
Walks in a beautiful landscape


For over four years I walk in the beautiful countryside with interesting sights , which belongs to the municipality Holle . In October 2011, I decided to make regular recordings of nature around the Castle Derneburg . The result was the beginning of February 2013 my first Picture Book ( " Castle Derneburg and nature ").



      Castle Söder

The horses of Söder Castle


At the same time, I also began Photos from Söder Castle and the environment take . My first designs were horses belonging to renowned horse breeding of the castle. This I could observe in the pasture behind the property with the beautiful autumn mood I get striking images . The completion of the fourth Picture Book ( " The Söder Castle and the environment" ) , however, has lasted until the end of August 2013. The reason was the Picture Book No. 2 ( " The ruin Wohldenberg and the seasons " ) and the Picture Book No. 3 ( "Nature at Hackenstedt " ) that I have completed first .



The horses of Söder Castle




 Confidung horse


 End of October 2011, I was with my wife JUTTA very close to the paddock , in the garden of the Lady Chapel Söder . I had the difficult task to take pictures of squirrels , let myself in and JUTTA wanted to help me. After a few attempts it worked but , as I have described this action in my book " Söder Castle and the environment." In the pasture we found only a solitary mold, the JUTTA photographed very nice.



The lonesome mold


Over the winter I did not visit the area from Söder castle. Only in March 2012, I was back in this area and made corresponding receptacles . On the good belonging to the castle Söder , there was a hive of activity . Two girls came with their horses from the stables and led their horses on foot to the nearby riding place. Young fellow rider I discovered early May 2012 beneath the castle Derneburg near the fish ponds.



On the way to the riding area




In the paddock at Söder Castle




Riders at Derneburg Castle

The fox and the horses

Beginning in June 2012 , I managed a very special photo adventures . When I parked my car in the parking lot in front of the Lady Chapel Söder , I discovered on the opposite-lying paddock a fox who moved among the great horses. I knew if I would get out now , this would immediately disappear . I stayed in the car and shot from there many interesting photos. Later still came to a grey heron .



Horse chases fox




The Great Blue Heron and the horses

The carriage ride in the Lüneburg Heath

Mid-August 2012 , my wife JUTTA and I were the Lüneburg Heath and took part in the carriage ride. The draft horses , which were harnessed to the carriages were of a much more severe impact than the horses that I have described. It was on this day in August very warm (30 deg. C ) and we were glad when we arrived back at our apartment cool in the afternoon.





Departure in the Lüneburg Heath

Feeding the ponies

In early October 2012, I sat back in my Opel Combo Tour in the parking lot in front of the Lady Chapel Söder . As an older man ( grandfather? ) appeared with a little girl . They approached the paddock , which is opposite the car park. Immediately came ponies that had the feeding probably already expected. Larger horses were not to be seen. This time I stayed for photographing in the car because I did not want to disturb the scene.





Beautiful horses in Hackenstedt

End of October 2012, I was thrilled with the colorful autumn forest above Hackenstedt and shot very interesting photo opportunities. Still greater was my excitement when I discovered real race horses on a paddock on the edge. On my walk to a bench at the end of the upper forest I always came along with the horses and was able to enjoy their majestic elegance.



Horses in the paddock



More than 8 months ( until June 2013 ) I had to wait until I could discover in the pasture at Hackenstedt these elegant animals again , because in the meantime they were in their winter quarters. I was in the meantime, but not inactive , because I could - also enjoy looking at the colorful butterflies - beside the horses . Recently it was one of the latest Picture Book ( "Butterflies ").



My Favorites



The mold



The horses suffer from the heat

On Wednesday, the 19th June 2013 , it was very hot (33 deg . C) and when I came to the paddock I found the horses in a very lethargic state lying on the floor . Nowhere there was shade or a shelter . After that it was indeed cool ( we were in pleasant temperatures a week's holiday in "Denmark "). But in July and August came a veritable heat wave with corresponding temperatures . My last pictures were taken at above 19.6. After returning from our vacation , end of June , 2013, I could not find horses on pasture . This was her rescue!



Suffering horses

Söder Castle and the horses in the autumn

Almost over a period of two years ( October 2011 til July 2013 ), I can watch this racy and elegant horses in the pasture . They were a veritable feast for the eyes . With the horses in the paddock at the edge of the forest of Hackenstedt I managed over time even closer contact . They had gotten used to me and came galloping when they recognized me on the fence . How the Scottish Highland cattle in Hutewald the Wohldenberg so have these beautiful horses developed into a recurring event in my life . Moreover I am very pleased.


Actually I wanted to have completed my post about the horses from the Castle Söder with the images of October 2012 ( "Pony - feeding "). The end of September 2013 resulted in the early morning but ideal conditions that me nice shots of the horses reach belonging to the Castle Söder. Holds exactly two years ago I photographed first time the horses at Söder Castle. At that time they were on the pasture near the hamlet of Söder. Well, I met her on the big paddock on the opposite side of the road to the Castle.



 Castle Söder and the horses




Horses in front of the waterhole





The white pony





The black and white pony




The stormy stallion





Horses on the way





The grazing horse



Surprising encounter with two horses

Beginning of October 2013 I was so early (7 h 30) on the sports field of Hackenstedt the road that I could take pictures a beautiful sunrise on a clear day . However, it was already quite cold , because the temperature was around 0 deg . C. But this did not stop me from getting to photograph colorful highlights in nature.







Sunrise in Hackenstedt


As I passed the paddock , I discovered to my surprise there two horses ( on the hottest day in July were at the horses - there were five at the time - disappeared from the pasture ) . It did not take too long, they were not shy to me and looked at me . I'm looking forward to the next encounter.




First look contact




Proximity tests




The gray mold is curious





The interested pair




The gray mold approaches




The brown comes




Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.01.2014

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