

When we talk about deliverance from Hereditary spirits and lineage, we mean BREAKING LOOSE from spirits, habits and characters that have been handed over or passed from one generation to another, and have been inherited by you.


            GOD created all things. Everything except GOD has a beginning. So nothing happened by evolution. Even today, NOTHING HAPPENS BY CHANCE. All things have their starting points and can be traced back to their original beginning.


            Similarly, spirits, habits, characters and behavior all have their starting points in a man's life. Certainly, there is a point in your life where the door to your spirit was opened to let them in, because your spirit is the gateway to your entire body. You can be set-free from any bondage today.




In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth…And God said, let there be light and there was light… And God created great whales and every living creature that moveth which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their KIND, and every winged foul after his KIND: and God saw that it was good. And God said let the earth bring forth the living creatures after his KIND and cattle after his KIND and everything that creepeth upon the earth after his KIND: and it was so.

Genesis 1:1,3,21,24.


In the passage above, we saw that GOD made all things to be productive, both plants and animals. After giving them the ability to reproduce GOD did not stop there. If GOD had stopped there, there would have been confusion in the world today, because that would have given room for creatures to reproduce anything. But this is not so because GOD is a GOD of orderliness.


            GOD went further to make everything have the ability to reproduce his kind. What we are doing today is that, we are responding to what GOD has endowed man with, the ability to reproduce his kind.


            That is why when you reproduce you do not give birth to a goat, elephant or a dog. GOD made you and all things, with the ability to reproduce their kinds, that which looks like you and is within your species as a human being.


            As a black, you will not give birth to a white, neither will the white give birth to a child that is black. If you reproduce that which is outside your lineage, it is bound to create some suspicion especially in an African context.


            This therefore disproves the theory of evolution, that man developed from monkeys and apes; the theory that the hair is but elongated scales of pre-historic animals, that legs of animals developed from warts on aboriginal amphibians, that eyes are but accidental development of freckles  on blind amphibians that responded to the sun; that ears came about by


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Venture Omor Publications
Bildmaterialien: Venture Omor Publications
Lektorat: Venture Omor Publications
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.09.2016
ISBN: 978-3-7396-7300-4

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