The Fundamental Questions of Greatness
4th Edition
Ammar Moussa
All rights are reserved for the author.
Copyrights ©2016 by Ammar Moussa
For you, whoever you are…
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Do you think you are one of the greats? Then, you have to read these few pages and figure out if you really are.
Do you want to be a great? Then, you are probably in the right place to start.
Do you hate long introductions? I hate them too, so let us just move on and find out the answers to the fundamental questions of greatness together.
Consciously or unconsciously, most people have that desire to be considered great or at least to feel like that, one way or another.
However, unfortunately, the misunderstanding of the concept of greatness has become increasingly common over time, and the whole concept has been shortened to be about the satisfaction of personal desires, individual purposes, and the bright semblances of glory.
In more simple words, the concept of greatness became confined to the dream of being a famous star and rich. Seeking greatness has become equal to feeding that hungry desire to satisfy our ego; and the stupid fantasy of being the center of the world around which everything revolves has become more admired.
The roots of this false perspective in fact originate from a deeper problem in modern culture itself, which has become a sacred mentality over the past few decades. This culture is based on materialism, maximizing individuals' benefits and pleasures, maximizing consumption, and inflating the personal ego.
Nowadays, our narcissistic tendencies are being evoked and injected with unlimited doses of steroids by the media and social media 24/7. Media shapes perfect dreams, gives orders, and makes you feel guilty for not doing whatever they want you to do. In fact, most media broadcasting intentionally includes deep emotional manipulation that aims to inflate ego and create dreams about being a famous future star.
We are being pushed to become addicted to those moments of dopamine rush that we feel when our ego gets inflated, and we believe in our false fantasies of greatness. This addiction pushes us to come back later and ask for more and more.
“Be a star”, “You are the best”, “You deserve it”, “You are the greatest”; endless repetition of such phrases
Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
Texte: Ammar Moussa
Bildmaterialien: Ammar Moussa
Cover: Ammar Moussa
Lektorat: Ammar Moussa
Korrektorat: Ammar Moussa
Satz: Ammar Moussa
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.09.2020
ISBN: 978-3-7487-5657-6
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For you, whoever you are…