
Devil,Coffee and Love

Ace didn't even so much as blink when a person sat down at her table while she waited impatiently for her mint chocolate frappicino to be made.
"Miss?"Ace looked up at the handsome man sitting across from her.
"Yes?"The man took in the woman's appearence and was a bit shocked at her tounge piercing when it glinted red as she spoke.Ace's short spiky naturally apple red hair stuck out it frisky chaos.She lean body was toned from working out and her silver eyes seemed to asess him yet be able to take note of everything else too.But if her eyes were calculative then her entire demeanor was organised chaos and open.Everything about her,her black t shirt,her wild Ironfist heels,her torn up grey skinny jeans was a reckless cute mess.Wild and adorable.
"I'm new here and I honestly have no idea were I am.Could you point me out to Temptation St?"The man grinned widly showing off sharp canines and perfect dental work,yet somehow made the comment sound gentlemanly instead of perverted.
"Yeah,You are on Holand right now so go straight down the road take the first left than the second right and your on Temptation.Are you the new neighbor?"
"Yeah,I needed a change of scenery.Hot as hell back where I'm from." Again the grin spread acrossed his lips making his dark hazel green eyes sparkle mischievously.
"Well,that's gonna seem like heaven after winter.Up here frostbite will defidently come to bite you on the ass.I live in the student dorms on Nightmare St by the way,acrossed the street so come over if you want to not get smothered by the preps and golfers."Ace smiled and looked over mischievously at the preppy women staring at them from there own table,who promptly glared at her then looked away.
"Intresting names."The handsome black haired man said,inwardly smiling in approval of Ace's t shirt which said in big bold letters 'I like big Books and I cannot lie', acrossed her perky yet shapely breasts.
"Well at least the names make up for the people.Strange,wicked and wild are my favorite words."
"Ace your frap is done and you might want to run if you'll make it to college classes on time.I'll put it on your tab."The aging barista smiled.
"Ah!Thank you Carol.Bye it was nice meeting you mr..."
"Luc Morningstar."
"Ace Black.Gotta go bye!"The odd red head waved and ran out of the store.
"Urgh.I friggin hate homework!"Ace sighed when the dimissal bell rang,her toned arms holding a handfull of books.
"Black!"A screechy high voice said from behind her.
Ace turned to see Marisa Lankford and her minion Eden Fairchild.Marisa flipped her dyed honey brown hair and glared her icy blue eyes at her nemisis Ace.
"Oh dear, whatever could I have done to deserve your glamorous presence Marisa Lankford?"Ace said politely with a sweet smile, but her normally silver eyes turned to a hardened steel color.
"You whore!You wrecked my relationship with my hair stylist!"
"Now, how could I do that?"Ace was in her formal polite voice but there was a unmistakable hint of menace in her tone.
"You know excatly how!Now my hairdresser wants to dye my hair that hideous apple red color you dye yours!"At this Ace smirked.
"All I did was pass him in the park,said hello and went on my merry way.Maybe though you should stop trying to control others lives and focus on your life first."Ace turned to walk away.
"Because I wanted some roses for my ball?Is this why you messed with me?"
"No,I do not attack unprovoked unlike you.I don't attack people for what they want.I attack people because they attack me.I attack you because you killed my roses.Had you asked politely instead of ripping them out of the ground while I was away I would have given you some,but no you didn't so now you suffer.Do not approach me again unless it's to apologise,or you will see exactly what I can do."Ace had not turned to look at Marisa but her voice was no less grave and threatening.
"B-but they were a bunch of stupid roses."
"Yes,now imagine what I would do if you took something of actual value to me?"Ace looked over her shoulder at Marisa.
Marisa shivered at the cold silver eyes that glanced at her with no warmth or kindness at all.Yes, she could very well imagine what she would do if Marisa ever crossed her again.
Ace was halfway down the road when Marisa screamed after her with rage.
"I'll make you sorry you ever met me!I'll hurt you so bad you'll want to die!My family founded this town you can't treat me like that.I'll get my revenge I swear it!"
"I'll pay attention when you start acting like an adult.By the way you might wanna get better dialouge you sound like a B-rated comic book villain."Ace smirked and turned the corner.
Unknown to the two women Luc laughed from his position at the window in the attendance office.
Ace blinked when her dormmate,Kendra Smith, came in and then immediatly flattened herself against the door and locked it behind her.
"What the fuck Keny?"Ace gasped when Keny pounced on her.
"There is a fucking hot piece of ass asking for you in the front plaza."Ace looked flaberghasted at her best friend sense middle school.
"Some guy named Luc Morningstar."Kany sighed at the confused look on her friend's face.
"Luc?Oh,Luc!Sick and tired of the community already?"Ace laughed.
"You know him?"
"Yeah,met him at the Creme Cafe this morning."
"Ah,I see.I forgive you for making me suffer twenty minutes of Sethcom's droning alone.Not like you don't every single day.Damn,I wake you up every morning the same time I do,walk you to class every day yet somehow you are late every single goddamned day!"Keny was in her ranting mode.
"Focus Keny,focus.Remember hot piece downstairs?"Ace cringed trying to save herself from her friend's ire.
"Oh yeah.Get dressed!"Keny said,looking disappointed at her friend's total lack of feminine style in her pj's.
"No,I was thinking of waltzing downstairs in a t shirt and panties."Ace said sarcasticly.
"No tshirts!"
"Ok mother."Ace rolled her eyes and pulled on a blue tank top and jeans.
"Good evening Ace."
"Hi Luc.What sup?"Ace smiled.
"May I ask why you have a horns on?"Luc asked amused by the black clay horns nestled in Ace's brilliant red hair.
"Can't you tell?I was born them.Not really I'm exploiting a loophole in my friend's command to not wear clothing that was quote unfeminine end quote."Luc chuckled at her coy smile.
"You enjoy pulling the rug from under people don't you?"
"Ye gods!I've been caught!"Ace dramaticly clutched her chest in mock shock.
"You certainly have a flare for the dramatics."
"I try.Now what can I do for you?"Ace smiled widely.
"I was wondering if you were free tonight?Possibly free enough to go to The Creme Cafe tonight with me?"
"Are asking me on a date good sir?"
"I'm anything but good miss."
"Perfect!I find goody too shoes annoying and boring."
"Was that a yes?"
"I believe so mr devil."Luc mentally jumped when he saw Ace's knowing smile.
This woman is much more clever than I gave her credit for,I might just have to take her back home with me,Luc thought as he looked at the spontaneous woman with amazing red hair that caught his interest.
The coffee date was lively and pleasant,soon Ace found herself liking Luc more than she anicipated.For Ace that wasn't a problem but for the fact she was sure Luc wasn't just a normal human guy.No,Ace's intuition was something that she trusted and it never led her wrong.Luc wasn't human, of that she was sure of but what he was she wasn't sure.Oh well,whatever happens will happen.
"So Luc tell me something."Ace said in front of the coffee shop on the way towards the Luc's car.
"If you tell me something."Luc's green eyes gleamed with mischief.
"Do you believe in the supernatural?"Ace blinked at his question.
"I believe in the possibility.Now my turn;what are you?"
Luc stared at the beautiful redhead in front of him then smiled revealing sharp looking teeth.
"Lucifer."Luc kept his arrogant smile and waited for the typical human reactions;profound denial or panic.
But she did niether.
"Good,because I would have had to hurt you if you were an angel."Ace took his momentary startlement to kiss him.
Luc smirked against her lips and returned to heated kiss.
***Years later***
"Mommy how did you meet daddy?"Ace's two little twin children asked while she heated water for her special pregnancy tea.
Ace smiled motheringly at the two black horned children who bore her husband's black haired and green eyed looks.She sat and placed a slender hand her flat belly absently,wondering when Luc would be home so she could tell him she was pregnant again.Her son,Alexind,pawed at her hand while her daughter,Helinda,gave her big puppy dog eyes.
"Well it all started with a meeting at a coffe shop..."


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.11.2011

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