
O'Malley's diary

O’Malley, Daniel O’Malley is how people call me, and that is my name also, so.. Well, I have a girlfriend, Molly Montgomery. We have been together for 3 years now, and today is our graduation day, and after that, we are going to college together, we are going to start our “adult life “ together; with all three years of relationship, we were planning on going to college together, building a life together. But i guess it will all change after Molly finds out about something that has been happening, and something that just happened.

This morning, in our graduation morning, my mom decided I should make a couple of routine exams, ok...  In the clinic where I was taking the exams, after I had a head CT, the doctors came, and them all faced down, from this point I knew I could expect something bad. After a few minutes with the heads down, one of them, Doctor Richard said, with his head up, that I had an inoperable tumor.

I though, since it is my graduation day, and I am going to die anyways,I should live as if it was the last day of my life. I did not think of having to tell Molly, I did not think of anything important, I was just thinking of celebrating, and doing things I wanted to, and never got the chance to. Hours before our graduation, I kissed a girl, a girl I have always wanted to kiss, but I never did, because I was loyal to my girlfriend.

At our graduation, after the ceremony, Molly did not even look at me, and I do not know the reason why, I kissed the girl, but I do not think that she knows by now.

I am home now, Molly won’t answer my calls and I do not know what do to about the whole thing.

Molly's diary

I  am Molly Montgomery and I just graduated from the Grey-Sloan High school in Seattle, I am starting a diary today, because of some major things that happened in my life today.  I’m having a really hard time, I have to chose between going or staying, I have to chose a subject to do in college, I have to start making “grown woman” choices.

I have, actually used to have, a boyfriend, Daniel, Daniel O’ Malley ; but as a graduation gift, I discovered he cheats on me, cheated, because about one or two hours ago, I broke up with him ( in my mind, but I did anyways ). That is something that touched me, and it is going to interfere in my whole life.

I do not know if I should talk to him ( answers his calls, because is calling like crazy ), do not know if i should just go away. I have no ideia.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.05.2016

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