
Who's This Guy?




Part 3


 I knew when I met him, that he was an old soul such as I. I knew that he would have seen such devastation, But I just did not know he would come to me this evil...

   Maybe that's why even as he spoke, I trembled. But still somehow I seen a light in his eyes, that screamed. "Help me" Every step I took, I lived in fear. But inside I knew he needed this to be told just as much as I did. That was my only saving grace...

   Such a riveting tale could not be told in only one story. This trilogy, is the trilogy to end them all. Only one man can invoke so much passion, fear, terror, and pain. This is a toast to you, my love.



Who's This Guy

     This story brings me back to a time not so long ago, a time when I left my home of New Orleans, to be dragged all over the country with a small child. I eventually ended up in North Carolina, to stay with my father. My son, Mike was only one year old. I lived there for quite some time. I guess you are wondering how this story eventually brought me to this marvelous man I speak of. Well, after some time living in Mebane, I grew quite lonely not knowing anyone.




Being the day and age it is now. The best way to meet new people was online. I joined a dating site called POF, the acronym meaning; Plenty Of Fish. I went through loser after loser, with fake corny punch lines. Before I felt like just giving this 'Meeting New People' thing a break. Until I was greeted with a message from a very interesting stranger. I wish, I could remember what those exact words were that lured me in. But, this fisherman had finally caught himself quite a fish. He was very charming, the kind of man, women dream of. (No Pun Intended)Funny, Witty, Kind. He was a breath of fresh air.

I had to be cautious, I told myself. 'There's a lot of freaks out there.' I just went through a bad break up with my child's father. I couldn't stand to lose yet another battle. There wasn't enough precaution in the world to prepare me for this ride, I was about to embark on. I talked to him on the chat line for weeks.


Just to make sure I 'got to know him' well enough. It became like a fun addiction. Each time I got online. I looked through dozens of messages, just to get to him. Each time he sucked me closer to him. His personality was very intoxicating. He probably would have fooled Jesus himself. (Not to poke fun, but that is just how convincing he was) I considered myself quite the people reader. But as I said before. It would be much more easier for him to fool me than anyone.


Each time I was greeted with his playful, captivating personality. I thought to myself. I never knew anyone that could entrance me the way he did. He continued to until, well, we'll get to that later. Still as much as he entertained me. Anytime he asked for my number, or a chance to meet, I diverted. Until finally I could no longer divert him, without making him lose interest. So I gave him my email.


I know, I know like I said. The key word is caution here. I talked to him for about probably another two weeks, until we both decided it was time to finally meet. I told him to meet me at the Golden China restaurant in Graham, for lunch. He arrived there before me, and parked in a corner where he was not easily visible, when I pulled in.

   Maybe he thought I was cat fishing him, maybe he was making sure I didn't pull up in a piece of crap. Who knows? I parked in front of the restaurant and called him to see if he had made it to the destination, It was almost instantly that I heard a tapping on my window. It startled me for a moment, until I realized it was him, and that I had in fact not been cat fished. Apparently I didn't check their hours, we were too early. So he hopped in my car and we ventured off in search of a different restaurant.


Which happened to be where we had our first date. Hursheys Barbecue. We sat laughing and sharing stories for a few hours. Getting awkward looks from others as we enjoyed each others presence. We finally decided to leave. But somehow were not ready to go home. So we drove aimlessly until we arrived at a CVS. He went inside to grab something and we sat in the parking lot talking about anything our minds could come up with.


Until we could no longer take the anticipation of our passion. We began passionately kissing for what seemed like forever. I never felt such an awakening, when I touched his lips. It felt like the equivalent of electric currents flowing through my body. We then decided it was time to bring him back to his car. Where we sat for about another hour talking, and looking like we was giving each other mouth to mouth resuscitation.


I could take no more of these feelings he was invoking inside of me. We gave each other the last of our goodbye kisses. I could almost say that we did not want to let each other go. It felt like we were glued together. To this day I still do not know if those feelings were truly real..


As I drove home, all I could remember was, I had this smile on my face that I could not for the world rub off. I sang love songs as loud and proud as I could, I felt like a teenage girl who found her first crush.


On a deeper level, a spiritual mind frame. I have looked the devil in the face, I have spoken to him. I gave myself willingly. Fear the ever vibrating emotion. I stared him straight on, as he laughed and mocked me. 'She wouldn't hurt a fly.' I turned my back to him when he was fully enraged. When he had two faces. Knowing that snake could strike me in the back, but for the world wouldn't, because only I know how this story will end, and that was the part that killed you.

Bring You Home


   It was the moment every soul lives to tell. When Evil Meets Good, when Light touches Darkness, when Ying meets Yang. The balance must be met. They have to level each other out. There is no peace, without chaos. They must thrive amongst each other. Maybe even in the same house.


That is the


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.07.2018
ISBN: 978-3-7438-7400-8

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To a Love I once had that last. A man who showed me to myself. To you Jr wherever you are...

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