
I want to try to expose what these united states really mean to some of us who feel that it is not all that it says that it is. I want to try to explain my own way how I feel and how I have viewed these states as a separatist. How many of you really know the true meaning of what this means you as a citizen and a tax payer to a country that does not really give a fuck about you. Only thing that these states really care about is those on the outside of the united states. I been here all my natural life and I do not plan on staying here if I can help it. I know that what I might say might not fly with a lot of you, but I have to tell what is on my mind and what I have seen. I can really begin with way back when, when someone thought that they discovered America and all which at the time he had slaves on his ship. Now this man means nothing to me and I could care less about him. But do not say to me that this man was a figure in our hi-story. It was all bout what the Europeans thought of us and how they still feel about us. I still feel that it all started with the British promising us (Blacks) a wage and shelter if we help them to toil the land. There then was the first time that we got hood winked and led astray by the white masses and it trickled down from there to where we are today and it won’t stop. I have to say that I do not know why we allowed others to come in and take away what we had already had that was ours and ours alone. We were a people that was peaceful and happy and had just about all that we needed to have. Why was my people so afraid of the white boat people as we called them back in the day. Why were we not ready to go to arms with them to defend what we had. I say now that this is what is going on today. We are not ready to fight the white masses of devils that come to kill and destroy what ever is in their way. Now the other thing is that after all got gone away and we were free to do what we thought that we could do we have to deal with just being in the same place as the whites are. I do not really care about being in the same boat as them but I know that others made a way for all of us to be in the same boat so that we can learn from each other and hopefully gain a self awareness of who we are as people and humans. Now we had no way of learning and we had schools and all but we were limited to what we had to learn. We did not learn that much, cause of who we are and where we came from. So we had to team up with the white schools so that we could go in a learn. Now we could have tried to go our own way and build our own schools so that we could learn about us and our his-story, but there was not funding enough to do this task. So we had to deal with the next best thing and go into the white schools to learn. Then again we are ridiculed and belittled to the point of no return. Now after that died down and went away for a while, at the same time a group of men started to drive up on the scene in white sheets. Now we did not know how to take this so we did what we had to do. Now one man and father feared not these men in white sheets and died in the process. We talk about one man that stood up for us as a people of color and a people with purpose. Malcolm was a man that seen on first hand what these white sheeted men were all about. So Malcolm comes on to the scene and tried to get black folks not to be afraid anymore of these hoods that terrorized blacks for ages. So now a little deeper down south was a young man who was not of the same as Malcolm but wanted just about the same things but in a different manner. Martin King was a man of peace and love and power at the same time. He was a man that was tired of all the killing and the murders that was brought on our people even in his tenure of his reign as a man of peace and equality. So after that lasted until he was killed (murdered) then there was another that would come along and try to make things right for our people. And then there were many that would come and try to make things right for not just blacks but for all people. It is sad that we live in a society that feels that there should be one that would rule over all and not have the sense to know that we are all gods kids and we all have to get along. We had to endure injustices and we had to deal with hate, disenfranchisement, downsizing, not able to get good service, and that is just to name a few. But what do we do now? Where do we go from here? What will it take for all of America to realize that we all have to live in this place we call home. We have to all get along or get along. So now do you feel that we live in a United States. I do not feel that we live I a united states, I feel that we live in the Divided States of America. So how do we ward off all the evils that have plagued this country and this world as a whole? What will it take and how many more people and races are gonna have to die in order to see that there is really nothing that can be done about what has become of our nation, a nation that god allowed to be in existence? Well I have to say that there is nothing that will be done about and there is nothing that will ever be done about it. Many more will die and many more will be downtrodden and stepped on. We all had a chance to live in a place where we could have had it like heaven. You know that thing that Christians always say like it is in heaven. It will never be like heaven. The only way that we can get peace and love and happiness and all of those fruits of the spirit, is that we have to be called by god to come home and be with him. That is the only way that we will get rid of what is going on with us while we are here on earth. I am no saying that you will have to die, and die now, but we all know is to live we must die. We have not even lived to the expectations of our father yet. We are here on just a loan from god so that we can try to see what hell is like. And this is hell and I will say it and I will not be excused from saying it. We are living hell on earth and I wish that I was there in heaven with god now, but I know that I have a job that I have to do here while I am here on earth. We are all here for a purpose and we have to know it and we have to work and we have to allow gods grace to let us stay here and his sufficiency as well. So stop trying to take the easy road out and allow god to bring you out. So all that I have say now is that we are not in the united states and it will never be united and it never has been. So we just have to live the life that god allows us to live in order to get home to him and be with him at the end.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.01.2011

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