




The Equilibrium Zone


6th Edition 


Ammar Moussa




All rights are reserved for the author.

Copyrights ©2016 by Ammar Moussa








For all those remarkable individuals who believe that each new sunrise is a new opportunity to improve, progress, or even reinvent themselves; for those who persistently strive to make tomorrow better than today.

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  • Whatever you will do with the contents and knowledge you will find in this book, it will be completely your own responsibility. I am just sharing my knowledge with you. You and only you can decide how to use them for the sake of your own good. Remember that both the author and the publisher have no responsibility of any kind for how you will use what you will read here in this book.
  • If you really want to get the maximum benefit from reading this book, then you have to be neither a submissive reader who accepts whatever he/she reads without questioning nor a cruel critic who just hunts for mistakes. Please be a friend of the author and try to establish a classy dialog between you both over the pages of this book.
  • Like anyone else, the author of this book has his own cultural background; however, any cultural differences between you and the author should not prevent you from getting the maximum benefit you can have from this material.


If you agree to all those terms, then please turn to the next page and start enjoying the content of this book; otherwise, please just put it back on the shelf. :)



The Equilibrium Zone is somehow a philosophy, a lifestyle, and a way of thinking that you will find applicable and beneficial in various ways. But first, you will have to understand the deep meaning of it.


Writers usually use prefaces to play the role of the babysitter who should take your hand and show you how to read the book and derive its benefits. A little bit of that might be necessary sometimes, but in general, we simply satisfy our ego by telling you what to do and what not to do. In fact, when we do that, we are just expressing that dictatorial side of ourselves. I tried to be a democratic author, giving you the freedom and your own space to read and think independently without you feeling obligated to embrace any of my own madness. :)


Also, here I would like to mention that it was possible to make this book long, complex, and filled with endless explanations, discussions, arguments, and details. However, brevity makes sense. So, I tried my best to save your time by keeping things as simple, clear, and short as possible. I only stated what I believe to be the master keys you may need, and the rest would be up to you to figure out on your own.


Now, let us just move on to the subject…



The Equilibrium Zone


When the circus man walks across the tightrope, he doesn’t do a miracle, he just knows about balance more than you do.


Let us start with a simple metaphor that summarizes The Equilibrium Zone philosophy, and while it may not be precise in the physical world due to technical limitations, it adequately explains the point that matters to us here.


Assuming we have a photoelectric cell that is hanging from two wires over two rollers, with weights attached to each wire. The cell will move towards the side with the heavier weight and will stop when it reaches a state of balance.


Now, let us place a lamp in the middle, between the rollers, and connect it to be powered by the energy generated by the photoelectric cell. Initially, we will need an external energy source to light the lamp until the photoelectric cell starts generating energy using the light from the lamp.


Once the cell starts generating energy, we can rely on it and no longer need the external source. But this requires that the photoelectric cell be kept in the illuminated area; otherwise, it will stop producing energy, the lights will dim, and we will need the external source again.


Therefore, we will adjust the weights in order to move the cell to the desired area to ensure its optimal functioning.





Ideally, the cell should be positioned precisely in the center to receive the highest light intensity directly. However, regardless of the exact placement, as long as the cell is within the range of the light, it will function with varying but acceptable efficiencies.


If the cell crosses into the shadowed area, the light of the lamp will start to fade, but the lamp will still work. It is an unacceptable situation, but there is no immediate need for an external power source yet. We can resolve the situation by promptly moving the photoelectric cell to the illuminated area. But if the cell stayed in the shadow for a


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Ammar Moussa
Bildmaterialien: Ammar Moussa
Cover: Ammar Moussa
Lektorat: Ammar Moussa
Korrektorat: Ammar Moussa
Satz: Ammar Moussa
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.08.2020
ISBN: 978-3-7487-5249-3

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

For all those remarkable individuals who believe that each new sunrise is a new opportunity to improve, progress, or even reinvent themselves; for those who persistently strive to make tomorrow better than today.

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