

 Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Ugh just FIVE more minutes! "Paislee, it's time to get up or you're gonna be late for school" called Paislee's mom. "Ok!" yelled Paislee. So I got up and grabbed my clothes for the day then went in the bathroom and took a quick shower. By the time I was done in the shower it was 7:00 am. Only 15 MINUTES till school starts!

I looked down to check my phone and I had 3 missed calls and 10 texts from Gaige. So I called him back and he was freaking out. "Where the Hell are you at?" Calm down I'm heading out right now I'll be there in about five minutes. Gaige and I have been dating for almost Four years and we are seniors now about to graduate.

When I got to school Gaige was there waiting to walk me to my class. I have math first hour, Gaige has weights. Gaige was the team captain on the football team at Georgia High School. I was the head Cheerleader but I was not like most Head Cheerleaders. I only loved one guy and that was Gaige.

After first hour Gaige and I met up and he walked me to my next class which was English. Then he gave me a quick hug and he was off to go to his next class. In a month and a half we are out of school die to the holiday break, and Gaige is going out of town for the holiday break. But I really don't want him to go because I want to spend more time with him. But you don't always get what you want do you. Gaige had asked his mom if he could stay in town and spend the holiday break with Paislee but his mom said no so that was the end of that discussion. He argued that he has never gotten to spend any Holiday breaks with me but his mom told him not to ask again, because she told him that he can come home earlier than her so that he can spend some time with me. I told him that was better than him not getting to see me at all during the whole break.

It's now 5th hour and this is when lunch is so Gaige and I are headed to the Cafeteria to buy our lunch. When we went to go sit at our table I noticed a really cute new kid that was sitting at our table and Gaige introduced him to me. His name was Princeton, he had bright Blue eyes, really light colored skin, and he was around 6'1. And he has snake bites piercings.

When I looked at him I think he winked at me and I smiled a little bit and that's when Gaige asked me what I was smiling at and I said oh nothing. So after lunch Gaige walked me to my class and I don't have him in any of my classes after lunch :(. But as soon as I walked in the first thing I noticed was that the new kid Princeton was in my class. When he saw me he smiled and said hi to me so I said Hi back to him and then he asked me if I would sit next to him and I said I would. So I talked to him the whole time during class and got to know him a little bit better. He said he came From Michigan, and he moved here because his Mom and Dad got a divorce so he and his mom moved here to get away from all the bad memories his dad left behind.

"I'm sorry I brought that up. I didn't know it was painful for you to talk about or else I wouldn't have asked you." "It's Okay you didn't know." Right as the bell rang for class to be dismissed he asked me if I would like to hang out some time and I said yeah that would be great maybe over the Holiday break.’


















































So today during 6th hour I talked to Princeton all hour and the time flew by so fast cause I was laughing the whole time during class. He asked me if I was still up to hanging out with him during the holiday break. "Of course I'm still up for it" I said. Three more days till I get to hang out with my new best friend Princeton I'm so excited!

Gaige is upset with me because he feels like I don't love him anymore because I've been talking to Princeton so much. Don't get me wrong I love Gaige it's just that he's going away for the holiday break and Princeton isn't so if I can't be with Gaige I want to spend time with other people.


Gaige: "hey Babe, want to come over to my place tonight? !D"


Paislee: "nah I got other plans maybe tomorrow night would be nice"




Paislee: "It's not like that you're over reacting you need to just calm down I'm just going to the movies with Princeton and his Girlfriend cause his mom wouldn't let him go alone!"




Paislee: "Babe it's not like that don't be mad at me"


I got no reply after that. Next day at school when I got to school I got out of my Bugadi and on my way up to the school's front doors I found Gaige kissing the schools biggest Slut. And when he saw me I turned around and ran to my car and locked the doors. He ran after me and said "Babe it didn't mean nothing" And I said "Well if it didn't mean nothing it wouldn't have happened, and it sure looked like it meant something!"


After school was over I didn't wait for Gaige cause I was so pissed off at him. That's when I checked my phone I had a ton of messages from him that read:


Gaige: "Baby I'm sorry, I was just trying to get back at you for last night!


Paislee: "Bitch, let's get some things straight nothing happened between me and Princeton for Christ's sake he has a Fucking GIRLFRIEND AND I"M NOT IT!!!!!


Gaige: "I said I was Sorry!"




Gaige: "Paislee MAYBE we COULD work this OUT Please baby?!"


Paislee: "I said I don't want to talk to you anymore do you not speak English I said Goodbye!"


Gaige: "Fine if that's how you want it but hopefully you get over this because I know you still love me!"



Making Up

 Today is the last day till the Holiday Break and I don't want to go to school because I don't want to be around Gaige cause he thinks just because he apologized that everything is fine when that is just not how life works. I asked mom if I could stay home but she insisted that I just go because then I would have almost three weeks out of school. I begged her, but she then asked why I didn't want to go to school so bad but I didn't want to tell her about what happened between me and Gaige.

So after mom said I couldn't stay home I went upstairs and grabbed my clothes that I wanted to wear for the day and ran into the Bathroom to take a quick shower. After I got out I got out my Blow dryer and blow dried my hair then I quickly straitened my hair. Then I grabbed my Make-up bag and put on some eye liner and little bit of mascara. After I was done with my make-up and hair I quickly got dressed and went down stairs grabbed something to eat then I was off to school.
When I got their Gaige saw me and he tried to come over a walk me to my classes but I told him to leave me alone so that's what he did. When I got to first hour I tried not to think about him but deep down my heart says to give him a second chance but my mind says to let him go. So by 5th hour I was tired of thinking about it so I decided to ask Princeton in my class after lunch. Princeton told me that I should forgive him and give him a second chance. So I decided that's what I'll do but I told Princeton that if Gaige does this again then we are done Like I'll leave him for good.
So after school I looked for Gaige and luckily I found him hanging with the football team. So I walked over to him and told him that we needed to talk privately. So he told the guys bye and we walked to my car. We both got in and I locked the doors so no one else could get in. And I told him "Gaige, I know that you made a mistake but I am willing to give you a second chance because I love you. But if I catch you kissing that little slut of yours then we will be done forever and I mean this!" So Gaige said "I knew that you would forgive me! But that also means that I don't want you hanging around with Princeton as often as you have been cause it leads me to believe you are cheating on me!" "CHEATING ON YOU! YOU REALLY THINK THAT I'M CHEATING ON YOU! YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDING ME RIGHT! ME AND PRINCETON ARE NOTHING BUT BEST FRIENDS HE'S ACTUALLY THE ONE WHO CONVINCED ME TO FORGIVE YOU AND GIVE YOU A SECOND CHANCE! YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE THAT HAS CHEATED! SO IF I CAN'T HANG OUT WITH MY BEST GUY FRIEND THEN YOU CAN'T HANG OUT WITH ANY OF YOUR GILRFRIENDS EITHER!"
After our talk Gaige decided that he would let me still hang out with Princeton and he made me mad for the fact that he said he thought I was cheating on him when if I remember correctly I'm the one that caught him cheating on me with the little slut of the school. Ugh! I hate him some times but at least I forgave him and I'm giving him a second chance even though really I shouldn't be giving him a second chance. But tonight me and Gaige are supposed to go on a date because he's leaving tomorrow morning to go out of town to see his family and all.
I asked him where we are going but he said it was a surprise so me and my friends went to the mall because Gaige told me to go buy a nice dress and heels for tonight so I did. We went to the nicest Dress shop in town and I picked out the most beautiful dress in the shop! I'm kind of excited for my "surprise date" tonight! My dress I picked out was an Aqua Chiffon & beaded strapless dress. Then I went to a High heel store and bought matching heels to go with my dress.




So for our date he took us to some fancy restaurant and then he told me he was taking me to a party that was at his house that his mom let him throw because she felt bad for not letting him stay here with me for the Holiday Break so he invited all his friends and we had the best time of our lives. I got so Drunk I don't even remember how I got home and when I woke up this morning I had the worst hangover I asked my mom for some Tylenol and I grabbed a Bottle of Water and I went back upstairs to my room. I took the Tylenol and drank the whole bottle of water. Then I grabbed some clothes to wear today and I took a shower. I just stood under the hot water for a while then my headache was starting to fade. Since I'd been standing in the shower for about 15 minutes now the water was starting to get col so I quickly wash my hair and my body then I shut off the water and got out. After I got dressed I quickly blow dried and straitened my hair and did my make-up. Then I got dressed and I told my mom that I was going to tell Gaige bye and that I'd see her later on tonight. She told me she loved me and to be careful. I said I love you too mom and I will be careful. So I was off to go see Gaige before he left.

Saying goodbye

When I pulled up to Gaiges house they were putting all of their stuff in their car and when Gaige finally saw me he ran up to me and gave me a hug and he told me that he was gonna miss me. But he invited me in his house and we hung out for an hour before his mom said it was time to go and that they needed to get on the rode before the weather got bad. I was so sad that he was leaving already but then again I do got time to spend with Princeton. But it's not like I'm trying to replace Gaige with Princeton while he is away.
I quickly gave Gaige a hug and a kiss and told them to be careful. I said for Gaige to text me when he got to where he was going and for him not to do anything stupid cause I will find out about it eventually. About three hours later I got a text from Gaige saying:
Gaige♥: "Hi love I just wanted to tell you I made it safely and tell you I miss you and I love you."
Paislee: 'Hey babe! Glad you made it there safely! I'm missing you too!"
Gaige♥: "I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible! I promise!"
Paislee: "Ok love but promise me you will be careful!"
Gaige♥: "I will I Love You!"
Paislee: "I Love More!"
It's been a day since Gaige left and I'm just so bored and I miss Gaige so much! My mom came in and asked me if I wanted to go out to eat but I turned her down. I'm not in the mood I just want to be alone right now I told her. She said well whenever you want something to eat just let me know. Ok mom! Now will you leave me alone please? I was so mad because Gauge couldn't spend the Holiday with me. I know that it sounds selfish but it's just that every holiday break one of us ends up going out of town and it just makes me mad! I've never spent Christmas or thanksgiving with him all throughout the four years we've been together.
Gaige♥: "Hey love watcha doin?"
Paislee: "Just hanging out with Princeton because I am bored and sad because I miss you!"
Gaige♥: "Aww Love it can't be that bad can it?"
Paislee: "Yes, because you're not here with me and we've never spent one Holiday break with each other the whole four years we've been together. But since I'm hanging out with Princeton I'm not so bored now and I'm not doing anything stupid!"
Gaige♥: "Good cause if you were and I find out about it I promise you Princeton will not like what I have to say to him !D JK! I know you won't do anything stupid ILY!"
Paislee: "OMG! Babe I only love you Princeton's nothing but my BFF! And ILY!"
Gaige♥: “GTG! TTYL! My mom wants me to help with cooking I love you!"
Paislee: "TTYL! I love you"

Hanging with Princeton

Princeton: “Hey Paislee, just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out with me today?”


Paislee: “Sure when and where do you want to go I’ll see if my mom doesn’t care!”


Princeton: “okay and I thought maybe we could go shopping around 7:00 pm?”


Paislee: “okay sounds great my mom said she didn’t care so see you at 7 pm are you going to pick me up or do you want me to pick you up?”


Princeton: “I’ll pick you up since I’m the one that asked you if you wanted to hang out with me.”


So I got up and took a shower since it was already 5:30 pm. I grabbed my Dark Blue ripped Jeans, a red Spaghetti strap, my Black Cardigan, and my white High heels. I got out of the shower and I got my blow dryer and after I got done blow drying my hair I got out my curling Iron and I curled my hair. When I was done with my hair I put on some eye liner and mascara. Then a touch of red lipstick. Then I was ready so I sat there till I heard Princeton honk his horn signaling that he was here.

"Are we ready to have some fun?" said Princeton. "Hell yeah!" So when we got to the mall we went to a few stores and then we both said in unison "I'm getting hungry, let's go get something to eat!" So we went to eat at Twin Grill City. "Yumm! That was the best food I've ever eaten! So now that we're done eating and Shopping what do you want to go do Princeton?"

"Oh I was thinking maybe we could go to the movies or something like that!" "Sure" I said. "What do you want to go watch?" "Let's watch Despicable Me2" "Lol, Really?" "Yes really" so when the movie ended it was right at 12:00am. I looked down at my phone and I had a message from Gaige:


Gaige: "Hey Babe, just saying good night and hope you are having fun! XD!"


Paislee: "Good night to you too! And I am having fun! XD"


Hey Princeton I need to get home it's getting late. Ok, I will take you home but I wish this day wouldn't end but I guess it has to cause your mom is probably worried sick about where you are and what you're doing. So the whole ride home we talked about what we had planned for tomorrow. He wasn't doing anything tomorrow so I said maybe we could hang out more tomorrow. Then he pulled up to my house and I said bye. That's when he leaned over and KISSED ME! He said "I'm Sorry; I don't know what I was thinking I know you have a boyfriend!" And I said "It's fine, I was planning on kissing you too!"


Paislee: "Hey Princeton, last night was amazing maybe tonight we can do something else! If yah know what I mean !D!"


Princeton: "Paislee I really like you but I don't Know if that's a good idea cuz you got a boyfriend! But I would love to spend some time with you today! SORRY!?"


Paislee: "Princeton it's okay Gaige isn't here he would never find out anything come on!"


Princeton: "Paislee you know how hurt you were when you seen Gaige kissing all up on that girl so sleeping with me would hurt him way worse just saying"


Paislee: "I don't care I just want to be with you!"


Princeton: "But your with Gaige so respect that"


Gaige is Coming Home!

Gaige♥: "hey babe I'm on my way home can't wait to see you"
Paislee: "yay! I can't wait to see you!"
So Gaige will be home by tomorrow so I think I'm gonna surprise him with a welcome home party even though he hasn't been gone for two weeks yet so I decided to go to the store with Princeton and buy some stuff for the party. My mom said that as long as I'm responsible and have everything under control she is okay with the party. But since I'm under age I had my mom buy the alcohol for the party.
My mom and my brother left out of town for the night so I could have this party which is gonna be awesome. I just hope that we are done with the setting up part by the time Gaige gets home. So what should the theme be for this party Princeton? It should be a Christmas theme party because Christmas just passed and you didn't get to see him on Christmas you know!
So I bought a Christmas tree, Christmas Lights, Ornaments, Bows, and of course gifts for my favorite Christmas Game: Dirty Santa!
Finally I was all setup for the party and couldn't wait to see Gaige!

The Phone Call



"Is this Paislee? Gaige's Girlfriend?"

"Yes, who is this?"

"Paislee, this is the Hospital."

"Why are you calling me?"

"Sorry Paislee, but Gaige was in a terrible Car accident and we would like for you to come down so we can talk to you about his conditions."

"Yeah, sure I'm right on my way"


I got in my Bugadi and went straight to the hospital when I got there I asked to see Gaige and they said he was in surgery. So I asked for more details on his conditions and they said he may or may not remember you due to his accident. "WHAT HE COULDN'T POSSIBLY FORGET WHO I AM CAN HE?" "Yes dear he can so when he wakes up could you go and see him so we can know how his memory is?" "Yes but what if he doesn't remember me?" "Well there is nothing we can do about it He'll have to remember on his own. I'm sorry."

"He's awake you may go see him now" When I heard that I got up a practically ran to his room. "GAIGE! I'm so glad you're awake oh baby I promise I'll take good care of yo-" he cut me off before I could finish "Who are you?" "What do you mean who am I? Baby it's me Paislee, Your Girlfriend!" "I don't have a girlfriend though?" "You don't remember me do you?" I said kinda hurt. "No I don't, I'm sorry?" "We don't have a chance do we?" I asked. "No, because I don't remember anything about you so it's better if you just move on without me in your life." "NO!, THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING TO ME!, GAIGE I STILL LOVE YOU! YOU COULD GET TO KNOW ME AGAIN! I'LL DO ANYTHING! PLEASE?"


Moving On?

Hey Princeton, just calling to tell you that I went to see Gaige and he woke up but he doesn't remember me. He told me that it would be better for me to just move on with my life because it's no use. "He doesn't remember you?" "No, can I come over to hang out with you today?" "Sure, why not since the party is now canceled." "Ok see you in ten minutes!"

I went to hang out with Princeton, and he told me he just broke up with his Girlfriend because she is mad because he's been spending too much time with me and not enough time with her. "Hey Princeton!" "Are you ok Paislee?" "Not really!? I wish he remembered who I was because I still love him!" "It's okay Paislee he'll come back and he will end up remembering you don't worry." "But he said for me to move on like forget we were even together!" "Paislee, You got me don't you! And you know you can always come and talk to me whenever you need to talk to someone!" "I know, and I do love you as a best friend! I just don't know if I'll be able to move on and will ever be able to get another boyfriend!"

 "Paislee!? I know you are upset! But please don't push me away! I Love You!" "Princeton! I was afraid that this might happen! Can't you see that I love Gaige!?"


Texte: Jordyn Hinz, and Aida Diaz
Lektorat: Jordyn Hinz
Übersetzung: no one
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.12.2015

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