
Chapter 1

My name is Linda. I have a pet dog Jiro. He is a Jindo dog. I love him. And he loved me. My best friend, Jiro, died about two years ago. I have a messed up life. My mom and dad are divorsed, my sister had aids, and my boyfriend almost tried to kill me, and my bff Alexis backstabbed me. So this is what happened. 



This is what Jiro looks like.







this what Linda looks like.



this what Linda's sister Tiffany looks like.

This the mother.



This is the dad.This the family.

Chapter 2

 It was junior year of highschool. It was two years since my parents divorsed. My sister, Tiffany, is a slut. She probably sleeps with any guy she sees. When a guy asked me out! Tyler, a popular guy at my school. He wasn't in the football team or anything, but he was good looking, tall, musclar, and smart. He was the perfect guy for any girl, because most of all, he was sweet and kind. Or so i thought.




this is tyler.

Of course i said yes! It was going perfect for me until i got a call from my sister. I groaned and answered it. When i said hello, she was crying. She said she had aids. I was shocked. I had to get home quick. Tyler understood and i got in my car (bmw silver converable) speeding home. I didn't notice the tear drops rolling down my face. I was crying. I pulled over and started sobbing. Why? I loved my sister. Why would she do this to herself? Does she have no value for herself? When i got home and told mom the horrible news, she started crying as well. I got her a cup of hot green tea with honey and she calmed dowm. I hugged her for about 5 minutes. i got my keys to go pick up Tiffany. I was mad at her now. Why? Does she have no pride?

Chapter 3

 I went to school that next day while Tiffany was at home facing mother's wrath. I saw Tyler and waved. He came running to me. He picked me up as i squealed. He kissed me. It was beautiful. His lips crashed into mine. Soft sweet lips. Ha, I was in love with Tyler and Tyler was more in love with me. 

I was on a date with Tyler when I got a call, from the hospital? "Hello? Is this Mrs. Jones' daughter Linda?" "Yes..." "Well we are the hospital near your house. We would like to inform you, that your mother was robbed and wounded in front of her house this afternoon. She didn't survive the sergery so she will be gone soon. If you could come immediately to the hospital. Thank you." "Alright..." I was shivering. I ran to my car without a word with Tyler and drove to the hospital. She died before I got there. Tiffany was by mom's side crying. I dropped to my knees and sobbed on her bed, as i held her pale, cold hand. Thank god i just turned 18 and Tiffany was 22. Our dad didn't want to take us in so we stayed at the house we were already living in. I had a decent part time job and Tiffany was a nurse with a high salary so we were able to live a decent life without mom. I didn't eat anything but a slice of apple for a week or two. I was in shock for awhile. I cried myself to sleep everyday with Jiro comforting me. I became thin. Thin as a stick i would say myself. Alexis, my bff helped me coop with my mother's death.



This is Alexis. The ginger bff.

Chapter 4

One year passed. Tiffany was still alive, but in a worse condition. It was now about one year and half that I was with Tyler. I was overcoming mom's death. I became more close to Jiro than ever before. Jiro was getting old as well. Life slowly went back to normal. Besides Tyler, Alexis has been comforting me ever since. I felt more loved than before. One month later i was in a bathroom stall at school because i felt since from my "hunger strike", when a group of girls entered the bathroom with makeup bags, including Alexis. They started whispering, " You know that bitch? What is her name, Linda? Oh yeah, that halfie bitch (half asain, half white). Yeah. She is such a bitch. I swear. You know she is with Tyler now? Word? Wasn't that Alexis's last boyfriend who dumped her? Yeah. I'm sorry Alexis. She is such a coniving bitch." Oh my god. I didn't know Tyler was Alexis's last boyfriend. Now i felt bad. Then Alexis chimed in, " That bitch. First she takes my boyfriend, then steals everyone's attention, talking about her dead mother and shit. It has already been a year now. Bitch, give it a rest. There is no way that happened. I'm pretty sure she is lying for attention. She should be with her relatives or something. I can't believe that she is living by herself. I don't believe it." Are you serious? Alexis my bff is talking shit and trash about me? No way. i had to confront her about this. But how? Too much drama for me....ughhhh....




girls gossiping.

As soon as i got home, i hugged Jiro when he licked my face stained with tears. I laughed and kissed him. I got Jiro's food ready and went to work. As soon as i came back, Tiffany was on the floor. I panicked. I checked for a pulse. She was alive. I called 911 for help. As i saw them take her away. I was overflowing with emotions. I followed them to the hospital. About two hours later, they let me see her. She was asleep so i kissed her forehead and went back home praying for her to stay alive. Jiro came whimpering to me as i cried my heart out. Not my sister too....why? 

Chapter 5

It was 5 months later and Jiro was sick. I took him to the vet. He had cancer. He was close to the last stage so he was unsaveable. The vet gave me two options. I came back home alone. I went into the cold dark house as i dropped to the floor and bawled. Tiffant held me in her arms. I had onlt Tiffany and Tyler left.  Life was cruel. Tiffany was getting worse and worse everyday. We decided to go on a vacation around the worlds before Tiffany died. On the trip using the family savings for college, we went to Europe, Asia, and around America. Two months later we came back. During the trip i realized that if Tyler was near me, i would be hurt more. So when we came back i told him, "Let's break up." He said okay and we went our seperate ways. I felt heartbroken, but it was for the best.

A few days later on a rainy day, Tyler was at the door of our house. I opened it and he hugged me. "Come back. I'll make you happy. I swear, whatever i did wrong, I'll fix it. Please don't leave me." "Tyler, i can't. There is too much going on right now and i need some time to think and rest. I'm sorry Tyler." His grip got tighter. He pushed me to the ground and yelled, "Linda, if i can't have you, then nobody can." He started strangling me. I tried to break free, stratching his face with my nails. But nothing work. My vision was getting blurry. I slowly lost my strength to resist him. I couldn't breathe. No... I don't want to die like this. Tiffany was coming down stairs to see what the noise was. I reached for her as she screamed her lungs out. She grabbed a cooking knife from the kitchen and pointed it at him shivering. "Tyler, i swear to god, i will kill you if you don't get the fuck away from my sister." He released his grip from my neck as i coughed and wheezed for air. I crawled behind Tiffany. Tyler scoffed, "I'll be back you bitch. And next time i'll go after your sister as well..(laugh histerically)." I think he was drunk because he reeked of beer. Tiffany dropped the knife and hugged me whispering, "It's okay Linda, he's gone. Don't worry. I'll protect you sis." That was so scary and shocking that i couldn't even produce tears. I was shivering like crazy. I locked myself in my room for three days, scared that he would come back. I wish Jiro was here to comfort me. I cried while massaging my bruised and sore neck. Please god, help me, I beg you.

Chapter 6

 The next day. i put on a neck brace for about two weeks. I broke off contact with Alexis. Graduation was coming soon. I had to get ready. I wasn't thinking about going to college since i had to work and make money. Tiffany was in bed more often because of her aids so she couldn't make money. The Doctors said she would die within a year or less. Tyler kept bugging me to get back with him. Life was hard, everyone comforted me once in awhile. I found a new friend, Dylan. She was kind and pretty. I spent most of my time at home taking care of Tiffany. I felt that her time was coming.



Dylan, the new friend.


Dylan was nice to me, but still couldn't trust anyone. I had to go to work more often since Tiffany couldn't work. Coffee was now my best friend. I probably drank 3 cups a day since i was tired. I got quite a lot of marriage proposals from rich bussiness men who owned the companys i worked for. I was considering a young CEO who owned the company i was currently working for, named Erik, 25 years old. I was suddening thinking about the money we needed. But i was thinking more about graduation right now. I went shopping for my graduation dress that was two weeks away. Life was so busy thinking about marriages, money, school, and more. Tiffany was getting real sick so she was moved to a hospital where she got the proper care and treatment. I needed more money.



The graduation dress.


the red lace pumps.





I got my graduation dress ready withh some red lace pumps. I visited Tiffany almost everyday. I also got engaged to Erik. I was going to move my stuff to his house a week later to live with him. Tyler left me alone. I lost a lost of weight due to stress. Erik got me everything i wanted but i wasn't happy. The day before graduation, Tiffany died. I now had nothing to live for. I grabbed Tiffany's face yelling with teary eyes, "You selfish bitch. You can't leave me! Come back Tiffany. Come back sis, i need you!!!!" After graduation, I went to the funeral. The burial was about a day later. After the burial, i went to pack my things in the house. I sold the house to a grandma and grandpa. Erik came to pick me and my stuff up with a moving truck. He said he would care for me and love me. I didn't believe one word.




Erik, the young CEO. (25 years old)

Chapter 7

 It was the wedding day. It was suppose to be a magical moment but it wasn't for me. I felt empty inside. I couldn't live anymore.


Thas pretty wedding dress


And thas wedding ring.



Chapter 8

 A week after the marriage, I slit my wrists and stepped into a tub full of water. I saw a light. I saw my mom, Tifanny, and Jiro. I was happy. At 9:30 am. on May 7,2015 Linda Jones died with a smile on her face.




Thanks.. The ENd.

Author's Words

 Hey everybody. Yea. i know it's dark. And yes. this is based on a true story. The whole thing isn't true. But most of it is. The reason why i called it chained women is because i felt that Linda was chained to this life and its misfortune,unable to get out of it. So I felt that she was chained to her own sad life, without a chance to live her own happy life. She thought the only way to escape it was death. Sorry it's so dark guys!!!


I was a victim of bullying, i was so tired of it that i almost tried suiciding. But i didn't and i realized how wonderful life if. If you had any kinds of hardships, please tell me personally and i can help you cope. THanks guys, because of you, i got into writing. i love you!!!!






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Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.11.2015

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This is for a friend that went through almost the same incident. And for all of those people who are suffering similar things

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