



"Once again this stupid freaking alarm wont shut up i swear one day i'm going to break it in half"

Eve said gettind back to sleep only to have her aunt yell,

"get your ass downstairs you better not be late for your first day" Eve seriously felt like slapping her aunt for waking her up when technically it wasn't her who woke her up,

"come eat breakfast I made your fav"Eve race down the stairs already smelling the heavenly smell the food was giving,she stood in the doorway watching her aunt trying to do both the eggs and bacon at the same time while sweating due to the heat even with the AC on. Eve hug her aunt putting her head on her shoulders,

"thank you," her aunt thought Eve was talking about the food so she said,

"your welcome" and thank you for not abandoning me when my mom and dad died she said to herself not wanting to say aloud because she didn't want to see the sad look on her aunt face and her saying that its not Eve fault,lets not go down this road again Eve! she snapped at herself.

"what you thinking sweetie?" her aunt ask,

"nothing really just trying to think of ways to sneak food without you noticing"Eve said smiling "not gonna happen"said her aunt "you sure?" Eve ask smilling even bigger her aunt hesitate

"yeah..." her aunt glance down only to see all the food gone 

"how-you know what nevermind no matter how many times this happens to me i'm never gonna get use to it"her aunt said putting the pans down in the sank, then suddenly remenbering that Eve put her hand in the burning pan as if Eve knew what her aunt was gonna ask she said,

"nope i didn't burn myself, I guess i'm invinsible"Eve said laughing at her joke

"gonna take a shower" with that Eve went up the stairs two at a time then jump in the shower with a towel, Eve close her eyes remembering her old school she uses to be what people called popular or at least she looked popular material with her dirty long blond hair,long tanned legs that btw she thinks is too long,and hazel eyes that semmed to changed color every minute but after the accident.

She shut her eyes not wanting to remember but before she could stop it tears were streaming down her face remembering, she loves her friends so much so because they knew when she needed space and they would give it to her always understanding. Eve open her eyes took her towel started brushing her teeth, walked to her closet pick a random tulip skirt and her cutout crop top that came above her belly button.

I gotta to shop for new clothes Eve thought to herself all her clothes everything was all revealing since her and her friends use to go everywhere. Shopping was something she use to like before she thought to herself but now.....Eve put her clothes on,brush her hair when she was done she didnt even bother glancing in the miror because all she'll see would be a sad girl who killed her parents.



Jack pull up his pants and started to look for his shirt around the room,
"Were you going babe?"jack look at the girl on his bed
"Your are?....." jack said pretending not see the shock on her face, I mean who could blame him he's been sleeping around a lot these days the girls can't expect him to remenber every single of their freaking names jack, thought,
"I'm britney and where are you going?"britney said seductively but jack didn't even glance at her and said, "School and i want you gone by the time i come back!" jack look around th room once more and said,
"fuck it!" jack went to his new Acura NSX that he got yesterday to drive toward Liam house not only to give him a ride since his mustang is getting repaired but because he needs somewhere to take a quick shower.
"Another student coming in our school i heard she's a total hottie bro" Liam said in the passenger seat looking really distracted by what he was watcing,
"stop watching porn and im not interested" Liam look up from his phone raising an eyebrow,
"what? girls are to easy these days they let me do anything i want to do to them they're like my slaves, don't get me wrong I'm not complaining but it's getting boring, they're like puppets"jack said grinning,
"but it shouldn't take that long for me to have the new girl in my bed IF im interested that is" jack said smirking.
jack enter the class ignoring the looks from the girls and going to he's usually seat at the back only to have Maddy coming over to him flipping her hair which made him roll eyes, don't get him wrong he like big tiyts and ass but like he doesn't like sluts that sleep around with every guy in town as I mean for him it's okay since he's a guy but for a girl that that's taking things to a new level and he doesn't like sharing what's he's at least for while anyways the girls sometimes pay him to spent more that one night together which is 500 dollars or a week it's like 1000 something dollars because he never keep track of them sometimes he raise pay higher and the girls didn't care as long as they got what they wanted from him. Mr Rel was 19 years old he went to college pretty early , he's a part time actor, part time teacher,singer,but even though he's famous he wanted to have a private life not wanting to be too involved in all those gossip in the magazine,he did singing, acting as a hobby, sometimes even dancing Mr Rel went to his desk looking for something and at the same time talking about the lessons for today. Mr Rel stopped talking still continuing to look for whatever he was looking for and said,
"Maddy will you please give us the honor of you going to your seat without throwing a fit like last time" no one even bothered laughing because they know Mr Rel isn't someone to be mess with when he say something you either obey or get the fuck out of his classroom literally. Mr Rel always tell Maddy to go to her seat but sometimes she would threaten to fire him because she wanted to seat next to jack and sometimes when he didn't pay spare her even a glance she would throw a fit and storm out the room hoping to get a reaction from Mr Rel but that never happens so she usually wait outside a minute or two then come back inside.
"We have a new student today" Mr Rel said mentioning for the person outside to come in. Jack waited patiently as the the girl Liam mention as "hot" to him this morning to come in. All jack could do was stare from her long pretty legs that seems to never end, her stomach that shows her six packs and her moon ring that hangs in her belly button, her angelic face that seems to make her look luscious especially with her long dirty blonde hair that goes all the way to her waist. Jack didn't seem to able to find the right word to describe her cute, pretty, beautiful all of those words didn't seem to fit her, she was all of those yes, but at the same time she seemed a little devilish, rebellious, an angel who seems to want nothing but trouble. Jack smirks,
  "this is gonna be more fun than I thought"jack whispered to himself still smirking.
"Umm...." Mr Rel clears his throat,
"Would you live to introduce yourself?" Mr Rel ask flustered,
"My name Eve Moon nice too meet you let's get one thing straight..... no slapping my ass, or touching my boobs, tits  whatever you guys call it no touching me at all" someone in the back yell out,
"What if you allow us too or if it's necessary for us to touch you?”
"I highly doubt that I'll let any of you guys touch me with my permission but if it's for a project that actually needs touching then we're good"Eve said seeming annoyed with the attention on her,
" if you guys accidentally kiss me or do something too me then I'll accidentally punch or kick you on the nuts" Eve said smiling sweetly, innocently,
"Before you guys think  a girls punch or kick is nothing I can take it.....mmmm..."Eve look around the room looking for something, after a while she came back with a hard glass,
"Can i borrow this?..." Eve ask Mr Rel, he just nods seeming curious about what's gonna happen. Eve punch the hard glass making it shatter everywhere and making everyone look at her and her bloody hand in disbelief,
"Now imagine that was me kicking your your small ass dicks or punching it”Eve said grinning every boy in the classroom seems to look scared including jack,
"Oh and get a hint when i don't want to talk to you that how every single boys at my school went to the hospital think I’m lying check with the principal” Eve said looking around the room when she found what she was looking for her eyes lit up she took a three tissues put it on the blood and took the only available seat which was next to jack. Jack was bothered that his seat was the only available one, because he needed to know if she would still seat next to him even if there was an extra seat, Eve faced the board listening to the teacher,
"Nice skirt, can I talk you out of it tonight?” Jack said giving Eve a wink. Eve didn’t say anything, she didn’t hear me that’s why she’s not all over me already, jack thought smiling,
“Hey babe did it hurt when you crawled out of heaven?” jack said winking again,Eve turn around facing jack
“No but it stung like a bitch when I crawled out of hell” Eve said winking right back at jack with a smirk on her face, raising her eyebrows. So that’s how you wanna play huh? jack thought to himself grinning,
“Don’t your feet hurt you’ve been running in my head all day?” Jack said raising his own eyebrows waiting...,
“ yeah they kind of do, chasing people in their own nightmares is hard work bro” Eve said smiling,
“Your panties would look great on my bedroom floor” jack said winking once more,
“Cool you can buy me the same pair for $25 at Victoria Secret” winking Eve went back to facing the board,
What....what just happened? jack ask himself, she wasn’t charmed by my charms? Jack Laugh out loud making everyone look at him but he couldn’t stop no matter how much he tried. Well it’s gonna be an interesting school year jack thought to himself smiling.

Wait hold-up what?


John turn around to watch Eve not able to take his eyes off of her and that came as a surprise to him, since he hasn't been interested in anyone since what happened with his girlfriend 3 years ago just thinking about it now brings a frown on his face. John went back to his lesson turning once in a while to see, If the kids are paying attention. Since today was early release day the bell rung at 12:00 John took his hand made lunch by him and started eating only to be stopped a few seconds later by Maddy sitting on his desk.

"Hey John" Maddy said winking,

  "First thing first get off my desk" John said angrily waiting for her to get off

"Second it's Mr Rel and don't ever wink at me I find it disgusting coming from my students"John said

   "I would appreciate it if you get out of my classroom the door is that where it always have been" Maddy stood there completely shock about what just happened, John snapped his fingers front of Maddy as if he's trying bring her back to reality, Maddy looked at him then ran out of the room.

"Bro that was too harsh" jack says smiling

   "Then why the fuck you're smiling?" John ask

"Because I don't like that girl she's always all over people"jack said with a disgusted face

   "Oh you mean like you're always are with the girls" John said smirking

"Whatever today we have pack—"jack and John looked all the way in the back seats to see Eve sitting with her lunch on her desk eating

  "You're still here? I thought you went to the cafeteria Why aren't you eating in the cafeteria?" John ask

"Oh I just went to get my lunch if it's okay with you can I eat here because I don't want to eat in the cafeteria"Eve answered looking uncomfortable,

"I kinda don't have that much of a choice since you already started eating, next time can you inform me if you're going to eat here in advance through?"John said grinning

"Of course" Eve said winking.

  "He said he doesn't like when he's student—

"Shut up John said to jack telepathically"Call him jo—"John smack jack in his head hard making jack grimace, John grins "Fucking bitch" jack said telepathically "manwhore" John said laughing out fully,"You guys know I'm still here right? and I can hear you guys cussing each other? Is that even allowed for a student and teacher to cuss because that be real cool"Eve said exited, John and jack watch her with shock all over their face"What? Don't worry I won't tell it we'll be our little secret" Eve said smirking "Did we accidentally talk out loud again" ask jack "No I sure we didn't so what the—"Hey can guys stop having a conversation like I'm not here" Eve said unamused



"I'm out out here bitches!"Eve said, noticing the shock on their face,

  "What? you guys are allowed to cuss each other but not me?.....then go fuck yourselves"Eve packed her things and walked to the door.

"Bye hotties" Eve said, blowing them a kiss, Eve watched the teacher with his brown hair just like the flirt next to him expect he dyed the ends blond. Eve look at both of their jawline that make them look scary, dangerous even with all their muscular appearance but all didn't matter because their eyes make you feel like you're in a deep ocean caged in but yet you feel peace, joy, happiness. Eve smiled wanting to experience it again.

"Are you guys related?"Eve ask

  "Yeah he's my twin brother" Mr flirt said.

"You are?"Eve ask, can't keep calling him Mr flirt forever now can we? Eve thought to herself.

     "I'm jack but I don't mind if you call me Mchottie" jack said with a winking. Eve roll her eyes smiling,

"You're Mr Rel right?" Eve ask the teacher.

"Yeah but you can call me John when you're screaming my name" John said winking,

   "I plan on it" Eve said looking at both of them then smirked

"Bye boys"with that Eve went out the door put her her headphones in, playing fire by Bts and started looking for her dorm, smiling wickedly.

Pack house


"Is it possible she heard us while we were talking telepathically"jack asked

   "That's not possible....could it?even our pack has problems talking to us telepathically so how can a human be able to not only to talk to us telepathically but hear us too the alpha of the pack?"John answered furious and frustrated at the same time

"I'll talk to Eden he'll probably know what's going?" Jack ask unsure if Eden will know jack cuss under his breath"I'll meet at the pack house?"

"Yeah I need to get my things first"

   "K" jack left the classroom, went to the parking lot only to noticing that it started raining, looking for his car it didn't take long since it was in a reserved spot. Before getting into his car he noticed someone with their head down in the rain walking.

"Hey!"jack trying to get the persons attention while walking towards him or her

   "Hey"Jack said whole tapping her on her shoulder. She didn't even have to turn around for him to know who it is because he could recognize that sweet chocolate smell anywhere.

" want a ride?"

"No thank you"Eve replied

   "Common I don't want you to get sick plz?"jack said practically begging her Eve seems to think about it for a while.

"Where's your car?"

    "Follow me"jack said smiling brightly. Jack got to the car started the engine waiting for the car to warm up then unlocked the door for Eve to get in after telling jack where she lives. Jack watch Eve's trembling fingers as she talks to whoever is the phone jack check the review mirror because he suddenly remembered that Jess his best friend had a blanket around her this morning because apparently she was too cold she left it in his car so she didn't have to carry it. Jack stop his car and Eve looked at him in confusion he doesn't say anything just goes to the back of the car bringing a blanket with him and putting it around Eve shoulders then continued to drive.

"Thanks I don't wanna go home right now can we go somewhere else please?"Eve said still trembling from the cold at least that what he thinks,

"Of course" jack drives to the pack which was kinda far from the school.

    "When he arrived he put in the password for the front gate finally noticing the rain had stop and drives his into the parking lot while pretending he doesn't see Eve looking around. Jack got out his car and started heading for the door.

"Um...are the only one who leaves here?"Eve asked

  "No it's a shame, I know....we don't get to do anything dirty"jack winked and chuckled when Eve blushed

"I'm not the only one who leaves here my pack leaves here does my brother"jack added when he saw his brother blue car coming.

"Come on in"jack said opening the door.



"Wow" John heard Eve said beside him and he couldn't blame because the house was huge he didn't want this house but it was the only house that was big enough to fit the whole pack, it took them forever to find a house like this. The outside looks huge but it's nothing compared to the inside size even then the whole pack barely have their own room. Theirs about 2 or 3 hundred people in the pack about 100 or so have found their mates.

"It's beautiful isn't?" Jack ask Eve pointing to the picture Eve has been staring ever since she came. It's a picture of a flower that blooming at the ends but dying on the inside.

"Yeah...." Eve answered as she heads toward the kitchen. John and Jack follow Eve close behind to see why she stopped only to figured out before they even they even look. There was about 100 or more people on the table getting reading to eat the big feast a front of them.There was food everywhere John watch Eve looked around in awe but this was nothing new to him yes but everyday all the girls in the pack would cook something new for the whole pack trying to satisfy there taste buds. Today yet again they did something spectacular that had everyone's mouth watering like a pack of dogs that's funny because we kinda are john thought to himself.

"Hello beautiful may i just say, you came just in time join us"Jay says giving Eve a look that john didn't like and as for Jack his death glare that he gave jay gave his intentions away.

Not really a chapter but have to read

 this isnt isnt a chapter im just saying if you have wattpad follow me dlcjj4321 same username because somethimes i foget to update on this if you dont have wattpad DOWNLOAD IT!NOW! and support me ill really appreciate thx



"Yeah looks like it" Eve replied smiling.

"Hey boys"Eve heard someone say. Eve didn't even have to turn around to know she ain't gonna like the girl very much.

Eve turned around to see a girl just wearing a black lace bra and black lace tong underwear as if it's perfectly normal.

"Looking good Ariel" someone said at the table.

"Who's that human?" Ariel said looking at the twins

"Name's Eve why are you naked?" Eve asked

"Im not as you can see" Ariel said pointing out her bra and underwear

"Where's the rest of it?"

"The rest of what?"

"The rest of your clothes???Are you dumb or just plain stupid?" Eve asked, Ariel seemed to be trying hold her anger while rubbing her temple

"Human do trust me when I tell you this you do NOT wanna get on my nerves"said Ariel

"Okay?"said Eve making it sound more like a question then a statement

"Human come with me"said Ariel already dragging Eve out of the kitchen to the living room

"Stay away from the twins or else"Eve just looked at her dirty nails that's in need of a manicure she hadn't done her nails since her parents death her long, natural nails now looked like a fifty year old witch old nails in other words just like the bitch that's in front of me Eve said smirking.

Eve looked away in disgust only to be slapped in the face.

"That was for ignoring me"Ariel slapped her again

"That was for getting close to my boys"Ariel said smirking Eve rubbed her face slowly smiling

"It's been a while but....."Eve said punching Ariel in the chin

"Shit I missed"Eve said smiling then punched Ariel on the nose making her take a step back with her bloody nose.

"SCORE!"Eve yelled then cleared her throat

"As I was been a while but my punches still hurts like a bitch!"Eve said still smirking. Ariel screamed then went to the kitchen Eve followed her looking bored

"She punched me!" Ariel said screaming

"Ariel can you stopped being so dramatic it's gonna heal in a matter of second"Jay said

" she ain't I punch her it's probably gonna take weeks if not years to heal" everyone rolled their eyes

"Okay don't believe me but does it look like her nose gonna stop bleeding anytime soon?"

"Wait! You're bleeding?! Because of a human it's enough that you got hit by a human now you're even bleeding because of one"Jay laughed it was Eve turned to roll her eyes

"You made a wo--"jack growled at Jay to shut up

"A what?" Eve asked ignoring the Goosebumps that she got when jack growled.

"Nothing!" Jay said quickly Eve looked at him suspiciously then looked at Ariel nose

"Okay... I kinda feel bad now"

"You should you bitch!"

"I'm sorry but do you want me to beat your ass again?!" Eve asked watching Ariel take a step back.

"That what I thought"



As jack drove Eve to her house he wondered why she didn't want to go to her house in the first place.

Jack watched Eve with amazement.
How can something so beautiful be
S-so ........
Tongue-witted jack heard John say in his head
Yeah.....jack replied

"JACK!!"Eve screamed pointing at the truck coming toward them, jack curved to the right so fast that they both got pulled to the side making Eve hit her head on the passenger mirror jack looked at Eve terrified face and started laughing.


"Calm down pussycat that was awe—I'm awesome"jack said chuckling, then smiled wickedly.
"Let's have a little fun"jack muttered then started to pick up his speed. 50.55 70.180.200.jack stop suddenly on purpose making Eve hit her head.

Jack got out. Went to the passenger side. Opened the door then bow.

"We've arrived your highness did you enjoy the ride?"jack said grinning. Eve took a loud deep breath and go out. She smiled, jack smiled back.

"Wait here k?"Eve asked
"Ok?"jack answered Eve took out her keys. Unlock the door. Then took the her bat that she hides behind her door in case of an emergency.

Eve hide the bat behind her back and went back to jack to find him talking in his phone.Approaching him slowly,cautiously Eve took out the bat and hit him on his back. Hard. So hard that she could've of sworn she heard his bones break.
"This is how I deal with jerks. You won't die unfortunately can't have me going to prison now can we?" Eve smirk
"You're probably spent three or four weeks in the hospital." Still smirking Eve turned away from him. Dialing 911
"There's no need for that" jack said Eve turn around her smirk felling off her face.
"H—how?"Eve said stuttering
"It was barely that hard" jack replied shrugging.

Eve looked at him suspiciously. Jack just grinned.
"Ughhh"Eve screamed slamming her door shut.



John watched as Eden paced around in his office.

"Sit Down!" John commanded in his alpha tone. Eden immediately sat down

"You don't get it do you? We have to celebrate after 40 freaking years we're finally gonna a Luna!"Eden said full of excitement.

"Just because I noticed her doesn't mean she's my mate!"John growled at him.

"Alpha"Eden bowed respectfully to jack standing in the doorway, jack nods then turn to his twin.

"Don't even get me started! that...that good of nothing best friend said she's our mate?! You think that's half of it?! NOPE! he thinks we should be celebrating?!!" John said shaking his head furiously.
Drama queen....well in his case drama king?Eden wondered looking puzzled

"I wouldn't be surprised if she was"jack responded shrugging. John look at him confused.
".....our mate I mean"

"Oh. Why is that?"John responds

"Because that girl is definitely something"jack said chuckling

"She even had the guts to hit me with a bat"jack said laughing looking back at the event.

"Let me get this straight...she hits you with a bat?!And you think it's funny?!are you fucking nuts?!!!"John ask clearly irritated.

Nope definitely drama king Eden thought nodding his head.

".....okay it wasn't all that kinda hurt like a bitch...but I got to tell you man the girl is strong!"jack said his eyes full of excitement and amazement. John rolls his eyes and look at Eden.

"Continue"Eden look at John started oblivious to what's going since he was in deep thought.

"Oooh. Well....I don't really know anything about the subject...yet...since I've yet to meet her"Eden said shrugging but stopped as soon as he saw John heated glare at him.

"F-from T-the legend it said T-that it's possible that two Alphas may...have one mate. Although it never been proven but there's still a possibility..."

"What are the chances that me and jack might have the same mate?!"John growled out making Eden skin crawl.

I never did like him angry Eden thought.
You think I get a pass of not scared of being scared of their alpha tone since Im basically their bff THEIR only bff but nope! They still make me scared shitless of their alpha tone just for fun sometimes I quote jack *its funny* haha hilarious. Eden suddenly remembered John still waiting for his response. Eden visibly gulped then stuttered out.

"T-there's a 50% C-chance"Eden raise his hands protecting his body not knowing how this is gonna go down. John calmly got up trying to keep himself under control,went to the door calmly as possible trying not to lose his shit but failed miserably when he yanked the door open

I Love my brother and all that shit don't get me wrong but since growing up I've had to share every single fucking thing with him and I've always accepted that!but enough is enough if that girl is MY MATE then she belongs to me and me alone isn't that supposedly to be how it works? John thought as he shed a single drop of tear.

John got irritated at himself for being a crybaby, for showing emotions. He got angry so angry that he started jumping up and down on the broken door like a kid. John punched the wall irritated at first then looked back at his brother with a sad smile and thought.

I'm sorry dear brother but I can't share with you this time.



Mysterious Pov
Sebastian, my trusted friend and right have man entered the room looking like he had splendid news.

"We've found her sire...we've found her" Sebastian said jumping up down and I could understand why, we've been looking for her since forever and this time she won't leave my grasp!
"We leave this instant!"

Eve Pov
"A--auntie?"Eve asked no-one in particular she looked around, her once beautiful smile sliding off her face realizing her aunts nowhere in sight.

Eve sighed got up the stairs, opened her bedroom looking around her pink and purple polka dot room, jump in her water bed, cuddled up with a pillow between her thigh upon remembering today's events.

*Bzzz bzzz*Eve woke startled, she must have fallen asleep, surprised she didn't wake up in all sweaty from a nightmare but seemed like she had a wonderful dream instead.

*bzzz bzzzz* Eve looked around her room, trying to locate where that annoying buzz coming from.

After what seemed forever to Eve trying to find where the stupid buzzing coming from, she dropped down on her bed, rolling right in the center and started cuddling with her pillow once again just as was about to close her eyes....the bell rung.

Eve frowned.

"Fuck off " Eve yelled loudly.

Eve groans when the doorbell keeps on ringing.Eve lazily got up already cussing out the person who dared interupt her sleep, one she doesn't have a nightmare in, might she add, stretching Eve opened the door the sun hitting her sleepy eyes.

"I will absolutely kill you if you...bloody hell who the fuck are you people?!"Eve yelled out but stilled admiring the sight before her.

"Lady Evelyn Moon, may I present to you Klaus Anderson Michelson king of England."

"Huh?" Eve said, looking lost as she watched the beautiful carriage and white horse's in front of her, she glanced at the handsome boy wearing an ancient robe that looked about millions of dollars give or take, glanced at his eyes seeing he was already watching her with curiosity.

Eve attention reverted to the carriage, looking at who's the supposedly the king of England comes out. Eve was lost for words.


The truth


Frustrated with himself john drove not exactly knowing where he's going but needing to go there.


He looked at his surrounding to find out hes at his adoptive parents graveyard. He smiled and started making his way to them only to stop upon realizing that someone already beat him there. 



My girlfriend.

Ex-girlfriend. John snapped at himself.


"Hi"john mumbled, Clara turned to him startled.

It was his turn to be startle when he saw her puffy eye.


"H-hey what's wron--"his words were cut short by Clara jumping on him, crying senseless.


"Sssory I'm sorry......I'm so sorry i..its all my fault"Clara kept on mumbling. John stroke her face softly and guided her face to his.

"Baby girl what happened?"john asked worry crossing his features.



"Deep breath" Clara followed his movements breathing in and out.

"I din't really cheat on you" pause "I've been away for three years I came back yesterday." Clara said sending him a sad smile. Deep breath.


"As I was saying I didn't cheat on you I was forced too." Clara move away from his chest then sat next to the grave.

"I met him. Clark. At the party"pause "he asked me out and I said I have a boyfriend, I started seeing him frequently I thought nothing of it.just a coinsedence I thought but every he'll ask me out and I'll say no then he won't bother but last time he came to my house and threatened to kill you I just laugh and I-ignored him but..."in and out"but a week after that I heard your parents died, Iiii..."


"Clara what happened?!"asked john sounding impatient.


"I found a letter it wrote..

Rose are red

Violets are blue 

I killed his parents, cause of you 

If you don't come,next is the son

then I'll kill everyone."


"When I opened the door he was inside and he told me to come with him and im...i.."breath"i did"Clara finish but he could see she was leaving something out.


"What else?!"john said sounding irritated 


"I found out he was the leader of a gang, he--he never touched me or anything but yesterday he--he started touching me I kept yelling telling him to stop but he wouldn't so.....i killed him."


What’s he’s problem?!



" invinting me in sweetheart?" 


"Yeah...follow me.." Eve said heading towards the living room. 


"Um make yourself at home I guess?... actually no why is the king of England here? Do we know each other?"


"I don't think so but we're supposed to get married in a month and I just couldn't..wait....un---"said Sebastian


"Huh?!What are you to say?!"Eve said getting irritated 


"I'm guessing you had no clue about this engagement?"Eve nods not trusting her voice to speak.


"Well....your grandfather and yours were friends...close  friends actually they made a bet that said if your grandfather win he gets my grandfather's Fortune but if MY grandfather win he gets  the first baby girl in the house..." Sebastian smiling at the look utterly confused and angry girl in front of him then positioning himself in the middle of the couch.


"First thing first I didn't even know my grandfather. He died 7 years ago second WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT SOME SILLY OLD BET?!"Eve looking utterly confused and irritated for the second time today.


"That 'SILLY' bet is an important  event that took place, so don't just overlooked it because not only those it effect my future but it effects yours too!" with that Sebastian got up then slam the front door behind him.




Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.12.2017

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I'm really discourage every time I finish the chapter and i save it it always end up not saving any of them and I'm so tired I just wrote the rest of chapter 2 and it was really long but it didn't save and all my work just like that were gone and imma have to start all over again

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