
Chapter One

It's dark. Maybe four, five a.m.? Couldn't tell. Mondays are always like this. I just can't switch off. Okay, let's see. Meeting with people from Securities and exchange commission. That should be fun. Anyway, I don't have to prepare much. Lunch with Fieldman from Federal Reserves is canceled, thank God, at least I could have a peaceful meal for once. A sound from the other side of the bed interrupted my thoughts. I lay my eyes on the woman sleeping peacefully in my bed. There she was, so beautiful, elegant and asleep. She hates when I leave her alone in bed, but I just can’t sleep and the work is the only thing that settles my mind. Besides, this thing is going on for two years, and I like the way things are now. I love what I do, and to be honest, sometimes it feels good to be alone for a while. True, sex is good. Actually, very good. If it wasn’t like that, I wouldn’t put up with her constant pressure of revealing our relationship and taking it to the next level. And my parents. God, they always ask about her. When I’m going to introduce her to them. She could actually be the wife material someday. But at the moment, I have to sort these issues within my company, and the last thing is I need is her “emotional issues” and “talks about the future”.


I slowly got up without disturbing her, and got out of the room, silently closing the door behind me. Well, let’s see. Feldman is off, so I could meet Doug instead. He could brief me into this UniGlobe situation. I should probably schedule a lunch with them next week. Okay. Interview for the risk assessment function. This should be fun. Maybe I should leave it to Doug to decide, and I could finish with the regulator sooner. I’ll consult Claire on the spot.


“You look sharp”, I tell myself while fixing the tie. I put on my jacket and my wristwatch. And another busy week could start. I am ready. I don’t want to wake up Diane. She has a trial at 1 p.m., so she has time to sleep. I’ll call her from work, as I usually do. 


My Alfa 159 was ready for me, as always. I just love the damn car. Probably even more than a lot of things. And women just love it. Yes, if I had time for women, it would actually mean something, but I am barely managing with only one, and to imagine another one? Not a chance. Well, Diane is okay. She is a woman I could see standing next to me. She has this elegance, and daintiness which I very much appreciate in a woman. Not that I don’t feel like bending Irene’s tight ass over the desk from time to time, if she wasn’t this shallow, of course, but... Yes. What a pity. I know that I could have her whenever I wanted, but it was never worth crossing the line with her. Well, off to work.

Chapter Two


I love coming to the office early. It gives me time to think. Of course, Clair, the mother figure,  is always there before me, but she always has the thing I need before I even ask. Too bad that she doesn’t have a life of her own, but it’s her choice. We never talked about it.


My desk was full of Interview candidates CV’s. Most of them were shit. 92 candidates for a single position. I will probably pass the job to Doug. He loves to interview candidates. Especially female ones. I call Claire.


Griffin:               “Claire, how many candidates we have this morning?”


Mrs. Claire:        ”Only four left Sir. We have decided for this boy from Deloitte. Today, it’s just formal procedure, but we have all agreed on him.”


Griffin:               “But we still have four other candidates left.”


Mrs. Claire:        “Yes, but I purely doubt that, I mean, THESE candidates will be anything more than a waste of your time Sir.”


Griffin:               “Well, since there is only four of them, I’ll finish it myself before I meet the regulator. Please, find me their CV’s”


Mrs. Claire:        “Very well, Sir.” – She murmured through her teeth, and went to find the files. Claire was obviously not satisfied with the answer, but she knew better, than to object me. I like when people do as told.


Okay, so two guys, banker, MBA shit... What do we have here:


Mia Petrov...bla bla... Twenty two years...She’s a kid...Master of quantitative finance and risk assessment... Wow...Nice touch. Studied for five years... And a slacker. Another one. No working experience. This could actually be an advantage... A reference from prof. Thompson. Also impressive. I was deepened in these papers and didn’t even noticed when Claire showed her in. I wanted to overview other candidates as well, but still. I took my eyes off from the document and looked across my table. Well, a blond one. Another one. Attractive, I may add. But Claire was probably right. I was hoping for a discussion with a real candidate, to wake me up before I drink my coffee. Well, now we are here.


Griffin:             “Mrs. Petrov?”


Miss Petrov:      “Miss.” – She replied somewhat presumptuously. Okay. A feisty one.


Griffin:             “Miss, ...yes. It says here that you had no problem in graduating the University. You have pretty good references from my colleagues.” – She seemed confused somehow. Like she was choosing her words carefully. Her eyes were focusing directly on mine. It was so sexy that for a moment, I forgot what I had asked her. Her eyes were so blue. Profoundly blue, and unintentionally provocative. Also defensive. She doesn’t let me in. Fair enough. Finally, she broke this awkward moment.


Miss Petrov:     “That is merely a comfirmation that I made a good choice five years ago. Nothing else.”


Short, brief, unpretentious. But still a bit provocative. I like it.


Griffin:            “It says here that you paused for a year. Why?” – It was actually none of my business, but I was curious. She doesn’t seem like slacker type of person.


Miss Petrov:     “Unfortunately, I had some private and financial issues that needed to be taken care of.” – Maybe I made her a bit embarrassed.. I immediately thought of my student years and how much I had to struggle to get to where I am now. Now, I feel sorry for bringing up this subject.


Griffin:              “Did you address the University for help? You could have.”


Miss Petrov:      “Please do not take this the wrong way, but I prefer to rely exclusively on myself. I’m here now, right?” – Sensitive on pity. And independent. Nice feature. I like this in a woman. And she had a point. She did manage to succeed on her own. Though still, it was a waste of her potential.


Griffin:               “Yes, it is true, but otherwise you could have used the year for a better purpose.” – A small grin appeared on her face. Strange. But still she doesn’t let out a single thing. She doesn’t let me in, and keeps me in the same distance.


Miss Petrov:      “I intend to make it up. All I need is an opportunity. Nothing more and nothing less.” – Direct. Brief. Interesting. Maybe I should test little Miss Petrov. To test her limits. Maybe she would even be up for the task. An unintended smile appeared on my lips. As much I tried to hide my amusement, I failed. I completely forgot about the other candidates.


Griffin:               “An opportunity, you will have. You have set yourself quite a challenge.” – I was pushing her further. I wanted to break her concentration, so she would reveal a glimpse of herself to me.


Miss Petrov:      “Challenges, I can handle. Skepticism, as well.” – She smiled provocatively. Oh, so she joined the game. Good girl. Maybe I should see what she is really made of. Let’s see how she will handle this.


Griffin:               “And why do you see me as a skeptic, Miss Petrov? What gave you that impression?” – I stood up and leaned across the desk. I gazed into her deep blue eyes. Come on. Let me in. I want to see what you are concealing. There was a tension growing inside her, but she didn’t look aside. To my surprise, instead, she gazed me back, even more determined. In fact, I felt like she saw through my intention, and sharply shut me down with a single look. She was so arousing, I could barely control the blood flow to my pants. A brash smile appeared on her face.


Miss Petrov:      “Why are you so full of prejudice regarding attractive young women?” – She made my flame rise to rooftop. She managed to set me out of my balance. Why do I have prejudice? Well maybe because the biggest ambition from every single girl I know is to make career in bed until she gets married, and gets her hand on a Bianco credit card. But she was provoking. Okay, Miss. You want a chance? I will make sure you get one. We will see if you are an exception to the rule, as you think of yourself to be. Anyway, we were playing long enough.


Griffin:               “Claire will inform you to your daily obligations, and you will report directly to me. I like to personally keep track of all business indicators. Once again, welcome.” She seemed a bit disappointed. Then, I called in Claire. “Claire, please escort Miss Petrov to her office and inform her with the procedures.” – Claire looked me with her judgmental look. What? I can hire whoever I want. I don’t know at what point she started to give herself this amount of importance.


I looked at the time. Good. I love when I make decisions on the spot. And now I still have the time to prepare for the meeting, and get there in half an hour. This was important. I requested this meeting with the Securities Commission ages ago, since we really need their help in finding the cause of this data problem. Maybe I should assign this to Miss Petrov. She is not involved with personal interest, and I could benefit from an independent opinion. Fresh blood always contributes the company. The perspective of a new an unexperienced employee is often very refreshing. Well, I should get going then.

Chapter Three


So many data. Too many, actually, that you could see the whole picture clearly. I took a bite of fresh butter croissant, while I was waiting for the breakfast. Then again, she crossed my mind. Those deep blue eyes. Am I really a fool to entrust her these tangible issues. I would like to hear her opinion. But why am I so distracted with her. I am having troubles to concentrate. I better call Doug. If this thing with data issues get out of control, then we’ll have some serious explaining to do. This is not an option.


I just finished lunch with Doug, and we agreed to go through the paperwork.


Doug:   “What do you think about all this, James?”


Griffin:  “Honestly, I still haven’t made up my mind. I’ll assign the subject to one of my employees, but it’ll take a lot of time for someone to get into the subject, and manage to find the cause.”


Doug:   “True. Did you have anyone in mind? I would suggest Mike.”


Griffin: “Actually, I already have someone in mind.


Doug:   “Really? Who?”


Griffin: “The new girl. Miss Petrov.” – Doug’s eyes widen.


Doug.   “The new girl? Are you okay James? Did you bring her to the company?”


Griffin: “No. She applied herself. Besides, all of the employees I counted on couldn’t find a single flaw in the system, and we both know that there is one. Maybe a fresh perspective will do us good.”


Doug:   “Sure, I mean, if you trust her...”


Griffin: “I don’t. But she’s bright. Sharp. Craving for a chance to prove herself. She will do her best.”


Doug:   “But what if her best just isn’t enough?”


Griffin: “Then I would admit that I was wrong, and that I made the wrong decision hiring her. And I am almost never wrong about this.” – Doug smiled naughtily.


Doug:   “I bet she’s good looking.”


Griffin: “Doug, you know me better than that. Give her a break. You haven’t even met her.”


Doug:   “Well, she must be something special when you can’t stop talking about her.”


My phone rang and interrupted us. Diane. Shit. What time it is? I looked at my watch. Half past two. I promised to call her before her trial, as I always do. I can’t believe I forgot. Maybe Doug was right.


Griffin: “Di! How was it?”


Diane:  “They postponed the damn thing for three weeks. Is everything okay?”


Griffin: “Yes. Why wouldn’t it be?”


Diane:  “I expected your call. You always call. I was worried.”


Griffin: “Diane, we already had this discussion. I have a lot on my mind, and if you expect me to drop everything and call, just because you expect me to, this is not going to happen.” – I noticed that I raised my voice a bit higher than I intended. I was nervous, and I took it out on her.


Diane:  “Yes, James, you made it very clear where we stand. And it doesn’t have to mean that you could call only when you want a fuck or to talk to somebody when you feel alone. In that case you should call somebody else.”


Griffin: “Don’t make a drama out of it. I’ll talk to you later. How about we have a dinner tonight?” – I don’t know why I said that. For some reason, I felt guilty and wanted to calm things down. I was aware that I overreacted.


Diane:   “Well, then pick me up at my place after work.” – She was satisfied, since she got an unexpected display of affiliation, which was very rare. Besides, she always backs down. She knows that I don’t like when somebody opposes, and that it would be a way to lose that she has. Or at least she thinks she has.


Doug was the only one who knew about us. Two of them are friends from law school. He was the one who introduced us in the first place. I finished the conversation and hung up. I was tense, so I ordered a whiskey to relax. Doug was observing the whole show very inquisitively.


Doug:    “I must agree with you. It does seem you have a LOT on your mind.” – He started teasing me. I was annoyed as it is.


Griffin: “Just drop it. The last thing I need is to complicate my life even further. She would help the most if she could solve at least one problem in my life, and this is the data issue.”


Doug:    “So we managed to define “a lot” as a “she”! – He continued. I blushed for a moment. He was right. I just couldn’t figure out why wasn’t I capable to get the damn woman out of my head. I took a large sip of my whiskey, and stood up getting ready to leave.


Griffin: “Well fuck you too. Come on. We have work to do.” – Doug couldn’t stop laughing. “And I put you in charge of introducing the situation to her, and to monitor her work. Give her the info, and tell her I expect a report in a month. Let’s see how good is she.

Chapter Four


Two months passed, and I managed to regroup my thoughts. Diane somehow sensed that something was different and tried really hard to keep my mind occupied. I may say that she was successful. I had a lot of work and I released the stress into her. She knew that I needed sex, and she wanted to make sure she will provide exactly what I needed to get things back to where they were.


Mia fit in the company surprisingly fast. Mia. I like the way the sound of her name resonated in my head... Of course, she was still Miss Petrov, but since they all referred to her as Mia, and I was probably one of the last ones to call her by her last name. It was for the best. The guys loved her, and I didn’t object the fact that they hung out privately outside the office. Actually, it was a good thing. The atmosphere was good. I may say, I was really impressed with the work she did. She burned in aspiration to prove herself, and she was actually that good. I tried to hide my enthusiasm.


This issue with the data really put a pressure on me. The Securities Commission scheduled another meeting and I really needed to find a solution. I called Claire.


Griffin:               “Claire, please give me all the files regarding this branch offices data, and schedule a management board meeting for tomorrow.”


Mrs. Claire:        “You mean all the files, or the just the materials for the board meeting?”


Griffin:               “I don’t understand. I thought I was receiving all the files related to the subject?”


Mrs. Claire:        “Well, yes sir, but only the ones forwarded from your C.E.O.’s, the ones they believe are relevant to you regarding this matter.”


I was furious. This was very important and I want to be involved in every single detail. Usually I wouldn’t care, but it feels like nobody gives a fuck, and I am the only one who really tries to find a way out of this shit.


Griffin:                 “What they believe is not relevant. I want ALL! God damn, Claire, you should know better. I want every damn file on my desk by noon. Understood?”


Claire:                  “Yes, Sir. Perfectly.” –She was hurt.


Griffin:                 “Good.” – I didnt care. Everybody should do their job, for a change.


For six God damn months I’m trying to find the source of the problem, and they decide on what information they “believe” to be important. If they knew how to separate relevant from irrelevant information, we would have solved the issue by now.


Claire returned with huge pile of papers. I was pissed. It’s not her fault, but she should have known better. I spent the entire afternoon browsing through the papers. A lot of files, e-mails, analysis, tables, reports...Then I saw this, a bit thicker, file that caught my eye. Actually, it was the title that drew my attention. “Data quality operational risk – threats, assessment, probability analysis.” What the hell? How did I miss this? I looked at the date. This was handed over a month ago. I started browsing through pages and pages of analysis, possibilities for security breaches, testing, graphs, scenarios, proposals... My god this was brilliant. So clear, concise, sharp, and insightful. I couldn’t stop reading. After half an hour, I finally reached the last page. The analysis was signed: “Internal controlling associate, Mia Petrov MSc.” I can’t explain why my blood started pumping faster. I couldn’t believe it. There it was. A perfect peace of documentation I’ve been waiting for the past six months. And she was the one who did it. Of course, she handed it over to one of her supervisors who had no idea about the importance of this paper, and she probably thinks that her work is unnoticed and unappreciated. But she did it. And perfectly. Her words echoed in my head “A chance is all I need.” This girl is a player. And a hell of a good one. I believe that she is not even aware of how good she actually was. Well, tomorrow things are going to fly around. I will sort this fucking thing out, at whatever cost.


It was already 9 p.m. when I finished. Not exactly the unusual time for me to be in the office. I wanted to call her and tell her how good job she’d done. But I couldn’t. It was late. She would get a wrong impression. Better not. Instead, I picked up the phone and called Claire.


Mrs. Claire:        “Mr. Griffin, is everything okay?”


Griffin:              “Yes. I just called to inform you that Miss Petrov will be attending the meeting tomorrow. Please inform her as soon as she gets in the office.” – She hesitated for a while, but she knew better that to ask stupid questions.


Mrs. Claire:        “Would that be all Sir?”


Griffin:              “Yes. For now.”


I decided to walk home. I was still under impression. This girl has something that I admire deeply. I took her paper with me, and read it a couple of times more. Every time I’d read it again, I noticed more details, but all of them connected in a way they form a perfect string of events and conclusions. Well, James, you might as well wait until tomorrow.

Chapter Five


As usual, I was early in the company, so I entered the meeting room, and waited for other board members. Claire was preparing material, and printed the files. We didn’t talk much. I guess she was still hurt from last night, but it’s only job. She shouldn’t take it so personally. I know that somehow she sees me as her son, because she never had children of her own. But still, work is work, and she should learn to cope with it. C.E.O.’s began to enter the room in their fancy and expensive suits. They were laughing, exchanging jokes, gossiping. And I spent the entire night preparing these damn things and worrying. I thought of her. I didn’t even talked to her directly after the interview. I couldn’t. Something was stopping me. I wanted to, countless times, but I didn’t. I was nervous and I couldn’t stop it. I barely fell asleep last night. Then she entered the room. I couldn’t help but notice her figure. She was very attractive. I tried to focus on the papers and to look indifferent. She is nervous, but she is cleverly hiding it with a smile. Good girl. Nobody paid attention on her presence. Nobody but me. She approached with a polite and shy smile.


Mia:       “You wanted to see me?”


Griffin:   “Yes, please, have a seat.” – I was trying to ease her tension. She sat to an empty chair next to me. My eyes were still on the papers, but her presence inflamed all other four senses. My palms were sweating, and I wanted to open the topic as fast as I could, so I opened the discussion.


Griffin:   “We have a serious problem. Our supervision team has discovered a flaw in our document security system. It seems that one of more of our branches provided us with false data and tampered with authority reports. As you are aware, this is a serious offence, and it requires a detail and confident internal control analysis, with several solution propositions.”


Mia:       “How can I be of your assistance?”


Griffin:   “Our supervision team have found several reports which indicate that this kind of breaches may occur, with pre-calculated risk and probability analysis.” – I didn’t want to sound overly involved or enthusiastic of her accomplishment, and I continued with a small lie. “As my team has informed me, those reports were made by you, am I correct?


Mia:       “Yes, I handed them over a month ago.


Griffin:   “Are you capable of performing an internal audit in two of our branches? I will understand if you say no, since you don’t have many working experience, but we need someone of confidence who can determine the level of damage, and the report you wrote on the matter is brilliantly done. I just can’t believe that none of my well paid C.E.O.’s recognized it’s importance and relevance…” – I emphasized the sentence, and raised my voice, now addressing directly to the C.E.O.s. I was furious. I think they understood how pissed I am, and silenced. I continued.I cannot accept the fact that this company pays the five of you, more than 10 times bigger salary and bonuses than anyone of the staff, and that none of you had the brain or interest to notice this large security issue, and that I had to find out about it from a simple employee.”


I regretted the word the second it parted my lips. I was trying to make a point to these idiots, and the word just slipped my mouth. She was sitting, focusing on the table. I was looking at her, trying to assess the damage I made. Then her eyes met mine. They were blurry and she was trying to remain calm and self-confident, but she failed. God, I was such an asshole. She is still young. Instead making her the most proud person in the room, I managed to do the opposite. She just pulled back to her shell. She was on a verge of breaking, and I wanted to stop the torture, and leave her some dignity.


Griffin: “Miss. Petrov, please, take your time and think about what I asked you. Come back tomorrow with a reply. You can go now!” – She silently nodded and left the office. I was refraining myself to go after her, but I knew that this was not a good idea.


The meeting was long and difficult. We still had to figure out what to do with these findings, but all the time, she didn’t leave my mind. How stupid I was. How insensitive. It was half past five when we finished, and I was hoping that she’ll still be there before I go. I didn’t have the time to come up with a proper thing to say, and I was just hoping she didn’t leave. I was rushing down the stairs, and still saw light in her office.


She was still there, about to leave herself. She turned around, aware of my presence.


Griffin:    “Miss., forgive me. I wasn’t thinking.”


Mia:       “No, it’s ok, I understand that….” – She was shutting me out.


Griffin:    “No, I made a mistake, and I came to apologize.”


Mia:       “Thank you.” – she barely whispered.


Griffin:   “I want you to know how much I appreciate what you are doing for this company. And that I am well aware of how good you do your work. I read your every report, and in no way I see you as a simple employee. I just try to pull out the best of you.


She couldn’t hold back anymore, but only a single tear fell down her cheek. She was ashamed, trying to look aside and avoid me noticing it. I instinctively reached my hand toward her and moved her chin. Now we were staring each other, face to face. This fragile creature allowed me to look at her for the first time. Her guard was down, and this was the only time she exposed this vulnerable side to me. Her skin was so gentle and soft, and her blurry eyes full of warmth, craving for affection. I wanted to hold her, but all I did was wiping the tear off of her face. There was this huge tension that filled the space between us. I struggled desperately to remain under control, and not to overstep the line.     


Griffin:    “Come on, I’m taking you for a drink. We both had a tough day, and I’ll try to buy myself out.” – I really wanted to spend more time with her. Besides, I couldn’t let her go alone like this.


Mia:       “No, thank you. It’s very kind of you, but I have some previously arranged obligations”- She smiled, and try to lie her way out of it. Maybe she just thinks I feel sorry for her. God, how wrong she was. I needed to be around her longer. I wanted to know more about her. She was not aware of how I see her, which was actually good.


Griffin:  “Do you have a ride home?”


Mia:     “Well, no, but...”


Griffin: “Then it’s settled. You’re going with me.”


Mia:     “Okay.”


I tried to hide the excitement. We are actually going for a drink.

Chapter Six


Griffin: “So, what does Miss. Petrov do outside the office?” - I craved to know more about her. She just appeared in my life out of the blue, and I was absorbing her every move like a sponge.


Mia:     “Well, nothing much, really.” – She was trying to give out as less as she could. She continued. “I’m trying to pass all exams for my expert license, so I don’t get much of a free time.” – Also ambitious. I like that.


Griffin: “Look, I apologize once again for what I said. It was completely inappropriate. But one thing was true, I do want you to do the audit. I believe in you. You had a lot to show in these past months, for my surprise, to be honest.”


Mia:     “I’ll do my best not to disappoint you.”


Her phone rang and it was clear that she became very nervous. A boyfriend maybe? Why do I even care? I wanted to ask who it was, but I knew better than to compromise myself this way.


Griffin: “Won’t you answer the phone?”


Mia:     “Hmm…rather not. I’ll get it later.” And she silenced the phone. I liked that she gave me the full attention. Well, whoever called got lower priority on her list than me. I tried to find out more about her.


Griffin: “So, where did you go to college?” –Again, she is hesitating. Why is she doing that?


Mia:     “Right here, on state university”


Griffin: “I used to lecture there before I joined the company.”


Mia:     “Yes, I remember you. I was your student.”


What?? No way. I would remember her. I mean a lot of attractive students almost fell into my lap, but I would have remembered her. She really took me by surprise.


Griffin: “Really? Why didn’t you tell me? What grade did you get in statistics?”


Mia:     “Nine.” – Wow. Impressive.


Griffin: “Congratulations. You must have been a good student then. Only a few students got nines. Petrov…how come I don’t remember you then?” –I still couldn’t explain myself how can’t I remember a girl like this, who got the best scores in my class.


Mia:     “I had the best scores, and I came to see you in your cabinet and check out my paper.”


Griffin: “We spoke???” – Now I was really in disbelief.


Mia:     “Yes. You said I did great work and congratulated me. I came to ask you if I could postpone oral exam, because I bought a first concert ticket on that day.”


Griffin: “And what did I say?”


Mia:     “You asked which concert was it. I said it was Deep Purple, and that if I had to choose, I would pick the concert and have another written exam all over again. Then you said I could take oral exam anytime, and mentioned that I should bring you back the photos.”


Griffin: “Well, did you?” – I smiled provocatively.


Mia:     “No.” –She was sharp.


Griffin: “Why?”


Mia:     “I came to see you later regarding some literature problems, and you addressed me to your younger colleague, and exited in a rush. I never saw you later, as I passed the exam, so I moved on.”


Griffin: “…I must had been in a serious rush then…” – I couldn’t think of a valid reason for my behavior. She figured me out. Yes. She was gloating. I mean, she has every right to. I was still in shock.


Mia:     “I guess so.”


That damn phone again. Somebody was very persistent. I don’t blame them. I would be interested to know with whom she was at this hour. She silenced it again, and it relaxed me a bit.


Mia:     “Well, I should be heading home. Thank you for the drink.” – Yes, it’s a boyfriend. Definitely.


Griffin: “Wait, I’ll take you home, it’s pretty late right now.” – I wanted to see where she was, and if there will be someone waiting for her. Probably some boy her age, with whom she held hands and took a long walk.


Mia:     “No, thanks, I’m just two blocks away, I think I could enjoy a walk.” – Again, she was shuting me out.


Griffin: “If you insist.” – I gave in, reluctantly. I didn’t want to impose. Anyway, I will see her at work. She is there every day. And we still have a job to do. The thought gave me some comfort, and I changed the subject, in a more relaxed note. As we walked out I said “Think of my offer while you walk. I’m expecting an answer by tomorrow. Have a good night”


I was not in a rush to get into my car, and I wanted to see where she is going, but she was smart. She was waiting for me to leave. Well, what the hell. Tomorrow is a new day.


I drove straight home, and poured myself a large glass of whiskey. Five missed calls from Diana. She was the last thing on my mind. The minute I close my eyes, Mia was there. The combination of alcohol and her presence during the day turned my imagination wild. I couldn’t help it. Oh, the things I would do to her. She probably hasn’t even heard about half of it. She was so young. Too young maybe. But the combination of her attractiveness with the sharpness of her mind was mind-blowing. I was imagining my hands on her soft skin, and the bare thought of it aroused me so much I had to take a shower and ease myself.

Chapter Seven


Next morning I woke up even earlier. I always dress sharp, but today I made an extra effort. It was out of my hands. I knew that I was going to meet her, and I was hoping she will give me a positive answer. Not like she accepted something else, but this would enable me to see more of her, without being pushy or intrusive. We would work closely. By my side, she would have the chance to develop her full potential, and it would enable me to whitness her growth and enjoy every aspect of her. Well, not every, but still.


The minute I walked into the office, I instructed Claire to call her. I was impatient. Anyway, I wouldn’t do it myself, but instead Claire would do it for me.


There she was. Smart little thing. I remained expressles, trying to hide the fact that her answer means a lot to me. Clair did her job, and now she needed to leave.


Mrs. Claire:"Miss. Petrov is here to see you, as you asked.” – She was aware of what I was doing, and pissed she had to be a part of this.


Griffin: “Yes, Miss. Petrov, I was expecting you. Do you have some good news for me?”


Mia:     “As a matter of fact, I do.”


Griffin: “Excellent. You will start today. I will transfer your daily obligations to Irene, and you will dedicate yourself completely to this matter.”


Mia:     “Look, I will do my best not to let you down, it’s just, I need help, guidance, whatever you name it. I never had the chance to work this in practice, so….”


Griffin: “You’ll have my personal assistance at your disposal. It is in my best interest that this matter is fully investigated and thoroughly processed. You will be in charge of my supervision team. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have other things to attend to. Please, call in Mrs. Claire for me.” – I was sharp and calm, due to the fact that I knew that this would be just a start. Now we will be involved even more. She left, a bit disappointed, and I liked it because I sensed that she was not indifferent herself.


Couple of hours later, Claire showed up at the door. She looked like she had something to say, and I was annoyed by her silence.


Griffin:               “What?”


Mrs. Claire:        “Well, Sir, I should probably inform you...Well, I don’t know how to put this exactly...” – She was hesitating. Now I was even more annoyed.


Griffin:               “Just say it, Claire, I haven’t got all day.”


Mrs. Claire:        “People are talking, you know. About you.”


Griffin:               “What about me?”


Mrs. Claire:        “Well, actually, not about you...About you and Miss Petrov. Apparently, you went out together yesterday and...Somebody must have seen you.”


I was furious. That was none of their business. I can go out with whoever I want to. I couldn’t fucking care less. But at least she had the courage to tell me.


Griffin:               “Thank you Claire. This is none of your concern. People talk. That’s what they do.”


Mrs. Claire:        “I know Sir. I mean, I could never think for myself that you would actually have anything with a woman... with a woman like her.”


Griffin:              “Well that’s a really impolite thing to say. I didn’t think of you to be this superficial.”


Mrs. Claire:        “No, please, I didn’t mean anything wrong...”


Griffin:              “Please leave, Claire. I have work to do.” – I didn’t really want to open this discussion.


I thought of Mia. She must have had these comments all her life. From envious and unfulfilled women, from rejected man, from the ones who never had the chance to get close to her, from colleagues she was better from. This was actually sad. Why wouldn’t I be interested in a “woman like that”? Smart, brilliant, attractive. Then I thought that I should probably warn her. Just to watch her back. The last thing I wanted was to cause her more problems than she already had. It would be so unfair that all her success is attributed to the fact she was “going out with her boss”. I went to her office, and also to inform her that we will have another meeting this afternoon. But really, I wanted to see her.


There was a small crowd in front of her office. Everybody was murmuring, but when they saw me coming, they silenced in a second and walked away. In here office, there was a huge and expensive basket of flowers. A college boy couldn’t afford an elegant present like this. She looked me, visibly embarrassed. I was speechless.


Griffin: “If I came in a wrong time, I’ll come back later” – I remained cold.


Mia:     “No, no, please come in.” – She was still ashamed of this awkward situation.


Griffin: “Irene, could you give us a moment.” – I didn’t want her inquisitive nose around.


Irene: “Sure, Mr. Griffin” – She provoked. Sure she did. Like the last time she sat in my lap begging for it. Even then she couldn’t give me a hard on. She was so uninteresting and shallow, I didn’t want to waste a condom on her. And now she was jealous at Mia. Mia interrupted this awkward moment.


Mia:     “How can I be of your assistance?”


Griffin: “We have an executive meeting this afternoon, regarding this matter, and your presence is required Miss. Petrov”, and I couldn’t help but sting “If you are still a Miss?” – and I smiled. She blushed.


Mia:     “Still “a Miss” Petrov will be present at the meeting.”


Griffin: “Good. I expect you in my office at 2 p.m., and please, be there on time.”


Mia:     “No problem.”


Well, I must have expected that. Okay. Flowers. Somebody is trying. I bet I could win her. If I really put my effort. I mean, I am not going to. But I could, if I would. I would sweep her off her feet. Show the world to her. Shit, James, you better prepare for the meeting.


I let them all wait. Intentionally. Especially, since they aren’t used to wait. Anyway, they didn’t care. I prolonged their agony. She was there too, carefully monitoring my mimic. Okay Miss, let’s play the game. I ignored her presence in total, and remained focused on the subject. To my surprise, the meeting got pretty long. Too long. I was already annoyed. I held them ‘till almost 7 p.m., when I concluded we were done. I was walking down the stairs, when she stumbled upon me in a rush. All of her papers were flying around.


Mia:     “Oh, I’m so sorry, I’ll clean this mess up.” – She was still holding the damn flower basket.


Griffin: “No, wait. Let me help you with that” – Maybe I should offer her a ride. It was late, and I am pretty sure I made my point. Maybe even a quick drink on our way. “Do you need a ride home? Everyone seem to be out already, and it’s my fault you stayed that long”


Instead of a reply, there was a huge guitar noise coming out from a parked car. A fucking rock star is waiting for her in his BMW, and I guess it was clear with whom she will enjoy a ride. “I guess not….” I murmured unpleasantly.


Mia:     “Wait… I….” – I stopped her. I really didn’t want to hear it. It’s none of my business. And probably, yes, my ego was hurt.


Griffin: “Have a nice weekend.” – I quickly sat in my car and drove off.


I was a fucking idiot. I should have known better. Okay a boyfriend, but a fucking rock star?? How did they hook up? I mean, you don’t buy million roses for a woman you banged back stage. She must mean something for him. He is picking her up from work. Then again, who wouldn’t? Maybe he saw the woman she was before even I did. Maybe he was just first. But she is not immune to me. There is something between us. I know it. But if this is what she is looking for in a man, how could I cope with that? He is so rich, good looking...a celebrity for Christ sake. And I was thinking she was too young, and he is even older than me. He doesn't look like, though. But what could they possibly have in common? She is so young, and fragile. Great student. Hard working. I just couldn’t put the picture in my head.

Chapter Eight

Saturday morning. It was chilly outside and I went for my usual run in the park. I was trying to suppress the images of yesterday in my head. I mean, I never had an affair with a coworker, so it is out of the question anyway. Tonight I can’t escape this dinner with Fieldman and Federal Reserves representatives. It could actually be a good thing. UniGlobe wants us to invest in them, and Fieldman knows how they stand in the market. An insiders info is always welcome. They grew huge this year, and I’m still not sure in reason why they need our money so desperately. I’ll find out.


Already 2 p.m. She should have been here by now. I was checking the time on my watch, from time to time. I had a lunch appointment with Diane. Diane was walking through the restaurant, and gave me a soft kiss on the lips. All eyes were onto her, since she had a killer combination of attractiveness and elegance. I must say I enjoy it. Not just possessing Diane, but the fact that nobody else could. This is how it goes in the business world. They would even forgive you your success, but never for an attractive woman by your side. I loved it.


Diane:   “James.


Griffin:  “You look good.”


Diane:   “Thank you! So, how was your week? We hardly see each other lately.”


Griffin:  “Actually good. We managed to make a breakthrough with this data security breach.”


Diane:   “That’s great! I know it has been bothering you for months! Well, how? Tell me about it!”


Griffin:  “A new employee of mine actually discovered it.” – There it goes again. An employee. I didn’t want to say her name. Diane would immediately suspect something, and make a connection with the fact that we hardly saw each other ever since I hired her.


Diane:   “He must be very good then. Of course, Doug wouldn’t have hired him otherwise.”


Griffin:  “It’s a she. And I hired her myself. But I agree, I made a good call.


Diane:   “Please, James, you never do the interviews yourself. I get the picture.”


Griffin:  “Don’t tell me you are jealous.” – She ignored my provocation and continued.


Diane:   “How old is she?”


Griffin:  “Twenty two. Twenty three soon.” –I have no idea why I said that.


Diane:   “Of course I am not jealous, James, I just want you to be careful. Those young girls quickly get ideas in their head.”


Griffin:  “Can we please change the topic?”


Diane:   “Yes.” – She was mad. She wanted to go all the way with it, but she knew that we never referred to this as a relationship. We decided to be discrete and see where it goes.


I never had time for a relationship. I mean “time”. To dedicate yourself to someone and invest your time and effort. It was somehow always easier to get a room somewhere, and not having to wake up next to someone in the morning. My brain is constantly over speeding its limits, and I have trouble sleeping. I wake up at four or five a.m. and just can’t make it stop. And I don’t feel like talking. They all expect more. And I am not a person who could give them more. I don’t have more to give.


It is a very exhausting confession to yourself. I don’t have more to give. Of course, I would want to have a child someday. I see myself having a family one day. But the definition of “one day” was not the same ten or fifteen years ago. My standards have also changed. I need peace. Solitude sometimes. I can’t listen to shallow and stupid things. I am not willing to make a compromise. This woman must sweep me off my feet, if she wants me to open my heart for her. She must make my heart go faster and my brain slower, until there is nothing out there but her. She would make me break my rules for her, and cross my boundaries. And I still haven’t met her. But the scariest part is, that I have stopped looking. My office is my home, and I feel like “one day” is not coming any time soon. It existed in my mind merely as an idea. A thought. A hope.


Image of me wiping the tear from Mia’s face came to my mind. The moment that put me out of my balance for the first time after a long time. When you can get as much sex and excitement as you want from other side, but all you crave for is a soft simple kiss from this vulnerable creature. Who are you?


Diane:   “James! James Griffin, God damn, did you even hear a word I said?!” – She interrupted my thoughts.


Griffin:  “Yeah, sorry, I have this meeting tonight. I’m having a hard time to concentrate. I should probably get ready.”


Diane:   “Will you pick me up when you are done? We can go to your place.”


I already paid the check, and was getting ready to leave.


Griffin:  “Don’t wait up for me. I will be late, since they’ll want me to take them out for a drink after. Besides, I need some information, and a bit of alcohol might help me get them.” – I gave her a small kiss on the lips, and went in a rush. I couldn’t have her sleeping next to me. Something was going on in my head, and I had no way of controlling it. And no time to think about it. I went to get ready for the dinner.


Fieldman was there in time. So were the other men. I took them to a nice restaurant, for a business dinner. There were two other guys from federal reserves, and two more from stock market exchange. After a rich meal and a couple glasses of wine, we switched to more delicate topics.


Griffin:  “We have received financial reports from UniGlobe. Now, we only have a couple of months to assess whether we should make the investment or not.”


Fieldman:”I don’t know. I heard Finley has something to do with it. Actually, it might be a good thing. Finley can return the favor by increasing your Company’s capital. Just imagine what you could do with the money. You already have a fast growth. Imagine the possibilities.”


Griffin:  “I always want to know what I’m investing in. The decision is just too big.”


Fieldman:”Diane is a great lawyer. She already did her job on the subject. But I don’t know. Maybe you should look for another opinion. A fresh perspective.”


A fresh perspective... Maybe I will. Just to test if the first time was just luck. I am sure that it wasn’t, but I would really like to hear her opinion. It is pure magic watching how processes in her head work. Yes, I would definitively include her on the topic at one point.


Griffin:  “Maybe we should continue in a more relaxed atmosphere.”


Fieldman:”Great idea! Let’s go to a club. I can’t sit anymore. Or eat for that matter.”


Griffin.  “Good! Where would you like to go? Any ideas?” – Carl, from Federal reserves suggested a place. It was a relief since I had no idea about nightlife. Evening would usually end in a restaurant, lounge bar, or in a bed with some girl.


Carl:       “There is a great club on the east side. Owner is a friend of mine, so he could leave us the best table there is.”


Fieldman:”Well, great! I know the place. Call him then, and let’s get going.”


Carl:       “There is a great band playing, the best in the city, so I guarantee a good time.”


Fieldman:”’s the singer right? You don’t have to pretend to me.” – Carl blushed a bit, and I had no idea what were they talking about.


Carl:       “Well, no, it’s actually a great place. But she is breathtaking. I love watching her, at least from dozen feet away.”


Fieldman:”A girl who sings is a walking sin. What would I give to have her for a night. I wouldn’t care about the price.” – He was explaining the discussion.


Griffin:   “Did you even try?” – I was laughing.


Fieldman:”There’s no way you can get to her. I mean, she is never among the audience. Just comes, sings, and gets lost. It is strictly forbidden to come near her. But I am allowed to watch, right? Then I go home and wake up my wife for a fuck. She just thinks I missed her that much.” – They all started laughing, and so was I. I could never understand the excitement about a piece of meat. But then again, they are married. Most of them. I guess you always want what you can’t have.


Chapter Nine


We were breaking through the crowd, trying to get to our table. It really was the best place in the club, because it was next to this runway. Of course, Carl insisted that it was so close to the runway, since the singer should walk on it, and he wanted the front seat row. The band was already playing, so we ordered a bottle of Cristal, and moved along to our table. The crowd was frantic. I couldn’t see anything, because all hands were in the air, applauding and cheering. I saw a girl on the stage, but I could only see her partially. She was in a short leather dress, a fucking black panther. I must admit Carl was right. And the crowd loved her. She ruled the stage.


Carl:                   “There she is. God, just look at her.”


Fieldman:            ”But she’s pretty far away. I can’t see anything.”


Carl:                   “Don’t worry, we are next to the runway. She will get here.”          


Then in a split second she turned around, erotically throwing back her blond hair aside, and her deep blue eyes locked with mine. I felt a dagger twisting my stomach. It’s her. It’s Mia. This fucking wolverine was sitting in the office, fifty feet away from me, every day, and I didn’t have a fucking clue. Heat was overtaking my body, and my palms began to sweat. She was looking at me, breathing fast, and I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. What the hell? Mia?


Carl:                   “Wow, Griffin, look. She is looking at you!”


I couldn’t say a word. I was speechless. Small grains of sweat appeared on her neck, and I got the urge to bite that spot and taste them from her skin. Blood started pumping in my pants. She was staring at me, with fire in her eyes. Confused, but not shy. Not a tiny bit embarrassed. Something about her is different. If I didn’t know better, I would think it was a different person. Not a single trace of this vulnerable dove, whose tears I wiped with my palm. In front of me was this black panther, observing her pray, and ready to jump. I really couldn’t take my eyes off of her. I never met a woman like her. This was all a million galaxies away from all I’ve known. And it hypnotized me. I wanted to have all with her. Never to look at another woman. This was not because she had this “femme fatal” look, but because I was aware that there this thing she had, this combination, was so rare and valuable. Two split personalities inside one body. A brilliant and sharp mind, and a profound kindness that disarmed me from day one. And she was holding my back. She was behind me, and I wasn’t aware of that. Just looking after me. She excelled in her work only because she wanted to deserve my admiration. And she did. I have never wanted a women the way I wanted her. Not for one night, or a week, or a month. I wanted her by my side. Always. I lifted the champagne glass, and nodded with a smile, as a toast, giving her the signal that I recognized her, and that I like what I see. She smiled me back. And of course they all saw it.


Fieldman:           “Damn, James, I can’t believe it! She smiled at you! How do you do that??”


I couldn’t hear them at all. My ears were buzzing from blood flow. And then a very sexy blues song started. I heard it somewhere. “Black Velvet”, I believe. She took a microphone stand and with an elegant catwalk, paced down the runway toward us. I swear, every single men in the room would give anything to have her on the spot. I would too. I felt this enormous jealousy taking over, because I wanted her for my eyes only. Naked. In my bed. She was pacing slowly toward the end of a runway, where we were standing, and put the microphone stand on the end of it. I forgot to breathe. There she was. Standing directly in front of me. Then, she leaned her back against the stand and began lowering down, gazing me directly in the eyes. I was so turned on I could come in my pants. She took my glass, and drank a sip leaving a trace of her dark red lipstick on it. She drove me crazy. She was giving me back the glass, and I instinctively grabbed her hand with the glass in it. I swear she felt it too. I am positive. She wanted me. We were swallowing each other with eyes, and for a second I remembered we were not alone and let go of her hand. Then I took the glass, and drank the rest of champagne from her lipstick trace. The guys were speechless. I mean, they must have envied me so much. But my focus was on her. She elegantly stood up and returned to the stage. As soon as the song finished, she called it a break, and rushed back stage without giving me a single look. I called the waiter and sent her a drink backstage. Griffin, for God’s sake, it was so stupid thing to do. Of course she won’t take it. Are you a fucking idiot? Go after her.


I didn’t even think it through. I just rushed to the backstage when a huge security guy stopped me at the door.


Security:              “I’m sorry Sir, but this is a restricted area.”


Griffin:                 “I know, but I am a personal friend of the owner, and I will only be there a second. I won’t cause any trouble.”


Security:              “I’m sorry, but I can’t let you pass, Sir. You have to leave.”


Carl rushed out after me to see what’s going on.


Carl:                    “James, is everything okay?”


Griffin:                 “I need to see her. I know her. We work together.”


Carl:                    “What? She works with you?? How? Are you kidding me?”


Griffin:                 “I don’t have to explain now. Carl, could you please ask your friend to let me in for two minutes. Please, it’s important.” – He stood in disbelief for a moment, but he called the boss, and the Security guy stepped aside and let me in.


It was a very dark place, and I tried to find my way through. Then I saw her, holding drink in her hand. I grabbed her hand and she turned around.


Griffin:  “Miss Petrov...”


Mia:     “Mia”- She replied, staring at the floor.


Griffin:  “I never imagined this side of you existed.”


Mia:     “But this is not all I am, please, let me explain, I never….” – She was again the little girl. Full of doubts and lacking self-confidence.


Griffin: “Please, Mia, don’t explain yourself. I want you to know you’re unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. You’re an enigma to me. You have so much passion and life inside you… You’ve opened the door to a completely different world to me, I never knew it existed; and at the same time, you’re so brilliant, intelligent and different in so many ways…”


Mia:     “Please don’t say that.”- She was doubting my words, and shutting me out.


Griffin:  "No, let me finish.”-I lifted her soft chin. “Look at me.” – Those beautiful eyes focused on mine again. She didn’t know what to expect of me. How I would react. I decided to open myself to her. To expose the things I’ve been keeping even from myself. I needed to tell her, and she needed to know. “I was so jealous yesterday, when you went with that guy, that I couldn’t recognize myself. You have awaken something that has been buried deep inside me for a long time, and now I just don’t know how to handle these new feelings I have. And tonight….I was…”


Mia:       “You were what?” – She snapped. There was a wild cat inside, wanting to reach the surface, ready to defend her. I felt I was losing her, and I needed to tell her how I felt.


Griffin:  “I forced you, pushed you to your limits and loaded you with tasks, only because I knew you could handle it. That you have what it takes. I did not believe that a beautiful woman like you could ever earn my deep admiration, but you did. You are worth to me five times more than those executive assholes who don’t give a damn about me, or the company. But you got my back. I feel that. And I want you by my side. In every way.” –I paused to regroup my thoughts. This was it. She needs to know, and then to decide. And I could only hope for the best. Mia, if you say to me that you’re happy with that guy, I swear to God I’ll walk away, and you won’t hear another word of this from me never again.


Her bend rushed her to the stage again. I guess we lost a track of time.


Boys:     “Mia, we have to get on stage. Hurry up”


This was it. I am completely exposed, and in her mercy. Whatever she says, I will respect it. Now, it’s in her hands.

Chapter Ten


This was it. I am completely exposed, and in her mercy. Whatever she says, I will respect it. Now, it’s in her hands. The absence of control was an unfamiliar territory to me. I felt like someone just swept the rug below my feet. But I didn’t care. She tried to loose herself and run out on the stage, but I held her back. I wanted an answer. I knew that she was struggling inside. Come on Mia, just let this girl I know come out on the surface. I puled her so close, we were on a breath range. My heart wanted to break out of my chest. I don't remember wanting anything so badly as I wanted to pin her against the wall, pull up her dress and take her on the spot. Then she shifted and stared my eyes so insolently I let go her arm. This other person that existed inside of her, was unfamiliar to me. There is so much more about her, and I became aware that I barely scratched the surface. Her lips were so close I had to refrain myself not to kiss her. Her body was pressed on mine. In an istance, she took over the control, and moved her lips lower, down to my neck. Fuck, she was so seductive. The tension between us was so strong I flinched and stepped back. There was a chair behind me, and as soon as I made a step back, I tripped and found myself sitting on it. She didn't take her eyes off of me. Finally, she leaned and whispered to my ear:


Mia:       “You don’t know me.” – She rushed to stage again.


The adrenaline rush began to flow through my body. I was a mess. What the fuck was that thing I saw tonight in this leather dress? I still had such a hard on, but it wasn’t just about her looks. It was the whole package. I waited for 37 years to meet creature like this and it was the first time that I became aware of the fact that I might never have her. Maybe she was right. I didn’t know her.


I couldn’t go back to the table, having her so close to me, and not being able to touch her. I had to go home, take a shower and clear my mind. I rushed out and took a cab. Her smell was still on my neck. It was driving me crazy. Images of her didn’t leave my mind.


I entered my apartment and threw my keys at the table, quickly taking off my shoes. Then I noticed that someone was already there.


Diane:   “I thought I could wait you here anyway. The doorman let me in.” – She gave me a soft kiss. I imagined those lips I wanted so badly. I was still aroused, and all I could think of was her. Mia. I grabbed her aggressively, and with every kiss I imagined her. Her skin. Her taste. I lifted her dress, and in one stroke I ripped her panties. Diane was ecstatic.


Diane:   “Oh, James, I love you so much. You were never so passionate.”


Griffin:  “Stop talking!”- I ordered her, and she obeyed instantly. I faced here against the wall, and my eyes were closed. I imagined lifting her dress and taking her at the back stage. I slammed into Diane harder and harder imagining puling Mia's blonde hair backwards and kissing the grains of sweat off her neck. I came in such an ecstasy, and Diane had enjoyed this non expected display of affection from my side. I quickly zipped my pants, and went straight to shower. I released stream of hot water and sat beneath it, with my back against the wall. I knew what I did was wrong, but I had to release this tension somewhere. Anyway, I can’t think about this tonight. There was a voice coming out of the hall.


Diane:   “James, do you want me to join you?”


James:   “No. Feel free to use another bathroom. Don’t wait me up, I’ll be up working late.”


I needed to be alone.


I took my laptop but I couldn’t focus. I couldn’t sleep either. Who the hell is this girl who flipped my world in a split second? Actually, it happened a while ago without even noticing it. She crawled underneath my skin so imperceptibly, and spread through my system like a virus. It was never physical. I wanted to explore every dark corner of her soul, but she shut me out.


I laid on the sofa, and barely slept at all. I woke up before Diane did, and went for a run. I didn’t want to be there when she wakes up. It was cold, and I could smell snow in the air. Actually, it felt really good. It sucked the alcohol of my system. When I came back, she was already gone. Good. I took a quick shower, and made myself a strong coffee. I grabbed my laptop. Let’s see who this guy is. I needed to see what was about him that attracted a woman like her. He must have something. She was all but superficial. It wasn’t about money and fame. It was different and I knew. It would have been easier if I just assumed she was into him because he was a celebrity, but not this girl. Okay.


Alex Black. Real name: Alexander Williams. Age 43. Almost twice her age. Never married. No children. No known relationships. How is this possible?? Dated models, actresses, bla, bla... How the hell does she fit in the picture? Golden Album, Top ten, Platinum album, sold out tours, Europe, Asia, Australia, USA... Net worth over 30 million dollars. I closed the screen. I saw enough.


How can I cope with someone like him? I mean, I have a PhD, I’m great at what I do. But does this all mean anything for her? This world of theirs confused me. This guy would probably laugh at my face. I mean, I spent my entire life learning, studying, building this company, making reputation, and he is living it. He is actually living the life. He is a millionaire, travels all over the world, and... And he has her. This hurt the most. Griffin, you are making a fool out of yourself. She could never belong to you. What? You want to marry her? What could you possibly offer to a woman like this? A fancy house in which she could make you a dinner and wait ‘till you get home from work? In which she could raise your children? This cognition felt like a dagger in my stomach. The end was inevitable. Not a single scenario I could produce in my head had a positive outcome.


I thought of her. This was probably awkward for her too. What should I do when I see her? Hell, I have no idea. Maybe I should ask her for a dinner and straighten things out. No, she would never accept it. A drink after work maybe? If the guy doesn’t pick her up before I do. Anyway, tomorrow is the meeting about the data issue. Let’s see how it goes first.

Chapter Eleven


Meeting room was getting crowded, but the seat next to me was still empty. Where are you? She must come, for sure. She has a job. Let’s wait for a little longer. Fifteen minutes longer, everybody was there, and getting more impatient. She was still not there. I discretely called Claire.


Griffin:                 “Claire, please go to Miss Petrov’s office and inform her that she is expected on a meeting and late. We are all waiting for her.” – Claire was fidgeting, and trying to explain something, without being able to make a sentence.


Mrs. Claire:         “Umm, Sir, well the thing is she is not in the office, and I ...”


Griffin:               “Claire, I don’t have all day, just do as you are told. Just go and find her.”


Mrs. Claire:         “But, Sir... Miss Petrov is not in the office, or in the building, because she didn’t show up on work today.” – What??? I was furious.


Griffin:               “Well, did you call her?”


Mrs. Claire:         “Of course I did Sir. I tried, I even offered a chauffeur, but she...”


Griffin:               “What Claire? Damn, just say it already.”


Mrs. Claire:         “She quit, Sir. She will send her resignation by the end of the day.” – She was contrite. Suddenly, I became aware of the consequences. I lost her. She pulled down completely. Bit how could she just walk out of her job? She loved it! She was good at it. It was her. What kind of a person does that? What is inside this pretty head of yours? I lowered my voice and calm myself down.


Griffin:               “Did she say anything else?”


Mrs. Claire:         “No Sir. She hung up.”


Griffin:                “Thank you, you may go now.” – Claire, retired with a sign of relief on her face. I added: “And Claire, please find Miss Petrov’s address, and leave it on my desk.” She nodded, and walked away. I addressed the management board. “Okay, we may start. Miss Petrov is unable to join us today, but she will be informed of today’s conclusions.


The meeting was vastly exhausting. After it finished, I went into my office and poured myself a glass of fine brandy. I held the piece of paper in my hand. This is where she lives. There is no point in calling her. This way, she won’t be able to avoid me. I won’t let her make some rash and harmful decision just because of me. It was inappropriate of me to follow her to the backstage. Even though we felt the same thing. I should have known better.


It was around six p.m. and already dark outside. Snow finally unleashed it’s power. I was sitting in my car, dwelling over whether I should knock on her door, or just wait until she shows up. Maybe she wasn’t home. Snowflakes were getting bigger and bigger, and my car was already covered with snow. I have no idea how long I was sitting there, bit finally I saw her. In her leather coat, wearing white boots and a matching color fur coat. Very elegant and sexy. I watched her a couple of moments, until she walked to the street. I stepped out of the car and called her name.


Griffin:  “Miss Petrov!” – She stopped, and slowely turned around and faced me. She was shy and looking at the snappy snow beneath her feet. Okay, James, it’s your turn. Try not to fuck it up this time. “I didn’t mean to scare you. Please, look at me.” – I lifted her chin with my hand and looked her in the eyes. I needed to see what was inside. “What you said last night….me not knowing you… you were right. And I apologize. We both had a bad start last night. I’m not here to ask for your apology, nor am I here to give you one. I’m here because I don’t want to see you wasting your potential and your brilliant mind to entertain some idiots for the rest of your life. There is so much more of you underneath, and please, don’t waste that because some idiot boss of yours has made an inappropriate move on you. I couldn’t live my life knowing that.”


Mia:       “It’s too late now…”- She whispered, trying to hold back tears and remain strong.


Griffin:  “Come back to work tomorrow morning. I’ll consider this as a day of your vacation. Claire just knows that you had an emergency family issue, and that’s all. Do we have a deal?” – I saw a sign of relief in her eyes. Relief and hope. I can’t believe she actually thought that running away was the only possible way out of this situation. Was she always running from something? Is this how she ended up in my office that morning, on the interview? Running from herself? Looking for a fresh start?


Mia:       “Yes.” – Good girl!


Griffin:  “Good. You made the right choice. So, goodbye Miss Petrov.” – I didn’t want to put additional pressure on her. This was already too much. Then she again said something to disarm me.


Mia:       “Please, just Mia. I mean…umm…after everything that’s happened lately, we’re past that Miss thing.” - She brought the most sincere smile on my lips.


Griffin:  “All right…Mia.” I loved how it sounds and resonates after it leaves my lips. Mia. “I’ll have to get used to that. I assume that, out of the office of course, I would be just James too?” – Encouraged by her regain of trust, I also allowed myself a small step forward.


Mia:       “Okay. James.” She smiled. The prettiest smile I have ever seen. And earned. I was proud. “So, we’re really cool?”- She asked playfully, with the innocence of a child, and she totally disarmed me. How can that much be contained in one fragile creature? I laughed, loving the child in her. So pure and intact.


Griffin:  “Yes, we’re cool.”

Chapter Twelve


We were cool. I decided to lose the pressure, and just be by her side while pulling the best out of her. I was curious to find out her limits, and up to this point, she didn’t seem to have one. I mean, she learned so much, focused, and excelled in everything I gave her to do. She never showed with a single gesture that she intended anything more, and I respected that. A man must admit when he had lost. The only thing I was sorry about is that I lost from a musician. Was he really her league? Did he know what he has by his side and how fortunate he was? Maybe. But she made a choice, and I was here to respect it. I didn’t want to make another inappropriate move, which could make her pull back again and leave her future behind. She was made for this. I couldn’t see her waste her potential, just because I behaved like a child, and wanted something out of my reach. No. I will nurture her like a precious bourgeon, until she grows enough to know what flower she wants to become.


It was spring again. Di and I still had this thing. She was actually not so demanding, and she managed to turn my focus from Mia. I mean, she was always present in my mind, but I was aware that life is going on, and I supposed that she was also still happy with this guy. Di reserved a luxurious place on the east coast, and I decided it was time to move on with my life. I worked really hard, and she was actually managing to make me relaxed. It was actually enjoyably easy. Easy was good.


It was Friday. Di should drop by every minute. We were already closing the week, and I was almost ready. Just needed hand some papers to Doug and leave. I didn’t actually remember taking a vacation. Di was probably right. We’ll it was about time for me to take a break. Doug’s office was full. They always gather there.


Doug:    “Jamie!”-exclaimed Doug. “Come with us tonight! We could use some time off to celebrate.”


They were all there. Mia was there too. Well, it’s none of her business anyway. She also has a life, and I shouldn’t feel this guilty by having to say I am going on a vacation. With another woman. It felt like I was somehow cheating of her, and I hated it. I don’t have to justify myself to her. God knows where she travels with her guy.


Griffin:  “I’ll have to pass. Anyway, I just came in to inform you I’ll be away for the next couple of days. Doug, please, take over my meeting schedule, and report to me about that merger contract when I get back from vacation.” – I didn’t mention anything about Di, but she’ll find out eventually. I was in a rush anyway, so I hurried outside, trying not to be late. Di was already waiting by the car.


Diane:   “Ready to see what normal people do for fun?”


Griffin:  “I bet you’ll show me.” – I smiled.


Diane:   “Yeah, actually, you won’t believe it but some people spend their vacation days on a vacation.” – She was teasing.


Griffin:  “I thought it was just a myth. Who in their right mind takes a vacation when they can work?” - We were laughing and chatting. I opened the door for her, and we drove off.


For the next ten days I managed to keep my mind from office. I could get used to this. On our back from the airport we passed the section that lead to my parents’ house.


Diane:   “Is this where your parents live?”


Griffin:  “Yes.”


Diane:   “You promised you will take me there once. I would like to meet them. And your brother.”


Griffin:  “Not now, it’s going to be dark soon, and I have a lot of things to do when I get back. I never left my for a holiday before, you know.” – I didn’t want to take her there.


They take commitments seriously. I know that they have been hoping that I would bring a girl to their house eventually, but I didn’t want to bring Diane and give her false hopes. Besides, my parents are humble folks, and living a very modest lifestyle. She just would never fit in. And I don’t want them to ask me about her afterwards. I could never bring there a woman I can’t see as a mother of my children. And Diane wasn’t the one. She wasn’t happy with the answer, but she knew better than to push it.

Chapter Thirteen


On my first Monday after vacation, I was early in the Company, like always, trying to catch up on news. I needed to prepare for a regular briefing, but I was still in a good mood since I charged my batteries. Guys were coming in my office one by one, asking about the details. I was telling them some funny stories about Diane and me, when Doug interrupted me.


Doug:    “Oh, good, you’re here. We didn’t want to start without you.” – Doug addressed Mia who imperceptibly walked toward her chair. The image of her totally messed my thoughts. She had a new hairstyle. More elegant. Sophisticated. The words just fly out of my mouth before I had the time to think it through. “Oh, Mia, is that a new hairstyle? It’s great!”


Mia:       “Well, actually I needed a small change. Now it’s straight… shoulder length…”- She was embarrassed. I didn’t want to continue this awkward moment, especially not in front of the other staff, so we continued with the briefing.


In a week, we needed to make a decision about UniGlobe. This was like a heavy load on my chest. I just couldn’t set my mind and decide. I decided to summon a meeting, and hear everyone’s opinion on the subject. What mattered the most to me was her opinion. She had this incredible intuition and I knew that she still watched my back, no matter what. Diane was very proud of the project, because she managed to organize it all. She had a good relationship with Nathan Finley, the financial magnate who promised significant support to my Company if this contract is signed. I never had problems with making a decision. I just wanted to be careful. But I think this could be okay. I will wait for the meeting and then decide.


The time flew by, and my mind was still restless. The meeting was today and I requested everyone’s presence in the conference room. Diane was there too. Doug opened the discussion and I asked him to explain the issue thoroughly to Mia.


Doug:    “Mia, as you know, we are about to close a very important deal with one of the greatest manufacturer in the country. It was conceived to be a long term investment which would bring us a significant amount of money. They are expanding their area of business with their present clients, and need our funds to support their expansion. Our commission is pretty generous, since they are making huge profit as it is. Now, their lawyer has sent us the contract for signing. Diane has reviewed the contract, and concluded that we could benefit from the contract terms. We just need your risk assessment, so we could sign the deal, and head back to the project.”

They all just wanted her to confirm the conclusion, so we could continue, but I knew her. I expected her to state her opinion, and by the troubled look on her face, I sensed that she struggles with her fear, but that she will do as her conscience tells her.


Mia:       “Thank you, Doug, for the introduction. I am sure that you have reviewed the contract thoroughly. There really are many benefits from this contract. But we need to be careful here.”


My full attention was on her. This was her moment. I tried to be neutral and objective. I didn’t want our relationship, or this situation that happened, interfere anyhow on my judgement. I knew that she will do the right thing whatever it took. Diane was visibly pissed, but I really wanted Mia's opinion on this. I lacked her insightfulness and intuition. She was pure talent. Like nothing I have ever seen. And the most important thing, she got my back. She continued.


Mia:       “It is not my intention to say that this is a bad agreement, but the risk we are about to undertake is simply too high for us. You must be aware that this is a seven year contract. Who is the third party anyway? And where is this huge profit generated? Why can’t they invest their gained profit in this new expansion? We have no insight in their business associates and activities. Nobody wants to share their piece of cake just like that.”


I can tell you, nobody expected that. The murmur spread the office like an infection. She was scared, but remained calm and focused. The way I like her. Diane was furious, trying to shatter Mia’s self-confidence, and addressed her in a very condescending way, trying to humiliate her in front of everybody, and especially, in front of me.


Diane:   “Mia, right?”


Mia:      “Yes.”


Diane:   “I see that you are very young and talented, and that you did not have any bad intention, but the thing is that your lack of experience disables you to comprehend the gravity of this matter. This is our big client, and we are not in the position of demanding any additional requests. Their business is doing great, and they will use this investment to make great improvement and additional profit, from which we could benefit greatly. Now, if you’ll all let me…” – Now Diane woke up the woman I met back stage. I saw this flame, burning stronger in her eyes. This was again this other side of her. The powerful one that protected this child within. Oh, this will be fun. Let’s see Diane coping with her. I was amused, and observing the show without blinking an eye. She was as cool as ice, and interrupted Diane in a split second.


Mia:        “Just because the client is big, doesn’t mean that we should be blackmailed. And if someone is willing to take this kind of risk just because competition would, than they should not be in this kind of business. A negative financial impact like that could leave irreparable consequences to our company.”


I enjoyed watching Dian squirm powerlessly, turning to me for help.


Diane:   “James? Aren’t you going to say something? This is ridiculous.”


Finally, Doug interfered in the discussion.


Doug:    “Gentleman, please, calm down. Maybe we are too scared for no reason. I mean, the client is very respectable. I see no big reason for passing this kind of opportunity. It’s in their interest as well to put this investment in a good use, so we could both profit from this. I respect Miss Petrov as a colleague, but this time I think Diane was right. ” – This was too much. All of them were onto her and I felt the need to put this to an end. Nobody was discussing the subject anymore. It was about her and them now. And she was alone. And right. I knew this.


Griffin:  “Doug, I need you to go to your office and do what Miss Petrov said. She is right. It’s far too dangerous to be improvident at this moment. Ask them for additional clause, regarding our commission terms, and insight into their business associates. If they do not agree, do not negotiate any further.”


Diane:   “But James!” –She was humiliated and furious.


Griffin:  “This is not open for discussion. The meeting is closed.” – I got up and left. Diane followed me to my office.


Diane:   “Why the hell didn’t you back me up in front of this brat?”


Griffin:  “Because, your ego stopped you from seeing that ‘the brat’ had a point.”


Diane:   “And you are willing to give up huge amount of money just because you like her piece of ass?? And don’t say you wouldn’t like to fuck her! Don’t think I didn’t see the way you look at her! For Christ sake, she is still a kid. You ruined months of my work just because she said so!!


Griffin:  “I did what I think is the best for the company. And another thing, this is the last time you talk to me like that. Because if fucking you means putting up this shit from you, then I’ll make sure that who I am fucking or not will be none of your damn business! Now please leave, I have work to do.”


Diane left in tears, slamming the doors behind her.

Chapter Fourteen


Next day things were calmer. Diane came the next day pretending like nothing happened. She figured that she overreacted, and came to take me out for a lunch. The last thing I needed was stress, and I accepted. On the other hand, she was very revengeful. I didn’t want her to take it out on Mia. This was the last thing she deserved. Maybe the best thing was to calm things down a bit.


Diane:   “James, I’m sorry about yesterday. I don’t know what I was thinking. Please, forgive me.”


Griffin:  “We were both out of the line yesterday. Still, I think this was the best choice.”


Diane:   “I just hope you know what you are doing.”


Griffin:  “I do.”


Diane:   “Who is this girl anyway? This, Mia?” – She sensed something, like a vulture smelling blood, and she didn’t want to let it go.


Griffin:  “An excellent risk assessor.” – Deliberately, she was no longer ‘an employee’. I wanted to give her the place she deserved, in Diane’s eyes. Diane was even more puzzled.


Diane:   “She came from which company exactly?”


Griffin:  “Actually, this is her first job.”


Diane:   “And what makes her so excellent then? She has no experience.”


Griffin:  “I hired and trained her myself. Her talent just needed some support and focus, and I pulled the best of her.”


Diane:   “She must be something very special then...” –She tried to provoke me.


Griffin:  “She is.” – I was brief. Diane had what she needed. Now she thought of Mia as an equal, but on the other hand, Mia just got a new enemy. Well, this is a normal thing in life and I think she will know how to handle it. Diane was smart enough to change the topic.


Diane:   “Well, I have a surprise for you! I am taking you to a concert!”


Griffin:  “What kind of a concert?”


Diane:   “I just found out that Alex Black is coming to town and that he is having a big birthday concert in the city. Can you imagine? We have never had a huge star like him in the city. Aaaaand, I managed to get the VIP tickets! What do you think?” – She was ecstatic, trying to make up for yesterday’s fight.


I just couldn’t believe my ears.


Griffin:  “What? When?”


Diane:   “Look!” – She grabbed the newspaper, and there he was on the front page. Like she just knew where to stab me. If I didn’t know better I’d think she was provoking me. But she had no clue. I didn’t want to go, I mean, was there a worst thing for me to do to myself? But I wanted to see the man that won her heart. I wanted to see this ‘better man’. It was stronger than me.


Griffin:  “All right. We will go.”


Diane:   “Really? Great! Well, pick me up at seven then.”


Griffin:  “Okay.”


She would be there also. Probably at the back stage. And he will be holding her, and kissing her lips, making her smile like I never had the chance to. I just couldn’t imagine him touching her, taking off her clothes and possessing her body. The worst thing was that she belonged to him completely. Body and soul. And there was nothing I could do.

Chapter Fifteen


I was nervous. I picked up Diane, and we took our seats, next to this huge runway with the microphone stand at the end of it. Fuckin’ de ja vu. There were so many people on the concert that I don’t believe anybody stayed at home. Arena was filled to the last spot.


Then the things went wild. The bend was out on the stage, and the crowd was frantic. Every single girl wanted to get into his pants. Unbelievable. And I had the problem that only one of them was. He was so self-confident. Good looking. Great looking, I must say. Perfectly sculpted muscles. A star. Then a couple of songs later, he stepped to the microphone on stage.


Alex:      “Thank you! We love you! Now, I need your attention. You all know that it’s our first time here, in your city. We are so happy to play for you here tonight, but you should know that we wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for one person. I must say, she is fantastic, and she takes my breath away just like she did the first time I saw her. Please, welcome Mia to the stage with a big round applause!


I couldn’t believe what was happening in front of my eyes. Like I’m in some nightmare, and just can’t wake up. The audience was loud, cheering, applauding, and then she went out on the stage, and I couldn’t hear a single sound. Diane was holding my hand, surprised as hell, but gloating over this new development. I just stood and stared what is going to happen. He gave her a hand and took her on stage. I saw the lust in his eyes. He was proud. Every man envied him, and every woman envied her. Yes, from this point of view, they seemed like a perfect couple. He just loved the fact that he possesses her. And she? She was happy. Truly happy. The dagger twisted my stomach once more. She leaned toward him and whispered something in his ear, and this made him smile.


She was walking down the runway towards the microphone, so self-confident. She grabbed the microphone stand and spin it in the air. Yes, this was her. This black panther I saw in the office. She was a beautiful thing to be observed. This was the moment I saw her in her actual magnitude, with her wings spread. I saw the full depth of this woman inside of her, unleashing her full strength. She was just breathtaking. I don’t even remember when the song finished, and she was walking back through the runway toward the stage. Then in a split second, she spotted me and was paralyzed at the spot. She was singing, and quickly realized that I was in a company. There she was, awaking the same flame she did in the back stage. Everything I was trying to suppress all this time, just resurfaced again. I could see her heart pumping lice crazy. My God, she feels it too. What an idiot I have been. I should have done something. I should have taken her from him. I swear, we were both moments from jumping into each other’s arms and tearing up one another. Then the music silenced, and I saw him putting down his guitar. Everything became silent. He reached for her hand.


Alex:      “Ladies and gentleman, as you probably know, we have decided to take our career outside to Europe. This woman has made me the happiest man today, by accepting to accompany me to our new adventure, miles and miles away.”


I thought I was going to faint. God damn, don’t do it! My entire system wanted me to jump out on the stage and take her away from him. He continued.


Alex:      “Kid, I know I’ve been tough to handle. And since you have answered my question, I think it’s about time I answered yours. I love you. Don’t you ever doubt that.” – He kissed her and everybody went crazy. For the first time in my life, my heart broke into a million pieces. Nobody ever meant to me this much. My heart ached, and cold sweat covered my skin.


Griffin:  “Let’s go.” I said to Diane, and quickly left the concert. Diane said nothing, she just obeyed what I said. She was ecstatic. Every chance of me being with Mia was destroyed in a second, and she had the first row tickets.


I dropped her by her place, and left home. I opened a bottle of scotch and drank two glasses in an instant. How can she have this effect on me? My God, what I fool I was. And she loves him. She is leaving everything behind for him. She will never be able to explain to him what she gave up for him. He will never see how brilliant and smart she was when she excelled her job. When she stood against them all and took a stand. How happy she was when she did something right and how hard she had to work to deserve the respect and admiration from her colleagues. And how happy she had been when she deserved admiration from me. I know she had. It meant to her that much. Why did I let you go into his arms? Of course, seeing me with Diane must have contributed her decision to move on. Maybe she actually believed I thought Diane was better than she was. Her self-confidence stopped her from seeing how brilliant I think she was. Now, it doesn’t even matter. Nothing does.


Next day, all newspapers were covered with their pictures. The press speculated who she was, but none of them had a clue. But I had. They were referring to her as his lover, mistress, you name it. The press was all over the story and I turned off the TV. I couldn’t stand to watch it. Soon, she will be gone for good, and I will try to recover what’s rest of my dignity and move on. I couldn’t stand meeting her at work, so I called Claire and informed her that I’m taking two weeks off. She knew what was going on, but I didn’t have the strength to explain.

Chapter Sixteen


I could barely make myself getting up in the morning. I had work to do at the university, but only in the afternoon. I shut down all my phones and emails. I went out for a run, but nothing could help me getting my mind off of this. You live your life for 37 years, and this twenty-two year old kid just walks into your world one day and turns your heaven in hell. What would I give to have her hell instead of that heaven I thought I had? I had nothing. I was empty.


I had a lot of exam papers to score, and I thought it could take my mind off of it. My office gave me peace. It was my only remaining hideout. There were only few people left in the building, and my office was refreshingly quiet. I must have been there for couple of hours, when somebody knocked on my door. Some student probably. Never mind. I’m here anyway.


Griffin:  “Come in.” – Then I heard a familiar voice that twisted the dagger in my stomach. It was her.


Mia:       “Hi.” – She whispered shyly. My eyes were at the papers, and then I finally gathered the strength to look at her. She was again stunning in this knee length dress, and I tried my best to ignore her.


Griffin:   “Miss. Quite an unusual time to be at the University, don’t you think?” - I was bitter.


Mia:       “Yes. Mrs. Claire said you’d be here. I needed to see you.”


Griffin:   “Claire…always pushing her nose where it doesn’t belong. So, how may I help you? ” – I was still shutting her down.


Mia:       “James, please don’t be like that.


Griffin:  “Why are you really here, Mia? What? Did you come to say goodbye? Sooth your conscience? Please, leave, I want to be left alone for a while.” – She was standing at the doorstep all the time, and then she approached a few steps.


Mia:       “James, we were both there last night, I was not less indifferent than you were. True, it’s all too complicated, but we need to sort this out. You can’t go on like that. I can’t.”


Griffin:  “What for? I can’t seem to see the point? You are leaving, aren’t you? Is that really what you want out of life?”


Mia:       “I don’t know! Shit, James, I don’t know.” She was perturbed. “I don’t even know why I’m here.” – I felt she was being honest. She really didn’t have idea why she came. But she needed to see me. As much as I needed to see her. We both paused for a few seconds, ‘till the tension relieved a bit.


Griffin:  “So, when are you leaving?”- I spoke in a calm manner.


Mia:       “In three weeks, four maybe.”


Griffin:  “What the hell do you want from me then? Why are you here Mia?” – I snapped again. Why did she come to torture me like that?


Mia:       “I couldn’t go away without knowing… If things were different, I mean…. if there wasn’t any Diane, or Alex…”


Griffin:  “There’s no point in discussing that. Things aren’t different. You made your choice. Now learn to live with it!” – I was loud, with bitterness in my voice. Then, I looked out the window and gathered my strength again. “Back then…you said that I don’t know you. Maybe I don’t. But I can bet my life that he doesn’t know you better than I do.” I looked at her. “Do you really think he sees the woman you are?”


Mia:       “Oh, come on, James! Then why don’t you take a chance for once in your life? Let’s see what happens.”


Griffin:  “Can you take a chance, Mia? Can you promise you’d never see him again?”


Mia:       “You know I can’t do that right now.”


Griffin:  “Then it’s just not good enough.”


Mia:       “James, this is who I am. I do not know how to belong to someone, nor how it feels that someone belongs to you. I do not know how to play safe, like you do! To make a lifetime promise. I’m not sure if I even believe in that. And I admire you for being able to do that. I have no idea what will happen tomorrow.


Now I was really furious. She had awaken the Griffin I never knew existed in me.


Griffin:  “Safe??? You think you know what safe is?!?” – I walked toward her like a raging beast. She was stepping back ‘till she reached the doors. I grabbed her by her shoulders with both arms, but she didn’t look aside for a second. I was out of my self, yelling.


Griffin:  “Do you think safe was when my heart wanted to burst out of my chest??? Or when I was moments away from making the biggest fool out of myself, and jump on that stage when you went into his arms?”


I never felt this desperate in my life. And she called it safe? I could throw away my whole life for her if she just gave me a sign, and she calls it safe? Again, we were on a breath range. Our legs were tangled, and I could feel myself growing next to her thigh. Fuck, Mia, what are you doing to me? She didn’t flinch back. Instead, she was gazing me in the eyes, wanting me as badly as I wanted her. I felt it. I felt it back then in the backstage. I felt it when she was on this God damn stage, and I feel it now. I touched her face. You are mine. Yes you are I can see that. I was not going to back down again. I did it once and I lost her. I took one hand off of her shoulder and lowered it down to her thigh. Our hearts wanted to jump out of our chests. I slowly pulled my hand upwards, beneath her dress. I didn’t know whether she’d stop me or want me to continue, but instead she leaned her head backwards and moaned. Oh fuck it. My lips were all over her neck. With one move I picked her up and pressed her against the door, while I unzipped my pants with another one. Of, shit, she was so ready for me. Next second I was inside of her so roughly, but instead of crying out, she put her hands around my neck and kissed the hell out of me. Fuck, Mia, what are you doing to me? The harder I was, the more she wanted, and I was ready to explode.


Griffin:  “Nothing makes sense without you by my side….I…..I love you, God damn can’t you see that…”- We couldn’t refrain ourselves anymore and we both exploded, while my hair was in her fist, and my nails thrusted in her soft skin. She was mine.

Chapter Seventeen


There we were. The boss and the employee. I never felt this intensity of feelings, before this little creature curled up in my lap and leaned her head on my chest. I wanted to absorb every inch of her. Gently, I was caressing her hair, with only moonlight shining upon us. This was all I needed. Her, this close. Not on a chair next to me on a meeting, or on a stage singing. But her in my arms, pressed against my body. I was inhaling every scent of hers. Just stay here forever. I don’t care. Then her soft voice interrupted my thoughts.


Mia:       “Now what?”


Griffin:  “You already know my answer. What’s yours?”


Mia:       “I don’t know.”


Griffin:  “Me neither. But I know one thing….You are addicted to me, as I am addicted to you.” Then I bit my lip, and took the strength to ask her. I needed to know. “That guy, Alex. How serious is it?”


Mia:       “If you’d asked me a day ago, I wouldn’t hesitate to give you an answer. All of this that you see, is his creation. If it wasn’t for him and me, you’d never notice me. Like it happened in this very same office six years ago.”


Griffin:  “Please don’t say that. I said I was sorry for not remembering you, and I still don’t know how that could have happened.”


Mia:       “No, James, it doesn’t matter. Really. I’m just saying that he made me what I am. I practically grew up next to him. But in the same way he formed my self-confidence and femininity, he also sculpted me emotionally. You see, all I ever knew was how to seduce and manipulate men. They were nothing but an object to me. A toy. I learned to get everything I wanted, until there was nothing left to wish for. The two of us were the same. I have never experienced jealousy. I don’t know how it feels to hold hands. That’s why I rejected you in the back stage. I knew that I could bring you nothing but pain. Your job is everything you are, it defines you. You invested yourself in it. For me, a job was just another caprice. Another proof that I could exceed myself. But, it wouldn’t stop me from leaving tomorrow, without ever looking back. Just like that. You couldn’t just leave everything and go with me across the world. And I couldn’t ever ask you to.”


Griffin:  “Ok, then. Let me see who you are. Let me in. To see the real you. If it’s too much for me, just go everywhere you want, I won’t stop you. But let me be the judge of that. Don’t make the decisions on my behalf. I have been through a lot myself, maybe not as much as you have, but enough to know to recognize if something is worth the risk. And I think you are. We are.


Mia:       “So, what are you suggesting?”


Griffin:  “Let it be. Let me in. We still have three-four weeks. No one has to know. I’ll take my chances. It’ll be worth the fall. All I ask of you is to do the same. Be mine. And then, if you decide to go, I won’t stop you. Deal?”


Mia:       “Deal!”


I wasn’t sure if I just became the happiest man alive, or just signed myself a death sentence. I didn’t care. There was no backing down. I will fight for her. I will win her. I know she has strong feelings for me too. She wouldn’t have been there. He sculpted her at his image, and I was aware that I might never be able to understand the rules by which his, their, world works. But she is too complex to just be this one person and suppress this other part of her that I fell in love with. And luckily for me, he knew nothing about this part. He let it wither, and I nurtured it to grow. Okay James, there’s your chance. Do your best.


Griffin:  “Now, all we have to do is to sneak out of the building unnoticed. You go first, and I’ll leave in fifteen-twenty minutes.” – She was on her way out, and asked:


Mia:       “So, I’ll see you at work?” - Oh yes you will. Now, you are mine. I pulled out the best of her as an expert in work, and let’s see what kind of woman he made her to be. Babe, I want to see your limits there. I want to see till the very bottom of you. And you just allowed me to. I smiled and pinned her to the door.


Griffin:  “Oh, you sure will see me…Miss Petrov.” – I kissed her. Because I could. Because I want to kiss her lips, and to be the last man who ever kisses them. She kissed me back and exited. Better. I would have taken her again if she didn’t.


Tomorrow was a great day! A perfect one, actually. I woke up with a smile. And she will be there today, at work. Close to me. I hardly found my way through the parking lot. The press were still all around the company. Yes, they were here because of her. Her and him. The thought put the smile off of my face. But she was mine. Claire was already on the hall when I came. She was looking at me inquisitively, trying to assess my mood, and what has happened.


Griffin:               “Morning Mrs. Claire.”


Mrs. Claire:         “Oh, Mr. Griffin, you came!”


Griffin:               “Of course I did! It’s Tuesday! There’s a lot of work to be done. And may I add, you look lovely today.” – I was in a good mood. I loved this Tuesday.


I called Doug to inform me of yesterday’s events. We were in the middle of discussion when I heard a pair of high heels walking through the corridor, becoming louder as they approached my office. I thought of her. Then the door opened, and I sighed from disappointment. It was Diane. On her surprise, I was in a good mood. She came like a vulture, to pick up the remaining’s, gloating over her victory.


Diane:   “Well, someone is in a good mood.”


Griffin:  “Yes, why wouldn’t I be?”


Diane:   “You didn’t show up on work yesterday. I called... So I thought..”


Griffin:  “I had work to do at the university. Things just piled up after this vacation.”


Diane:   “Shouldn’t you call Mia to go through the annex we requested from UniGlobe. She was the one who insisted on this matter, so I think we should keep her involved.”- She smiled viciously.


Yes, she wanted to twist the dagger in my back. She knew how I felt when I saw her on stage. And, she was positive things were over between us. She just wanted a proof.


Griffin:  “Yes, you are probably right. Claire, please call Miss Petrov to my office.” – Diane was gloating. Doug, on the other hand had no idea what was it all about.


Couple of moments later, she showed up. She was in a tight pencil skirt. Good girl. She stood by the door, waiting to be invited.


Mia:       “Mr. Griffin, you wanted to see me.”


Griffin:  “Yes, Miss Petrov, please care to join us.” – Diane was like a vulture. She didn’t leave Mia out of her sight. Watched her every move, trying to assess the situation. She couldn’t wait any longer, and she moved with the topic.


Diane:   “I guess congratulations are in order.” - She just couldn’t hide the smile.


Mia:       “Regarding?” – She played naive.


Diane:   “Well, Alex Black and you, of course. You are now engaged, right?”


Mia:       “Is that the reason why I’m here, or maybe this company has no bigger issues to attend?”


Griffin:  “Miss Petrov, I’m sure that Diane had no intention of being intrusive. But you have to agree, that it’s in the Company’s best interests to have information whether some employee will be at our disposal or not.” – I provoked her, and she knew exactly what was on my mind.


Mia:       “Mr Griffin, rest assured that I am at your full disposal, whenever you need me.” – She gazed directly in my eyes.


Diane was out of herself. But still, she tried to remain calm and hold a grasp of what was happening.


Diane:   “I’m sure that Mr Griffin has no interest in that kind of…well….disposal.” –she poked.


Mia:       “Miss, before making that kind of statement….” –She addressed Diane, but still staring directly in my eyes continued seductively. “I’d make sure I checked.” – Oh, she just knew how to light my fire. Situation was tense. Doug had no idea what was going on, and all I could focus on were her eyes, which were still insolently gazing mine. Well, I needed to say something, since the tension was so high that things were on a verge of getting out of control.


Griffin:  “What the hell has gotten into the two of you? As if we don’t have enough problems as it is. I called you to try and fix some burning issues, and you act like a bunch of adolescents.” – Diane felt like she was being slapped.


Diane:   “But James, can’t you see that….”


Griffin:  “I said it was enough.” I yelled until they all silenced. “Now leave!” They all stood up silently, and walked toward the doorway. “Not you, Miss Petrov, this kind of behavior cannot be tolerated as acceptable. Doug, please, close the door after Diane and you.” – Diane was again victorious. She thought that I finally backed her up and I was going to put her at her spot. They closed the door, and Mia was still facing the door, getting more anxious.


Griffin:  “Nobody was ever allowed to talk like that in my presence. You know that I have to sanction this kind of behavior.”- I provoked her further.


Mia:      “Yes.” – She was obedient and she liked it. So I guess Mr Black was dominant in the relationship. Of course he was. Let’s see what was that thing he created.


Griffin:  “Good. Now turn around and approach the desk.” – Again she obeyed. I was still on my chair, getting turned on by what I knew was inside of her head too.


Griffin:  “Now, take off your skirt. Slowly.” - She did it very slowly. Unbuttoned it until it dropped on the floor. “Your panties, lower them down to your thighs.” - I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. She was so damn tempting. “Place your elbows on the desk, bend down and close your eyes.” – I could feel how ready she was for me. And I enjoyed being the man who has this effect on her. I stood up and walked behind her. I unzipped my pants and put my hand on her thigh. Her skin was so perfect, and wanted to feel exactly how ready she was. My hand went all the way up until my fingers reached their way inside of her. God, she was so damn wet and warm. I put them even deeper, and with her every move she begged me to end the torture.


Griffin:  “Miss Petrov, are you ready to be in my full disposal?”


Mia:       “Yes.”


I took her so hard she began moaning. I put my palm over her mouth to silence her, since there were bunch of people just from the other side of the door. Oh, Mia, you are so good. I sensed you would be. We were both so excited, we exploded in a split second. I zipped my pants, and pulled her panties up. All I could hear was him zipping his pants. I sat back on my chair, watching her fixing up her skirt. I carelessly picked up phone to make some phone call and said to her:


Griffin:  “You can go now, Miss Petrov.” I smiled. “For now.”

Chapter Eighteen


My God, this woman was made for me. I have never been living in higher uncertainty, and I just couldn’t get enough of it. Where was she before? And I could have spent my entire life without knowing that feelings like this existed. She really was a strange combination. Living from today till tomorrow. But without a trace of fear. She will leave it all, move to a different place, and excel in whatever she does next. That’s how she was capable of quitting her job. Just like that. It was a challenge for her. And she saw she could do it, so she did it to the end. And moved on. Will the same thing happen to me? She has feelings for me. I know she does. But will she love me to my bottom and then move on? I couldn’t even think about this scenario.


This woman pushed me to my limits. She gave me wings to do anything I wanted. I was motivated, sharp, cutting, pushing. She held my back, and the sky was the limit for me. She was this kind of woman who pushed you to your highest limits and at the same time being aware of the fact that you could leave once you reach your potential, because you spread your wings too much. But for her it doesn’t matter. She just loves to see you fly. Even without her by her side. Frankly, I have never seen anything like her.


I was thinking we should go someplace. Just the two of us. I had a business conference in Malta, and I wanted her to be with me. I wanted to be proud of her, and to enjoy the fact that everybody knew she was only mine. It was also a good opportunity to meet Nathan Finley. He was at the Europe at the time, and I had no chance of meeting him in USA. He was living someplace in Asia, and he was still willing to discuss this investment in my company, even though this thing with UniGlobe was aborted. I had no idea how he reacted, but he was a businessman before everything, and he knew that my company was a good job for him. Anyway, I loved having Mia by my side on this topic. She was holding my back, and her intuition and calmness were exactly what I needed.


She was excited when I mentioned Europe to her. She was like this old spirit, and loved the European charm. Well, she will love Malta then. I have been there a couple of times, but her excitement was immeasurable. She fell in love with it, and I was flattered that she shared this experience with me. We couldn’t get enough of each other. So careless and free. Being able to walk freely by the coast, without being afraid that someone might see us. I mean, I didn’t care, but I didn’t want to put her in troubles. She was doing a really great job, and they would all just conclude that she advanced so far just because she slept with me. But Malta gave us shelter.


I was in love. There was no way back for me, and I think it scared her. She probably never felt it next to this asshole. She didn’t knew how to cope with these new feelings she never encountered before. And minimizing the risk would be to run again. God, how I would love for her to learn how to relax and just be happy. I guess it was the luxury she never allowed herself.


The opening ceremony was a big black tie event here, and I already arranged all the details. I wanted to reveal and explore every inch of her femininity. Also, for me was very important that the woman I’m with can accompany me to every event, and to radiate confidence, elegance, and humbleness. Diane was natural in it. She had it in her. Actually she was raised as an aristocrat. But I knew that Mia must have it in her as well. She just didn’t have the chance to show it. And like everything else she does, she will excel in it. After brief consultations, I ordered Oscar de la Renta evening gown, and I imagined her in it. This will suit her perfectly. It was a white sleeveless gown was all covered with light green spring leaves pattern. It had a few discrete white daisies on it. In the front it was knee length, and voluminous ankle length in the back, with a white silk faille underneath. I also ordered a light green strap shoes with high heels, which color matched the color of the leaves on the floral print. They had three straps: one around the toes, one around the ankle, and the one that diagonally connected them. I decided to give her fairytale.


I didn’t tell her nothing about the ceremony, and she wanted to make me proud in her company. Even if she wore a t shirt and pants, I would still be the most proud man in the room.


Mia:       “James, you could have at least told me about the ceremony. I have to go shopping. It’s only a couple of hours away…. James, do you even hear what I’m saying?”


I was fixing my tie, hiding my smile.


Griffin:  “Mia, do you really think I’d allow any woman to be more beautiful tonight than my date? Your dress is waiting for you in the closet. It was waiting for you for a couple of days. I arranged it to be prepared before we arrived.”


Mia:       “But James, how do you even know my size, and whether I’ll like it?”


Griffin:  “Please, get dressed, we do not have time for pointless discussions right now.”


She went to the closet. I was still trying to fix the suit, when I saw her reflection in the mirror behind me. I turned around stunned with disbelief. Is this the same black panther I met on the stage? Or the fragile creature sleeping in my lap?


Griffin:  “My imagination was not even close…” –I reached out for her and led her to the mirror. She was also in disbelief herself.


Mia:       “James, I don’t know what to say…I…it’s beautiful…”


She was the most beautiful thing I laid my eyes to. A princess. Now this girl, who never read fairytales because she never believed in happy endings, was in a fairytale of her own. And I was proud to be the prince. My Cinderella.


Griffin:  “It’s nothing compared to you. You deserve the best. And I will make sure that you have everything by my side.”


Mia:       “James, please, we agreed that…”- She was scared again. How can happiness be so frightening to her?


Griffin:  “I know, I know….but a man can dream, right?” She turned around, and kissed me with a spark of true happiness in her eyes. ”Go before I take it all off of you. The hairdresser is ready for you downstairs.”


She was excited like a little child. Excited and determined. She would do anything to make her man proud tonight. And she will once again excel.

Chapter Nineteen


I could sense the anxiety in her, but she somehow managed to cover it very well. The driver picked us up, and it was already dark outside. She was looking through the winder, absorbing every sight. And I was watching her, absorbing and enjoying every minute of her presence. The opening was in an old luxury villa. As we were pacing toward our table, all eyes were onto us. She behaved perfectly. There they were. Steven, an old banker and his company, with their trophy wives. The wives were envious of Mia, and were not involving her in their small talk. It’s not like she was going to hear anything smart from them. But she was handling it and I let it go, engaging myself in financial markets discussion. But they were all curious.


Steven: “James, why don’t you introduce this lovely lady to us.”


Griffin:  “Well, of course. Miss Mia Petrov.”


Mia:       “Nice to meet you.”


Steven:  “Miss, how do you like Malta so far?”


Mia:       “It’s very lovely and charming. Love at first sight.”


Steven:  “As yourself. James is a lucky man to have such a jewel by his side.”


Griffin:  “Steven, you know that I have never invited a woman to a business event, but this one is something special.”- I wanted to give her additional self confidence, and to make her understand how special she was to me.


Steven:  “Yes, yes, I see.”-He completely ignored me, and addressed her directly.I hope we won’t bother too much, such a lovely lady like yourself, with boring financial conversations.”


Mia:       “On the contrary. A lovely lady, like myself, happens to be a financial analyst.”


He was interested and intrigued. The entire table focused on their conversation.


Steven:  “Is that so? Tell me, Miss, what is your area of expertise? “


Mia:       “Financial forecasting and risk assessment.”


Steven:  “How interesting. Well, why don’t the two of you join us tomorrow for a sailing trip? We usually gather around and discuss some business issues over lunch and a glass of wine…of course, if James doesn’t have the intention of keeping you only to himself.” – He was testing me.


Griffin:  “Sure, Steven, we will be there.”


Steven:  “Our wives prefer to avoid this kind of reunions, and sneak out for shopping before we even get to sail out.” – He was laughing, a bit over my taste, since they were already tipsy. Then he addressed me, and we let women socializing. I also noticed that Steven’s wife engaged Mia in a conversation, and I was more at ease. “You know, Nathan Finley will join us tomorrow. I arranged everything. He came back from Thailand yesterday.”


Griffin:  “Yes. I hope I will be able to convince him that this investment would soon return and double his money.”


Steven:  “Oh, he has the money. Don’t worry. It’s just the question how offended he was with you rejecting this UniGlobe contract. You know, Diane and I worked very hard on it. Anyway, how is Diane? The two of you had a thing right?”


Griffin:  “She is all right. She was also mad because of this contract. Anyway, she wasn’t the right for me.”


Steven:  “Yes, I completely understand. You got yourself a fine jewel here. You know, if you ever get bored with her, I would offer substantial amount of money to take care for her...”- Now I was pissed. I knew that usually the girls who hand around businessmen are there for the money, and that it’s not rare thing for them to change the “owner”, but this was my woman he was referring to, and she deserved nothing but respect.


Griffin:  “She is my girlfriend, and I beg you to watch your language in her presence. We are not interested in your schemes. I’m sure you won’t have trouble of finding another one.”


Steven:  “Okay, okay. I’m sorry. I thought...well you know. Just forget what I said.”


Griffin: “Well then, we should get going anyway. See you tomorrow on the boeat. The weather should serve us well.”


Steven:  “Yes, it will be refreshing. Join us when you get up. The boat will be ready.”


We soon left to the hotel. She was so tired and exhausted from the entire evening, and she showered first and went to bed. I was still uncomfortable with this proposal of Stevens. Not that he meant anything wrong. He didn’t know, and it’s just the way things work in their world. But the bare thought of someone else’s hands on her made my blood boil. Just to think how many times Alex’s hands were all over made a mess in my mind. I laid next to her. She wasn’t sleeping. Like she was also restless. The sense of her skin next to mine just provoked the need to protect her, and take her once again, just to make sure she was mine. It was all very quiet, just the sounds of waves and the wind from outside. Her back was next to my chests, and I just had to possess her. To mark my territory. I slowly found my way inside of her, and just made love to her. It wasn’t about sex. It was about the belonging. And she said nothing. She knew that I needed her, and she enjoyed being mine.

Chapter Twenty


It was deep in the night, and I sensed she was still restless. I put my arm around her.


Griffin:  “Why don’t you sleep?”


Mia:       “I don’t know. I guess I’m nervous about tomorrow.”


Griffin:   “Nervous? It’s just a couple of boring businessman discussing some boring topics, over lunch and wine. What’s there to be nervous about?”


Mia:       “I must have overheard that the boring businessman will have somewhat less boring company.”


Griffin:  “So? That was always their way of enjoying life. Personally, I don’t see anything interesting in it, but I guess it makes them feel good about themselves. Anyway, you of all people should know that the music industry works out in the same way. Only it’s become normal for some older rock star to enjoy in young and beautiful girls.”


Mia:       “James, but they’re at least good-looking unlike those greasy old men.”


Griffin:   “I guess it’s a different point of view. Now, go to sleep, and stop thinking about nonsense.” – I believe she took my advice and fell asleep.


I was hoping to a very casual day. Sun was up, and my mood was perfect. I didn’t want to show excessive affection in public, so we spent the entire morning making love in bed. I knew that I’d have to keep my hands off of her for the rest of the day, and believe me, it was hard. Mia was relaxed too. She put on her bikini, and a light white summer dress on top of it. We were the last ones to arrive, and everything was ready to sail out. Steven was at the deck welcoming the guests. He reached out for Mia’s and, and politely kissed her hand, holding it a bit longer for my taste. He was checking her out, and I didn’t like it, and neither did she.


Steven:  “Miss, I’m very pleased to see you accepting my invitation.”


She politely thanked him, and grabbed my upper arm. Good girl. I took her for the tour. She really liked the boat. It had two luxurious bedrooms, with large beds in the middle. A large living room connected the two bedrooms, and the other side of the room led outside on the deck. There were five men on board, including Steven, accompanied by three extremely young girls. They were already in a bikini, drinking champagne and giggling. Total of ten people on board, including us. We were all drinking champagne, while the girls were tanning in the sun. Mia joined them, even though they had very few topics in common to discuss about.


By noon, we anchored in a small cove below Sicily. Nathan Finley was supposed to join us at this point. Ten-fifteen minutes later, a small boat appeared and anchored next to ours. It was Finley. He and his lawyer joined us on the boat for a drink.


Griffin:  “Mr Finley!”


Finley:   “Well, Griffin, long time no see!” – We shook each other’s hands.


Griffin:  “True. So, how is the business going?”


Finley:   “Outstanding, as usual. Can’t complain. Though I might say you surprised me with cancelation of the contract. Diane said that it was already done deal. Where is Diane anyway? Are you still with her?”


Griffin:  “No. The story is long gone. Anyway, the UniGlobe was too big of a risk for us. I hope you understand.” – He smiled.


Finley:   “Yes. You should lend me your guardian angel for a week.” – He was laughing. “Well, we’ll talk more. But first, I need a drink!” – He went to Steven and other guys.


I went to see how Mia is doing. She was all right. Tanning on the deck. When she saw me, a smile appeared on her face, and she got up to meet me half way. I put my arm around her waist, and gave her a discrete kiss meaning ‘you are doing great’. Suddenly, Finley appeared out of the blue, interrupting our moment.


Finley:   “Griffin, wouldn’t you introduce this lovely date of yours to us?”


James was proud to be able to present me in this kind of company.


Griffin:  “Mr Finley, I’d like you to meet Miss Mia Petrov.” – I was proud that Finley showed her the needed respect, and I was proud to present her as my companion.


Steven:  “Miss Petrov is an excellent financial analyst.”- He was sucking up to Finley, inflaming his interest in Mia.


Finley:   “Is that so?” Now he was visibly intrigued. He paid no attention to me, and absorbed every sentnce she said. “Please, tell me more.”


Steven:  “As I understood, she was the one who prevented Griffin from making a deal with that manufacturer – UniGlobe.”


Finley:   “Griffin, that’s the biggest piece of advice you could have received. She saved your butt. Trust me, I know.” – I was so proud of my girl, and everybody was laughing sincerely.


Griffin:  “Well, we’re yet to see about that, but I hope she was right.”


Finley:   “Well, Miss, since you’re good with making big decisions. What would you say would it be good to invest two million dollars in Griffin’s company expansion?” – His words clenched my stomach. This was the topic we both cleverly avoided ‘till now. There was an awkward silence, and all eyes were pointed at Mia’s direction.


Mia:       “I would say that this would be the best decision you ever made.”


Finley:   “Griffin, you got yourself a real diamond here. A man can only envy you.”


I nodded, since I knew he was right. I could only be proud as it is.


Steven:  “Now, enough about work. We are here to enjoy ourselves. Mr Finley, be kind to join us for the champagne and the dinner.”


Finley:   “You are absolutely right. And Griffin, later on, have a seat with my lawyer here, go through the contract draft, and see if we can make a deal.” – A huge rock was loaded off my chests. The atmosphere was very relaxed, and the fact that Finley was ready to invest in my company solved many problems. The day couldn’t be better.


Later on, Finley’s lawyer and I went up to a small office to finalize the details. Mia was with the girls, I figured she would be fine. I guess we stayed there for a long time. We reviewed every line of this agreement, every single clause, and to be honest, it was very exhausting. I couldn’t wait to join them downstairs and relax. I couldn’t wait to kiss her smart forehead. Finally, we were finished. It was already dark outside, and we were about to head back. While I was walking down the stairs, I saw her alone on the sunbed, looking at the see. It was a sight for sore eyes. I approached her from the back, and kissed her neck. I felt bad for leaving her all alone. But I figured, she was a big girl.


Griffin:  “Sorry it took us so long. Did you have a good time?”


Mia:       “Sure.”- Her voice was not very convincing.


Griffin:  “Is everything okay?”


Mia:       “I just missed you, that’s all. Let’s get home.”


The boat sailed to the harbor. The skipper walked us off the boat, where the car was already waiting for us. Again, she cuddled in my lap, like at the University, and the driver was driving us in silence. She had a big day. Now we can relax.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.09.2017

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For all of you who liked my book "Stormchild", and wanted me to write more, I am giving Griffins side of the story! Hopefully you will love it as much as you loved "The Stormchild"

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