



The hot guy stood by my apartment door, with a smirk playing on his lips. “You sure you don’t want any breakfast?” he purrs, his dimples digging into his lusciously soft cheeks as he pulled on his jeans. I knew his kind. I chose his kind voluntarily. As for breakfast, he was offering his luscious body to meet my morning cravings. “No, I’m good,” I lied, teasing him as I took out my black, silk robe and walked across the room in only my garter belt and stockings. He chuckled and shook his head as I made my way toward him. I bent over, my back to his front, as I retrieved his shirt from the floor. Passing it to him, I slid my hand over his chest and south his torso.  Damn he was hot. His body was taut and firm in all the right places and damn did he have stamina. I bit my lip, and just as he was about to lean in to kiss me, I opened the apartment door, making my intention clear. “You are a tease.” he drawled, his gorgeous smile lighting up his mischievous face. He gave me a quick kiss on my cheek and left my apartment. I leaned against the shut door, sighing contently as I basked in thoughts of last night’s endeavours until my eye caught the clock. “Oh Shit!” I muttered as I ran in the direction of the bathroom.


“Thirty minutes late Mia.” my boss called out as he approached my desk as I was settling in. I looked up at him, trying to settle my heavy breaths. “Ran all the way here?” he asked. “Yeah” I managed, fanning my face with my hands. He leaned down and I moved my face closer to him. “Late night?” he whispered. “Went all night. You could say I had a really early morning.” I giggled. “And yet, you’re still late.” he smiled. “You should be glad   I am your boss, otherwise your sexy ass would be fired.” “Oh I know, I know, that’s why I take full advantage.” I joked. My boss, who happens to be my best friend since college is a total hottie, and not the type that’s gay. Nick and I have a lot in common: we both love literature, that’s why we are in the publishing industry; we both love actions movies; and the main commonality is that we both have never been in a serious, faithful relationship. Life has been great though, just rocking up, getting rocked up –hard- and there are no strings attached. No feelings to be hurt. No losing your independence and conforming your life to suit the needs of another human being. Nick laughed as he made his way to his office and I buried my head in a manuscript, picking up where I had left off yesterday.


Lunch hour came quicker than I expected, I couldn’t take my eyes off the manuscript. It grabbed my entire attention, pulled at my emotions and gave me renewed sense of belonging in this world. It was a romance novel, and even though I am a sucker for happy endings, I know in reality, happy endings are just a fairy tale. The hustle of my colleagues moving around me snapped me out of my dream-like state, and I realised that it was lunch hour. I took out my lunch – left over pizza- and just as I was on my way to the staff kitchen to heat it up, I saw the most gorgeous guy I have ever seen standing by the printer. Just when I thought my last night’s superman was as good as it gets, this guy shoves him in mud and stomps all over him. His hair was dark, cut in an undercut fade. He had a slight stubble along his cheeks and his eyes shone with the hue of Mauritius’s blue sea – so captivating. He was lean and his black shirt was just as tight as his muscles were. I stood there a just gawked at him for what felt like an eternity until I realised where I was. “New guy?” I asked as Nick neared me. “Easy there lioness, he is way younger than you.” “How old do you think I am exactly?” I tapped my fingers on my desk, waiting for him to give the wrong answer so I could twist his ears. “No comment. But he is twenty-five and has a great resume for a guy his age. I wouldn’t want to lose him because he gets your panties wet.” “Soaked would be more like it” I gave him a devilish grin and Nick knew what that meant. I had to satisfy my cravings, one way or another.





The office chair squeaked, our arousal scented the air around us. Our grunts and moans echoed through the empty office until we both reached our peaks, smiling as we came down from our high. My sea-blue-eyed guy was better than I had ever expected, making me think about making him my boy toy. I knew better, but damn I wanted him. Every guy I meet seems to outdo the one before, but I seriously doubt anyone could top him. Maybe I’ll suggest it to him, heck I don’t even know his name. I just called him over and ravished his mouth with my tongue…as well as other parts of his body. He looked way better naked. I wish he could work shirtless and I would just sit there and drool the entire day. I stood, pulling my skirt down and grabbed my panties from my desk before shoving it into my carry-on purse.




Jealousy and hurt soared through me as I watched Mia climb out of the chair, pulling her skirt over her bare bottom. The unobtainable girl, that’s who she was – well in the sense of a long term relationship, otherwise she was pretty easy from what I’ve heard. I was madly in love with her from the get-go but quickly found out that she never ever wanted a serious relationship. The boner tenting my pants had a mind of its own as it didn’t register the heartache of watching her fuck someone else. I remember her perky breasts straining against her pink , illicitly deep blouse  the first time I saw her talking to the lecturer in college – more like flirting with him as she bent over his desk, inches away from his face, exposing the top of her soft mounds. Clearly she caught his attention as he beamed at her before staring at her breasts and whispering something in her ear that made her smile and bite down on her full, pink lips. That should have been my cue to forget her forever, but her black curls, soft lips, c-cup breasts; gorgeous ass and everything else drew me to her. But the one thing that really caught my attention was the dimples that dented her cheeks when she smiled. I was genuinely surprised when she took the seat next to me, flipping her long curly hair over her shoulder and dazzling me with her smile. “Hi, I’m Mia.”, she said, offering me her small, delicate hand to shake my calloused one. Clearing my throat as my pants suddenly became uncomfortable; I took her hand in mine and roughly squeaked my name. Our friendship blossomed quickly as I learnt her love for literature was greater than mine and after getting to know her- really know her, that’s when I fell in love. It felt weird though, it usually the other way around – the girl falling for the playboy, but honestly I couldn’t resist. I won’t lie; I had my fair share of girls. I was the well-known play boy and she, the notorious play girl, but no matter what or whom I fucked, nothing seemed to satisfy the urge to have her and even if I could have her, I knew I couldn’t share her and that right there was what was stopping me from ever trying.


I watched as the new guy, named Jason, held her by her hips, kissed her neck, making her giggle in the most sultry way before walking out the office door. Mia took out her lipstick from her bag, seating her round ass on her cubicle desk as she gazed in her hand mirror, neatening up her hair and applying a new coat of red lipstick , which made her look hotter than hell, as she pouted at her reflection. If she didn’t look or seem so happy with the array of miscellaneous men she banged, I would have thought there was some deeper meaning to her actions. I knew one thing though, she never spoke of her past- before I met her that is and I never tried to pry. But what I wouldn’t do to find out if there was anything I could do to make her mine.




The lipstick on my lips looked fresh and I pouted at my refection. A soft squeak from Nick’s office door made me look in that direction and I saw blur movement through in the slightly ajar door. Shit! This is so going to HR and this time Nick won’t be able to save me. “Who’s there?” I asked aloud. No one answered so I crept slowly towards Nick’s office and pushed the door open. Nick was at his desk, headphones plugged in his ears. “Mia? You’re still here?” he asked, pulling out a headphone from his ear and I suspected he feigned his reaction upon my arrival. “Yeah, just finishing up some stuff.” I lied. “What about you?” I asked curiously, hoping he didn’t see or hear anything that just happened a few minutes ago. “Oh, just watching some porn. Wi-Fi is having bad signals at the apartment.”, he says nervously and that’s when I knew he was lying. Nick never ever admitted to watching porn, he always dismissed the idea, stating that he didn’t need porn when he could get a girl on his arm on his every beck and call – which was true. Well if he was going to pretend he didn’t see anything, I very well could ignore it too, even though my body heated more dangerously at the thought of Nick watching me. I don’t usually like being watched, but Nick has been in my many, many sexual fantasies but I never allowed it to seep into reality. I loved his friendship and lust was definitely not more important than friendship- that’s what I said to myself over and over again. I had a feeling that Nick actually didn’t like being a playboy. I saw how much he adored his parents that were drowning in love, even after thirty five years of marriage and he did admit that one day he would like to experience that. If that what he was looking for, then it was definitely not me and I didn’t want to lose the one friend that actually didn’t call me a slut behind my back in exchange for endless orgasms – as per the gossip of my fellow fake girlfriends. “Okay. I’ll let you go back to… you know.” I said, gesturing to his computer as I turned on my heels.





“Georgie Porgie, puddin’ and pie, kissed the girls and made them cry.” I sang as I scooted closer to George in the secluded booth of an uptown restaurant that I hadn’t heard of before today. I gave him my best sultry look and his toothy smile in response was gorgeous. “Just say the word Sugar and I’ll put it in your pie.”, he whispered in my ear, making me giggle and shy away. “Oh really?” I said, pulling him close with his tie until we were a breath away, the scent of the wine on his lips made me want to ravish it. “Say the word baby. I know you want to. I promise when I kiss my way down that amazing bod, you’ll be screaming for me to stick it in.” he whispered again and shivers ran down my spine. “Cocky now are we.” I jokingly chided as I pushed away from him, sipping on my wine seductively. His hand inched his way up my thigh and I caught it as it neared the short hem of my dress. “You’re a tease.” he pouted and I laughed. He was right, tonight I was going to be a tease thanks to my time of the month that had me eating a whole lot of chocolate, drinking a whole lot of wine and would result in a bunch of pimples popping up on my face in the morning. So why was I here? Hmm… maybe I needed the attention. Today was super crappy. Nick told me a week ago that he was trying to go steady and like the great friend I am, I encouraged him hoping that it would just blow over like the many times he had tried. But today I found out that he was going on his third date with a supper hot blonde and the overwhelming jealousy surprised me. He never ever went on a second date and now he’s on his third? Maybe she is special. I should be happy for him right? I always had a vibe that Nick should check me out in the sly and it made me feel good but now I feel like crap, especially after Facebook stalking Susan- the girl he was now dating- and realising how totally awesome she is. From what information I could compile, she was an outdoors person, loved dogs and seemed really dedicated to charity work. It didn’t help matters that she was drop-dead gorgeous in the most innocent form and it made me feel like I was a dried up gum stuck under a table in a cheap bar. Susan was totally Nick’s type. He loved hiking and biking, while the only exercise I did was my poor excuse of yoga and I never ever liked rummaging in dirt. Nick loved dogs, especially since his parents had two huskies that he had to lock away when I visited them because I was shit scared – I blame that on the  stray dog that bit me when I was ten - , and he did charity work - not as much as Susan though. I was surprised at the magnitude of my unexpected jealousy so I decided to go out with George who I had met at a nightclub a few weeks ago. He asked me out on several occasions, and even though he was attractive enough, I was too busy – well that’s what I had told him. His attention made me feel better, but not quite enough.


A high pitched laugh distracted me from George’s heated gaze and my eyes searched for the source of that hideous sound. Unable to see properly from the secluded booth in the VIP section, I scooted a little to the edge of the leather seat, hearing the most annoying laughter again before landing at the source – Susan. Nick sat at a regular table with Susan seated at his side. He seemed oblivious to her ear-bleeding laughter as he stared at her breasts. For a second it felt good to know that Susan wasn’t all that perfect but was Nick deaf or was he just desperate to go steady? “Mia, come back here? I want to show you what to expect tonight.” George said as he grabbed my hand and I forcefully tugged it back. “Sorry George. It’s that time of the month for me…” I said, feigning disappointment. “Not to worry Sugar.” he said, scooting closer, pulling at my bottom lip down with his thumb, “I bet you could do wonders with your mouth.” he cooed. And just like that my interest in him died with no possible way of resurrection. I smiled, my irritation seeping through as I lay down his hand that was brushing my face, “Not tonight.” I said and thankfully he got the message as his face contorted with anger. He stood abruptly, fastening the buttons on his suit. “You’re such a tease.”, he said, this time no seduction seeped through, only pure annoyance as he stomped his way out of  the VIP section and out of the restaurant.  I let out a heavy breath and shooed down my waiter. “How may I help you Ma’am?” the dashing waiter asked, his bearded face making him look older than he sounded. “A bottle of whatever I ordered before.” I said before he turned and made his way and suddenly I felt embarrassed at my inexperience with quality wine. I usually resort to wine that came in a bladder but I knew this classy restaurant would rather burn to the ground than serve that. The bottle would certainly be expensive but right now I didn’t care about the hole in my wallet, but rather the hole I was trying to burn in Susan’s head, wishing I had Cyclops’ energy beams emitting form my eyes. Yes, I love X-Men – shocker I know.  Nick’s eyes were now focused on her face and he looked happy. I mulled in my seat as I watched them wine and dine as I gulped the expensive wine, my heart breaking in two. You should be happy for him. I told myself. There is absolutely no reason


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Keri Laik
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.07.2020
ISBN: 978-3-7487-5172-4

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