
problem children

Tommie Hills lay flat on his bed.He didn't know what to do. He got in a fight with his sister, Addison. Addison called him a ''Toilet head '' and words that cannot be explained. Although Addison was 13, she sure acted like their Aunt Morris. She did drugs,had a DUI. She even had a child ,Maxwell, is 4 at age 15.

Next thing you know... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Marryette Liave asked her son to go to Sunnesetu Plaza with her. Sunnesetu Plaza was where all the people shoped.His mom had to mail off the divorce papers to her ex, Thomas in Florida. Maryette had caught her husband with a 22 year old, even though he is 46. That changed the family.


Tommie walked into the Post Office. Mr. Halkins, the owner of POSTIE GUY said hello.
'' Mailing please, Henry'' said Maryette
'' Hey Tom here'' said Henry

the note said...

dear Thommiie

hey call me at 567 826 1695


so tommie did and a man picked up.
'' hey ''
'' who r u''
'' narrow man''
''ur a freken perv''
'' i will save u''
so he really did help him by taking him to a world...

next book '' willow world''


Texte: Narrow Man
Bildmaterialien: 3
Lektorat: microsoft word
Übersetzung: english
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.05.2012

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