
Blackhood series page

the meeting of two hoods

“I hate this movie shit.”

Damien Xavier Michaels. Aka DOG, looked across from the passenger side window of the black Ford Explorer he was in. He spotted the three youngsters who were selling drugs on his boss, ICM, block. They were all draped in hoodies and blue jeans but the leader was the only one that had on shades. It was nighttime so that’s what puzzled the heartless killer as he looked on but stupid people do stupid things. The way Xavier figured it, the guy was stupid anyway for going against the grain and hustling on a block claimed by the Ice Cream Man.

“What you said?” the driver of the Explorer, Raymond, said beside him.

“This is some old movie shit,” Xavier repeated in his scruffy voice. “I mean we got to come all the way up here because this niggas want to pump on our block. I mean come on. Isn’t this done to death? Ain’t we put enough fear in this niggas’ hearts so we don’t have to do this?”

“Obviously not,” Travis said from the backseat of the jeep.

Xavier rubbed his bald head and adjusted the vanity mirror above the dashboard to look at his face. His eyes were bloodshot but he wasn’t high of off marijuana nor was he drunk. It was tiredness. He was ICM’s enforcer and just like a city cop, he had to enforce the law. The law of the streets, that is. And rule number one is nobody moves weight unless ICM gets a cut. If you not working for ICM, then you working against him. ICM was like the government. You worked to pay homage to him. If you didn’t do that then you didn’t work.

“Why didn’t you let one of the little niggas handle this?” Travis inquired.

“Cause they’ll fuck it up and make the block hot,” Xavier replied. “You know how these hotheaded kids are. Quick to bust but not quick to think.”

“So how we going to do this?” Raymond asked taking a puff of his Newport cigarette.

“Easy,” Xavier said. “We just talk to them and tell them what it is. If they don’t respond in kind then we take it to the next level.”

“I don’t know,” Raymond reiterated shaking his head. “The nigga wears shades at night. You got to figure a motherfucker ain’t wrapped too tight if he wearing sunglasses with no sun around.”

“What kind of shoes he’s wearing?” Xavier asked.

“Can’t tell from here,” Raymond said squinting his eyes. “Jordans’, I think.”

“The new ones?” Xavier asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Nah, the retros,” Travis answered.

“Shit, he may be the leader of the group but he’s not the boss,” Xavier gathered. “Niggas getting money don’t wear retros but I’ll look into that.”

‘So you want to find out who he pumping for and get at him too?” Travis asked.

“Yes, Sir,” Xavier replied. “Either pay in tribute…”

“Or pay in blood,” Raymond finished.

“Okay, let’s clock in,” Xavier said putting on his black leather gloves.

Raymond took out the radio console from the dash board and pulled out two shiny guns from the opening. He tossed one to Travis and kept one for himself. He then put the radio console back in its place on the dashboard.

“Got my time card,” Travis stated snapping back the level of the black chromed Glock .45 he now had in his possession. Raymond had a similar one snuggly in his hand as well.

“Pass me my time card stamp,” Xavier said.

Travis reached on the floor and passed Xavier a saw offed Mossberg shotgun.

“Ready?” Xavier asked his crew.

“Can I get a lunch break?” Travis asked.

“Sure I just need to see the paperwork to make sure I don’t want the same lunch time,” Xavier stated.

Travis chuckled and shook his head.

“Let’s put the sign on the door,” Xavier said reaching for the lever on the side door. “The store is open.”

Xavier got out the vehicle and his partners followed suit.

The three hooligans were still standing in front of the bodega store like they did not have a care in the world. They were told when they first started hustling drugs on that block that ICM had claim on it and that nobody moves on it unless they have a permit. However, Leon, the leader of the small click believed since he was working for Big Luke, nobody would dare touch him or even think about moving him. Big Luke was just as a big deal as ICM was if not, in Leon’s eyes, bigger. The two drug lords coexisted by not going into each other turfs but the block that Big Luke had put Leon on wasn’t making any money. So he figure he just move to another block that was, plain and simple. Besides he been on the block for three days and nobody stepped to him yet.

The bodega owner was already on ICM’s payroll but when the new crew came in and stated they were running things now, he didn’t know where to turn. ICM gave him word the situation would be handled. The owner thought ICM was going to have the workers that were already on the block handle it but he was surprised when he saw the other hustlers that work for ICM disappear from the block. The owner was beginning to think that ICM really let a new unit come and take his spot. He didn’t know that was far from the truth. ICM had rules and order. One of those rules is if you hustle, you don’t shoot and vice versa. Let killers handle the killing shit and let hustlers handle the hustling shit was how ICM put it. When you tried to combine the two, that’s when problems start. ICM credited himself on getting to the top by always thinking ahead. The minute you stop thinking about what the next person is going to do, that’s when that person does it. ICM prided himself on strategy. You always have to prepare for the next move. That’s why he let his corner boys leave the block so business could be handled and they could go back to getting his money.

Xavier walked up to the circle of hoodlums on the corner with his boys in tow. Xavier had the shotgun in his hand resting it on his shoulder. Raymond and Travis were pulling up the rear with their arsenal ready to do damage.

The youngster with the shades on had his back to Xavier talking to his faculty.

“Yo. Shades, you got that work?” Xavier asked approaching.

“Who the fu…” Shades turned around and said but stopped short when he saw Xavier and his armed entourage.

“You got that work?” Xavier repeated.

Shades looked at the 6’4 baldheaded black man with a shottie resting on his shoulder and figured this was who was going to step to him. He knew it was only a matter of time, he was just waiting. Not to worry, he thought to himself, he had set up a contingency plan. He had set up some of his own gunners around the area to shoot the first person that showed they didn’t like the new operation. Plus he and his boys had guns on them in case something jumped off so he wasn’t worried. Shades just looked at the man with the shotgun like he was crazy.

Shades’ boys were about to reach for their weapons when Travis and Raymond raised their weapons shaking their heads.

“Whas good?” Shades asked. “You the welcome wagon?”

“Sure am,” Xavier said stepping right in front of Shades.

“Look I don’t think you know me, I’m…” Shades started saying but was caught short by a head butt by Xavier.

“A nigga pumping on the wrong block,” Xavier completed while Shades stepped back holding his bloody nose.

Shades’ crew again tried to reach for their weapons on their waist but stopped again when they heard the Glock .45s from Xavier’s henchmen snap back off safety.

“You on ICM block,” Xavier informed looking at Shades and his crew.

“You motherfucker,” Shades slurred. “You know who you fucking with. Big Luke will have your head.’

Xavier smiled at the name. Shades looked at the smile and was confused by it.

“Word, well send a message to Big Luke for me,” Xavier said then lowered his shotgun and smacked Shades across the face with the barrel. “You bitch ass motherfucker. You think Big Luke run this. This ain’t his block, his corner, his area, his territory, nor his turf. So technically you a trespasser posing as a renter.”

Xavier leveled his shotgun at Shades who was now on the floor holding his nose and top of his head. Blood was spewing from Shades’ mouth as he tried to talk.

“This block is already taken. Your little quote on quote killers you had posted up already got their messages. Trust me, you ain’t that smart. You don’t ever run up in any one spot without getting the layout. You think we let you push us off the block. We gave you three days to leave on your own free will. But since I have to evict you...”

“Yo, dun,” one of Shades’ posse said trying to get Xavier’s attention. All it got him was Travis knocking him on the head with the butt of his Glock.

“Don’t interrupt when the man is speaking,” Travis warned.

“As I was saying,” Xavier continued. “Since you force me to evict you…here’s your eviction notice.”





Wisdom Sinsare woke up from his sleep and looked at the lady figure lying next to him knocked out in slumber. Wisdom couldn’t believe his luck. He was looking at the young female all night in the club scheming on how to get her when she walked up to him. She even offered to buy him a drink from the bar. It didn’t surprise him though. He was son of Daddy K, well renowned ladies’ man. He had charm and swagger of an old school player and the heart of a young hustler. He was blessed with smooth curly hair but he cut into a Caesar so he can sport waves. He was caramel complexion and very toned due to his steady commitment to the gym. His light brown eyes surveyed the woman’s body and were very pleased. The dimples that appeared on both side of his face grew broader. He was pleased with the outcome of the event. He was able to get drunk and get fucked all in one setting. From the club, Wisdom and the girl skipped the after party and headed straight to the hotel. That was where he was at now rubbing his eyes as he slinked out of the queen sized bed that the hotel provided for the room.

Wisdom stepped in the bathroom and looked in the wall mirror planted above the sink. His eyes were still bloodshot from all of last night’s binge. He had a slight headache as well. Wisdom turned on the faucet and threw some cold water on his face. The woman, who he later found out to be named Ebony, had paid for the whole night until checkout time which was eleven a.m. It was only eight o’clock now but he felt he had enough of her presence. They had arrived at the hotel around 3 a.m. and he pounded on her ass for like an hour and a half. He almost had the girl saying ‘I love you’ the way he had her in all position screaming his name like it was the only word she knew. If Wisdom was known for anything, just like his father, besides his gift of gab, he had superb dick game. He put females to sleep. Tonight was no exception. After the sexcapades Wisdom put on her, Ebony was out like a light.

Wisdom ran his fingers through the rotating waves that made up his Caesar and pondered what he was going to do today. All he knew he wanted to be out before shorty in the room woke up. He hated having to say goodbyes and since she was just a one night jump-off, he didn’t want to have to make up an excuse to not give her his cell number.

Wisdom quietly got dressed. His red silk skirt was a little wrinkled but it didn’t matter. He was going to head straight home anyway. He had to shower before he hit the block to get more conquest.

Ebony let out a soft moan then turned on her side. Wisdom wiped his brow. He knew it would have gotten awkward if Ebony woke up and saw him tippy toeing out the room she paid the whole night for. Wisdom knew when to bow out gracefully. Once he closed the hotel room’s door behind him, he breathed a sigh of relief. He wished he could stop living this way. It was getting tiring being with girl after girl and nothing to show for it but a wet dick and a few new outfits. He was starting to feel a prostitute or something.

Once outside the hotel, Wisdom pulled out his cell phone to dial one of his friends to pick him up. He had ridden to the club with his boys, Jaheim, aka Jay Money, and Lil’ Tone, but left with home girl in her car. He needed a ride home. Jay picked up on the first ring.

“You already tapped that pussy,” was Jay’s greeting.

“Do you even have to ask?” Wisdom assured his partner.

“So what you call me for? She wanted a ménage a trios?” Jay inquired half laughing.

“Nah, you pervert,” Wisdom responded. “I need a pickup so come get me.”

“I ain’t no taxi service,” Jay remarked. “Get one of you cronies to pick you up. Ha-ha!”

“Yo, Dog, I know you aren’t playing me,” Wisdom said walking across the street from the hotel. “That is if you still want me to hook you up with Stacy’s sister.”

Jay straightened up real fast. He had been trying to get at Sheila Long for the longest. When he found out the Mack don, Wisdom Sinsare, was already being intimate with her older sister, he practically begged Wisdom to hook him up. Wisdom had him.

“Aight, nigga,” Jay gave in. “Where you at?”

Wisdom gave him the address and Jay said he was on his way. Wisdom looked at his watch and waited at the corner for his friend. His cell phone started ringing as soon as he put it in his pocket. Wisdom looked at the screen on his Motorola phone to see the number displayed before he answered.

“Whassup, baby,” Wisdom said.

“Nothing much,” his main fling, Queen, said on the other end. “Missing my boo.”

“Me, too,” Wisdom stated. “You know I got to come get some of Queen.”

Wisdom could hear Queen blushing on the phone. He knew he had her. That’s was Wisdom’s style. Mostly it was love ‘em, or better yet hump ‘em, and leave ‘em. But if you turn out to be an asset, he kept you around until he ran out of use for you. Queen happened to be the sister of Amari Street, of Industreet Records. Amari Street was well known in the music industry as well as the hood. He was a big player in what went down in either genre. So if you good with him, you was set. Queen didn’t really deal with her brother like that. She hated the Street name she carried because with its privileges came its disappointment. No guy wanted to be with her because of what her last name was. That was until Wisdom showed up. Wisdom let anyone know in a minute, he was a lover not a fighter but he could hold his own. Amari Street heard about Wisdom’s reputation and wanted someone better for his sister but he was willing to let it slide in the meantime.

“What you doing?” Queen asked as she turned over on her stomach in the bed she was laying on twirling the phone cord in her fingers.

“You know me. Chasing this money train,” Wisdom said as he stood at the corner looking around for Jay’s Toyota Camry to show up.

“Yeah, I bet. You mean that pussy train,” Queen corrected.

Queen also heard about Wisdom’s reputation but still thought he was a good guy to hang around with. Plus he was one of the finest man she ever met. Sure, she met a lot of celebrities due to her brother’s dealings in the industry but none of them excited. Wisdom always offered something nobody else could.

“That hurts,” Wisdom said playing insulted.

“Yeah, yeah. When you picking me up?” Queen inquired, getting right to the point.

“We still on for tomorrow night,” Wisdom assured. “You know I’m not missing you in that new Chanel dress you brought.”

“You so crazy,” Queen laughed. “Talk to you later.”

The screen on his phone indicated the call had ended. Wisdom put the phone back in his pocket as Jay came speeding around the curb.

“Get your Casanova ass in,” Jay said as Wisdom opened the passenger side door to get in.

‘She still up there?” Jay asked as Wisdom fastened his seat belt.

“Yeah. Why?” Wisdom wondered.

“I mean if you don’t want her, let a brother…”Jay let his statement linger.

“If you want to go up there, be my guest,” Wisdom suggested. “But think about this. She already going to be pissed I left. She going to think you playing her like a hoe because you want sloppy seconds. Then on top of that, she just got to be with the quarterback and you come in like a third string replacement, not only is she going to call the cops, she going to beat you down and try to have you locked up or committed for the rest of your life. But if you still want to, by all means.”

“Fuck you,” Jay said starting the engine and driving off. “Where to? Home, your Majesty.”

“Thank you, Jeeves,” Wisdom said leaning back in the passenger seat.

“I need to know how you be getting these women,” Jay said. “I mean come on, I figured once I got into this little block business, honies would see I’m making bread and holler at the kid.”

“It’s not about money all the time,” Wisdom stated. “It’s confidence. Somebody use money to make them confident but all it balls down to confidence. A Shabba Ranks looking motherfucker can bag the hottest shorty if he thinks he could.”

“Bullshit!” Jay exclaimed.

“Trust me,” Wisdom said looking at his friend.

“Yeah okay,” Jay shrugged. “Anyway, after I drop you off, I got to see the boss man.”

“Problems?” Wisdom asked concerned.

“Hope not for my sake,” Jay stated.




Xavier tossed his Pelle Pelle yellow jacket on the side revealing the nice chromed Glock.17 he had in the back waistline of his jeans. That sight always turned Shaquana on. She loved a street thug to the core. All her brothers and cousins were in the drug game but none of them could match with Xavier's status.

"Go in the kitchen and make me a sandwich," he ordered with his back still to her. Shaquana literally jumped off the couch to handle his request. She loved it when a man bossed her around. That was also a turn on.

One of her little sons, Jaquan, came out to of the bedroom to see Xavier flop on the couch with remote in hand.

"Hey, Dame," Jaquan said and ran over to the couch to give him a hug.

"Whassup, little man," Xavier replied returning the hug and patting the side of the couch for the little boy to sit on.

Although the streets only knew Xavier as Dog, he felt good to have someone call him by the name he use to go. Xavier would only let Jaquan call him that. Jaquan reminded Xavier of his little brother just a lighter complexion. Xavier's brother, Damon, died a few years back and Xavier was never the same after that. But Jaquan reminded Xavier of the innocence Damon once had, so he told Jaquan to call him 'Dame'.

"What's going on? How is school?" Xavier began his line of questioning.

"Okay, no more trouble," Jaquan responded.

Jaquan had been getting in trouble in school since the first day he got there. He was having fights with the other second graders and being a real bully. He already had gotten suspended. When Xavier got wind of it, he gave Jaquan a stern talking to and a harsh spanking. Jaquan's father tried to intervene but Xavier shot down his request real fast. Xavier told the father that if he called himself taking control of the situation and Jaquan acted up again, Xavier would personally come to him and put him on 'timeout', Jaquan's father wanted no parts of the Dog so he stepped back and let Xavier do his thing. After that, Shaquana was in love with her Brooklyn thug.

Her other son, Cardinal, was thirteen and already though he was grown because his father was supposed to be a heavy drug dealer in the Bronx. He use to always say fresh words out his mouth around Xavier and thought he could get away with it. His father, Luis Cardinal Verez, was a member of the Latin Kings and very respected. Verez had dealt with Shaquana on a one night stand tip and she got pregnant. Verez didn’t want his son at first but grew to deal with him. But he still couldn’t tolerate Shaquana who was always in his pocket for money. Verez use to beat her up first then give her the money after like a constellation prize. Shaquana was very young and took the abuse for a long time until she met Jaquan's father, Jaquin. Jaquin started taking care of her through his illegal dealings and Verez would just come get his son, Cardinal, when he felt like it. When Jaquin left the picture for another woman because he stated Shaquana was getting old but still young in her ways, Shaquana was stuck because Verez didn’t want nothing to do with her and wouldn’t even gave her money because now his son was old enough to get it from him.

Shaquana Littles wasn't a bad female to look at. At thirty, she still had all her curves in the right place. She had what people would call 'ghetto booty'. Her behind was nice and round and made a nice ensemble to go with her shapely thighs. Her chest size was a nice 36 Double Dee and her waist size was small. She still had all the assets to pull in any man she wanted but she wanted thugs and fast money. She tried to date what she called 'square pegs' which were mostly guys that had jobs but weren't making the kind of money she was accustomed to seeing. She got tired of that scene real fast and was a nervous wreck because all she knew was how to be arm candy for some baller. She didn't really have no job skills only bedroom skills. She was at her wit's end. She never wanted to be a poor single mother depending on regular checks every week or even a welfare mom. She believed her pussy was the key to her success and as long as she had and knew who to use it, she can do anything. She heard about a major event happening in Madison Square Garden, all the top hip-hop celebrities were going to be there. She maxed out her credit cards and brought the sexiest outfit she could buy and rented a decked out utility sports truck. She was determined to meet a baller and she ran across Xavier. Xavier wasn't really the guy with the long money but he fit her ideal of a thug to a tee and she took a chance.

Jaquan was still in the living room running down school events to Xavier when Shaquana walked in with Xavier's sandwich and a soda can.

"Don't be hounding Dog with your nonsense, boy,” She said tapping Jaquan on the shoulder. "You going to play out her while mommy and Dog go in the bedroom and talk. And tell Car when he comes in to go straight in that kitchen and wash the dishes. Come on, Dog, come in the bedroom and finish that sandwich."

"Ok, be good, little man," Xavier said getting up off the couch and handed Jaquan the remote control for the television.

Xavier followed Shaquana into the bedroom eating his sandwich along the way.

"I'm going to cook as soon as Car comes in and cleans the dishes," She specified as Xavier walked in the bedroom and she closed the door behind him.

Xavier nodded and sat down on the bed. He was almost finished with his sandwich and he washed it down with the cold soda.

"How was work today?" she laughed walking over to Xavier.

"Had to send out a few pink slips," he replied with a smile.

Looking at his chocolate muscular body was driving her insane. She wanted him in her mouth so bad. She pinned his shoulders down to the bed and climbed on top of him. Xavier didn't resist as she pulled his tank top over his head and off of his body. She began licking and making circular motions with her tongue all down his pecks, chest and navel. Xavier stretched out his arms and enjoyed the show. Shaquana slowly began licking from his navel down to his front jeans waistline.

Xavier pulled out the gun from his waist band and handed it to her to put on the night stand. She looked at the firearm licked the barrel and put it down on the nightstand. She then loosened Xavier's belt and zipped down his jeans. She pulled his denim all the way down to his ankles and then did the same to his boxers.

His little soldier was already standing up at attention. She slowly licked the tip of his manhood and spit on it to give it more lubrication. She started using her flim that was on his penis to stroke his rod to full erection. Then she licked the tip again teasing Xavier.

"You miss Mommy's lips?" she asked still tonguing the tip of his penis.

"You know I do," he replied in ecstasy.

She stuck her tongue out and licked around his shaft before placing the whole erection in her mouth. Xavier's eyes closed as he felt his manhood being sucked and cuddled. Xavier was really getting to the moment when he heard loud banging coming from outside the bedroom. But it wasn't the bedroom door being knocked on, it was the front door.

"Who that?" Xavier asked.

Shaquana stopped to look up. "It's probably just Car. You know he be forgetting his key and I told Qua Qua not to open the door for him anymore until I say so."

Shaquana want back to the task at hand and Xavier went back into relax mode. The knocking was still commencing but Xavier and Shaquana paid it no mind.

"Yes, baby, yes!" Xavier expressed now holding her head so she wouldn't move. "That's it! That's it!"

Xavier let out his liquid troops all in Shaquana's mouth and she swallowed every drop. She got up and wiped her mouth.

"I hope that boy got a good excuse for not having his keys," She said as she left the bedroom closing the door behind her.

He heard her ask who was knocking but didn't hear the response. He pulled up his boxers and jeans and laid back in the bed.

He closed his eyes and was getting comfortable. He heard her oldest son, Cardinal, voice after all talking about he lost his key at the playground again. He heard scuffling then Shaquana opened the bedroom door and came in.

'That boy I swear is going to be the death of me," Shaquana said fuming. "The boy don't believe in no responsibility."

"Don't worry, I'll have a talk with him," Xavier said as she got in the bed with him.

"Glad I found you, Dog," she said leaning her head on his bare chest.

Xavier exhaled and smiled as he played with her long hair. It didn't take long before Xavier fell asleep and so did Shaquana.

"Wake up little nigga."

Xavier don't know how long he was sleep but he did know that he now had two guns drawn in his face. Xavier looked up to see two men with hoodies covering their faces both pointing huge guns at him. Xavier slowly sat up on the bed.

"Y'all better put those guns down before I take them and beat the shit out of both of you with them," Xavier laughed and the gunmen pulled down their hoodies.

"You a crazy motherfucker," Travis laughed as he put his gun in the back waistline of his jeans. "I wish your ass would get a cell phone so we haven't to be looking for your dumb butt."

"What's the deal?" Xavier asked getting up from the bed. "I know y’all niggas didn't come over here to watch me sleep."

"Nah, nigga," Travis had one more chuckle then stopped. "We came to let you know you can settle the score with them niggas right now."

Xavier's eyes went up.

"Where?" Xavier inquired with a serious tone.

"They over there by McDonalds that my sister works at," Raymond responded. "She's getting off her shift now but she said they still there. She just said make sure she has a job to go back to."

Xavier picked up his trusty Glock 17 off the night stand and placed it in his waistline.

"Tell if I leave a mess, I'll give her a month's pay," Xavier stated and then walked out the bedroom with his two buddies in tow.

He spotted Shaquana in the kitchen fixing dinner for her little ones. Jaquan was still on the couch looking at cartoons with a look of peace on his face. Cardinal was coming out the bathroom. Cardinal gave Xavier a menacing glare then looked at Xavier's counterparts and went in the kitchen to help his mother prepare dinner.

"You going to be out late," Shaquana called out from the kitchen. "I'm making one of your favorites."

"Yeah, quick business and then I'm all yours," Xavier said heading for the front door. "Hey, Jay, be good and Car we going to have a talk when I get back."

Xavier heard Cardinal mumbled the word 'whatever' under his breath but decided he would address that later.

"Ok, don't be long because we still have to finish what we started," Shaquana said appearing in the kitchen's doorway looking at her man one more time. "Be careful and tell your knucklehead friends they better have you back here in one piece."

"Got you," Travis winked and then opened the front door.

Xavier grabbed his jacket and blew Shaquana a kiss before he walked out the door.

Xavier hopped in the passenger seat of Travis' Ford Expedition while Raymond got in the backseat. Travis pressed the button for the cd panel on the dashboard and the great deceased rapper Notorious B.I.G's voice began blasting through the woofer speakers singing his famous anthem "Big Poppa". The trio just listened and nodded their heads in silence as they prepared for the task they were about to do. No other words but the lyricist was spoken in the vehicle as they headed to their destination.

When they got closer, Xavier instructed for Travis to turn it off.

"They still in there?" Xavier asked as Travis parked his jeep across the street from the McDonalds' parking lot.

Raymond took out his cellular phone and dialed a number. After a brief conversation, he clicked off the phone and put it back in his left jeans' pocket.

"Yeah, one of them fools trying to holler at Stacy, one of Jessica's coworkers," Raymond informed checking out his Glock .45 making sure it was ready for action. "My sis just left and I told her what you said. She said she wants double."

"Your sister is an extortionist," Xavier laughed. "Yo, you called the crew."

"Already on it," Raymond said. "They should be here soon."

"How you want to do this?" Travis asked leaning back in his seat.

Before Xavier could answer, a black Toyota Roadrunner pulled up beside them. One of the truck's window rolled down revealing Jermaine, a dark skinned man with a short afro and a big bomber jacket covering his thin frame.

"Whas cracking, bitches?" Jermaine greeted.

Travis and Raymond nodded and Xavier got out the Expedition.

"Park over there," Jermaine told the driver of the vehicle he was in and then got out followed by a big husky man dressed in an all brown Carhart outfit known only to the world as Clipz.

Xavier exchanged hand daps with Jermaine and Clipz as Raymond exited from the Expedition as well to join them.

"How many?" Clipz inquired adjusting his brown skull cap to cover the top of his bloodshot eyes.

"Sis says five," Raymond answered.

"You know as soon as they see us, they going to start blasting," Jermaine predicted.

"Then we just going to have to make sure we blast first," Clipz responded in a raspy voice.

Clipz didn't wait for any instructions from Xavier. He just walked across the street heading towards the parking lot. This was personal to him. The guys that were sitting in that McDonalds right now were responsible for killing one of his dearest friends and that was not going unanswered.

"Clipz," Jermaine tried to call him. "Dammit. He's going in guns blazing. Why you bring him?"

"I didn't, you did," Xavier winked.

Clipz spotted the five members of the Get Money Gang right away due to them all wearing platinum chains with the words GMG in big letters hanging at the end of it. Before Clipz could get to the entry door, Xavier stopped him and pulled him back.

"You crazy my gee," Xavier said smiling but dead serious. "We go in there blazing. We looking at real charges if your happy ass miss who you supposed to be handling."

"Yeah you kind of wild and your aim sucks," Jermaine laughed.

"Nigga, fuck you," Clipz said to Jermaine.

Clipz backed away from the door then looked through the big glass window and smiled.

"Yeah," Xavier said. "Let's think about this more...hey, where Jermaine going?"

Jermaine saw the same thing Clipz was looking at. Jermaine's girl, Lawanda, was talking to one of the members of the Get Money Gang. Jermaine stormed in the restaurant like a bull walking straight up to her.

"Yo, LaLa, what the fuck?" Jermaine asked.

"Jermaine!" she exclaimed surprised to see him there.

"Yo, homie, is there a problem?" the guy Lawanda was talking to said.

"Doesn't come concern you, homie, y’all get yours," Jermaine warned and went to focus back on Lawanda.

"Word, homie," the guy said and tapped his partner on the shoulder.

Jermaine didn't even the guy come up from the side of him and punch him dead in the face with brass knuckles on. Jermaine fell down and Lawanda screamed. Xavier came right behind the guy that knocked out Jermaine and charged him. They both collided and landed on table with Xavier on top as he pounded the guy's face in. Clipz was already working on the next dude and Raymond and Travis were handling the leftovers. Customers screamed and moved out of the way as an all-out brawl commenced.

Somebody yelled, "The cops are coming!" Xavier broke out of his trance long enough to jump off of his target and prevent Clipz from shooting another member.

"Let's get out here," Xavier said. "We'll get those niggas next time."

Sirens could be heard down the block. Xavier grabbed Jermaine and helped him out the door. Raymond and Travis followed. They all managed to get in their vehicles and drive off before the first squad car showed up.

"You was worry about me and old Maine go in and get knocked out by dudes," Clipz laughed from the driver's side of the Roadrunner. "Told that nigga about fucking with them hoes. Oooohhh. We should have murdered those niggas!"

"Shut the fuck up!" Jermaine said with his hands over his head. Blood was gushing from the open wound that was above his right eye. Blood was getting into his eye.

Xavier was in the passenger seat looking back at Jermaine.

"Let me see, dog, is it bad?" Xavier asked.

"I can't see shit," Jermaine said.

"Stop whining like a bitch," Clipz remarked. "I told you that nigga wasn't built for this shit. Stick to that credit card scam and boosting cars and shit."

"Yo, shit the fuck up," Xavier said.

Raymond pulled up alongside of them in his jeep and yelled out the window.

"What the fuck you want to do?" Raymond asked.

"We may have to take this nigga to the hospital," Xavier said.










"I got to start reevaluating my life," Wisdom said looking at the passenger seat car window.

"Not this speech again," Jay stated rolling his eyes as he grabbed the steering wheel to make another turn.

"What?" Wisdom said defensively.

"You always giving me that bullshit about you want to change and settle down and shit," Jay informed. "Then guess what you meet another slim goody and it's back to the old you. Look, nigga, you the son of a pimp. Not just a pimp. Thee Pimp. Nicky Barnes even Alpo use to get hoes from his stable. Your pops made a legacy and you trying to stop that."

"Look what it costed him," Wisdom added. "All those hoes and he couldn't keep the one woman that held him down and tried to get him to change."

"You just mad they split up and she lives in Brooklyn now," Jay remarked. "I know you miss them being together. But let's face it Daddy K is always going to be Daddy K."

"That's what my mom always use to say," Wisdom replied looking at his friend then back out the window.

Jay stopped his car in front of Wisdom's apartment building.

"Look, man, whenever you ready to stop with speeches and just happy with what you are and let your boy reek the benefits," Jay said as Wisdom opened the car door to get out. "Holler at me."

Wisdom laughed and shook his head as he got out the vehicle and closed the car door behind him.

Maybe Jay is right, Wisdom thought, maybe I do need to accept the fact I am a son of a pimp. Pimping was in his blood. Like that rapper Biggie Smalls use to say 'I'm a pimp by blood not relations.'

Wisdom entered his apartment and as usually his father wasn't there. Wisdom took his clothes off. He couldn't wait to take a shower and get her latest conquest's stench on him. Like his father always use to say 'ain't nothing that could turn off new pussy quicker than the smell of old pussy." Wisdom laughed. Daddy K always had sayings and observation when it came to the opposite sex. Daddy K was the master of his field and he was a professor in his craft.

Wisdom needed to take another nap after his shower. He really didn't get much sleep last night due to Ebony who keep trying to lay on him after their sex session. Wisdom turned the tabs for the shower and got in. He let the water soothed him as grabbed his wash cloths and began cleaning his body.

He felt nice and refreshed after his shower and donned his bathrobe to hit the bed. He was out cold in a matter of minutes. He was not in a deep sleep for too long before his cell phone rung and woke him up. He answered the mobile groggy.

"Hey, what’s your business?" Wisdom asked not looking at the caller id on the phone.

"Hey, Wisdom," the caller said on the other end. "It's me, Remy. You met me at Speed last night and gave me your number. Did I catch you at a bad time?"

"Yes, I'm sorry, baby girl, I'm in sleep mode," Wisdom informed. "Can I call you later?"

"Sure thing, cutie," Remy replied a little disappointment she couldn't talk to Wisdom right then. "Call me later, you got my number."

Wisdom just clicked the off button on the phone and threw it across the room. He patted his pillow and went back to snooze land.

He woke up an hour to his cellular phone.

"Hello, who is it?" he asked groggy.

"It's your mother," the lady said on the other end.

"Hey, whas good?"

"Nothing, just about to finish this double. I'm tired but I'm hungry," she replied.

"Cool, cool, I'll come by and we can go get something to eat," Wisdom said.

"You don't have to," his mother said.

"No, no, besides I got to get used to seeing my mother in her new habitat," Wisdom said.

"Will you need to start seeing me more often," she said with a smile. "I miss my whizzie."

"Stop calling me that," Wisdom laughed. "Anyway I'll be over there to pick you up."

"Ok, I know a great spot we can go to," his mother smiled.




Wisdom was sitting in the waiting room of Woodhull Hospital where his mother was now working. A group of guys came in looking like they had been an altercation. Wisdom could tell they were trouble the way they walked in like they owned the place. They flopped down on the chairs making all sorts of noise. Wisdom quickly ignored them and focused on the young lady who was also in the waiting area with a little boy next to her drawing in a coloring book. The woman was looking in Wisdom's direction as well.

Wisdom didn't even know one of the hoods that were sitting down was looking at the same thing he was looking at until the ruffian got up and said something.

"Yo, why you staring at me?" the baldheaded thug yelled at Wisdom's direction.

The thug's entourage started looking at Wisdom as well.

"I'm talking to you," the guy said pointing at Wisdom. "You got a problem?"

"Nah, man, I was just chilling," Wisdom said. "I'm not trying to start nothing."

"You just did," the thug said. "You know who I am?"

"A very large man," Wisdom replied and the lady chuckled.

"You think I'm a joke? You think I'm funny?" the whole entourage stood up.

"Is there a problem here?" a security guard asked coming out of nowhere.

"No, officer," the gang leader said. "We just waiting.'

The gang sat back down and didn't say another word. Wisdom's mother came out from the back room putting on her coat.

"You ready?" she asked Wisdom.

Wisdom nodded as another woman came out of the same back room as his mother did and went over to the lady with the boy.

Wisdom looked back at the thugs and notice they were still staring. Wisdom simply brushed it off his shoulders and headed out the hospital with his mother.

The female that was in the waiting room ran out behind him and slipped a piece of paper in his hand.

"I like the way you handled that," she said.

"Wait until you see me handle other stuff," Wisdom remarked.

"I can't wait," she winked and walked back in the hospital.



"My dude getting out the game," Xavier said to Raymond and Travis as he got into Travis' jeep.

"Word," Raymond said.

"Yeah, talk to him after he got out the hospital," Xavier said. "The cut over his eye all stitched up. He don't like how things went down. I mean he lucky it won't down like that better than Clipz coming up shooting up the place but still..."

"You wasn't built for this," Travis said. "He a pretty boy nigga. Pretty boy niggas need to be in the cut."

Xavier shook his head.

"I guess so," Xavier said.

"Anyway we need to get that shit out of our head and get ready to party with some bitches," Travis said.

"What's the words on those GMG boys?" Xavier asked.

"You heard what I said," Travis reiterated. "Time to leave the shit alone and go fuck with some bitches."

"Yeah if you say so," Raymond said. "You know your boy Clipz hooked up with Tony Childs. They running town looking for those cats. Clipz ain't happy unless he laying some slugs in something."

"Fuck Clipz," Travis said.

"Yo, we need to..." Xavier's word stopped short when he saw a familiar face walk out a convenient store. "Stop the car! Stop the car!"

Travis didn't know what was going on but he pressed his foot on the brakes. The vehicle came to a screechy halt. Xavier jumped out the jeep.

"Remember me, Mister Comedian," Xavier said walking up to Wisdom.

"Yeah," Wisdom stopped in his tracks. 'What the fuck..."

Xavier didn't even give Wisdom a chance to respond, he just swung on him. Wisdom took the punch dead on but didn't fall. Wisdom just came back with a left hook that connected with Xavier's jaw. Raymond and Travis both got out of the vehicle as they watched their friend tussle with the guy they met at the hospital three days ago. Raymond eventually got Xavier off of Wisdom and Travis came in between them.

"What the fuck, man?" Travis asked.

Xavier was breathing hard while Raymond subdued him.

"Get off me! “Xavier said flailing his arms and Raymond let him go.

Wisdom stepped back holding his bloody nose.

"What the fuck was that all about?" Wisdom asked. "I don't even know you."

"You don't have to know me," Xavier said. "Just know I'm not the one to be laughed at."

"All that to prove a point," Wisdom said. 'You could have just texted that."

Travis laughed so did Raymond. Xavier looked then starting laughing too.






Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.01.2014

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