice; A mansion more than a house but looks homey and well taken care of. We walked inside the pack house and since I was getting bore I began reading the beta’s mind.

'Can’t we just kill them and get out of here' my wolf scowled back in her bad mood. 'Oh come on it'll be fun' I chuckled.

As we were walking towards the alpha's office I saw the pack members staying back either glaring or giving looks of disgust and curiosity. I glared at them all making my eyes a little red making their stares turned into fear, it was rolling off of them in waves. Much better.

"Can you stop scaring the members" The beta spoke annoyed. "I don’t know what you mean" I said shrugging. He turned around glaring at me.

"What? It’s him who's the intimidating one" I pointed towards Derek who just chuckled "so don’t blame it on me" he just continued glaring at me.

"Besides if you just let us go we wouldn't be here would we" I said seriously. He just turned around and kept walking. No answer? Okay I shrugged and followed him.

That’s it this man's grip is annoying me now. "If you don’t loosen your grip or let me go I will rip both of your hands off" probably not a good situation to be threatening someone I'm in a foul mood, it won’t help if I get anymore annoyed.

The man just smirked at me and tightened his grip. 'He did not just do that' my wolf and I growled out in my head. I stopped walking and turned towards him.

"Hands off me or else your hands will be off of you." I growled feeling my yes turn red but I held it back. My wolf and I don't like the disrespect and my mate going at it, again! He isn't helping.

"Dude you know she will actually do it right?" Derek raised an eyebrow at the man still holding me. He looked into my piercing glare flinching probably wondering if it’s true or not before slowly removing his hand. "Thank you" I turned around and started walking again.

It was then I noticed some of the pack members watching along with the beta and some warriors in defensive stances. I rolled my eyes turning to the beta "Well I want to be out of here as soon as possible." I gestured him to lead.

He stared at me cautiously before walking again tenser this time. These people are such wusses.

We finally got to a door with the word alpha in silver before the beta knocked on the door and entered his buddies pushing us in.

There was a man probably the same age as Trent with black hair and light brown eyes. "Here the rogues alpha" The beta pushed us forward.

"Watch it" I stumbled cached off guard.

"So you’re the rogues who have been giving probl-." He spoke coming in front of us.

"-Actually they led us to these problems so they caused it" I pointed towards the warriors and Beta who growled. The alpha growled at me interrupting.

"Don’t interrupt" he growled. Someone needs anger management. Meh I shouldn’t be one to judge.

"Why are you on-?"

"Hold that thought" I cut him off holding up a finger. I heard Derek muffling his laugher as I listened intently.

It sounded like someone screaming. The alpha growled almost braking my concentration.

"Shush" I put the index finger I held up to him on my lips still listening, Derek was really laughing now.

"You do not tell-" yup that was definitely a scream I thought as I ran towards the window jumping through cutting off the alpha.

"What the- get her!" The alpha ordered. 'Cover me Derek' I linked him. Soon I hear a growl followed by other growls. I love it how he listens without even questioning it.

'Why exactly am I risking my life here?' He asked. Not. 'Because one of their pack members is in danger' I said as I ran dodging tree's hearing others behind me but I was faster.

Soon I smelt the scent of two rogues and two other pack members, one smelled young. I ran into a clearing and saw two girls cornered along with two rogues. "How about we have some fun" One said running his palm down one of the girls face. She looked about 18 or so.

 She spit in his face as the other girl whimpered, she looked about 10, sisters too. The rogue grabbed the older sister’s face roughly "why you little-" and a bunch of profanities.

Wow someone hasn't been getting some, not surprised those man are nasty in more ways than on. I sighed and sat cross-legged on a boulder hiding my scent and aura.

A few minutes later I heard the others coming with my enhanced senses so I made my entrance before they ruined it. "Someone isn't getting some" I commented as the rogue fought the girls to kiss and touch them. I hate pedophiles.

They all turned to me as I released my scent and aura. The rogue's faces turned into smirks.

"Well hey there want to join the fun?" the older one asked. I think I just barfed a little in my mouth. "Depends what kind of fun you're talking about" I shrugged not showing my disgust.

The wolves were closer but they were too distracted by me to even notice. "Oh we'll give you a good time" the other grinned. His teeth were yellow, I mean like really yellow.

"Well now that I think about it" I got up walking towards them. "Maybe I will have some fun" I purred running my finger down his chest.

I looked and saw the girls watching the scene in disgust which soon turned into shock as I put my hand through the man's chest and ripped his heart out.

"Mmm that was fun" I let the heart drop to the ground. I felt the pack was here by now. The other rogue stared at his dead partner before turning towards me. "You’re gonna pay for that bitch." He said outraged.

"Oh I’m not a bitch" I chuckled "besides you promised me a good time did you not?" I tilted my head to the side.

I was behind him in a flash decapitating him. "You can come out now" I turned to where they were.

About 20 wolves came into the clearing including Derek who they surrounded and a bigger brown wolf. Oh the alpha this should be good.

He shifted back quickly putting on shorts. "Why did you save them?" he asked making me realize something, why did I save them?

I don’t know why but my wolf and I had an urge to protect the pack members here. I also noticed how calm and reassured I am here.

Oh no.

"What pack is this?" I asked ignoring his previous question. I really need an answer to this.

The alpha growled but otherwise answered "Dark moon pack"

I froze oh shit.

The pack that I have been avoiding.

One of the original packs.

The pack I was supposed to be in.

Dark Moon Pack.

'I told you to get out of here but noooooo' my wolf spoke 'oh come on it'll be fun' my wolf mimicked me.

'Shut up'


Chapter 6 Part 3



I unfroze and stared at the alpha who was a few feet away.

"Well, it’s been fun but we've got to go" I laughed nervously stepping backwards.

He stepped closer and growled, I growled right back.

He growled again stepping forward. How dare he, I am his alpha. I growled stepping also stepping forward trying to keep my eyes from changing colors and my wolf at bay. We don’t take well in challenges and by my guess neither does he?

He looked angry at me for challenging him, guess what so I am.

He growled louder putting his alpha power behind it, I saw his eyes turning black meaning his wolf close to the surface. My wolf was so close to the surface demanding respect and angry he dared use his alpha power against us.

I growled feeling my eyes turning red. He better back down or else he will be six feet under, literally. He’ll be lucky if he has anything to put in his coffin.

He went to growl again but I growled putting my power behind it making sure it wasn’t all of it. I could feel the other wolves cowering by the force and power of the growl. He was no exception.

His eyes quickly returned to its original color with a fearful look he bowed his head and whimpering.

My wolf calmed at his submission, my eyes returning to their original color. "Don’t ever dare growl at me again pup" I growled at him. And he’s older than me.

He whimpered and I sighed. I looked around and saw the other wolves also bowing their heads in submission.

"Let him go" I demanded referring to Derek, they released him without a word. He walked towards me in shorts only. Which reminds me where did out bags go?

I sense someone coming and glanced at the direction of the pack house. A woman burst through the clearing, I could see the resemblance between her and the alpha.

She's not a wolf but I feel great power from her including ones of a Luna. What is she? It’s on the tip on my tongue. "Merideth, where are you going this is dangerous." A man burst throught the clearing. I sense his alpha aura around him and he resembles the current alpha.

They were his parents, but what are they doing here. Also, Merideth, Merideth where have I heard that name before…….

Damn she's a-

"I sensed a great power here" She spoke coming closer to me. I growled warningly but she just ignored it coming closer.

"Mom what are you doing?" the alpha asked frantically.

"Merideth stay back" her mate called out. She ignored them both and kept coming towards me while I stepped back. Derek stared in shock.

I never backed down this was weird behavior from me but if he could remember who she is better yet what she is.

My back hit a tree as Merideth came closer. I growled in warning again but nothing really happened she just kept coming.

I heard growls and saw the pack trying to interfere but they were held back by a force. Damn smart-

I was cut off by a hand touching mine, her eyes widened as we made contact. Damn she knows.

Then her eyes changed into disbelief then determination, I felt the air shift towards her. What is she doing?

Suddenly I felt my wolf coming out, I tried pushing her back but a force was pushing her to the surface. She was forcing me to shift!

I tried to stop it but it was no use. I felt my eyes red in anger and my wolf coming to surface.

My nails became claws at my teeth became canines, this was like the first shift over again, doesn't hurt as much but it hurts nonetheless.

My fur began sprouting out and my spine cracked. I was trying to stop it but it was no use. "Damn witch" I spat at her before giving up. I dropped on all four fully shifted into my pure black wolf and red eyes.

Everyone in the pack gasped. "I don’t believe it” the alpha gasped.

I shifted back facing her “damn witch I was so close." I mumbled but I know they heard with the enhanced senses. I was so close to getting out of here that witch! Seriously she is actually a witch.

"The black wolf, our alpha returns" the alpha bowed along with the pack members. "Merideth how did you know?" her mate asked her. I just scowled looking away from the stares but my stare went towards Derek who just looks dumbfounded.

'What just happened?' he mind linked me. ‘You know how I always stay away from witches?'

'Yeah, which doesn't make sense since you're half one yourself' he chuckled in amusement.

'Well you could say that the witch world was on the lookout for me since I was pretty much missing and all. So a spell was casted so that they will be able to feel my presence and know who I am at touch' I sighed.

'Anyway, I was wondering where I recognized the name Merideth. Remember one powerful witch who was mated to an alpha?' I asked

'That’s her?!' He asked in surprise.

'Yup' I answered. You see witches also have mates, most of the time amongst each other and vampires (Which are pretty much extinct) but it’s rare to be mated to a werewolf, especially an alpha. There are probably only about five hundred werewolf and witch mates, yeah that rare. Merideth however is one of two witch mated to an alpha right now making her powerful since she was a pretty strong witch and now mated to an alpha and being Luna having all senses and power coming with it, she is a really powerful witch.

Which is how she was able to force me to shift, she's very powerful much more powerful than me, well my witch side anyway I need to practice my magic. Though her magic and mines are pretty much different, I use black magic.

"Hello" a hand waved in front of my face. 

"What" I snapped at the person who interrupted my thoughts to only see Derek.

He just started at me in amusement already use to my ways. "Their talking to you" he raised an eyebrow pointing at the pack members behind the alpha, Merideth and if I remember correctly her mates name was Stone.

I sighed and looked at them expectantly. "Yes?" I asked as they remained silent.

"Sorry for disrespecting you and all" The alpha spoke rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "My name is Jake by the way" He held out his hand.

"My names Violet and that’s Derek" I gestured towards Derek. “and it’s alright" I didn't bother shaking his hand, he got the message and put his hand down.

"We should discuss this inside, why don’t we go back to the pack house" Alpha stone stated.

Maybe I can get out of here before anything else happens.

'What’s the point you, we cannot escape this. Not only do they know we are nearby but they know who you are and your magic won’t really work when Merideth here can easily repel it. Face it its inevitable and has been from the beginning.' my wolf spoke.

I sucked in a breath. I don’t want to be alpha, I can’t be alpha. I felt a hand on my shoulders and turned to see Derek with an encouraging look on.

"You coming" Jake called out.

"Yeah" Derek followed dragging me with him. We got to the pack house much faster than I wanted.

As we walked in the packs demeanor from before changed. From hate and disgust to respect and awe. It’s sickening how many people judge others from looks, power and reputation.

Although, they may have pretty much right about me. 

"Where have you been all this time?" the former alpha stone asked me.

I cleared my face of any emotion not wanting to think of that disgusting pack. "It doesn't matter"

"It doesn't matter?!" asked Jake shocked. "Our rightful alpha was out there, we didn't really know if you were alive or dead, your pack needed you and it doesn't matter" he growled at the end.

Now he was annoying me but I understand where he’s coming from. I sighed taking off my leather jacket trying to ignore the tension, and the fact he yelled and growled at me.

"How did she end up somewhere other than here?" Derek asked curiously, honestly I was curious too. I mean it ended up with me living a big lie and not a good one either.

"Well during the ceremonies to bring her and her sister down to Earth, we were interrupted, attacked." Merideth said glumly.

"They disrupted the balance of the gate as you came. The White Moon Pack managed to save your sister but it was too late for you resulting you landing in a different location." She continued.

Ah the White Moon Pack. Another pack I avoided, they would have known who I was that and it’s my sister’s pack.

The White Moon pack is the one pack other than this one with a witch mated to the alpha, you could say she's just as powerful as Merideth thus another reason to avoid them. Word is the alpha couple are on a long vacation though, when I say long I mean long.

"Well it doesn't matter anymore, all that matters is that you have returned and we finally get our true alpha" Stone stated. My head snapped up at that. "I never said I would become alpha." I narrowed my eyes at them. They all froze in the spot.

"What?" Merideth spoke softly breaking the silence. "Why!" Jake demanded.

"Because I don’t want to become alpha" I growled. I can’t become alpha.

"But the pack needs you, the world needs you!" he stated. Trying to guilt trip me, good luck with that.

I got up turning towards the door. "What’s that on your back?" he whispered in shock. I froze on the spot.

Damn I forgot to put my jacket back on and now they see it. I got a tattoo about a year ago on my left shoulder. It was my signature mark.

"Nothing" I stated hoping he would drop it as I put my jacket back on. No such luck.

"Is that why you don’t want to be alpha?" he asked in anger, "because you want to continue going around killing rogues living a rogue life!" he was yelling by now.

"Son calm down" Stone tried to calm him. He just ignored his father while his last statement made me boil in anger. "That is just selfish" disgust and anger clear in his tone.

I was angry, He already disrespected me but this crosses the line. "Violet calm down" Derek tried to calm me but it was too late.

I already had Jake against the wall my hands around his neck. He gasped in surprise but froze as he looked into my red eyes.

"Selfish you say? You have no idea what I am doing for you." I spat angrily tightening my grip on his neck.

"You have no idea what I've done in the past, for some of those things nothing can redeem me of them. I have some other people after me for revenge and what not, I've developed blood lust and from the things I've done I don’t deserve to be alpha, I shouldn't be alpha." I whispered the last part. 

My wolf was whimpering in shame of what we've done. Jake and everyone else stared at me in shock.

"You know, this pack would do anything and accept their alpha no matter what. They've waited for a long time just for you, no doubt they will do everything they can to help you." Merideth spoke softly. "We would do everything we can."

I released Jake stepping back feeling sadness creeping in.

"Do you really want me as alpha?" I asked with my head down. "Do you really want an alpha such as me?" I lifted my head to stare at them all letting my emotional facade fall.

They gasped as they saw my eyes. I know well enough the girl they see now is different from the one they 'met'

Over the years I've learned to show emotions even if I am not feeling it, I don’t really feel it. It’s my facade, my emotional facade so no one knows. The only one who knows what I'm really going through, who I really am is Derek.

To everyone else I seem pretty much normal, But when the facade is down I know very well what you see. Eyes void of any emotions that was shown.

No emotions at all.

They say that your eyes are the windows to your soul. My soul is broken, but I control it and make it so that what everyone else sees is an illusion created by me. I can make myself seem happy, it will even reach my eyes when all I feel is nothing.

"Child...." Merideth came up to me putting her hands on my cheeks looking into my eyes. "Do you really want an alpha such as me?" I repeated my question in my emotionless tone.

She flinched at my tone but still kept her hand on my cheeks. "What happened to you" She spoke tears coming to her eyes.

I just stared at her blankly not really feeling a thing, I didn't bother putting up my facade.

Suddenly Merideth was crying hugging me. "Your soul, its light has deemed, it’s fallen to darkness it’s broken." She whispered on my shoulder as tears ran down her face. "I know" I whispered to her staring at her blankly as she cried on my shoulder.

I looked around to see everyone watching our little exchange with sadness in their eyes.

"If I barely feel any emotions or care for anything than how can I run and care for a pack. I just can’t." I shook my head at her as she pulled away.

They were all silent their eyes glazed over meaning they were speaking through the mind link.

"You are quiet the trouble" Stone stated.

"And a mess" Merideth also stated.

I took that as my cue to leave. Turning towards the door I was about to opened it but stopped as a hand covered mines on the nob.

"But that doesn't mean we won't try and help you." Jake said in a soft voice. I was shocked.

They were willing to risk, their pack, their lives and waste their time on me.

Trying to save me.

But am I willing to let them in?

I turned to look at Derek who was by me, he smiled nodding at me.

For the first time in years I was happy, I was truly happy.

For the first time in years I smiled, a real smile.

Chapter 7



It's been three years since I joined the pack, and an official five years since I left the Tritan pack.

I moved on from them, more or less. But now my life is my own pack, the Dark moon pack

I still couldn't be their alpha for about two months but I took charge of training and our rogue problems. They kept their promise, they never gave up on me.

I'm able to feel much more emotions but that doesn't mean it's easy to show it. To me showing emotions is weak, it's like wearing you're heart on your sleeve, and it makes you vulnerable. Their trying though, key word trying, but I know this is the one thing that they won't succeed in. Showing emotions.

However they nursed me back to emotional health- Merideth's words not mine.

She's been teaching me magic while Alpha stone worked with me and my wolf. I learned some light magic but it since I'm a dark witch I do best with dark magic.

I've got to watch when I lose my temper though. You have to really anger me for me to lose control and kill you, but I'm very patient....... half the time. As for my wolf, I rarely shift if I do most people run for the hills. Well people outside the pack anyway.

Speaking of pack I finally became alpha after three months of joining. They've gotten used to me and my blank and bloodthirsty ways. I made Jake beta along with his mate Katy and Josh as Delta along with Ashly his mate or assistant either way both mates get equal the work. Who says woman can't lead.

No, really, who does? So I can torture them to death. Ok going off track.

How I finally became alpha? They found out the one thing holding me back.

Jake and his parents noticed that I was like a girl on period most of the time- although that's true once every month for like three days. Imagine the pain of your mate going at it and the cramps and mood swings.

I may or may not have thrown a pack member out the window when they woke me up from my nap. Poor guy he was just a messenger telling me Jake was calling me, he caught me at a really bad time. They say don't shoot the messenger, I don't really believe in that but I'm not ruthless......

Jake stormed up to my room pissed I did that and yelled, and I quote.

"Will you quit acting like a bitch seriously what is wrong with you because that cannot be just your period, no way you go into that two months in a row!"

Okay most times are really just my mate, but that day was double trouble.

I couldn't help it, no I really couldn't I was on my damn period, I had another mood swing and soon I was on the floor laughing making him even more pissed. Seeing him pissed made my mood swing to angry also the fact that my mate was going for round two.

"You want to know why? Why don't you ask my mate who's been screwing anything he could get his dick in" which could be it, you never know. I mean with all the pain I've been feeling I really did think he was screwing anything he could get his dick into.

SO another mood swing and I was bawling my eyes out a stunned Jake in front of me. After that piece of information Merideth cast a spell so that I wouldn't feel as much pain anymore and so solving the problem, mostly I just feel a few stinging pain.

At least pack members were saved from my fury, good thing the one I threw out the window healed quick although we had to get a tree branch out of him or get him out of the tree branch. There's a big tree by my window.

I was wondering where the guy fell off to until his blood dripped on my forehead.

I bought him a video game as an apology.

And so I became less.... bitchy and all but I was still guarded having a hard time letting people in. Only a hand full have my full trust like Derek, Drake, Merideth, Stone and Jakes best friend Josh and Ashly and Katy who somehow became my best friends.

Let's just say those girls are damn persistent, they actually got me to shop with them! I should use that method to torture rogues.

Me becoming alpha of the Dark moon pack and the legendary Black wolf, it's all kept secret. Ever since I joined and the famous rogue, that's me has been out of town, rogues have been getting rowdy.

So no one knows I'm alpha, they think I'm Beta and Jake is still alpha which we make them believe when we help other packs. It's a bummer with all that was going on I couldn't visit my sister in the Light Pack.

I met her-sweet girl- she helped with my bloodlust, and it was so much torture! But I guess I love her anyway.

She looks so much like me as my twin, save for the blond hair, and her eyes are a darker blue. Her name is sunshine.

Just kidding its Alayna. You see I even got a proper sense of humor...... Meh.

I sighed looking at the reports. Those rogues have been going at it lately.

"Hey Violet" Derek barged in. I gave up trying to get him to knock a long time ago. I even threw him into the pool when he barged into my bathroom when the shower was on, just to tell me dinner was ready. Does he not have common sense? Well he does, he just loves to annoy me.

"What is it?" I sighed.

"Well this came from the council" he held up an envelope with a golden wolf. "What do those old bastards want now?" I grunted. You could say the council and I got off on the wrong foot, I mean have you met me?

"Well the alpha's meeting is coming up for this year" Derek stated sitting on the desk nearby. You could say Derek is my personal assistant, I still need to work on understanding people's feelings and needs, so I got him to help with that.

Apparently telling them "okay, just suck it up" isn't the answer to all their problems. Please. I couldn't help but scoff at that but still let him help.

Let me rephrase that, he moved into my office taking the paper works involving it. Less work for me I guess.

Wait did he just say the alpha meeting. I groaned again Jake went to the last one since he was still alpha when I joined, I became alpha about a month after the meeting and Jake went as alpha for those past years and now it's coming up yet again.

But those old farts thought it was about time I went to the next meeting. Yay- not.

"But, it's been pushed back" He stated handing me the letter. Now I'm confused. "I don't feel like reading just tell me" I sighed throwing the letter on a pile.

"Hold on" He held his hand up and soon enough Merideth, Stone, Jake, Josh and the girls came in.

"What's this about the meeting being pushed back?" Jake asked breathlessly. Derek just took the letter from the pile handing it to him.

We all waited as he read it. I saw his eyes widen "holy shit" that earned him a hit on the head from his mom but I was too curious to even laugh.

"What is it?" Ashly snatched the letter from him reading it with Katy. "Crap" Ashly muttered after reading it while Katy muttered "oh nuts"

Now really curious I used my shadow- yup totally mastered it- to grab the letter from their hands. "Wait" Katy called out, "you don't really need to read it do you" she stated while playing with her black and brown hair. She only does that when she's nervous or and hiding something.

"Well she has to, she'll know sooner or later she's the alpha" Derek rolled his eyes but I saw through it, I saw worry.

I just opened the letter reading out loud.

Dear Alpha Scarlett

We have written to inform you the rogues and demons have been out of our control. Do to these past events we believe a new threat is arising. A legendary threat. I sucked in a breath as I read that.

For that we have decided to move back and possibly cancel the alpha's meeting, not only that but we decided to ally packs together so that they may stand a chance against this threat.

We are saddened to inform that the Oceanic pack has fallen-. I couldn't help the surprise that overcame me.- And we are asking that you help any survivors you come across.

The time is nearing for your destiny, be on guard.

You will be allying with two packs in order to succeed. Well I know I will be with my sister's pack, the Light Moon Pack.


Chapter 8 Part 1




Everything was ready.

Jake checked with the Tritan pack, on when we were coming- him as alpha of course- and Josh gathered all the private jets. The guys, girls, and I are going into my own private jet- my third baby compared my bike and car.

It's been 5 days, since we informed the Tritan pack we were coming, and today were getting ready to leave.

If everything goes to plan we should be able to get there by Sunday, today is Thursday.

The ones flying, will fly with us today, and we'll get there by night time, and stay at a hotel. The ones driving will come the next day, two days the most. Either way, we all get our cars and drive towards the pack house by the end of the Sunday.

I think there will be a bonfire the night we get there, I just hope we make it in time for everyone to get ready.

For now I'm standing at our mansions gate, metal and heat detectors in the gateway, like you at the airports, xcept way more secure. Why do I need this? You ask.

You'll see.

"Next!" I called out as I checked the screen, from the metal, and heat detector, as an elder passed through the gates and boarded one of the buses.

A group of teens walked through the gates, they would have gone straight to the buses except-

"Hold it!" I called out walking over to them. "Hand it over" I held my hand out to one of the girls in the group.

She sighed, opening her bag and took out a gun. My pack is one of the few which uses weapons, and their good too. (At using them, and at hiding them hence why I need a metal and heat detector.)

She was about to walk away, when I blocked her way. "ah ah, give it, all of them." I held my hand out again. She sighed, reaching behind her back, before taking out a dagger handing it to me.

"You can go." I dismissed them. As they boarded, I heard them. "Told you wouldn't get pass her." Another girl giggled. "Shut up." The girl grumbled, before shoving her, from what I heard anyway.

I rolled my eyes, tossing the dagger and gun into the pile of weapons that I already confiscated. I told them not to bring any weapons, to just put it in the vault, only to get them back when we get to the Tritan pack.

Seems like they chose not to get the memo.

"Freeze!" I commanded, sensing another presence. I turned around seeing Ashly and Katy going through the gate- Oh this should be good.

I looked over at the screen, really? I squinted my eyes to see a bunch of little dots moving around in Ashly's suitcase, sending off heat signatures..... What the heck is that?

I went over to them and grabbed their suitcases, knowing if I let them go through it themselves,they'll find a way to smuggle it.

Opening Ashly's suitcase, I stared at the jar with bees in it. "Really?!" I held it up at them.

"Yummy, for honey....." Katy laughed nervously.

"Yeah right." I rolled my eyes, getting ready to open it. "Nooooo, do you know how long it took us to find those?" Ashly whined.

"Nope, don't care either." I answered twisting the lid.

"Please! Nothing is going to happen......" Katy begged as I turned the lid an inch more. I stopped, and raised an eyebrow at that.

"Remember the rat incident." I asked them sweetly. "It was an accident! We didn't know if they were going to get out!" Katy whined.

"Well, we don't know if they're going to get out either." I held up the jar.

"Come on, it wasn't that bad" Ashly stated.

"We had to fly for two hours, in a jet infested with rats, worrying about where they were, and what they were doing, some of my clothe got shewed on" I growled out taking off the lid setting the bees free.

"No!!" They both called out.

"Imagine us stuck with stinging bees for three hours, on a jet, that will be worse than rats." I dropped the jar, and it broke into pieces. "See how easy it is for them to get out?" I pointed at the pieces of glass. They stared at it for a moment before walking towards the bus.

"Well, since were done with this conversation we'll see you-"

"Don't even think about it hand it over, all of it" I cut Ashly off.

They sighed in defeat before taking out; daggers, guns, Ashly took out a katana from her back.  Taking them all (including the ones I found in their suitcases) and put them in the pile. Did they really think I wouldn't notice? I have a metal detector.

"Is it me, or is the weapon smuggling pile bigger, than the other times?" Derek chuckled.

"Where were you! You were supposed to help me." I stated, irritated.

"I was, somewhere..." he said, coming up to me- it was then I saw a handle of a gun.

I narrowed my eyes at it, taking it before he could react and threw it in a pile. "Is it me, or is everyone trying to smuggle a weapon today?" I narrowed my eyes at him, "because pretty much every person had a weapon on them."

"Well, that's because we all had similar ideas, of what to do to the Tritan pack." he chuckled."Great packs think alike."

"Whatever, help me get these in the vault so we can leave." I sighed running my hands through my hair, before carrying some of the weapons.

"Alright..." he picked up a couple heading towards the truck, carrying a giant metal steel box that held our pack weapons.

I looked around seeing the empty pack house (and lawn), Derek and I are the only ones left, those driving to the Tritan pack already left this morning and everyone else probably already boarded the jets and took off by now. Jake and the others are waiting for us in my private jet.

It's, going to take a while to put the vault in the jet.

Derek and I finished arranging the weapons and got into the truck, our cars were already taken.

We drove towards the airport and finally got the vault into the jet, thanks to my shadows. I got in the jet sighing, drained.

"Josh, did you rent that hotel like I told you too?" I asked him.

"Yeah, and I just called them to tell them to get rooms for the ones who already took off before us." he answered.

"Good" I nodded. We were literally renting a hotel near the airport, which reminds me- "got the buses ready?" I asked him.

"Yup" he yawned.

"Jake have you made arrangements, of where we'll be staying when we get to the pack?" I asked Jake.

"Yeah they said there was a mansion near their pack house, that could fit all three packs." he answered panting. I do not need to know why he needs to catch his breath..... ugh.

"Good enough" I yawned, man I'm tired.

'Rest up, we have a long journey ahead' my wolf spoke to me. I think there was a double meaning to that sentence.

I'll let it go, for now.

'I can't believe, that I'm going back after five years.' I thought as I closed my eyes, falling asleep on Derek's shoulder.

Chapter 8 Part 2


3 days later


It's been five years.

Five years since Violet left, disappeared.

The pack has been a mess since then, she did so many things for this pack, keeping us in order, we never noticed. We found, someone new to step in for her though, so it got better, I guess.

My wolf fell into depression within the first year she left, making it hard for me.

After a few months of searching for Violet, I began to miss her. Her mouth-watering scent, her brown eyes, her pale completion, and her brown hair..... I try not to think about her conditions, and how it affected her. I know she's alive, I feel it in the mate bond.

Five years, and we still haven't found her.

Five years, and we have been trying to find the rogue that killed my trackers, and Chris....

We tried finding an explanation for what happened, how he managed, to get back to the pack, when his heart was miles away, we came up with nothing. Nothing other than dark magic.....

Maybe it had been a rogue dark witch, but that's a slim chance, it had to be a wolf, besides their blood was still there. Dark witches are known to use human, or supernatural's flesh and blood to complete spells.

We tried finding that rogue, but two years later he just dropped off the radar. No matter how hard I searched, he was nowhere to be found.

Now we got a letter from the council stating a threat, and The Oceanic Pack has already fallen, from rogues, and- ugh, demons. Now the council is grouping packs together, and somehow I was put with the Dark and Light moon pack.

They're the original packs, who were apparently once one. Legend says that their Alpha's and Luna's are direct descendants from the moon goddess and the first alpha, and they're the only pure white, and black wolves.

But they haven't been seen in years so just a legend, I mean to think all of these other packs, came from just one, or the two of them.

Anyway, today the Dark moon pack are arriving, the Light moon already arrived yesterday. I can't help but think they've been a little hostile, but must be my imagination, I have a really active one.

I met the alpha and Luna, Damon and Alayna. The Luna doesn't seem as special as the legends state, plus she's not the alpha of her pack so, like I said just legends. Moon goddesses' daughter? As fake as Paige's acts of kindness.

We, as in my pack, and the Light moon pack, are waiting in front of the new pack house for the dark moon pack.

Paige was next to me.... let me rephrase that rubbing herself on me.

"I can't wait when she gets here!" Alayna, the Luna of the Light moon pack squealed. Ouch.

"Calm down sweetheart." her mate Damon chuckled, gave up on really calming her down a long time ago.

"I can't, I just can't wait to see her again!" She said jumping up and down. Okay....

The past few days I've learned Alayna, was a giant ball of positive energy. In other words hyper, and very very kind and positive. Gets king of annoying sometimes.

He wrapped his arms around her and gave her a peck, but it was all she needed as she instantly calmed down. I wish I had the same relationship as them.

I shot down that thought instantly.

I guess the light moon pack are familiar with the dark moon pack, no surprise there with them being the "original" packs, and all.

Finally I heard engines approaching, the Light moon pack was buzzing with excitement.

Four cars came into view, followed by three big travel buses, and many other cars following them.

Someone also came in riding a motorcycle. He pulled off his helmet- and crap it's a girl. A pretty hot girl. She had blond hair and brown eyes and a hot body. Damn.

Like I said, what guy doesn't have an active imagination?....

The four car's doors opened, and out came a man, tan, broad, and tall, with black hair, out of a black jeep.

A man with dark brown hair came out of a blue jeep, shorter than the first, but not any less muscular, he was about my age. I sensed power from both of them. And last but not least a man with dirt blond hair, and a girl with brown and black hair came out another black jeep.

They all had power coming from them. Many others were coming out of the buses, and cars and went to stand behind them.

I walked up to them, Paige by my side. "Welcome Dark Moon, I am alpha Trent of the Tritan pack." I held my hand out. I swear they were all glared at, once again I am seeing things.

"This is my beta Luke, my delta James, and his mate Francesca" They all stepped up as their names were called. "Last but not least my Luna Paige." I pulled her closer to me.

I swear I heard growls. I looked over at the Dark Moon pack to see them all glaring, then they all paled and looked away. Weird.

One of the guys in front, the one with the dark hair, cleared his throat and stepped up.

"A pleasure, I am alpha Jake of the dark moon pack, this is my Luna Katy" he pulled the brown and black haired girl with green eyes towards him "and this is my delta Josh and his mate Ashly" he pointed by towards the dirty blond haired guy and the blond haired girl that rode the motorcycle. "And that's Derek" He pointed towards a black hair and brown eyes man who was openly glaring at me. What did I ever do to him? Or any of them?

I looked around, where's their beta?

"Where's your beta?" I asked curious.

"Well she's busy?" Alpha Jake more like asked. He doesn't know where his own beta is? Well that's a shock.

"Oh you're not fooling anyone." Alayna rolled her eyes stepping up, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Hey! there Alayna..." Ashly went to hug her along with Katy.

"yeah..... yeah" Alayna pushed them off, gently. "When are you going to come out?!" she spoke out towards the edge of the forest.

I looked around there was no one there.....okay?

"Well?!" she put her hands on her hips still speaking towards the edge of the forest. Is this girl crazy....err than I thought?

I was about to divert the conversation, when a chuckle came from there.

Surprised I got in defense stance, growling.

"Must you always ruin my fun?" a voice spoke making chills go through me to how lifeless, it sounded but it also made chills of pleasure go down my spine.

A figure came forwards and I swear I died and went to heaven.

There was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Her hair was pure black her eyes were a gray blue, she had curves all in the right place.

She was wearing a violet shirt and a leather jacket over it along with black leather jeans and boots. She was hot and she also had this aura around her, a dangerous yet mysterious aura.

I felt my wolf shift for the first time in years. How did I not sense, or see her there? It's like she was part of the shadows.

I snapped out of it as the girl walked pass Alayna and I, a sweet scent of roses coming from her. How didn't I not notice such a delicious smell, is it me or does it smell familiar.

She went to Jake and stood on his right.

I can see my pack sniffing the air- not even being subtle- trying to figure it out just, as I was. Why that is smell so familiar? And delicious. I felt my wolf shift even more inside me.

"I'm the Dark moon's pack beta." she spoke out in a cold emotionless voice. That's creepy but it still sounded so.....

I looked into her eyes and saw that it was blank, no emotions showing, at all but it still looked so beautiful. What the heck is happening? I felt my wolf shift even more as I looked at her.

He barely moved in years. What's going on? What could be making him like this?

My wolf howled, and whispered the one word I was not ready for.


"The names Violet" She smirked as my pack gasped, I was just in shock.

"Violet Scarlett"


Chapter 8 Part 3


We left the hotel two days later towards the Tritan pack after the other pack members arrived with our vehicles.

I left my car in Derek's care, well we pretty much share it already anyway, as in- he invades much of my personal in any way he can. I also let Ashly drive my motorcycle- After like 20 minutes of lecturing and threatening. Like I said those girls somehow persuade me to do things I really don't want to. (Cough cough shopping.)

Soon enough everyone was hitting the road and I watched as they faded along with the truck carrying the vault.

I sighed, grumbling as as I went into the forest behind the hotel and shifting. 'Feels good to finally be out' my wolf howled, as I ran full speed ahead towards the pack house- Which I would love to burn down if if I didn't have to live in it.

Those idiots have no one patrolling the territory! Even if they did, all they would see would be a black blur, not even sensing my presence since I got rid of my smell and aura- but still, how many rogues could infiltrate and slaughter the pack, before they notice?

I don't want my pack to die because of their foolishness. My wolf growled in agreement.

I reached the pack house just as the other did and shifted back staying in the shadows, or more like became the shadows, and watched as the introductions were being made.

Trent walked up- Paige by his side- to my pack "Welcome Dark Moon, I am alpha Trent of the Tritan pack" a couple of my pack glared, but I told them stop in the pack link, or else....

"This is my beta Luke, my delta James and his mate Francesca" they all stepped up as their names were called. "Last but not least my Luna Paige." He pulled her to him making me roll my eyes in disgust.

Looks like Paige is still a slut, and got the Luna title, Luke looks pretty much the same, and James- what a pretty little mate you've got there. I couldn't help but lick my lips picturing torturing his right in front of him, screaming in agony watching helplessly as the life in her eyes drained away, his sanity along with it.

'I thought we got rid of that blood lust of yours?' Derek asked, teasingly in the mind link. Damn forgot to put my walls down. I looked over and saw most of the pack members pale, I hate scaring them like this.

'You know I feel it once in awhile' I sighed. That would be sugar coating it.

"Where's your beta?" Trent asked looking around. Did I miss something?

'Yes' my wolf chuckled. Oh well.

"Well she's busy?" Jake more like asked. Gee thanks Jake, I looked at Trent and saw he was shocked, I can feel the judgmental vibes. Unable to resist I read his mind 'He doesn't know where his own beta is? Well that's a shock.'

Please, at least he can run a pack way better than you. I rolled my eyes still watching them.

"Oh you're not fooling anyone" Alayna rolled her eyes. What are you doing Alayna? (What'd I miss again?) I thought as I stared at her suspiciously.

"Hey there Alayna" Ashly went to hug her with Katy. (More like restrain her.)

"yeah yeah" Alayna pushed them off. "When are you going to come out?" she spoke out towards the edge of the forest, where I stood.

I'm not surprised she knows where I am since we have a bond, so even if I can pretty much make myself invisible to others she'll still sense me. But what is she doing? She's blowing my cover, I want to make a great entrance that will scare them out of their wits!

'Maybe, if you ignore her she'll leave it be' my wolf suggested. Maybe, is the key word.

"Well?" she put her hands on her hips still facing me. I'm sure I can make a worthy entrance anyway, but you are so paying sis. I chuckled darkly. 'Gig is up?' my wolf teased.

Trent growled getting in defense position, along with many other surprised members. Please they won't even be able to scratch me.

"Must you always ruin my fun?" I asked coldly to my sister. I came out of the shadows releasing my scent, but not my aura. They don't need to know my little secrets; being a black wolf and an alpha.

I walked past Alayna 'You will pay.' I threatened, linking her.

'Good to see you too sis.' she chuckled.

I walked past Trent who looked like he found the doorway to heaven. 'Bastard' my wolf growled. Oh yeah, we are so on the same Paige about him. Get it, cause we hate her.

I went and stood to Jake's right, giving the Tritan's pack a blank stare, who were not so discreetly sniffing the air trying to figure it out.

"I'm the Dark moon's pack beta" I spoke in a cold emotionless voice, no more games. My pack tensed sensing my change in mood.

Trent was staring into my eyes, I used to find his gray eyes mesmerizing, now their just disgusting.

I saw Trent freeze looking shocked and yet, I didn't even make my announcement. 'His wolf must have sensed us before hand' my wolf concluded. Hmm.

"The names Violet" The Tritan pack gasped, most looked shocked, I just couldn't keep the smirk forming.

"Violet Scarlett."


By that most looked confused, shocked, but confused.

"Violet" Trent whispered. I was about to speak, when my so called parents came to the front.

"Violet Robinson how dare you" My father began yelling at me. My pack growled ready to pounce, along with the Light Moon pack, but I held a hand up stopping them.

"You have embarrassed, and disgraced us to no end you- ungrateful little brat! We clothed you, fed you, and gave you a roof over your head, and yet you repay us like this?!"My mother ranted as I just stared at them blankly, really just feeling- annoyed.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" She growled at me. I just stared at her blankly, raising an eyebrow. "Am I supposed to care?" I asked her blankly "because frankly I don't."

I really don't care.

"You don't speak to your mother like that" my father growled raising his hands with the intent to slap me. I stood smirking at him coldly, knowing I didn't have to do a thing.

A hand caught his hand inches from my face. "We would appreciate that you not to slap our beta" I heard Derek's voice behind me growl in anger, along with the Dark moon and Light moon pack.

A trace of fear crossed my father's face before it turned blank. He couldn't fool me, I can see the fear in his eyes, and I can smell his fear.

He stepped back before going back into the crowd with my 'mother.' I could sense Paige was going to make a comment, and not a good one either.

"Now, as much as I would love to catch up, my pack needs to settle down. Besides we all have a bonfire to get ready for." I spoke out snapping everyone out of their thoughts.

"Yes of course." Trent snapped out of it. "Please follow my beta, he'll lead you to your rooms." he gestured towards Luke.

"Go on," I gestured the pack to follow him "-and no injuries inflicted" I reminded them. They all groaned, but I stared them down daring them to go against it, they all backed down from my stare.

"Yes Al-beta" a pack member quickly corrected himself. I glared at them nodding them to go on.

I looked around seeing the Tritan pack staring with mixed emotions. Trent was staring also, but I made sure not to make eye contact.

"Violet!" A voice squealed before someone crashed into me. 'I really can't breathe right now' I mind linked her.

"Oh sorry" she let me go. I stared at my twin sister, with her blue gray eyes and her gold locks, we still somehow look alike.

"How you doing kiddo" I gave her a short side hug. Yeah that's my most emotional gesture, suck it.

"Don't call me kiddo were the same age" she pouted. I couldn't help but chuckle.

My sister is one, in a hand full of people, who are able to make me show some emotion, though it's still hard.

Yes, she and I, are the exact same age born at the, exact. Same. Time. How is that possible? I have no idea but we're talking about magic here.

But even if we are the same age, I still act as the oldest, taking the responsibilities.

She's the opposite of me: Cheery, happy, emotional, bright spirited. I was very annoyed when I first met her, her bright personality, but learned to live with it, and vice versa.

"Hey, Violet." her mate Damon, pulled her to his side, waving.

"Hi Damon." I waved back. Yeah they are one of a few mates that I am not tempted to torture, and kill. (I'm not jealous, I just hate mates, their so disgusting.) From my pack to the Light moon pack, they're safe....mostly. As long as I'm not in one of my moods.

I feel like I'm forgetting something.....

'Alpha were almost here with the vault, hope you have our money...' a pack member mind linked me.

Right.... the vault.

I turned towards Trent, to find him still staring. Surprise surprise.

"Alpha Trent," I called him, he looked like he was spacing out But he quickly snapped out of it hurt evident on his face with my formality. Fucking deal bastard.

I ignored the hurt look "Would you happen to have room, for a giant steel box" I asked him as if it was nothing.

"Wh-what?" he stuttered looking at me in disbelief.

"Would you happen, to have room, for a giant steel box" I repeated slower, as if I was speaking to a toddler. As if on cue a loud horn blew, and the truck came into view with the steel box in the back.

"Yeah that one." I pointed at it as the truck parked.

Trent just stared, wide eyed, at the vault on the truck while my two pack members exited the truck.

"Pay up Al-beta" one of them quickly corrected himself when I threw him a glare. I sighed taking two five hundred dollars out of my pocket giving one to each of them. "Thanks guys"

"Always a pleasure" They walked away.

Yeah I paid them to drive the vault here. I lost a game of rock paper scissors, ha ha, laugh it up, I should have just cheated.

".......what is that?" Trent asked pointing at the vault.

"A big steel box, now do you have space for it?" I asked him.

"I don't know" He answered still staring at it in disbelief. Clueless boy how do you not know if there is space, when you moved here earlier than us.

"You know what forget it I'll make space for it myself, It's getting late we should start getting ready for the bonfire tonight." I looked at the sky which was getting, tainted with orange.

"Right...hey Violet-!" He called out? but I was already walking away.

"Come on guys." I gestured the gang including Alayna and Damon.

As we all walked in the pack house, the Tritan pack was staring at us, or at me.

"Well well, look who's back" The screeching noise I missed so much spoke.

"Move out of the way Paige" I demanded her. As you can see, I didn't really pack my manners with me, rarely ever do. Huh, do you think that's one of the reasons the council hates me? My wolf chuckled at my antics.

Back to the present, Paige was blocking our way along with her blond bimbos. (Not all of them were really blond, I'm just calling them that.)

"You do not tell me what to do, I am a Luna" she laughed, as if something was funny.

"Alright then, from Luna to Luna move out the way" Alayna stepped forward. What are sisters for? (Other than framing them.)

"You're friends with this pathetic being? I always knew you were pathetic." Paige snorted.

We all growled. 'No one insults our sister-' my wolf growled. '-but us.' I growled

"You do not speak to my mate like that, now move out of the way!" Damian beat me to it.

The bimbo's who obviously had more sense than her, moved out of the way. Never get in the way of a pissed alpha.

"Please, you can't hurt me. Trent wouldn't like that" she flipped her brown hair over her shoulder, and that was when I saw the mark, Trent's mark.

Seeing it made me furious!- as the memory of that night came back to me. I growled pushing her into the wall harshly, before walking upstairs to my room that Derek picked out for me.

If I stayed there any longer, there would have been blood on the walls. 'Why wait?' my wolf growled.

Great, ever since we got here my wolf and I both, became a short fuse. Just perfect.

It's going to be, so much fun staying here.

It's also going to be fun torturing the council for this.



Texte: Beky Cybille
Bildmaterialien: Beky Cybille
Lektorat: Beky Cybille
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.09.2015

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