
What do you really feel that belief is? Or do you even feel that believing is the subject of the matter? Well I want to say that I talked once before about what is real and I come to a conclusion that they both run the same race at the same time. But all that I want to know is what do you believe to be true and real? I will say that as a world, we really do not know what to believe in anymore. I can remember at times when we would believe and trust in the same things and now that, that is dead who knows what is real outside of belief. So lets take a stroll down memory lane and find out where we all went wrong and where we are today at still being wrong and not real and not knowing the truth of the matter. Now I was a child that was raised up in the 80’s through to the 90’s as I got to be older and somewhat wiser. Now I know that in the 70’s things were so real and true and authentic at the time and things were so real. But somewhere I know that things change and change is good and all but I am a firm person that knows that if it is not broke then I am not gonna fix it. You see when you get to the point of trying to fix things that are not broken then guess what? It is gonna break. Why? Why because you have gone against the morals of god and his word and his creation. I know that you are saying what in the hell are you talking about. I am talking about how people of today are going outside of the realms of god and going against his plan of keeping things just the way that they are. Do you really feel that if god wanted to change things then he would allow us to change? I guess it does not make any sense to you now but if you know like I know that god himself does not change. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and forever. So you see I guess that you can say that we do not take on the true likeness of god and all his attributes. We always want to be like god and do what his son has done, but at the same time we change daily and we get worse and worse as the days go by. I am like god and I can say that cause I live my life the way the way that I have lived years back and I still try to live by the same standards as I did back then. I guess that you can say that I am old-fashioned and stuck in my ways. So I guess that I believe in staying as I am and I hope that you can see what I see as you try to stay the same as you are an try not to change to the point of forgetting who you are in god and in Jesus Christ. Now I want to give you the meaning of the word that I want to try to get all of you to know what it standards for and how we should live by this word and not try to change it or take away from what it is meant to say and teach us. Believe: Accept something that is true, accept somebody as truthful, credit somebody with something, think that something exists, have trust, think that something is good, have religious faith. Now that we know or kinda know that what the word means then we to know how to utilize this word into our everyday lives to the point that it will resonate into our souls as we live and as we come into contact with the world as we know it today. I do not want you all to forget what your purpose on this earth is and what god had planned for you to do on a daily basis. I know that we are not all good and perfect in the sight of man, but in the eyes of god we are all good and perfect. You know when he created the heavens and the earth it was said that he declared that it was good and perfect or something to that effect. So all that I am saying is that we have to know that no matter what you look like, what you have and don’t have, who you are with, and where you are, and where you have been, we are all good in the sight of god. So that you now have a ideal of what I am saying to you I hope that you can now say what you believe and what you want to believe in. I just hope that you truly believe in the higher power and most of all that you believe in you, cause greater he that is in you than he that is in the world. God not only created you but he breathe the life in you. We are daily walking and talking with the breath of god in us and we should learn to know that he will forever be a part of us an not apart from us. I will tell you too that I am not by far good in the sight of man and in the sight of god simply because of the life that I chose to live, but I know that one thing holds true to the man that created me, is that his hands are still outstretched and waiting for me to return to him when I am ready. An dif I choose to not to return I know that he will not interfere with the path that I chose. That is the freedom that he gives all mankind to choose and to live but at the same time he still watches over us daily.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.02.2011

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