
Convert to old tracks

In the years 1977 to 1980 I worked for the Danish company Niro Atomizer A / S (engineering firm for spray drying plants) in Copenhagen and lived with my family in Alleroed (about 20 km north of Copenhagen).


This was a very nice time with excellent contacts to my Danish colleagues. One reason was certainly the beginning of my effort to learn the Danish language. This worked so well that I even now could make me very well understood during our vacation.


We got to know the local area and drove in the summer like to swim across the harbor Gilleleje after Tisvildeleje (about 40 km from Alleroed away). Also the Kronborg Castle, we have visited several times. It was obvious to drive in the summer of 1977 from Copenhagen via Sweden, Finland to Norway to North Cape. Thus , the total distance only 5300 km to over 7,300 km at the arrival from southern Germany (Karlsruhe), from where we had moved in early 1977 to Copenhagen.


With the bike and tent my son Jochen experienced (then 8 years old) and I was the Danish island of Bornholm, which is below of Sweden and then by ferry to reach from Copenhagen in about 7 hours in summer 1979. This was our time in Denmark but almost finished again, because in 1980 I was transferred as a Technical Manager in the Netherlands. We lived until 1984 in Gouda. Then we spent several years our summer holidays in our friends' house Finn (a Danish colleague) and Randi on the Baltic island of Samsoe. This period ended in 1985.


Now I was with my second wife, Jutta Hartmann-Metzger, after almost 30 years back to Zealand (Copenhagen is situated on the island of Zealand) travel to make a week's holiday in a rented house (near Gilleleje ). I was very excited as I would experience everything. But I can already say: "It was a wonderful vacation!".



Getting to North Zealand (Denmark)


View from the room at the Akzent Hotel Schleswig

From distance regular reasons (for a total distance of 770 miles) we broke the journey in Schleswig, where we stayed in the beach ACCENT Hall Hotel. So we started rested on Saturday morning, 22 June 2013, our trip to North Zealand. For the first time we used the Storebaeltsbrücke for which we had to pay a toll of 235 Dkr.


Everything worked out well until after Hillerød. From there, it was difficult to find the right way to Gilleleje. On my old experiences from my Danish time I could no longer rely, as much has changed. After some back and forth we found but the Danish owner - a few kilometers outside of Gilleleje (directions from recommendation was misleading).



Our rented holiday home

Against 14 clock 30 we were the first to take our vacation home in Dronningemölle inspected. It was very modern - with sauna and jacuzzi. The situation in completely separate area that could not be seen was optimal. The private train from Gilleleje of Elsinore, which drove past at regular intervals on above lying tracks, not particularly bother us. From the beginning we had a houseguest: a slightly larger mouse. She appeared repeatedly very curious at the bedroom door and then disappeared again. Even Jutta could live with it (in India we had in 2007 to grapple in a posh hotel in rats).

The beach of Dronningmoelle



The lonely beach at Dronningmoelle


On Sunday, the 23 June 2013, was ideal for the first beach visit. Here's a little walk of about 600 m was necessary because our house was in a secluded forest. We could also ride the bikes that were in the shed available. On this day we also used for the first time in the sauna and jacuzzi. The instructions in German and Danish were well understood and we found our way around very quickly.


In this context, it is noteworthy that we have a security deposit of 150,- Euro with the landlord (we had to follow the progress on the electricity meter, record and release upon departure) for electricity consumption had to be deposited. Two weeks after our return we got 120, - Euro refundable (with a consumption of 93 kWh). So this was absolutely correct.

The beach and the port of Gilleleje

For Monday the 24th June 2013, the visit of the Kronborg Castle in Elsinore was planned. Along the coast about Hornbaek it was easy to reach. But first wanted yet to go to Gilleleje to change money and buy fresh fish at the harbor. On the way to the harbor we came past interesting , older homes.




The Port of Gilleleje


Some words about the unfortunate Change Currency: Although Denmark is part of the EU, there has still the Danish crown. Unlike other holiday countries the Danes accept the EURO only exceptionally. And then only certificates (as on the Storebaeltsbrücke); coins not be accepted. We had a large sum of DM, which had to be changed. The cost for each bank 35 Dkr (about 5 euro ) exchange fee! It makes sense to set the monitor into DKK at the bank before departure.

The Hamlet's Kronborg Castle in Elsinore


The Kronborg Castle


During the tour of Kronborg castle I walked in "old tracks". Completely changed, the area had around the Castle to the city: The old shipyard, which one could see very clearly at the entrance to the ferry from Helsingborg, had disappeared in the meantime. There, now is the Kronborg culture harbor.



The canons of Kronborg Castle


Those who go to the casemates, the place where prison cells, pantries and soldiers quarters. Here also sits dormant Holger Danske - like King Barbarossa on Kyffhaeuser - is waiting to get in the fight Denmark to help. A special relationship between the Kronborg Castle and the Danish word prince was created by William Shakespeare, who just moved his Hamlet history because of the level of awareness of the Renaissance castle there.


Royal room at Kronborg Castle



In the castle there are several exhibitions that illustrate the wealth that all the gold from the Sundzoll earned the rulers. There are also interesting articles from the youth of Christian IV son of Frederik II) and the looting of the palace in 1658 by the Swedes.


    The Knights' Hall


In 1629 there were in the castle of a terrible fire. Christian IV left to build his father in the original style, the castle again . Therefore, we can still admire the checkerboard patterned floor of the Knight's Hall today. With a length of 62 m, it is one of the longest in Northern Europe. In these royal rooms so King Frederik II lived with his wife, Queen Sophie .


The French Cistercian monastery


On Tuesday was another day of errands: at Brugsen near I bought buns. After breakfast I went to Gilleleje to again change money. The visit of the photo shop was disappointing because I was looking for a replacement for my defective Canon telephoto lens (50-200 mm). They had only a Tamron lens (70-300 mm) at a price of 999, - Dkr. I was not convinced that it would fit perfectly on my camera and resorted to during this holiday with my wide angle lens (18 to 55 mm) . In the meantime, I have  in Germany SIGMA telephoto lens (70 to 300 mm) for 139, - Euro bought, with whom I am very satisfied. In Super Brugsen I bought drinks and yogurt. By the way, all Brugsen - shops are open 7 days.


   The road to our house

On the way home came to meet me Jutta. She had phoned because of problems with the eyes and therefore already with our landlord. They recommended the pharmacy in Gilleleje. What was interesting was the number system: " recepter eller Handköb ". I opted for the latter. The pharmacist gave Jutta after a short description of drops against allergy problems . All the fun cost 70 DKK and worked immediately. The same experienced Jutta in 2009 in Kenya, where she was awarded by an Indian doctor a "magic cream ".


   Monastery Esrum

On Wednesday, the 26th June 2013, was once again the topic of "culture" on the plan. The sky was slightly overcast ( deg C at 16 .) - ideal conditions for the planned visits. On the way to Hilleröd the interesting monastery Esrum lay with the Moellegaard (Mühlenhof). It was in 1151 by French Cistercian monks built, which wanted to build a monastic community . In the Middle Ages , this monastery was one of the important festivals of Scandinavia. However, the monks have left again before the Reformation, this monastery.


    The Monastery Garden


The annual attraction is the Knight market, on 24 to 25 June took place. We had missed this - but could still various stalls and riding facility recognize. In the monastery, an exhibition can be the life of the monks rise again. An impressive monastery garden was the great interest Jutta 's, which has been engaged for some time with herbal plants.

The beautiful baroque castle of Frederiksborg


Frederiksborg Castle

We were looking forward to the next castle is very picturesque with a Baroque garden at Castle Lake at Hilleröd. To my shame , I must confess that I am now - after an initial survey of Esrum Monastery - this "pearl" among Danish castles visited for the first time. With my second wife , Jutta Hartmann-Metzger, I have over the years developed other interests and priorities.


   The Neptune Fountain

This unique Renaissance complex was at the beginning of the 17th Century by Christian IV (the son of Kronborg Castle - builder Frederik II) built. The importance of the Danish king as a powerful northern European monarch can be seen in many decorative elements of this castle. There are statues and reliefs, the Neptune fountain and the marble gallery in the kingside.


   The Castle Church

In the 18th Century the castle lost its importance as the residence of the king. It was still used for representation purposes. During the period of absolutism between 1660 to 1848 , all Danish kings were anointed in the castle church.


   Audience Hall



A bad fire destroyed large parts of the inner castle in 1859. For recovery funds were collected nationwide, lotteries organized and received private donations. Even J. C. Jakobsen, founder of the famous Carlsberg brewery, was actively involved in the project and proposed 1877 plan to make the castle became the seat of national history museum. Here is how to find historical paintings, portraits, furniture and crafts more than 500 years of Danish history. For the visit should take at least 2 hours.


The dream beach of Hornbaek


The lonely beach of Hornbaek

On the following Thursday, we again visited an interesting castle: Fredensborg. On the way there we put in Hornbaek (by which we had already sailed on Monday on the way to Elsinore) a pause to the most famous seaside resort on the north coast (Danish Riviera) to look at the beach.

Compared to the popular beaches of Gilleleje and Dronningmoelle this was very wide and well maintained. What us here - as in the other beaches - noticed was the lack of beach walker (Bathers I do not want speak at a water temperature of 16.5 C). Should also in Denmark no longer sit so loose the money? By the way, our beautiful summer house was for sale. And this was not an isolated case all along the coast.

The changing of the guard in front of the Fredensborg Palace


Royal Guards in front of the Fredensborg Palace

The Fredensborg Castle was built by King Frederik IV after the end of the Great Northern War in 1772 to commemorate the conclusion of peace. The lock should be his new summer residence since the Rosenborg Castle in Copenhagen had lost its quiet location. Today, the Royal Family holds on a large part of the year in the baroque castle. Then they bring with them the royal bodyguard. Short vor 12 clock takes place annually the impressive changing of the guard. For especially occasions the Band of the Royal Life Guards at the Castle Park plays.



Changing of the guard

From Danes, we learned that we were able to see such a random event, because the royal family said goodbye to the Royal Life Guards, as they wanted to go on holiday to Jutland. After a waiting time of the Royal Jaguar and the Prince Consort Henrik appeared in rose. Still later, the front door opened and he came to the castle with his dog and the Lord Chamberlain (with red jacket), the stone stairs . The bands and the soldiers marched past. Then he waved at us briefly and disappeared back into the castle. So he had taken over the ceremonial duties for the royal family.



Royal adoption on holiday

Farewell to the Danish Riviera

According to the Danish tourism professionals (see brochure " North Zealand - Royal recovery in Denmark" 2012 , 91 pages), you can relax on dazzling North Sea countries and to form exquisite. We can confirm the result of our own experience and are not our opinion alone. Even the Danish kings moved from 16 Century like Copenhagen in this "recreation area" to hunt and relax. They built little by little the locks that we visited.



Dronningmoelle beach

On Friday was the last day of our wonderful holiday week and we said goodbye with a two-hour hike from our house beach. Although the weather with 20 deg. C (water temperature 16.5 deg. C) and slightly overcast sky was relatively nice, we missed again bathers.

The journey home over Husum


Thomas Hotel in Husum


On Saturday the 29th June 2013, we started at 8 clock with our journey home. Since the Landlords office opened only against 10 clock, we threw the key with the electricity bill in the appropriate mailbox. On the route already known we drove through Denmark and used again Storebaeltsbrücke (toll 235 , - Dkr). This time we broke our return journey in Husum (against 14 clock), where we had booked a double room at the Thomas Hotel.


    Visitors to the matjes days at the port

The hotel was located near the inner harbor. There was a larger event. At the hotel I later learned that it was the annual matjes days (end of June). With pleasure we mingled after checking with the visitors. First we were breastfeeding at the port once our hunger, because we had not eaten anything after breakfast. With this beautiful event, we were able to conclude harmoniously in Denmark our eventful week.


    Our Opel Combo Tour in the carport of the summer house

On Sunday morning we went to the last stage. Everything went smoothly and we arrived at about 12 clock in Hildesheim. A few more words about our Opel Combo Tour (Diesel) who has once again transported us very reliable: We covered a total of 1750 km and consumed only 4.7 liters of diesel per 100 km. Mature comparison values ​​were 5.5 l of diesel per 100 km. Maybe it 's because I 'm on the highway no faster than 100 km / h? The prices of diesel were approximately the same in Germany and Denmark.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.01.2014

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