

Astrology is a language to describe human archetypes. These are behavorial patterns which occur again and again in different ways over time, relating to different situations.  Typically, someone who is loud and outspoken, will be so in the home and in the office, albeit over different things.  Astrology does not make claims to be an exact science, but by identifying the patterns,  we can predict the most likely responses in any situation. Astrology then, allows us to make predictions of a sort, based on human nature, the current situation and the responses of the past, all wrapped up in a mathematical cocoon of planetary movement.  The interaction of two or more people working together forms the basis of financial astrology.  This can be a partnership, a loose alliance working for a common good, a small company or a major corporate giant.  For purposes of this work, a corporation or a company is used inter-changeably, although the former is usually much bigger and could well comprise several companies.  


A corporation - like a natural person - has a chart.   The difference is, a corporation can have several charts, each signifying a different period in its history. Typically, a first chart could signify when the business plan was drawn up.  Registration as a legal business would make a second chart and possibly, deciding to list on a stock market another.  Each chart would represent a new phase in the business, but crucially, each builds on the previous choices made and interpreted in the previous chart.  Corporations may own separate companies, merge, split, re-form itself or take on new industries.  Each of these will create new charts but each chart will bear the history of previous charts. Logically, this is true because the leaders (the board of directors or owners) imprint their style, desires and decisions from one set of circumstances to another.  

What does astrology do?

Astrology doesn't "work".   Astrology isn't a "method", a "system" or a "trick".  Since the dawn of time, humans have looked up at the Sun and stars for inspiration and guidance and worked out that seasons and cycles have meaning.  For example, wheat - one the earliest crops to be cultivated from about 10,000 years ago - is best planted at the peak of summer (winter wheat) or as winter is turning to spring (spring wheat).  Figuring out when it is winter or summer, is a function of monitoring the length of the day and the shadows formed on the ground.  Likewise, the movement of other planets gave rise to a body of collective wisdom, which together we now attribute to astrological interpretation.   By understanding the cycles and


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.11.2020
ISBN: 978-3-7487-6522-6

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Steven has degrees from the University of Cape Town, South Africa in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, along with various certifications from &; two global online standards in certification

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