

I remember when I first met him, the guy of my dreams. With his long, jet black hair that seemed to never lose its shine and his deep, lime green eyes that seemed to read my every move. He was light tan and had a body that could make a girl swoon.

I remember meeting him for the first time and also hating him, because he made me look like shit in front of my science class, in my last years of high school. But then later apologized, which surprised me little as he was known to be quite the douche bag he was.

I remember how he tried his hardest to make friends with me, while I got annoyed every single day, but I finally gave in.

I remember getting to know him better, becoming good friends with him and then suddenly, falling for him.

I suddenly remember when we first made love. I felt excited yet, I felt afraid. Would it hurt? Would he like it? Would I like it? But then when we did it, I felt as if I had died and gone to heaven.

We were in love, like all the stories says. I was attracted to this dark and sexy man, who made my spine tingle and my breath shallow with each caress. The very man who made my knees weak, my hands tremble and whose very touch I lusted after. The man whose lips I craved for, whose eyes that made me dizzy with stupor and with strong arms I wanted to be wrapped around in

Yet… this man was also the very one that betrayed me. He is the one who ruined my heart and left it on the floor faintly beating. Who made my tears fall like raindrops and who now has made me hollow inside. The one who has hurt me, as if fire is smouldering me slowly with pain he’ll never be able comprehend.

He is the very one who also gave me my, twin babies. I shall never forgive him and neither will I ever let him back into my life, because he has turned my heart into what it used to be, when I had never met him: cold. I will never, ever make that mistake of ever opening it, again. For I am now afraid that the pieces I have left, shall be claimed by the wind and shall scatter them to oblivion, never to be seen again. 

Chapter 1

 “Mom, come on! We have to go to school!” Max shouts.

 “Okay, okay. Sheesh!” Aren’t kids suppose to hate school, what exactly have those teachers been teaching my kid.

 “Mommy, can you tie my shoes?” as Brianne holds up her sneakers.

 “Come on, then,” as I crouch down and tie up her laces.

 We then hop into the car and drive off to their school. Max and Brianne are only six years old with Max being the oldest and Brianne being the youngest. But they were both my pride and joy; the ones that made me still get up in the morning and face what the world would throw at me. Although Brianne was the youngest, she tended to act like a boy and played wrestling with Max, which I had to stop. I know it sounds dumb that I stopped it because she was a girl but hey, I don’t want her running to me with tears in her green eyes. Yes, my twins inherited their father’s eyes and Max was proving to be mirroring his father’s features and hair. While Brianne inherited my features and hair colour, all except for those green coloured eyes.

 As we finally get to their school, they suddenly open their doors to leave.

 “Hey, hey! Now where do you think you’re going, the both of you?” I look at them, both giving me a confused look.

 “Uh, mom, we’re going to school,” Max as always, answers.

 “Yeah, I know. But aren’t you forgetting something, mister?” as I hold out my arms and as Max’s expression turn into horror.

 “Ngawww… mom, come on. I’m not a little five year old no more; I’m a big boy now,” with his arms folded and a frown on his face.

 “Now, now young man, you listen here. You may not be a five year old, but you will always be my little boy, got that. Now get over here the both of you and give mommy a kiss and hug.” As I look at them laugh mischievously, so like their father.

 “Okay mom, there. Happy?” As they both hugged me and kissed me.

 “Yes. Now run along now and please Max, don’t be up to mischief.” Knowing my son, he probably would do someone’s head in.

 I see them both running into their classes, while waving good-bye and then I drove off. I suddenly thought of their father, which is something I usually don’t think about. How is it possible to love someone and then hate them afterwards? Although I am glad I left him… No! Stop thinking about it! But how could I, when my children were the constant reminder of him. Gahhh!!! Damn these stupid genetic stuff, as I remember from my science class... Crap!!! I'm thinking about him, again. Cara girl, get your act together.

Right now, you need to go home and get ready for work. Yes, calm down Cara, calm…

“Arghhhhhh!!!” As my car swerved past another car.

“Hey, watch where you’re going you!!!” I put my head through the window, trying to make out who the hell nearly tried to kill me.

It turned out to be just a couple who were making out, while the dude was driving. Ack! Stupid guy, goh, he could have killed me the bastard! Luckily I was able to act before he totally trashed my car and then my kids would have been asking many questions that even I, half of the time can’t answer. But kids will be kids and I love them both. All I know is that if anything happens to them, I will do anything to keep them safe and protect them, even if I had to sacrifice my life, in order for them to live.

As I suddenly get home, I quickly change into my anaesthetist clothes that I have been wearing for the past six months as I have just finished Uni and finally got a job. It can be very tiring but I do this so that my kids can have a better upbringing, although I do not believe in spoiling them. I believe that if you spoil them, they’ll act bratty that you would feel the need to smack some sense into their brains. Even though I love them so much, but I have to put my feet firmly down sometimes to show them whose boss, although I would kick my sister’s butt for spoiling them with toys and lollies.

As I’m just about to get in the car I suddenly hear my Samsung phone ringing.


“Cara, you there?” The person’s voice was very anxious.

“Yes, it’s me on the phone. What seems to be the matter?”

“Cara, oh thank god. We need you here right now, oh sorry it’s me, Annette. We need an anaesthetic here, right now,” I could hear from the background the distressed voices of relatives.

“Why, what happened?” I asked as I was trying as fast to put up my hair in a ponytail.

“It seems to me that the guy was driving, but got hit by a drunken lady,” as I registered that I suddenly felt sorry for the guy and disgusted with the lady.

“I’m on my way,” as I shut my phone and hopped into my car, driving as fast as I can to hopefully, save someone’s life.


As I got out of my car, I ran into the hospital, only to be met by Annette herself.

“Let’s go,” as she led me to the theatre, I could see that all the nurses and the surgeon waiting for me.

I walk inside to find the man’s chest is covered in blood. Dr Reynolds comes up to me and tells me that this operation would take probably 4 to 6 hours and asked me if I was up to the task which I gladly accepted. This was going to be some long day, huh.


It turned out in the guy’s chest was a big metal, stuck inside and if we didn’t get it out, he would die.

I inject him with propofol, which immediately knocks him out. Dr Reynolds was really on the spot, trying to take out the metal, which luckily was just under the heart, which meant that if it had been nearer, the surgery would have been in vain. I kept monitoring his pressure within his heart, just to see how his heart was doing.

About 4 hours later, the surgery was successful and Ray was going back into intensive care just to rest after that big surgery. As I made my way to the door, I then felt someone tug my hand. I look down to see a little girl, looking up at me with a smile.

“Thank you for making daddy not feel the pain, while sleeping,” giving me a hug, while I bent down and hugged her back. 

“It’s my job to do that,” as I patted her head and then I felt someone else’s hand on my shoulders. I look up to find an elderly lady and another lady by her side.

“Oh, thank you doctor. What would we have done without you?” She grabs me and hug me and let me tell you, this was no ordinary old lady.

“No worries, I’m just doing my job.” They thanked me once again and then I left, looking forward to seeing my twins.

Chapter 2

"Cara's POV"


As I pull up my driveway I hear someone,


Oh gosh. My best friend’s boyfriend, Derek, it is so like him to drop by and act like a 5 year old.

“Hey Derek, you dork,” I see him tryna catch Max, but then turns to me.

“What’s up with the dork part?” He emphasises the dork part with his fingers.

“Oh, I dunno. Maybe it’s cos you tend to act like a 5 year old than an actually 25 year old guy,” I see him coming up to me, thinking that he’d slug me playfully; I suddenly felt his arms around me. Wow, I could seriously feel his muscles.

“Wh-what are you doing?” As I trying to get him off, although liking that his muscular arms were around me. Cara, stop thinking, NOW!!!

“Uh, sorry,” he pulls away from me quickly to stand opposite me, which just kinda made things awkward.

“Look, uh, I thi-, I meant, Melanie thinks you should go and uh, rest. You know, too much working and all,” I could see that he couldn’t make eye contact with me, while I was still drifting off to the part where his arms were around me. Stop, Cara!

“Uh, thanks,” I smile at him and then he resumed chasing after my daughter and son outside, while I entered inside my house.

As I walked into the kitchen to find something to chew on, I find Melanie making herself a cup of coffee.

“Hey what’s up?” She comes over to me and gives me a hug.

“Oh, you know, just the usual. Work, work and more work,” I shrug off my medical jacket and then went off to raid the fridge.

“Awwwwwwwww, come on Cara. You should go out more often, you know: clubbing, sightseeing and etc…”

“By sightseeing, you mean looking at so called hot guys, am I right?” I look to see her eyes twinkling. Oh no, that is a bad sign.

“I’ve got an idea,” she looks at me with a smile, as if she just guessed a big fat secret and wouldn’t tell me, which I was hoping for.

“It’s alright, don’t mention it. I value my life,” I then start shoving a piece chicken in my mouth, mmmmmmmm, food. Satisfy the hunger.

“What’s that suppose to mean?” She looks at me with pretence hurt, when deep down she really wanted to rip my head off for insulting her. So, I had to fuel that insult with another, if… my head is still attached to me, that is.

“Hmmmmmm… let’s see. Geez, lemme guess. Oh, yeah. Last time you came up with an “idea”, I ended up getting a male fan who by the way stalked me. And from there came the dirty pictures oh and don’t forget when the police had to be involved. Such great ideas you have, that sometimes I think you ought to have kept them in a book and in your mind, for I feel real sorry for the next person you mention “idea” to,” I then picked up my chicken and resumed eating and waiting, when she’ll rip my poor head off.

“Okay, okay. You had me at that one, but it’s not my fault you’re so damn good looking.”

“I’m about as good looking as this piece of chicken,” I muttered under my breath, still munching on the chicken.

“Say something?” While she puts on her I-dare-you-to-tell-me look.

“Hmmmmm?” Meanwhile I pretended to not to have heard her.

“Anyways, before I was so rudely interrupted by some negative person…” But before she could continue on, I cut her off with my own response.

“You mean me, right?” As I point the chicken towards me, at the same time.

When I turn to look at her, I could see her pissoffness vibe radiating towards me, not a good sign I tell you.

“Shut up and listen. If you as so much speak or even make one sound, I swear I will shove that chicken bone down your throat to make sure you don’t make any sound at all,” folding her arms, scowling at me now. But all the same, I try not to laugh at the facials she was giving me which is really hilarious at the moment.

“So, as I was saying. There’s this new night club in town and I was thinking that maybe you’d li-, no, you are going to come with me.” I could still feel the pissoffness vibe radiating towards me.

“But what ab-,” but she cuts me off, again.

“The kids will be fine, okay. I mean, I’m sure Derek won’t mind and plus, I planned this with your sister,” with this really big smile that says:  “I’ve got you now”, which felt very disturbing.

“My sister!?! So you guys planned this behind my back and never told me anything?” I was trying so hard not to scowl, not because of them going behind my back and planning it, but because I didn’t want to go. I mean really, when your best friend is a guy magnet, it’s a no-no especially with Melanie. A very big NO-NO!!!

“Well, we had to,” still smiling and no doubt with evil in that brain of hers.

“But you have to come, because if you refuse I shall by all means, drag your ass there. Capiche?” giving me an I-dare-you-to-say-no look.

Now I’m wondering what in the world did Derek see in this woman?

“Ok. But... if anything goes wrong, I will personally murder you and then you can go haunting people you’ve always wanted to, especially them hot guys you keep thinking of,” she laughs and gives me a hug.

“Yes! Now, tomorrow we are going shopping,” doing a victory dance near the table.

“Well, I sup-, wait, what!?!” I so did not want to go shopping with this mad woman, who is by the way, a shopaholic.

“Oh, it’s alright Melanie, I’m sure there’s something I can find in my clos-,” and again I was cut off, grrrr…

“Nonsense, we are going shopping, okay?” She stops dancing and now looks at me, sternly.


Then I get up and raid the fridge, wondering what other crazy ideas she was going to involve me in.



“Good morning. Rise and shine!” I hear this very annoyingly, familiar voice.

“Melanie, what are you doing here and in this early time of the day,” she was busy opening my curtains and windows that I had to cover my eyes as the sun was blinding me.

“Oh, didn’t you hear me saying that I’ll sleep over? Oh right, you were dead on your kitchen table, leaving me to talk to your left over chicken bones,” I could tell that as hard as she tried to sound annoyed about last night, she couldn’t help but be excited knowing that I was going shopping with her.

“You did bring your own toothbrush and clothes too, right?”  I hear her gasp.

“How could you think like that? I mean, do I look like Shaggy to you on Scooby Doo?” Although I knew that that question, would require no answer from me.

“Anyways, hurry up and meet me in the kitchen in 10 minutes, we have to so get out of here,” as she starts to walk out of my room, when I notice one of my favourite scarves around her neck.


She looks back at me, to see me tugging at my neck.

“What? I guess this is fashion worthy.”

 Trust her to come up with a lame excuse about taking my scarf.

I then remembered that I had to hurry or she’ll scream the house down, which I got out of bed and at the same time cursed her, for being my best friend.



As I get down stairs, I spot Melanie making toast, while Derek was eating scrambled eggs with the twins.

“Okay, who cooked the scrambled eggs?” I ask the twins.

“Bderebek brid,” Max with his mouth full.

“Hey don’t speak with your mouth full and thank heavens,” I look at Derek to see him laughing.

“Why’s he laughing?” Melanie points at Derek, who was now laughing even harder.

“Nothing. Oh, but when are we going?” Just as I was sitting down, I felt a hand tug me back up again.

“Now!” While dragging me away from the table, where I can see Derek mouthing “good luck” to me, ok now I’m puzzled.

“Brianne and Max, be good and don’t start any trouble, you hear me!” As I was still being dragged.

When we got outside, she then finally let me go.

“Melanie, can’t I at least have breakfast?” My tummy growled with agreement.

“No, now get going. We have to shop, shop, shop!!!”

I was thinking of running back into the house but knowing Melanie; she would include Derek in dragging my ass back into the car, so I gave up and grabbed my ballets and hopped into the car, with Melanie beside me.

“Oh, I’m so excited to take you shopping!” Clapping her hands with a big smile plastered on her face.

Oh joy.


3 hours later…

“Cara, don’t just stand there. Keep up with me, gosh,” as she enters into another shop.

You know, I actually kind of regret agreeing with her to take me shopping, as I’m still starving and deep in shopping bags. My tummy then growls when a couple comes by. I see the girl shooting me the evils, while I smile nervously, oh what I’d do for food. And then Melanie comes back, just to yell at me.

“Cara, you better get that fine behind of yours over here, right now!” Standing near the entrance of the door with her hands on her hips, while passers-by are all looking at me. Gosh, does this girl know the meaning of embarrassing?

I stand up and go to her, although I could still feel people’s eyes on my back.

“I could get my behind over there faster if you helped carry some of the bags.”


She comes and grabs only three little shopping bags, which hardly weighed anything especially when they were just jewellery.

“Hey, why are you only hol-.”

“Shut it. Now let’s go,” leading me towards the shop she was at before.

As we get inside, a guy with brownish, blondish hair and with hazel eyes comes towards us and asks if we needed any help. I kindly rejected his offer but Melanie just blurts out, “We really need your help.”

Please tell me she’s not going to be flirting with this guy, I thought. Because when we went shopping, all those who were asking if we needed any help were all males and most of them, she flirted with. My best friend is completely and utterly a flirt.

“Melanie, stop flirting with him?” She then turns to me with her eyebrows raised.

“Why, so you can flirt with him?” anger dripping from her voice.

I was so shocked at how dark she sounded, till I saw her face crack into a smile. I punch her arm in which she starts to rub, trying to ease the pain.

“What was that for?” still rubbing her arm.

“That was for flirting with the guy and for tricking me. Pull that joke again and your arm isn’t going to be the only target for my fists,” I take a look at my knuckles, remembering the time how I used to act tough, and then those same green eyes of his entered, which made me freeze.

“What’s your punch got to do with me flirting?” shattering my thoughts of him and seeing her holding a blue frilly dress.

“It’s the fact that you’ve got a boyfriend named Derek, at home,” while I picked up a black tank top and then chucking it back on the floor.

“Oh, that. Um, Cara please promise me you won’t get angry if I tell you something, that, I should have told you, please?” looking nervously at me.

“Spit it out.”

“Ok, uh, you see, Derek and I aren’t, uh, dating anymore,” she looks at me probably waiting for me to go hulk on her. My temper is known to be rare but, legendary.

“Wh- what? You mean, he’s babysitting my kids and he’s not your boyfriend anymore? Bu- but why?” I felt kind of shocked and a little bit happy, for some unknown reason, when I remembered the time he hugged me.

“Sorry chica, but the thing is, Derek and I felt as if it was best being friends as we didn’t really, have that chemistry as we thought.”

I tried to feel angry at her for not telling me sooner, but part of me was kind of relieved that they weren’t a couple anymore, as Derek and I grew to be close friends. Although I don’t think I will be telling Melanie about the hug incident, any time soon.

“Hey Cara, go and try this out,” holding a black, sleeveless dress that was above my knees.

I take the dress and go inside the changing room and change into it. As I come back out, I end up seeing Melanie’s eyes literally go wide and squeal.

“Ohmigosh! Girl, are you sure you’re a mother who has two twins? I am so going to show this to Hannah,” taking out her phone and taking a picture of me.

“Uh, are you sure about this?” I look down and kind of feeling a little conscious about how some of my cleavage was showing.

“Girl that dress makes you look like you could be in Hollywood on the red carpet,” smiling so hard that it’s a miracle her face hasn’t cracked, yet.

“Oh, and one more thing,” as she looks down at my feet.

“What?” while I also looked down, trying to figure out why.

“You need some stilettos.”

Did I ever tell you how much I hate shopping with Melanie?

“Uh, no thanks. Like I said before, I value my life,” although the real reason was, I was so terrified of those towering heels.

“Nuh uh and I decide whether you do or not, so shush!” looking at some shoes near the changing room.

“Here, wear these,” holding up these black, big heeled stilettos that looked so evil, like her smile.

I had no choice but to wear them. I grab them off her and start to put it on. When I have done both of them, I stand up straight to test them out. It really made me feel tall. Thinking that I should walk, I then started to walk to test them out. I wobbled a bit but, I maintained my balance and well, it wasn’t all that bad besides seeing the blonde guy checking me out, yeeeesh.

“Oh girl, them legs be fine. Mmmmm mmmmm, we are so buying that. Let’s go buy that dress and the shoes,” and off she went to the counter, leaving me behind.

When I finally paid both the dress and shoes, we then finally got to go and have some food. We decided to get some sushi and off we went. We then decided to go home, putting all our shopping bags in the back and then finally getting our seat belts on. As I was about to start the car, I felt Melanie tap me.

“What is it Mel?”

“Um, did you hear about the new hottie in town?”

“Nope, nada. Why?”

“Silvering Corporation is in town, and he’s Mr Edward Wills’ son. So glad to have another hot guy, who happens to be rich.” 

The last name was the exact same last name as my twins father, which was odd. But come on, he’s all the way in New York and I’m in Colorado, what are the odds right?

Just as I was about to start the car, I suddenly saw a black haired man go by my car who wore a black tailored suit, who happens to look exactly like my betrayer. No, it can’t be, it can’t, it’s not possible.

 “OMG! Cara, that’s him! Oh damn, he’s so damn fine. Look at them eyes.”

He then turns to look at our car and those green eyes then found me, like a wolf finally finding its prey.  I quickly turn away, but his eyes were branded in my head, because it looked so familiar. Am I insane or am I just seeing things???

“Let’s go Cara.”

As I started up the car, I couldn’t help but look back at the spot he stood at. Maybe it wasn’t real, at least I hope so.

Chapter 3

 “Mystery man’s POV”



No, it can’t be. But her face is unmistakably similar to hers. Damn, focus man. Focus.

“Hey!”  As I turn around to see one of my good friends, Toby, walking towards me with this blonde chick, beside him.

“Hey, Toby long time, eh?”

Colorado: the city where I am to take over my father’s businesses. Not as busy as New York but still, I’ll settle here and still make the ladies drift after me. After all, with my looks, how can it ever fail me?

“Yeah man, a very long time. Oh hey, how about we have a celebration, with coming here to take over your Pop’s business and all. There’s this new night club in town and I was thinking, since you’re still single and all that we’d go, so how about it?”

I look at him, to see him smiling. My friend Toby was a player, but so was I and the blonde on his arm was very flirty, since she’s been making eyes at me the whole time.

“Sure. Where is it though?” getting out my iphone so that I could type the address up.

“What do you mean, where is it. Let’s go now.”

“But it’s only 5:25pm.”

“Trust me on this, mate. We’ll get there at 7:30 and that’s, when the show begins.”

I smiled, knowing my friend he was up to something. And that something was usually fun, outrages and included heaps and heaps of hot girls.


“Cara’s POV”


As we got home, Melanie and I loaded all of our shopping into the living room. We then finished and then I decided to go and check on the twins, while I was walking to go upstairs, I accidentally smacked into someone’s chest, a big firm chest that is.


 I look up to see Derek nervously looking at me.

“Sorry Derek, guess I didn’t see ya,” although I felt like I could run into his chest and still wouldn’t mind. Mmmmmm that firm chest, Cara, stop!

“Oh hey Cara, there you are, oh and Derek too, good.”

 I see Melanie looking at me, but, pointing her finger to the living room indicating me to get in there, which I obediently followed, thanking my lucky stars (if I had any) that I could avoid, the awkward situation I was in with Derek.

“Derek, where are the twins?” I hear Melanie ask.

“They’re asleep. They have had a long day playing in the park and feeding ducks. Not to mention a lot of lollies being consumed.”

“Thank you Derek,” I call out, although being a chicken as I am; I don’t go to him face to face and thank him properly.

I then go to pick up the bags that had my dress and stilettos in that Melanie then finally shows up.

“Okay Cara, you are going to have a rest,” grabbing the bags off me.

“But why?” asking her, while Melanie drags me to the stairs.

“Because sister, we are going tonight! And I do not want you to fall asleep like a zombie, on this good night. Now get to bed and don’t argue with me, or else you’ll regret you were ever born, now scram!” pushing me towards the stairs.


“No buts, now!”

I gave in knowing she’ll never hear the end of it if I didn’t give in, but she was right though, because I was really exhausted when my head hit the pillow which was the last thing I remembered as I fell into a deep slumber.



“Wakey, wakey sleepy head. Cara, wakey wakey,” I could feel someone shaking me softly.

“Mmmmm,” I murmur back, still half asleep.

“Cara come on, we have to get ready and meet Hannah at the night club,” still shaking me.

I slowly open my eyes a little to see Melanie smiling, but still shaking me.

“Okay, okay. Stop the shaking, I’ll get up,” slowly taking off the blanket and sitting up.

“Okay Cara, now hurry.”

When I fully open my eyes I could see that Melanie was already dressed up. She was wearing a white, short dress that had long, fluted sleeves that was just above her knees, with red stilettos with her hair up in a ponytail and not to mention the plum-based burgundy lipstick, highlighting her lips.

“So, how do I look?” doing a little twirl.

I never tire of her fashion sense. My best friend is really into fashion and she never cease to surprise me, with every outfit that she wears. She could wear fish nets and still look, fashionable. At least I think so.

“Melanie, Melanie, Melanie. You’re beautiful sister, as always,” and I meant it. Melanie was always a stunner, always having men flock around her like some kind of, exotic creature. But then again, Melanie did always dress to impress.

“Oh why thank you darling, now it’s your turn,” giving me the shopping bags and leaving to go.

“Wait, where are you going?”

“I’m going downstairs, ok? I wanna see you come down and knock me silly with them good looks, now go chica! The night is young and so are we,” dramatically leaving my room, ack!

First thing I did, was go for a nice, hot bath. Afterwards, I came out and dried myself and then I put on the dress with some accessories to go with it. I then was debating with myself to whether I should put up my hair or let it down and so, I picked the latter. As I put the final touches to my make up (which I used a little), I then wore my towering stilettos. I then looked at the final result of my handiwork and let me say, I don’t look half bad at all for a mother of twins. So as I was about to leave I just remembered that, I haven’t seen the twins for a while and so, I went to see both of them. They were both asleep, like little angels, for now.

“Cara, are you done already?” I hear Melanie shouting.

“Yes, now shut up before you wake up the twins,” I hiss back.

“Okay, hurry up then. I wanna see you already.”

I then, made my way down the stairs, when I see Melanie gasp with her hands on her mouth.

“Hey, where is the cheese man?” I hear Derek asking.

As he came out, he looked at Melanie who was still gasping and holding her hands over her mouth. He then looked upstairs to see why she was like that and then his eyes, landed on me. And then when I looked at him, I could see surprise in his eyes.

“Um, why are you guys looking at me like that? Is there something wrong with my face?”

When I finally touch the ground, I touched my face at the same time, to see if there was something wrong with it.

“No, you’re hot chica! That’s why,” clapping her hands in glee.

I then take a look at Derek.

“Derek, are you alright?” I ask, a bit concerned.

“Oh he’s alright; I think maybe he’s a bit tired, let’s go,” pulling me now, towards the door.

“Well, Derek, hope you are alright with the twins and have a good night,” and then I was out the door.

I was a bit confused with why, Derek looked so… mesmerized would be the word for it. Hmmm… maybe he is tired or something and is probably why, he’s like that. And then as my thoughts drifted away, Melanie and I drove off into the night to have some fun.


“Derek’s POV”


When I heard Cara and Melanie finally leave, I still couldn’t stop thinking about Cara. I had forgotten that Melanie and she were going out tonight, but, when she came down those stairs, I couldn’t stop looking at her. She was, beautiful. Even though I have dated a lot of women and her best friend, getting to know Cara is something I’ll never be able to compare to anyone.

I remember that time when I hugged her. Feeling her silky hair and soft body on mines, well, it took a lot of my strength to be able, to take my hands off of her. I wanted to hold her and to crush her lips onto mines, but I couldn’t. Sometimes I had wished I’d met Cara first, but that was only a fool’s wish. And apparently, I am that fool.


“Cara’s POV”


“Hey Melanie, there sure is a lot of people here,” looking to see a lot of people, around the club.

“Oh, come on. Plus, Hannah is here already, so let’s go,” getting out of the car.

I get out as well, but I was not really use to crowded places, so I just followed Melanie. As we walked inside, I could see the dance floor covered with people and men staring at the both of us, mainly at our neck and downwards, pervs. Melanie on the other hand was fairing quite nicely, being greeted by a lot of people that half of them, I’ve never seen in my life. We then see Hannah waving to us, we them made our way over to her.

“O.M.G!!! Melanie, what have you done to my sister?” when we finally made it to her.

“Oh, you know. A little bit of this, a little bit of that.”

We hugged and talked some more and to be quite honest, this night was not too bad as I thought.

“So Cara, do you have a man in your life?” My sister asks, while I roll my eyes.

“No, I don’t.”

“Oh wow, look it’s him Cara. Look, it’s the hottie with the amazing green eyes,” when I turn to see the person that Melanie was pointing at, the same guy who we saw at the car park.

I also see him with this other, good looking guy and a blonde on his arm, enter. But what caught my eye was the guy, who had the exact same coloured eyes, as my ex. I turn my head away, trying to avoid looking into his eyes, afraid he’ll see through me into my past.

“Um Melanie, who is that?” I see my sister, pointing at him.

“Oh, he’s the heir to the company Silvering Corporation,” Melanie gushes.

“Mmmm… he’s rich, handsome and sexy. I like,” I see my sister eyeing him.

My sister Hannah is quite the looker. She is blonde and has nice, hazel eyes like me, although I just have the hazel without the nice in it.  Okay anyways, my sister is what you would call “boy magnet”. She was constantly in men’s presence and I have given up counting, of how many boyfriends she has had.

“I think I’m going to talk to him,” my sister says and getting up to go.

“Puh-leeze. Last time you said that, the bastard you went out last time ended up going psycho, when you went to “talk” with this other guy,” as Melanie aggravates her past, in her face.

“Whatever. See ya,” and then she saunters off to him.

“Come on Cara, let’s go and dance.”

Melanie and I joined the crowd and my song lose control by Keri Hilson came on, making me wanting to dance even more. Melanie was doing her thing, while I was doing my own little thing. I then felt a hand on my waist, guiding it to the beat which made me turn around just to meet, these blue eyes that I seemed to be drawn to.

“Mind if I join ya?” smiling down at me.

“No, not at all,” surprising myself.

I danced with him as the beat of the song hypnotized me, while I felt his hands snaking my body and exploring in the same time. I twirled around to meet his lips on my neck, and for some unknown reason, I wanted to drown in it. But my common sense fought the urge off.

“Thanks for the dance,” as the song ended, with me letting him go.

But he still didn’t get off me.

“Uh, you can let me go now.”

But he still didn’t let me go. I then felt his tongue flickering on my neck, which by this time, I’ve had enough.

“Look punk, you get off me, right now!” pushing him off me.

“I see. You’re a feisty one,” making his way towards me, which fuelled my anger even more.

As he came closer, I timed him, waiting for him to position himself near my head. He then puts his arms around me and when I felt his head on the target, I did an uppercut on his chin, forcing him to stumble backwards in surprise. He then continues to come at me, but before he could I kick him straight in the stomach, sending him crashing against some people.      

“Cara, please stop,” I hear Melanie trying her best to calm me down.

I then see this red head chick, coming towards me.

“Bitch! Who do you think you are to do that to my boyfriend,” and then slaps me across the face, and then I hear the crowd gasp.

I could now feel the crowd, watching us in earnest. I then turn my head slowly, to face the red head, as her smirk wipes off her face the minute; I gave her my “you’re dead” smile.

“I’m that bitch who is going, to kick you and your boyfriend’s ass,” punching her right in the face, sending her across a few centimetres.

I was furious and that punch was not enough, to satisfy the rage within me. I quickly ran to where she was lying and picked her up by the collar, dragging her across the floor, and she slid easily enough as the floor was vinyl and very slippery making it easier for me to drag her. I was a bit surprised I could run in these towering heels, let alone dragging a person and still able to walk in them.

“Get up slut and let’s finish what you and that son of a bitch boyfriend of yours started,” I spat, finally letting her go.

For a few moments I could see her struggling, to get up but by now I had no mercy and went back to her and put my foot on her back, forcing her back onto the floor. The crowd was cheering by this time, some shouting “eff her up” and wolf whistling.

“If you wanna start a fight, bitch, do it right,” and then I took my foot off her and went to her boyfriend, who was now sitting up, and grabbed him by the collar.

“And as for you, punk ass, try that again and you ain’t going to have a pretty face, let alone a face. Got that?” And then when I let him go, I could see him nod in fear, while the crowd goes wild.

I then felt Melanie and Hannah, by my side.

“Sis, that was…”

“AWESOME!!!” They both say at the same time.

I couldn’t help but smile, pleased that I’ve still got my fighting moves and attitude. You see, when I was in my teens, I was a rebel. I joined a boxing class, karate class and even street fighting. I guess it’s paid off, seeing to those two.

“Man, last time I saw you fight it’s was because you hated that chick, who said Hannah and I were bitches,” Melanie pats me.

As I was about to tell them that I’ll go home, I felt this presence at the back of me. I turned around to face the green eyed guy that looked like my ex, shit.


“Mystery man’s POV”



I see her hazel, brown eyes widen.

“Uh, how does he know your name, sis?” The chick that came to flirt with me, says.

“I think you must be mistaking me for someone else. Bye,” and then she walks away from me, with her sister and friend follow suit.

I too, followed.

“Cara, come back! I know it’s you, please let me explain,” I plead.

I then see her stop and turn to me. She was, beautiful. The girl, whom I had loved, was now giving me daggers.

“Look, I don’t know who the hell you are, so fuck off! I don’t need to deal with the likes of you,” and then she turns to go again.

“I know you’re still mad at me, please listen.”

She then stops walking.

“Are you done?” venom dripping with each word, she spoke.

“I uh, I…”

“Then good-bye sir and have a good evening,” and without looking back at me, she continues to walk away. 

Chapter 4

“Melanie’s POV “


Okay, this is weird but how is it possible that the new hottie in town knows Cara’s name? I mean, he just came to this town a week ago and already, he knows Cara’s name, there’s something that is not right here. I don’t know if I’m paranoid or just plain puzzled, but all I know that is there is something that Cara is keeping hidden from me and I don’t like it one bit.


“Hannah’s POV”


How the hell does that hot guy know my sister’s name? Wow, this is so surprising that out of all people, he knows my sister, yes, my sister’s name. I mean it’s not that I’m being sarcastic or anything it’s just that Cara’s known to be a turtle ever since she came back from New York, with the twins in her stomach, crying. From that day onwards, she has never dated, looked at another male in her life besides her son. But now that this has happened, I’m now second guessing my sister and her past. What really made her come back to Chicago with tears and twins?


“Cara POV”


Shit! As I’m walking fast to my car with Hannah and Melanie tailing behind me, I’m hoping and praying that they both don’t suspect anything. Because if they do, I am done for and I don’t want anyone to know for it’s too hard for me to bare my scars that I have tried to hide beneath all my work, and fake smiles.

“Cara, you alright?” Hannah asking me.

I couldn’t look her into her eyes for I was afraid that if I were to, my eyes would betray me and I would not be able to hide it beneath the mask that I am trying to hold. Dammit! Out of all people it had to be him and on this very fricken night, I mean, really?

“Yes, I’m alright. He just scared me for a bit,” trying to breathe in as well as breathing out as I was having difficulty breathing at the moment.

“Ok, if you say so. But if you need anything, just ring me, kay?”

“Sure,” and then she leaves to her car.

As I arrive to my car, I fumble into my purse trying to get the car keys. My hands were shaking and I couldn’t think straight that Melanie had to grab the keys off me.

“Cara, you sure you alright girl?”

I turn to look at Melanie. She looked at me as I would have to Brianna and Max if they were hurt. I felt like spilling the truth, but something held me back, so I decided to lie, even though it killed me.

“Ah…Yes, I’m just a bit shaken by how that guy was very accurate on he got my name. Seems to me like the guy had a bit too much to drink and probably mistook me for someone else,” wanting her to stop questioning me or else I might give it away.

“Oh. Well in that case that is very disturbing, but I guess you must be right, because I did see him drink vodka and then rum and then 2 glasses of wine. Wow, he must be strong enough to stomach all that alcohol as he never once slurred in saying your name,” who is now murmuring.

As we got into the car, I started up the car and then I looked back to where we were previously, seeing no one. Is someone trying to tell me something?


“Mystery Guy’s POV”


Great, not only have I just made an ass of myself, I have made things just more complicated for me and Cara. Who am I kidding, Cara dumped my ass, I never had a chance with her again since I had to go and fuck that up by… Why can’t I let her go? It seems to me that my past wants to ruin me but I just have to get over her and that’s what I plan to do.

As I walk back into the club, a hot blonde chick comes to me and takes me to the dance floor. As we approach the dance floor, her hips seem to call to me and I answer gladly, knowing that there was more from where that came from…




I wake up confused, not knowing what happened until I see the blonde last night, naked beside me. I then remember everything from last night and I feel nausea, so I get up and get dressed and head off into the driveway and drive off into the road, trying to get as far away as possible from that house. But as I drive, I suddenly have Cara’s face in my head. I could still remember the outfit that she wore and it made my manhood harden, just to remember her in that strapless, black dress that hugged her curves in all the right places. Those black stilettos and not to mention her with her hair down, those silky hair of hers, and how she fought that girl and that guy, it reminded me of her back in high school, the memories of her being the rebel at school.

Just as I pulled in my driveway, I hear my phone ring.


“Is this Mr Will’s?” I hear a female’s voice.

“Yes. What seems to be the problem?”

“Uh, your dad, I mean, Mr uh, sir said that he wants you in his office as soon as possible.”

I could hear the girl slightly breathless; I guess I’m really that irresistible.

“Is that all?”

“Ye- yes sir.”

Ahhhhhh, I liked girls being nervous because of me, the power to make them believe and hang onto every word to what you say, as well as the expressions on their faces: Priceless.

“Ok. Tell him I’ll be there in an hour or two, I just have to get some things sorted,” and then I hang up the phone.

I get out of my car and into the house. Yes, it was big and one of those houses you only see the wealthy can afford, but what the normal class people don’t know is that, it gets lonely. Sure wealth is something that is highly appreciated, but having no one to share it with gets tiring and boring. I look up at the stairway, so high yet, there’s only me inside.

I then hear the phone ring.


“Son, where are you?”

So like my father to call me up and call me his son, when he already abandoned me and my mother back in Colorado.

“I’m at home. Why?”

“You are supposed to be here by now,” He hisses, which told me he was kind of in the middle of a meeting with his chromes.

“Well, I guess you’ll just have to wait… dad.” I hated saying it, but in order to be ruthless you also have to use fire, against fire.

“We’ll be waiting then, son,” and then the phone hung up.

At that moment I wanted nothing to do but throw my phone and smash it into a million pieces. Who does he think he is to call me his son? After all my mom went through, he then decides to pop out of nowhere and declare me his one and only heir. I should be happy, you say. But having to live with no father for 20 years is no easy task. I should be grateful, you say. Why should I be grateful, when he showed no signs of interest in me, up until now?

I know that I should be getting ready for the meeting but seeing that my face in fury in the mirror, I couldn’t hide my disgust about my father. I loathed him, but then my mother’s face pops into my head,

“Son, no matter what, you should always persevere. Don’t give up and fight for what is right, and right the wrongs you have caused,” picturing her last smile, before I was taken to Colorado.

I suddenly thought of Cara. Our first time meeting, was not what you would call the typical “love at first sight” one. I guess I was a bit rash and I tried to apologize, which puzzled me as I’m not the type to apologize. All the memories of our high school days ran through in my head, like the wind changing seasons as time ages by.

But right now wasn’t the moment to be dwelling on what could have been. All I can do now is face for what is to come, with my head held high. Nothing was going to stop me.


“Cara’s POV”


I wake up, to find my alarm clock screaming out for me to wake up. Last nights events replay in my mind, that I had a hard time sleeping until about 4 in the morning. I still couldn’t get him out of my mind, which infuriated me. Who does he think he is to have the audacity to show me his face? But somehow, I was wondering more of why he was in town. How he managed to come here, of all places.

As I was still fixated in my thoughts, I then hear a light knock on my bedroom door.

“Come in,” I say, just to see my son.

“Mommy, are you going to take us to school yet?” Making his way over to me and then climbing onto my lap.

“Moommmmmmyyyy!!!” I hear Brianne call out and then appear in my room.

She also makes her way to my bed and then I held them together.

“Yes, mommy will take you both to school,” I say smiling at both of them, looking up at me with their cute faces.

“Mommy, you look kind of sick. You sure you can take us?” My son then puts his hand on my forehead. God he’s so cute.

“Yes, mommy will be fine. Now get ready, before we’ll be late for school,” and I give them both a kiss on their foreheads, before they run off to their rooms to get changed, leaving me to watch them in amusement.

Being a mother was tiring, but, it was very rewarding too. Getting up in the morning, just to see the smiles on their faces was priceless. Although I want nothing to do with their father, but having Max and Brianne has been a blessing in my life. They are the only things that keep me going, even now, that I have just seen the person I have longed to escape from is back, but nothing will deter me away from them. Not even him.

I get up and get dressed and then as I go into the kitchen, I find them both eating cereal. Time is going by, and my kids are growing up fast. I wonder how I will tell them about having no father, as I look at them talking amongst themselves.

“Ok guys, come on and eat. Or do you want to be late,” hearing that, they quickly eat with no hesitation of ever stopping… kids.

I go into the fridge to find that it has been filled by Derek. Thank you Derek, I silently thank. I don’t know what is going on between him and Melanie, but all I know is that I owe Derek a big thank you for looking after my two little rascals. I then picture a tired looking Derek, running after my children, which made me chuckle to myself.

“Uh mom, we’re ready now,” as I turn to see both of their bowls in the sink and them already ready.

“Ok kiddo, let’s go. “

And off we went.


“Derek’s POV”


I went back home after Cara and Melanie came back home. I didn’t want Cara to see me all flustered and tongue tied just seeing her, with that dress that was urging me to rip off to reveal God knows what Cara had been blessed enough to arouse me. I just couldn’t stop picturing those perfect curves being hugged by that dress, which just made my manhood harden even more. I wanted her, I needed her. Just the thought of her being close to me drove me wild and insane in lust. Which is the reason why I’m working myself out to death, to forget, but it only made it worse every time I would think back to her.

Just as I thought this could go on forever, the phone rang. Feeling quite thankful for the distraction, I got up from doing push ups.

As I got out my phone out, I take a look at my phone to see an unknown number. But I decided against my better judgement to pick it up, I mean, it’s harmless and nothing will happen. Unless it’s some weirdo then, they’ll learn what happens when you cross me.


“Uh, Derek, are you busy today?” I hear a female voice.

“Well, not really. But can I ask who this is please?”  Curious to who this female voice who was able to call me. I’m gonna kill Melanie, knowing this must be one of her tricks to set me up with another one of those stupid dates she so called,  that would find my “one and only true love”.

“Um… oh sorry. It’s me Cara.”

How did she get my number? Oh right, I gave her a note with it, telling her if she needed any help then just to call me, dammit!!!

I was in shock that I couldn’t speak, let alone breathe. It felt like my voice had its own mind and ran away leaving me exposed. I wanted to choke myself for being so naïve to think that she would never call me.

“Uh, Derek? Are you there? Maybe you might be busy, I’m sorry for even asking,” I could hear the panic in her voice.

“N-no, it’s alright I’m just taken by surprise b-because you hardly ever call me,” by this time I was babbling and digging myself an even bigger hole, which I desperately needed at the moment.

“You sure? You sound like you just came back from a work out or something.”

Does this girl see the future or something? How’d she know I was working out?

“Uh, no it’s alright, but was there anything you needed help with?” perspiration dripping from my face and my hands.

“Well, it’s not exactly a job, but can you meet me at my house? I need to tell you something.”

By now I was excited and scared at the same time. I mean, her kids are probably out and Melanie already phoned me that she’s going to be out and to check Melanie if she needed anything. But what made me afraid to tell her yes was, that I would probably not be able to control my hormones raging being near her.

“Sure. What time?” although my brain was flashing a red light at my sudden answer.

“2 pm, and don’t be late,” which I hear her chuckle softly, knowing my history of being late.

“No worries. See ya.”

“See ya,” and then she hangs up.

I stand there for about five good minutes just trying to take in what had just happened. Not only was I seeing Cara, but she was going to tell me something, which means: one on one conversation. At this rate, it’s probably best if I didn’t go. But it was too late now. It was now or never, and I wasn’t going to turn down this invitation, not when the host is tempting me.


“Cara POV”


When I shut the phone, I suddenly let out a breath that I didn’t even know I had held in. I felt scared and excited. I’m going to see Derek. Stop it Cara, you’re only going to thank him for looking after Brianne and Max, and that’s all. Plus, I don’t think he’s interested in you. What!?! Of course he likes you, I mean, he did hug me right? I kept arguing with myself that I had forgotten I had told him to meet me here at about 2pm.

I then ran into my room and started to rummage through my closet to see if I had anything decent to wear. I then stop and look at the mirror to see my reflection. What am I doing? He’s just visiting, not taking me out on a date. And then I remembered the time he had hugged me, it felt so nice, I guess. I felt like I could just drown in his embrace, hoping he would never let me go.

I then look up at the time and it was only 12:20pm. I then stuff all the clothes I had pulled out from my closet and chucked it back inside it, got out my car keys and went to the garage. I just need a little breather, that’s all. I’m just going for a short drive to clear up my foggy mind, with all these events going on its beginning to give me a headache. So I hopped in the car and drove off to somewhere I could clear this muddled up brain of mines.


I came back at about 1:30pm. I was sort of settled, but my nerves were killing me at the mere thought of Derek coming to visit me. I think I must’ve walked up and down my hallway 5 times, before I finally heard his car park outside my house.

I was so nervous. Did I look alright? Did I smell alright? My thoughts were starting to drive me nuts, until I hear a slightly light knock from the door.

I think I stood there for about one good minute, just staring at the door, until the knock got louder. Come on Cara, you can do this. I then go up to the door and unlock it to reveal Derek. As I stood there gawking at him, he slightly smiled and waved at me. How did I not realise that he had nice blues eyes? Dammit! Get your act together girl.

“C-come in,” I nervously say, although what I actually wanted to do was run to my room and hide from sheer embarrassment.

He brushes by, while I tightly hold onto the door handle, afraid I might fall any moment. As I shut the door, I come face to face with his chest, but I quickly look up to see his piercing blue eyes, stare back at me, which made me jump.

“Woahhh, you alright there Cara?” With his hands on my back, balancing me.

I look down to see that I was bent backwards while he held me. And when I look up, I could see his face etched with worry. It made me conscious of how close we were that I stood up so fast, my head connected to his face.


“Oh gosh! I’m so sorry, I am so sorry Derek,” as I ran to our cabinet where we put the first aid kit.

When I came back, Derek had his head up, but I could see the blood rushing down at the side of his face. I quickly got the damp towel and started to wash the blood off and then his nose. I then gave him these two cotton things to put up his nose, in case any blood would still run down, and then I escorted to a nearby couch to rest in.

I sat down beside him, holding up his head. His brown locks were so soft, that I couldn’t help but touch them. Derek was too busy looking up at the wall to have noticed, but by then I took my hands off his hair.

“I’m so sorry Derek. I was meant to thank you for looking after Max and Brianne and here you are, being thanked with a bleeding nose instead,” I say looking at my feet, too embarrassed to look at him.

“It’s alright, it’s kind of my fault too,” he says looking at me with a smile.

“But it’s no…”

“It’s alright Cara, it’s alright.”

I then decide to turn towards him, while he tried to.

“I just want to thank you for looking after Max and Brianne while I was out with Melanie. Hopefully they were on their best behaviour and didn’t cause you much pain,” which made us both laugh.

“But I mean it, thank you.”

He just looked at me and nodded with a smile. For some reason, we just stared at each other. His sea blue eyes were just so mesmerizing to look at. His smile, so boyish and yet manly that I couldn’t help but blush and turn my head away.

“Uh, do you want to go hospital? You know, just to check if your nose is still attached,” as I laugh nervously, trying to break the ice. Talk about awkward. 

“No, it’s alright, I’ll live.”

He stands up and so do I.

“I just remembered that I had to do something, so I guess I’ll se you on Saturday,” as he walks towards the door.

“Sure, Saturday.”

While walked towards the door he suddenly turns to me, and instead of turning back towards the door he comes back to me.

“Did you forget something?” I ask looking around me.

“Yes I did,” with a smile as he came closer.

“What is i-,” as I was cut off with him hugging me.

I stood there stunned and when he suddenly broke it off, he smiled mischievously. Oh god, I hope he didn’t hear my heart thumping like as if it wanted to come out any moment.

“See yah.” And with that, he left leaving me with all my tangled up thoughts in a knot. Damn you Derek.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.09.2013

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