
Introduction - Teaser

A word from the author : This series is the result of almost two decades of writing. As I have decided to dedicate the remaining years of my life polishing and publishing the many adventures Agathae had gone through since I started writing I am testing the waters with a teaser on the third and final part of the series. Please feel free to comment if you would be interested in getting to know Agathae and his story. The draft is rough, however it is my hope that you would see the story behind it all. Thank you in advance. - AJ


The fight with the behemoth was not going well. In the back of his mind the vampire was disturbed by a very obvious lack of strength and power on his part. Yet he was not about to get any more people killed in his lands by this beast. The sensory strands that was connecting all the combatants shimmered brightly in the late afternoon sun. Few saw the frown on his face. Maintaining the magical network took far too much out of him, and he was not paying attention to the battle at hand as a result. Something was wrong. Very wrong.


Even the circle of his


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.04.2022
ISBN: 978-3-7554-1099-7

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

There are many people whom had heavy hands in the journeys joys and tragedies. Sloan, Luna, Ruko ,Q. You are fondly remembered for the good times. Dedicated to Ashtirea whom had to put up with more than just my own Shenanigans, whose love carried me through many years of late nights.

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