
All stories have a beginning

Hi, I am Abby. My full name is Abby Darling. Yes, Elementary sucked with my last name. So I am five foot five. I have red hair to my hips. I am pretty much going to tell you my story. Advice to go by, life sucks. Here’s why.


So this is me. I am the quite girl, who doesn't say a word. I keep my mouth shut and try not to talk to people. So if I am trying to let someone in before I enter I use the gesture. I got picked on all the time in elementary, so I never talk so they can't bully me or mess with me. They don't see me because I am practically invisible. I went to my first party three months ago. So I guess I will tell you the story up to today. The girls said to go upstairs, to see the view. The house had this gorgeous balcony. In the back yard they had this pool, hemic and lovely decorations. Well, next thing I know I am getting tossed off the balcony and into the pool. 


Now, for some of you it seems like a normal party. Like it would be funny. Yes, well try being me. So you’re thrown into a pool, and you can't swim. At this point life sucked. I went to the bottom. I tried to swim I couldn't reach the top. In fact I was still at the bottom. I could feel myself crying in the pool. I felt like I was suffocating. I couldn't swim, and of course that’s what’s going to kill me. Of all things the fact that I can't swim, is what kills me.


I felt someone’s hand going around my waist. We were going toward the surface. I was going to live I might just make it to see age fourteen. I get to see my sister again, and my parents. Life felt good till we hit surface. I realized during all my praises I was trying to breathe water. I felt stupid. So when we hit surface, I was bent over coughing up what felt was half the pool water. I heard every one whispering, and gasping. I then heard someone get out of the pool after me. I looked. 


Then I saw the person who had just saved my life. I thought to myself and just couldn't believe who saved my life. The most popular guy in the ninth grade. The most popular guy in ninth grade saved me, I couldn't believe it. I was well me. He was well you know him. I then realized the people were whispering about how he was a hero and saved some kid. I may not be popular, but I can still eavesdrop.


Then off course the guy walks over and says "Hi, are you ok?" It took me a few seconds to realize he was surprisingly talking to me. "Yes, thank you for saving me life." I said half coughing up water. He looked at someone in the distance. I realized he was trying to look for someone. Who would want to talk with me? I am just a pesky kid as some people say. I am........ 


My thoughts were interrupted. "My name's Dan. what's yours?" I stood up straight hoping I was done coughing up water. "I'm Abby." Dan looked at my leg. "Oh, god, did that happen when you got thrown in the pool?" I looked at my leg. I had a cut on my leg. It was from mid-thigh to my ankle. "I guess I didn't have it before the party.


My older sister Alyssa then emerged from the crowd. She is by the way the most beautiful girl I know. She is about five foot eight. She has green eyes and blond hair, with natural red high lights. "Abb’s are you ok?" I looked at her she looked so scared. I love how much she cares for me. "Yes, I'm fine. Dan saved my life." I gestured to him. She turned to him as he’s saying, "It was not a problem." Alyssa Smiled at him and said "Thank you" She sounded so relieved. I mean if it was her thrown in a pool. I would be crying tears of joy! She just goes thanks. I feel so loved!


Alyssa had me say goodbye to Dan and walked me back in the house of the party. She had me sit on the couch and rapped my injury. “Where are the girls that tossed you in the pool?" I looked around and pointed to them. She gestured for me to stay there. Alyssa walked over to them. I knew what was coming up and it felt pretty good having my sister.


She is so protective. I love her for this. I don't know what I would do without her. She is my best friend. She's Always there for me. She's just amazing. How could I ever live without such an awesome sister? Alyssa's strong, protective, and beautiful. 


She tapped them on the shoulder and they just turned around took one look at her, and then turned back around. She grabbed them by their arms and forced them to face her. Their jaws were practically dropped to the floor. “How dare you touch us?” This chick that looked as if she were a queen told Alyssa. “How dare I?! How dare I?! You threw my little sister off a balcony and into a pool! She can’t swim, she could have died! If anything it’s how dare you! Are you Crazy?” The girls looked as if they were going to hit Alyssa. “Well, if you think we’re going to listen to you then you’re wrong.” They smiled as if they actually accomplished something, which they did. Being the stupidest person I have ever seen to try to talk to my sister like that. Piece of advice don’t mess with my sister, she gets well, violent. The girl that hadn’t said a word yet then tried to punch my sister. Big, no huge mistake! My sister wrapped her hand around the girl’s throat and pushed her back against the wall. She slowly started raising the girl toward the ceiling. The girl looked horrified. Alyssa might as well have fires in her eyes. The other chick got a brain and decided to run for dear life. Alyssa still had the other girl against the wall, and feet of the floor. She got nose to nose with this girl and tightened her hand around her throat. “If you ever do something stupid like this again you and your friend will find yourselves in this position you’re in right now! Which is pretty close to death, got it?!” The girl nodded really fast in terror. When Alyssa put her down the girl booked it away from her.


Then Alyssa walked back over to me. “Ready to go home?” She asked with a smile on her face. I chuckled. “Yes, my leg is killing me!” Alyssa got to my side with the cut leg. She walked me out and all the way home.


When we entered the door our parents looked at us, then quickly to my leg. "What happened Abby?" I answered sarcastically. "Nothin much, I only got tossed off a balcony and into a pool, by to other girls." My parent’s mouth's dropped open. "You got thrown off a balcony!" My mom screamed. "Then into a pool." I responded. My mom then glared at me. "Stop acting like this is ok Abby!" My mom sounded extremely annoyed. "I'm fine!" My dad then said something. "Abby those girls did the just walk away or did you say something?" I was about to shake my head no when the phone rang. 


"Hello." I heard muffling sounds on the other end. "She did what?" My dad looked at Alyssa. Then more muffles. "Yes I will talk to her. Good-bye now." My dad shook his head and sighed. "Alyssa, you wrapped your hand around the girl’s throats? Then did what exactly?" Alyssa sighed, "I told them to leave Abby alone or they will find themselves in this position again, I only had my hand around one girl’s throat." I finished what we both were thinking. "The other chick got smart and left before Alyssa could." We all burst out laughing. "Alyssa I'll let this slide, but next time you’re going to be grounded. I know you’re trying to protect Abby." Alyssa smiled at Me.; I then smiled back at her. "Now go to bed." My dad said, half laughing. We chimed together "Night."


After the fact

So it is saturday, the day after the party. I felt exausted. I ached on the whole right side of my body. I blame the injury on my right leg. I forced myself out of bed. I went down stairs. With every step I felt like I was going to calapse. It hurt so much. It felt like someone was pushing on my leg. 


I got down stairs no one else was up yet. I felt so tired  I sat on the couch. I felt like falling over. I was exausted. I goy back up and headed to the kitchen. I got some breakfast and I drank some milk. I tried to go to the couch, but I was aching even more. Then again I am me. If I want to go to the couch I will.So I tried to. I got in the living room, when Alyysa came in she was at my side in an instant catching me before I could fall to the floor. She walked me to the couch, and sat next to me. "you shouldn't be walking around. You got cut pretty bad. Thats why mom and dad are taking you to the hospital today. Just try to stay off your feet. We don't know how much blood you lost." Alyssa stood upp and headed toward the kitchen. Then the phone rang.


Alyssa answered it. She was whispering to the person onthe phone. I couldn't reach the phone in the living room to eavesdrop. When I finally could Alyssa was already off the phone. "So who was it?" Alyssa turned on the T.V. "Who was what?" I let out a sigh of annoyance. "Who was on the phone?" Alyssa still looking at the T.V. said, " Just a friend." I knew she was hidding something just not sure what. She usually tells me everything. The phon calls had started A week before that party. Which she avoided telling me why she was at a ninth grade party. 


My parents entered the living room. "Good morning girls, how are you?" My mom said just like every saturday. Then in response just like every saturday, "Good." We said. Alyssa went to her room after that. She looked so upset. I couldn't figure out why. I went to follow her, but my parents stopped me. " Where do you think your going?" My dad asked. "I'm headed to my room." Lie. If I told them they would say stay out of her buisness. "You are to stay off your feet. We have to take you to the doctors first." My mom said. What is this gang up an Abby day. I just want to see if my sister is ok! "Sit now!" my dad said. I had to sit.


Later after the doctors. I was in my room trying to think whats going on with Alyssa. I could walk to her room and ask sense I can be on my feet. She would probly just send me off or tell me a lie. What if she has a boyfriend. I mean it makes sense. She gets phone calls all the time. She whisperes on them to. She is always out of the house. She is rarly home on a school night until like nine o'clock. It makes perfect sense. She gotta have a boyfriend. 


I relized I sat there thinking of this for hours. It was already ten, I was probably gonna sleep all tomorrow. Alyssa is never gonna tell me is she? I thought to myself. When is she gonna tell me what's up? I love Alyssa, She has green eyes with blond hair with red high lights. All natural. 

Where did she go?

The next day after school I went home and walked inside to set my stuff down. When I heard someone crying I went to find who. My older sister was in her room crying. I heard my parents whispering. I knocked on her door, "Alyssa, are you ok?" I heard her walk to the door. When she opened it she looked at me and said "I'm fine." She pushed past me and went down stairs. I followed her and tried to get her to look at me. "Alyssa why were you crying? Alyssa looks at me!" She turned around and looked at me and said "Abby I'm fine. Just stop pushing me to tell you, you don't need to know." 


Then I went to my parents. It seemed everyone knows what’s going on, but me. I knocked on the door. "Mom, Dad, Is everything ok?" I asked them. They whispered some more and then responded. “Yes sweetie, go get a snack or whatever you want to do." This just got weird. When would someone tell me what’s going on. I love my family, but sometimes I wish they would tell me what’s going on. 


The next day was Wednesday which means half way through the week. So When I got home I waited on the porch. I waited for hours. When it started getting dark out, my parents called me inside. "Mom and Dad, Alyssa's not home yet!!!" They still made me come inside. "Sweetie, she probably is just out late." 


The next morning she wasn't back. My parents looked so upset. I felt so upset. My parents were trying to hold back tears. I was trying not to break down and cry my eyes out. Where could she be, we live in New York. So she couldn't go far. What if she ran away? What if it's my fault she ran away? What if I pushed her away? Alyssa ran away because of me. 


After a year of searching and no luck. I started coming home crying every day. Everyone always asking where’s Alyssa or did you find her. It is just too hard. My parents decided we are moving to California. Since they would come home crying too. They think it is a good idea and I agree. So we leave tomorrow. I am pretty excited. I got packed and now I am just sitting around doing nothing. 


When I got to the airport the next morning we were all hungry. So we stopped to eat. Then I heard someone call my name. "Abby, Ha, Wait up!" I didn't know who it was so I turned to look. I didn't see anybody. Then I saw Dan. The guy that saved my life. Yes, that guy. He looked like he was headed somewhere too. He had a suite case, blue jeans, an old t-shirt, and his normal self. Blonde hair and blue eyes. Then he is six foot three. "Hi Dan." I responded. "Hi, how are you?" "Good, I guess. How about you?" I smiled my fake smile. "I'm doing well. So where you headed?" I looked around. "I'm headed to California, well, moving to California." Dan handed me something. I reached for it. It was a piece of paper. It had his number on it. "Where are you headed?" I asked knowing he has been trying to talk to me since my sister disappeared. So trying to stay off that topic. "I am headed to Texas, then Organ." I nodded. "Cool. So um... “Dan put a hand on my shoulder.”Abby, are you ok? You look like your about to just shedder into pieces." I then burst out crying. He pulled me close to him and gave me a hug. I then just cried. 


My flight was called to be boarded. "Bye Dan." Dan grabbed my hand before I left. "Abby, do you mind if I come visit you later." I thought it was kind of creepy. Then I relied he was trying to be nice. "Sure." He then nodded. "Bye Abby." I then waved. I walked on to the plane, and found my seat. I then started listening to music, and then the first song came on. It was one me and Alyssa would sing to all the time. It was Life is the Highway by Rascal Flats. I started tearing up. The last time I sang this with her was in our mom's minivan. We sang it at the top of our lungs, we were so weird.

Its only a Dream

I then got off the plane and walked with mom and dad. They rented a car to drive to the house they bought. When we arrived, I saw a girl sitting on the porch. She was crying, I walked over to her. She didn't even look at me. She got up and walked to the back yard. I followed her. "Who are you?' I asked the girl. The girl looked up at me. She had a mask on. One that you would wear to a dance. It was blue and purple, sparkly to. I reached for her. She ran and jumped the fence. I followed. The weird thing is when I jumped the fence I saw a high school, and students. Only one stood out the most. That was me, I saw me. I was standing in front of a school, with me also attending it. I didn't know what to do. I then wish I could scream. Then someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned I saw the masked girl, "Why did you bring me here?" I started crying. The girl pointed to some one behind me. "Abby! Abby!" I turned. I dropped to my knees crying. I was staring into my sister’s eyes. "Alyssa?" I asked to make sure. "Abby we don't have much time. I am ok. Now listen closely, someone is going to go after you when your sixteen," I interrupted her. "What do you mean they will come after me?" I asked her. "Abby listen, let me finish. He will try to threaten everything you love, they will try to use me to get to you, saying he has me, but he doesn't, I am safe. Just don't trust anything he tells you. I don't have much time; I hope I see you again one day! I love you!" Alyssa was whisked away in dust and she was gone. I was still yelling to her. "What do you mean by him?! Where are you?! Alyssa!!!"


I jolted up in my plane seat. "Abby, are you ok? You were crying in your sleep sweet heart. What is it?" I took heavy breaths. I know it was a dream, but it felt so real. "I'm ok." I said under my breath. I got up to go tithe bathroom in the back. I looked in the mirror. I looked as if I had seen a ghost. I couldn't believe it, I was about to think I was talking to my sister in a weird sisterly bond, brain, thing. I wish it was my sister. What I don't get is the girl in the mask. She was in a short in the front long in the back green skirt. A black short sleeve with a black with red designed butterfly pattern. A red cloak, and a sash that I couldn't quit read. She had red hair to her hips too. She was scare. I am scared of that chick.  She was just so amazingly scary.


When we got off the plane I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I felt mortified. After the dream I had I was wiped. I kept looking for my sister, and for the red head. I think till I know her name I am just going to call her Blue. She had a blue sash and mask, it makes sense. Any ways. We got to the house and strangely it was the same one in my dream. I walked in the house. The movers had already finished putting our furniture up. I went to find my room. I went upstairs and checked every room. When I found it I was excited. I had a bathroom to myself, and a huge balcony. Just Amazing! "Abby go to bed you start school tomorrow." I looked out my door. "Ok, Dad. Night." I yelled down the hall. "Night sweetie pie." Oh, god please tell me I heard wrong. He did not just call me sweetie pie!

First day of school

"Abby Darling! Get your butt down here you’re going to miss the bus!" My Dad yelled from down stairs. I got up out of bed. I threw on my blue jeans, a t-shirt that said Bring it, and some sneakers. I ran down stairs. I grabbed quick breakfast, then grabbed my bag and went out the door. I ran to the end of the street. The bus was about to leave. Oh, great I miss this bus I have to run to make it on time. I just barely made it on the bus. I walked to a girl with an empty seat. She had dark hair and brown eyes. She looked at me and turned to her window. I just put on a smile. I went to sit down, but she threw her bag in the seat and said "Saved." I just responded with "Sorry good-bye then." I found an empty seat and sat down. When we got to school that chick and I were both sitting alone. I got my locker number and went to go put some stuff up. So while I am putting this all up I hear someone say something behind me. "Oh no, not you! No we are not being locker neighbors. No way in this life time!" I turned around to see the chick from the bus. "I'm sorry do you have a problem with me?! I know you have problems, I just need to know if some of them have to do with me!" She just turned and walked of. So I headed to history. I have Mrs. Anita. She said to pick out some partners, so I just waited there, I mean hello, I'm the new girl! "Hi, I'm Jack Blake, You must be new?" I looked up. He was around Six foot. He had blond hair and blue eyes. He was not too shabby either. "Hi, I'm Abby Darling, and yes I am new. Thanks for asking." I said. He Smiled. "Will you be my partner?" I smiled back at him. "Yes, I will."


Jack then walked me to my next class; He told me if I needed some friends to come hang out with him at lunch. So I walked in to art class and found myself a seat. Our teachers name was Mr.Valcon. Yes, I am series. That is his name. So I sat down and he asked us to paint something that means something to us. So I grabbed my paints and my brush. I then started to paint Alyssa. When the teacher came around and got to me I was scared. "Who is this?" I looked at him then to my picture, then back to him. "It's my older sister who disappeared a year ago." I said in what might as well be a whisper. He patted me on the back and said "Never give up on family." I then half smiled and finished the painting.



It was Friday after school I was waiting for Jack and Cara when I saw her. The girl from my dream. She wore the green skirt, black top, red corset, red cape, the blue sash, and her hair in a ponytail. She was still wearing her purple mask. I chased after her, she ran. I followed her to a garden. The trees swayed, the leaves swirled around me, and they formed a girl. One that I knew. "Alyssa?" She smiled "Alyssa is it you?" There was a man’s voice in the distance, she turned toward it. She waved good-bye, and was gone. I felt tears going down my face. They were out of anger, frustration, and sadness. I was horrified. The girl re-appeared she smiled at me, she beckoned me to her. I took one step, unsure of what to do. I then followed her. She led me to a forest. I looked around. I was unsure of what she wanted. I felt so unsafe. She looked at me as if she was inspecting me. She stood in front of me then smiled. "Who are you?" I asked curiously. She smiled "I would tell you if I could. I will tell you what I can. I am from the future. I was sent back to help you get on the right path. So you can find your destiny." She looked at me to see if I understood. "Who are you though?" she smiled. "I can't tell you..........Yet." She smiled widely. She looked to the left of her as if hearing something. "Run! Their coming!" I looked to my right, her left, I saw nothing. "Who?" She turned back to me. She then had an arrow go into her arm. "Run Now!"


I shot up in my bed, shaking my head realizing it was a dream. I went to the bathroom. I washed my face, and then I went to my room. I walked to my balcony. I looked into my backyard. I was only in my pajamas. I was in purple pants, black tank, and my hair in a ponytail.  I looked across the yard hoping that no one could see me. I brushed my hair back with my hand. I felt like my layers were taking over my face. I walked back inside my room and changed into some jeans and a t-shirt. I brushed my hair and put it in a braid. I walked down stairs and ate some lucky charms cereal. I finished up my cereal and went to the couch. I laid down felling tired. I ended up asleep.


I was back in the forest. The girl was on the ground, she was trying to stand up. I rushed over to her and tried to help her up. She was so weak. She was unbalanced. She grabbed the arrow and pulled it out of her arm and put her hand over it. She was trying not to scream. She gestured for me to sit her by the tree. She started to wrap her arm. "Why are you back?" I looked puzzled. "What do you mean? I only see you when I fall asleep." She looked so confused. "What do you mean?" In the real world I am asleep on my couch." She looked at her hands and then looked at me. "Well, I guess you are safer there." She said. I looked around. "Who were the people that did this?" I asked terrified. She looked at me upset. "The same people that took Alyssa." She looked at a tree in the distance. I could tell it had a carving. I walked over to it. I couldn't believe it. It read Alyssa and Abby sisters forever. I was reading it, but I knew we never have been to the forest. "Where am I?" I asked the girl behind me. She looked at the tree frowning and then to me. "The future." My jaw dropped open. I was not in the future, was I?  I couldn't believe it. The girl looked at me. "Don't cry, you can still get on the path that gets you and Alyssa back together." She grunted out of pain of her wound. "Never lose hope, never give up, and you will be ready." I looked at her puzzled. "Ready for what?" I asked her in fear. She smiled at me. "To see who I am." She looked down and removed her mask and handed it to me without looking up. Then I woke up. 


My parents were in front of me and watching TV. I got up off the couch and headed up stairs. I almost saw who it was. I owe her, she was saving my life. She was trying to help me. She was trying to get me with my sister; I guess I'll have to wait till later. She is trying to show me who she is. I remember the dream perfectly.


I walked back to the garden behind my school. She was there. The girl in the Purple Mask. She looked at me. "Hello Abby." She smiled brightly. "How did you know my name?" I asked frightened. She looked at me confused. "I deliver you messages from Alyssa; of course I know your name." I looked down at my feet. "Oh, sorry. When do I get to know your name?" I asked inpatient to know her name. "I can't tell you my real name. It is risky. It puts both of us in danger. You can call me N.Y." I looked at her. It sounded kind of cool. Catchy too. "As in New York?" She laughed so hard. "No, it stands for something else." She walked to me. "Abby you need to be careful of who you tell of Alyssa's disappearance. There are the people who shot me with the arrow, that don't want you knowing too much. They would willingly kill you. So just be careful." I then feared for my future and sister. "Ok, I will." She smiled. "Abby in order for me to tell you everything, you have to find something out. Until then there is very little I can." She frowned. "Like I said I am from the future, I came to keep you on the right path, and help you find your destiny. There is more. That has to wait for you to figure this one detail out." I looked away and closed my eyes. What was it? I looked at her again and she looked at me. "I have to go." I gestured to the direction to my house. A firework shot from my hand. "What the?! What was that?!" I looked at N.Y. She smiled. "The small little detail you needed. You are special. You have to train later. You are a huge deal to your people. I was sent back to help you control that. Your power." I looked at her. How could she help me? "Don't look at me like that! I have to teach you so you can protect something in the future, so don't even." she snapped. "Ok, Who are you? You said I would get to know that." She smiled. "I am Baby New Year. I can remove my stupid mask now too." She reached for her mask and pulled it off. I couldn't believe who it was. She continued “Hi, I'm you, Abby Darling." 


Texte: Ash-angel-890
Bildmaterialien: Ash-angel-890
Lektorat: Care, Dez, Sarah, Raven, Haylee, and Jan
Übersetzung: Ash-angel-890
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.02.2014

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I dedicate this to my friends, Caroline, Destaney, Sarah, Haylee, Raven, and Marcella. Thanks for proofreading it and helping me with ideas for characters. I love you all so much. You all have inspired me Some of the characters might seem like you. (Hint, Hint) So Thank you! You all enspired me for this serious. So You each will recenize your characters, hopefully. Some come in the next book. Thanks Alexis for helping me with ideas. You are amazing. So thanks for the help, you rock!

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