

Everly and Crosten, two very different worlds, bound together once by love, and twice by brothers. Twins, one good, one evil. Everly was a land of the pure. No one who wasn’t pure was allowed in it. Crosten, was a land of pure evil, where the bad strived to take over Everly. Even if they had no way in it. They didn’t know however that they could go there, all they had to do was get the leader to let them in. Anna and Kiren, were the first to overcome this. Anna now leader of Everly at the age of 16, and Kiren leader of Crosten at age 17. The lands were complete opposites, and many feared what would happen if the Crosten’s took over Everly.

About two years later Anna found out she was pregnant, but her child would be the heir to both Crosten and Everly. Kiran feared what might happen, and decided one child could not rule both lands. They were far to different, and Anna agreed. When Anna had her baby, it was not one, but two. Twin’s, who looked very much alike. Anna, named one and she went back to Everly with him. Kiran took the other and went back to Crosten. Both parents teacher their child how to be the ruler of their kingdom, many found out, and didn’t want either child to take the throne. No one could convince Anna or Kiran to part with that child. Kiran may not have admitted it, but he loved both of his sons. Anna, loved them both, and they soon became a family. Meeting in the human realm, no one knew, but themselves.

When Anna and Kiran died, both of the twins took the thrones. No one stopped them, but many were curious to how their parents died at the same time. The twin’s knew all to much that they wanted to be together, be free. Anna and Kiran, never died, although both of the boys really thought they had. Instead they lived in the human realm, and had met another family with two twin girls. Who didn’t want one of their girls, Anna had wanted a family here, and would do anything for that little girl. So Anna and Kiran made a make shift family for the girl. They lived close to the other family, and soon the other family died. They were out casts from Crosten and Everly. The other daughter lived with her ‘uncle.’

The other girl, knows little of her family, only know her job. She has been raised by her ‘uncle’, for a certain job. She knows of her twin, unlike most.

Chapter # 1 ~ ‘ My Uncle’

Ella’s POV

Today sums it up, I am completely crazy. Whether you believe me or not, well that or I’m well not right. I cant tell you how, but I know its true! What would you think if your own uncle kidnapped you? I was far away from my parents, my best friend, and my boyfriend. Whom I have yet to tell my parents about. I remember when I actually wanted this to happen, I had dreamt that this would happen. When my grandmother had told me about him, my uncle. Well half uncle, my mother was my grandfathers only child, but my grandmothers third. My two uncle’s George, and Chris who I had never met until today.
I wish I had listened to my grandma when she told me that I never wanted to meet him, but I wanted to with every fiber of my being. Now I wish I had never thought that. He was just as she told me, cruel, insensitive, and didn’t care about anyone but himself. Which must be why I was looked in his basement in the middle of nowhere. He had called the place Crosten, and that there was no way I could leave.
What I wanted to know is why? Why when everything in my life was going right, minus the fact that my parents probably wouldn’t like Drako. Who happened to be four years older then me. When we met he was a senior in high school, and I was a freshman. We hated each other from the very beginning. Now it hurt me to be so far away from him. It was more so because we were complete opposites, I was the smart, good girl. Drako was the bad boy, who didn’t try, he had just came to school at Oakshord this year. Yet he was in all freshman classes. His best friend Kenin (Ken- in), had always been flirty with Ariella. My best friend, she was a like me, except she got any guy she wanted. Kenin wanted her so badly, but she ignored him. Well anyway back to my story with Drako, on the last day of school, Drako pulled me out of my AP Bio class. He had somehow managed to go to school with the freshman. He told me he loved me, even after ruining my entire high school years. Of course I forgave him, and he kissed me. Ariella pushed me into his arms and said ‘ oh go out already!’ and so he asked me out. That was five weeks ago, we spent every second we could, and my parents hadn’t been anywhere in sight. They did that a lot, or they used to. This was the first time they had in 15 years. I had been falling asleep and dreaming about Drako a lot lately.
“ Ella!” Drako murmured to me, this was the one night we spent together at his house. I remembered it as if it was yesterday. He kissed me deeply, and said, “ Can we?” It was the night I lost my virginity, I was convinced he could never love another. He didn’t cheat on me then, and I know he’ll find me. Wherever this Crosten place is, I’m sure he’ll find me. I miss him so, and I don’t think I’ll be able to last much longer. I cant believe its only been TWO days two! I was never going to last.
“ Ella,” My uncle hissed waking me up from my pleasant dream about Drako. Does he have to ruin my life? He might have ruined his, but he doesn’t even know me! He just thinks he can do whatever he wants, just because he kidnapped me. Well he cant, and I have been trying to show him that.
“ What do you want? Chris? You take me from my family, my friends, my boyfriend, and then you demand things from me! It doesn’t work that way. You leave me in the dark all day, what do you expect? Perfect behavior? Smiles? Yeah right!” I shouted back at him and he just looked at me. Should I continue? Shall I name more of the reason I hate him? It shouldn’t be that hard, considering he has given me so many of them. “ Why do you even want me here? Why take me away from my home?” I asked him, two of the questions I wanted to know when I saw this room. Dark a dreary, I laid on a small bed, in a small room. With nothing for me to do.
“ You actually get to find out right now,” My uncle yelled into my ear, and I fell off the bed landing on the cool cement floor. I stumbled to get up, usually I would jump at the idea of getting out of here. Just for a chance to get away, but something told me this wasn’t right. Chris threw an outfit at me, “ Put it on!” He shouted, “ I’ll be back in five and you better have that dress on,” Then towards the door.
“ No way! I’m not wearing this! The only person I would wear this for would be my boyfriend, and you are not my boyfriend. Nor will you ever be, so I will never put this one,” I shouted at him, and he turned around sharply, and walk back towards me. He looked less then happy, and I was proud of that.
“ Your not on your puny Earth anymore, you will do as I say girl! Or you will regret it dearly. Oh and by the way, welcome to CROSTEN,” Chris said walking away again, and looked back at me, “ Five minutes girl, you had better have it on,” He walked out of the room and then locked the door. I know he locked it because I heard a click and then keys shaking. I will not put that dress on! I am not a whore! Nor will I look like one for his amusement. I don’t intend on wearing that dress.

Drako’s POV

It hurt to know I was going to loose her. She was the only thing I actually wanted in my life. She was so out of my league, but she didn’t care. She loved me just as much as I loved her. I wish she had been home though, I wanted to see her once more before I had to leave. My realm needed me, and I was their leader. They once thought I was going to be bad, a terrible leader. Now they thought I was incapable of love. How wrong they were. They thought the same of my father, but he turned and loved the leader of Everly. Ella. She was the only one I could ever love, and my love for her ran so deep, to the fiber of my soul. If only she were one of us! Why did she have to be human?
Why was Winston bringing the one I needed? I need Ella. I don’t even care about the damn prophecy anymore. I need Ella, I don’t think I could live without her. She never asks about my parents, and I’ve never met her. I do find that odd, but whatever. Did I even want everlasting evil? Winston’s girl would bring ever lasting evil. Ella would bring goodness. She was pure and if she were one of us she would live in Everly. She was to pure to live here with me. ‘ You just have to have a child with Winston’s girl’ a voice reminded me. I could go back to the human realm and live with Ella then.
Being in charge has its advantages. No one dares to defy you, servants, a big palace, my own room far away from my brother, and it was home. Disadvantages as well, I was far away from Ella. Will she be okay without me? She wont try and kill herself I hope. I cant believe I just left her! She’s probably looking all over for me.
“ Lord, Winston should be here soon, and I heard his niece was quite lovely,” Arikson smiled and left, was he trying o cheer me up? Only Ella could. No one could be more beautiful then here. She was the most beautiful girl in the universal realms. My fair Ella, with her slightly curly hair her beautiful eyes. I could stare into them for eternity. The sad thing was she thought she was normal. She didn’t see how rare and beautiful she was. She never once wore make-up, or put unnatural heat to her hair. It was all natural! It was so amazing. She was amazing, and who knows, will I ever be able to see her again?
“ Oh Ella! I miss you, your soft touch, and the feeling of your lips,” I murmured to myself. Only to see Winston by the door, without a girl. How dare he defy orders? He was supposed to bring the girl. Even if I didn’t want he. She was the key to seeing Ella again. He kneeled down in front of my, with his head bent down.
“ My lord would tomorrow be a better day? You look saddened,” Winston said not looking up from the ground, had he heard what I said? About my Ella? Surly not. He doesn’t have a death wish does he? I smirked, but didn’t say anything for a while. He want to press for time, he doesn’t have the girl! All my instincts were shouting at me.
“ Or perhaps you failed,” I told him sternly, but he shook his head. I noticed his hair curling at the ends, sort of like Ella’s except the fact that it was shorter. A tear reached my eye, “ Bring the girl tomorrow,” And with that he left, and I went to my room for the night. The stone walls calming me, and then I finally got to my room. I laid in my bed. I was hopeless! I couldn’t run day to day life without Ella, she had made me soft. Dependant on her, almost like a drug.
My father would never have approved, before he met my mother anyway. I have a hard time saying he could kill my behavior, for it reminds me of theirs. I had to forget her. For the sake of my realm! For all of Crosten. How could I though? She was the best thing that ever happened to me. My parents were dead, my brother, well he was another story. Sitting so high and mighty in Everly. He was my opposite. Oh Ella, why did fate pull us apart? Am I all to bad for you? Am I being punished for how I treated you at first? Let me say its only because I was jealous.

Ella’s POV

My Uncle had been more then mad when he saw I hadn’t put on the dress. He slapped me once before rushing out of the room. I assume he left. Of course I was locked in the dark again, only to think about how much I missed Drako. Did I mention that dress was way to slutty? I don’t even think I would wear it in front of Drako, and he is my boyfriend. A couple hours later my uncle rushed into the room, he still looked mad at me, and he was swearing. I liked it. It made me feel superior and I was the one stuck in the room. It served him right though didn’t it? He ruined my life! He brought me here, away from Drako. Chris crept me out, that much was granted.
“ Now you will be in that dress before tomorrow, or expect me to put it on for you. Oh and how much do you know about me?” My uncle laughed, it was frankly a terrifying laugh. He walked closed to the bed upon which I was sitting on. Until he was almost in my face. He was a creep, a stalker, exactly how my grandma had described him.
“ Some, I know your only my half uncle, if you were looking for Jake’s daughter, her name is Chloe. She would be your niece,” I spat, and I know he looked angry at that. I looked around his face trying to find something else to look at besides his face. Which was filled with scars, and years without love. The years in which he had run off, he was still loved in them. He didn’t return the love. He had hurt my grandma, used her, and now I wanted to kill him. If only I could.
“ Wrong my dear, Kay was just as much my sister as Jake was my brother. Your grandma couldn’t bare the thought of having another of my fathers children. He disgusted her, and she couldn’t take thinking your mom was his as well. She lied to herself and you,” Chris yelled back at me, and I laid flat on my back trying to get away from his face. Which was way to close to mine, I couldn’t stand it being any closer. But I couldn’t get far enough away, and I kept pushing until I fell off the bed. “ Get up!” he shouted at me.
“ Don’t tell me what to do,” I snapped, and sat on the ground, and he yanked me up and sat me un the bed. The door creaked open and two little boys ran down the stairs. They were cute, but Chris shouldn’t have kids. He wasn’t a good person, he didn’t deserve them. They didn’t need a father like him.
“ Daddy!” They said in perfect unison hugging him, and then they looked at me. A lady followed them down, and she looked mean. Maybe that’s why she was with Chris. I feel bad for my cousin’s. She walked over to Chris and gave him a hug.
“ Who is she,” The lady hissed, I could tell she was the best aunt in the world. Not, she probably already hated me. She looked rough, but there was nothing pretty about her. Usually there’s something pretty about every girl isn’t there? Drako said I was beautiful all the time, but I always disagreed. I was normal wasn’t I? I wasn’t famous, which meant I was normal.
“ This is my niece,” Chris made out, but I could tell he had a hard time. I don’t think he liked me at all, good. He shouldn’t, he’s a jerk. The lady looked me over once, twice, and then a third time. The boys looked at me questionably, “ Ella this is Janelle, and my son’s Calib and Luke. Boys meet your cousin Ella. She wont be here for long though,” Chris said sneering at me as if there was some secret I wasn’t in on. Calib looked at me thought fully. Luke looked at little confused, but smiled a toothy smile.
“ Cousin?” Calib asked me, an I nodded with a smile. I had found out about them four years ago. Luke looked at me with a questionable glare, and a couple seconds later they tackled me to the ground. Chris laughed, and Janelle shook her head. The lady looked at me weirdly afterward, and the lady was of course Janelle. I was sure she didn’t like me, nor did my uncle.
“ Why is she in the basement?” Janelle asked looking at Chris.

Chapter # 2 ~ A familiar face~

Drako’s POV { 2 years earlier}

I stood at my locker and looked at Ella. Sure, she hated me. She had good reason to but I just had a thing for her. I couldn’t leave her alone. I was raised to act like this. I didn’t know how to be nice. If she wanted nice she should go to my brother. He was raised an Everly. I’m a Crosten. She stood talking to her friend Ariella, isn’t it weird? Their names, Ella and Ariella.
The thing is though that Ella is hot and Ariella well not, yet she gets all the guys. Weird right? Ariella had only one friends, and that was Ella. I’m not even sure why Ella’s friends with her. That’s something in four years I’ve never got why Ella’s friends with her. Why am I talking about Ella? It sounds like I’m an obsessed creepy stalker. Which I’m not. My Father Kiran was evil, I got it from him. I must be evil to be the ruler of Crosten, its what the people expect. If they wanted good they would go to Everly. I came here to see how easy humans could fail, and honestly, Ella wasn’t helping me prove my point. At all.
“ Drako! My man how are you?” Kenin asked braking me from my stare at Ella. “ Guess what!” I looked back away from Ella, and to Kenin. A typical human, but what could he possibly want? He annoyed me sometimes, but I needed some kind of friend. Otherwise they might think I’m weird. If I had a friend in this accursed school it would be Kenin. He could be fun to talk to sometimes.
“ What is it?” I asked, trying my best to sound interested, but how could I be interested in human stuff? Its boring. There is only one human that captivates me. Ella. Wait what? I thought I wasn’t thinking about Ella anymore.
“ I’m going to ask Ella out! Cool right? She wouldn’t turn me down,” Kenin grinned waiting for a response from me. Wait my Ella? He wouldn’t dare. Unless of course he wants a death sentence, which he is asking for if he goes after Ella. What is with me? Why am I so possessive over Ella? She’s not my girlfriend, or even one of my people. Why am I so worried about her. Why do I care if Kenin goes out with her? No I cared. Which is why I erased any thought of him asking Ella out of his mind.
“ Drako?” Kenin muttered as if he was confused and then he walked away. No one tries to get my girl, my human girl. I wont ask her out though. I couldn’t could I? She was human. Maybe some other time. I couldn’t yet, I just needed more time, I needed to sort these feeling I shouldn’t be having.

Ella’s POV {Still 2 years ago}

Ariella and I stood next to my boring locker, which just happened to be grey. Pretty boring right? The entire school was grey white and black. Our mascot was a Panda, maybe that’s why our school looked like a black and white picture. Well at least we brought color to it. Drako just did something to Kenin, or at least it looked really weird from here. Kenin even looked a bit dizzy, which was weird. Then he walked away from Drako, who looked more then please. A satisfied smirk on his evil place, if he wasn’t such a jerk he might be hot. Scratch that he was hot, but because he was a jerk I wouldn’t want to date him. Besides he doesn’t date girls, you would think he was gay. Well except for his look, which was like a biker. Although he didn’t wear Harley Davidson stuff, he did have a bike though. What I wanted to know was what had he done to his best friend? Not that I cared about Kenin at all, but still. Drako was pure evil he gave Arielle a black eye, and she refused to come to school for the next whole week. He didn’t even get in trouble!
“ Ella, Bella,” Drako mocked as he walked by, and I ignored him. It was hard sometimes though. Ariella and I walked to our first hour class together. The white walls covered with gray lockers. We passed a very shaky Kenin, as if something had been ripped out of him. What had Drako done to him?! He glanced at me and then looked the other way. Normally he looked at me for a little while. Had Drako hurt him? Not that I want Kenin staring at me it was just weird.
“ Ella calm! Its okay, why are you hyperventilating?” Ariella asked me, and I shrugged. I didn’t have a response, but I couldn’t stop either. Why was I hyperventilating? Good question, but its not like I have an answer to it. Kenin’s not my friend, why am I worried? Why does it have something to do with Drako? Why am I thinking about Drako!

Ariella’s POV {Still 2 years ago}

Ella was scaring me. She had never just randomly started hyperventilating, and of course Drako had to walk over. What an arrogant boy. I really don’t think he like Ella, I bet he had something to do with this. That’s just what she need, considering she has told me millions of times that she hates him. Drako actually looked at Ella with concern, since when had he cared? Then there was a hint of adoration in his eyes too.
“ What’s wrong Ella?” Drako asked, and there was no hint of evil in his voice. He looked intently at Ella, and I had no clue why. Ella looked back at him, she didn’t say anything but I could tell she didn’t want him over here. Actually I was surprised she didn’t scream for him to run away. I guess I could, maybe she couldn’t say anything. She was still hyperventilating.
“ Its none of your concern! You hate me anyway. Why are you over here?” She yelled, I guess I was wrong, “ Get away from me!” Ella yelled at him, and Drako looked hurt, and Ella looked scared. He wasn’t that scary, and I was the one he gave a black nose to. That hurt let me tell you, but she looked like he killed someone. Drako looked confused, and I bit hurt. He glanced at her once more before leaving.

Drako’s POV (Normal time)

Thinking about Ella hurt because I missed her so much, but I remember when she hated me. I had even gone as far as to make her scared of me. She had every right to be, but that day two years ago was the first time I realized how much I loved her. I never wanted another guy to have her, but here I was. I was getting Winston’s niece, why should I care if I cant do the same. I’m to selfish, but I love her! It took me over a year to gain her trust, considering I never had it in the first place. I deserved every bit of it though. The way I treated her! I was surprised she gave me a chance.
“ My lord what would you like?” A servant asked, and I mentally answered Ella, but he couldn’t give me Ella. What did I want besides her? Nothing. She was my everything. My reason to live, and now I didn’t have her. In fact I wasn’t even in the same realm with her. She was the love of my life, I couldn’t love anyone besides her.
“ Nothing, right now, nothing you can get me anyway,” I said, which was true. If Ella came her she would die, humans cant stand the Crosten of Everly air. It would kill them. I wouldn’t kill Ella just because I missed her. I wish I could live with her in the human realm, far away from here. I grabbed my ipod from the human realm, and turned on some Alesana. Kenin and Ella had loaded my ipod, but I knew this song was from Kenin. It was Ella’s type of music. Everyone at the High School had one, and Kenin told me I had to get one. I switched to Ella’s play list which she had labeled Ella’s <3. Cute right? It was filled of love songs. I missed her so much.

Ella’s POV

Janelle looked at Chris sternly and I almost laughed, but I managed to keep it to my self. I guess Janelle liked me more then I thought, thankfully someone else had common sense around here. I loved how Chris squirmed though when she yelled, and she got close to him. He looked scared, hmm! Suits him right.
Ariella what could I do? I wondered she always knew what to do. Her and Drako, I missed him even more. Drako, my could my life get anymore screwed up? Two years ago we hated each other, and now I couldn’t live with out him. Yet here I was stuck living without him. Hating every single second of it, I could last much longer. Truth was I needed them both, Ariella was my best friend, and Drako was the love of my life. They were all I had! Well besides my family, I loved Anna and Kiran really I did. They were amazing parents, but I wish they had the nerve to tell me they weren’t my real parents. I saw my birth certificate, and I don’t really care. I love them so much.
“ I need Drako!” I yelled, and everything seemed to get eerily quiet. Chris and Janelle looked like deer in the headlight, or at lease that was the way they were looking at me right now. Then their expressions changed, Janelle looked scared. Chris looked shocked, even Calib looked a bit scared. Luke didn’t know what was going on! Just like me. I just said that I needed Drako, and I felt dumb.
“ Drako who?” My uncle demanded, and I didn’t think I wanted to say. What if he tried to hurt him? Drako could hold his own couldn’t he? He punched Ariella and her face was black and blue for over a week. Chris was scaring me again, but when hadn’t he? Drako Bane Arstinello, my true love. Would I ever be Mrs. Drako Arstinello? Would he ask me to marry him?
“ Arstinello,” I made out, and then Chris dragged my upstairs and into a car look alike, but it wasn’t a car. It didn’t have wheels. What was it? He started driving and I asked him, “ Where are we going?” He didn’t answer me right away. I looked at a radio like object, and turned it on. My uncle quickly turned it off, and I pressed the button and a song that Drako had song one day for me came on. My uncle reached to turn it off but stopped when I song a couple of the words.
“ How do you know this? And I am taking you to the place you want to go,” He’s taking me home! Yes, wait? This wasn’t home. We pulled up to a gated estate, it was quite large. Old fashion, but the security looked high tech. “ My lord should be happy,” he muttered. Why wouldn’t he think I know this song? It’s a beautiful song. Drako had a nice voice, and we song to each other all the time. I never knew any of the songs before he song them to me though.
We went through the gates, “ Your taking me home?” and then said, “ Why wouldn’t I know this song?” I replied, isn’t home where I wanted to be? That’s where Drako was wasn’t it? Drako couldn’t be here. I have no clue what Crosten is even, why would he be here? He should be in his apartment, and far away from my crazy uncle.
“ Home? No, but more so where you want to go. You said you wanted Drako, well Drako is here,” My uncle said. He was crazy! There was no way Drako was here. Drako was safe. Home! How would my crazy absorb uncle know where my Drako is? Drako wouldn’t be here. Wherever here was because this place certainly wasn’t Earth. We pulled up to another gate, and Chris rolled down his window. “ I’m here to see Lord Arstinello,” My uncle told the guard. Who looked ready to punch my uncle, hmmm, guess I’m not the only one who hates him.
“ Lord Arstinello isn’t seeing anyone tonight,” The guard said and looked over at me, I was still in my dress. The dress I had worn the night Drako and I had last seen each other. What would he say? Was this even him? Was there another Drako Arstinello? No. Drako was one of a kind.
“ Tell him Ella is here,” I demanded from the guard, if this was Drako we would be in there in less then it took for me to say Arstinello.

Drako’s POV

My gate guard ran into my room, what was he doing here? Shouldn’t he be at the gate, guarding it? That was his job. Kiran had assigned that job to him. My father, but why was he bugging me after I told him no visitors? No one was permitted in here, unless it was an emergency.
“ What are you doing here?” I asked him and he looked scared. With reason, he was going directly against my orders. He walked over by me. Slowly, he got down and bowed, “ Get up,” I said so he would tell me why he was here. I turned off my music with the click of a button. Amazing little thing right? The power of a button, who knew?
“ There is an Ella demanding to see you, or rather she told me to tell you that Ella is here,” The guard made out, my Ella was here? How? Could I be so lucky? No, this has to be a joke. My Ella was human, yet what other Ella would have the nerve to come see me? “ I refused to let her in the Gates because of your command,” He continued, but I honestly could only think about Ella now. Gosh! She was clouding my mind again.
“ Bring her in, and then don’t bother me again tonight unless its an emergency,” I told the guard, and sat on my bed. I turned Ella’s play list back on, looking at the little heart. Or so she told me I don’t get how if you and a less then symbol with a three that you get a heart, but it was the thought that counted right? <3 well maybe it does look like a heart. But I had never seen a heart, maybe that is what one looks like. I was taught nothing about a heart besides that it was a symbol of love. Nothing important right? Not until now anyway. As the guard left I thought about how luck I was to have finally found love. Love with my Ella, most Crosten’s don’t even know about love, less have the emotion to love.
“ Drako?” I heard Ella’s voice come in through my thoughts about her. Finally, she is here! How though? I thought she was human, and then I turned to find her and Winston. Was she Winston’s niece? Is that how she was here? Was that the reason she wasn’t there the night I went to say good-bye?
“ Oh my! Thank gosh! I’ve missed you so much!” Ella yelled hugging me, Winston walked in my room, and looked at Ella and I. I nodded for him to go as Ella hugged me. I kissed her, and she kissed me back. I had missed her so much! She had missed me to, it seems. I pulled away and looked into her beautiful gray eyes. I could look into them forever. My only worry was never holding her again. There was nothing keeping us apart now, she was Winston’s niece. The one in the prophecy, but she was so good! How could she bring evil?
Chris hadn’t left yet though, “ My lord?” Chris wasn’t supposed to come until tomorrow yet, here he was with Ella. Who knew Ella could be his niece? She was pure, more like my brother. It’s a shame though, he goodness is to bring evil. Everyone here wants it of course, but Ella she wouldn’t want evil. “ Ella mentioned your name, she is my niece so I wont be coming tomorrow my lord. Unless you need me to of course,” Chris pointed out the obvious, what did he think? I was stupid. Of course that’s what he thought. Well whatever, Ella was in my arms and everything felt good.

Ella’s POV

My Drako! It felt so good to be in his arms, and far away from my uncle. Who had left, but now I had so many questions for Drako. Why did he live here? What is this place? Why is it so dark? Are we even on Earth? And so many more. Then I kissed Drako, and it felt good to have his lips on mine. Knowing that he had missed me as much as I had missed him felt good. We moved towards his bed, and then I realized he was listening to my play list. Jar of Hearts was on, by Christina Perri. When I stopped kissing him to listen to the lyrics, he looked at me. I smiled, and pulled him onto his bed with me. This smile could never leave my face, as long as I was with him. Nothing could hurt me.
“ Mind explaining?” He asked me, he wanted me to explain? I don’t even know what’s going on. Or where I am really, how could I explain? He should be the one explaining. I sat on his lap and leaned my head on his shoulder, his muscles flexed as if waiting. His arm wrapped around me then.
“ I can only tell you what I know, and then I expect you to do the same!” I told him, and he chuckled softly, and I felt his breath on my neck, and then I told him everything I could remember. From the last second I was in my home, to when I came here. Drako didn’t say anything for a little while he just held me in his arms which was comforting. I loved every second of it, and the two days between us vanished. Chris vanished from my thoughts, and so did Janelle, Calib, and Luke.
“ So you want to know my story?”

Chapter # 3 ~ Drako’s Story ~

Ella’s POV

“ Okay, when I was born I had a twin brother. His name is Ashton, and he is ruler of the Everly’s which is what you are, or should be. Your pure good, me well I’m the ruler of the Crsoten’s which is well evil. They are two realms besides the human realm, which is where you lived. Or live, my parents Anna and Kiran, Anna being the leader of Everly and Kiran being the leader of Crosten. My parents were never supposed to be together, they were enemies, or should have been. They loved each other, and had my brother and I. My father chose to teach me to be the ruler of Crosten, and my mother chose to make Ashton the ruler of Everly. They died when I was 12 making me the youngest ruler of Crosten, and my brother the youngest ruler of Everly,” Drako paused and looked at me intently, “ Well 6 years later my executives decided we needed to scout the human realm and see if is was easy to take over. So I came, and well you know what happened in school. You captivated me, you were the only human to see me for who I was. Now I know you weren’t exactly human. We age different then humans, once we reach 18 we stay there for a good 15 years, and then age again till we reach 30 and we stay for another 20 years. Well I decided that the human realm could easily be taken over if we had the girl in the prophecy. Which is you,” he looked at me again. I thought about what he was telling me, and his parents have the same names as mine! Isn’t that a little weird? Well I’ll wait until later, “ And I was rushed back here away from you, the night after our party. I came to say good-bye to you, because I didn’t think you were one of us. If you not one of us you would die the moment you came here. I figured I could come back and see you again, and I knew you would be mad at me and possibly hate me.” He looked up and I know he saw hurt in my eyes. I was hurt, hurt that he would do that, hurt that he thought I could hate him.
“ I might have hated you once, but never again, I would be mad at you though,” I laughed and hugged him, and a tear stung my eyes. Of all the hurt I would have went through if my uncle hadn’t kidnapped me. I wouldn’t be here, would that be worse? “ Umm I have a quick question, do you find it weird that our parents have the same names?” I asked him and he looked at me, and then he looked confused.
“ You never mentioned your parents names, but I do find it odd that our parents have the same first names,” Drako told me, and I thought about it. I was younger then him, but even so they weren’t my birth parents. They were my adoptive parents he was only four years older then me. They were gone a lot when you were younger… No! Shut up voice, he said his parents were dead. So they couldn’t be the same, unless they never found bodies.

Ariella’s POV

Where was Ella? She was so stupid! She was a no brain half wit, and then some. Where did she go and why didn’t she tell me? She tells me everything! Hold on a second Ari, first of all she is your twin. Your not her mother, she’s eighteen, she’ll do whatever she wants. I was supposed to know where she was at all times! I’m going to be in so much trouble with Jack.
“ Ariella!” Uncle Bates yelled, and I walked into the living room to face him. He looked mad considering I just got home. You might ask why I still live with him, and its mostly because I don’t have any choice. I don’t have a job, and I don’t go to college. So where else am I supposed to live? Sooner or later he was going to kick me out, he didn’t like having me here. I reminded him to much of my mother. Who died when I was five, and I don’t remember anything about her, or my father who died then too. My uncles first name is Alex, but I just call him Bates when I’m not talking to him. Alex Rain Bates, weird name right? Sounds human right? He’s not human though, my aunt Cindy is though. Bates is a full blooded Crosten his daughter Andrea, who was a Cross. Which is what we call those who arent fully Crostens or Everly’s there Cross’s.
Oh yea where were we? Oh yes Ella becoming ruler of Crosten would be terrible. If she was the one in the prophecy, which she’s not. She cant be! She’s good, it has to be me because I’m well not good! She should go to Everly I’m sure Ashton would love her. Crosten is just as big as Earth, well technically it is earth still. Earth is actually split into three realms, human, Crosten, and Everly.
Crsoton and Everly are more advanced in technology then the human realm though. The only lack is actually communication, which is where the humans excel. Everly and Croston and time machines, transporters, hover cars, and powers. Not super powers, but powers. Well maybe they are kind of like super powers. Most have one power, some have two, less have three, few have four, normally no one has more then five. No one normal anyway, you might be wondering about me. Well I’m not telling right now.

Drako’s POV

Ella and I lay in my bed, and I couldn’t help thinking about the prophecy. Ella didn’t have a twin, so who was I supposed to protect her from. My parents were part of the prophecy, my parents were still alive! They took care of Ella, but who was her twin? Her twin was supposed to kill her, but that was another verse. It was the second prophecy, but it was for the first prophecy. I didn’t care if I was the one to turn Crosten good or not, but nothing was going to happen to my Ella. When she was brought into this, well lets just say its more then a little personal. Ella was all I could think about, and she was laying right next to me. I wrapped my arms around her protecting. Until I pulled them back onto my head! My head hurt, shoot!

Ariella rushed into my bedroom, she wore Crsoten colors, but she looked at me once. Then went directly for Ella, I couldn’t move! I couldn’t stand the feeling at all. There was something keeping me from helping her, and I couldn’t figure out what is was. Ariella smiled wickedly, and Ella looked scared. Ariella whispered something to Ella before snapping her neck. I screamed.
End of vision.

I was pulled out of my vision and Ella held my head in her arms, and she looked at me with concerned eyes. She looked really scared. “ I’m fine Ella, I’m more worried about you. Is Ariella your sister?” I asked her and she looked at me and her face told me she had no clue what I was talking about. Which meant my parents took her from her birth parents, but left Ariella. Ella did tell me My parents weren’t the ones who gave birth to her. She found her Birth Certificate.
I wondered, what kind of powers might Ella have? Could learning how to use them protect her from Ariella? Or was Ariella that dangerous. She made some kind of field where I couldn’t get near Ella. That scared me, more then I knew. I wouldn’t be able to protect her. She needs to know how to protect herself, but how and where will she be safe enough to learn? Would it better if I sent her back to the human realm?
“ Drako?” Ella murmured looking at me intently. She looked scared, and confused. “ We’ll figure out whatever’s scaring you together you know that right?” She asked, and I pulled my head up and called for a servant to bring up some ice. They were quick and Ella now looked worried.
“ Ella love go back to sleep I just had a vision,” I told her, and that was smart! She doesn’t know anything about powers! Now I just told her I had a vision, which she was going to question. She wasn’t stupid. Well that gave me all the reason to know she didn’t think she had any, but she had to have at least one.

Ella’s POV

How! Drako just told me he had a vision! Is that even possible? That’s not humanly possible. Your not human! Neither is he. Something in my head reminded me. I guess I wasn’t wrapping my head around this the way I wanted to yet. I wasn’t ready! I needed more information, I was being brought into the middle of something I knew nothing of. Well besides what Drako had told me but really? I needed to be raised with the information to have any chance of figuring out what it meant.
“ Can you do anything abnormal?” Drako suddenly asked, and I looked at him. Really he was asking me this? Was he stupid?
“ I don’t know! You tell me. Do I? I don’t know, I don’t get any of this! You’ve just dropped it all on me last night, now your telling me you have visions. So cant you tell me?” I shouted and he pulled me into a hug which I pulled right out of. I think that was the first time I pulled away from one of Drako’s hugs. He looked hurt. Really though? How could I even think about answering his question with all of this on my mind. Did he even think about how this was affecting me? No. He thought about himself. Typical Drako.
“ Ella, you know that’s not what I meant! You know I love you, you’re the only one for me! Please don’t do this, I’m sorry,” Drako begged, and looked intently at me. He looked about ready though, had I really hurt him? Now I felt bad, but everything I said had a reason! It was all true. I hugged him and he pulled me into his arms.
“ Honestly though Drako, sure I’ve done weird things. Everyone does, but nothing that really sticks out beside that I had a dream or more then one that my uncle was going to kidnap me. At one point I had actually wanted him to,” I told him, and Drako hugged me. I cried, and his shirt soaked up all of my tears. He was there for me, and I fell asleep eventually. When he woke me up in the morning he looked sad, and I could tell something was bothering him. He looked pale, or paler then usual.
“ You know I love you right?” Drako asked me, of course! He told me almost everyday, every second. He was still with me, even after he took my virginity so yeah. I knew he loved me. I nodded and kissed him, but he pulled away and I bit my lip nervously. He wasn’t going to brake up with me now was he? After everything he better not, or we will be finding out just what I can do in less then three seconds. I looked into his eyes only to see sadness, and I didn’t know why. Maybe that’s why it stung so much. “ Oh Ella! What I’m trying to say is that staying here is well dangerous for you, I saw you almost get killed. Which is why I’m sending you back to the human realm. Know that this is for your own good?” And with that I found myself in my bed, and no where near Crosten. I found myself in my bed, and a couple minutes later Ariella walked in with a confused look on her face. I really wanted t laugh, but I couldn’t tell her about Crosten.
“ Ella!” Ariella exclaimed, I couldn’t believe it! He sent me back here! How could he? Wait, Why was Ariella in my house? I looked over at her, and she was smiling. I couldn’t believe him! He sent me here, where I could only miss him. Why would he do that to me? I thought he loved me. Love concurs all doesn’t it? So why couldn’t I stay with him. I loved him, was he only playing with my feelings?


Texte: All rights reserved. I reserve the right to all my work.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.07.2011

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To my family and friend that helped me write this book. Also to everyone on Wattpad for helping me out.

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