
We all know that wars have been going on for ages and decades let alone centuries. We know that the first war was the war between God and The Adversary. But what about in between that time and the time after that? What have we become of as a nation and a continent to rage war against out own brother and our own god? Why did we begin to fight in the first place? What was the real purpose of this so called war that we still fight today but without knowing why we fight? Now some of the history of war is that we began with just civil wars. These were wars that were fought within the means of the same area and the same place. This was like an in town rival between to basketball teams. But this was taken to a new magnitude. It got somewhere turned to the point that we would start to fight outside of the country and then it would move into other parts of the world. I don’t know much about the war and why that it is still relevant today, but I do know that it has caused a many of pains for a lot of families and other countries as well. So how do we get away from all of this fighting over shit that does not matter to two bulls in a pen? Well first we have to get those out of the house that is causing all this nonsense in the first place. I kinda know what it may be all about and it is all up to in who wants run shit and have all the power and glory. But they must don’t realize that all the power and glory is gods and gods alone. We can not try to put ourselves in the place of god, cause many have tried and many have failed. Why is it that we as a country preach on being the good neighbor and the one that teaches the word and all that shit but at the same time we go out and kill. I know that we are supposed to be protecting our country and all (if that is what you want to call it) but where does it end and how does it stop. Let me ask you a question? Would you actually go out and fight for a cause that you know nothing about? Would you go and get drafted and go fight a fight that is not yours? Would you go and fight just because someone says that you have to? Well I know about a man that got tried that way and he lost his belt and almost his career. I am talking about Muhammad Ali. He did not believe in fight for something that he had no dealings with and too he did not know that he had to fight. This is a trick and a plot for the white race to try and take control of the whole world as a whole. You see it started in Africa I guess when the white man came over to capture the slaves and promise them labor and food and end up they were slaves. Just like that white mother fucker crook Christopher Columbus. That man was a hood, thief, crook, slave owner, and you name it. How can you go on a voyage with slaves on your ship and get to a place and try to act like it is alright in what you are doing and at the same time you have slaves on your ship? I do not really like the man personally if you ask me. It just pisses me off to know that the government can take away your family and put you on a front line to fight for some shit that makes no sense and for some shit that will have a lasting affect on our well being. I do not like it and if I had the choice that Ali had I would have done the same thing. I would have been better off alive in jail, than dead in another country. You can say what you want and you can vent all the hell you want to, but the shit is not right and never will be right. You know if you can look around on the streets of desire and you can see all those that have fought for this country, or what ever that they was doing, you can see all that the ones that did fight they are now fight for their lives to stay alive. They now live in cardboard boxes asking you for food and money to make it another day. They are digging in trash cans just to get food to eat. They are stealing out of stores to have food for the family and kids. They are fighting each other for a place at the park bench. They are fighting just to stay alive. And you sit there and say that what they did was good and pure for this country. What about those that are here starving and having a real problem with trying to stay alive in this cess pool of a country? So ask yourself? Who are you fighting for? Well I do not ever support the troops. I do not ever try to give to help them out. I don’t really care. I have had my own family in the army and dessert storm. Where are they now? Well they are let’s say a part of the system now, trying to stay alive and make a decent living. Now let me ask you this question? Would you feed someone next door, before you feed your own family? Would you go out the way to help someone else when your own family is in dire straits and in need of food, cloths, a place to live and shoes on their feet? If you said yes then you are a damn fool and you deserve to not have a damn thing. You are the main reason why we as decent and hard working Americans are struggling to make it day to day. We are trying to keep our head above water while you are fighting for a cause unknown to you and me. I show now sympathy to those that put themselves on the live to die for what ‘uncle Sam’ my say that we have to. I work and I pay my dues, but I will not fight for a country that has no bearing on what I have here. Why are we even talking about this. The government is a big pimp and a big crook that steals the lives of the American people and takes the heart out of the people that are here suffering and dying daily, but yet we go to another part of the world and fight for a country that doesn’t give a damn about us more the less. But hey, this is America the brave, the beautiful. Yea what ever in the fuck. Anyway I hope that you will open up one day and stop and say “no”, we will not go and we will not fight for another country anymore. We have our own battles here that we need to be fighting. Aids, hunger, homelessness, healthcare, education, and the list goes on. But we still spend our money to go and fight over “there”. I guess that you have kinda figured out that I am one that is out and about. Yes I have been in the streets and yea I have been hungry and they fed me not and clothe me not. I had to steal to get what I wanted and I had to fight to keep what I had stole. But this is the American way man. Like a wise man once said to me, Don’t give me a damn thing, just open the door and I will get it myself. Please if you want to stop the wars and the rumors of wars, then it starts with you. Look in the mirror and say no. Are we fighting for them, trying to help them, or are we fighting to gain control of them and leaving “us” in limbo.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.01.2011

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