

Note:This ebook is a perfect guide and serves as a first guide for everyone that is eager to achieve financial freedom by being their own boss. It shows how one can achieve financial success by starting from scratch. In addition, I recommend you to get the expertise of a business coach or to contact me on for more guidance. 

The first step to take if you want to create wealth and have financial freedom is to create your own business. I want you to look at all the successful and rich people you know. All of them are business owners. They all have their own businesses. None of them is salaried. So, no matter how much you earn as salary, you should never rely on that if you want to create wealth. Earning an important salary doesn’t guarantee financial security in the future. Think of those who earned considerable salary in the past but who are struggling financially today.

The question now is this: If you have to create a business, which type of business should you create? You will get the answer in this book. But first I want you to know that you have two options: If you passionately love your present job (whether you are entrepreneur or salaried), your best option is to create a business that will generate passive income; a business that won’t need your daily attention (a business in which you won’t be in day-to-day activities). But if you are not happy in your profession, if you are always frustrated and stressed, sincerely you should start thinking of your reconversion by creation a business in which you can be happy and have financial freedom as well.

That’s what the book is about. The book is about how entrepreneurs__ who create and manage their own business__ can achieve financial success while being happy enjoying their job. Whether you are aspiring business owner or C.E.O of your small business, this book is a perfect guide that will lead you to financial freedom. All that you need is a little discipline to implement all the principles described in this book.


One of the reasons many people find difficult to achieve financial success is that they blindly copy what others do as occupation without having passion for it. Just because some people are making money by blogging, doesn’t mean that you will also succeed as blogger. Just because some people are making money in forex doesn’t mean you also can. That's what happens when people hear that there is money in so and so profession. They blindly jump into it without really having passion for it. That’s where they all get it wrong.

If you really want to be successful in the future, you should now start identifying professions you are gifted for and passionate about while you are still in your present job. You can do exactly like J.K.Rowling, the author of Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone. Her dream was to become a writer but life always interfered and pushed her taking any job that leaded her nowhere. During an interview she recognized that her life started having meaning from the day she started focusing all her energy to finish the only work that mattered to her while she was still doing her teaching's job. What mattered to her then was to write and publish her book. Fortunately, it's the same book "Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone" that changed her story and entire life.

Here are her words "I stopped pretending to myself that I was anything other than what I was, and began to direct all my energy to finishing the only work that mattered to me. I might never have found the determination to succeed in the one area where I truly belonged if I had really succeeded at anything else. I was set free, because my greatest fear had been realized, and I was still alive, and I still had a big idea. So rock bottom became a solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life".

So the first step to your financial breakthrough is to stop copying others but identify an occupation that you would truly love to do and where your talents, potentials or qualities are really needed. Don't look at what others are doing. If some people are doing pretty well in some particular job or business, that doesn’t mean you will also succeed in the same particular job or business. Yes, you can but only if you have the qualities, potentials, and talents to do better as well. So, copying what others do is not a bad idea. But before you expect succeeding in any profession, you have to make sure that you have the potentials, or talents to equally do better. If you don't have such potentials, then identify the jobs you are gifted or talented for and start investing in one of them. Because you will have to innovate, create and add something new to make some difference and impact. If not, your success will always be compromised. Instead you will be crushed because of the competition (I'll talk more about this in chapter IX). That's one of the reasons 50% of the businesses crash before 5 years of their existence.

For instance, when you look at Robert T. Kiyosaki's story, you will understand that it was when he truly embraced his passion's career, which is writing books, investing, and giving financial education that he's really become successful and famous. In parallel, when you look at J.K Rowling’s story ( which i talked about earlier ), you will also understand that it was when she started investing in the career she had have passion for, that she's become financially successful and famous also.

So, if you really want to be successful and rich you have to answer these two questions.

  • Do I really have the talents, qualities, potentials to really succeed in my job or business? (Whether you are salaried, self-employed or small business owner)

  • Can I do better than others, or better than my competitors in term of innovations, etc. …. Or at least equally to them (This question is for those that are self-employed or future business owner).

Let's take the example of Uber vs. Bolt/Taxify to illustrate this. Before Taxify/Bolt started operating in Nigeria, no online taxi company could really compete with Uber. As result, they all crashed. You know why? It’s because the founders of those companies were all driven by money not by passion. The reason Taxify/Bolt is doing great as Uber is that Markus Villig, the founder of Bolt, is also so passionate about tech as well as Travis Kalanick & Garett Camp, the founders of Uber. At 12 years old, Markus Villig knew what he wanted. And then he had the courage to follow his passion when he was 19 by starting investing in his tech company which has become BOLT today. Though there are many others reasons for his success but the number one is "passion". The passion and talents he has for computing is the foundation on which he's built his success. Without that passion he wouldn't have being competing with Uber till date. His company would have also crashed like many others.

My observation is that anyone that will take the same lead without passion will definitely fail. As you can see Bolt might copy from Uber but it also doing great because of the passion and talents Markus Villig has for tech.

So I want you to sincerely answer these following questions? Do you truly love your job? Are you truly happy enjoying it every day? Are you in a job where you can maximize your potentials? If your answers are no, then you need another job because with this one you may not be able to have a life of abundance. If you have to switch, make sure you choose an occupation you are qualified, or talented for and at the same time passionately in love with. The reason is that when you embark on such occupation, chances are that you will always be motivated, creative, innovative and happy to overcome obstacles and challenges that will stand in between you and your financial dreams.

But before defining such occupation you have to first identify your full potentials as well as discovering your passion.


God has given everyone some talents or gifts to succeed in life. There is nobody who is not talented in this world. Believe me even you who are reading this book is also gifted. But many people today don't even know what they are good at? They don't know their qualities or potentials. It's important for everyone to know where their strengths lie on (I mean their talents or potentials). Ben CARSON in his book Think BIG says: “If we recognize our talents, use them appropriately, and choose a field that uses them, we will rise to the top of our field”. Most successful and wealthy people in the world are aware of their talents or potentials and perfectly know what they are really good at. Not only that, they were also bold enough to take choose a career where they maximize their potentials. That's what lifted them to where they are and also made them be who they are today. Those who discover their talents or passion at early age meet success early by encountering less obstacles and failures than those who discover them late.

Let's look at what ALIKO DANGOTE, the richest man of Africa said during an interview. He said: "I can remember when I was in primary school, I would go and buy cartons of sweets (candy) and I would start selling them just to make money. I was so interested in business, even at that time". So, by reading Aliko DANGOTE's statement, you will understand that it was from early age that he had have passion for business. That passion is the pillar on which he built his career to become the greatest and richest businessman of Africa. At early age he discovered his talents, which is his ability to manage business. And that helped him a lot from his early age because in the same year 1977, he relocated to Lagos to expand his company. We all now know the rest of the history.


Because he's from a wealthy family, many people think that it's his family's financial support that made him so wealthy. It's true that his family's financial support helped him a lot, but it's the passion he had have for what he has chosen to do (which is business) that drove him to where he is today. So here is the lesson: Anyone that chooses any job or business because some people are succeeding and making enough money will surely fail or will struggle a lot in every aspect of life if that person is not passionately in love with the chosen job or business.


Let's look into the life story of J.K ROWLING, the author of the wildly-popular "Harry Potter series of books" to understand how not be able to discover your life purpose can delay success and prevent wealth.

Quite possibly one of the most famous and renowned former-failures of our times, J.K ROWLING is the author of the wildly-popular Harry Potter series of books. Born in 1965, she grew up with a tumultuous childhood that included a difficult and oftentimes-strained relationship with her father, and dealing with the illness of her mother. In 1982, at the age of 17-years old, she attempted to gain acceptance to Oxford University. She failed and was rejected; instead she was enrolled at the University of Exeter where she received Bachelor of Arts in French and Classics. After graduating from university, at the age of 21-years old, she moved to London to work for Amnesty international in 1986. After London, she moved to Manchester with her boyfriend. It was there, in 1990, at age of 25-years, while on a 4-hour delayed train, when the idea of a young wizard popped into her mind, later stating that it came "fully formed", and all she needed to do was to flesh out the details.

Few months later, her mother, Anne, died from multiple Sclerosis, leaving her extremely distraught and upset. In the wake of her mother's death, only a few months afterwards, she moved to Porto, in Portugal, to teach English. There, she met a man, got married, got pregnant, and gave birth of her daughter, who was born in 1993. The relationship was a very strenuous one, with reports of domestic abuse, resulting in a separation and eventual divorce. With only three chapters of Harry Potter completed, at the end of 1993, when she was at the age of 28-years old she moved to Edinburgh, to live with her sister. At that point, she considered herself a major failure. She had failed at just about everything she had ever attempted to do in life. She was diagnosed with clinical depression and was suicidal. Two years later, in 1995, five years after the initial idea had come to her, she managed to finish the manuscript for Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone. She located an agent, but after one year of trying to get it published, all 12 major publishing houses had rejected her book. It wasn't until 1996, when a small literary house in London named "BLOOMSBURY" gave the green light and a very small advance of 1500 pounds, only due to the behest of the owner's daughter, that the book was published. In 1997, seven years after the initial idea for the young wizard, the first Harry Potter book was published. By 2004, ROWLING had become the first author to become a billionaire through book writing, according to Forbes.

So, if you closely look at J.K ROWLING life's history, you will realize that she was not fully aware of her talent of writer (or of author) until she was 30-years old in 1995 when she managed to finish the manuscript for Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone. Before then, all that she had ever attempted to do in life failed and all her life was miserable. It's only when she started focusing all her energy to the only thing that mattered to her (which is her writing career), that she started getting her breakthrough. That's what happens to anyone that doesn't follow his passion or his life purpose. My point is if you don't identify your potentials and have the courage to embrace your life purpose where you can maximize your talents, you will practically fail in anything you try to do in your life or rather you will always struggle to make ends meet. That's also one of the reasons many people change continuously occupation that leads them nowhere. This also happened to many great and wealthy people before they could reconnect to the profession they really have passion for. The case of J.K ROWLING is a perfect illustration. Before she started fully developing her talent as book writer, he worked at Amnesty international, and later worked as teacher. But no job could really lead her to a better destination.

However all is not about discovering the talents that God has given you but you have to be bold enough to choose a field where you can use those most. In fact, God has given everyone some talents or qualities for some specific reasons. One of the reasons is to use them to better our life. But what I notice in my profession of personal development is that many people don't even know that they are talented. Thus they let those talents die. That's one of the reasons many people barely make ends meet. In the other hand those who recognize theirs are not bold enough to choose a field where they can maximize them. If J.K. ROWLING didn't follow her passion after discovering it, she wouldn't have been so famous and wealthy. If Robert T. Kiyosaki didn't discover that his talents lie on teaching and writing, he wouldn't have being where he is now. If Davido (Nigerian song writer, musician and producer) didn't discover that his passion is music he would have pursued his father's dream and wouldn't have been among the famous and greatest Nigeria's musician today. Many people are lost today because they don't really know what they are good at. I mean they don't know what they can do best or they are not just bold enough to follow their life purpose and turn it into career.

One thing is to identify your full potentials, qualities and strengths; another is to choose a job or profession that fits them best where you can easily maximize them. Remember, any talent that is neither used nor developed can ever save to produce good results. In case you find it difficult to identify your talents, qualities, potentials as well as an occupation that you can easily excel, kindly email me for assistance on I and my team will be happy to help you.


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Copyright 2020 by Armand SYLVAIN
Bildmaterialien: Copyright 2020 by Armand SYLVAIN
Cover: Copyright 2020 by Armand SYLVAIN
Lektorat: Armand SYLVAIN
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.09.2020
ISBN: 978-3-7487-5767-2

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I dedicate this book for all self-employed, small business owners and startup businesses that are striving of creating wealth and achieving financial freedom.

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