
Chapter 1

So you all remember me, Abby. So if you remember, I ended up with fireworks coming out of my hands. I also found out N.Y., New Year Baby, was me. So here’s what happened after all that. "You’re me." I said. She smiled. "Yes, I'm you. I have to teach you, well me, how to use our powers." she said happily. I looked at her. She was gesturing for me to come to her. She throw her hand up and a purple fireworks shot from her hand. "How did you do only one color firework?" I asked N.Y. She smiled. "You focus. Now you try.” I looked at my hands. I put my hand in the air and focused on blue. I then heard loud booms and bangs. I looked in the air. There were only blue fireworks. They were beautiful. I smiled. “Good. I have to go, but keep practicing it only takes focus.” She said leaving.

One year later.

I woke up and my parents were always working days on weekends. I ran to my balcony, not caring how I was in pajamas. I pushed my hands forward and multi-colored fireworks shot from my hand. I smiled. I did get control over my powers, so I was excited to practice. I started shooting rapidly at the sky. They were blue, red, yellow, green, orange, and all kinds of other colors. I smiled. I thought about how Disney’s firework shows make characters, objects, and words. I never tried doing any of that. So I gave it a try. What should I try? A person, no, oh, I know. I shot a firework in the air it was green; when it took its form in air it spelled my name. “Awesome!” I yelled to myself. Exactly what I was trying to do. I smiled to myself. My phone rang, so I picked it up. “Hello, it’s Abby.” It was silent for a while then, “Better watch yourself New Year, I know someone we have for you. What was her name? Andy? No. Alex? No. Alice? No what was it? Al…” I stopped listening. N.Y. had walked in my room. “Alyssa?” I asked frightened. He took a few moments and then “Yes, how did you know?” He asked sarcastically,” Oh, right, she’s your sister. Good-bye Abby.” I heard a long beep. I felt tears on my face. N.Y. looked at me and then broke the silence. “He doesn’t have her. She isn’t even in this world.” She said laughing at him. “She’s dead?!” N.Y. looked at me. “No, I forgot to tell you. We come from the fairytale lands; it’s a whole other world. This is the human world.”

“There are other worlds?” N.Y. smiled, “Yes, there are. We are from one of them. He will call you a whole lot.” She smiled. “Well why are you here?” I asked. “It’s your first day of school for this year.” I gasped. I ran to get dressed. I through on jeans, and a plain blue t-shirt. I put my hair in a ponytail, and grabbed my bag. I ran to school. When I walked in Jack was Smirking at me. “You forgot didn’t you?” He was laughing already knowing the answer. “Yes, I was running all the way here.” He busted up laughing. “Shut up!” I turned to Cara, who was running in late too. “Hi Cara.” I said. “Hi Abby, How are you?” I looked at her gasping. “Good, you?” Luckily Jack was laughing at both of us gasping for breath, trying to talk. “Good. Jack, Shut up!” I laughed at him so hard, his face was priceless. I walked to the water fountain and got a sip then came back. The bell rang so we went to class.

So after school I saw Cara and Jack waiting for me to head home. We started walking and just chatted the whole way there. When I got home, that’s when everything started to change and make since at the same time. I was walking with Cara and Jack so he departs us at Maple Street, and Cara lives next door to me. So I walk in the door and I come home to my parents tied up. I walked over to them and there is a note. I pick up the note and my parents start making sounds that might be don’t read it. So I read it, “Abby, Did you have a good day at school? So you know about your powers, now the rest comes out. I hope you enjoy your late sixteenth birthday present.” I untied my parents. “What does that mean?!” I asked panicking he knew about my powers, or at least I thought it was a he. My parents shared a guilty look, “Abby, we told Alyssa this before she disappeared, but we never told you. You both are adopted. The orphanage found you both in the forest. Alyssa was three, or four. She had you in her arms. There were cuts on her arms and legs from rubbing up on the tree’s, and bushes. You were only about a day or two old. They tracked Alyssa’s footprints to determine how long she had been walking. It was about three miles. She was such a mature child. So we had adopted you both, she clearly loved you.” My parents were talking turns saying all of this. I felt tears on my face. “Did you know?” I asked realizing it was nonsense. “Know what Abby?” my Dad asked me. Well what I thought was my Dad. “Did you know I could do this?” I shot a flaming red firework up at the ceiling. My parent’s mouths dropped, they clearly never knew.

I ran to my bedroom. I couldn’t take it, just standing there in silence. I locked my door to my room. I ran to the balcony and sat there. I was crying for about an hour. I heard my phone beeping I had just hung up on someone, the call was twenty minutes. I then got a call. “Hello?” I didn’t know who it was until, “Hello Abby, You know everything you need to know. Now you can go.” He said annoyingly. “What do you mean? I am not going anywhere!” I felt anger boiling in me. I wanted so bad to hit him as hard as I could. I then heard a long Beep. I through the phone at the wall in my bedroom, it didn’t break, but it made a long sound. I went in my room, lay on my bed, and cried myself to sleep.

I got to school the next day and everyone was so loud. I got to my locker and Jack was waiting there. “Hi Jack.” I say as he looks at me as if for a sign. “Jack what’s up?” I ask him kind of nervous. “Are you ok?” He asks me. I look at him puzzled. “Abby you pocket dialed me. I heard a lot of what happened last night. Are you ok?” I look at the floor. “Oh, you heard that?” I asked like a whisper. “Yes I did.” He whispered back. Cara comes around the corner of the hall yelling, “Hi, guess what? Guess what’s new?” Under my breath I say, “Apparently everything.” Jack places a hand on my shoulder and whispers. “I promise I won’t tell anyone. You’ll be ok.” He said it so reassuringly. I turned to Cara. “What’s new?” I ask her. She smiles widely. “Guess who won for class president, instead of Vanessa?” I look at her surprised. “You ran for president?” I asked surprised. She never really liked that sort of stuff. “Nope, you did! I signed you up, and you won!” I started choking on air. “What?” Cara started jumping up and down. “You won against Vanessa!” Oh, so those of you who don’t know Vanessa. You don’t want to. She is really mean and doesn’t like me. She jumped a soda on me once, it was embarrassing.

“Cara, why did you sign me up for that?” I asked panicking. I can see it now as a head line in our school newspaper. “Vanessa rips Abby’s head off” I can see it. “You won one hundred and ten votes to none! Abby that’s everyone except you! You need to go vote.” “Oh, wow, Abby congrats.” Jack said smiling. I was going to die. They are teaming up against me. “No, no, no, you both can’t team up on me on this. Come on. I didn’t even want to do this.” I begged them. I dropped my stuff and got on my knees. “Please, don’t make me do this.” I begged some more. They looked at each other and smiled. “Never!” They said together. Jack grabbed my arms and Cara grabbed my legs. They started carrying me off to vote. I tried to get free, but nope. They wouldn’t let me.

After they forced me to vote I was so ready for class to start. Then I opened my locker. Jack, Cara, and I all ended up in some field. We all got up and were looking around for people. We saw unicorns, fairies, and so much more. I looked for a way back to school. “Abby your locker is over there.” Cara said. “Let’s go!” I say. Cara goes through, then Jack, and I try but I am shot back. I blacked out. I woke up and Jack was with me. “Where’s Cara?” He looks to the locker. “She was scared and ran, but I am not leaving you here.” He helped me up. “Where is here?” I asked openly.

chapter 2

“You’re in Fairytale lands.” I turn to see N.Y. “How did you get here?” I asked upset she never took me. “I can’t change time, you have to do it how I did, by myself.” I was upset. Then she was gone. “Where do we go?” I asked Jack. He was looking at something behind us. I turned it was a wolf. We ran through the forest. We dodged trees, and bushes. We hid behind some trees when some people grabbed us. They blind folded us. The pushed us through the forest, and around bushes. When they removed the blind folds we were at some camp.

There were fairies, dragons, griffins, phoenixes, princesses, princes, villagers, and hunters. It was so amazing. “Hello welcome to my camp. That wolf almost had you. You remind me of a girl who ran from a wolf to. She ended up coming here to train. Such a nice girl. My names Jameson Wolf, call me Jamie for short. What are your names?” I looked at Jack. “My name is Jack Blake.” He shook Jamie’s hand. “My name is Abby Darling.” I said, as we shook hands. “That was the girl’s last name. Alyssa Darling. You know her.” I could feel pressure from Jack starring. “She is my sister.” I answered. Jack’s jaw dropped. “You have a sister?!” He yelled. “Yes.” I whispered looking away from him.

We walked over to a tree. “She disappeared two years ago. She never came home. She apparently got the same news I did when she disappeared. I thought she ran away because of me.” I told him the truth, I never told anyone except Dan. “Is that why you where that bracelet?” He gestured to my heart shaped bracelet. It read Abby on one side and sisters forever on the other. “Yes, Alyssa has one just like it.” I said in response. Jack put an arm around me and said “Its ok we will find her.” I felt tears on my face realizing I had been crying.

Jamie walked over. “So what do you all need? I will gladly help Alyssa’s sister.” I stood up. “Can we get supplies to go search for her.” He smiled. “I can do even better.” He gestured a girl over. She had dark hair top her mid arm. She wore a dress with confetti looking design. “This is Birthday Princess.” She looked at us and smiled. “Hi call me Bailey. What is your names?” “My name is Abby, and this is Jack.” She shook our hands and gestured for us to follow her. She showed us rooms full of clothes like the huntsmen are wearing. “Put these on and grab a weapon.” She left the room before we could respond. I put on some tan pants with a white shirt and a brown jacket. Jack put on brown pants, a brown shirt, and grabbed a sword. I looked at my hands and was trying to decide if I should use my powers or a weapon. I chose weapon and left with a sword too.

We left the tent to find Bailey. She was waiting by a path. “So where do we look first?” She smiled laughing. “We aren’t looking I know where she is, we just need some help to get there. Plus, some old friends.” She smiled brightly. We left into the forest; it has been about an hour. “Where are we going?” I asked Bailey. Bailey looked around as if inspecting the area. “Don’t move.” She whispered. “Why?” I whispered back. “Something is out there.” She whispered worried. These creatures came from all directions; they looked like monsters you see at Halloween wearing masks. They came at us trying to punch us; they pulled out swords and swung at us. We are fighting, but there is so many. Then a girl with blonde hair, a dress that looks Halloween like, comes out. She kicked butt. She had this staff and it was everywhere. It hit one then another. She was fast. She tossed pumpkins at them and then boom. They exploded. She was amazing.

She had kicked some butt. They were all on the ground groaning. One tried to get up and she stopped in front of him. “If you know what’s good for you? Stay down!” It dropped down so fast. It was so funny. “Hi, I’m the Spirit of Halloween, call me Autumn.” I smiled at Autumn. “I’m Abby.” Autumn looked at Bailey. Bailey nodded. Autumn then bowed and stood up. I had no idea what is going on. “Why are you bowing?” “Your sister will tell you.” Bailey said. “Who are you?” Autumn asked Jack. “Oh, I’m Jack.” Autumn nodded. “Let’s go.” Autumn said; “There could be more.” I looked at the creatures. “What were those?” Autumn looked at me. “Those are the masked creatures.” She answered. Then grumbled. “Evil, retched creatures.” She looked mad at them. Then again Autumn seems deadly, don’t mess with her.

We stopped and set up camp for the night. It was almost night fall. We stopped at a clearing. When camp was set up there were four tents, a fire, a table, and a huge area where they had us learning to use our swords. When dinner was served it was mush. I have no idea what it really was, but I call it mush. Jack dove right in, Bailey ate it like a normal person, Autumn was trying to sneakily eat candy, and I was trying not to turn mush to barf.

The next morning we set off to somewhere. They haven’t told me where we are going yet. What was funny I had a dream we are heading to an old roman times coliseum. Then it came true. We were standing in front of a roman coliseum. We entered and it was exactly how I had dreamed it was. Bailey and Autumn lead us to a girl in a pink and red outfit. She had the red trimming on her dress and pink mainly. She was carrying a bow and arrows. “Christine! We need some help.” Christine, I guess turned around. “Autumn and Bailey welcome to my home. I think my dad’s back there.” Autumn glared at her. “You know we mean you, not Cupid.” Autumn said angrily. My jaw dropped. Cupid had a daughter, no way. “Fine.” Christine grabbed her stuff and came with us.

Christine looked at Jack and I. “Who is this?” Jack stepped forward and said “I’m Jack and this is Abby.” He told her. She looked to Autumn and Bailey and they nodded. She then bowed I couldn’t figure out why. We then walked for a few hours. “Jack.” I whispered. “Yes, Abby.” He whispered. “I dreamed we were headed to that coliseum.” Jack looked at me. “How?” he asked me. I looked at him. “I have no idea.” Jack scratched his head. “Let’s ask them.” I nodded. “Excuse me, Bailey, Autumn, and Christine; Abby had dreamed we were headed to that exact coliseum. What does that mean?” “First, call me Chris. Second, it’s the Dream Catching Sorcerer. She is very powerful.” They turned and we all walked for a while.

Then I heard a firework go off. I knew it wasn’t me. “We’re here.” I heard Bailey say. I looked around. I saw more fireworks and then Alyssa. “Run, their coming!” She yelled. Bailey, Autumn, and Chris all stood blocking me from her. She hadn’t seen me yet. She was telling them who was after her. “King Richard sent his two sons after me, with some friends. Prince Dan is coming from behind you, and Prince Daric is behind me. We need to get ready to fight.” She said very quickly. The two princes came out from each direction at the same time. They had swords and ten men each. So it was Twenty two guys against six of us. This was going to be interesting. The princes were shooting fire out of their hands. I looked at one prince in particular it was Dan from New York. From the party, the guy that saved my life. If he was evil why he did save me, he could have let me die. Probably think about that later.

Dan then had made eye contact with me. He pulled out his phone and called someone. My phone rang. He is an idiot. I am like six feet from him. I picked up. “You’re an idiot. I’m six feet from you.” I told him. His voice was like the one who was telling me I was ready to go, to come here. He was the Mystery caller I wanted to kill so badly. “What Abby, don’t like playing?” He hung up and was attacking. Bailey was shooting confetti; it would push the men back. She was swinging her sword around taking them down. Autumn was throwing bombs and hitting them in the head with her staff. Chris was shooting arrows here and there, taking them out. Alyssa was shooting them with fireworks, she shot one to the sky it formed a dragon. Then the dragon started shooting, it was still a firework just shooting more fireworks. It was awesome. I wonder if I could do that, but any way. Jack was swinging his sword here and there. I was being pushed behind everyone, being protected. Alyssa hasn’t seen me yet. I want to say, but she’s busy.

There is men starting to attack and one was sneaking up on Alyssa. He was one of the princes; he lit his hands on fire. He was about to put one on her until, well, I shot a firework at him. He went flying toward the sky. Everyone was staring at him, luckily not me. I was scared to talk to Alyssa. I didn’t know what was going on anymore. I was so confused. Alyssa was looking for who saved her life. She looked at me. She was staring into my eyes. The prince was coming back down when I shot him toward a tree. She looked at the prince, then me, then the prince again. “Hi Alyssa.” Was all I could say. “Abby?!” She sounded surprised and happy. I looked at her and nodded. The others had already taken out the men attacking. Alyssa walked to me. “Is that you?” She asked me sounding so thrilled. I smiled and ran to her with a hug. “Yes, it’s me.” I said hugging her. She immediately hugged me back. “Abby!” She said so happily. “Alyssa what had happened to you?” I asked her stopping our hug. “Probably same as you, sucked through the locker.” She laughed. I laughed realizing how silly it sounded. “Let’s go, there is a lot we have to tell you.”

Alyssa took us to some little house in the woods. It was pretty small. She knocked. “Who is it?” Alyssa responded. “It’s me Alyssa. Open the door Daisy.” Daisy opened the door. “Ah, Alyssa, Abby, Autumn, Chris, and Bailey, welcome to my cottage. Jack!” She greeted us girls friendly. Jack she sounded mad. “Jack, I told you, you can’t use my dream catching magic to find your charge!” She was yelling at him. “Ok, Daisy, I found my charge. That’s not why we are here.” Daisy started glaring at him. “You still have to wait outside, I don’t like you anyway.” I busted up laughing. He is probably mad at me for laughing, Yet, I did. “Come in ladies.” She smiled at us all. “So what is the trouble this time?” She asks us. “It’s the prophesy, its coming true.”

The others all say at the same time. “That was creepy.” I said out loud. “Abby;” Daisy was talking to me now, “There is a prophesy that an Evil King and his two sons, will take over the kingdom. They will make everyone miserable. Ruin all things good. Kill anyone who tries to stop them. Then Father Time and Mother Nature will have two daughters, the Queen of Independence, who is also known as spirit of Fourth of July, and New Year Baby. They will form a team and end the Evil Kings Rule.” She looked at me making sure I under stood. I nodded quickly. “Then they will take back control of their kingdom.” She says smiling to us. “The two daughters are Alyssa and I, aren’t they?” I asked knowing the answer. “Then let’s take back our kingdom!” I turned to Alyssa. She was Smiling like never before, “Let’s do it!” She says in response. “We need a little luck though.” I looked at her confused. “Dream catching sorcerer will you join our team?” Daisy looked at us. “Why do you think I showed her the coliseum? Of course I will join your team! Let’s go.”

All of us left for another place. Jack had joined us, but I don’t understand who his charge is. Let alone what he is. 

Chapter 3

We arrived at the beginning of a rainbow. It was beautiful. They all started walking up the rainbow like a bridge. I can’t believe it. They are seriously walking on a rainbow. I started to follow them. It is so cool. I was literally walking on a rainbow. “Wow.” I said amazed. “What never walked on a rainbow before?” Chris asked me. “Well no.” I told her the truth. “Well you get used to it.” Autumn said. Bailey turned to us, “You all are going to fall because you’re not focusing. Then on your birthday’s you’ll be wishing you listened to me.” She said laughing at us. “I think we can do without the talking.” Daisy yelled at us all. We are arguing like kids. I think to myself. We reached the top and there was so much gold, there is a girl. She has long black hair. She is wearing a green dress, and is looking at us surprised. “What are you all doing here?” She asked us. Autumn smiled, “We came to get our gold from the…..” She started laughing hysterically. The girl looked outraged. She shot rainbows from her hands except red was lava, blue was water, purple was poison, green, grass ended up as grass, orange was a very hot fire, yellow was gold, and lite blue was snow. Autumn started getting each color, fire, water, lava, snow, poison, grass, and gold. They were making her dance, trying to dodge. “Say that again and they won’t miss.” She smiled brightly. “I’m Patty.” She said smiling at me and Jack. “I’m Abby, and this is Jack.” “Well hello” She turned to the others. “Now I know you all came up here for something important.” She glared at Autumn.

“The Prophesy is true. We are going to take back our kingdom.” Alyssa says firmly. “We want you to join us.” She finishes. Pattie looks at our team and says, “I have one condition. That one can’t make fun of me.” She points to Autumn. Autumn smiles at her. “Who me? Never.” Pattie glares at her. I jump in. “Deal.” I say insuring her. Pattie nods and says “Then let’s go.”

We arrive at the castle and Alyssa, Jack, and I need to suit up. Alyssa puts on a mini top hat, a skirt that looks almost like a ton a fireworks, and a multi colored top. I put on the clothes N.Y. was wearing when we first met. The green short in the front long in the back skirt, a black t-shirt with a red and black corset, a red cape, a purple mask, and some black shoes. Jack came out with white pants, a white shirt, and angel wings. He was an Angel! “Ok, Abby I know I probably should have told you, I am your Guardian Angel.” He said nervously. I looked at him. He looked so different. It was kind of hard to believe.

Jack turned around. Another guy emerged from the tent. “Emit?” Alyssa asked the boy. “Hi Alyssa.” She looked mad. “I watched you die two months ago! You died right in front of me! You had died a week after you had proposed, and I hadn’t answered you yet. Now your back! The last thing I had said to you was yes!” She was livid. She walked over to him during all this. He looked her in the eyes and then said “I love you.” and hugged her tight. She cried in his arms. He was tall, blonde hair, blue eyes, and he looked so happy to have her in his arms. I felt so happy for my sister, then bad for the guy, she is about to chew him out. “I am so sorry. Do you forgive me?” Alyssa looked at him and smiled. “Yes, I forgive you.” She hugged him tighter. OMG. If that was me I would be dead. You know what that means? She truly loves him more than the world! AHHH!

So after every one was ready and came back from the dead. We decided to attack. We all entered the castle, the guards started to attack. There were bombs bursting here and there. The guards dropping left and right. It was cool. We continued inside. Autumn, Bailey, and Chris stayed out there to fight. We got to the throne room. We all looked around, the two princes in there. Alyssa shot a firework at them both. Emit shot beams of light. It was so cute couple working together.

Jack yelled “Pattie help them out, we got King Richard.” Pattie walked in the room and put a hand on a guard, it turned solid gold. Jack grabbed my hand and we were off. We found Richard and he was smirking. “Hello Abby and Jack Welcome to my castle.” I glared at him. “It’s not yours.” I yelled and shot fireworks at him. He dodged. He shot fire at us. Jack and I were separated by an empty space. He flew to the ceiling.

The king shot Jack against the wall and he was out cold. “Jack!” I yelled scared. “Oh, he was no fun anyway.” I looked at the king and was furious. “You retched monster.” I yelled at him. “Now don’t talk to me like that.” He laughed I shot fireworks rapidly. He had hurt Jack. He needed to pay. I was furious. The king fell backwards after a few more shots. He tried to shoot me, but couldn’t. I picked him up by the front of his shirt. “Oh dear, you monster you hurt your friend Jack, and Alyssa.” He told me.

 “No your wrong I am not a monster. None of us are. Alyssa got taken into this world by you. You forced her here. You took her from me. You hurt Jack, not me. You ruined every ones lives, not me. We are the hero’s. The people who came together to stop people like you. We are the protectors of hope.” A sash then appeared on me. It read “New Year.” I smiled. “I am going to enjoy this even more now.” I shot him with my fireworks. Then punched him in the face and he was out cold. I went to Jack’s side. “Jack.” I said silently. “Nice punch.” He said laughing. I Smiled and hugged him tight. When I let go I asked him “You’re an angel?” He laughed “Yep, your angel, who is not leaving you any time soon.” He smiled. “I know you won’t, because if you do I will bring you back just to kill you for leaving me.” He laughed as I helped him up. “I love you Abby.” I smiled brightly at him. “I love you too, Jack.” He hugged me close and I hugged him back. Alyssa entered “Abby!” I turned “Alyssa!” She hugged me immediately. “Are you ok?” I smiled at her. “I learned from the best.” I said gesturing to her.

It has been three years since we took back the kingdom.

“Alyssa.” I called after her down the corridor. “Yes Abby.” I ran up next to her. “Where is Jack and Emit?” I asked her. She smiled at Emits name. “They went to the courtyard.” She gestured out front. “Oh, the other protectors of hope are here.” She told me. I smiled. “Let’s go. Let’s go.” I pulled on her arm. “Abby slow down.” She said laughing.

We reached the other protectors. “Alyssa and Abby are here!” Bailey yelled. Everyone walked over to us. There were exchanges of Hellos, and what’s up. We all were so glad to be back together. Alyssa and Emit were over to a side and just waiting for it to get quit. “We are getting married.” Emit announced. We all started fan girl screaming and clapping. Honestly I have shipped them since He came back from the dead. I ran to them both and took them in for a hug. I looked at Emit. “If you hurt my sister in any way, I will hunt you down to the end of the earth and kill you. Got it?” I said smiling. He nodded really slowly, he didn’t seem to know if I was serious or not. “Abby ease up on him.” Jack said to me. He started laughing. We all started laughing at this. “Seriously though, if you hurt her, I will hurt you.” Alyssa smiled at me. “Jack, same goes for you.” We both started laughing.

We all went in the grand hall and were going to eat. “Abby, you want to go to your sister’s wedding with me?” Jack asked me smiling. “Of course I would.” I told him. He spread his wings and wrapped his arms around my waist. He started flying toward the sky. Then we were off.

After we returned Jack headed back home. I was the only one away in the castle. I walked through the ballroom to get there faster. I noticed someone in the shadows out of the corner of my eye. “Who’s there?” I called. “It’s me N.Y.” She stepped into the light. “What are you still doing here?” I asked her. She pulled out her hands and she was sparking. “What’s happening?” I asked her. She smiled. “You’re changing our fate. There is still trouble coming.” She told me. Hiding her hands. “What? No. We beat King Richard and his boys!” I yelled frustrated. “It’s not them. It’s…..Well…..Mom and Dad.” She said frowning. “What? From the human world?” I asked worried. “No, it’s our birthparents.” She said shaking. “They need our help.” She through a firework in the air and it formed two people fighting of what looked like werewolves. “What is this?” I asked. “It’s the Great Battle of Ruins. The werewolves won’t their children, who with hold great power.” She said pointing to the werewolves. I shook my head. “No, who are the people.” She smiled. “Mother Nature and Father Time.” She said answering my question. “We need to protect their kids.” I said turning toward the doors. “We can’t.” I turned to N.Y. “Yes, we can. We have to.” She frowned. “No, we can’t!” She yelled. “Why not?!” I yelled back at her.

She frowned. “We can’t protect their kids. Our team can’t either.” She said slowly. “Why not?” I whispered. “We are their kids.” She whispered back. I looked at Mother Nature and Father Time. “What?” I starred at them in shock. N.Y. took down her firework. “We are their kids. They sent us away to keep us from the werewolves. Their leader needs power.” She said very quietly. “We can’t protect ourselves.” She disappeared into the darkness. “This is my life. I am Baby New Year. Nothing can change that. We all are The Protectors of Hope. No one can stop us.” I whispered to myself.



Texte: ash-angel-890
Bildmaterialien: bookrix
Lektorat: ash-angel-890
Übersetzung: ash-angel-890
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.02.2014

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This is to my friends, Haylee, Marcella, Caroline, Destaney, Raven, and Sarah. Hope you all like the book. Enjoy it was all for you.

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