
Chapter 1

The explosion rocks the very earth. Screams of pain. The smell of blood stifling him. The soldier makes his way across the ditch, leopard crawling between the bodies and dirt. A high pitched wail comes from far overhead, and the next moment everything is obliterated. The broken body of the soldier is thrown out of the ditch. After several minutes he moves painfully, groaning. Taking out a locket around his neck he opens it painfully. Inside is a dark haired beauty, holding  a small child, smiling at him through the dust. He smiles “ Sorry babes. Guess I won’t make it back to fix my fuckup. “ His arms goes limp and the aqua eyes half closes before rolling backward in its sockets, the pain filled smile on his lips.


It’s another boring day in Johannesburg, South Africa. Briskly running through the park is a young man, well built, his aqua eyes steel and fixed on nothing as he wills his body to put one more step into what was already a murdering pace of ten kilometres. His mind is as empty as his face is. His haircut is short, and a pair of military dog tags is flying behind his back, his sweat stained shirt showing his effort. One or two joggers that pass him nods or greets, but he does not return the gesture.


His mind drifts to his last assignment, where several children was involved, and he frowns, his body mechanically continuing his long strides through the park. They had to raid a block of flats in Eldorado park, where it was rumoured a drug cartel was in operation. When the raid turned out to be so much more, the UN special forces was called in. Drugs and firearms was found, but the most disturbing was the children. Some of them as young as thirteen, all drug abused. His frown deepens as he remembers the 14 year old blonde girl trying to bribe him into letting her go back in her little squashed nest of tik with a blowjob.


The next moment he collides with someone and his vision is filled with a very long and very dark ponytail, a soft scream and he reacts instinctively, reaching out with his arms, grabbing the body in front of him and turning. He registers for a moment that the body is frail, small and soft, before he lands on his back, his momentum carrying him a few steps further, the person in his arms protected from the fall landing on top of him. Consternation goes through him like a lightning bolt, and he checks for a second what happened.


Dark eyes meet the aqua and 1st Lieutenant Du Faberge looks into the face of a young girl, her long dark hair in a ponytail halfway out and unstrung.  The dark eyes are blazing with indignity. “ Excuse me, you can let go now. God of all the pickup attempts I’ve seen this has to be the worst. What are you doing running into people like that?”  Again his confusion must be apparent with his mouth half open. The thump of a small fist on his chest wakes him “Hey! Let go! “The wriggling body on top of him brings him back to earth and he lets go of it. She rolls off and attempts to get up but immediately sinks to the ground with a groan “Ouch…” The face contorts and she grabs her ankle gingerly

Immediately his training kicks in and he takes a good look at her ankle. “ That’s sprained. “ She looks up at him, the eyes filled with tears but the blazing anger still flares. “ No shit Sherlock. No thanks to you! “ She spits at him, biting every word through the pain. Taken aback, he looks at her. “ I…Im sorry…” Taking a look at the young woman in front of him, his thoughts trail unchecked ‘ My gods, she’s a cutie’ He frowns to himself when he realises his train of thought and shakes his head. She looks at him and tries to stand again but the ankle prevents her, and she sinks back to her knees, crying in earnest, the earphones forgotten, dangling from the small pin on her top.


Andrew bends down and puts his arm supportively around her, but she shrugs him off with a hiss “ Don’t you think you have done enough already ? “ He backs off instantly while she tries to stand again but fails miserably. Her sobs touches something deep inside and his guts wrenches. Then making a decision he kneels next to the sobbing girl, and puts his arm in underneath her leg, the other around her shoulders, effortlessly picking her up in his arms. Again the thumping fists “Put.Me.Down.”


“What is your name, girl?” The empty aqua eyes fixes on her, ignoring the flailing fists on his chest. “What?” She blinks at him, mid punch. A gentle frown appears between Andrew’s brows. “ I am asking you your name? “ She scoffs and folds her arms, realising she is not even slightly phasing this ignoramus. “Maegen.” With a curt nod he acknowledges her. “ Well Maegen. I’m Andrew. Now I am really sorry for hurting you and I deeply apologize. But if we don’t do something about that ankle of yours quickly, you are not gonna be walking for quite some time.I’m not even sure if it’s just sprained or broken.” With these words he starts walking in the direction which he came from.


“Hey.” The voice is small, scared “HEY, ANDREW! You are going the wrong way! Where are you taking me ? “ He looks down for a moment. “ My place. I need to check out that leg of yours “ Maegen starts wriggling in his arms “ Put me the fuck down! “ He looks at her, stops and gently puts the girl down. “ you will not be able to walk on that leg, Miss “ She looks at him, scared, pale but brave “ I don’t need you. If it wasn’t for you in the first place I would have already been at home! “ As he steps back she tries to walk forward but falls with an outcry of pain and loses her balance, instinctively grabbing hold of his shirt to stay upright, tearing a small part of it.


Looking up at the tear in his shirt her eyes fixed in terror on a big scar that looks recent, then up at his eyes, which now has a quaint twinkle in it, the aqua in his eyes somehow brighter. “ Well now. If that is your idea for revenge…” he leaves the statement hanging in the air. “ You are a really big asshole you know that ? “ He laughs despite himself “ So I have been told, yes. Now are you gonna allow me to help you or are we gonna keep arguing about the matter in the park?”  She looks at him and squints at him “ you are actually enjoying this now aren’t you? “ He smiles. “ Yes, quite.” She blinks at him again “ Asshole “ He snorts. “Yes m’lady “ She holds out her arm so he can pull her up, but instead he bends down once more and hooks his neck under the offered arm and picks her up in the same manner as before. Maegen remains silent ‘ Damned asshole! Where did you crawl out of, Shakespear?’


Her thoughts clouded with indignity, Maegen bites her lip to try and deal with her ankle’s searing pain. Andrew looks down at her once, frowns slightly and then quickly looks away, but not before her keen eyes spotted the shadow that flitted across the stern, empty face. ‘ His eyes…’ She looks down, jostled slightly by his paced movements. ‘ They are the most beautiful eyes I’ve seen in my life’ She sneaks another look at him, bolder this time. ‘So sad and empty…’ A shiver runs down her spine ‘What if this guy is a serial killer or rapist or something?’ As the thought hits her she goes tense and wriggles again, thoroughly scared to the core now.


“Could you please put me down, sir?” She looks up at him and he stops, frowning, but then looks around and finds a bench, gently seating her on it, the wood still slightly damp from the morning dew, then looks at her, backing away a step or two. “I can call my dad, I’m sure he will be able to come and help me” Andrew frowns but then a revelation comes over him. “ Ah I see. You are scared of me cos I’m the stranger and all that “ He chuckles when she looks down. “ It’s okay, I get it. Wait here, okay ? “ Without a further glance back to her or another word he starts pelting down the road, looking gracious yet the urgency is in his body language, his long legs carrying him further from her in seconds. Her mouth hangs open. ‘ You bloody asshole! Where am I going to go with this darn foot?! Did you just take the easy way out ?! ‘ Her wrath is not enough to keep the pain in her ankle from her mind. Maegen groans a small and pained “Fuck “and sinks her head into her hands.


On the road, Andrew’s mind is in overdrive ‘What the fuck?!’ He thinks to himself, chagrined with himself for causing so much trouble. It was supposed to be a routine jog and workout, his first day in a year that he could actually breathe, having received time off after his last endeavour. ‘You are supposed to be resting, but then you go and bulldoze women in the park. Andrew, you dolt!’ He shakes his head, clearing his thoughts as his body carries him easily back to the apartment. Arriving at the door, he quickly enters and immediately dives for his bag, which he hasn’t unpacked yet.  Instead of just taking what he need, he snaps the entire utility belt onto his waist, then remembers something, and unclips one of the side sachets and throws it on the couch. He then reaches around the corner into the fridge, taking out a bottle. Out of the door again in seconds, the slam lock taking care of locking behind him, and he is on his way, ignoring the stares of people he passes, carrying the bulky belt on his waist with ease.


Hearing his sport shoes on the tarmac minutes later Maegen looks up and again her mouth opens slightly. “Uh” Andrew winks at her “ I needed to fetch my rape drug, knife and other utensils “ It takes Maegen a moment to realise what he is referring to and she looks down, blushing blood red, squeaking a small “ Asshole “ . Chuckling, Andrew kneels in front of her already swollen ankle, fiddling in one of the sachets around his waist. Moments later he produces a huge military pocket knife, and Maegen takes a gulp of air “ Oh Fuck no, I thought you were joking! “ Again the irritating chuckle and he looks up at her, the aqua eyes dancing with humor “ Relax. I am not about to cut your throat. Or chop your head off for that matter. “  Maegen glares at him, and they both speak at the same time “ Asshole “ Blinking at him for a moment, she stares at him while he attempts his best to keep a grin from his face, as he ever so gently start cutting away the laces of her shoe.


Cringing and biting her lip waiting for the pain, it takes Maegen a few seconds to realise the gentle effectiveness that he is working on her shoe, although the scary knife is much sharper than it looks, because it makes little work of the thick laces. She blushes as Andrew slowly takes the shoe off, and eyeballs her pink flowery sock, and she looks away. Andrew whistles softly, and her eyes snap back to him “What?” He looks at her with a slight frown, the aqua eyes going empty in seconds, again the shadow falling over his face. “That’s sprained badly. I have to take the sock off, but it’s going to hurt like a bitch in labour” Realising what he said he quickly looks up at her and sees her going paler than she is already. “ I’m sorry. It might hurt a lot, but I will try not to.”


“You ready?” His fingertips poised on her calf, she blushes profusely but nods, biting her lip. Andrew looks down, gently peeling the sock from the swollen ankle, applying pressure and releasing it when he feels her tense. Maegen blushes more and groans softly, wishing she had put nail polish on the night before, but felt too lazy. How was she to know some idiot would try to kill her ? She grunts, annoyed, and Andrew’s hands stills immediately, and he looks up at her questioningly. She shakes her head in silence. ‘Asshole’ As if he could read her thoughts he grins again briefly, but his smile fades almost immediately as he concentrates on her foot. Taking the sock off completely, a look of horror comes across his face, making her blush even more. “ I’m sorry “ Maegen whispers, I wasn’t expecting some ass to attempt breaking my legs. “ Andrew looks up at her, and their eyes meet for a moment , but again the aqua has a strange light in them this time. ‘ There is that empty, sad look again’ Maegen tries to identify the emotion behind the eyes. ‘But there is something deeper, something way deeper behind just the way he looks at the world’


She watches him reach into his sachets again, wondering what else he has in the huge belt, as she becomes awkwardly aware that a lot of people are openly stopping and staring at them, most of these people are acquaintances, but for some reason nobody approaches. ‘idiots’ Maegen fumes. ‘ Do none of you actually care that a stranger in our neighbourhood is doing this to me ?’  She is torn out of her rant by the sound of a spray can being shaken, the marble in it ringing loudly in the morning air. Goggling at him she watches Andrew shake what looks to be paint. “Hey, wait! “ She utters the words too late as she gasps, the sudden cold of the spray making contact on her skin, feeling like her foot has just been dumped into a bucket of ice, and she yanks it away from the offending space, calling out in pain


“Oi you can’t do that “ Andrew mutters, not taking his eyes away from the job at hand, merely taking her foot back to where it was, and applying more of the cold spray, this time holding her calf in place with authority, but without hurting. Luckily the coldest of the spray is over, and now it’s just a funny tingling on her foot. She realises with a shock that her foot has gone numb, and the pain is also fading rapidly. Interested, her wrath gone for a moment, she peeks at him “ what is that ? “ He looks up briefly, whilst placing the bottle back in a sachet, switching hands on her calf and now producing a bottle of ointment from his other side, opening it one handed and placing it on the ground  before answering her “ It’s an Anaesthetic spray used on bullet wounds, but also used in sports injuries. This might hurt abit, I do not want to wait for the spray to work completely otherwise I won’t be able to see exactly what happened inside here.” Again he takes her foot, and softly starts massaging some of the salve into her foot, and the strong smell hits her nostrils with a fury. “Oh my god, what is THAT?!” Maegen turns her head away from it, covering her nose. Andrew chuckles. “ This is my own salve that I mix and use on almost a daily basis “ Finishing with her foot, Andrew wipes his hand on his shorts and returns the bottle to his pocket, lastly taking out a bandage, which he starts putting on her ankle, Maegen watching him with a slightly different opinion now. What felt like hours for her  was nothing more than a few minutes, in which he effectively tended to her injured foot.


The pain dissolving fast, Maegen now watches Andrew packing up her shoe, hooking it in some way to his belt, and he sits down next to her on the bench, taking out a packet of cigarettes and lighting one. “ We have to wait for the foot to be completely numb before I move you” When Maegen does not respond, he looks at her, and notices her staring at him intently. “M’lady?” Without thinking she takes the cigarette out of his mouth, breaks it in two, and throws it away. When she realises what she’s done she gives a soft “Oh” and looks at him fearfully, her hand in front of her mouth, as he watches her with an astonished look on his face, his mouth half open. Again the eyes meet, and again, Maegen gets lost in the sea of aqua, trying to phantom the emotions behind the closed windows of this man’s soul, whilst she tries to figure out what his response will be to her mechanical reaction.

“Well now. That’s a first.” Andrew shrugs, and lights another cigarette, taking care not to allow it to be in his mouth too long, lest the girl tries to sabotage him again. She sighs, but doesn’t attempt her bold move a second time. Watching her foot, Andrew notices the slight blueish tinge on it and inwardly swears at himself. His calm and collected thoughts going haywire, he tries to fend off  the memories and looks at the girl next to him “ Where do you live, M’lady? “ She gives him the address, and he thinks for a moment. “ That’s too far, you will never last that long. I’m going to carry you to my place, and then take you home in the car, okay? “ She looks at him for a moment, then nods slowly.


Finishing his smoke, Andrew looks at Maegen. “ Okay then. Let’s get you home.” He bends forward, and she almost automatically puts her arm around his neck, lifting her leg slightly so he can get an arm through. “ See you can learn quickly, m’lady” Maegen looks at him, annoyed. “ What the fuck is it with you and ‘M’lady’ ? “ she hisses at him, all her zeal back now that the pain is gone. Andrew looks at her in surprise. “ Oh I’m sorry, It’s just the way I speak, my apologies if it annoys you” She stares at him. The sincerity with which he spoke took the fight out of her bite. “ It doesn’t annoy me…Its only that we are in the 21st century you know “ Andrew starts walking back towards his apartment, a slight smile on his face “ Yea. I know “

The rest of the trip to the small apartment is made in silence, Andrew carrying Maegen effortlessly, whilst she broods, at times furious and at others curious. Now and then she peeks at him, but either he does not notice or he does not make a comment about it, his face is closed and sombre, his eyes steely light blue,  his lips a thin line. She marvels at the fact that he shows no fatigue, even though he has probably run a lot more than he is used to. For some reason she becomes sleepy, possibly from the crying, and she fights the urge to sleep with all she can. She eventually loses the battle, and falls asleep, which Andrew notices when he feels her relax completely, and looks down. Without waking her, he steps into his yard, and somehow manages to open the slam lock with one hand, without dropping the sleeping girl.


‘Gods I wish I opened the windows and doors last night’ The place has not really been open for about a year, with only his landlady’s housemaid being in here once a week to clean and dust, so it has a stale air about it. Gently laying Maegen down on the couch without waking her, he disappear into the bedroom for a moment and returns with a coat, lined with synthetic fur for a collar, which he throws over her. He then makes his way to the open plan kitchen, rinsing out mugs and the kettle, going about looking for things he haven’t used in well over a year, like teaspoons. While rummaging in a cupboard on his knees looking for coffee, he hears Maegen groan and comes upright suddenly.


Maegen snuggles the warm, fluffy blanket, smiling softly in her sleep. She wakes up unwillingly, not wanting to leave the warmth of sleep’s safety, she stretches and groans catlike, and then her eyes flare open as she hears a thud and a man’s voice, uttering a word that could only be a swearword. With a gasp she sits bolt upright. Looking down at the ‘blanket’ she realises it’s not a blanket but an actual coat, looks like its military but it has insignia on the shoulders that she doesn’t recognize. As everything comes back to her, remembering the morning’s happenings she throws the coat off her, and looks in terror at her bandaged foot, then turns around on the couch and finds a teary eyed Andrew with a bag of what looks like instant coffee in his hands. “ I thought you said your taking me to MY home?” She glares at him, and tries to get up, instinctively checking that nothing on her clothing is out of place. Rubbing the back of his head, Andrew shakes it slowly, cursing inwardly for forgetting the drawer open. “ You fell asleep, and I didn’t want to wake you. “ He gestures foolishly at the kettle. Besides, I was going to offer you a cup of coffee first. If you wish, I can take you home immediately, but will appreciate it if you will allow me to say sorry with a cup of something I can drug “


Maegen glares at him, opens her mouth and closes it. “ Fine. Il have your drug. But you better take me home before it kicks in. “Andrew smiles at her. A genuinely pleased smile. Maegen blinks and looks more closely at him. The difference is like night and day. ‘Holy shit!’ she thinks to herself. ‘Why on earth is this man so confusing and exasperating at the same time?! ‘She watches him as he busies himself with mugs and the kettle, as he carefully rinses everything again and prepares the coffee. The aroma of the coffee is intoxicating, and for a moment she forgets about the morning, drinking in the scent. She then looks around the room, which is sparsely decorated, except for a few photos of military origin and a table full of medals and other trophies, there is a television set, a guitar and a computer connected to a hi-fi system. Looking into the bedroom curiously, all she can see is a wardrobe and a double bed, but it looks brand new and unused.


Her thoughts is interrupted by Andrew bringing her a huge mug of coffee. “ Your drug, m’lady. Drink up “ She stares at him and takes the mug mechanically. “ you expect me to drink this entire tank of coffee? “  Andrew smiles. “No. I expect you to enjoy it.” Especially with the drug I put in it. “ Maegen can’t help it anymore and giggles. “ Fine already. I accept that you will not drug me and do me harm. Although I must ask you not to break my legs any further “  Andrew’s smile falters like a blown lightbulb and he sobers immediately. “ Yes, I apologize” he looks down, twirling his own mug the size of a beer mug in his hands “ It is not like me to not pay attention. “


Feeling slightly guilty, Maegen points at the medals. “yours?” Andrew nods. “Yes most of them. A Few belonged to my brother” The shadow flickers again, and the eyes go empty. Sensing his reluctance, Maegen tries again. “So… you’re a paramedic ? “ Andrew chuckles softly and shakes his head. “ Spec-ops Marksman” He takes a swig of coffee, looking like he is trying to drown himself in the mug, then looks at her, raising an eyebrow when she stares at him with an open mouth. “Come again? “ She mutters. He chuckles again, with a slightly bitter undertone. “ I’m a 1st Lieutenant Special operations marksman in the United Nations military forces. I’m currently stationed here in South Africa and liaised to the GSG, or the german special operations force against terrorist activity “ Maegen keeps staring at him, dumbfounded. “ okay okay. I’m an international sniper in the army. I kill people for a living.” Maegen pales “ was that so hard to just say in the first place ? “


“It sounds very harsh in that way” Andrew looks down again, draining his mug and getting up, placing it in the basin. Maegen looks at him, but the undertone of hurt did not escape her feminine senses. “ Killing is killing, Andrew. No matter what you call it otherwise “ Again, she realises what she said only too late. The aqua eyes locks onto her face, but there is no feeling, no emotion. Its like a beautiful void of emptiness, and a pang of hurt and sympathy rocks her heart “I do what I must to protect the innocent and vulnerable, Maegen “ He looks at his watch and frowns slightly. “ Do you have someone at home waiting? I don’t want them to worry too much about you, although it has been two hours already” Maegen looks at him in shock “ What? Really? “ Swinging her legs off hastily she tries to get up, forgetting about the sprained ankle. The numb foot not supporting her, she over balances and collapses, but is saved from another fall by Andrew reaching her in a matter of seconds, the remains of her coffee sloshing him. Despite the warm fluid rushing over him, Andrew remains where he is, keeping the girl upright. She looks at him in horror, holding on to him with her free hand “ Oh no…” Her eyes are wide and the shock is just too much for her. The morning takes its toll and she breaks down, tears silently running down her face.


Carefully holding her up, Andrew takes the mug from her, and allows the weeping girl to sink back onto the couch, before he releases her slowly. His voice is very soft when he speaks. “ It’s okay, don’t worry about it “ Maegen looks up at him, trying to focus through the tears. “ How can you say its  okay, when we both know it is not? I cannot walk, then I go and waste the coffee you made, on top of being a total bitch I burn you as well! “ Andrew sighs lengthily and takes off his shirt, wiping his upper body with it. “Give me a moment “ He walks over to the bathroom, wets a cloth and wipes off his body, which Maegen is staring at in utter silenced shock. He sees her face in the mirror, frowns and then closes the door behind him, hiding him from her view. She did not glimpse more than a few seconds of his body, but what she saw was horrific. Some of those looked really painful, and one or two even looked new.


After cleaning the coffee off his body, Andrew walks takes a shirt that happened to be in the bathroom and pull it over his head, then goes to his wardrobe and pulls out a handkerchief, taking it to the girl who watches him with wide eyes, tears still flowing freely. He holds it out wordlessly, which she takes, and clear her face with it. Andrew busies himself with a  mop and bucket, cleaning up the spill. This being done, he then looks at Maegen “ Ready to go home ? “ She nods in response and he smiles slightly. “ I’m gonna pull out the car. Please do not try to stand. You will not be able to. “ He takes a key from a hook next to the door and leaves.


Maegen wipes her face with the hankerchief, trying to hold back the tears. Her phone vibrates in her pocket, and she takes it out, then starts crying anew as she sees the cracked screen. The display is useless, and she cannot answer the call. Andrew, returning from the car, looks at her crying then at her phone. “scheiße!” He makes a quick mental note then picks the weeping girl up in his arms again. “ Don’t worry, Ill sort that out. It is after all , my fault. “ She shakes her head “ No I can’t expect that of you, you already did enough “ Maegen sobs, still trying to get over the whole morning. Andrew looks at her but remains silent, then carries her to the car.


Pulling up to the address she gave him, Andrew gets out, and looks at her. “ Is there someone I can ask to come fetch you ?  “  Before she can answer, someone opens the front door, and a middle aged man steps through, swearing.  Andrew looks at the man, then back at Maegen. He steps back as the person walks right past him, then yanks open his car door. “ Where the fuck have you been?! “ Andrew frowns. “Excuse me, sir” The man ignores him, and keeps screaming at the girl in the car. “ Why are you not answering your fucking phone? Answer me! “  Andrew, getting slightly annoyed with the man, tries again. “ Scuze me sir, that would be my fault “ The man whips around, now screaming at Andrew, which lifts an eyebrow, and he notices the undertone of alcohol on the man’s breath “ And who the fuck are you ?  Who do you think you are just driving around with my daughter in your car? “


Seriously annoyed, Andrew’s eyes flash, and his entire physique speaks of anger, radiating from him in a  deadly vibe. His voice, even colder than his eyes, comes as a whisper, as he steps forward to the screaming, swearing person. “ If you allowed me to speak, I would tell you that your daughter had an accident, when I ran into her, literally. She has a sprained ankle…” Andrew is not allowed to finish his sentence, as the half drunken man interrupts him and swings a fist, which Andrew catches and squeezes to the point where the man is squealing. He releases the fist then picks Maegen up from the car, ignoring the now silent man and walks up into the house, noting the fearful look on her face. “Which way to your room” His voice is soft, but his anger is still radiant. “ That way “ She points quietly. He puts her down on her bed, and looks at her. “ you know where my place is ? “ She nods. Andrew sighs “Well Maegen. Once again, I apologize for trying to break your leg. Should you need to bring me a hospital bill or something of the kind you know where I live. Also, I am at the park every day. I will be home until end of next month, before going back to camp “ He holds out his hand, but Maegen only stares at it. After an awkward silence, Andrew nods curtly and leaves the room.


Three days later, Maegen is roused early in the morning by her father opening her  door, throwing a box on her bed and closing it again. It’s a simple shoebox, which, when she opened it, contained an exact copy of her destroyed shoes, and a new phone, the latest model of what she had. In the box was a small note, in cursive neat writing:


“Maegen. My apologies for taking so long in replacing your belongings that was damaged. I had some difficulty finding the same shoes you had.”


Maegan’s silent tears stained the note.

Chapter 2


Several days later, of which the last four was rainy and absolutely miserable, Maegen checks out the window to see a brilliant, sunny morning. The ankle was not as badly hurt as she thought it to be, and her mood lifts considerably as she changes to go for her usual morning run. Having had ample time to set up the new phone and carry over all her data from the old phone to the new one, she slips it into its cover ( It was in the box ) and onto her arm, which fits snugly into the armband, also found in the box. The shoes which was found on her doorstep fits perfectly as well, and having the opportunity to wear them lightens her mood even further.


Humming softly to herself and her music, Maegen sets off to the park, pacing herself to try and not overwork the ankle. As she gets to the park she slows subconsciously, her eyes searching for the tall young man she met the week before. Stopping at the other side of the park, she realises with a disappointing feeling that he must not be around today. Her mood dampened slightly, she turns around, arguing with herself ‘ It’s not like you really wanna see him again…not after he nearly broke your leg! ‘ She starts her normal routine back, circling the park and stopping here and there to stretch.


At one of these intervals her attention is drawn to a horrific coughing not too far from her. Looking at the person Maegen notices the hoody, drawn up over the head, of a person doing frantic push ups, the muscles visibly bulging underneath the cloth. Frowning, she steps closer to the man slowly, as no person in their right mind would or should be exercising in such a state.  “ Excuse me sir, are you okay ? “ Her heart misses a beat when  the man looks up and the unmistakable aqua eyes glare at her from underneath the hood. “ Andrew? “  He attempts to  continue his workout but another series of cough pulls him to the ground, and he rolls over, sitting up slowly. “ Morning, Maegen “ Again he coughs, sweat streaming off his face. Breathing hard, he looks up at her, his face as white as snow, the eyes have bags underneath and he looks terrible. “ How are you today ? “


Maegen is immediately immensely annoyed “ Fuck how I am, what are you doing? “ Without thinking Maegen brushes back the hood. “ Well, I was trying to do push ups, but I’m just not up to my normal self today ?“ Maegen almost smacks him. When he chuckles she hisses at him “ What the hell is so funny, Andrew? “ He coughs and smiles “ You look even prettier when you are mad, m’lady “  Stunned, Maegen stares at him, then touches his forehead, first in a mocking sense, then, frowning, she actually looks at him in a stern way “God Andrew are you trying to kill yourself? Your fever is so high it burns my hand!” He shakes his head. “ It’s nothing. It will blow over “ Again Maegen gapes at Andrew ‘ you arrogant, stupid asshole ‘ She fumes in her mind. ‘ You probably have pneumonia or something stupid and you are out here instead of in bed, what are you playing at ?! ‘ She balls her fists, sums Andrew up for a second, then grabs his wrist. “ Come, let’s go “ Andrew looks up at her and takes out a cigarette, which she promptly takes with her free hand “ Da fuck will you smoke right now! Get up! “


She marches him straight to his home, only realising halfway that she is walking too fast and half dragging him behind her, whilst muttering non stop, voicing her indignation at his stupidity. At some point she also realise what she’s doing, but could not care much about telling him what to do, as he is clearly making the wrong decisions. Biting her lip, Maegen manages to get him to the small apartment where he carried her not two weeks ago, silently holds out a hand for the keys, then fumbles with them, all the time holding his hand. Once inside she pushes him into the bathroom. “ Shower.  Now “ Lifting her eyebrows when he opens his mouth to protest, she gives him another shove, bending her body against his “ Now Andrew! Stop shitting around! “ She closes the door behind him, turning and leaning with her back against it.


‘What the fuck am I doing?!’ she thinks to herself. ‘I shouldn’t even be here, what do I care about him ? ‘  She takes out her phone and quickly sends a text, then looks around her. Nothing has changed. Although everything is clean,  you would barely notice that someone is living there. She fills and switches on the kettle, then goes about searching for coffee, sugar and milk. Confusion quickly becomes irritation as every door she opens leaves her facing emptiness. Finally finding a bag of the sachets she opens the fridge and finds unopened milk, and the sugar. ‘ Really?! Sugar in the fridge ? ‘ Realizing that she has not seen anything in the element of foodstuff, she frowns and peeks in the freezer ‘ Does this man eat?!’ The kettle whistles and pulls her out of her rant, and she finds the big mug and prepares coffee.


The bathroom door opens just as she puts the big mug down, which she had to carry with two hands to ensure she doesn’t spill, and Andrew steps out, hair dripping wet, his towel around his waist, and his upper body still glistening under the water droplets. Maegen stares at him, and their eyes meet for a brief second before her attention returns to the heavily scarred upper body. She pales and puts her hand in front of her mouth, unable to hide the horror from her face. Without speaking Andrew pads past her, whilst she watches him. Several gashes across his chest and shoulder, even his back is mutilated. Unwillingly tears jump into her eyes, and a pang of sympathy for Andrew threatens to overwhelm her. She tugs on his towel, then softly dabs at his shoulder, muttering “Asshole” Andrew tenses when she touches him, and  doesn’t  look at her again, only looking straight ahead of him.


Thinking that she hurt him, she stops and realizes that she has his towel in her hands and gasps, then actually spots the PT shorts he’s wearing. Chuckling for a moment before dissolving into another fit of coughs, Andrew holds on to the bedroom door to stay up right, but he has to fold over double eventually. Maegen, swearing and cussing constantly under her breath, dabs at his body moodily to try and dry him “ already fucking dying and still not trying at least to dry yourself properly….honestly what are you thinking….why haven’t you gone to  a doctor yet…” She keeps fussing over him finally drying his hear vigorously, then pushes him to the bed “ No “ He croaks. Again she loses it with this stubborn fool “ Andrew for fuck’s sake get into bed ! “ But he stands firm, surprisingly strong again despite his apparent sickness. “ No…Couch” He turns, making his way to the couch, and Maegen sighs, exasperated. Andrew lays down on the couch, but coughs again, sounding like he is about to spit out both lungs.

Maegen finds a folded duvet on the bed in the bedroom and throws it over Andrew, then returns to the bedroom and gets a pillow, noting that it seems brand new and unused, as does everything else in the bedroom, apart from the wardrobe .She frowns momentarily and puts the pillow behind his head back in the living room. He coughs again, but does not object to her attention, tucking the duvet in around him and making sure it covers him like a cocoon. She takes his towel and hangs it up in the bathroom, then walks back into the living room  “ I’ve made you some coffee. “ She picks up the mug with both hands and turns carefully on the spot but  never has the chance to give him the mug, which she silently puts back onto the small table. Andrew is fast asleep.


It’s dark. But the pitch is alive. His chest burns. Badly. He tries to move but fails. The burning in his chest intensifies with every breath he takes. So he tries not to breathe. It doesn’t work. A scream in the darkness reaches him. The panicked voice of a woman. He knows the voice. Forcing past the pain he tries again to move. He has to get to her! He fails again. A drunken voice slurs something. The woman screams again. The slurry voice sounds annoyed, then a slap is heard. ‘Move’ His body won’t listen, his chest burning like a furnace. ‘MOVE’ still it disobeys him. He hears cloth being torn, she screams hysterically and starts crying, screaming in pain and agony again and again and again.


Andrew cries out , sitting bolt upright and immediately starts coughing, holding his chest. When the fit is over, he breathes loudly, his head in his hands, weeping unashamedly and unaware of the dark pair of eyes bearing witness to his agony.  He does not hold back the storm, hitting his fist against the wall, and eventually coughing again. After a quarter hour of rage and agony, he manages to get a hold of the raging emotion and wipes his face on his now bleeding fist, realizes it’s not helping and then wipes both his face and fist on the duvet. “Fuck, really now? “ He yelps and jumps, eyes wide but starts coughing again, holding his hand in front of his mouth , frowning at the girl curled up in the lazyboy, watching him. She sighs and stands up, walking over to the kitchen counter, where she takes a bottle and a medicine spoon and walks over to him “ Of all the idiotic men I have had the misfortune of meeting in my life, you sir, take the noble prize”


Pouring some of the liquid into the spoon, she holds it out to him. The aqua eyes watch her for a lengthy time, then he opens his mouth, and she unceremoniously shoves the spoon in. He doesn’t swallow. “Oh my god Andrew stop being so damned difficult and just swallow it! “ She puts the bottle down and grips his nose, closing his airways. His eyebrows shoot up but he swallows immediately, and then pulls a face that would scare an ogre. Maegen giggles softly, and releases his nose, ignoring the blazing blue eyes. “ Oh hell no” He croaks when  she opens the bottle again “ She puts her hand on her hip, and looks at him “ My way or the hard way, Andrew, what will it be? “ Andrew grins “ Fine you win….I already had a chance at drugging you, guess it’s only fair you get the same chance “ He opens his mouth and allows her to feed him the mixture, tries to keep his face straight and fails “ God what is that ? “ Maegen looks at the bottle. “I don’t know. But the pharmacy said it will help for your cough and fever.“


Andrew looks at her dumbfounded “you went and bought this stuff? How much do I owe you “He tries to stand but she pushes him back onto the couch. “ For goodness sake relax “ She waits for him to finish coughing again “ The receipt is on your  counter, both for the pharmacy and the grocery shop “  Looking at her with an incredulous face Andrew shakes his head “ What on earth did you get at the grocery store ? “ Maegen grins. “ I don’t think you’ve heard of it before, It’s called food, to the normal human “ His head snaps toward her and he lets out a huge sigh, throwing his hands in the air “ Touché, fine fine you win I give up and all that. Guess that makes us even. Although you didn’t try to break my leg “ He coughs again, and tries to get up. Maegen pushes him down again “ God what must I do? Chain you to the fucking armrests ? “ They both stare at one another for a brief moment in shocked silence and then burst out laughing, Andrew ending in yet another session of barking coughs.

Maegen scowls disapprovingly. “How did you get into this state? “ Andrew sighs and takes a deep breath. “I never miss an exercising session, no matter what. Just didn’t think that I would get sick so easily from the rain.” She stares at him for a moment then shakes her head. “ You’re a real baddass idiot. I have to go, I’m much later than what I planned to be.” She gets up, looks down at the man on the couch. “ Have that hand tended to, it looks like you smashed the bones to dust “ He remains silent, but the aqua in his eyes are cloudy and sad again. As she gets to the door, she hears her name being whispered quietly. Turning around, she finds Andrew’s eyes pinning her down, as he stands crooked in the doorway. “ Thanks “ Maegen closes the door without responding to him.

The very next day, after running, Maegen sits on her bed with her books strewn around her, her mind busy with the studies and knowledge they contain. She does not notice the dark shadow in her doorway, and gasps when a light knock wrenches her out of her concentration. “I’m sorry to disturb you, m’lady” She looks at him, mouth half open, before registering what’s going on. “ Will you cut it out with the Shakespear shit? How did you get in here? Better yet, what the fuck are you doing out of bed? “ She scowls dissaprovingly at his short sleeves.


A small smile touches his lips, his eyes lighting up for a moment, but then it is gone. Taking out an envelope he hands it to her.” I have a debt to pay. And the elder gentleman let me in. I do not think that you heard the doorbell. Again, I apologize for disturbing you.” And with that he is gone. Moments later she hears the front door open, him uttering a soft word of thanks to her father, and the door closes again.


She sighs in exasperation. ‘Asshole’ She opens the envelope, finds a card, and several crisp notes in it. Way more than she spent on the few things she bought the day before. Maegen gasps, then pelts out the door, envelope in hand.


Waking up feeling much better, Andrew stretches in the early morning light pilfering through the blinds of the living room. Looking at his wristwatch in the semi dark, he snorts. ‘Never fails.’ It is 5 AM. He frowns, looking at his fist. Memories rush back into his consciousness. He knows Maegen was here. The thought of the slim, dark haired beauty makes him sit upright quickly and he resolves into a fit of coughs.


He swings his legs from underneath the duvet, and spots the cold mug of coffee on the table. Taking it , he sips it, then drains it. The coffee is good, but the disprin and fluzin taste is unmistakable. He chuckles to himself “Yup. Karma” he says to the room in general. His eyes then fall on the paper on the counter when he enters the kitchen to wash his cup. Picking it up he makes a note of the amount and then puts the receipt in a drawer.


A few hours later he pulls up to the well kept house, and checks that he has the envelope in his pocket. Pressing on the steering wheel, he writes a small note on the card and stuff it into the envelope, with a slight frown. ‘I don’t know why I’m doing this, writing cards and things. But I guess you just have this effect on me.’ He gets out, walks up to the front door and rings the bell. He waits a moment then rings it again. The man from the last time he was there opens the door and regards him in silence. “ Good morning Sir. Would you be so kind as to give this to Maegen?” The man looks at him then stands aside, opening the door. “ She is in her room.” With a nod, Andrew steps inside.


He walks directly to her room, and draws an inaudible breath when the sight of her meets him, where she is poring over her books, music blaring in her ears, earphones hiding his presence. He watches her for a moment, drinking in the sheer beauty of her well formed, fit legs to the dark hair, loose now, falling softly across her face. He shakes his head, clearing his mind from the thoughts rushing through him, and he hides his wrath for himself as well as he can before knocking on the door softly.


After giving her the envelope and thanking her father he gets back into the car, his emotions washing over him like a cool summer breeze, waves of silent persistent emotions colliding inside. He lights a cigarette, moodily drawing on it, rolling the window down. Just as he wants to start the engine, the front door bursts open, and Maegen rushes out, looking around for a moment before finding him, and the dark eyes pin him down as she determinedly walks down the pathway to his car.


“This is too much. I did’nt even spend half of what you have in here.” Her voice is ls slightly higher. She is clearly upset. Andrew takes another drag, blowing it into the other side of the car, knowing how much she hates the smoke, before answering her. “ The rest was for nursing me. You will find that it’s actually not enough, as the price of private nursing is way more than that. I take it you haven’t read the card. “ Maegen looks at him, then scowling takes the cigarette from his hand and throws it away. Again his eyebrows shoot up, and after a moment of silence he lights another. “ Do you honestly think I expected to be paid for this? “ She takes the new cigarette, barely smoked, chucks it away as well. The blazing aqua meets the dark eyes for a moment, and again, they speak at the same time. “Asshole” Andrew’s eyes starts to twinkle, and this annoys the girl even more.


“Just stop it will you? I am not a charity case, I don’t need donations from total strangers.” She throws the envelope back into his lap. Andrew Sighs. ‘ Okay. You didn’t read the card. “ Taking the envelope in his hand, he starts the engine, holding it out to her. “ Take it, read the card. “ He waits a few moments, then lets go of the paper, it falling on the pathway next to the car. “ Take care, m’lady “ He releases the shifter, pulling off slowly and smoothly. As he drives away, Maegen hears him coughing that horrible cough again, but she only stare after the car with her mouth half open. It takes her several moments after he turned off and she is no longer able to see the car to force an exasperated “Asshole!” whisper after him.


Picking up the envelope, Maegen fiddles with the small card. His handwriting is surprisingly neat.


‘ Dear Maegen.


Thank you for nursing me yesterday, and taking the time to care for an asshole. I am not the type to buy roses and chocolates or even thank you cards for that matter. But I do hope that you will know what to get yourself as a treat for caring for an idiot. I have included the amount you used as well.


Kindest Regards

AJ Du Faberge.’


She sighs, highly annoyed by the baddassed idiot. ‘What the fuck is your agenda?’ She wonders. Deciding that she cannot concentrate on her studies again, she goes back inside and dresses in a light top, running shoes and a small backpack. She walks to the park, brooding in silence with her music blasting in her ears as per custom, and she sits on a bench without noticing the familiarity of it, while she thinks.


Later she decides on a small lunch, or maybe a piece of cake, when her stomach reminds her she is a living being. With her mind still busy, she barely pays attention to the people around her, her thoughts stuck on various things. A man steps out of a building up ahead, his eyes on the piece of paper in his hand, frowning. She collides with him as she walks, and they both utter quick apologies  and carry on their way. It’s only when the man behind her starts coughing that she stops dead in her tracks, and swing around.


Andrew, trying to decipher the horrible writing on his prescription, steps outside of the doctor’s office and stands, a frown on his face. Perplexed by the seemingly useless scribbling, someone bumps into him , and he quickly mutters an apology before starting to walk forward, the person doing the same. Something in the voice registers but he does not pay attention to it, and he dissolves into a coughing fit again, angrily he starts walking off, trying to stifle the annoying bursts of air. He does not get far, before he has to stop and try to breathe. He closes his eyes after the intense cough, and try to stabilise his breathing.


A small hand taps his back, and he recognizes the angry voice instantly “ What the fuck is wrong with you, are you retarded? Why are you not in bed you dumb idiot!” Andrew’s chuckle forces him into another coughing marathon, and he turns away, holding out the small piece of paper to Maegen in answer.


She, taking it to see what it is, absentmindedly pats him on the back as she looks at the incredulous scribbles. Realising that he’s been to the doctor, she immediately feels bad for reprimanding him, then blushes when she realize that she’s patting him. Andrew breathing slowly and attempting to breathe deeply, watches her in silence. Again the two pairs of eyes meet. “ Would you like a cup of coffee, m’lady? “


“Really, Andrew?” The piece of paper in her hand on her hip, she looks at him. “I have a name you know. It’s Maegen. Not m’lady. I don’t even like coffee. And after you drugged me last time by your own confession, what makes you think I will drink anything with you again?” A smile touches his aqua eyes, and for a moment they light up, and she almost drowns in the blue depths, but his words quickly brings her back to earth and her face goes crimson “ Guess we are even now with the drugging, huh. Just so you know. I finished your coffee you made me, drugs and all”


Maegen scoffs.”Fine, let’s go have a coffee and drugs. But I am having tea. And I am keeping it as far away from you as I possibly can! “ Andrew nods and looks around for a shop that would sell the desired liquid. “Oh you are hopeless. This way.” Maegen doesn’t think about what she’s doing, merely grips his wrist, and pulls him in a direction. They sit outside, and Andrew flags down a waiter for them, then looks at her questioningly. “ Tea?” After nodding her consent, he nods to the waiter “ Tea for the lady and the biggest coffee you have for me, please. Thank you”


“Do you ever drink anything else than coffee?” He smiles. “Yes occasionally I drink coffee with flu medication, once someone manages to slip it” Maegen blushes again, looks down at her hands and mutters “ You started. “ Andrew, laughing, mutters back, leaning in confidently “ You asked “ He leans back quickly and coughs, then reaches for his pocket, taking out a cigarette. Lighting the lighter, his eyes meets hers, the small flame flickering between them. With a sigh he puts the lighter down and returns the cigarette to the packet. Maegen snorts softly “Good to see even idiots can learn” Andrew does not respond but merely points at a small fish fountain at the front of where they are seated. “ That looks nice “


Maegen, looking at him for a moment in shocked silence, turns around to see what he is pointing at, and grudgingly, agrees with him.” Yes it is” They sit as such in akward silence until the waiter interrupts their individual thoughts with a pot of tea, some milk and a ridiculously large cup of coffee,, at which Maegen only shakes her head, busying herself with the tea. Andrew, who was busying himself with the menu, points at something and looks at the waiter, who nods and leaves them. Maegen registers that Andrew has ordered something, but doesn’t really care, as she no longer really feel the need to eat.


The waiter returns shortly afterwards, Maegen looking in shock at the amount of sugar sachets disappearing into the coffee, looks up and sees a huge piece of cake, way bigger than she even normally eats, being served to herself, and Andrew moving aside his cup of coffee to receive the same portion.”But…” Andrew does not allow her to finish. “No butts.Eat up. That way I don’t feel guilty.” He gives a slight cough and digs into the cake with a spoon. Watching him for a moment, Maegen cannot help but notice how he enjoys the cake almost like a child, and his enthusiasm finally wins her over. The cake is heavenly, and they sit in silence and eat. Their drinks finished, and the cake crumbs the only evidence of said delicacies, Andrew offers another pot of tea.


“No thank you, I’m good. I need to get home.” A Shadow passes over his face, and Maegen wonders what is going through his mind. “Can I give you a lift?” She shakes her head. It’s okay, thank you, I’ll walk. Andrew nods and stands up, taking out his wallet and giving the waiter a few notes. “Wait, I’ll pay for my share. “ Andrew shakes his head and the waiter nods, stepping aside and wishing them a good day. “ Well. I will be going to get whatever it is I’m supposed to get, God knows what it is.”Andrew points at the prescription that Maegen put on the table.” So. I guess I will see you around, m’lady. Thank you for spending the morning with me, I greatly enjoyed your company” Andrew holds out his hand. “You are such a lord of an asshole, Andrew” she briefly takes his hand, wondering if he is gonna kiss it. Andrew notices her reluctance and squeezes her hand softly. “ Don’t worry, Mae. I’m old school, not French.”


He abrubtly turns and leaves a shocked Maegen repeating the three letters softly to herself. “Mae…”



Chapter 3


Maegen does not see much of the thorn in her side, and she almost forgets about him, focussing on her studies and exams. Finally with the last exam out of the way, Maegen goes jogging the one evening but end up sitting on a bench in the park, just staring at the sky.


The next morning, Maegen mumbles sleepily when her phone buzzes and vibrates. Pushing a button, she lets out a moan when it starts buzzing again. Squinting at the screen, she does not recognize the number, but seeing as the caller is so adamant, she moodily answers the phone. “ Yea?”


A soft chuckle from the phone’s speaker wakes her up a bit more. “ come on lazybones. Time to wake up “  She lets out a snarl but the phone is killed before she can even voice her aggravation.  ‘ Knowing him he is probably waiting outside. Damned asshole ‘ Yawning, she pulls on a robe, and makes her way to the front door, which she opens. Not surprised she finds Andrew on the outside of the gate, jogging on the spot. He looks at her and grins “ Please don’t tell me you are going to go running like that ! “


“Andrew you are such a damned asshole!” She bites the words out at him and slams the door shut again, huffing to her room. Thoroughly annoyed, she pulls on her shorts and top, getting her phone and earphones and strapping the phone in, her music blaring in her ears. Ignoring Andrew completely when she gets outside, she walks briskly in her normal direction, warming her muscles. She does not see him, but she is aware of his footsteps next to hers, matching her own pace. Still very annoyed by him, she starts her lengthening her strides when she gets to the corner before turning off to the park, and stealing a glimpse at him, she notices that he is smiling, looking ahead of them, and the aqua of his eyes captivates her.


At the park, Andrew stops for a moment, and Maegen stops instinctively, looking at him. He sits down and stretches, his face looking young, and seemingly unworried by the world. After stretching , he looks at her, says something and lifts an eyebrow, understanding that she could not hear him.  “ I asked if you need some help stretching, m’lady?” Maegen rolls her eyes, and sits down, after he replaced the tiny speaker in her ear. Without asking, Andrew takes each leg in his hand and stretches her muscles for her, and she cannot help but blush.


They start circling the park, and the brisk morning air lifts Maegen’s mood significantly. In silence, they jog, one foot after the other, Maegen noting that Andrew is pacing himself perfectly to her stride. After a good few rounds, she slows down gradually, eventually coming to a stop, aware of him next to her, then she looks up at him, surprised by how evenly he is breathing. “ Okay. That’s me for now. “ He nods and smiles. “ Mind if I do another round or two ? “ She shakes her head gently. “ As long as you don’t expect me to do them with you. I’ve already done more than my usual amount, I don’t want to strain something.” He nods, and again his boyish smile touches the aqua, and Maegen feels herself melting.


But then the smile is gone, and Andrew along with the smile, in seconds. Sitting down on the bench, Maegen watches him absentmindedly, again noting his pace. Now running alone, Andrew stretches his legs to the full extent, and increases his pace to the point where he might be running all out. He works his course around, then cuts short of the next corner, coming straight past her, and as he thumps past her, noticing Maegen’s eyes on him, he winks and then he is gone again. Chargrined Maegen blushes. After several laps at a seemingly insane pace, he finally stops next to her, breathing slightly more than usual, but with no significant difficulty. “ Wanna grab some breakfast? “ He holds out his hand, and Maegen takes it, again surprised by the ease at which he pulls her upright.


They walk across the park, where people are starting their day, other runners, businessmen, schoolkids. The silence between them is charged, but not uncomfortable. Each are busy with their own thoughts, in their own worlds – Maegen with her blaring music, Andrew with his closed hard face, no one would know what is racing through his mind. At the same restaurant they were last time, Andrew holds open the door for her with a gallant bow. “Seriously Andrew, get real “Maegen bites at him, but walks past him with her nose in the air, pony furiously brushing her shoulders. The only response she gets is a slight chuckle.


Andrew ordering his normal tank of coffee, Maegen opting for juice she looks at him and decides that she will figure out his agenda today. “ So tell me, Andrew. “ He puts down his mug, and gives her his undivided attention, the paper he was busy paging through being put aside in the same fluid motion. Slightly taken aback by his attentiveness, she steels herself ‘ Get a grip Maegen. This man is technically still a stranger!’ Her dark eyes meets his, and for a moment the aqua eyes flashes their heart melting brightness again. “ What is your plan, with all this? “ He frowns slightly “ What do you mean? “ His voice has a certain coldness in it, and it scares her “You. Always being around me. I am trying to figure out why you insist on running with me. You give me outrageous gifts. Always act like such a gentleman ”


She keeps her eyes on his face, but bites her tongue when she sees the shadow creep up his face. ‘Oh my god…’ The shadow reaches the blue eyes, and it looks like the windows to his soul shatters “ Ah.” He looks down at his hands, fumbling with the mug. “You see. In my line of work, I deal with a lot of things.” His silence makes her look up at him, trying to search his face, only to find a hard line in his mouth, his fingers clenched on the mug, the knuckles white. “ It’s good to have someone remind you now and then that you are human – that you are more than just a tool programmed for destruction. I find my remembrance in you. I am sorry, if it disturbs you.” He looks up, straight in her eyes, and for a moment, the curtain in front of the hard face lifts, and pain is etched into every inch of his face, before it flits away, the waiter putting his bowl of cereal in front of him. He says nothing more.


They eat in silence, Maegen not daring to probe deeper into his cryptic words, him not seemingly wanting to continue the subject. Finished, Andrew orders another mug of coffee, whilst she still sips on her juice. The silence is now laden, with the electricity almost crackling between them. Again Andrew looks up at her, and his voice is soft, pained, and the strain with which he formulates the words emulates the chaos inside. “ I have no friends to speak off. I know no one here. Aside from you I do not speak or interact with any other person. So while I was here, I reluctantly found a person I could deem as a friend”


Her eyes not able to break away from the blue ponds of pain, Maegen nods. “ I understand” She frowns slightly.
“ Wait. Why are you referring to the past tense?”

He smiles bitterly. “ My vacation is coming to an end. I am flying back tomorrow”

Looking at him, Maegen wonders at the amount of bitterness in his voice, and are surprised by her own feeling of loss, registering that this might well be the last time they spend time together “ what time are you leaving?”

He looks up, meets her eyes. “ At about 3 in the afternoon “

Finishing their breakfast in silence, Andrew refusing to allow her to pay for  her share of the breakfast, they go their separate ways, Maegen deep in thought and a plan brewing in her mind.


Morning breaks grim and rainy. Andrew opens his eyes from the couch and sighs long and hard. ‘ I cant believe that I am so reluctant to go back. And I don’t even know why’ In answer his brain allows a sillouette of a young, beautiful, dark eyed girl hang before his eyes for a brief moment, but he shakes his head, ridding himself of the image ‘ She would not even look at me in that way’ He rises, entering the shower where he spends almost an hour, before getting dressed in uniform, freshly washed and ironed, and sits on the couch, tackling his boots to make them shine. Afterwards he spends some time, cleaning the place, throwing over dust covers and ensuring taps are closed . Lastly he switches the electricity off, double checking the fridge to see that there is nothing there that can go off. Sporting his beret he takes the trash out from the can, and taking a last look at his home, turns and exits the door.


Depositing the bag of garbage in the pikitup bin by the front gate, Andrew hears the truck long before he can see it. He smiles as one of his comrades  calls out to him “ Lieutenant! Looks like you picked up a few kgs there! “ Swinging his duffel onto the back of the truck, Andrew puts one foot on the stepladder but freezes when he hears his name being called out...


‘Shit, I’m late!’ Maegen panics as she tries to pick up the pace’ Damned sandals! Don’t know why I’m doing this, It feels so stupid anyway’ As she approaches the corner before Andrew’s flat, she notices the bulky green and brown truck coming down the road, and when it turns down his road, she cusses softly, taking off the sandals, breaking into a barefooted run. As she rounds the corner, she notices his familiar tall frame on the back of the truck, his foot on the step. ‘ No choice ! ‘ she thinks to herself. “ Andrew! “ She sees him freeze, then turn around, before taking his foot of the ladder completely, his astonishment not concealed in the least. His mouth is half open, and while she breathes heavily, she pokes his chest softly. “ don’t stare at me like that, it cant be that ugly! “


He shakes his head gently, then takes a hipflask from his utility belt, opening the cap and holding it out to her. “ Here, have some. Its pure water, don’t worry” He bangs against the lid of the truck when the others inside start wolf whistling the girl outside, calling him on his rank. Taking the flask, she tries to peek into it. “Relax, its only cold water” Eyeing him, she takes a sip – and realises the water is still ice cold and filtered . After returning the flask to him, he places it back on his belt, and gently asks “ So Mae, what brings you here so beautifully dressed? “


‘Damnit!’ She completely forgot what she was here for.  Flustered. She pushes the white flowers into his hands, mumbles something that sounded like good luck and fortune and swiftly turns away, starting her way away from him. “ Mae.” She turns. He fumbles with something around his neck for a moment, then breaks the string holding it to his neck, disentangling it from another string that was still around his neck, and he walks closer to her putting the trinket in her hand, closing it in her palm with his. His voice is barely audible when he speaks “ Thank you” Before she can compose herself he jumped onto the back of the truck, vaulting himself over, banging twice on the lid, and the truck pulls away immediately. Aqua eyes staring at dark ones, he lifts his hand just before they round the corner, and only a few seconds after the truck disappeared, Maegen lifts her own. “Bye, asshole”

That night, Maegen has a hard time sleeping. Eventually rolling out of bed with a sigh, she makes her way to the kitchen and busies herself with a cup of tea. A frown is gently distorting her face. ‘ Why is it that I cannot get you out of my mind? ‘ Switching the lights off, she returns to her room, cup of tea in hand, pondering why the aqua eyed idiot is disturbing her sleep, even when he has finally left her in peace, going back to whatever it is that he does.


Back in her room, she looks at the small trinket he broke off his neck. It’s nothing spectacular. A small celtic cross in silver. Her eyes burns slightly, and she tosses her head to one side, annoyed with herself. ‘ Be glad you are rid of him!’ she chastises herself, and finish her tea with a scowl. Getting back into bed, she turns out the light by her bedside and look at the small silver glint on her bedside table in the darkness, eventually drifting off to sleep, broken aqua eyes in her dreams.


In the morning, she is barely able to sit up in the bed. Looking at herself in the mirror does not improve her already foul mood. The circles under her eyes are clearly visible. Her hair refuses to be strung into her usual ponytail. Getting ready for jogging is taking longer than usual, with her drifting around like a zombie, due to the lack of sleep from the night before. Eventually she makes her way to the front door, half expecting his voice to mock her. It doesn’t come. She starts a slow jog, then stops dead, before starting to stretch with a soft smirk on her face.


Returning home, Maegen is utterly exhausted, having pushed herself way beyond her normal limits. The shower does wonders, and a little bit of tasteful makeup hides her tiredness. Busy chewing on a piece of toast, she overhears the television in the living room talking about soldiers being dispatched, and uncharacteristically of her, hurries inside to have a look. All of the people on the screen wearing the same uniform and generally being unrecognisable, she lets out a sigh and returns to the kitchen, washing her hands and her plate before grabbing her bag.


Getting off the bus, she walks up to the college doors, just to be swept into a hug that makes her groan. “ Oooh it’s so good to see you! “ Maegen’s friend from High School, Belinda, croons over her, nearly taking her clothing off with her eyes. “ Man and look at that body…did you get a private instructor or something ?” Maegen smiles gently, her friends excitement addictive. “ You could say something of the sort. But don’t worry – he is a total asshole.” Belinda frowns slightly but doesn’t peruse the conversation, immediately going off in a rumble about her vacation in the south.


Maegen smiles broadly. It’s hard to be depressed around Belinda. The joyful even hyper blonde is never quiet and gets excited by almost everything. The morning passes quickly, and class is quite laid back as new books are shown off, vacations are talked about and the latest gossip is exchanged. “OI. Earth to Shuttle M” A sharp prod in the ribs brings her back from the outside where she has been staring at nothing in particular. “ What’s got you all thinking with that dreamy look in your eyes? And why are you blushing?! Do tell, M, don’t let me beg you!” Belinda is all over Maegen, her green eyes pinpointing her to the wall like a fly.


“Oh shut up, I’m not blushing – the sun is hot” Meagen retorts hastiliy ‘ Damn it, get yourself together! ‘ she quickly reprimands herself. “ Oh, come on, Maegen….what’s got you so worked up?” Belinda does not let the subject go and throws a rock in the bush. “Is he tall?” Maegen looks at her in shock and the rabbit jumps out before she can put a leash on it. “ He ain’t really that tall, but he ain’t short either. He towers over me, obviously “


“ I knew it!” Belinda lets out a cry of joy, ignoring Maegen’s horrified face “ Who is he… what does he do… what does he look like… do you have a picture…..come on Maegen tell me!” Maegen shakes her head. “ You are impossible, B. It’s some random guy that tried to break my legs at the start of vacation. He insists on jogging with me even after I told him to get lost several times “ Belinda folds her arms. “ So what, he is like a tall handsome stalker or something? You know I did warn you you are gonna attract the type with you continuously turning down guys.” Maegen snorts “ No I would not say Andrew is a stalker. He is however a bloody weirdo that sounds like he swallowed some play of Shakespear’s”


Belinda looks at her in wonder. “ Swallowed… wait..what? “ When she starts giggling Maegen slaps her arm gently, but her own smile is a dead giveaway. “ He is a nice guy with ancient manners. Keeps calling me m’lady like some 1800 french idiot. “ Pity he’s gone away. I could have introduced you two to each other – he is exactly the right type of weird you would like. “ She shrugs. “Oh well. He aint here, but my study book is, so I will rather talk about that. “ She steers the conversation away with determination, but a twinge in her chest reminds her of the aqua reason she had no sleep last night.


That night after showering, her hair in a towel, her eye catches the small glint of the cross once more. Maegen sighs, picks it up, and ties the string around her neck, posing to herself naked in the mirror. A sense of calm comes over her, and for the first time since they parted, Andrew’s twinkling blue eyes replace those broken ones in her mind’s eye. ‘ I still don’t know why you are so broken, Andrew. And I don’t even know why I should care. I have never really worried about strangers. Guys come and go. That’s how it goes. But you…’ Towelling her hair dry, she gets into bed,  studying the small cross in her hand , still around her neck. ‘ Be safe, asshole.’ Soon the girl drifts off to sleep her slender hand around a silver trinket.


Days come and go, and Maegen is forced to forget about the blue eyed reason that so regularly incurred her wrath. Her studies in the second year , the pace picks up considerably, and she has to give it her all. As the days turn to weeks, weeks to months, the girl gets caught up in her life, and it returns to normal, however occasionally she would wonder if the young man is still okay, but would casually shrug off her concern and carry on with her day.


Andrew watches the soldier as he walks around the car, open the door and hold out a crutch. He sighs deeply, then awkwardly pulls himself up using the side of the car’s door. With this out of the way, he takes the crutch from his colleague and nods “ Thank you Sebastian “. The young man nods and takes out a duffel, walking with Andrew to the front door, placing the bag next to Andrew, nodding to him once more and then getting back into the car, he leaves.


Again Andrew sighs deeply, and puts his key in the door. Once inside, he looks around, once again back at the place which he cannot recognise as home. Leaving the front door open, he pushes the duffel inside with a cast wrapped leg and closes the security gate behind him, leaving the wooden door open for fresh air. He pulls a sheet  from the sofa, throws it aside and slowly sits down on the sofa, picking up the remote of his stereo, before switching it on he makes himself comfortable, adjusting the arm in the sling and the casted leg in order that he wont fall off.


Shortly afterwards the sounds of instrumental guitar fills the small flat, and Andrew keeps at it, pressing the volume button up until the stereo had no more to give. Closing his eyes, he leans back  into the sofa, relaxing for the first time in months, drinking in the sounds of the strings booming from his speakers in the living room. As he dozes off he relives the nightmare of blood steel and smoke in his mind’s eye.


Walking briskly in the quickly darkening street, Maegen curses herself for missing the early bus. She got out of college late and had missed the early bus that she normally takes with mere seconds to spare. Thus she had to take the much later second bus. She walks past the street where Andrew lives, or lived, not paying much attention to it. Someone is playing some nice music, and for a moment out of pure curiosity, she checks the flat, noting that the front door is open. Her heart explicably missing a beat, she walks closer, touching the gate with a hand.


A shadow falls over the light streaming in from the door, and the subtle change of lighting wakes Andrew immediately. Pulling himself upright with effort he looks at the door, and gets up, the sun blinding him. Slowly making his way  to the gate he unlocks it, opening it so that he can see who is at his door, and then takes in a sharp breath when he recognises the girl on his doorstep, and a genuine smile breaks through the stone-set face, his eyes thawing in seconds. The girl looks at him, gaping at his shoulder in the sling and his leg in the cast. A second later he is nearly thrown over from her grabbing him and hugging him to her fiercely.


A Moment he stands in shock, fighting with himself.  Then, seemingly losing his internal battle, he places his good arm around the girl, her face hidden on his chest, and holds her to him, ever so gently. He doesn’t speak, nor does he let her go. Her perfume in his nostrils, and the softness of her against him, breaks his defences instantly, and he rests his chin on her head, biting back the emotions that are threatening to overcome him. They stand thus, in silence, the girl breathing on his chest, him feeling and cherishing the first moment in years that he has allowed him that weakness.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.12.2016

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This book is dedicated to Maegen, whom I adore deeply.

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