
Title page

Canary as Pets

A complete guide on how to care, groom, feed, cost, train and house canary with tips on how to raise a happy and healthy companion

William Greg


Table of contents


A canary is a low-maintenance little charmer that is commonly used as a starter bird for beginners. This tiny finch has the ability to convert the majority of people into lifelong canary fanatics. Generally speaking, it is a lovely companion bird with a happy demeanor. It transmits its message with a smooth and pleasant melody that is soft and pleasant in tone. Several different colors, sizes, and singing variants of the canary have been deliberately cultivated to meet the needs of different people. It is possible to get canaries at almost any pet store for a reasonable price.

Overview of the Species

  • COMMON NAMES: Canary, domestic canary

  • Serinus canaria domestica is the scientific name for


    Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

    Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.01.2023
    ISBN: 978-3-7554-3107-7

    Alle Rechte vorbehalten

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