
Chapter 1: A… interesting… few days
I woke up panting; I had just had a dream which was unusual for me. Typically I didn’t have any dreams because I was trained not to, just like I was trained not to feel love, regret, and sadness, so for me to do all four at the same time was highly unusual. The dream had brought things to my attention that I had troubles forgetting but I thought I had. I knew that I couldn’t tell anyone though because if I did I would be taken away from the battle for re-training and if that didn’t work I would be killed. Besides in less than an hour I had to be at Area 2. I couldn’t help it though my thoughts floated to my dream while I hopped into my shower.
I was running the leader of the other side was almost in my reach. I killed people as I went, shooting them until my gun ran out and then using a sword to easily slice through them. However once I was at the top of the hill I saw who the general was. I stopped as he turned to look at the oncoming attack. My heart stopped. I hadn’t seen that face for four years. I felt a few tears escape and I wiped them away with a frustrated, dirty hand.
“Well isn’t this lovely I haven’t seen you in quite a while.” The, well I guess he was a man now, said.
“Yes since we had to separate because of you decision to fight for the wrong side.” I said bitterly. His face softened for a second before going back to the man he had become, an ass hole.
“Aqua you know that this is truly the right side and they have just brain-washed you into thinking that your side is right.” He tried to convince me again because he knew we would either kill each other or one of us would have to switch sides.
“Sorry but I think that you are wrong and that they are the ones who have brain washed you to be accurate.” I told him.
“Do you not feel anything for me? Is this the way it is going to be? One of us kills the other because you can’t just give in and come fight for my side.” He said angrily and I rolled my eyes.
“Coming from you! None of this would have happened if you would have just stayed with me!” I shouted at him.
“Well you could have come with me! So you have just as much blame.”
“No I don’t because the only reason you left was because of that girl, yeah I saw you kissing that day.”
“You don’t understand, she kissed me I didn’t enjoy that and you know you’re the only one I ever wanted to be with!”
“Yeah well you shouldn’t have done what you did then.”
“Whatever, let’s just get to business before people get suspicious.” He said, turning to stone and posing while I drew my sword. Then I felt the sword right through my leg, but he hadn’t moved. I turned to see another soldier. I fell, the sword had hit bone, and I pulled out the sword and killed him and then got up. However another one came and I was stabbed in the stomach and I fell again. They left but he stayed and ran to me. I saw the face I had known before that night four years ago and it was crying.
“Aqua! Listen it’s going to be okay, I will take you to a hospital tent. Okay don’t die, I love you, don’t die.” He said and picked me up. He killed people with one hand and the other carried me. I tried not to but I could feel myself slipping.
“Adriane I can’t I have to go.” He looked down at me.
“NO! Just hold on we’re almost there.” But I knew it was too late I was dying and quickly. My eyes drifted closed and the last things I felt I hadn’t felt for four years. “I love you okay? I love you.” I felt the love back and mouthed the words but didn’t have enough energy to say them back. He kissed me and regret for letting him leave so easily flooded through me and then a rush of sadness for never seeing him again. Then it returned to love before I felt my soul leave. That was it I had died in my past lover’s arms. I mean what was that supposed to mean? I didn’t feel anything for him anymore or at least that is what I told myself after he left. I couldn’t help it I felt regret for letting him leave me so easily and sadness at not knowing where he was. Once I got dressed I headed to Area 2. I had to plan the next attack with my twin Elle. When I arrived she cocked her head.
“Is something wrong?” She asked and I shook my head.
“No of course not I don’t feel pain of any sorts you know that.”
“Oh right, I forgot.” She said and we sat at a table and pulled out a map that we had stolen on our last mission of the other side’s third base. It may have not been the main one but it was a start.
“Okay so I think we should dress like them and sneak in through here.” I said pointing to a back entrance that I knew they stupidly didn’t guard well.
“Okay but if we dress like them we will need to dress in all blue; we would also have to dress nice because they tend to there.” She said and I nodded my agreement.
“Yes and I suppose Aaron will have to make us fake badges.”
“Not that that would be a problem for you, he’ll make you anything anytime.” She said wriggling her eyebrows and I just rolled my eyes.
“Doesn’t matter, he is stupid to let those emotions get in the way of anything. Besides I don’t feel that for anyone and you know you shouldn’t either.” I said blandly.
“Oh right sorry.” She apologized; she was still refusing to get rid of the love feeling. She was one of the best fighters though so she was a Class A with me.
“It’s fine you wouldn’t remember. Anyway once we are in we should start at the top people because without the leaders they won’t know quite what to do. Besides by the time they do it will be to late the place will blow up.”
“Blow up?”
“Yes, on our way to the top level we will plant bombs.” I told her and she nodded.
“So do we have a plan?” She asked.
“Yes, I will see you tomorrow at ten in the morning, they are lazy there and will find it unusual for us to be there so early.” I told her and she nodded. Then I left for training the Class F, the lowest level, newbies. Today we were focusing on getting rid of feelings, starting with love. When I arrived I was greeted by a gift. Me, being my usual suspicious self, took out a metal detector and whistled for my dog to come and sniff it for poisons or anything else bad. When all was clear I opened it up. It was a book from the normal humans who didn’t have any worries, at least compared to us. It was a reading about emotions from a cousin of mine. I threw it out and turned to the class.
“Let that be a lesson to you. Never accept gifts from anyone without thoroughly testing them for anything that could kill or harm you.” I informed them. “Anyway, who here thinks they feel love, whether for family or otherwise?” I asked and a few boys and the majority of the girls raised their hands. “Okay form a single file line, five feet behind the projector.” They did so and I grabbed the machine that wiped the memory of anything good with that person and turned it on. “Okay picture that person or people and very clearly.” I said and saw them comply. “Now this will hurt a little so don’t move.” I said and quietly scanned their brains of the good memories with those people. You could see it; it was a misty white kind of thing. Besides you could see tears escape their eyes to from pain and being left with few good memories. Our technology was very advanced. Once I was done I put it into the projector and had the first girl’s people pop up as virtual ones. Then I handed her a sword and had everyone back up. “Okay slice through them until they are dead.” I commanded her and of course she complied and then handed me the sword afterward without regret or sadness anywhere on her face. I had everyone do that and then we were finished when a girl’s hand rose.
“Who is that?” She asked pointing.
“Umm…” I said looking out of the window walking swiftly to it and felt my heart leap and then stop. He caught my eye and then ran, I ran out of the room and chased him but he was quicker and had a head start. He was gone but I ran still I couldn’t help it. Finally I stopped just out of the grounds and walked back in. I had to check for anything harmful on the grounds now. I stopped though and took a breather. I had just seen Adriane after four years and one dream. I didn’t know what that meant but I knew it wasn’t good. I shook it off; I didn’t have any feelings for him and him any for me. I dismissed the class and went to the tower to announce lockdown. I sounded the siren and grabbed the microphone. “Code red I need all high commanders at the tower immediately. Code red.” I waited while they all arrived.
“What happened?!” Aaron asked and I shrugged.
“Someone got onto the grounds but he had a head start so I couldn’t get to him fast enough. He left but we need to check the grounds for anything harmful. The lower commands need to get the untrained people and put them in a safe secure place.” I commanded and a few men jogged away.
“Did you see who it was?” Elle asked and I looked straight into her eyes.
“No, I couldn’t see his face, he was turned away from me the whole time.” I lied easily; after all I had been trained to lie. Aaron whirled me around to face him.
“Are you sure?” He asked and I looked him in the eyes this time.
“Yes I am completely sure.” I lied again and he nodded.
“Okay, what do you want the rest of us to do?” He asked me sounding very much like he didn’t know and I rolled my eyes.
“Obviously she can’t do the entire ground search on her own quick enough if there is a bomb somewhere.” Elle said rolling her eyes as well. I grinned as he nodded then we separated into groups of two and went off. “Sooo, you sure about not seeing anyone?” Elle asked and I nodded.
“Yes I am completely sure.”
“Okay then why were you shaken this morning?” She asked getting straight to her real point. I looked at her, she was my best friend and twin but I still wasn’t sure about telling her. Then again if I didn’t she hadn’t been trained not to feel hurt yet so I should probably tell her.
“Okay but if you tell anyone I’ll have to kill you.” I told her and she nodded, knowing I was serious. If I had said that to a regular human they wouldn’t have understood that and laughed. “Okay I had a dream last night and I know I shouldn’t have, that ability should be gone. I don’t know why that happened.”
“And what was this dream about?”
“Adriane and a battle.”
“And what happened in this battle with Adriane?” She asked and I gave her a summary.
“So what do you think that means?”
“Well unless you’re secretly a witch that can see the future nothing just some feelings that came back. Did you take your medication last night?” She asked and I shook my head. Oh! That’s it, my medication. I had forgotten to take my monthly medication last night that helped keep dreams away and gave a little aid with feelings. I pulled out my pill and dry swallowed it as we searched the rooms in the hallway. We searched all over the grounds and met back at the tower.
“Find anything?” I asked the other teams and they shook their heads.
“No and you?” Aaron asked and I shook my head. “Weird why would someone from the other side come over and not do anything?”
“I don’t know maybe they were fishing for information. Tomorrow we need extra security everywhere. Me and Elle are going to bring down their level blue grounds.” I said and he nodded.
“Which means you’ll need my expertise to make you and her some fake badges.” He said and I nodded with a grin. “I’ll have them ready in about an hour, see you then.” He said walking to his work building. I looked at my clock; I knew it was getting into the afternoon hours because my class and lockdown had taken a long time which of course I was right about. It was already three o’ clock. I grabbed the microphone and told everyone that lockdown was over with. Once I saw everyone heading out of the bomb shelters I got down from the tower and went to eat something. When I was finished I bought a blue romper, even though I didn’t like them much they seemed to be going around at the other side’s grounds. Then I got some navy heels and hair accessories. While I was there I went ahead and grabbed Elle some flats in navy that I knew she would like. She was my twin after all. I dropped the bags off at the dorm and then went to Aaron to pick up our “badges”. I decided I would visit him while I was at it.
“Hey Aqua you’re badges are just drying right now.” He said inviting me in. We talked while they dried before he got serious. “So I wanted to ask you something.”
“Fire away general.” I joked, or at least I was pretty sure I was. I didn’t joke too often.
“Okay first I’d just like to say that I’ve liked you a lot since I met you a year ago. First reason, you’re personality, the untouchable thing, is hot. Second your looks, your hair is so blonde and shiny. Your eyes are blue and show that there is more to you than what meets the eye. So I was wondering if you wanted to go out.” He asked and I remained still. I saw his face fall.
“Sorry but I don’t feel that way for you or anyone to be honest. And another bit of honesty feeling this way is why you haven’t been promoted from Class E because we can sense that you have feelings that could interfere with fighting battles.” I said standing and grabbing the badges. “Thanks for the badges.” I said and turned to go.
“Yeah your probably right, see you around.” He said as I left. I met Elle back at the dorm and handed her the badges.
“I’m taking a shower and then going to bed.” I told her pulling off my shoes.
“Wait how was Aaron?” She asked and I was confused.
“What are you talking about?”
“Well he said he was going to ask you to go out.” She explained and I shrugged.
“I suppose he did.”
“Those emotions I did not return and get in the way of battles, I made that clear to him took the badges and left.” I said honestly, I didn’t see anything wrong with that.
“Aqua, he isn’t coming back for you.” She said gently. “You need to have a relationship.” I don’t think she understands that I don’t feel these things.
“Elle, you are my twin and I trust you but that isn’t going to happen. Emotions of pain and love get in the way of winning. Besides I am past him, if he wants to fight for the wrong side that’s fine I’ll kill him to.” I said turning and walking away without emotion like always. I took my shower and went to bed drifting into another dream. This one was different though.
“So this is what it comes down to? Which can kill the other faster?” Adriane stared at me incredulously.
“I suppose so.” I said blankly getting into position with my sword. His face turned to the way it was before the fighting between us, soft.
“Aqua I know I hurt you but you have to understand.”
“No, I can’t and won’t understand. You chose this not me.”
“I didn’t think I chose losing you completely when I chose this side.”
“Too bad, you should have thought about that. Now let’s get this over with.” His face hardened.
“Fine then.” He drew his sword and we circled each other. Then he stopped and I took it as an opportunity and stabbed him right through the stomach and whirled around to see the last soldier there and stabbed him to. Then it kicked in, I had killed my only love. Elle was running with joy for winning our battle but slowed seeing the dead bodies around me. I took that as an opportunity as well and stabbed myself the same way I had stabbed him. I felt a final tear trickle down my cheek and blacked out. I woke up with tears in my eyes and ran to the toilet where I threw up. I sat there for a second, it was early in the morning and I had to get ready for battle but I didn’t understand where the dreams were coming from. Maybe I need a larger dose of medication. I walked to the doctor’s office in my nightgown, I didn’t care I was getting the stronger medication. I walked in to the doctor’s office and he woke with a stir.
“Miss Alaverez what are you doing here at this early hour?” He asked sleepily.
“I need stronger medication, at least twice this dose.” I told him and he looked surprised.
“I’m sorry but I can’t do that your weight and height calls for that being the maximum dose already.” He said gesturing to the pill bottle in my hand.
“I don’t care, it’s not working like it did. I need stronger medication.” I told him and he shook his head.
“I can’t do that, gain some weight and I can.”
“Yes you can now do it.”
“I don’t think so.” He said and ran over and punched him forcing his face to the side. I grabbed his shirt fiercely.
“I think you can, or would you like to be put with regular protection with regular humans?” I asked.
“No, I need the protection I’m too frail of an old man to protect myself if they get through the one soldier.” He said and I smiled.
“Okay then, give me the medicine and I’ll be on my way. You don’t tell anyone about this and I won’t tell them you tried to undermine a commanding officer’s authority, the top one to be specific. If you recall there are few above me.” I threatened and he nodded. I let go of his shirt and he shakily got the medication. As soon as he handed me the bottle I dry swallowed one. “Okay I’ll be back when I’m out.” I said going back to the dorm. Once I was there I showered and got dressed for my mission. Then I met Elle at the cafeteria where she was ready to go. We ate a bagel and drank some juice before I remembered that we had to pick up the bombs still.
“Okay now we just need to go to the cellar and pick up about twenty small bombs, that should bring down the building I believe.” I told her and she nodded.
“Yes it should, good thing I bought a messenger bag in navy blue.” She smiled and I grinned. We left and stood in the shelter picking some of the easiest bombs to place that did the most damage. We had eighteen and I decided that was good enough.
“Okay let’s go.” I said and we pinned our badges on leaving the ground. Once we were there it was easy to find the entrance we were going to use. It was locked with no guard, idiots, this is why they are losing right now. I pulled out a bobby pin and unlocked it we stepped inside to see quite a few people still eating breakfast. “See what I mean about the laziness?” I asked and Elle and she nodded with a snicker. We planted bombs here and there acting like we were watching the fountains or looking out windows. The bombs were all set to the same time; we just had to click the button. Once we were at the top story it got a bit trickier. “Okay you go into that room and I’ll do this one.” I said pointing to two doors in the exact middle. “You go right and do those people one at a time down the line and I’ll do the same with the left. Once they are dead and someone realizes this an alarm will go off. What we need to do then is head down stairs and then run out hitting the button, anyone who escapes we can kill. Try and do it so that they don’t make much noise otherwise the others will get suspicious. Ready?” I asked and she nodded. I headed into the room and she went into the room next to it. The man was in the bathroom so I hid behind his drapes. He came out and sat at his chair. That’s when I made my move. I crept forward quietly and over-doing it just for fun whirled his chair around, he smiled and I knew he was drunk because he thought I was someone else.
“Erica?” He asked and I grinned.
“Yes that’s me.”
“I’ve been waiting you know.”
“I know and I’m sorry.” I lied and walked forward with a smile and then stabbed him in the stomach quick enough that he couldn’t say anything. I left the knife in him I had plenty more. I went to the room to the left where a girl was sipping something and looking out her window. They really needed to get better skills, like not oiling up the door. I left mine creaky so I knew when someone came in. I ran over and stabbed her in the back of the neck where her throat was. She fell and I left continuing what I came to do. Once that was done I saw Elle at the end of the hall waiting for me.
“Sorry I would have been quicker but someone was drunk and thought I was someone named Erica.” I whispered and she nodded. We were on the bottom story, when the alarm sounded off letting them know someone foreign was in the building. I saw them look around for a leader and I pretended to look panicked. Then I saw him, it was the second time in two days. I felt a pang of pain and then annoyance at the feeling that I now couldn’t shake. “Elle, let’s go through separate exits I’ll shout now when it’s time.” I said at regular volume because some people were shouting.
“Good idea.” She said heading toward the right exit. I walked over to him and grabbed him duct taping his mouth. When we were close to the door I shouted, “NOW!” Then I ran out pulling him with me. A minute later we were out and a safe distance away when the building exploded. I saw him realize who I was and I felt stupid for what I had done but I also felt. Well I wasn’t sure what it was but I think it was love. I shook it off just as I tripped bringing him down with me. I pulled off the duct tape.
“Aqua!” I heard Elle shout and his eyes grew wide.
“You should run and be quiet, if you say anything I’ll find you and kill you.” I threatened and he nodded. I realized he was wearing black and wondered why if he was so high up he was in a level blue building.
“But why did you save me? I did hurt you after all.”
“What did I say, get out of here!” I shouted at him, I didn’t know why I had felt love or pain upon seeing him but I was determined to act as if it didn’t happen. Of course I think it was anger coming out of me this time but I shouldn’t feel anger toward him for what he did but for what he was. And what he was a soldier of the other side. I was standing now and so was he. He looked very shocked. I punched him right in the face. “Get out of here before I make you leave the planet!” I threatened him again and he turned and ran. Then Elle walked up.
“What was… who was that?” She asked and I looked at her.
“What was he doing here?”
“I don’t know he’s a level black after all.”
“Wow and you saved him?”
“No I let him escape like an idiot after all he is a traitor.”
“What else is he?” She asked pushing for more and I looked at her straight in the eyes.
“An ass hole that deserves to die and mark my words it won’t happen again. However do me a favor and don’t tell anyone.”
“Of course but the angry answer isn’t what I was looking for.”
“Fine he is also a memory and nothing more.” I lied and she sighed.
“Okay whatever let’s get out of here.” She said and I nodded. We got back to our grounds and ate. Then we took showers and went to sleep after a few hours of waiting. However no one came to get us or attack the grounds so that was good. Besides we couldn’t stay up forever we had to get some sleep for training the others tomorrow.
Chapter 2: A surprise visit
I woke up to a banging on my bedroom door. I rubbed my eyes and walked groggily to my door to open it. I opened it to see Adriane and Elle panting after him.
“I tried to stop him, sorry.” She panted and I shrugged.
“It’s fine, I’ll gladly get rid of him.” I told her glaring at him. He whirled around to face her.
“Could you give us a minute?” He asked with a cold tone.
“You have this Aqua?” She asked unsure and I nodded. “Fine but the second I hear a scream.” She threatened.
“Fine fine just leave.” He sounded frustrated. As soon as she left he turned back to me. “We need to talk.”
“About what you filthy traitor?”
“Firstly us, we need to work this out.”
“Work what out? There is no us anymore and you should know that. You left four years ago after betraying everyone on this side and me. We drifted apart and then had an official breakup. I feel nothing for you, pain, regret, or love.” I spat at him and he looked down and then back up with a soft look.
“I know I hurt you but that can’t be true. You must like me on some degree otherwise you wouldn’t have saved me.” He said and I cringed inwardly for doing that. I knew it would come back to bite me.
“That was a stupid mistake to, next time I’ll let you die or actually.” I said grabbing the gun I taped to the bottom of my vanity and turning off the safety. I was angry as hell at his nerve, myself and probably what happened between us but I refused to acknowledge that part. He held his hands up.
“I also know that you’re angry but think if I go missing all the top people will come after you.” He coaxed me to put the gun down.
“I can take a few and I’m not alone either you know.” I said and he sighed.
“Look if you don’t want to see me again after this I won’t come back but for now lower the gun.”
“Fine, but I’m still keeping it at my side and firmly in my grasp.” I said and then got suspicious. What if he was saying that so he could have a better shot at me? I grabbed a metal detector. “Get against the wall.” I commanded and he complied I scanned his entire length, front and back. It didn’t pick up anything so I put it back. “Alright you have ten minutes say what you were going to and then leave.”
“Okay then. Well I just wanted to apologize for the way I ended things and for ending them at all. I can understand if you don’t want to take me back but forgive me, we can even be friends.”
“We can never be friends you are a traitor and fight for the other side, the wrong side at that. Besides that I will forgive who I want when I want.” I told him and he smiled.
“Well if you don’t feel pain or regret for me then it shouldn’t be a big deal should it?” He asked and I hit myself mentally. He was good but not good enough.
“Why do you want to be friends?”
“I’ve missed you and I want you in my life again. I wouldn’t have given it any thought but I was supposed to bomb this place because I was the only person who knew where it was. Then I saw you and felt the emotion I felt for you and couldn’t do it. Then you saved me only after you put me in danger but I wasn’t supposed to be there for fairness.” When I just stood there he stepped closer. “I really did miss you, you have to believe me.” He well kind of begged and it was… cute. I don’t know what happened I just kind of leaned forward and kissed him. The rush of emotion there was amazing; I thought that for sure there must be sparks flying off of us. Then I pulled back and realized what I had done. Damn it! What the hell is wrong with me?
“HA! You do have feelings for me still otherwise you wouldn’t have kissed me.” He smiled, thinking he had won. Me being stubborn and refusing to accept any emotion that had ever been there and still well was there stood straighter and looked right at him.
“No, you’re wrong. That was a test to see if there was anything there and I was right there wasn’t.” I lied looking in his eyes.
“You can’t be serious?”
“Well I am and you need to leave. I don’t want to see you again so just don’t come back.” I told him and he shook his head in disbelief.
“Fine, my pleasure.” He said turning into the ass hole he had become. After he left Elle came up.
“So?” She asked and I was confused. I was ready to forget what had just happened and continue the usual war.
“So what?”
“So what happened?”
“He begged me to come back to him or to at least forgive him, maybe even be friends. I turned him down; he is wrong if he thinks that we will ever be anything more than enemies.” I told her and she raised an eyebrow.
“Is that all?”
“No.” I saw the look she gave and sighed. “Okay fine, I kissed him but as a test to see if there was feeling there and there wasn’t so that’s that. I asked him not to come back and he agreed. That pretty much sums it up.” I told her and she rolled her eyes.
“There was feeling there and you know it you just don’t believe it yet.”
“Whatever I have to get dressed and then go help make more bombs to replace the ones we took.” I told her and she nodded. I closed the door and walked to my closet.
“Alright but that excuse can’t get you out of talking about it forever!” She shouted through my door. I just rolled my eyes and continued getting dressed. When I was done I headed to the bomb room. I saw Aaron there and waved but he just turned and left. Well if he knew he would be hurt why did he ask? I mean he knew I was “untouchable” as he put it. So if he was listening to his brain instead of stupid feelings he would have known that I would say no.
“I’m here.” I called and Akira, the girl who made the bombs, came out.
“Hey Aqua you took eighteen bombs of the small size maximum power variety right?” She asked looking at a clipboard and then back up.
“Yes, just hand me a manual and the supplies and I’ll get to work.” I told her and she handed me what I asked for.
“Okay just tell me when you’re finished.” She said going back into her office. It took me a few hours but I did finish it. Once I was done it was around dinner time.
“I’m finished. I’ll be going to dinner okay?” I confirmed and she came out.
“Sure see you when you need some more bombs.” She laughed and I was almost envious of her. She was the bomb technician and didn’t have to give up her feelings. However like I said I was almost envious, when you didn’t have feelings it simplified things, besides feelings got in the way of winning. I was completely sure that my side was the right one. I was fighting for witch’s rights; I believed they should be able to live as free spirits like the rest of us not as slaves. I know that if they were slaves they could surely just escape with powers but they refused to do anything bad unless someone harmed them first. So it was up to us to fight for them. I went into the café and was quickly approached by one of the ten above me.
“Aqua you need to go to the other side.” Eric said and I nodded.
“Okay for what?”
“Give them this; we are confirming a battle that they declared.”
“Okay when is this battle?”
“Saturday at 8:00 a.m. us at the top will not be there.” He informed me and I nodded.
“The usual building correct? Also the usual grounds for the battle?” I asked and he nodded.
“Yes deliver that as soon as possible please.”
“On it.” I told him and he smiled.
“Good.” He turned and left just as Elle sat down handing me some food.
“What was that about?”
“I have to confirm a battle placed upon us for destroying one of their grounds. It will be Saturday at 8:00 a.m. and those at the top will not be there.” I informed her and she nodded.
“Well what if you know who is there?” She asked implying that I would spare him.
“I will kill him to, I already told you it was a mistake to let him live.”
“But you like him.”
“No I don’t if he had any I might appreciate his battling skills but instead he is useless. Maybe I would toy with him if it would further us in battle but I don’t see that happening.” I told her. She rolled her eyes.
“Alright fine, I guess you’ll be leaving now to deliver that. Will you be taking security with you?”
“Nope just two guns and my sword.”
“Of course not.”
“I don’t need it, there is an area for this for a reason.” I downed the rest of my coffee and got up to leave. “I will see you at dinner.” I left pulling out my car keys. I got to the garage smiling at my car. It was a black Ferrari. As soon as I got to the place I got a chill. How peculiar, I’m not afraid. It must be colder here. I headed inside with the scroll placing my sword across my back like usual. I walked to the counter and rang the bell as I rolled my eyes. Who uses a bell in the middle of a war? A lady came out laughing with a man and her face fell when she saw me.
“A confirmation of battle?” She asked and I nodded pulling the scroll out of my boot.
“Here you go, and don’t let anyone think we won’t win this one. This war belongs to us.”
“Sure it does.”
“Oh it does and you should be sure of it. If you don’t remember we’ve won the past twenty battles in a row.” I smirked and she frowned.
“Whatever, sign this paper and wait while I put the code in the computer before leaving.” She handed me a clipboard and I sprayed it with disinfectant. You never knew when someone put a deadly disease’s germ on something for you to touch. I read the paper checking for any tricks so that they had an advantage or anything of the sort. Seeing nothing I signed and handed her the clipboard. I waited for her old computer to start up and felt a gust of wind. I reflexively pulled my sword out and whirled to the door before realizing that the land was neutral and put it away. Then I looked at who it was. I was surprised when it was Adriane standing before me.
“Sorry for pulling a sword on you.” I said in a formal tone and he nodded.
“Well try not to do it again, because even though if you are on neutral ground if you hurt someone first we have right to hurt or kill you.” He said and I sighed.
“Yes sorry my reflexes just are that reflexes. It won’t happen on any neutral grounds again.” I told him and he gave a curt nod. I left and drove away but stopped half way. I felt tears and didn’t understand. That shouldn’t be happening. I had taken medicine that was stronger. I decided that it must be allergies even though they were supposed to be gone to and kept driving. When I arrived back I was surprised to see everyone with suitcases getting into cars. I got out and stormed up to the head of our headquarters.
“What is going on here?” I demanded of him.
“We are relocating. We cannot take the risk of a dangerous person from the other side getting in. Just because there wasn’t any bombs lain this time doesn’t mean anything.” She told me and I sighed.
“All right I will have my bags packed in an hour. What about our furniture?”
“You will be getting new furniture.”
“Okay I will be packing if anyone needs me.” I was disappointed but I didn’t know why. It’s not like he was going to come for me magically or anything. Besides it was only logical for us to move. I mean the other side had discovered our headquarters. So I supposed there was no point in arguing with the commanding officers on the point. When I got into the apartment me and my sister had most of our stuff was already in boxes.
“I knew you were running errands so I took the liberty of packing your stuff for you. Right now I’m packing memorabilia of our lives.” Elle informed me and I smiled.
“Sounds good to me, when you’re done with that last box we have an hour. I didn’t expect you to pack for me.”
“I’m glad because I came across something in your closet and I didn’t know what to do with it.”
“What is it?” I hoped it was the necklace I had lost a long time ago but then thought harder and realized what it probably was.
“Just this box, I know what’s in it but there is no need in saying it. I’m sure you know what is in your own box.” She said holding out a shoebox which I promptly took from her. I opened it to reveal all the love notes I had gotten from Adriane those years. I had forgotten about them. “What do you want to do with them?” She asked and I shrugged. I really didn’t know.
“Maybe we could…” I started but then stopped. I was going to suggest burning them but I knew that I couldn’t bring myself to do that. “No I’ll get rid of them no problem.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to keep them? I mean even if you don’t even like him anymore you could use them as examples for your class. You know the lies the other side will try to feed you to weaken your defense.” She said finding a loop hole to having them. She could tell that I didn’t want to get rid of them. That was bad, that meant that my lies were getting transparent. Or maybe part of me just didn’t want to keep it a secret. No that was silly I didn’t have any secrets I did want to get rid of them but she was right they would be good examples for my classes.
“Yeah good idea, go ahead and put them in the memorabilia boxes.” I told her handing her the box and she grinned.
“My pleasure.” I could tell that she thought she was getting me to open up somehow but I rolled my eyes at her.
“This is for classes only.”
“Okay whatever you say.”
“Whatever, I’m going to get us something to eat and drink really fast. Do you want something?”
“Yeah whatever we have will be good; we only have yummy stuff anyway.”
“Okay, I’m going to get cheese, crackers, salami and vitamin water.”
“Yummy.” I went to the kitchen and pulled out the stuff to make the crackers. I was okay at cooking, I couldn’t make you a five star meal but I could make you a meal and seeing as that was what was necessary that’s all I cared to learn. Elle on the other hand was more experienced and had a wide range of fancy things she could do when she was cooking. When we were finished we left. The trip to the new headquarters was a long one of fifteen hours. We had to take turns driving and once we finally arrived I decided to pay someone to haul our boxes inside for us and our new furniture when we got back.
“Excuse me sir?” I asked a Class E. He turned around and stood with the precision of a real soldier.
“Yes ma’am.”
“I will pay you forty dollars to haul my sister’s and I furniture into our new apartment. When we return I will give you another forty to put our furniture inside.”
“I will do that ma’am. What is your apartment number?” He asked and I took out a slip of paper and wrote down the penthouse number of 220. I handed it to him and departed, taking a hold of Elle and pulling her to the car.
“Elle we are going to the furniture store. A Class E is taking our boxes to the penthouse for us.” I told her and she nodded.
“I have pictures of the rooms so we know what will fit where. I received them from Commander Lilian. I believe we will need paint to because the walls are plain white.” She said and I shrugged.
“Alright, it sounds like we’ll be up for another twenty-four hours. We have to get all of the house stuff out of the way for the fight in three days. So reach into the glove compartment and get out the energy powder and I will buy a coffee for us to put it in.” I said as I pulled into the store’s parking lot. We went inside and selected our furniture and drank coffee. We then headed back to our apartment and painted and put our furniture in the correct places. It took about twenty four hours and when we got finished we just collapsed onto our new beds. We slept for at least eighteen hours. For the next few days we relaxed, only doing exercise like running on the treadmill for a half an hour at a time and made sure we were really hydrated. Before we knew it, it was Saturday and we had to eat something and leave an hour after that for battle.
Chapter 3: The battle
When we arrived for the battle we were in our fighting outfits. Our pants were insulated to keep us cool if we were hot and warm if we were to cool. Our shirts were short sleeved and tight, however not so tight that it was hard to move. We had bullet proved padding underneath ever piece of fabric. It was new and not noticeable from the outside. It had metal in it to protect from swords but it was light weight so we didn’t get weighed down or exhausted to easy. As for our weapons we had knifes in our shoes and on the sides of our belts. We also had two swords across our backs. Then we had a gun in our hands. There were two more on the side of our belt in between the two knifes. In the front of our belt there were more clips and more in the back. We were fully prepared. There were two sights on both sides of the field that were neutral for resting. One was for their side and one for ours. You were allowed five minutes to go to the bathroom or eat for every three hours. At least that’s how long you had on our side. Like I previously stated the other side was lazy so I wasn’t sure if they had more or not. We lined up and I was in the front of course beside my sister like always. The other side assembled. I took four large steps forward and met with the highest officer on their side at a red line in the field. We shook hands and then stepped back. We both raise our guns and shot into the air once. Then the battle started. My side collided with the other and I pointed my gun forward just shooting and shooting until I was out of bullets. Then I quickly pulled out more bullets and put them in my gun. I advanced forward shooting until I was wiped out bullets for that gun. Then I pulled out another one of my guns dropping that one. I turned around shooting people now that I was in the middle. The other side hadn’t thought of bringing more ammo for their guns. We were at an advantage. Once we were out of guns the battle was a little more even. We had more people than them at that point though. I wasn’t sure how many more but I knew there were more. I pulled out one of my swords and started slicing through people. I felt someone advance from the back so I whirled around and sliced the head off of a faceless man. Then I whirled to the side and stabbed a man wrenching my sword out of his forehead. When I was done with about fifty more men I ran forward looking for more men and women to kill. I saw a man and ran to him, my sword held at the ready but he turned around quickly. I stopped for a second. It was Adriane. I saw Elle look at me, she was getting close. He shook his head and turned running down the hill we were standing on to the rest area. I turned and killed more people. After hours of fighting the battle as over. There were fifty people left of their original five thousand and four thousand of ours. Their highest standing officer came and announced this to me along with their surrender. I announced to my people the news and we shouted in victory, our long battle had been won just as we predicted. The fifty of their people left and we packed up to leave. Elle and I took showers and fell asleep as soon as we reached our penthouse. When I awoke and ate Elle was waiting for me.
“So I saw you spare Adriane.” She said and I shook my head.
“I don’t know what you are talking about.” I said and she smiled.
“Don’t lie to me.”
“I am not lying; I don’t know what you are talking about like I said.”
“Then let me clarify, in the field when you reached him you stopped and he turned. That means you two spared each other.”
“Oh that yeah it must have been the heat getting to me or something.” I lied and she nodded.
“That would make sense if you didn’t have feelings but you do.”
“No I don’t I’ve been trained not to.”
“Just because you have been trained not to doesn’t mean anything.”
“Yes it does, it means I’m going to be the most bad ass I can be by not having feelings.”
“Okay if you still don’t want to come to reality with feelings and how they are there.”
“They aren’t there Elle.”
“Okay then you keep thinking that and we cannot fight and instead go sharpen all the swords with Lilian.”
“Okay let’s go.” We left and met up with Lilian. We sharpened as many knifes as we could in the daylight. The days were going by quickly and I wasn’t sure why. Maybe it was just me. “Elle?” I asked her as we walked back to our penthouse.
“Are the days going by really quickly to you?”
“No it must be your..”
“Don’t even say it.”
“It really isn’t.”
“I think it is, I think it’s you anticipation to see even a glimpse of him.” She said as we reached our door.
“Alright you think that.” I said opening the door and going to my room where I shut and locked the door. She was agitating me with her physiatrist logical mumbo jumbo.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.08.2011

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