
Now I want to know who in the hell decided to call all black people or people of color this name that was put on us by not of our consent but by those that felt that we needed a new name that was political correct? Now I know for a fact that white America has called us so many names till it is not funny. Coon, Tar baby, jigga boo, just to name a few. But I want to really explore the true meaning of this name sakes that was put on us by not only but white America. Now if they (whites) knew anything about our history they will know that all of us are not Africans let alone be African Americans. So now that we have that out of the way I will try to say what I have to say. Now back when the Africans were in their own land doing their things and having just a normal life, whites came over thinking that that they could take them out of their land and make them work against their will and way. So it all started there and we have all seen the movie Roots and how it was supposedly started with the taking away of a culture and a people from what they knew and lived. Now we want to not get things all wrong and say things that are not true like people have done for so long and so far. So we will only talk of what is true to fact. Blacks were brought over here to America to work and be free. But one man thought other wise for those blacks. They thought that it would be a good idea to use them to till the land and replenish it with a new blood. Now I know that God created man and all and he wanted man to till the earth and replenish it and all but I feel that whites took it the wrong way and thought that we were the ones work and till the land. We all know that blacks played a big part of building this land and we still have not gotten our forty acres and a fucking mule. But that is neither here or there, but the things that I want to discuss is really the name, the name that we are called now and I feel that as a black man I am not African American but a black American. The whole moral to this story is that we have been called out of our names so long till that we will accept anything that people will tell us. We as a black people will have to stop allowing whites calling us out of our names and telling us who we are and just sit back and accept it. Why is this black people, why are we so content with who people call you and what they name you. Are you gonna always sit there and let them call you names and call you what they want to call you? No! We have to let America know that we will not stand for this and we have to let America know that we are a people with pride and prejudice. What we need to do is the next time that we fill out a form that ask us what is your ethnicity, we need to fill it out as other. We are not African American, we are black Americans. Now since we are on this I know for a fact that there are not just black African Americans, there are white African Americans. Yes, there are white Africans. The reason is ,is that whites have gone in and taken over our motherland and so therefore they are those that have families born in the motherland. Now do you think that they are called African Americans? No! They are just white and that is the real problem with America and white America too. When you have a race that is not like you and not like any other things then you are just passed on as one of them. Even lighted skinned peoples have the same problem as dark skinned folks. But I do not want to delve into that just yet. That is a whole nother chapter But what we need to do as blacks is to simply make a stand and stand tall and strong and together. So now ask your self this one question. Are you black or African American living in America.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.01.2011

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