
Poetic Smiles




Poems of 2017




By Ishmael Mwangangi







To find eternity, lift YOu











Copyright © 2016 by Ishmael Mwangangi.


Prayer for 2017










This book is written to be informative and entertaining as well as educative. It involves a volume of poetry.







Copyright © 2016 by Ishmael Mwangangi.











1.1 Poetic Smile


1.1.1 Life fever


1.1.2 To my unborn


1.1.3 Love in Time


1.1.4 Got True like A Dream


1.2 For If I Don’t


1.2. Wake


1.2.2 Goodbye Yesterday



1.2.3 Rebirth 14


1.3 More Days True love


1.3.1 Its Done Everyday


1.3.2 How Many Times…


1.3.3 Can We Go Back


1.3.4 No matter what...


We stand strong


1.4 This is how a story goes


1.5 Anger


1.6 Psalms 2 , part II


1.7 Feel me


1.8 Love


1.9 Am Only Human


2.0 Benediction for 2016



2.1 About Ishmael Mwangangi 29



Poetic Smile




I spend a lot of time making lines rhyme


Like when am hurt and am in for a crime


I feel a cold shift from my heart to my mind


But i try all pieces like its justice to combine




I hate it that way'...this is how i get trapped in lines every time


Its unthinkable and funny for a poet still in the sixth line


It‟s an option to let go and write another poem


But when it‟s done, it makes me smile.




“Were we in deep silent? Its like how right you have been.” He said to him


“ look beyond what its seems.” Is it true that we lived and probably died?




See these bright lights from the sunlight They rise to both the dark and the shiny Another moment I guess it‟s


another chance Not the first, the second or the last


Its like an adventure Though some of we lost We had hope and rose




Its time perhaps,


The events that some say divided us


I cannot say





But we made from same places


I did my best and that was great from you


They played their part too





But who am I to judge?


I dried to my expectation so they failed


My father says ”and make yourself good, so you go higher and quicker than your way down.


You make yours ways straight on how smart is the progress.


“Look he made is head blank and that‟s how he grew see “ just as how you learn to play,


you will slowly learn a new language of this living”


The world no longer needs fiction,





like when he sent his young son. He then said, “come with me” He changed the version,

I guess it not too poetic?





Suppose in mind you have Abrahams Son, so was I to practice?




Watching between what we want to be and what we see within


“you will never be one”


I guess that‟s the best message from these words



To my unborn


Here I am with my heart out,


I think of these nights so dark but transparent with light


So i close my eyes and I see nothing


Then I give it to you


Its much safer between these syllables





Son, these words reflect the night so light up and read them again.





Here is what I think my future belongs


Not to you but empty without you


When I stand from far, look back from another view


And still there stands my life in line,


With some little percentage of you from my blood


I see tomorrow from another experience


which is nothing or some little worth if I think more about it





Maybe the doctors were right


Maybe the these people were just right too




When we are sick we lose ourselves to another self


And that‟s the pain Soul is my only fear, Oh, my mind too

A palace of a dreamer


There is more love than giving out


Still hits more having an expectation in return …




It‟s true we did go against all but am stuck packing my whole baggage of thoughts

Son …...I do not seem like


I thought I knew the way by default.. But by how right I was..”




Daddy tells you


I know who I am and there is a path in this journey to take you home” Sometimes when I watch the stars…I


ask myself if you be thinking the same way Your mom and I got some few times and hope you learn from


them the average way Times you like it thinking they going to bust out after time


…only you end up bursting on them




Times you do some things in mind everyone have to like it


... only end up hating on them.


Times you lost control over everything in sight


Times you got a better option in mind


…only in time you realise you were all right and wrong at the same time




Times you offer yourself as an hero


…by saving the already saved on some other side




Times we think we did it fairly


… But we broke some hearts in our past love lives


… And someone is fantasizing a quick revenge within our curves




These are the times in our thoughts when we are real.




Always forward “only a step with hope” that‟s the direction God gave us


Never fighting to show how right we were….


They can read all books but your mind got a different language

But NO!


Don‟t get wishing and wanting, Wanting greed’s getting, Getting greeds spending.



Everything we won, I won and your mom won, But failed when I traded money with truth,


So I went silent like am shy with no response and my pockets full.




Love in Time


Trapped in between worlds again She was a child and i was a child again Empty tanks but here comes the rain


To feel and fill like hearts in the brain



I promise to never but it‟s really no fun lying without pain


Sweet like a drug but harder when taken away




Its love but instead you keep your head up and feel okay Sometimes when your heart is clean and dark you do


not see another day And you smile because it‟s simple and move on another way


Beautiful, black and complicated like some wet light clay,



Could you unreal it because today sounds like yesterday?




Slowly, so I does hurt


don’t don’t unplug don’t …. dont



Take a little careful and slow


Its a night at a time




Young of love but growing righteous line by line


These shillings, feelings and poetry you know time never understands


But if it‟s about love then am ready to shine


it‟s a journey




there got to be time likes this”, she says it every-time Whatever happens I still will be holding your ground


Just same as you hurt me and never tried


Then fate unearthed it and we opening the door on the other side




and that’s how we grow with time




Each day love in time





Got True Like A Dream


Look the sky's'


Beyond the blue and white surfaces.


Through it is a white cotton statue,


The hungry wind dies...


but after dusting my eyes,


Am not blind,


Am not dark as i was


I know it‟s my skin that betrayed me, Different but same taste,


The pain that got my nerves, as black as my skin


But that really made me strong


So i got true like a dream







For If I Don’t




It‟s my sons vision


I see him sit deeply staring at me,


I see him murmur, but I hear the screams



Am I wrong?



I see my blood in his eyes Screaming, whispering in my deep meditation


They say if its too deep its heaven sent


Am slowly falling to a victims fate



If I make it, its an escape Praises be to the sand and what‟s said And let it be from below


Am now sure I will be the next one to follow


Singing a revolutionary song


For if I don‟t, am not strong





Let‟s come, let‟s play its tit for tat


Yesterday we layed you tied on a white mat


Behind the hymn was anger brought to words


Behind the rhythm was a cloud coated with gods


'Was he right for her? Was she right for her'


Let face up‟ one of the olds said



Allah is the greatest, none of his mightiness we ever had


All in one we had it like a lovely song



I thought we loved but Its now taking long



I did promise to be right but we were all wrong.





Goodbye Yesterday


I want to hide my face on these fairy days


I wish to stay indoors until I feel okay


I want to stay silent without any say


I wish to dance my body off my new tune Nay! Nay!


Oh, Is it not two months no pay?


I have to shake my head twice about my acts before I pray



I wish to sing it loud, let me go, let me stay


I want to get another lady; just today Not tomorrow or next week, Hey!


Can you please keep quiet, okay?


Hold on, I knew it, its Sunday


Oh mighty, I know I acted the wrong way


But I believed and did it all same while away


So good by yesterday







I talk in many faces


From meditation


Like someone guided by voices Whisper in smiles Murmuring in silence


Is that a spirit of tense? Finally, its out to the world


Now falls on my neighbours‟ senses



Am hungry and humble Though am not done in my thoughts My face talks it proud

Now in I break my soul to the ground



Deep below underneath Cover up my for-rotten pieces Is really my rebirth? Reincarnation; perhaps


Ever felt mad again?



That you ought to be drunk, smoke



And tie yourself or make yourself a believer?



More Days True love


Been two months since we met


Seems like a rising sun that will never set


Like how sweet it gets


Time goes' then i see you forget


Because the sweet road seems long



So i will take you real careful and slow


Now remember every step as we go


It‟s from me, so let it grow


I will live to love you if you see it as i saw..


I still love you



Its Done Everyday



There aren‟t no reason things are this way.


My Momma told me I could wish to stay through anything if Magic made it


It‟s always been and my intend to stay.


So let me stay,


Why we live at these Times Where we do it Day to day


Preachers on the speaking of saints.


Writers, poets begging for changes.


I have a basket full of thoughts and they all taste the same,




It‟s my Attitude.


Just realised am too much made of clay


See You can spend your whole life working for something, Just to have it taken away.





See me walking around pushing back my debts, Wearing pay checks

Like neck chains and mouth Grills, A poet, Music on mind




Talking about nothing not


My very heartbeat, My every little breath.


People Carrying their hurt, hatred, and weapons.


But at times a gunfire seems brighter than the sunshine.


Sometimes too a child‟s scream influences every dream


And a corrupt politician happen be less richer than my vote


My honesty and their desire


Then we fool ourselves that we progressed…. No way!




I always wish to volunteer but where do i start;


I see the world as a vast of Illusion


But for more than a shy poet Pardon


I'm I the last Solution?


It‟s all my World but all these every olds just happen to live in it too, Save your souls


A pen, Or a thought, or a word, or a sentence … or some ammunition


There aren‟t any reason


Did we just make a choice my people?


By choosing people with same heads we having


Oh, Its how they've always been'





I love them Politicians.


One Nation, under a government & a bullet scar


Worry not


Just be nappy, Don‟t even look happy. See…..


Waniona vizuriii? (do you really see me well?) Ukiniona (When you really see me),


Once you really feel my warmth



Just leave and walk that way…


Wait … did you just look into my eyes?


We all driven by desires; so Mom don‟t cry


Its greed that made me kill my brother



Never getting but wanting, never touching but wishing


But these prison walls still stand tall


God am now sure that thing‟s will never change





Turn around one more time; Momma


Yea perhaps its just Fantasy


But it‟s done every day.









How Many Times…


Bright light from the sun light


Rises to both the dark and the shiny Another moment,


I guess it‟s another chance Not the first' the second or the last



Its like an adventure Though some of we lost We had hope' and we rose




Its time perhaps,


Events that some say divided us


I cannot tell


But we are made from the similar places

I did my best and that was great from you


They played their part too


But who am i to judge


I dried to my expectation so they failed





Can We Go Back




Can we go back?



Just hope to see you again.



I Know you still got that face of a heaven.


Haven‟t changed since the night in rooftop Put all things in a bright stars


Guide me as i guide you


Can‟t even say a single word.


Feels like I‟m stabbed with a sharp sword in my heart...


Come back to yesterday when we were strangers,



Days of us guess we're playing truth and Dare


See that night picture in hand


Can we go back to Magic house please?


Can‟t be your man sitting on a slub.


Think that I have to say that


“We‟re Good"


Again, it is good for friends



No matter what...We stand strong


We are all homeless in one way so everyone does'


Many are the times we lost ourselves between our worlds


Why are some things so flamed with passion


Today I forgot my road and pattern


Is it the money that makes me the savage


Wandering aimlessly, in cash with something


Or definitely we've been led into the backwoods


by some beaming desire, just to be left out in the cold's


A cold memory, and the warmth of desire


What are we then to do?... prepare?





We have all made faults, And God, I've made mistakes


But my mistakes haven't made me



None of us would have thought


We'd be who we are now


A young African male


With a dream for a government job



I remember,


When we were still little Eyes wide to possibility


Who could have known


But my skin is always right.


My daddy said: No matter what We stand strong…..



This is how a story goes




Just like a sun rising from a dark sky‟s


To your brown beautiful face I imagine and I ask


Will you marry me'


Got you with my knees down


'Without a ring? ' You asked


Here it is.... with a ring, will you marry me?"


I can't guess what happened next but time makes decisions go, Forgive my imaginations

I just Left once again at home


Another day on your own





So I got back with a poem and you said


" I dont even understand BUT i guess you talking about me"




Our tongues touch Kissing


' felling' fireworks Watching the sky‟s out the nights


Now am walking back to my home I say goodbye and leave now


With my heart


I sing all way...not even sure why


Guess I found is you


I still care you have feelings


And there you may still have someone else



It's alright,


I remember that everything


I knew you cautious just from start,


To go all the way…. So I will take you real slow


I can feel your heart with me


The more I see you,


The more that I feel inside


But its only once in a lifetime



Please hold my soul slowly You already got my body all weak Only strong in parts


However, the pleasure was mine


Mommy taught me properly


So if i flop it out woman


Just know it has been carefully done.





A Spot where WE belong


That‟s just for Us


We all dressed up as one


You guide me and I guide you


I'll be right behind you, show me and I'll go


I show you, and we go


A place where I spend my quiet nights, So much pressure.....


I believe in what awaits this special world


I walk alone but....

Thorns in my feet as I see you near yet look so far


Every step hurts... but We keep Moving


Printed on my chest. "Can I stop oh I can't feel my feet"?


I see beyond truth but she won't let me stop for truth...


I‟m not to seek but for what's underneath ...what you breathe u shall complete.


I give u all of me where my concrete words grow upon a rose that smells so sweet.



And you will show me a spot where WE belong






My anger



My Care

Will Be In thy heart,




Not thy words…


My anger will be In words,



Not In thy heart



Psalms 2 , part II




Why do families and the members fully reciprocate


The heads maintaining up their positions


And children gather up against their father


Against who brought them to life


“ let us make him silent” they suggest “ put him down to ground.”


The one in the house new minds


And feels pity on their souls





Then regrets in his own heart and delights


I will take care of them As my children and siblings


He swore at their young age “ ask of me


And I shall provide you with everything The education you need





You will be a better being You will be relied upon like me


Therefore, you children and sons Be educated, you sons of mine



Serve the society and your country widely


And rejoice living happily Kiss your mom and dad And you will be blessed



For if were not for us


Blessed you would never be





Feel me


They said I have to praise Say words to emotion my heart


But I made it


I never doubted before


I believe; that‟s how they taught me


And to control that, "Never ask' Ishmael Wont you just believe!!"




But why,


Should I thank you for what‟s not done!


You are my only… And they say I should treasure that?


living according to your codes


But if truly you said that,


Is that not what you doing to us


Oh am selfish


Writing only to question, rather than ...


So selfish'


Daily Narration with different versions


Same codes but different aspects


But you attained the world'


You really remember concluding that.


I at times see your narration too brief


Too good that evil cant exist


So blind that i just feel it


You will regret when the day comes.


Am waiting,


And I think waiting is right


Too poetic,


I know u understand Suppose


You do write another'



I requisite my name in it


It‟s seems so abstract such that, I had a dream'


You said I looked like you


`My own image!!' you told me


But i never said anything back


I wasn‟t satisfied.






It‟s a direction lost to feeling


It‟s low on purpose for others to get it


Its silent and attention that i need


Don‟t talk, don‟t express, I know I will never attach


Hide it, down to invisible



Don‟t run,

don‟t go it‟s too deep in me


I can‟t show, if i do then it‟s valueless Now now show it and don‟t let grow


I will be here, there, we shall be Slow, come quickly closer Show' prove it; is it real?


Is it bright like these stars...



But will you give in another the day'


When it‟s no bright, when it‟s like the setting sun?


Will you...will we?




Am Only Human



Have had my thoughts balanced on a beam,


Well, forgive my attitude,


I couldn‟t picture our future in faith'


so I left my heart to feel,


Maybe its right for you and wrong for me


it happens that what we see is what it seems,


And angels like you to stay far apart leaves mybodyself in needs



Again am down for you, I know for you I have many sins.


What else do you expect from a human being?


The way I feel for you its proven by my knees




Because it changed me, I hurt you, i know that and my heart bleeds,



We both just kind of fell into this, You gave me proof that heaven exist



But tell me, what is love without a headache or twist?


Am Only Human; Forgive don‟t but forget.




Benediction for 2016



Long feast on your eyes, this cosmic date brought in a vision named


A few predicted woes,


Still we move along, up, beyond, in,


Planting fresh creative seeds, casting away old husks,



We feel deep awe for all that has ever happened but marvel even more that



Anything at all can happen.


Infused and confused within the unfolding cosmic aim, we seal our past in glass


And welcome, as all there is and will be, our future.







Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.04.2017

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