

welcome to the world of minecraft where there is now no end to your imagination. this book will explain how to master mincraft and its ups and downs.we hope you like this guide and that it will help you in your advanture to servive the world of minecraft.

basic weapons

these six weapons will help you defind your home and you from the monster that come out at night.


the sword: a sword's sharpness makes it the best for close-range/melee combat. the sword recpie is below but is the same for iron, stone, gold, and dimands.

the bow and arrow: unlike a sword the bow can be used for long-range combat so that your enemies can't hit you

basic weapons

dispenser: a dispenser is a mechanism that can store and dispense items. it can shoot arrows, eggs, snowballs, and splash potions at your can also be used to hold food and can only hold 64x9 items.
flint and stell: is a item that can set things on fire like enemies, trees, grass, ets.

basic weapons

lava bucket: can eliminated sevaral enemies at once. you dip the bucket in lava.

tnt: tnt can be used to explode a large area of land. it can also be used to kill enemies in groups.

enemies in minecraft

1: spider



drops:string, and spider eye



damege:1 heart

drops: nothing


lives: large:16 medium:2 tiny:1 hearts

damege: large: 4 medium: 2 tiny: 0 

drops: slimeballs



damege:49 (reguler) hearts x24.5 and 97 (charged) hearts x48.5

drops: gunpowder



damege:2-6 hearts

drops: arrows, their bow,and radom armor(rarely)



damege: 2-9 hearts

drops: iron sword's and radom armor



damege:throws potions at you

drops: gunpowder, spider eye, and rarely potions



damege: 4-10 hearts

drops: ender pearls

into the nether

the nether is a dark world full of unknown monster. to get to the nether you will need 14 obsidion blocks and flint and still. put four obsidion blocks on the ground. next you will put four more on each you will put to blocks to connect the sides together.last you will use the flint and still to light the inside of the square. now you can go to the nether.


enchanting is a way to make your armor and weapons much stronger then they are. there is many ways to enchant your items. first is the enchantment table, the table lets you enchant all items. second is the anvile, it will allow you to take to enchanted items, takes one of them and puts the power in the other one to make it better.last is that you can go to a villager and ask you to enchant your items for free or with is the recipe to make a enchantment table.


armor is one way to keep you protected from attacking enemies. there is many tips of armor that are stronger then each other and here are the recipes. this recipe is the same as the other armors.


potions is a drinkable item that as positive or negitive efects to the player. if you use the right potion then you will be better in combat for a few minutes or so.

helpful potions

helpful potions have positive or happy effects when used. you can select you potion in the hotbar and use it to drink it. you will need 4 basic ingredients. plaze powder, ghast tear, magma cream, suger.

harmful potions

spider eyes can be used to make harmful potions to throw at enemies. there other harmul potions you can use to harm enemies like potion of harming, poison, weakness, sand slowness. a splash potion can be used to throw at can turn any potion into a splash potion just conbine it with gunpowder.

pre-battle checklist

do you want to stay alive long as possible during a battle? then get smart and get stuff you will need. here is a list of stuff you will need if you want to stay alive.


1: full set of armor ( iron at minimum) enchanted to unbreaking or protection.

2: at least 2 sword with enchanted sarpness, knockback, and smite.

3:an enchanted bow with at least 40 arrows or more.


5:a lava bucket

6:a water bucket

7:flint and still

8:splash potion of poison

9:splash potion of harming

10:potion of invisibility

11:potion of healing

12:potion of regeneration

13:mushroom soup

14:cooked steak

15:gold apple

battle strategy

here are some tips in surviving a battle.craft a map so that you can see where you and your enemies are you find a good place to put your base (underground or sky bases are mostly undetected by players). make share that your base is made out of the strongest item mostly obsidion.when attacking a enemies, it is best you sneak be hind him and surprise him. cyrcle around him so he can't hit you.its best not to draw your weapon intel your face-to-face wiyh your enemie so you can catch him of gard.try to make your opponite go in the water that will give you a chance to hit him with a bow if you have one and will make them slow so can hit them if there nearthe shore and just knock them back.make share to bring food just in case you are about to die. 

how to get to the end

find a strong hold that has a squear like object. this is the end portal that will take you to the final get to the end you will need 12 ender eyes. the only way to get the ender eyes is by killing enderman.they will fly away and drop to the ground and sometimes if your lucky they will not shadder. once you collect all the ender pearls from the enderman you will need to craft a ender pearl and blaze powder to make one ender eye. place all ender eyes around the portal and it should activate.

the ender dragon

once in the end  you will be in a very dark place with sand like ground. but what you don't now is that there is a ender dragon flying above you. you wont be able to see him at first but soon you will see his purple eyes coming right at you. make share you have a bow with lots of arrow or snow to throw. if you notice there are pilers with objects on top of the if i where you i would destroy them because the heal the ender dragon if dameged. once all the ender crystels are destroyed then you can attack the ender dragon. once you defeat the dragon then you have beat the game.


ender dragon

lives:200 x100

damege: 6-15 hearts

drops: a ender dragon egg

a good luck to the player

you have leared the basics of minecraft and are ready to face the monsters that oh what you. I wish you a good luck and we hope you like my guide to minecraft.


Texte: adam burcahard
Bildmaterialien: barker berzzet
Lektorat: alexander wright
Übersetzung: jonathan kitchens
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.09.2014

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

this book is about minecraft and how to make through the game surviving every part. with this guide it should help you pass every part of minecraft. there will be another minecraft book coming later after my book (deadpool) is published .

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